Appointments: Manual Booking using [ALT-M] in conjunction ...

FASP Obstetric Reporting Module

The FASP reporting module consists of the Early, Dating and Growth Scan forms from the basic obstetric module plus modified Anatomy and Detailed Forms. The Anatomy and Detailed forms have been modified to allow the collection of the data required by FASP.

REPORTING AND SONOGRAPHER MODE is recommended for users who are responsible for typing and printing Obstetric reports. CRIS will automatically display / highlight the most appropriate screens and buttons.

Please also be aware that this CRIB sheet has been written in conjunction with the latest Obstetric Ultrasound Scan Forms specified by the North West Obstetric Clinical Reference Group (CRG) and is the default Obstetric Ultrasound Package for the CRIS System. The [F4] Help Lists are configurable and may therefore differ on each installation based on CRG requirements.

When entering details via Obstetric Ultrasound Reports, values can be left blank and the field title will not be printed.


To select from the options in each drop down list use [F4] or double click. Select the value you want and [Enter] or double click.



|Scan Reason |Amniocentesis |

| |New Anomaly |

| |Booking |

| |Bleeding |

| |See Comments |

| |CVS |

| |Diabetic |

| |Dating |

| |Fetal Study |

| |Growth |

| |Medical Disorder |

| |Prev Fetal Abnorm |

| |Poor Obs History |

| |Pain |

| |Prev Obs History |

| |Reassurance |

| |Rescan Anomaly |

| |Transfer Booker |

| |Twins |

| |Viability |

|Method |TA + TV |

| |Trans Abdominal |

| |Trans Vaginal |

|Uterus |Not Checked |

| |Bulky |

| |Normal |

|Endometrium |Abnormal |

| |Normal |

| |Thickened |

| |Thin |

|Endometrial thickness (mm) |Enter in mm. |

|Sac diameter (mm) | |

|Gestation Sac |More Than One |

| |Not Present |

| |Present |

|Sac Site |Abnormal |

| |Cervical |

| |Cornual |

| |Ectopic |

| |Normal |

|Shape |Irregular |

| |Regular |

|Yolk Sac |See Comments/ Seen/ Not Seen |

|Fetal Pole | |

|Fetal Heartbeat |More Than One |

| |Not Present |

| |Present |

|Adnexa |See Comments/ Seen/ Not Seen |

|Free Fluid | |


Enter CRL (mm) and press [Enter] to display Gestational Age by CRL and then EDD date.

Please note: If the EDD date is removed at this point the EDD on future scan forms will have to be manually entered.

To type additional comments left click beneath [pic] and begin typing.




|Scan Reason |Amniocentesis |

| |New Anomaly |

| |Booking |

| |Bleeding |

| |See Comments |

| |CVS |

| |Diabetic |

| |Dating |

| |Fetal Study |

| |Growth |

| |Medical Disorder |

| |Prev Fetal Abnorm |

| |Poor Obs History |

| |Pain |

| |Prev Obs History |

| |Reassurance |

| |Rescan Anomaly |

| |Transfer Booker |

| |Twins |

| |Viability |

|Scan Method |TA + TV |

| |Trans Abdominal |

| |Trans Vaginal |

|Fetal Heartbeat |More Than One |

| |Not Present |

| |Present |

|Adnexa |See Comments/ Seen/ Not Seen |

|Placenta |Anterior |

| |Fundal |

| |Left Lateral |

| |Posterior |

| |Right Lateral |

|Chorionicity |MA / DC |

| |DA / DC |

| |MA / MC |

|NT (mm) |Enter in mm. |

|Sac Diameter (mm) | |


Please note: The Anatomy date field is only designed as a guide to assist in planning future appointments. This defaults to 20 weeks but can be changed to allow you to calculate any date. It is not stored on the report and is only accurate once the EDD has been entered. Forms can also be configured to not print EDD or suggested rescan date.

