This is a problem - Healers Who Share


June, 2001 Page 2 of 2

|AMYGDALA COMPLETION - |The incomplete development of the Limbic kingpin causes the subject to override education and experience|

|BASOLATERAL NUCLEUS |to make incorrect decisions. The "wild side" predominates and there are continual teenager types of |

| |"wild" thinking and behavior. |

|AMYGDALA COMPLETION - BASOMEDIAL|Large need to be number one usually by attempts at dominance. Learning is inhibited by need to be |

|NUCLEUS |smarter or argumentative to prove his/her point. A loner because he/she often alienates the other |

| |children. Loyalty is usually subordinate to gaining superiority. Will turn on other students, teachers |

| |or even parents when feels independence or authority is challenged. The first child we found was deemed |

| |a sociopath and expelled from school. |

|AMYGDALA COMPLETION - CENTRAL |Causes decreased ability to emotionally express to and relate to others. Depending on possible |

|NUCLEUS |infections; (1) (with Bacteria Fragilis) fear of interfacing with others (2) (w/Rubella Malaise) fear of|

| |being judged. Blocks to abundance are a primary symptom, although the other nuclei can have other ways |

| |of blocking abundance. |

|AMYGDALA COMPLETION - CORTICAL |Can't stand to lose or be wrong. Can be highly competitive in select areas. Difficulty learning new. |

|NUCLEUS |Small retention. Inability to apply what is learned. |

|AMYGDALA COMPLETION - LATERAL |Causes multiple, irrational claustrophobic like fears. A reluctance or fear of letting self fully |

|NUCLEUS |develop is matched by remarkably clear understanding of the same potential in others. Self worth is |

| |known, but hard to acknowledge even to self. |

|AMYGDALA COMPLETION - MEDIAL |More bravado than reasoning. Like a born salesman, doesn't hear instructions well and does things of |

|NUCLEUS |his/her own creation (which sometimes works well). Difficulty concentrating like most of the other |

| |Amygdala completion remedies. A deep desire to be significant coupled with fears of being insignificant.|

| |With Chromomycosis there is an attitude that the world owes him or her, plus there is no desire to work |

| |and a pattern towards couch potato or video games and every inclination to live off others. With |

| |Chromomycosis, if you ask the person to do something of value there is indignation. With Coxsackie A, |

| |there is inclination to seedy (pornography) or criminal activities |

|AMYGDALA COMPLETION STALK |An incomplete Amygdala Stalk usually invokes some form of spiritual quest. It leaves a desire to find a |

| |greater union with whatever the subject defines as God. The incomplete amygdala stalk creates a sense of|

| |incompleteness and gap in the deepest level of feeling. There is a yearning for a sense of connectedness|

| |that we intellectually know is already there, Yet the subject willingly pursues the emotion of it |

| |through spiritual or religious acts. Most people in ecclesiastical positions have this. Most devout |

| |religious followers have this. Most in the spiritual side of metaphysics have this. The remedy is |

| |designed to help the achievement of knowing and feeling your connection. |

|ADRENAL COMPLETION |In addition to difficulties with energies, the issue affects libido and sexual performance. People who have the|

| |condition often have trouble making commitments. |

|EPINEPHRINE ENCEPHALOPATHY |The degeneration of the epinephrine synthesizing cell creates frayed nerves, a form of encephalopathy that |

| |affects all nerves throughout the body. All healing uses adrenaline. |

|EPINEPHRINE REVERSAL DISEASE |Epinephrine (AKA Adrenaline) is a neurotransmitter and a hormone that acts on all body tissue. All the |

| |functions that the adrenaline promoted before are reversed by this disease, including energy, digestion, nerve |

| |functions in ears and genitals and weight control. All healing uses adrenaline. |

|CLITORIS COMPLETION |Lack of arousal makes lack of sexual stimulation and disappointing sexual experiences. It is reasonable that |

| |women will therefore develop a lack of interest in sex or an avoidance of sexual encounters. This is analogous |

| |to Penile Completion in men. |

|MAMMARY GLAND COMPLETION |Breasts often do not achieve full size when the cells are not fully developed at birth. During pregnancy there |

| |will be considerable stimulation to the milk glands and other glands that make up the breast which will cause |

| |the normal increase in size. It is not uncommon that breasts will substantially shrink during and after |

| |breast-feeding. |

|OVARY COMPLETION |Low libido plus a life somewhat built around creating reasons to avoid sex (sickness, various system failures, |

| |constant precarious conditions that might be upset). |

|PITUITARY COMPLETION |At birth the growth of the pituitary was not complete, which leaves it weak until finished. This formula helps |

| |to finish the unfinished process. All pituitary remedies will work better after this is completed. |

|SKENE CARCINOMA COMPLEX |The Skene gland emits vaginal fluid for lubrication and orgasms. Its underdevelopment is widespread (see Skene |

| |Completion) which makes it a strong candidate for carcinoma and malfunction. This is a common menopause |

