Mother Teresa of Calcutta Quiz (and Answer Key, delete ...

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa, one of the greatest women to have ever lived. She is a powerful example of how we should love and make the world a better place. Her work with the poorest of the poor continues today with her order the Missionaries of Charity and through the work of many people who follow here example and the example of Jesus.

Test Your Knowledge of Blessed Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa of Calcutta Quiz (and Answer Key, delete answers prior to making student copies)

Read each statement, and write true or false in the blank.

_____ 1. Mother Teresa got up very early in the morning before the sun rose. (True)

_____ 2. Mother Teresa lived in a big house along with other women. They were like a family. (True)

_____ 3. Mother Teresa helped sick people. She was not willing to touch people because she did not want to get sick herself. (False)

_____ 4. Mother Teresa spent most of her time working in a hospital in Calcutta. She made a lot of money for her work. (False)

_____ 5. Mother Teresa has travelled to other lands to visit people living in areas of fighting, war, or an earthquake. She also visited other sisters around the world, who do the same kind of work. (True)

_____ 6. Mother Teresa helped one person at a time. But her helping of one person at a time added up to thousands and thousands of people all over the world. (True)

_____ 7. Mother Teresa said, "A child is a gift of God. Every child is here to love and be loved." (True)

_____ 8. Mother Teresa was proud of the work she did and took full credit for helping people. (False)

_____ 9. Mother Teresa lived and worked in Calcutta, China. (False)

Task: Answer the following reflections using the space provided

“For me, Mother Teresa was the mother of all, and knew how to speak to everyone with simplicity and infinite tenderness. She incarnates my conception of the true religion: that which opens the heart and comes close to human beings.” - Olivia Hussey

Who is Mother Teresa to you?


God & I: Olivia Hussey (Interview)

Every morning I wake up and say “God, this day is for you, help me to be the best person I can and to conduct myself appropriately. I give this day to you in my heart,”

Why is this a good prayer?


Q: In order to impersonate Mother Teresa, you carefully collected as much information you could and you even went to the point of meeting those who knew her. Who is Mother Teresa for you now?

She’s a light of goodness, an inspiration to me. I try every day to see the God inside of people, but sometimes it’s very difficult. Her work continues, which is very important, and there is no other woman from the last century who has touched me that much.

Describe a world in which most people were like Mother Teresa.


Q: Who is God for you? How can you define Him?

God is love. God is in the smile of every person, in every good deed that we do. We always have a choice – everybody in this world has a choice – you can choose to do wrong, or you can choose to do right. Everything in this life passes and we all end up in a little box, no matter who we are, and what we take with us when we go, is the way we conduct our lives and what we do in our lives; nothing else matters but our love and our search for God, whatever our God may be. I respect all religions because I think they all lead to the same God.

Q: Describe who God is for you.


Coat of Arms

Task: You have been commissioned by the Pope to design a coat of arms to be placed on Mother Teresa’s tomb. Fill in the coat of arms and motto and explain why you choose the symbols you used.



a) Read the following quotes b) circle the two you like the best

Mother Teresa's Wisdom

"I see God in every human being. When I wash the leper's wounds, I feel I am nursing the Lord Himself. Is it not a beautiful experience?"

"The poor give us much more than we give them. They’re such strong people, living day to day with no food. And they never curse, never complain. We don’t have to give them pity or sympathy. We have so much to learn from them.

"There is a terrible hunger for love. We all experience that in our lives - the pain, the loneliness. We must have the courage to recognize it. The poor you may have right in your own family. Find them. Love them. Put your love for them in living action. For in loving them, you are loving God Himself."

"It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving."

"To God there is nothing small. The moment we have given it to God, it becomes infinite."

"You have to be holy in your position as you are, and I have to be holy in the position that God has put me. So it is nothing extraordinary to be holy. Holiness is not the luxury of the few. Holiness is a simple duty for you and for me. We have been created for that."

Q: What was it about the two quotes that caused you to choose them?


Her last four words were ‘Jesus, I love you.’

Q: What do these final words tell us about this amazing women and why she did the things she did?


On the social justice issue of abortion she said ‘The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child, what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between.’ Put this quote in your own words.


‘Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.’

Mother Teresa often talked about the poverty of loneliness and been unloved in rich countries. Why do you think that this was a ‘much greater hunger’?


About the poor, Mother Teresa said ‘Each one of them is Jesus in disguise.’ What does she mean?


‘We are all pencils in the hand of God.’ How should these words effect the way we live our lives?



‘If you judge people, you have no time to love them.’ Put this quote in your own words.


Write a prayer of thanksgiving for the life and witness of Mother Teresa.

Dear God ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________







One famous book written about Mother Teresa was entitled Something Beautiful for God. If you wrote a book on Mother Teresa, what title would you give it?


What does Mother Teresa mean when says ‘Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.’





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