Igniting Your Manufacturing Business


Igniting Your

Manufacturing Business

An action plan for using proven CAM software technology to ignite

the immediate and long term success of your manufacturing business

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This white paper uses Mastercam CAM software as a is primary example. However, the same concepts can be applied to any shop using any of a variety of up-to-date CAM

software implementations.

The Future of Manufacturing

Depends on Who You Talk to

Version one goes something like this:

Version two is very different:

¡°In America today, manufacturing is no longer a

¡°As more and more companies start to recognize

viable business. New contracts are difficult to obtain

and embrace technology, they will realize they are

because low-cost offshore competition is too stiff.

more capable and we will see America become

Customers who do remain are increasingly raising

more competitive. A recent article in the LA Times

the bar in terms of quality, pricing, and delivery

said, ¡°U.S. manufacturing in the past decade has

expectations. Modern equipment is expensive and

become much more competitive compared with

technically difficult to implement. The average age

low-cost manufacturing rivals. U.S. factories can

of skilled workers is so high that more than half of

make goods at the same cost or even cheaper than

the current workforce will retire in the next ten

those made in Eastern Europe¡­¡±

years. It is nearly impossible to find and hire

sufficiently trained workers. If you train them

yourself, they leave you and find work for a slightly

higher salary with a competitor who didn¡¯t pay for

the training.¡±

Better still, a headline in Fortune Magazine (March

31, 2016) confidently predicted ¡°The U.S. Will Surpass

China as the No. 1 Country for Manufacturing by

2020.¡± In spite of many of the impediments

mentioned above, some manufacturers are learning

that they can harness technology to obtain

competitive advantages and grow their businesses.¡±

BOTTOM LINE: Pessimism


Igniting Your Manufacturing Business


The Future of Manufacturing

Depends on Who You Talk to

So which is it going to be for your manufacturing business?

If you subscribe to Version One, there is no need to

outlines some of the CAM tools and processes many

read any further. Just keep doing what you have

manufacturing businesses have already adopted

been doing and this vision will manifest itself

to ¡°out-machine¡± their competition and grow

without any additional effort.

their businesses.

On the other hand, if you favor Version Two, some

The following pages will outline simple steps

hard work is required, as it is in any successful

manufacturing businesses can take to achieve

endeavor. A big part of that effort is learning how to

productivity increases along with total cost and

best take advantage of proven CAM technology

lead time reductions by using their computer aided

to dramatically improve productivity while reducing

manufacturing (CAM) capabilities more effectively.

lead times and operating costs. This whitepaper

These steps include:





Implementing relentless

¡°Post and Go¡±

CNC machining

on the shop floor



Ingraining a


mindset throughout

your business

Use training

as a tool


Taking better advantage of the

CAM capabilities you already have


Igniting Your Manufacturing Business

N5258 X5

N5260 X3

N5262 X4

1. Opening Moves

Start from where you are.

If you have read this far, chances are your manufacturing business falls into one of three categories

regarding your effective use of CAM software:


Your machinists have been manually

programming at the machine or using a very

basic CAM software package, and this approach

now limits both your shop¡¯s productivity and

the type of work that is available to it.


You have installed or are about to install new equipment

and are planning to implement more sophisticated

manufacturing processes. You need software that offers

broad capabilities, which will allow you to take full

advantage of your new systems. It has to be powerful, but

also easy to learn so you can get up to speed quickly.


You have been a CAM user for a while now, but

have not stayed current with all of the advanced

capabilities that have been added to the package

with each new product release. You suspect that

you might be leaving serious money on the table,

and you need a methodical approach for

discovering which of these capabilities might

be most beneficial to your business, and how

to implement them effectively.


Igniting Your Manufacturing Business

Opening Moves (continued)

Come up with a plan.

Have help ready and waiting.

You don¡¯t have to do this alone. Most CAM software

But that¡¯s just the beginning. Many CAM users have

is sold and supported by local resellers. These are

arrangements with their resellers that give them

independent businesses that know and understand

as-needed access to technical support delivered via

the local market and its needs. They roll up their

phone, the internet, and in person. So they are



never left in the dark regarding how to use the

manufacturing businesses of all types and sizes

software or take advantage of advanced features.

from big auto and major aerospace manufacturers

CAM software licenses may also be packaged with

to job shops of all sizes. They partner with their

training and consulting service options to help put

customers (as well as CNC equipment cutting tool

users on a fast track to becoming more competitive.

and equipment suppliers) to come up with sensible

Many also sponsor special events where customers

CNC manufacturing process solutions tailored to

can learn about aspects of Mastercam that they

their customers¡¯ specific needs.

could better utilize to improve manufacturing






cycles and reduce operating costs.

You don¡¯t have to do this alone.

Your nearby CAM representative

is ready and able to help.

As one businessman to another, your CAM reseller

will be the first one to tell you that implementing

the plan he helps you develop will involve some

initial costs and extra effort. He will also be able to

refer you to many of his customers who have

recouped this investment many times over within

months of implementing the plan.

Before they make a software recommendation, the

reseller will spend some time with you to get a feel

for your customers and their expectations, market

opportunities, current equipment, your manpower

and their capabilities, current bottlenecks and

workflow frustrations, current and anticipated new

equipment, business expansion opportunities, etc.

Based on an analysis of this information, they will






ameliorate existing problems and advance your

business toward improved growth and profitability.


Igniting Your Manufacturing Business


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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