Your Sweet Spot - Clover Sites

What’s Your Sweet Spot?2013 Servant Ministry Catalogue-285750303530Garfield Memorial Church3650 Lander Road Pepper Pike OH 44124216.831.1566Like us on garfieldchurch3740150-165100"I did not come to be served but to serve" - Jesus (Matthew 20:28)In all of your life, you have never been more prepared to serve the mission of Jesus than you are right now. All along, God has been readying you-through your life experiences, your spiritual search, your challenges and your triumphs- to serve in ways only you have been uniquely gifted and equipped to do.What is it for you? Do you enjoy working with your hands? Are you passionate about being creative ... or creating order?And cleanliness ... or fixing what's broken ... or leading others? Maybe for you it's serving children or helping those in financial or material need. Perhaps it's using professional skills to assist the administrative needs of the church family ... or taking photos, or repairing cars, or mentoring inner-city students, or rocking babies in our busy nursery.These are only a few of the ministry ideas listed in this Catalogue. This month our entire church family is invited to commit to serving out of their “sweet spot”- the intersection of your strengths, your everyday life, and how you “make a BIG DEAL about God.” You choose where God is calling you to serve!Servants vs. “Volunteers”You’ll notice that throughout this Catalogue we use the term “servant” instead of “volunteer”. Why? In the language of the Kingdom, those who serve are called “servants” by Jesus. Volunteers give of their time when it is convenient and whenever they personally choose. The word “volunteer” is not found in the Bible! Servants, however, have a Master who is in charge, and servants obey for a lifetime. Serving is a way of life, an identity. How Do I Use This Catalogue?Ask God to direct you, and then take some time to look through the servant roles our Garfield Memorial leaders and staff have identified. The servant listings are organized by ministry area and offer a description of each servant role and whom you might contact if you'd like more specific information. Most servant roles are great for teens as well. If you have general questions, call us at 216.831.1566 or email information@Signing UpOnce you’ve decided how you'd like to serve (or you've thought of a whole new servant idea not listed here!), turn to the last page in this Catalogue, which is a "Commitment to Serve" form. Fill it out completely, either:? identifying your new serving choice from the Catalogue, or? describing your own new ministry/servant idea. Return your completed form to the information areas/Kiosk, or church office.What Happens After I Turn In My Servant Information Form?You'll be contacted soon by a ministry leader who will share more details about training and schedules and help you get started serving. If you have a new ministry servant idea, one of our staff will call or meet with you to help clarify what you feel led to do and to help find the right connections and support.Keep In Mind…God's heart is best demonstrated, not through our greatness, perfection or power, but rather most vividly through our servanthood. Serving may also provide just what you need to draw you into an intimate and personal relationship with Christ. We show our genuine love for God through becoming the hands and feet of Jesus in the world.190500CARE MINISTRYCare Servants – Do you know how to knock on a door or ring a doorbell? Can you say “Hello? How are you doing today?” Can you shake a hand or give a hug? Great! We are looking for a few people who are willing to be blessed maybe 6-8 times a year, visiting some of our brothers and sisters who are unable to come to church at this time. You can go alone or with other care visitors to deliver flowers, CD’s, church bulletins and the Good News through your presence in their lives. It would be less time than most people spend watching TV over a single weekend. Contact trina@Cards of Concern Ministry Servants– Do you remember playing Post Office as a kid? Well now is your chance to play it as a grown up. You purchase cards, place them on a table with a post-it note and watch the people jot down prayers of hope and love after worship. It’s that simple. Contact trina@Barnabas Meals- Do you have one special meal that you wish you could share with the world? Do your family and friends beg you to make your grandmother’s fried chicken or peach cobbler? Then we need you. Maybe once or twice a year we would ask you to make whatever you enjoy the most, pack it up and deliver it to someone who needs a little food for the soul. Simple yet so rewarding! Contact trina@4667250-251460CHILDREN’S MINISTRYChildren’s Ministry Welcome Team - Nice to meet you, come on in! Do you always have a smile on your face? Meet and greet children and their families while you serve as a Children’s Ministry Greeter 20 minutes before our Mosaic and Odyssey worship services. Contact kymm@Children’s Ministry Special Angels - Do you have a heart for children who need a special friend on Sunday mornings? Serve