To type additional comments left click beneath [pic] and begin typing.




|Fetal Heartbeat |More Than One |

| |Not Present |

| |Present |

|Presentation |Breech |

| |Breech Legs Extended |

| |Footling Breech |

| |Breech Maternal Left |

| |Breech Maternal Right |

| |Cephalic |

| |Cephalic Maternal Left |

| |Cephalic Maternal Right |

| |Head to Mat. Left |

| |Oblique Lie |

| |Heat to Mat. Right |

| |Transverse Lie |

| |Vertical |

|Fetal Movements |See Comments/ Seen/ Not Seen |

|Stomach/ Diaphragm | |

|Kidneys | |

|Bladder | |

|Placenta |Anterior |

| |Fundal |

| |Left Lateral |

| |Posterior |

| |Right Lateral |

|Site |Abutting OS |

| |Clear of OS |

| |Covering OS |

| |Low, clear of OS |

| |Low Lying |

| |Overlying OS |

| |See Comments |

| |Touching OS |

|Liquor Volume |Low – Additional fields will appear to complete AFI values. |

| |Normal |

| |Oligohydramnios – Additional fields will appear to complete AFI values. |

| |Polyhydramnios – Additional fields will appear to complete AFI values. |

| |Raised – Additional fields will appear to complete AFI values. |

|EDF - End Diastolic Flow |Absent / Present / Reversed |

|PI - Pulsatility Index |Enter as required |

|RI - Resistivity Index | |

|S/D - Systolic / Diastolic Ratio | |


Please enter the measurements in mm and press [Enter].

Please press [F4] in [EFW by] to select.

|EFW- Estimated Fetal Weight |C – Campbell AC |

| |H1 – Hadlock AC + FL |

| |H2 – Hadlock HC + AC + FL |

| |S – Shephard AC + BPD |

Please note: The EFW (Estimated Fetal Weight) field is optional, and can be configured to include or omit certain equation methods via the System Tables > XR Settings.

To type additional comments left click beneath [pic] and begin typing.


The FASP forms differ from standard Obstetric forms in that many of the fields allow extra detail to be entered as a result of selecting certain options. This extra detail is so that CRIS will allow the user to record the level of information required by FASP.

If the user selects “Not Seen” or “Not Examined” then CRIS adds an extra box allowing the user to select the reason why the value of not seen or examined was selected.


If the user selects “Abnormal” then CRIS adds an extra box allowing the user to select the specific abnormality seen and what may have caused this abnormality. The fields in this extra box and the options in each of these fields will be specific to the field selected as abnormal and the options selected within the extra details box.

In the example below where “Stomach” is selected as abnormal then the extra detail box has fields of “Type”, “Options” and Aetiologies”.

The “Type” field could have values of “Position”, “Size” or “Other”.

When “Position” is chosen in the Type field, then you have options of “In Chest” or “Right Sided”. Alternatively if you select “Size” for the value in the Type field then you have the values of “Not Seen” and “Small” available in the option field. For each of these options you have some appropriate Aetiologies available.


The combinations of values available in each of these fields is configurable and may change over time to allow the entry of new values and combinations required.

To enter multiple abnormalities press return on the last field and a new blank row will appear.

Many fields allow the entry of “Seen” and “Normal”. In CRIS neither of these values are used to indicate that there was an abnormality detected so no further detail is required to be entered. It is up to each site to decide which of these two values to use for each piece of anatomy. The wording on the printed report is slightly different depending on which value is used. Fields selected as “Seen” are grouped together under the heading “The following were observed”. Fields selected as “Normal” are grouped together under the heading “No abnormalities were seen in the following”.


One of the key aims of the FASP requirements is to collect data regarding the detection of 11 conditions. In order to record the detection of these conditions selecting “Abnormal” on the fields listed in the table below will open the abnormality extra details box for each field where you can select the specific values that indicate the existence of each condition.

Table C1 shows which field is used for recording each condition. The detection rates of these conditions by ultrasound scan are also included in this table. These rates have been derived by FASP from a number of published reference sources.

Table C2 shows which condition can be recorded against each field and therefore lists the fields that FASP will be auditing for the 11 conditions.

N.B. HSS are currently awaiting some clarification from FASP regarding the specific requirements of data recording and reporting of some of these conditions. The following tables will be updated as and when HSS receive clarification.

