Slang Words - Vocabulary Point

Slang Words


Vibes Veg out Up for grabs Up ( happy cheerful)


Tool around

Threads Taking care of business

Taken Take a hike

Sucker Stressed Straight

Stink Steamed up

Square Spud Spook Split


feelings relax and do nothing

available happy and cheerful

completely wrecked

drive around

clothes doing what i have to do

cheated out of leave

be deceived upset honest

is repulsive angry

old-fashioned potatoes frightened leave

Use In Sentences

She really gives off bad vibes

I want to veg out in front of the laptop this evening

Everything is up for grabs, This is a sale

Lee has been up ever since he met his new friend

My bike was totaled in the accident with the garbage truck

It is time to go office I don't want to tool around all night

Those look like expensive threads she is wearing

She have been taking care of business

She was taken for all her money at the casino

Take a hike, I am tired of all your complaining

Don't be a sucker I am really stressed by all the recent

world events

I want you to give me a straight answer

This whole operation stinks

Don't get so steamed up over the issue

My father looks square in his jacket

Do you want rice or spuds for dinner?

The cows were spooked by the howling of the wolves

It is time to split and go see the movie

Slang Words


Smashed Slammer Shot down



intoxicated jail

disagreed with try

Use in Sentences

Try not to get smashed at the dinner party

The police threw them both in the slammer

Everyone shot down my idea at first, but later agreed that it was a good


I'll give the puzzle another shot

Sharp Screw up Screw around Schmuck

Scarf Scam Sack Run out of gas Runoff at the mouth Rule

intelligent make a mistake

waste time jerk

ate quickly swindle go to bed

lost interest or momentum talking too much dominates

she is very sharp with numbers

If she screw up one more time, i will fire her

If you screw around all day at this work, you will have to come back


What a stupid schmuck

Since he hadn't eaten in a week, he scarfed down everything on his


a fake scheme to steal money or goods

When did you hit the sack last day?

The doctor ran out of gas during the campaign

She always running off at the mouth

My mother rules the house

Slang Words


Rug Rough time

Rocks Road hog

Riot Rinky-dink

Repo Red hot Ream someone out



Rap Rag Racket


Use in Sentences

wig hard time with ice takes up too much of the road

Is that a rug on his foot?

We have had a rough time this summar

Would you like your whiskey on the rocks?

That driver is a road hog Slang words in English


The filmy program was a real riot

inferior repossess important got angry with him


run-down place

talk about newspaper


The park was really rinky-dink

Hey, don't repo my bike, I will pay next month

Your advice is really red hot

The teacher really reamed him out for her bad report

The raw office workers were not getting much done

When are you going to be able to move out of that rat hole?

We need to sit down and rap about a few things

I can't believe we still get this same old rag

There sure was a lot of racket outside last night

Slang Words


Rack Quick buck Quarterback


Put the moves on Push off Puke Psycho

Psyched up


Pro Pop for something

Pop Pooped out


bed some easy money

lead deception

seduce leave vomit mentally ill

mentally ready


professional buy hit quit

Use in Sentences

I have to hit the rack by ten or i'll be tired in the morning

I need to make a quick buck Who is going to quarterback the

meeting? It was an elaborate put-on which i

almost believed

She is married, You should give up trying to put the moves on her

I am going to push off now I feel like i am going to puke She should be in a hospital, She

is a psycho

The players are really psyched up for the game on Friday.

Can you give me a gentle prod next week so I won't forget? Slang words in English

He is really a pro at his work It is my turn to pop for the

doughnuts Shut up or i will pop you He pooped out after we started to

do the hard work

Slang Words


Pit stop Pig out

Pig Piece of cake

Pickled Peanuts



Party animal Paper-pusher Pain in the neck

Pad Nuts Nut


Use In Sentences

stop and go to the bathroom eat a lot or overeat eats too much easy to do

Let's make a pit stop at the next rest area

Let's go to the restaurant and pig out

He is a pig at parties

Working on a computer for me is a piece of cake


He gets pickled after only one beer

practically no money

I am not going to work for peanuts


Get your paws off of my body


We need to party-hearty because we just got a raise in salary

love parties bureaucratic office workers

annoying a place to live

crazy crazy person

You're too old to be a party animal

My office is filled with paperpushers

My wife's best friend is a pain in the neck

Have you found a pad yet?

You are completely nuts if you think i will go with you. Slang

words in English

she think that he is a nut


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