This is a problem - Healers Who Share


June, 2001 Page 2 of 2

There is a condition that may compound all the pituitary remedies.

A condition called Lymphocytic Hypophysitis is an inherited infiltration by lymphocytes that causes pituitary swelling. All endocrine glands fed or stimulated by the pituitary function less, especially the thyroid. Growth is often stunted. Prolactin levels increase, which increases breast size for women and men. The swelling is more common in women and most frequently appears post-partum. The swelling can be extensive enough to compress the optical chiasm and black out portions of the vision on one or both sides. Symptoms are often missing or vague, but can include headaches, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, decreased libido, dysmenorrhea and diabetes insipidus. Advanced cases may need Lymphocytic Hypophysitis Complex.

As we used these remedies in 2007 and 2008 we discovered there are other Pituitary hormones. We have pictured and described the known and accepted hormones of today’s science. To suggest there are more than those commonly acknowledged by science as the whole picture is controversial. To depict 4 new hormones in the Pituitary borders on heresy relevant to commonly held beliefs. To be very clear so that no one is led astray, this is not commonly held science. In its infancy, the findings should be explored as a postulate instead of a truth. We invented the names to describe the activity and are exploring their most effective use.


First of all, we need to know the reason why this area is so important. The pituitary is:

1) The gate for most of the hormones that affect reproduction without which we would not be here.

2) The gate for hormones of sexuality which are also the hormones of canoodling, dating and mating. That means these hormones are the basis of libido, drive in life function, love and protection. Apathy is the consequence of their lack. If a person often says “whatever” then you will find the hormones are in trouble.

3) The gate of a pleasant menopause/andropause or the cause of hell on wheels. Poor communication, lack of respect, nasty divorces and even murder can often be traced to hormone problems that start in the pituitary.

4) The location of some splitting headaches (the distant # 2 cause of migraines).

5) The gate of the secondary cause of aging and the look of aging. Strong wrinkles and sagging flesh are always accompanied by pituitary problems.

6) The optic chasm flows just above the pituitary. Vision problems are often related to a swelling pituitary.

7) The blocking point for hormones that would otherwise help the body metabolize. Most “midriff weight” is associated with pituitary problems.

8) The location of the “3rd eye”. Your light diminishes with pituitary problems.



The brain is the center of the hormone cascade, which in current science, is centered in the Pituitary and Hypothalamus. The pituitary is so small (about the size of the end of your little finger), but for such a small area, so much can get so complicated. Multiple neurological and hormone books are written about this one area, so we present the following as a thumbnail sketch of what is to be learned.

Lumps on the pituitary – that often crowd into the function of the Hypothalamus – are very common. We find that lumps grow as a symptom of a deeper issue and have long searched for that illusive deeper issue. Scientific books do not have the same observation of lumps and therefore have not searched for the deeper cause.



Brain Stem


Lumps in the pituitary follow the pattern of all other lumps in the body. When an area is weakened, it consolidates cells in an attempt to consolidate function. Weakness can be caused by infection, miasms and sometimes parasites and chemicals. When the consolidation is made, we call it a “lump” (pardon the plain language). All lumps have a miasmic basis. When a retrovirus joins the lump, we see the ingredients of a tumor. The research has traced many problems back to the pituitary. The major question becomes, “Why are there so many problems with the pituitary?”

To summarize 5 years of research, we find there are pituitary inherited diseases and there are hormone function lumps. The pituitary diseases weaken the pituitary in a way that weakens the hormone function. The weakened organ and weakened hormone function easily causes fertile ground for pituitary hormone lumps. In the very astute language of yesteryear, the pituitary is subject to a double whammy.



Just as common infections can become miasms, so can the same infections constitute a disease. For instance, the same fungus that causes S.A.D. in the Pineal gland can cause a disease in the Pituitary. For reasons we can only speculate about, these diseases are related to the Thymus and exist simultaneously in the Pituitary and Thymus. Accordingly we call this group of remedies the Pituitary/Thymus series. For ease of use we refer to them as PT Arbo, PT Blanca, etc., using the ending part to refer to the base cause.

In 2007/2008 we know little of the particulars and must refer to energy testing to pick the right pituitary disease. Below is our beginning description of the ones we have made so far.

