Drs - John J. L. Jacobs


Name: John (Johannes Jacobus Louis) Jacobs.

Please email to JJLJacobs@ for futher personal details

Website: johnjljacobs.nl


Brief Resume

Immunologist looking for applied research

2008 Grant obtained (295 K€) from SNFK (2008).

2008 SMBWO recognition as immunologist

2005 Copromotor for PhD of E.V. Moiseeva at Utrecht University.

2003 PhD at University of Amsterdam: "Organotypic skin explant cultures to identify skin irritants and contact allergens".

Work experience

2008 - 2011 Dept. Urology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. Postdoc. Local IL-2 therapy for prostate cancer. Own grant at SNFK for 3 years. PhD student supervisor.

2008 Van Tol Food Retail Company, Bodegraven. ICT. Manager Retail automation

2008 Medical Systems, Philips Research. Eindhoven. Scientist Animal Experiments.

2003 - 2008 Dept. Pathobiology, Fac. Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University. Guiding PhD students in tumour immunology.

2005 - 2006 Fac. Science, Leiden University. Postdoc chemistry

2003 - 2005 Coronel Instituut, AMC, Amsterdam. Postdoc immunology skin irritation and moleculare biology organophosphate syndrome.

2001 - 2003 Biochemistry, Fac. Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University Postdoc Locale IL-2 therapy of cancer.

1997 - 2001 TNO-PML, Rijswijk and Dept. Pathology, AMC, Amsterdam. PhD Research. Animal alternatives to screen skin irritants and contact allergens.

1997 CIDC, Lelystad. Head R&D Foot-and-Mouth-Disease (FMD) Vaccine production.

1996 - 1997 Dept. Biochemistry, AMC, Amsterdam. Viral protein folding in the Endoplasmic reticulum.

1994 - 1995 CIDC, Lelystad. PCR Diagnostics of FMD virus, and herpes viruses (HSV en VZV)


Courses Radionucleotides, Animal experiments (Article 9), Clinical experiments (BROK), statistics, didactic skills, theology.

1991-1994 Biology (medical): Immunology & Molecular Biology. Mr, Utrecht University

Trainee 1. Dept. Pathology, University Medical Centre Utrecht. Local IL-2 therapy of cancer.

Trainee 2. Dept. Comparative Endocrinology, Utrecht University. Molecular endocrinology.

1986-1991 HLO, Medical lab research (Virology-Microbiology).BSc.University [Hogeschool] Venlo.

Trainee 1 Haematology, Zuiderzee Hospital, Lelystad. Diagnostics

Trainee 2 Foot-and-Mouth-Disease Vaccine bank, CIDC, Lelystad. Diagnostic RT-PCR.


• Creative, solution- and result oriented thinker with broad knowledge and insight. Science communication to layman. Loves learning and challenges.

• Stimulates, motivates others. Flexible and helpful in cooperation.

• Quite independent professional worker, easy to work with. Honest, sincere, positive attitude..


I have a broad background in scientific research, both in theory, planning and experimental practice, in the fields of tumour immunology, general immunology, vaccine research, virology, microbiology, molecular biology, protein chemistry, biochemistry, cell culture, laboratory animal experiments.

I also have experiences in leading people and teams, guidance of clinical studies in human and veterinary patients, writing ethical requests for human and laboratory animal research, writing scientific papers, writing popular scientific papers.

Other skills include broad knowledge in exact science (maths, physics, chemistry, biology), didactical skills, remedial teaching, presentations for various audiences, extended knowledge of computer programms, databases, data analysis, biostatistics, theology, computer technology (head ICT department).


• Dutch Federation of Medical Scientific Societies (FMWV, Federa) . General board member since 2005, daily board member since 2008, secretary since 2010.

• Society of Medical Scientific Researchers (VMWO) vmwo.nl Daily Board member since 2004; President since 2011.

• The Open Cancer Immunology Journal. open/tocij/EBM.htm . Editorial Advisory Board since 2009

• Writing popular science in Dutch e.g. for kennislink.nl (NIBI).

• Reading biomedical, theological and other scientific literature.