Table C1

|Condition |Detection Rate |Data entry field in CRIS for abnormality |

|Anencephaly |98% |Skull, Area = Bones, Option = Absent, select Aetiologie |

| | |Profile, Option = Anencephaly (Detailed form only) |

|Open Spina Bifida |90% |Brain, Area = Cerebellum, Option = Banana Shaped, select Aetiologie. |

| | |Brain, Area = Cerebellum, Option = Absent , select Aetiologie. |

| | |Skull, Area = Shape, Option = Lemon Shape, select Aetiologie |

| | |Spine, Any Option, select Aetiologie |

|Cleft Lip |75% |Lips, Area = Cleft Lip |

| | |Face, Area = Cleft Lip (Detailed form only) |

|Diaphragmatic Hernia |60% |Stomach, Type = Position, Option = in chest, select Aetiologie CDH |

|Gastroschisis |98% |Abdominal Wall, Option = Open, select Aetiologie |

| | |Bladder, Select Option |

|Exomphalos |80% |Abdominal Wall, Option = Open, select Aetiologie |

|Serious Cardiac Abnormalities |50% |Heart 4 Chamber, Option = Any. |

| | |N.B. All heart abnormalities recorded will be counted as serious. |

| | |Heart Situs, Option = Any. |

| | |N.B. All heart abnormalities recorded will be counted as serious. |

|Bilateral Renal Agenesis |84% |Kidneys, Area = Kidney, Appearance = Absent, Select Aetiologie. |

| | |Any kidney rcorded as absent will be counted for this condition. |

|Lethal Skeletal Dysplasia |60% |Skull, Area = Shape, Option = Clover Leaf, select Aetiologie |

| | |Femur, select Aetiologie |

|Edwards’ Syndrome (Trisomy 18) |95% |Skull, Area = Shape, Option = Strawberry Shape, select Aetiologie |

| | |FASP are not expecting users to record detecting this on scan. |

| | | |

|Patau’s Syndrome (Trisomy 13) |95% |FASP are not expecting users to record detecting this on scan. |

Table C2

|Field |Location Condition Recorded |Condition Recorded |

|Skull |Aetiologie |Anencephaly |

| | |Spina Bifida |

| | |Skeletal Dysplasia |

| | |T18 |

|Profile |Option |Anencephaly |

|Brain |Aetiologie |Spina Bifida |

|Lips |Area |Cleft Lip |

|Face |Area (Detailed scan only) |Cleft Lip |

|Heart 4 Chamber |Any Option, No specific aetiologies |Serious Cardiac Abnormalities |

| |provided by FASP therefore all counted as | |

| |serious. | |

|Heart Situs |Any Option, No specific aetiologies |Serious Cardiac Abnormalities |

| |provided by FASP therefore all counted as | |

| |serious. | |

|Stomach |Aetiologie |Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) |

|Abdominal Wall |Aetiologie |Gastroschisis |

| | |Exomphalos |

|Kidneys |Option = missing. |Renal Agenesis when any kidney recorded as missing. |

|Bladder |Options |Gastroschisis |

|Spine Sagittal / Skin |Aetiologie |Spina Bifida |

|Spine Transverse |Aetiologie |Spina Bifida |

|Femur |Aetiologie |Skeletal Dysplasia |


Scan Reason – This allows the user to record that this scan was a repeat scan.

Screening Incomplete – This allows the user to record that this scan could not be fully completed. When selected a reason box becomes available for selecting the reason than the scan could not be completed.

Placental Site – This allows the selection of Abnormal / Seen / Normal etc. and an extra details box will become available to allow the recording of additional details for the following values.

|Value Selected |Options Available |

|Abnormal |Covering uterine os |

| |Extending uterine os |

|Normal Variant |Abutting OS |

| |Low Lying |

| |Low, Clear of OS |

| |Touching OS |

|Not Seen / Not Examined |Fetal Position |

| |Gestational Age |

| |Liquor Volume |

| |Maternal Habitus |

| |Multiple Pregnancy |

Amniotic Fluid – When abnormal is selected extra fields become available for recording the AFI plus an extra details box becomes available for indicating increased or decreased and entering the aetiologie such as Oligohydramnios or Polyhydramnios.