PT Arbo is related to the Arbo virus. Arbo means Arthropod Borne (meaning a flying critter like a mosquito). PT Aspergillus affects swelling conditions like the fungus it is named after. It seems to most affect the newly discovered hormone, Metabolin (see Metabolin Complex). PT Blanca refers to the infections of the white matter of nerves, like polio is an infection of the grey matter of the nerves. PT Borna is most related to a virus usually found in the pons of the brain which exaggerates emotions, depending on what it combines with. In the Pituitary this may cause a type A personality. PT Chordopox refers to a parent virus of other poxes, but little is known about its symptoms. PT Coccoides is a surprise disease of the pituitary. The fungus is well-known to cause Valley Fever and S.A.D., but we know little of how to recognize it in the pituitary. PT Conidiophore would invite a number of fungus conditions to both the pituitary and Thymus. PT Coxsackie A represents a puzzle because we often see Coxsackie A binding pituitary tumors, but no one has yet figured what the source of this pesky virus is. Coxsackie As often are the cause of what looks like herpes of the lip and Coxsackie A19 is the cause of “hoof and mouth” disease. PT Cytochrome helps link oxygen to heme and therefore helps oxygenation issues for troubled tissue. It especially helps eye muscles. PT Diphtheria/Coccoides is often found around weight problems. PT Diphtheria/Staph is linked with elastin issues that cause stria (stretch marks). PT Escherichia is linked to the bacteria E. coli and seems to make liver and kidneys especially prone to infection. PT Herpes # 25 is very experimental. Not only is the virus not yet recognized in science as an existing version of the herpes family, we most connect it to Spongiform Encephalitis of many animals like cows, deer, sheep, and fleas which are “mysterious” to-current-science crossover infections to people. PT Gonorrhea carries the normal propensity of Gonorrhea to expand. The swelling was found to pressure the ocular nerve. PT Influenza is linked to infections in the spleen and to sodium irregularities. PT Leprosy is found with many conditions of slow wasting. Often it is found when Syphilinum/Chlamydinum/ Leprosy is found in the liver.


(with range of mega bottles needed)














PT HERPES #25 5-6





















HERPES #13 5-6









PT Measles is a condition we are most used to seeing in the nervous system. In the pituitary we can only surmise a connection to the posterior pituitary’s connection to the brain stem. PT Measles/Rubella is most associated with Thyroid problems and macroprolactin issues stemming from the pituitary. PT Mumps usually affects ovaries or testicles. PT Mumps/Measles was first found with vascular problems – shrinking, withering or stenosing. PT Non-venereal Syphilis includes Bejel, Pinta and Yaws. PT Oligosaccharide will often involve sugar digestion and circulation problems. PT Paramyxovirus is associated with the parent virus to Mumps which is associated with complications to ovaries and testicles in adults. PT Parapox has little information behind it. We often find PT Pinta combined with Pinta infections of the brain. PT Pseudotuberculosis is often linked with Add-On Pseudotuberculosis and is found consistently with dysmorphic bone growth. PT Retrovirus is another mystery to us. We see the virus associated with tumors and bones, but we do not understand the association to the pituitary. We have seen instances in which bones crumble because of pituitary problems and have associated it with Growth Hormone problems. PT Rubella is related to so-called childhood diseases, pregnancy risks and nerves. PT Rubella 2 so far has been found with thyroid problems and affecting the pituitary’s Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. PT Smallpox could carry deficiencies in the spine and functions of the brain. PT Smallpox/Herpes #13 so far has been most connected to skin and aging wrinkles. PT Syphilis has loosely related to frontal hair loss and we suspect for more. PT Treponema is spirochetal and therefore related most to nerves. PT Tuberculosis often links with Add-On Tuberculosis to form what appears as bone crumbling. We have seen multiple links to bone trouble with this remedy. PT Varicella is associated with Chicken Pox, which is associated with shingles and diabetes. PT Yaws represents a subtle spirochete disease with a long history or relevancy to mental scrambles. PT Yellow Fever rings bells about diabetes. PT Yersinia is synonymous with the bacteria of the Black Plague.

The first two-year reports were consistent in one regard. When the remedy was finished subjects realized they had a mild pressure on their pituitary most of their lives that was gone when they finished the remedy.