List of scientific publications

1. L.A. Everse, M.R Bernsen, L.H. Esquivel-Ccala, J.J.L. Jacobs, H.F.J. Dullens , W. Den Otter.

Effective cancer immunotherapy with immunization and low-dose IL-2 does not correlate with numerical changes in tumor-infiltrating leucocytes. Chapter 4 in Linda A. Everse, Preclinical indication in support of combined-modality treatment of cancer using radiotherapy and interleukin-2. Thesis, University Utrecht, 1998.

2. J.J.L. Jacobs. Falsification of repression hypothesis. EL4 to Harrison G Pope Jr, Recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse. British Medical Journal 316:488 – 489 (1998).

3. J.J.L. Jacobs, E. Folkers, J. Vreeswijk. Detection of Varicella Zoster virus and herpes simplex virus by polymerase chain reaction with degenerate primers. Chapter 4 in Elzo Folkers, Diagnostic aspects of human alphaherpes virus infections in de dermato-venereology, Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 1999. & Journal of Virological Methods 83 : 155–167 (1999).

4. E. Folkers, J.J.L. Jacobs, A.P. Oranje, F.J.W. ten Kate, J. Vreeswijk. Immune response to Varicella-zoster virus infection in vivo immunoglobulins, complement and cellular infiltrates. Chapter 5 in Elzo Folkers, Diagnostic aspects of human alphaherpes virus infections in de dermato-venereology, Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 1999.

5. J.J.L. Jacobs, C. Lehé, K.D.A. Cammans, P.K. Das , G.R. Elliott. Methyl green-pyronine staining of porcine organotypic skin explant cultures: an alternative model for screening for skin irritants.

6. Chapter 2B in John J. L. Jacobs, Organotypic skin explant cultures to identify skin irritants and contact allergens, Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 2003. & ATLA 28 : 279-92 (2000).

7. J.J.L. Jacobs, C. Lehé, K.D.A. Cammans, P.K. Das , G.R. Elliott. Screening of skin irritants by RNA detection as a viability marker in porcine organotypic skin explants. Chapter 2A in John J. L. Jacobs, Organotypic skin explant cultures to identify skin irritants and contact allergens, Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 2003. & pp. 601-7 in Progress in the Reduction, Refinement and Replacement of Animal Experimentation (2000), Ed. by M. Balls, A.-M. van Zeller , M.E. Halder. Developments in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, volume 31. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

8. J.J.L. Jacobs, C. Lehé, K.D.A. Cammans, K. Yoneda, P.K. Das , G.R. Elliott. An automated method for quantification of immunostained human Langerhans cells. Chapter 4 in John J. L. Jacobs, Organotypic skin explant cultures to identify skin irritants and contact allergens, Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 2003. & Journal of Immunological Methods 247 : 73–82 (2001).

9. J.J.L. Jacobs, C. Lehé, K.D.A. Cammans, P.K. Das, G.R. Elliott. An in vitro model for detecting skin irritants: methyl green-pyronine staining of human skin explant cultures. Chapter 3 in John J. L. Jacobs, Organotypic skin explant cultures to identify skin irritants and contact allergens, Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 2003. & Toxicology in Vitro 16 : 581–588 (2002).

10. T.J.P. Spoormakers, W.R. Klein, J.J.L. Jacobs, Th.S.G.A.M. Van Den Ingh, J.W. Koten, W. Den Otter. Comparison of the efficacy of local treatment of Equine sarcoids with IL-2 or Cisplatin/IL-2. Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy 52 : 179-184 (2003).

11. C.L.Lehé*, J.J.L.Jacobs*, G.R.Elliott , P.K. Das. * contributed equally. A two centre evaluation of the human organotypic skin explant culture model for screening contact allergens. Chapter 5 in John J. L. Jacobs, Organotypic skin explant cultures to identify skin irritants and contact allergens, Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 2003. & ATLA 31 : 553-561 (2003); correction 32 : 7 (2004).

12. G.W. Bos, J.J.L. Jacobs, J.W. Koten , S. Van Tomme , T. Veldhuis , C.F. van Nostrum , W. den Otter , W.E. Hennink. In situ crosslinked hydrogels loaded with interleukin-2 efficiently cure tumor-bearing mice. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 21: 561-567 (2004)

13. J.J.L. Jacobs, C.L.Lehé, K.D.A. Cammans, P.K. Das , G.R. Elliott. Assessment of contact allergens by dissociation of irritant and sensitizing properties. Chapter 6A in John J. L. Jacobs, Organotypic skin explant cultures to identify skin irritants and contact allergens, Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 2003. & Toxicology in Vitro 18 : 681-90 (2004).