as a Special Angel for a special needs child during Sunday School. Your service allows these precious kids to get the most out of church alongside a loving, patient person who will support them with one-on-one assistance in activities and relationship building. If this sounds like you please contact kymm@Children’s Ministry Classroom Leaders - Do you believe that there’s nothing more wonderful than a child knowing that Jesus loves them? Join our Children’s Ministry Classroom team. Guide children through Bible stories and hands-on activities that will help them develop a deeper relationship with Christ. Easy to use curriculums, supplies, and training are provided! If you’re a dependable team player with a heart for children in grades pre-k thru 5th contact kymm@Children’s Ministry Classroom Assistants - Become part of our Children’s Ministry Team by supporting our Sunday School leaders in the classroom during one of our 3 worship services. We have 7 Sunday school classes for children in grades pre-k thru 8th. One could be the perfect fit for you! Sign up to assist on a monthly rotating basis, no prep-work required! Contact kymm@Children’s Ministry Fill-In-Friends – Continue the ministry to our children when and where needed. Sometimes servants get sick, or their kids get sick, or they get called out of town. There are many reasons why occasionally a servant cannot be at church. Fill-in Friends keep our children’s ministry from missing a beat by putting their phone numbers on a list that servants can call when they can’t make it to serve in a weekend children’s classroom. Your availability will be a blessing to the children and families who look forward to their Sunday morning church experience! Contact kymm@Children’s Ministry Organizers Extraordinaire – Children’s Ministry is a busy place serving over 100 children and their families every week. Become part of the team behind the scenes who help make this entire ministry possible. Use your organizational skills to help with making name tags, filing, classroom supplies and storage organization, and curriculum sorting. Contact kymm@ Children’s Ministry Huggers and Rockers - Are those loving arms of yours open to comfort a baby (6 weeks – age 3) in our nursery? Have a desire to get down on the floor and build a block wall? Join us in the Nursery on Sundays or during the week during small group ministries. Contact kymm@FACILITIES MINISTRY-466725111760Facilities Team Painters – Help color our world! Join our facilities ministry as we maintain beautiful facilities that reflect the excellence of God for hundreds of guests. Did you know that Disney World actually repaints certain items on its campuses each night to ensure that they look great for the next day’s guests? You are invited to be one of the interior or exterior painters who ensure our facility always looks its best as well! Contact dwalaw@“Keep the Lights Burning” Servant – A well-lit facility is essential to preserving a warm & welcoming atmosphere. This servant replaces light bulbs in fixtures throughout the facility as needed. (You may need to climb a ladder to reach some lights!) Contact dwalaw@Facilities “Green Team” – First impressions for those we seek to reach for Jesus at GMUMC are often first influenced by what our guests see as they drive by or enter our grounds. Help weed, mulch, or trim from spring through mid-fall as we create appealing outdoor spaces at our main facility. Contact dwalaw@-152400-118110MEDIA MINISTRYField Videographer Intern – This videographer must truly enjoy shooting video of worship and/or people, places and events. Training is available. Contact nancy@Lighting Servants- Do you love the art of turning a switch off and on? Come join us on Sunday morning’s Tech Team for Mosaic and Odyssey. Contact nancy@Computer – Don’t know what to do with the gift of geek? Join us in worship at the computer for Mosaic and Odyssey. We’ll show you just how easy it is to run the software EASY WORSHIP. Contact nancy@Movie Researcher – This person needs to watch movies, “grasp” the content and Catalogue the “movie clip potential” for future teaching purposes. Must have the ability to dream how that media can be used for inspiration and teaching purposes. Contact nancy@Digital Music Library – Basic computer skills needed to turn our music cd’s into a digital library. Contact nancy@4210050178435MISSIONS AND OUTREACH “The Church Has Left the Building” Servants – If you are the kind of person who believes there are no strangers, only friends you haven’t met yet, be part of a team that takes the church into the community through community festivals, parades, and random acts of kindness. Contact terri@Urban Reach ServantsUrban Reach is GMUMC’s mission outreach to children in poverty in Cleveland (currently connected with Miles Elementary School). Urban Reach seeks to connect with and empower children and youth in inner city Cleveland with the Gospel. Contact Terry@Be a Mentor-Tutor on Wednesday afternoons, 3:45-5:00 PM. Work with students in one of three age groups (grades 3/4, 5/6, 7/8) to help them move towards