Some of the subjects reported what they described as a vague feeling of “better” after finishing the PT remedy. It may not be the PT remedy, but what they took with the PT remedy that impressed them as better.

Some subjects felt pressure in either or both their forehead and chest. It was an alarm for some until they realized what part of their body was where. Then it was a confirmation that the remedy was working.

We learned that there are certain cells that share more than the Pituitary and Thymus. These cells harken back to the development of the fetus where the cells were also shared by the parathyroid and thyroid. It is taking more time than expected to get full feed-back on the effect of the remedies.

In general the healing using this “top-down” basic principle of homeopathic healing felt more complete. We doubled the number of remedies we started with and feel like something of a Pandora’s Box was opened. We are looking for ways to simplify the choices.



As the pituitary is weakened by members of the Pituitary/Thymus Series, it becomes more common to grow hormone function-related lumps on the pituitary. These lumps starve or alter the hormones of the endocrine glands below the pituitary (the “hormone cascade”, as it is called). Below is a picture representation of most of the pituitary hormone functions discovered by science so far (6/08) plus three new hormones we discovered in 2008. We are still learning how to spot symptoms of the new hormones and have described what we have seen so far.



First we have diseases that weaken the pituitary. That alone is enough to weaken hormone function. After 5 years of research we found that a “pro hormone” called Pro-Opiomelanocorticotropin is actually a precursor of all the pituitary hormones, instead of just the Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone, for which it is named. When this pro hormone weakens by miasm or infection, it is the trigger for most any pituitary hormone lump to grow.

All of the pituitary hormones can also create carcinomas of the specific hormone inside the Pituitary. For instance, an Adrenocorticotropin hormone can create an Adrenocorticotropin carcinoma in the pituitary. The carcinomas create a somewhat separate, but related disease in the pituitary.

Both the lump and the carcinoma can attract a retrovirus and we have a not-so-comfortable mess for the subject. If just one hormone function goes off, it can affect all the hormone functions crowded inside this pea-sized organ. It is like squeezing one too many grapes in a jar. Something has to give. More often it is not just one something that gives. Notice how often people have urinary urgency later in life and notice that the ADH hormone, which stimulates urination, is located in this pituitary container. And that’s just one example.

We don’t know how current science handles this group of issues or if they can handle it at all. With Vibrational remedies we are in a unique position to design comprehensive remedies that currently exists only in science fiction. Thankfully, this is not fiction. For each hormone we created a remedy for:

1) The lump remedy of the hormone

2) The carcinoma remedy of the hormone

3) A retrovirus that fits both the lump and the carcinoma

4) A remedy for the pro hormone breakdown

As an example, the Prolactin Complex includes (1) Prolactinoma (2) Prolactin Carcinoma (3) A retrovirus for both 1 & 2 (4) Pro-Opiomelanocortin breakdown and disease remedies. As another example, the Adrenocorticotropin Complex includes (1) Adrenocorticotropinoma (2) Adrenocorticotropin Carcinoma (3) A retrovirus for both 1 & 2 (4) Pro-Opiomelanocortin breakdown and disease remedies.

The remedies do not have Coxsackie As or other complications built into them. Each must be chosen from the Lumps and Bumps chart.

For instance, there may be a need for a Coxsackie A 3, Coxsackie A 8, Strep Fungus A, and Bacteria Fragilis that should accompany one of the complexes. There may be other combinations of additions with each of the lumps.

There may be more than one complex needed at a time. According to autopsies, the most common lumps are Prolactinomas and Adrenocorticotropinomas. The two together might need three Coxsackie A s, one or two bacteria and even a couple fungi remedies to unlock the whole package. See check list in Lumps and Bumps section.

Just as we find with other lumps, there may be parasites that join in the mix. It is not uncommon to see a miniature tapeworm install itself in the pituitary stalk (at the top of the pituitary). Critter Be Gone will eradicate all such parasites.