14. J.J.L. Jacobs, D. Sparendam , W. Den Otter. Local interleukin 2 therapy is most effective against cancer when injected intratumourally. Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy 54 : 647-654 (2005).

15. R.J.E. Stewart, A. Masztalerz, J.J.L. Jacobs , W. Den Otter. Local Interleukin-2 and Interleukin-12 therapy of bovine ocular squamous cell carcinomas. Chapter 3 in Rachel J. E. Stewart. Local IL-2 and IL-12 treatment of Bovine Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma (BOSCC) and Bovine Vulval Papilloma and Carcinoma Complex (BVPCC) in Cattle in Zimbabwe. Thesis, University Utrecht, 2007. & Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 106 : 277-284 (2005).

16. E.V. Moiseeva, V.K. Bojenko, I.E. Sergeev, J.E. van Dijk, W. Den Otter , J.J.L. Jacobs. Host factors determine early or late visible manifestation of mammary carcinoma. Chapter 2 in Ekatarina Moiseeva, Original approaches to test anti-breast cancer drugs in a novel set of mouse models, Thesis, Utrecht, 2005.

17. E.V. Moiseeva, V.K. Bojenko, J.J.L. Jacobs , W. Den Otter. Several haematological and serum biochemical parameters predict therapeutic effect of IL-2 against mouse mammary cancer. Chapter 4 in Ekatarina Moiseeva, Original approaches to test anti-breast cancer drugs in a novel set of mouse models, Thesis, Utrecht, 2005.

18. E.V. Moiseeva, E.V. Svirshchewskaya, A.V. Chaadaeva, E.M. Rapoport, S.G. Semushina, I.V. Smirnova, W.G. Telford, J.J.L. Jacobs , W. Den Otter. Local interleukin-2 against breast cancer tested in spontaneous mouse models. Chapter 5 in Ekatarina Moiseeva, Original approaches to test anti-breast cancer drugs in a novel set of mouse models, Thesis, Utrecht, 2005.

19. E.V. Moiseeva, A.V. Chaadaeva, S.G. Semushina, Yu.V. Demidova, J. Tan, J.J.L. Jacobs, J.E. van Dijk , W. Den Otter. Local interleukin-2 against breast cancer tested in spontaneous mouse models. Chapter 8 in Ekatarina Moiseeva, Original approaches to test anti-breast cancer drugs in a novel set of mouse models, Thesis, Utrecht, 2005.

20. J.J.L. Jacobs, G.J. Hordijk, J.M Schulz, C.H.J. Terhaard, J.W. Koten, J.J. Battermann , W. Den Otter. Treatment of stage III-IV nasopharyngeal carcinomas by external beam irradiation and local low doses of IL-2. Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy 54 : 647-654 (2005).

21. Z. Krastev, V. Koltchakov, R. Tomova, S. Deredjian, A. Alexiev, D. Popov, B. Tomov, J.W. Koten, J. Jacobs , W. Den Otter. Locoregional IL-2 low dose applications for gastrointestinal tumours. World Journal of Gastroenterology 11 : 5525-5529 (2005).

22. R.J.E. Stewart, F.W.G. Hill, A. Masztalerz, J.J.L. Jacobs, J.W. Koten , W. Den Otter. Treatment of ocular squamous cell carcinomas in cattle using Interleukin 2. Chapter 2 in Rachel J. E. Stewart. Local IL-2 and IL-12 treatment of Bovine Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma (BOSCC) and Bovine Vulval Papilloma and Carcinoma Complex (BVPCC) in Cattle in Zimbabwe. Thesis, University Utrecht, 2007. & Veterinary Record 159 : 668-672 (2006).

23. C.M. de Jongh, M.M. Verberk, C.E.T. Withagen, J.J.L. Jacobs, T. Rustemeyer, S. Kezic. Stratum corneum cytokines and skin irritation response to sodium lauryl sulphate. Contact Dermatitis 54 : 325-33 (2006).

24. R. Tomova, J. Pomakov, J.J.L. Jacobs, D. Adjarov, S. Popova, I. Altankova, W. Den Otter, , Z. Krastev. Changes in cytokine profile during local IL-2 therapy in patients with different malignancies. Anticancer Research 26 : 2037-47 (2006).

