FSA Guaranteed Farm Loan Programs

嚜澹SA Guaranteed

Farm Loan Programs


November 2015

Lender Meetings

State Office Staff

Dan Gieseke

Farm Loan Chief

Email = daniel.gieseke@mo.

Sandra Waibel

State Farm Loan Specialist

Email = sandra.waibel@mo.

Janet Bollinger

State Farm Loan Specialist

Email =

Lorna Plowman

State Farm Loan Program Technician

Email =

601 Business Loop 70 W

Parkade Center, Suite 225

Columbia, MO 65203

Telephone (573) 876-0980

Fax (855) 830-0682



Page #



Why Should USDA*s Farm Service Agency Be Your Lender of First Opportunity? ########.. 1-2


MO State Fact Sheet 每 FSA Guaranteed Farm Loan Programs ################# 3-4


Direct Loan Information Sheet ##########################################.


Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority (MASBDA) Fact Sheet ######## 6


MO FSA Guaranteed Lender Website ######################################. 7


Average County Farm Acreage 每 Missouri ###################################. 8


Weekly Funds Report ###############################################. 9


Email or Faxed Applications ############################################. 10

Appeal Rights 每 Guaranteed Loans

Lender Conflict of Interest

Guaranteed Forms


FSA-2211: CLP & SEL Guaranteed Application #################.#############. 11-15


10. FSA-2212: PLP Guaranteed Application ##################################.. 16-17

11. 2-FLP Exhibit 5 Electronic Access ######################################## 18-20

12. Guar Loan vs. Direct Loan Comparison ##################################### 21

13. Direct Loan Subordination or Guaranteed Loan? ################################ 22

14. Subordination of Direct Loan Security 每 2-FLP Requirements, par.279 #############.. 23

15. Loan Narrative Requirements ##########################################. 24-25

16. Definitions: Beginning Farmer, SDA, Embedded Entity, Entity, & Family Farm ############# 26-27

17. Full Legal Name 每 Loan Limits - Loan Guarantee % #####################. 28

18. Guar 1.5% Loan Fees ###############################################.. 29

19. MO Linked Deposit Program-Beginning Farm Loans #############################. 30

20. 1.5% Fee Paid by Lender #############################################.. 31

21. Maximum Interest Rates & Minimum Lender Requirements #######################... 32-33

22. Environmental Requirements ############################################# 34-35

23. Livestock Environmental Evaluation & NMP Screening Table ######################## 36

24. Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) Requirements ################################ 37

25. MO DNR CAFO Requirements ##########################################. 38

26. CAFO County/Local Restrictions & Zoning Ordinances ############################ 39

27. EPA CAFO Inspection Tips ############################################. 40

28. Floodplain Position Paper ############################################.. 41-42

29. OL/LN Term Loan Purposes ###########################################. 43

FO/LN Term Loan Purposes

30. OL/LOC Loan Purposes ##############################################. 44

31. Loan Terms 每 Determined by Loan Type & Security #####################.. 45

Open Accounts/Non-Disturbance Agreements

32. Documentation of Cash Flow Feasibility #####################################.. 46

33. Determining Financial Feasibility of Loans 每 2-FLP Par.151 #################... 47-49

34. Loan Agreement ##################################################. 50-52

35. Existing Promissory Notes 每 Allonge #######################################. 53

36. Secondary Market Allonge 每 Promissory Note Signature Requirements #############... 54

37. Pre-Nuptial Requirements #############################################.. 55

38. Guaranteed Loan Request to Refinance Existing Guaranteed Loans ####################.. 56

39. Bridge Loan & Counterparty Risk ######################################## 57

40. Amish/ Mennonite Insurance Requirements ###################################. 58

Request for Notice of Sale

41. Utilizing FSA*s Direct and/or Guaranteed Loan Programs to Purchase Farm at Public Auction ###.. 59

Federal and State Income Tax Forms

42. Amount of Security in Today*s Volatile Market #######################. 60

43. Amount and Quality of Security - ※Adequate§ ######################## 61

44. Amount and Quality of Security - ※Lien Position§ ######################... 62

45. Separate & Identifiable Security ########################################## 63

Financing Livestock

Financing Machinery

46. Chattel Security Requirements ##########################################.. 64

Transfer of Ownership Assets

When Legal Ownership/Title Could be Questioned

Leased Equipment

47. UCC1 MO Secretary of State ###########################################.. 65

48. Secretary of State and County Lien Searches ##################################. 66

49. FSA-2232 Conditional Commitment #######################################. 67-70

50. FSA-2201 Lender*s Agreement #############################... 71-76

51. FSA-2235 Loan Guarantee ############################################.. 77-78

52. FSA-2233 Lender Certification ##########################################.. 79

53. Using the Appraisal to Determine the Useful Life of Security ######################### 80

Depreciation Can Affect Repayment Capacity

54. Poultry Mitigation ################################################.. 81-84

55. Selling Guaranteed Loans on the Secondary Market #############################. 85-86

56. Famer Mac II, Return On Assets (ROA) Calculator ##############################. 87

57. OL/LOC Annual Operating Loan Renewal Requirements ##########################... 88

58. OL/LOC Beginning of Year Balance ####################################### 89

59. OL/LOC Loan Advances for Term Debt Payments ############################### 90

Two Months Before the End of the Year & At the Beginning of Cash Flow Year

60. OL/LOC Annual Operating Loan Servicing Suggestions/Recommendations ################# 91

61. Maximum OL/LOC Loan Advance & Farm Income Release Worksheet: MO 2-FLP Guide 35 ##### 92

62. Family Living Reconciliation Table: MO 2-FLP Guide 15 ########################### 93

63. Annual Financial Analysis by Lender ####################################### 94

64. General Loan Servicing Responsibilities ####################################. 95-96

65. Lender*s Loan Analysis Documentation: MO 2-FLP Guide 21 ################. 97-98

66. Guaranteed Loan Servicing Approval Authorities Reserved for State Office ################. 99

67. Emergency Advances ################################################ 100

Additional Loans

Unauthorized Payments

Payment Priority

68. Partial Releases 每 With & Without FSA Concurrence ####################. 101-102

69. Subordination of Guaranteed Loan Security ###################################103

70. Release of Liability Upon Withdrawal ###################################### 104

71. Servicing Distressed Accounts - Delinquent Loans ############################### 105

72. Delinquent Loan Servicing Time Line (SEL & CLP): MO 2-FLP Guide 2 ################# 106

73. Rescheduling, Reamortization, Consolidation & Deferral Checklist: MO 2-FLP Guide 16 ######.. 107-111

74. Lender Liquidation Plan: MO 2-FLP Guide 28 ############################### 112-113

75. Loss Claim Checklist: MO 2-FLP Guide 29 ################################# 114-115

76. Net Recovery Value Calculation Worksheet (2-FLP Handbook Exhibit 10) ################.. 116

77. Bankruptcy Servicing ############################################### 117-118

78. Offset 每 Loss Claim Recovery 每 FSA Guaranteed Loans Reported to Credit Bureau ######## 119

79. What*s in the 2014 Farm Bill for FSA Customers? #####################. 120-124

80. RD- Value Added Producer Grants #######################################. 125

81. RD 每 Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Grants #################### 126-127

82. Quick Reference to SBA Loan Guaranty Programs #############################. 128-129

83. List of FSA Farm Loan Managers/Farm Loan Officers/Program Technicians ############## 130-131

84. 2016 FSA Crop & Livestock Commodity Prices ################################.. 132


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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