California State University San Marcos

Lecturer Advisory CouncilCollege of Education, Health & Human Services (CEHHS)MINUTES - October 5, 2016Noon - 1:00 PM in UNIV 449Committee Members:XJulie RichSchool of EducationXDominick Betro (HD)School of Health Sciences & Human ServicesXDeborah BennettSchool of NursingXTony Ordas (KINE)School of Health Sciences & Human ServicesXJeannine Guarino (SW) (Co-Chair)School of Health Sciences & Human ServicesTama HarperCEHHS Staff RepresentativeXKristen Nahrstedt (SLP) (Co-Chair)School of Health Sciences & Human ServicesXDenise Garcia, Associate DeanCEHHSGuest(s): NoneCALL TO ORDERMeeting called to order at 12:01 PM. Quorum was established.APPROVAL OF AGENDAApproved 10/5/16 agenda as presented.APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER MEETING MINUTES Moved by J. Rich, Second by K. Nahrstedt to approve minutes from 09/07/16 meeting as written.OLD BUSINESSLecturer Handbook Edits: Donna reported that she did not post any updated handbooks to the College website so please makes sure to send any updates you have made to your Department’s handbook to Donna. Donna also stated that each committee member should go through their Department’s handbook and make sure all links are still active. NOTE: DSS is now called Disability Support Services. Make sure that is reflected in the handbooks.Travel/PD Grant: Discussion about how to ensure lecturers are aware of these opportunities given there will be no Mixer. Folks decided that it would be best if each Dept. Chair sent an email to their lecturers, making sure they are aware of these 2 grants. LAC Chairs will send Denise a draft email and she will send out to Dept. Chairs, who will send out to their lecturers.NEW BUSINESSLecturer Mixer – New Ideas: Committee members had a discussion about whether or not to schedule another mixer. Most wanted to try to re-schedule another mixer. Ideas about how to get lecturers to attend a mixer :1)Dom: acknowledgement of lecturers may make them more likely to attend. Specific Ideas generated:~ perhaps piggybacking on the College’s lecturer award that will occur in Spring, 2017; ~ offering gift cards for those lecturers who attend and pay for parking (Starbucks gift card, for example); ~ presenting award certificates to those in each Department who were nominated and/or awarded outstanding lecturer and those who have completed a certain number of years of service to CSUSM.It was decided to move forward with rescheduling the mixer for spring, 2017, once the nominations for outstanding lecturer have been made. The committee will discuss and plan for this mixer in future meetings.Call for Ad Hoc Task Force on Lecturer Inclusion: briefly discussed the purpose of the task force. Jeannine reported she had applied to be part of the task force. Application pending.Lecturer Listserv: Committee discussed whether the idea of a listserv for lecturers still made sense given such a low response rate to the mixer. Discussed the logistics of administering/maintaining a listserv. It was decided that each LAC member would send an email to the lecturers in their department to see if anyone would be interested in being the administrator for the listserv. This person would be eligible for PD funds for this service.ANNOUNCEMENTSCommittee agreed to invite the new full time lecturer from the newly formed Public Health Program to participate in LAC (Lisa Bandong). Denise will reach out to Lisa.ADJOURNMENTMeeting adjourned at 1:00 PM.Next Meeting:November 2, 2016Noon - 1:00 PMUNIV 449 ................

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