(with range of mega bottles needed)

Adrenocorticotropin Complex 6

Antidiuretic Hormone Complex 6

D Hormone Complex 6

Follicle Stimulating Hormone

Complex 6

Growth Hormone (Stimulating

Hormone) Complex 6

Hepcidin Macrophage Complex 6

Herpes #12 Complex 6

Interstitial Hormone Complex 6

Leutenizing Hormone Complex 6

Lipotropin Hormone Complex 6

Macroprolactin Hormone

Complex 6

Macroadenoma Complex 6

Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone

Complex 6

Metabolin Complex 6

Neurin Complex 6

Neurod Complex 6

Oxytocin Hormone Complex 6

Prolactin Complex 6

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

Complex 6


Adrenocorticotropin Complex would be common to see with Addison’s Disease, Adrenoleukodystrophy 1, Adrenoleukodystrophy 2, Cushings Inherited, Cushings Acquired. These diseases of the adrenals would draw on the feeding pituitary so strongly that the pituitary could easily be thrown into lumps of the hormone that feed the adrenals.

Antidiuretic Hormone Complex might come into play when there are kidney problems and high blood pressure problems. Polycystic Kidney Disease, Pyelitis, Vessel Degeneration, and Medullary Sponge Kidney are examples of diseases that may strain the pituitary–feeding hormones for the kidneys.

D Hormone Complex is explained on the next page.

Follicle Stimulating Hormone Complex is a gonad stimulating hormone and would be seen relative to ovarian problems and testicular problems. The presence of a Leiomyoma lump on the ovaries might be an indicator. Long term use of birth control pills might be another indicator. Uterine bleeding has sometimes been associated with FSH.

Growth Hormone Stimulating Hormones Complex could be seen around bone and muscle problems. Stunted growth form Epithelial Myeloma of bones impaired by radiation might be indicators.


Hepcidin Macrophage Complex is for the anterior pituitary hormone that regulates Ferritin (the usable form of iron) in the thyroid. Impairment of the function stops thyroid from many functions.

Herpes #12 Complex attacks Hepcidin, adding to the iron deficiency and low thyroid combination so often seen.


Interstitial Hormone Complex is not pictured in the drawing. It refers to male testes stimulation from the Cells of Leydig for the production of testosterone. Little is known about the causation and little has ever been done about this possible lump because little is known about the mechanism.

Leutenizing Hormone Complex is a gonad stimulating hormone and would be seen relative to ovarian problems and testicular problems. Uterine bleeding has sometimes been associated with FSH.

Lipotropin Hormone Complex is not pictured in the drawing. This is currently controversial and unproven, but may relate to hormones like Amylin from the pancreas that release or utilize fat for energy. See also remedies for Amylin based on pancreas deficiencies. The hormone is involved in a variety of sugar breakdowns.

It is common to need more than one of these Complexes in a single pituitary. The remedies are designed to be able to use together as needed.

In exhaustion issues it is common to use Adrenocorticotropin Complex and Macroprolactin Complex.

In problems with becoming pregnant it is common to use Lipotropin Hormone Complex with Follicle Stimulating Hormone Complex.

In high blood pressure issues you may find Adrenocorticotropin Complex with Antidiuretic Hormone Complex.

Post pregnancy issues may reveal in Lipotropin Hormone Complex with Follicle Stimulating Hormone Complex with Adrenocorticotropin Complex and possibly Oxytocin Hormone Complex. Remember in the previous material that the extreme exhaustion after delivery of a child may be the starting point of a hormone imbalance that will be reflected in the pituitary as well as the adrenals.


Macroprolactin and Prolactin Complexes are frankly not explainable as the most common lumps seen in autopsies. As seen in the drawing prolactin is known to feed the health of breasts and milk glands, while Oxytocin is to help the production of milk for breast feeding. Nevertheless, either of these are common to see with other lumps. Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone Complex would be seen with skin issues and nerve issues.

Metabolin Hormone Complex is explained on the next page.

Neurin Complex is explained on the next page

Neurod Complex is explained on the next page.

Oxytocin Hormone Complex is officially related to the smooth muscle contraction of the uterus during pregnancy. There is indication that this may be overworked during pregnancy and leave fat and wasted muscle on the body in the aftermath of pregnancy.

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Complex may be seen with a variety of thyroid issues. It is generally not the cause of thyroid problems but the result of thyroid issues. We see the thyroid as an extension of the thymus and are pursuing thyroid answers as ancillary. Many thyroid problems are caused by foods, municipal water and toothpastes.


