Supplementary Tables

Supplemental Table 1. Sample characteristics among Hispanic adults with hypertension by age group, WICER Survey, New York City, 2011-2012?Younger Adults (<60 years)Older adults (≥60 years)??% (N) or Mean (SD)% (N) or Mean (SD)p value bSocioeconomic/Health Care factorsInsurance statusAny Medicaid, including other State or City sponsored free or low-cost insurance81.7 (348)88.1 (538)<0.001Private or Medicare only9.6 (41)9.2 (56)Uninsured8.7 (37)2.8 (17)Current employment statusEmployed59.7 (255)36.5 (223)<0.001Unemployed40.3 (172)63.5 (388)Household compositionLives with ≤ 2 people or alone40.3 (172)63.5 (388)<0.001Lives with >2 persons59.7 (255)36.5 (223)Computer literacy No91.5 (386)94.5 (571)0.054Yes8.5 (36)5.5 (33)Patient factorsBP control knowledge score Low (at or below median)57.6 (247)56 (344)0.619High (above median)42.4 (182)44 (270)Weight status (BMI)Normal weight (<25 kg/m2)12.7 (54)16.7 (102)0.189Overweight (25.0-29.9 kg/m2)38.4 (163)38 (232)Obese (> 30.0 kg/m2)48.8 (207)45.3 (276)Alcohol use on typical occasionNon-drinker59.4 (247)78.8 (469)<0.0011 drink15.6 (65)10.6 (63)>=2drinks25 (104)10.6 (63)Smoking statusNever/Former smoker92.8 (387)96.5 (586)0.007Current smoker7.2 (30)3.5 (21)Physical Activity Active13.1 (54)6.3 (37)<0.001Inactive86.9 (357)93.7 (553)Cont’dCondition factorsDuration with hypertension <5 years22.7 (90)12.6 (66)<0.0015 to <10 years26.5 (105)14.2 (74)>=10 years50.9 (202)73.2 (382)Comorbid conditions None63.7 (270)51.5 (308)0.001128.1 (119)36.8 (220)≥ 2 8.3 (35)11.7 (70)Physically unhealthy days Low (at or below median)58 (235)61.4 (361)0.287High (above median)42 (170)38.6 (227)Mentally unhealthy days Low (at or below median)81.9 (339)80.3 (480)0.52High (above median)18.1 (75)19.7 (118)Health-related activity limitation days Low (at or below median)85.3 (349)81.7 (486)0.129High (above median)14.7 (60)18.3 (109)Self-rated healthExcellent/Very good57.5 (242)48.7 (288)0.022Good22.8 (96)28.1 (166)Fair/Poor19.7 (83)23.2 (137)?Abbreviations – WICER, Washington Heights/Inwood Informatics Infrastructure for Community-Centered Comparative Effectiveness Research; SD, Standard Deviation; GED, General Educational Development test; NVS, Newest Vital Sign Score; BP, Blood Pressure; BMI, Body Mass Index; a High adherence (values of 8) and low or medium (0 to <8) on 8-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8)b p-value based on chi-square test for categorical variables and standard 2-tailed t-tests for continuous variablesSupplemental Table 2. Bivariable predictors of antihypertensive medication adherence among those <50 years vs. 50-59 years, Hispanic adults with hypertension, WICER Survey, New York City, 2011-2012>50 years50-59 years?(%) or Mean (SD)p valuec(%) or Mean (SD)p valuecDemographicsAge (years)42.8 (5.8) vs. 43.6 (6.0)0.5155.2 (2.8) vs. 55.6 (2.6)0.31SexMale20.00.3623.30.84Female27.624.5Immigration statusLiving in U.S. for <10 years33.30.4222.20.77Living in the U.S. ≥10 years or US. born24.324.4Language of interviewEnglish18.40.2521.90.52Spanish28.125.2Marital StatusDivorced/Separated/Unmarried28.40.2624.30.10Married or cohabiting19.624.4Socioeconomic/Health Care factorsEducational level≤8 grade17.10.2127.00.619-11 years19.418.0High school/GED39.124.6> High school29.725.8Insurance statusAny Medicaid, including other State or City sponsored free or low-cost insurance 21.10.1524.10.52Private or Medicare only26.719.2Uninsured43.833.3Current employment statusEmployed26.70.4821.10.28Unemployed20.627.0Household compositionLives with ≤ 2 people or alone29.00.4626.90.28Lives with >2 persons22.721.6Computer literacy No23.20.2222.70.02Yes37.545.0Patient factorsBP control knowledge score Low20.30.1324.90.75High32.123.3Weight status (BMI)Normal weight (<25 kg/m2)23.50.9016.20.38Overweight (25.0-29.9 kg/m2)27.723.3Obese (>30.0 kg/m2)24.226.9Alcohol consumption on typical occasionNon-drinker30.30.1026.50.401 drink/day27.320.9≥2drinks/day11.418.8Smoking statusNever/Former smoker23.90.6022.20.002Current smoker33.350.0Physical Activity Inactive27.00.6722.20.07Active22.236.1Condition factorsDuration with hypertension <5 years25.60.2642.6<0.0015 to <10 years15.231.9≥10 years31.716.8Comorbid conditions None28.60.2026.70.36111.519.4≥ 2 33.328.1Poor physical health, 30-dayNo 30.30.0732.70Yes 15.613.6Poor mental health, 30-dayNo 26.60.2226.50.128Yes 12.517.0Poor health-related activity limitation, 30-dayNo 26.80.3725.30.557Yes 15.421.3Self-rated healthVery good/Excellent18.40.0816.90.002Good30.831.4Fair/Poor40.937.7 ................

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