| |irritation and a participant in female frequent urination. The Skene gland and Prostate are seen as analogous. |

|SKENE COMPLETION |Incomplete development of the skene gland (in women) causes a low sexual response with varying small response |

| |to the "G Spot" stimulation because of the underdevelopment of erectile tissue. Often the absence of sexual |

| |interest turns to anger about men with claims that men are overly sexually motivated. The development of the |

| |skene gland, often called the parallel to the prostate, seems to equalize sexual interest and male/female |

| |compatibility. |

|THECA CELL COMPLETION |Usually a girlhood phenomena which causes bedwetting. Theca cells line ovaries. |

|UTERUS COMPLETION |Feels unsafe in emotional issues. Security is highly emphasized. |

|ADRENAL COMPLETION |In addition to difficulties with energies, the issue affects libido and sexual performance. People who have the|

| |condition often have trouble making commitments. |

|EPINEPHRINE ENCEPHALOPATHY |The degeneration of the epinephrine synthesizing cell creates frayed nerves, a form of encephalopathy, which |

| |affects all nerves throughout the body. All healing uses adrenaline. |

|EPINEPHRINE REVERSAL DISEASE|Epinephrine (AKA Adrenaline) is a neurotransmitter and a hormone that acts on all body tissue. All the |

| |functions that the adrenaline promoted before are reversed by this disease, including energy, digestion, nerve |

| |functions in ears and genitals and weight control. All healing uses adrenaline. |

|PENIS COMPLETION |The remedy is rarely needed. Most issues of penis development and the size of the penis are determined by |

| |adrenal enzymes. |

|PITUITARY COMPLETION |At birth the growth of the pituitary was not complete, which leaves it weak until finished. This formula helps |

| |to finish the unfinished process. All pituitary remedies will work better after this is completed. |

|PROSTATE COMPLETION |The prostate was not fully developed at birth. |

|SERTOLI CELL COMPLETION |Usually a boyhood phenomena which causes bedwetting. Sertoli cells line testicles. |

|TESTICLE COMPLETION |Incomplete testicles cause incomplete transfer of testosterone and diminished male drive. Male sexual |

| |characteristics may be diminished (hair, penis). Sertoli Cells may also be diminished. |



(with range of bottles needed)

Amygdala Completion

(Self Finding) 6

Amygdala Completion

Basolateral 6

Amygdala Completion

Basomedial 6

Amygdala Completion

Central Nucleus 6

Amygdala Completion

Cortical Nucleus 6

Amygdala Completion

Lateral Nucleus 6

Amygdala Completion

Medial Nucleus 6

Appendix Completion

(Cravings) 6

Brain Stem Completion 6

Clitoris Completion 6

Duodenum Completion 6

Hippocampus Completion 6

Kidney Completion 6

Mammary Gland Completion 6

Nerve Completion 6

Nerve Source 6

Neural Tube Completion 6

Prostate Completion 6

Pituitary Completion 6

Skene Gland Completion 6

Sertoli Cells Completion 6

Testicle Completion 6

Theca Cell Completion 6

Thymus Completion 6

Thyroid Completion 6

If you want to progress in life, you’ll need all of your parts . . . fully developed.

It is a well-known phenomenon in current science that some organs do not fully develop at birth. Finishing the development with these remedies offers opportunities for major changes in life.

As we develop this group of remedies, people report subtle, yet substantial changes. In general the changes include:

• Expansion of expression

• Feeling like they are released from some form of inner jail

• Corrections of flawed expressions that led them away from where they wanted to go

• A feeling they are becoming more whole.


The amygdala is part of the limbic system. According to Wikipedia, The limbic system “supports a variety of functions, including emotion, behavior, motivation, long-term memory, and olfaction. It appears to be primarily responsible for our emotional life, and has a great deal to do with the formation of memories”.


If both amygdalas are not fully developed, the subject develops an attachment disorder. The subject cannot find their calling in life. Accordingly we released the remedy with another name, Self Finding.

If just one (or more) of the nuclei did not develop, the subject showed (1) gaps in their perception (2) compensating development of personality for the physical gaps (3) inability to learn select social behavior or inability to concentrate on certain subjects (4) a sundry of fears that shaped the personality, often to their detriment. The undeveloped nucleus removes the substance that anchors emotionally based perception and learning.

Incomplete nuclei often attract infections. We find an unexpected high rate of non-venereal syphilis infections – Bejel, Pinta, Yaws - that don’t test as present in the body at all, except when tested to be in a specific nucleus. Many standard bacteria, viruses and fungi form in these nuclei, changing the nature of the emotional deficit.






Incomplete organs are rampant in the genital area of both males and females. Incomplete genital parts are the basis for low libidos and sexual incompatibilities.

Men with incomplete testicles can’t process the testosterone needed for male characteristics. Incomplete prostates spell little initiative and smaller penises.

Women with incomplete clitoris have trouble reaching orgasms and describe sex as annoying. An incomplete skene gland spells smaller identity with the feminine nature.