academic excellence while you build relationships. You will receive more than you give! Training and materials provided. No prior tutoring or teaching experience needed. Come every week or as often as you can.?Food Pantry Servants - Do you love to organize your pantry? You can be part of the Food Pantry Ministry and organize the food that is donated, and make bags for families. These servants also assist with the School Canned Food Drive Ministry and the Christmas Basket Ministry. Contact kellie@ Short-Term Missionary – Serve on a local, national or international mission trip team with other adults. GMUMC teams have served at Nehemiah Mission (Cleveland), Cincinnati, Pine Ridge Native American Reservation in South Dakota and Africa. The trips vary in cost and length. If you have a desire to serve the needs of others and are flexible and adaptable you may be called to be a missionary! Contact sandyverduin@ 1905097790OFFICE ADMINISTRATIONOffice Weekday Servant – Have an hour or a morning to serve in the Church office? Do you like to talk on the phone, organize? Lick envelopes, make copies, create flyers, and use the paper cutter to chop things? There is always a job for you in the Church office – pick your day and your time. Contact nancy@Office Weekend Servant – Greet visitors to the office on Sunday morning, answer phone calls, interact with staff and help with miscellaneous tasks. Contact nancy@General Office Servant – Complete miscellaneous projects involving use of computer programs and/or copier. Some computer projects can be done from the comfort of your home! Contact nancy@Shopper/Errands – Do you enjoy a challenge in the world of shopping? We’re looking for you! Seeking licensed driver who can head out with a mission to find something for worship or small group ministries. Contact nancy@Church Historian – Do you have an interest in history? Skills in organizing and gathering information? The Church Historian must listen and communicate with people of all ages, gather information from various sources and preserve Garfield’s historical material. Contact nancy@Database Servant –Do you love to gather & organize data? Be part of a team to keep church database current. Contact kellie@-133350-60960PRAYER MINISTRY: HOUSE OF PRAYERPrayer Partner Servants – Do you have a heart for God and for people? Prayer Partner servants receive training through the House of Prayer ministry so that they can help position people in a safe place to experience the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Prayer Partners are scheduled to be available for prayer during worship on Communion (first Sunday of the month) and other Sundays. They also serve on Mondays during the House of Prayer Night of Prayer (7:00 PM in the Sanctuary) and special worship services. Contact houseofprayer@ Anointing Servants - Loved to finger paint as a child? Think of God using this gift along with prayer to pour out His love and grace on the canvas of others. Contact houseofprayer@ 4495800-3175RADICAL HOSPITALITYRefreshment Ministry – Love the smell of coffee in the morning? Come learn how to make it! Enjoy setting a beautiful table? Come learn how to serve! Does washing dishes excite you? Come learn how to clean it up! Everyone is invited to join the Heritage, Mosaic and Odyssey refreshment teams. Contact nancy@Parking Lot Hospitality – Be the very first greeter to welcome our Sunday worshipers! Join this team and help ensure that our guests’ first impression of GMUMC is a congregation filled with hospitality!? You will assist with parking and traffic management.? Serve one hour on Sunday morning, one or more times per month.? Contact nancy@Transportation Ministry -Have you ever imagined yourself behind the wheel as a bus driver? Do you have a vehicle and the gift of time to help others when they have no way to get from point A to point B? We have individuals and families who occasionally need a ride to church, to a doctor appointment, to the grocery store, to the car repair garage, or to the local drug store to get an important prescription. If this is a way God is calling you to help, let us know if we can put your name on our list of possible drivers when these opportunities arise. Contact Craig Berkey, in the church office at craig@Hall Monitor – No! This is not high school, but a chance to meet and greet folks who may be lost in our building while worship services are underway. It really happens! Folks enter the building and have no idea where to enter for worship! We need folks who can meet and greet these first time guests. Contact nancy@Sunday Morning Greeters – Assist in kindly greeting our Sunday guests and welcome them to GMUMC. Escort guests and new visitors to the worship service and Sunday School hallway. Contact nancy@Sunday Morning Ushers – Do you like to make sure everyone finds a seat and their needs are met? Will also assist in collecting the offering and greeting those who come in to the Worship Service. Contact Cheri Shumaker; cherishu@.On Call Hospitality – GMUMC is not simply a “church on Sunday mornings.” There are countless events that