Loudoun County Public Schools / Overview

Underhand Rolling-Bowling RubricGrading ScaleSOLS Assessed: 1st Grade: 1.1c 2nd Grade: 2.1a 3rd Grade: 3.1a 4th Grade: 4.1 a 5th Grade: 5.2c and 5.1a4The student demonstrates proper technique in all 4 cues of Underhand rolling a bowling ball while using all 4 cues of a proper grip during a modified bowling game.3The student demonstrates proper technique in all 4 cues of Underhand rolling a bowling ball while using all 4 cues of a proper grip.2The student demonstrates proper technique in at least 3 cues of Underhand rolling a bowling ball while using at least 3 cues of a proper grip.1The student demonstrates proper technique or can verbally explain at least 2 of the 4 cues of Underhand rolling a bowling ball and at least 2 cues of a proper grip.Underhand Rolling-Bowling cues:Step with opposite foot Bend your kneesUse a Pendulum arm swingFollow though –smooth roll (no bounces)***Also looking for correct grip on bowling ball:2 middle fingers in hole Thumb in big holeOther 2 fingers not in holes Hand turned like Spiderman ready to rollFlexibility Rubric Grades 1 & 2Grading ScaleSOLS Assessed: 1st Grade: 1.1b 2nd Grade: 2.3c4The student shows demonstrates that they know the definition or can explain Flexibility AND can give at least 2 examples of stretches. 3The student shows demonstrates that they know the definition or can explain Flexibility AND can give at least 1 example of a stretch.2The student shows demonstrates that they know the definition or can explain Flexibility.1The student demonstrates that they can give or show at least 1 example of flexibility The students learned about Flexibility the last few weeks in PE class. They were given examples and practiced various stretches in class.Assessments: Can be given in oral, written or other forms used in class to verify the understanding of the material. We use the Focused Fitness Curriculum to help in some assessments.**See Focused Fitness Curriculum tab on my PE web page for a descriptionFlexibility: Muscles ability to move a joint through a full range of motion. Stretching is important to prevent injuries too. Ex: toe touch, triceps stretch (holding stretch for 10-15 seconds on each side of body and repeating 2-3 times)Intensity RubricGrading ScaleSOLS Assessed: 3rd Grade: 3.3d 4th Grade: 4.5g 5th Grade 5.5f4The student is able to identify all 5 intensity levels and give examples (activities/games etc.) of each level3The student is be able to identify all 5 intensity levels2The student is be able to identify at least 3 of the 5 intensity levels1The student is able to identify at least 1 of the 5 intensity levels 5 Intensity levels:1: sitting-low heart rate no sweating2: walking-low heart rate, little to no sweating3: fast walking-heart rate slightly, starting to sweat4: jogging-heart rate raised to THR (target heart rate), sweating, and uncomfortable to talk5: sprinting-burst of speed, heart rate high, cannot talk, sweating a lotThe students learned about Intensity the last few weeks of PE class. They were given examples and practiced the various levels in class to see the differences. We use the Focused Fitness Curriculum to help in some assessments.**See Focused Fitness Curriculum tab on my PE web page for a descriptionAssessments: Can be given in oral, written or other forms used in class to verify the understanding of the material ................

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