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UNIT 9: The Cardiovascular SystemNote OutlineThe Cardiovascular SystemA _________________________ system of the __________________________ and _______________ vesselsThe heart _______________ bloodBlood vessels allow blood to ____________________________ to all parts of the bodyThe functions of the cardiovascular systemTo __________________________________ oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissuesTo ______________________________ carbon dioxide and other waste products from cells and tissuesThe Heart_________________ the bloodHollow __________________ organ about the size of your fist._____________ over 100,000 times per dayAbout 7,000 liters of blood per day.LocationCentered in the _________________________ cavityBehind the __________________________ and apex is tilted towards the __________________________.Heart Anatomyright295148000The Heart: Chambers (4)Right and left side act as ___________ ___________________ (atrium=singluar)Superior (right and left)Receiving or collecting __________________Separated by _________________ _____________Ventricles_______________________ (right and left)Discharging chambers (_____________________)Separated by _____________________ ____________The Heart Vessels______________ (Away from the heart)_________ (Leaves Lt ventricle)Acsending, arch, descending, abdominal________________ arteries (Leave rt ventricle)____________ (towards the heart)Superior and inferior _________ ________ (Enter rt atrium)________________ veins (four) (Enter Lt atrium)The Heart: Valves (4)Only______direction flow (prevent backflow)______________________(AV) valves—between atria and ventricles Left AV=______________ (mitral) valve Right AV=_____________ valve______________ valves—between ventricle and arteries (closed-relaxation; open-contraction)___________________ semilunar valve________________ semilunar valveThe Heart: Coverings and wall_______________—a double-walled sac Fibrous connective tissue that protects and anchors heart________________- outermost heart wall___________- Middle layer (does the beating)_______________- inner most; continuous with linings of blood vessels. Do you understand?What is the function of the cardiovascular system?List the heart coverings from outermost to innermost.What chambers of the heart receive the blood?Name the four heart valves. Where in the heart is each one located?When the pulmonary valve opens, blood is forced into which artery?Blood FlowDeoxygenated blood from ______________ (body) dump into RT _____________.Then through the _______________ valve into the RT _________________. Blood leaves the heart and goes to _____________ through the _________________arteries.O2 is picked up and CO2 is dropped off by blood in the lungs (_____ ____________________)O2-rich blood returns to the heart through the four _______________________ veinsOxygenated blood enters the LT _________________ then through the __________________valve into the LT ________________Blood leaves the ___________ via the ___________ semilunar valve and goes into the ________________.The O2 rich blood moves to smaller ______________and even smaller _____________ to even smaller __________________. (now in body tissues where gas exchange occurs)Deoxygenated blood in the capillaries now enters larger ____________ which then empty into larger __________, then into the largest veins (______________ ______________)…back into heart.Cardiac CirculationThe heart has its _____ nourishing circulatory system consisting of ___________ arteries that bring __________ blood to the heart and coronary _______ that take the CO2 rich blood ___________.Blood Circulation through body_________________ circulation_____________ side of the heart through the _______________ ____________back to the right side of the __________Pulmonary circulation___________ side of the heart________back to the _________side of the heartHeart sounds1st sound= __________ of AV valves (“lub”)2nd sound=__________ of semilunar valves (“dub”)Heart sounds are due to the ______________ that the __________ movements produce and the swirling or ______________ of the blood._____________- abnormal sounds most often produced by valve abnormality. Usually cause _____ problems.Cardiac CycleEvents of ________ complete heart _____Systole Both ventricles _________; atria _________DiastoleBOTH ventricles ________; atria _______________The Heart: Cardiac OutputCardiac output (CO)Amount of blood pumped by each side (ventricle) of the heart in ________________________Stroke volume (SV)Volume of blood pumped by each ventricle in ______________________________(each heartbeat)Usually remains relatively ____________________About 70 mL of blood is pumped out of the left ventricle with each heartbeatHeart rate (HR) Number of times that a heart beats per minute (___________)Typically _________ beats per minuteCO = HR SVCO = HR (75 beats/min) SV (70 mL/beat)CO = 5250 mL/min (about 5 liters per minute)During _______________ exercise can go as high as 30 liters per minute.Changing heart rate is the most _______________ way to change cardiac outputDo you understand?Compare systemic and pulmonary circulation.What events are included in a single cardiac cycle?What produces the “dub” sound?Using blood flow, put the following in the correct order: Left ventricle, lungs, aorta, tricuspid valve, right atrium. How does the myocardium get oxygenated blood?Blood Flow RegulationThree mechanisms________________________________________________Endocrine (Ex. Adrenal glands)Cardiac __________________________ systemControls myocardium function (pumping)Innervated by autonomic nervous system___________________ own action potential (self-excitability)Specialized heart cells generate and distribute ______________________.Heart Contractions3457575825500Started by ________________________________(SA) node1 (AKA: pacemaker)Impulse spreads to the _________________________________ (AV) node2 Then the atria contractThe impulse then passes through the _____________ bundle3 (AKA: bundle of His)Impulse splits into the _______________________________ bundle branches4 and spreads to millions of Purkinje fibers5 in both ventricles.ventricles ____________________________blood is ejected from the ventricles to the aorta and pulmonary trunkElectrocardiogramECG or EKG_________________ impulses from the heart are detected on the _________ of the bodyIllustrates when the when the atria and ventricles are ___________________________ (contracted) and _________________________ (relaxed).The shape of the waves can be used to indicate _____________________.