25. C.L.Lehé*, J.J.L. Jacobs*, C.M.Hua, P. Courtellemont, G.R.Elliott , P.K. Das. * contributed equally. Subtoxic concentrations of allergenic haptens induce LC migration and maturation in a human organotypic skin explant culture model: A novel method for identifying potential contact allergens. Experimental Dermatology 15 : 421–431 (2006).

26. J.J.L.Jacobs*, C.L.Lehé*, H. Hasegawa, G.R. Elliott , P.K. Das. * contributed equally. Skin irritants and contact sensitizers induce Langerhans cell migration and maturation at irritant concentration. Chapter 6B in John J. L. Jacobs, Organotypic skin explant cultures to identify skin irritants and contact allergens, Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 2003. Experimental Dermatology 15 : 432–440 (2006).

27. S. Kezic, F. Calkoen, M.A.M. Wenker, J.J.L. Jacobs , Maarten M Verberk. Genetic polymorphism of metabolic enzymes modifies the risk of chronic solvent-induced encephalopathy. Toxicology and Industrial Health 22: 1-9 (2006).

28. C. Hiemstra, Z. Zhong, S.R. Van Tomme, M.J. van Steenbergen, J.J.L. Jacobs, W. Den Otter, W.E. Hennink , J. Feijen. In vitro and in vivo protein delivery from in situ forming poly(ethylene glycol)–poly(lactide) hydrogels. Journal of Controlled Release 119 : 320-7 (2007).

29. R.J.E. Stewart, A. Masztalerz, J.J.L. Jacobs, J.W. Koten, W. Den Otter. Local Interleukin-2 and Interleukin-12 Therapy of Bovine Vulval Papilloma Carcinoma Complex in Cattle. Chapter 4 in Rachel J. E. Stewart. Local IL-2 and IL-12 treatment of Bovine Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma (BOSCC) and Bovine Vulval Papilloma and Carcinoma Complex (BVPCC) in Cattle in Zimbabwe. Thesis, University Utrecht, 2007.

30. R.J.E. Stewart, J.W. Koten, M. Hack, S. Hateboer, J.J.L. Jacobs, A. Masztalerz, W. Den Otter. Histopathological studies on the effect of Local IL-2 therapy in Bovine Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Bovine Vulval Papilloma and Carcinoma Complex: mechanism of tumour rejection. Chapter 5 in Rachel J. E. Stewart. Local IL-2 and IL-12 treatment of Bovine Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma (BOSCC) and Bovine Vulval Papilloma and Carcinoma Complex (BVPCC) in Cattle in Zimbabwe. Thesis, University Utrecht, 2007.

31. W. Den Otter, J.J.L. Jacobs, J.J. Battermann, G.J. Hordijk, Z. Krastev, E.V. Moiseeva, R.J.E. Stewart, P.G.P.M. Ziekman, J.W. Koten. Local therapy of cancer with free IL-2. Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy 57 : 931-950 (2008).

32. J.J.L. Jacobs, D. Characiejus, R.J. Scheper, R.J.E. Stewart, J.F.V. Tan, R. Tomova, Z. Krastev, W.Den Otter.

The Amiens Strategy: Small Phase III Trials for Clinically Relevant Progress in the War Against Cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology 27 : 3062-3 (2009).

33. R. Tomova, K. Antonov, A. Ivanova, J.J.L. Jacobs, J.W. Koten, W. Den Otter, Z. Krastev. Low-dose IL-2 therapy reduces HCV RNA and HBV DNA: case report. Anticancer Research 29 : 5241-4 (2010).

34. D. Characiejus, J. Hodzic, J.J.L. Jacobs. "First do no harm" and the importance of prediction in oncology. EPMA Journal 1 : 369-75 (2010).

35. R.J.E. Stewart, J.J.L. Jacobs, J.W. Koten, W. Den Otter. Local interleukin-2 therapy of bovine vulval papilloma and carcinoma complex. Veterinary Record 167 : 825-6 (2010).

