Stretching Exercises:

From: Matthew Cummiskey

|Muscle |Exercise |Picture |Exercise |Picture |

|Calf |Calf Stretch |[pic] |Modified Calf |[pic] |

|(Gastro-nemius) | | |Stretch | |

|Hams |Touch Toes |[pic] |Modified Hurdler |[pic] |

|(Ham-string) | | |(Don’t do regular | |

| | | |hurdler stretch) | |

|Quads |Heel to Butt |[pic] |Side Quad Stretch |[pic] |

|(Quad-riceps) | | | | |

|Hip Flexors |Hip Flexor Stretch |[pic] | | |

|Groin and Inner |Butterfly |[pic] |Inner Thigh |[pic] |

|Thigh | | | | |

|(Add-uctors) | | | | |

|Butt |Bent Knee to Chest |[pic] |Knees to Chest |[pic] |

|(Gluteus) | | | | |

|Butt |Gluteus Stretch – |[pic] | | |

|(Gluteus) |Perform while lying| | | |

| |down. Bring left | | | |

| |knee to chest | | | |

|Low Back |Knees to Chest – |[pic] |Twist to Bent Knee | |

| |Extend knees to | | |[pic] |

| |roll and stretch | | | |

| |higher up in back. | | | |

|Low Back |Chair Stretch |[pic] |Knees to Side |[pic] |

|Abs |Hands to Sky |[pic] |Obliques |[pic] |

|(Abdom-inals) | | | | |

|Side of Body |Sidebend |[pic] | | |

|Upper Back |Rhomboid Stretch |[pic] |Upper Back Stretch |[pic] |

|(Rhom-boids) | | | | |

|Upper Back |Cat Stretch |[pic] | | |

|(Rhom-boid area)| | | | |

|Chest |Pec Stretch |[pic] | | |

|(Pec-toralis | | | | |

|Major) | | | | |

|Shoulder – Front|Arm Across Chest |[pic] |Posterior Arm |[pic] |

|then Back | | |Raises | |

|Portion | | |(Also stretches | |

|(Anterior then | | |chest) | |

|Posterior | | | | |

|Deltoid) | | | | |

|Biceps | Wrist Bends |[pic] |Twist Opposite Way |[pic] |

|Triceps |Tricep Stretch |[pic] | | |

|Forearms |Push Outs |[pic] |Wrist Bends |[pic] |

|Neck |Neck Stretch – Can |[pic] | | |

| |do in all four | | | |

| |directions | | | |


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