The CRB (Cerebellum) field is in the main measurements panel. This is so that it can be assigned a growth chart. However the currently published growth chart is not sufficiently accurate to be included in the current version of CRIS. Do not rely on any age or chart derived from this field in CRIS until a more accurate chart becomes available.




|Patient consented to scan |Enter as required |

|Scan Reason |Amniocentesis |

| |New Anomaly |

| |Booking |

| |Bleeding |

| |See Comments |

| |CVS |

| |Diabetic |

| |Dating |

| |Fetal Study |

| |Growth |

| |Medical Disorder |

| |Prev Fetal Abnorm |

| |Poor Obs History |

| |Pain |

| |Prev Obs History |

| |Reassurance |

| |Rescan Anomaly |

| |Transfer Booker |

| |Twins |

| |Viability |

|Fetal Heartbeat |More Than One |

| |Not Present |

| |Present |

|Scan Type |TA + TV |

| |Trans Abdominal |

| |Trans Vaginal |

|Placenta Position |Anterior |

| |Fundal |

| |Left Lateral |

| |Posterior |

| |Right Lateral |

|Image Quality |Fair |

| |Good |

| |Poor |

|Fetal Gender Requested |Enter as required |

|Fetal Sex |Female |

| |Male |

| |Not Asked |

| |Unknown |

|Atrium |Enter as required |

|Screening Incomplete |Enter as required |

|Field |Options |Abnormality Extra Detail Fields Available |

|Placenta Site | |Position / Aetiologies |

| |Abnormal | |

| | | |

| |Other see comments | |

| | | |

| |Not examined | |

| | | |

| |Normal | |

| | | |

| |Seen | |

| | | |

| |Not seen | |

| | | |

| |Normal Variant | |

|Amniotic Fluid | |Level / Aetiologies |

|Skull | |Area / Option / Aetiologies |

|Brain | |Area / Option / Aetiologies |

|Nuchal Fold | |Nuchal Skin measurement |

|Lips | |Area / Aetiologies |

|Heart 4 Chamber | |Options / Aetiologies |

|Heart Situs | |Options / Aetiologies |

|LVOT | |Options / Aetiologies |

|RVOT | |Options / Aetiologies |

|Stomach | |Type / Options / Aetiologies |

|Abdominal Wall | |Options / Aetiologies |

|Bowel | |Appearance / Aetiologies |

|Kidneys | |Side / Area / Appearance / Aetiologies / AP Diameter |

|Bladder | |Options / Size |

|Spine Sagittal / Skin | |Options / Aetiologies |

|Spine Transverse | |Options / Aetiologies |

|Femur | |Side / Aetiologies |

|Both Hands | |Side / Options / Aetiologies |

|Both Feet | |Side / Options / Aetiologies |


Please enter the measurements in mm and press [Enter].

To type additional comments left click beneath [pic] and begin typing.