36. J.J.L. Jacobs, D. Characiejus, V. Pašukonienė, F. Jankevičius, R.J.A. Van Moorselaar, M. Mauricas W. Den Otter. Recurrences of Superficial Bladder Carcinoma are Associated with a Raise of CD8highCD57+ and CD8low T Lymphocytes in Peripheral Blood. The Open Cancer Immunology Journal 3 : 8-14 (2010).

37. D. Characiejus, V. Pašukonienė, J.J.L. Jacobs, R. Eidukevičius, F. Jankevičius, N. Dobrovolskienė, M. Mauricas, R.J.A. Van Moorselaar, W. Den Otter. Prognostic significance of peripheral blood CD8highCD57+ lymphocytes in bladder carcinoma patients after intravesical IL-2. Anticancer Research in press (2011).

38. D. Characiejus, J.J.L. Jacobs, V. Pašukonienė, N. Kazlauskaitė, R.J.A. V. Danileviči, M. Mauricas, W. Den Otter. Prediction of clinical response in cancer immunotherapy. Anticancer Research in press (2011).

39. J.J.L. Jacobs, D. Characiejus, R. Tomova, J. Baran, J. Bubenik, M. Zembala, Z. Krastev, R.J. Scheper, G. Pawelec, W. Den Otter. Local, rather than systemic immunotherapy has therapeutic efficacy against metastasized cancer. Trends in Cancer Research invited manuscript submitted .

Other Publicatoins

▪ J.J.L. Jacobs (2003). Tumor immunologie: je afweer vecht tegen kanker {Tumour immunology, your immune system fights cancer]. kennislink.nl , natuurinformatie.nl en Mens en Wetenschap 30 (7-8) 421-5, 2003.

▪ J.J.L. Jacobs. Veiligheid voor de huid zonder dierenleed [Skin Safety without Animal suffering] kennislink.nl 2003.

▪ J.J.L. Jacobs. Ontsnappende virussen [Escaping Viruses]. kennislink.nl 2003.

▪ J.J.L. Jacobs. Valse Herinneringen [False Memories]. Skepter 17 (3): 44. 2004.

▪ J.J.L. Jacobs. Met evolutie kun je slimmer eiwitten ontwerpen! [Use evolution for better protein design] kennislink.nl 2004.

▪ J.J.L. Jacobs. ID (4). Bionieuws 15 (11) 3. 2005.

▪ J.J.L. Jacobs. Evolutie is intelligent design [Evolution is intelligent Design]. Ellips 30 (5) : 30. 2005.

▪ J.J.L. Jacobs. Domme constructies [Stupid Constructions]. Skepter 18 (3) : 45. 2005.

▪ J..J.L. Jacobs, G.S. Gooris, J.A. Bouwstra, M. Ponec. The development of skin lipid membrane devices based on synthetic skin lipid mixtures. Progress report of project: LGN.4654. Number 8. December 2005

▪ J.J.L. Jacobs. Ontslakken [Detoxification]. Skepter 19 (1) : 45. 2006.

Publicity & prices

PhD thesis

▪ J.J.L.Jacobs. Summary Thesis in Nieuwsbrief Nederlandse Vereniging voor Pathologie, december 2003.

▪ B. Rouwé. Varkensoren voor het konijn. Folia 57 (13) 28 november 2003: p.12-13.

▪ A. van Zuilen. Veilig zonder dieren. AMC magazine november 2003 57 (13): p.17.

▪ B. Rouwé. Varkensoren in plaats van konijnenrug. Dagblad de Limburger, 16 December 2003.

▪ I. Eggink. Huidtesten voor veiligheid. Telegraaf, 27 December 2003.

▪ Radio interview VPRO radio Noorderlicht. 25 November 2003 11.00-12.00.

▪ Radio interview L1 radio. 12 December 2003 11.00-11.30.

European Journal of Pharmaceutical Science (EJPS) best paper award 2004 for paper 12

For paper 20

▪ A. King (2005). IL-2 with radiotherapy: an effective treatment for late-stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Nature Clinical Practice Oncology 2 (10): 486.

▪ Nieuwe combinatietherapie vergroot overlevingskans neus-keelholtekanker. Persbericht Universiteit Utrecht, 2 November 2005.

▪ I. Eggink. Tumor platgespoten. Telegraaf, 12 November 2005.

▪ E. Houtsma. Kanker remedie blijft nog liefdewerk. AD Utrechts Nieuwsblad, 2 December 2005.


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