we host and/or produce throughout the year. Could God be calling you to serve as a host at these events to welcome & direct visitors to our building? Contact nancy@Mingle Ministry – Mingle Ministry team members arrive early for worship and other special events to informally mingle and mix with attendees; making conversation and helping everyone feel welcome. This is your servant role if you have “woo”! Also helpful are the communication, positivity and includer strengths. Contact terri@New Guest Delivery Team – Help serve new guests at GMUMC. You can serve one day a month to prepare new guest gift bags and information packets to be delivered to our first time guests to all three worship services. Contact terri@Heinen’s Delivery Team – Love to grocery shop? Can’t wait to get there? Stop by Heinen’s Grocery Store (off Lander Circle near the church) on Sunday morning once a month and pick up the bagels and OJ for Sunday worship. No money needed! Contact nancy@Information Table Greeter – North Lobby after Heritage (9:30 am) – Have an eye for new faces? Do you enjoy meeting new people? Join this worship greeter’s team! Contact nancy@4610100-142240SPECIAL EVENTSEvent Leadership Team – Network with the Director of Events and serve on the team that enjoys planning, organizing and leading one or more special events at GMUMC throughout the year. Contact nancy@Event Registration Servants – Register event participants that attend an event at GMUMC. Say “hello” as you distribute name tags and other materials with a smile! Contact nancy@Event Transportation – Drive special guest artists during a Special Event, or before and after a worship service, Contact nancy@Event Host – Meet and greet people attending a Special Event at GMUMC. Hand out/collect materials, serve snacks and more. Provide a great experience for the event participants. Contact nancy@Event Décor Team – Design Stars!! Help match the “look” to the theme for worship experiences during the holidays and also for Special Events. Contact nancy@Event Administrative Assistant – Love those details? Help arrange communication using Excel documents, mailings and by making phone calls for the events team. Contact nancy@461010070485STUDENT MINISTRYStudent Ministry is for Junior & Senior High Youth (grades 6-8 and 8-12)Student Ministry Transportation Servants - These servants can be of enormous help assisting in transporting youth to various events off-site. Contact brandy@Student Ministry Servant Mentors -Do you remember an adult, maybe a teacher, coach, neighbor, church member, who made a major impact in your life? Could God be calling you to serve as a Servant Mentor? Servant Mentors attend Junior or Senior High ministry functions and engage the youth through fellowship and love. Contact brandy@Sunday Morning Student Ministry Servants - Could you envision yourself teaching and reflecting on God and the Bible with Junior and Senior High Youth on Sunday mornings during our Mosaic worship experience? I bet you will learn more than you will teach! Contact brandy@Substitute Sunday Morning Youth Servants - Sometimes our regular Sunday Morning Servants have events that come up in their life and need a pinch-hitter. Would you be willing to be on call during the week to fill-in as a need might arise in Junior & Senior High Sunday School during our Mosaic worship experience? Contact brandy@College Outreach Servants - When students leave our student ministry and go off to college, they can wander away from church period. Outreach Servants coordinate a card, e-mail and care package ministry to let collegiate students know that their home church has not forgotten them, and most importantly, neither has God! Contact brandy@Student Missions Team- Servants on our Student Mission Team assist in planning local mission projects for the junior and senior high youth. What a great way to impact the larger community around us! Contact brandy@Junior High Student Ministry Servants - These servants serve our junior high youth by coordinating and planning youth group activities beyond Sunday morning for this important age group. These are the youth who are considering Confirmation, and often these servants can serve as mentors to our youth when this important moment arrives. Contact brandy@On Call Youth Servants - Often, we have issues and circumstances that arrive with our youth on the fly. Crisis at home, transportation issues, etc. Could God be calling you to be an on-call Servant ready to jump in and assist a youth in need? Contact brandy@Fundraiser Servants for Student Ministry - These servants plan and coordinate fundraising activities for our Student Ministry during the year. Things like Soup Sales, Mission Trip Stock, Grocery Cards and others yet to be dreamed up! Contact brandy@4610100-180975TECHNICAL TEAMAudio Recording Servant – Anyone can learn as long as you can operate a cd player! Record the Heritage worship service (9:30 am) Contact nancy@Audio Team – We are looking for servants that we will train in the engineering of sound for all three worship services. We need help both running sound as well as