D Hormone Complex would be thought to be the exclusive domain of the gall bladder in current belief. Indeed we found that Hypophosphatemia Familial Type 6 helps unleash Vitamin (hormone) D3. Yet the real control lies in the anterior pituitary. D Hormone (vitamin) is valuable for bone health and is often thought to be gathered by the sunlight. It may be so that the sunlight alone does the invoking. However, the Optic Chasm runs over the top of the Pituitary and the Pituitary is well known to be affected by light (as is the Pineal gland). When sunlight hurts the eyes there may be a need for this complex. D Hormone is also a food for genitals.

Metabolin Complex is linked to a metabolin hormone in the anterior Pituitary. There is evidence that the kidneys invoke hormone making from the bones. The kidneys make a Lipolytic Stimulating Hormone to invoke a lipolytic hormone from the bones.

There is long evidence that the pituitary directly affects bones. This newly named hormone invokes digesting enzymes from bones that are carried by the blood. Without this bone-made hormone, many proteins act like fat in the body.

Nerves are still a frontier subject in today’s science. In the posterior pituitary (Neurohypophyse) we find cells we call Neurods emitting hormones we call Neurin. Neurods are like other centers within the pituitary that produce hormones. Neurin is a nerve-feeding hormone that provides health to nerves and sustains their activity.

We have long puzzled why some with nerve diseases get well and others seem to never recover even though the originating cause of the nerve disease is antidoted. We are exploring the health of the Neurods with Neurod Complex and the health of the nerve sustainer with Neurin Complex.

The nerve research got more interesting with the discovery of what we call “Neuroneurds”. The name is designed to suggest that all through your nervous system are small centers (like lymph nodes in lymph channels). These centers are neurd-like mini brains that have intelligence. We have all experienced a “knowing’ of something through seemingly every cell in our bodies. This may be the mechanism.

We found these Neuroneurds can be infected and strongly affect your “knowing”. Not yet listed in our master User Guide are the remedies Neuroneurd Ergot, Neuroneurd Leprosy, Neuroneurd Measles, Neuroneurd Paramyxo Disease, Neuroneurd Rubella, Neuroneurd Syphilis, Neuroneurd Varicella (Chicken Pox) Neuroneurd Strep, Neuroneurd Staph. The tests are too few to draw dependable conclusions from so far. The people who have experienced them describe the healing as one of the deepest of their lives.

Add description of new complexes.

Add neuroneurds and



Discoveries in 2009 identified the Lateral Nucleus of the Hypothalamus as responsible for synthesizing the Growth Hormones. If this body is not functioning correctly the pituitary is starved for its needed growth hormones and will consequently easily develop growths. We developed a remedy with a catchy name of Lateral Nucleus Growth Hormone Synthesis Disease. This is the cause of endometriosis.

In some cases this area does not function well from the beginning. It causes all the endocrine glands to suffer and the subject is always having hormonal problems. In severe cases there can be seizures for lack of hormones. Several people stopped having seizures after taking this remedy.

In our constant research on the cause of weight, we found that the Lateral Nucleus dysfunction is part of the problem and that alteration of the pituitary function of hormone processing is the other half of the equation. We developed these remedies that include LNGHSD, Pituitary Growth Hormone Synthesis Complex #1, Pituitary Growth Hormone Synthesis Complex #2, Pituitary Growth Hormone Synthesis Complex #3, Pituitary Growth Hormone Synthesis Complex #4, and Pituitary Growth Hormone Synthesis Complex #5.

During the Hypothalamus research for weight answers, we found that the Ventromedial Nucleus controls the Gonadotropins. Some belief circles believe that gonadotropins control the weight by controlling the caloric factor. We developed Choriogonadotropin Alteration Disease #1 for general weight gain and Choriogonadotropin Alteration Disease #2 for weight concentrating in hips. As of this writing there has been no feedback on the success of these remedies.


(with range of mega bottles needed)

Choriogonadotropin Alteration

Disease #1 6

Choriogonadotropin Alteration

Disease #2 6

Lateral Nucleus Growth Hormone

Synthesis Disease 6

Pituitary Growth Hormone

Synthesis Complex #1-5 6



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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