The additional fields on the Detailed scan form are highlighted in Yellow


|Patient consented to scan |Enter as required |

|Scan Reason |Amniocentesis |

| |New Anomaly |

| |Booking |

| |Bleeding |

| |See Comments |

| |CVS |

| |Diabetic |

| |Dating |

| |Fetal Study |

| |Growth |

| |Medical Disorder |

| |Prev Fetal Abnorm |

| |Poor Obs History |

| |Pain |

| |Prev Obs History |

| |Reassurance |

| |Rescan Anomaly |

| |Transfer Booker |

| |Twins |

| |Viability |

|Fetal Heartbeat |More Than One |

| |Not Present |

| |Present |

|Scan Type |TA + TV |

| |Trans Abdominal |

| |Trans Vaginal |

|Placental Cord |2 Vessels |

| |3 Vessels |

| |Not Seen |

|Placenta Position |Anterior |

| |Fundal |

| |Left Lateral |

| |Posterior |

| |Right Lateral |

|EDF - End Diastolic Flow |Absent |

| |Present |

| |Reversed |

|PI - Pulsatility Index |Enter as required |

|RI - Resistivity Index |Enter as required |

|S/D - Systolic / Diastolic Ratio |Enter as required |

|Image Quality |Fair |

| |Good |

| |Poor |

|Fetal Gender Requested |Enter as required |

|Fetal Sex |Female |

| |Male |

| |Not Asked |

| |Unknown |

|Atrium |Enter as required |

|Screening Incomplete |Enter as required |

|Field |Options |Abnormality Extra Detail Fields Available |

|Placenta Site | |Position / Aetiologies |

| |Abnormal | |

| | | |

| |Other see comments | |

| | | |

| |Not examined | |

| | | |

| |Normal | |

| | | |

| |Seen | |

| | | |

| |Not seen | |

| | | |

| |Normal Variant | |

|Amniotic Fluid | |Level / Aetiologies |

|Fetal Movement | |Position / Aetiologies |

|Skull | |Area / Option / Aetiologies |

|Brain | |Area / Option / Aetiologies |

|Nuchal Fold | |Nuchal Skin measurement |

|Face | |Area / Aetiologies |

|Lips | |Area / Aetiologies |

|Profile | |Options / Aetiologies |

|Heart 4 Chamber | |Options / Aetiologies |

|Heart Situs | |Options / Aetiologies |

|LVOT | |Options / Aetiologies |

|RVOT | |Options / Aetiologies |

|Stomach | |Type / Options / Aetiologies |

|Abdominal Wall | |Options / Aetiologies |

|Bowel | |Appearance / Aetiologies |

|Kidneys | |Side / Area / Appearance / Aetiologies / AP Diameter |

|Bladder | |Options / Size |

|Spine Sagittal / Skin | |Options / Aetiologies |

|Spine Coronal | |Options / Aetiologies |

|Spine Transverse | |Options / Aetiologies |

|Femur | |Side / Aetiologies |

|Upper Limbs | |Side / Options / Aetiologies |

|Both Hands | |Side / Options / Aetiologies |

|Lower Limbs | |Side / Options / Aetiologies |

|Both Feet | |Side / Options / Aetiologies |


Please enter the measurements in mm and press [Enter].

To enter measurements for long bones select the check box for long bones and enter the details in the additional entry fields. Multiple measurements can be entered by pressing return on the size field to open a new entry line.


To type additional free text comments left click beneath [pic] and begin typing.


When a pregnancy does not have a confirmed EDD then CRIS will generate a suggested EDD and gestational age based on the measurements (and LMP if configured to do so) entered on this scan. The EDD is produced when the user moves to the gestational age fields on the report. The user is free to alter this EDD if required. The measurements used by CRIS for the suggested EDD will depend on the type of scan and which measurements have been entered.

The choice of measurement to use is configurable.

The Early Scan will use CRL for calculating the EDD.

Typically the Dating Scan will use CRL if entered and HC if CRL is not entered and FL if neither CRL or HC is entered.

All other scans will normally use the HC if entered and FL if the HC is not entered.

An EDD is set as confirmed once the EDD is saved on a report where the gestational age is greater than the age defined in the configuration (XR setting REPORT.ObsEDDCutoffDays) which is usually set to 56 days (8 weeks). Once an EDD is set as confirmed CRIS will use this as the EDD on all subsequent scans on this pregnancy unless the user manually changes the EDD, in which case the altered EDD will be used on any new scans.

When a new obstetric scan is reported, CRIS assigns this scan to an existing pregnancy on this patient where the date of the scan would be before 2 weeks after the EDD of the pregnancy. If no pregnancy exists which covers the date of this scan then CRIS will create a new pregnancy which will require a new EDD.




To report on more than one fetus (e.g. twins), load into the Report screen, right click and select ‘Add foetus. This will load another scan form onto the same report and display ‘Fetus/Sac 1 of 2’ on the current, and all future scan forms. For triplets/ quadruplets etc continue to ‘Add foetus until the correct number of desired scan forms have appeared.

Please note that with additional fetuses created, there will be a colour coordinated chart to identify the different measurements for each fetus. If the printers used are black and white there will be different shadings displayed instead of colour.

Double click a graph to enlarge the graph and double click an enlarged graph to return back to normal view with all graphs.




On the save report “Finish” page there is a Graph option. If your site is configured to print graphs on a separate page then you can use this check box to control whether the graph page is printed when the report is printed. The state of this Graph check box is remembered as a user preference.



When the report is printed the measurements are printed along side the diagram then indicates the measurements position in relation to the centiles. See Below.



If you add a foetus ‘BY MISTAKE’ and want to remove it, or if a ‘FETUS IS NO LONGER VIABLE’ you should use ‘Remove Foetus’ on the report at the point you notice the Fetus is no longer viable. The Fetus details will remain on the current report but will not appear on any future scans. This tool is not designed to close an event with only one fetus, if there is only one fetus please use ‘Close Pregnancy’.



Selecting ‘Change scan form’ allows the user to change scan forms without going back to the Event Details screen and changing the exam code. An example of this is to change a Detailed scan form to an Anomaly scan form. You must select ‘Change scan form’ and have loaded the new scan form BEFORE any details are entered.


