APPLE (Malus domestica)

Proposed denomination: Application number: Application date: Applicant: Agent in Canada: Breeder:

`ROHO 3615' 07-6002 2007/09/21 Hofmann Sortenschutz GmbH, Erlangen, Germany BioFlora Inc., St. Thomas, Ontario Hans Hofmann, Langensendelbach, Germany

Varieties used for comparison: `Pinova', `Dalirail' and `Dalinip'

Summary: The tree of `ROHO 3615' has strong vigour whereas that of `Dalinip' has weak vigour. When the petals are pressed into a horizontal position, the flower diameter of `ROHO 3615' is medium to large whereas it is small to medium sized for `Dalirail'. The amount of overcolour on the fruit is high to very high for `ROHO 3615' whereas it is medium to high for `Pinova'. The overcolour of the fruit of `ROHO 3615' is distributed as a solid flush with indistinct stripes whereas the overcolour of the fruit of `Pinova' is distributed as a mottled pattern. The intensity of overcolour on the fruit of `ROHO 3615' is medium to dark whereas it is of light to medium intensity on `Pinova' and `Dalinip'. The fruit of `ROHO 3615' has medium to large lenticels whereas the fruit of `Dalirail' has very small to small lenticels. The time of maturity of the fruit for consumption is late for `ROHO 3615' while it is medium for `Dalinip'.

Description: TREE: strong vigour, ramified type, spreading growth habit, bearing fruit on spurs and long shoots

DORMANT ONE-YEAR-OLD SHOOT: sparse to medium density of pubescence on distal half, medium thickness, medium to long internode, many lenticels

FLOWER: begins flowering mid-season, purple at balloon stage, medium to large diameter when petals pressed into horizontal a position, touching petals

LEAF BLADE: outwards to downwards attitude in relation to shoot, medium to long, medium width, medium to large length to width ratio, crenate shape of incisions of margin PETIOLE: medium length

FRUIT: medium to large, large height to width ratio, conical shape, weak to medium degree of ribbing, weak to medium degree of crowning at calyx end, medium length of sepal, late eating maturity FRUIT SKIN: absent or very weak bloom and greasiness, yellow ground colour, high to very high amount of medium to dark red overcolour distributed as a solid flush with indistinct stripes, very low to low amount of russet around eye basin, absent or very low amount of russet on cheeks, medium to large lenticels FRUIT STALK: thin to medium thickness, long to very long, deep cavity, medium width of cavity, medium amount of russet around cavity FRUIT EYE: closed aperture, small to medium size FRUIT EYE BASIN: medium depth, narrow width FRUIT FLESH: medium to firm, yellowish, fully open locules in cross-section

Origin and Breeding: `ROHO 3615' originated from a naturally occuring mutation of the apple tree `Pinova' discovered and developed by the breeder Hans Hofmann in Germany in 2000. `ROHO 3615' was selected based on excellent sugar to acid balance and post-harvest quality.

Tests and Trials: The detailed description of `ROHO 3615' is based on the UPOV report of Technical Examination, application number APF 219, purchased from the Community Plant Variety Office in Angers, France. The trials were conducted by the Bundessortenamt in Hannover, Germany in 2004 and 2005.

Plant Varieties Journal, April 2017, No. 103



Apple: `ROHO 3615'

Proposed denomination: Synonym: Application number: Application date: Applicant: Agent in Canada: Breeder:

`UEB3264-2' Opal 10-6992 2010/05/28 Institute of Experimental Botany AS CR, v.v.i., Lysolaje, The Czech Republic Barrigar Intellectual Property Law, Victoria, British Columbia Jaroslav Tupy, Institute of Experimental Botany AS CR, v.v.i., Lysolaje, The Czech Republic

Description: TREE: weak to medium vigour, ramified type, spreading growth habit

DORMANT ONE-YEAR-OLD SHOOT: light pink, dense pubescence on distal half, medium thickness, short internode, few lenticels

FLOWER: begins flowering mid-season, medium sized diameter when petals pressed into a horizontal position, overlapping petals

Plant Varieties Journal, April 2017, No. 103



LEAF BLADE: outwards attitude in relation to shoot, short to medium length, medium width, small length to width ratio, serrate shape of incisions of margin PETIOLE: short to medium length

FRUIT: medium size, medium height to width ratio, maximum width in middle portion, globose shape, absent or very weak degree of ribbing, weak degree of crowning at calyx end, medium length of sepal, mid-season time of eating maturity FRUIT SKIN: absent or very weak bloom and greasiness, yellow ground colour, low amount of light orange overcolour, mottled pattern of overcolour, absent or very low amount of russet around eye basin and on cheeks, medium number of lenticels FRUIT STALK: medium thickness and length, medium depth and width of cavity, low amount of russet around cavity FRUIT EYE: partly open aperture, medium size FRUIT EYE BASIN: shallow to medium depth, medium to broad FRUIT FLESH: firm, yellow, fully open locules in cross-section

Origin and Breeding: `UEB3264-2' originated from a cross made in 1995 between `Golden Delicious' and `Topaz' in the Czech Republic. From the resulting seedlings, `UEB 3264-4' was identified and selected for advancement as an elite variety four years later, in 1999. `UEB3264-2' was selected for high disease resistance, high yield, and fruit quality. `UEB3264-2' was asexually reproduced by budding and grafting on apple tree rootstocks, including M-9 rootstock carried out in the Czech Republic in the spring of 2000.

Tests and Trials: The detailed description of `UEB3264-2' is based on the UPOV report of Technical Examination, application number MAL08139, purchased from the Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture, National Plant Variety Office, Brno, Czech Republic. The trials were conducted by the ?stredn? kontroln? a zkusebn? ?stav zemedelsk? testing station in Zelesice between 2001 and 2005.

Apple: `UEB3264-2'

Plant Varieties Journal, April 2017, No. 103


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