the set up and tear down of equipment. Contact nancy@Cyberministry Web Surfers – Be part of the Cyberministry team by regularly surfing the GMUMC website () to ensure the content and photos are always up to date. Notify us when any content needs to be discarded, updated, or enhanced. Contact kellie@Cyberministry Website Usability Testers – Poke around our website (), find issues that might make our website hard to use, and report them. Things you might look out for might be, “how well does this search work? Can I make sense of this page?” Contact kellie@4191000-156210WORSHIP ARTSCreative Arts in Worship- Are you a designer at heart? Are you good with colors? Do you like thinking of creative ways to communicate an idea? Painter? Sculptor? Actor? Writer? Don’t put those gifts on the back burner! Contact nancy@Communion Server – Whether you attend Heritage, Mosaic or Odyssey, there is an opportunity to serve Communion to the worshiping community on the first Sunday of each month. No experience necessary, just a willingness to serve the bread and the cup. Contact nancy@Communion Coordinators – Aid in the set up of the communion elements before and after worship service. Also assist in recruiting new communion servers. Contact nancy@Talent Pool for Media Projects – Join our local talent pool and help communicate the message of the gospel through video media. Contact nancy@Photographer – Is that 35 mm digital camera stuck in the closet? Collecting dust? Well, pull it out and take pictures of our worship services, small group ministries and events! Artsy shots in and around the building also accepted!! Contact nancy@Stage Assistant – Light candles, make copies, perform any task before during and after a worship service. A stage assistant does whatever is asked! Contact nancy@Heritage Service Chancel Choir – No Audition Required! Chancel Choir sings every Sunday at 9:30 AM from September through June and twice a month in July and August. Ages 16 to 99 are welcome. You don’t need to be a great singer. You just need a love for singing and worship. Commitment level: one Wednesday night rehearsal each week (7:30 - 9 pm). Contact Choir Director Jamie Snell jbsn216@Victorious Voices Gospel Choir – This energetic group is full of passion and praise. They use all kinds of musical styles. Reading music is not required. We love folks who can harmonize. This choir sings at the Mosaic worship service (10:30 am). Choir rehearses Wednesday evenings 6:30 – 7:30 PM in the Family Life Center. Contact trina@.Prayer Wall Angel - Do you have 15 minutes each week to pray and be our prayer wall housekeeper? Looking for someone to care for the Pray Wall area, making sure the cloths are clean and the markers are working and the candles are ready to be lit. Contact nancy@.Greening of the Church - Come deck the halls at GMUMC! Looking for folks to assist in hanging decorations for the Advent Season. Contact nancy@COMMITMENT TO SERVEName _______________________________________ Best Phone _______________________Address _________________________________ City_____________________ ZIP __________Best time/ number to call __________________________________ Email________________________________________________________________________Day job/profession ______________________ Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy)_________________Marital Status: ___Married ___Single ___Widowed ___Divorced If married, spouse's name _______________________Children living at home? ___ Yes ____ No If yes, ages of children ________________________________________________Are you a member of Garfield Memorial Church? ____ Yes ____ NoHow long have you been attending?_________________________________________ What NEW serving opportunities would you like to investigate? List one from this Servant Catalogue, OR name your own idea/ dream for serving: _________________________________Primary servant role interest(s): ____________________________________________________Your own idea/dream for serving: ___________________________________________________ Other comments/info we need to know to help serve you better in the coming year:Signature _________________________________________ Date _________________(Please return completed form to the information areas or the church office.)For staff/leader use only:Follow up to be completed by ___________ Today's date ________Follow up was completed by (date) _______ Results304800-641985What’s Your Sweet Spot?GMUMC StaffChip Freed, Lead Pastor chip@Terry McHugh, Executive Pastorterry@Nancy Snell, Director of Worship & Special Eventsnancy@Kymm McElroy, Children’s Ministerkymm@Justin Mackey, Worship Leaderjustin@Brandy Sharp, Director of Youth Ministrybrandy@Trina Carrier, R.N., Care Ministertrina@Craig Berkey, Business Managercraig@Kellie Sayle, Database & Communications Managerkellie@Rev. Loren L. Gisselbeck, Visitation Pastorloren@Terri Freed, Reception, Hospitality & Membership Careterri@GMUMC3650 Lander RoadPepper Pike OH 44124216.831.1566 information@Like us on garfieldchurch ................

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