In both instances, incomplete genital parts are invitations to infection and disease. An incomplete organ is always subject to disease and expression of cellular diseases.






We have previously acknowledged the astonishing drain of sex drive and libido involved with childbirth. Loss of hair is often a trademark of this form (along with the LED infection). We find the normal drive returns by rebuilding the adrenals. The knowledge of what pregnancy/birth/rearing takes is diminisher in itself. We see the childbirth, child raising and financial strains of children as the largest cause of libido and drive loss.

Countless wives have confided they wish they had more sex drive, but it just isn’t there. The normal identifying sign is the complaint that men are simply oversexed. Although that complaint is ages old, it was consistent with the women we found with incomplete growth issues.

In one case, the woman had children just to keep her husband off her case. She was erratic in behavior and demeanor, always had health reasons not to have sex and was simply not altogether. We were alarmed to find that her daughter had similar incompletions as she entered puberty.

Another thought that marriage might be a good idea, but was fearful of the sexual “obligations”, instead of anticipating the fulfillment. After taking the Uterus Completion she married a minister.

The “newest kid on the block” is Skene Completion. Coupled with the G-Spot, this gland is so small in many women, that they even doubt that it exists. In other women it provides sexual explosions with squirting orgasms that makes sex desirable and very fulfilling.



Men talk less about sexual inadequacies. They are only participating in the discovered remedies when told the remedies carry potential to improve frequency and performance. Perhaps we should have named them Stud 1 and Stud 2 and Stud 3 to match the reticence. With inadequacies, they either hook up with a woman who has similar small desire or couple with women who make them submissive. When confronted with inadequacies, men are more likely to end the relationship than find a solution.

Alarmingly, many boys are born these days with sexual apparatus not fully developed. It is best to find these incompletions as children and use the remedies before a male mystique takes over. The common symptom of boys and men is lack of interest in the opposite sex. It is hard to distinguish that symptom from homosexuality, which is not based on incomplete growth of male parts.


In females with Theca Cells incomplete and males with Sertoli cells incomplete, there is usually a history of bed wetting. Later in life these same cells will deteriorate more easily, giving need for Rogue Cell Complex-Female and Rogue Cell Complex-Male.

There is evidence that these cells travel far from the genitals. We have found a Thecoma in the pituitary causing extraordinary height. In one child who had extreme problems with bed wetting, our first real clue came when we found the European mother to be 6’4’.

The M/F Completion remedies constitute strong answers for the countless questions/ complaints we receive about low libido.


After the Kinsey reports in the 50s there was more open discussion and the non-children causes of diminished interest surfaced. The advent of estrogens in the environment and the purposeful suppression by water fluoridation explain some of the other decline. It is also clear since the Bilderberg papers of the 70s that there is a concerted effort to reduce world population by any means possible. Fertility is a major target.



If the appendix is not complete at birth, it induces a substance abuse propensity. Because the connection is not well known we are testing the remedy under the name, Cravings. It will most likely be prone to appendicitis early in life.

Even if the appendix is removed, the craving continues and can still be reduced by the remedy. Don’t ask us to explain the “how” of the phenomena because we haven’t got a clue. We are just happy to find the connection and the solution.


Following the pyloric valve of the stomach is the duodenum. There are digestion problems when the duodenum is incomplete Duodenum Completion revealed that people who need this remedy have strong characteristics of using other people. Sometimes it is living in another’s house for extended periods, rent free. Sometimes it is getting parents to pay for many wants. Often it is a myriad of favors and small impositions that serve the manipulator.

A Small Intestine Completion remedy was also created with little insightful feedback.



Earlier we reviewed the effect of Amygdala completion remedies. Beside the amygdala and partially coupled with it is the Hippocampus. It belongs to the limbic system and plays important roles in the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory and spatial navigation. Humans and other mammals have two hippocampi, one in each side of the brain.

If it is incomplete at birth the reasoning that involves memory is difficult and the subject becomes “scatterbrained”. We demurely still call the remedy Hippocampus Completion


Thymus Gland Completion was one of our 1st completion gland remedies. It is included in the remedy Thymus Build.

If a mother is born with a weak thymus it is likely her child will have Autism or Asperger’s.

The gland is now nicknamed the “disappearing gland” because it withers away and shrinks considerably by age 50. It is easy to understand why we call Alzheimer’s, “Adult Onset Autism”.




There are 12 cranial nerves emanating from the brain and brain stem. Cranial nerves exchange information between the brain and parts of the body, primarily to and from regions of the head and neck. Their functions are listed above. If these nerves are not fully developed, there are hundreds of functions and coordinations that could not fully come together. We made Cranial Nerve Completion to finish the development. One lady took the remedies and found herself somewhat stumbling and brushing into walls in the initial week (and not thereafter). The unexpected healing reaction emphasizes how many parts of the body are affected by cranial nerves, far surpassing the above summary.



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