-P Wave – _________________ of the atria (atrial contraction – diastole) -QRS Complex – depolarization of the _________________ (ventricular contraction, systole)-T Wave – _____________________ of the ventricles-Atrial repolarization cannot be seen because occurs at the same time as ventricular contraction.1212850254000Normal EKGDysrhythmias_____________________—damaged AV node releases them from control of the SA node; result is in a slower heart rate as ventricles contract at their own rate___________________—a rapid, uncoordinated shuddering of the heart muscle___________________—rapid heart rate over 100 beats per minute___________________—slow heart rate less than 60 beats per minutesDo you understand?What starts the heart contraction?Compare systole and diastole.Describe what you hear during a heart beat.Explain cardiac output?In an EKG, what causes the P wave?Blood Vessels: The Vascular SystemREMEMBER: __________________ systemTransport blood to the tissues and backCarry blood ______________ from the heartArteries, ArteriolesExchanges gases between ___________ and bloodCapillary bedsReturn blood ___________________ the heartVenules,VeinsHeart Arteries arterioles capillaries supply body tissues venules veins HeartStructural comparisonsArteriesVeinsCapillariesCarry blood AWAY from heart.________________Thick-walled___________ Lumen (hollow center)Mostly found __________Most carry O2 rich blood, exception is pulmonary _____________________.Carry blood TOWARD heartThinner-walled_____________ lumenMostly found superficialAssisted by _____________ and muscles.Flow is against gravityLow blood pressureMost carry CO2 rich blood, exception is pulmonary __________________MicroscopicOne _________ thickFound close to almost _________ cell in the body.Exchange gas between vascular system and __________________.Networks are called capillaryVein FunctionReturning blood to heart against _____________Must use valves to prevent _________________.Must use skeletal muscles to essentially “milk” the blood _____________ the heart.Also uses Respiratory pump- volume and pressure changes of the abdominal and thoracic cavities.Some factors affecting blood flow_____________________________Blood pressureTotal peripheral resistance (____________ of blood and vessels)Vasoconstriction and _________________________________Major ArteriesMajor VeinsAorta: _________________ artery in the bodyForms ascending, aortic arch, descendingAortic archBrachiocephalic arteryRight and left common carotid arteries: brainRight and left subclavian arteries: brain and armAbdominal ______________Celiac and meseneteric arteries: digestive organsRight and left renal arteries: ___________________Common iliac arteriesInternal iliac: bladder and rectumExternal iliac: leg Vena Cava: largest veins, enter right atrium______________ vena cava: drains head and armsRight and left Brachiocephalic veinsRight and left subclavian veinsRight and left jugular veins (internal and external): head________________ vena cava: drains lower bodyHepatic veins: _______________Renal veinsCommon iliac veinsFemoral veins: ______________Pulse________________ expansion and recoil of an artery that occurs with each beat of the left ventricleAverage at rest is 70-76 bpm (beats per minute) _____________ is considered 50-100 bpm.Pulse points_____________________, Brachial, ________________________, Femoral, Popliteal, Dorsal pedalisBlood PressureThe pressure exerted on the _____________ walls of the vesselsPressure is highest _______________ to the heart and in large arteries_________________ BP = 120/70Measuring Blood Pressure2 measurements are made_______________: arterial pressure when ventricles contract_______________: arterial pressure when ventricles relaxMeasured in ______________ artery (arm)Blood pressure cuff is inflated to stop the blood flow in the artery (pulse is ___________________)Systolic pressure is read when 1st sounds are heard as cuff is slowly ____________________Blood slowly begins to flow through the arteryDiastolic pressure is read when the last heartbeat is heard- Blood is now flowing __________________Factors Affecting BPBP is related to the amount of _______________________ blood encounters as it travels through the vesselsResistance can be ______________ by factors such as: age, weight, time of day, exercise, body position, emotional stateChanges in Blood PressureHypertension: high BP (140/90 or higher)Focus is on ________________ pressure Slowly __________ heart strain, small tears in vesselsCan be caused by diet, obesity, heredity, race, stressCan lead to stroke, CAD, congestive heart failure, etc.Hypotension: low BP (systolic of 100 or lower)Usually a ___________ of physical conditioning (good)Chronic could be because of poor ________________Other Blood Vessel DisordersArteriosclerosis: ______________ of the arteriesCaused by hypertension, smoking, bacteria, or virusesAtherosclerotic plague: Type of arteriosclerosis, fatty __________________.Coronary artery disease:Specific atherosclerosis of the _______________________.#1 cause of death for upper aged men and women in the US. (>500,000 annually)Risk Factors:_______________: exercise, smoking, High BP, obesity, High cholesterol, stress, etc…_______________: Age, Sex, Race, GeneticsTreatmentsExercise, Diet, Drugs_____________________: vessels are removed from arms/legs and implanted in the heart to restore circulation_______________________________: balloon is placed in artery and inflated; compresses fatty mass in vesselMyocardial Infarction (M.I.)_________________________Heart _______________ cell _____________-A condition caused by partial or complete ____________ of one or more of the coronary ___________________.Congestive Heart FailureHeart _______________ weakly causing inadequate ___________________Can be caused by ______________blood pressure or multiple myocardial infarctionsHeart is a ______________ pump so each side can fail _______________________ of the otherStroke (CVA)these conditions are usually ______________ to atherosclerotic disease, hypertension, or a combination of both.The clot or blockage cuts off ___________ supply.AnginaGeneralized chest _____Usually caused by low oxygen to heart.Aneurysma ________________ in the wall of an artery or vein that can bulge outward or herniatecaused by atherosclerosis, syphilis, __________________ vessel defects, and traumaif untreated may eventually grow large and rupture causing severe pain, shock, and eventually __________________can be repaired _____________ by inserting a Dacron graft over the weakened areaDo you understand?Compare arteries and veins.What BVs carry blood to the heart?What arteries feed the brain?What major vein drains blood from the head?What factors can affect blood pressure?What are some factors that can lead to heart disease? ................

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