All scans related to the same pregnancy will be displayed in the Episodes screen.




Close Pregnancy is used to identify that a pregnancy is not going to go to full term. Consequently, this should only be used in the event of a scan which results in identifying the fetus is no longer viable, or an anomaly scan which will end with a termination. Having used [Close Pregnancy] the next scan/ Event must be in at least one month’s time and will automatically allocate a new pregnancy key and EDD.

Please Note: It should NOT be used at the time of booking/ reporting a new pregnancy.


If a previous pregnancy does not go to full term (i.e. in the event of miscarriage or termination), and the patient becomes pregnant again during the original/previous pregnancy term, it will be necessary to use [New Pregnancy]. This should only be used when booking/reporting the first scan of the new pregnancy term.

It will however be necessary to check / manually correct the EDD of this new pregnancy.

Please note: If [New Pregnancy] is not used, CRIS will assume that the scan is part of previous pregnancy term and use the same EDD, pregnancy key and Episode.


A typical indication that the user has not selected [New Pregnancy] would be if the EDD has been carried over from the previous pregnancy term.

To confirm this go to the [Episodes] folder and in normal circumstances there should be a new pregnancy folder with a new pregnancy key and the correct EDD. However, if this is not visible it is likely the most recent scan has been attached to a previous pregnancy. Consequently by opening the last pregnancy folder and reviewing the contents you should immediately notice the most recent scan is actually in this folder.

To correct this and create a new Episode ‘Pregnancy Folder’ and EDD - Load the report for the first scan (Event) of the new pregnancy term

Right click and choose [New Pregnancy] followed by [Finished] and [Save] to allocate a new pregnancy key and amend EDD to the correct date for the new pregnancy term.

Reload the report and confirm that the Pregnancy key (which is displayed on the top right of the report) has changed to match the Event key (which is in blue text on the top left of the screen).

You should now check there is a new pregnancy folder with the same pregnancy key and EDD displayed via the Episodes screen.


If there are any subsequent scans for this pregnancy that were reported against the wrong pregnancy you will also need to manually allocate them to the same new pregnancy key and EDD. Consequently you should go to Events screen and right click the next affected scan and chose [Properties].


Replace the incorrect [Preg Key] with the new [Preg Key] / Event key followed by [Save]. Reload the report and check/ correct the EDD. Repeat this process for any other scans/ Events.


To begin using the CRIS Obstetric Ultrasound Module the RIS System Administrators may need to assign the appropriate Obstetric forms to an examination code using the ‘Scan Reason’ field located in the CRIS System Tables as applicable. It will also be necessary to review/configure the relevant XR Settings in context to Trust working practice.


HSS recommend that Obstetric ‘Scan Reasons’ are primarily applied via Exams Per Hospital as ‘Forms’ assigned at this level are ‘Site’ rather than SHA specific, enabling each Trust to make their own decision to which forms should appear when using different Examination codes. Each Trust should however ensure a consistent approach across all sites to negate any compatibility/data integrity issues between sites (i.e. If a Early pregnancy was performed at Hospital A, but the Dating Scan at Hospital B).


Setting Scan Forms via GENERAL > EXAMINATION CODES is typically only available to Locally Deployed CRIS Systems not Datacentre models as ‘Scan Reasons’ assigned at this level will be applicable to the whole SHA. Datacentre customers should not complete ‘Scan Reasons’ here unless specifically advised to do so by the SHA focus group, or CRIS helpdesk.



|ENW |Early pregnancy Scan (1st Trimester Viability Scan) |

|DATNW |Dating Scan (1st Trimester Scan) |

|ANATFA |Anatomy Scan (Basic 2nd Trimester Scan) |

|DETFA |Detailed Scan (An alternative and more detailed 2nd Trimester Scan) |

|GROWNW |Growth Scan (Late 2nd and general 3rd Trimester Scan) |


Please refer to CRIS CRIB RIS_CRIB296_Obstetric_Reporting_Configuration.doc

Document Control

|Title |Rowthorne Obstetric Reporting |

|Author |David Costin |Date Created |01/09/2009 |

|File Ref. |CRIB293 |

|Approval Sign-off |

|Owner |Role |Method of approval |Date |

|David Costin |Trainer/ Application Specialist |Verbal | |

|Approver |Role |Method of approval |Date |

|Helen Richards |Project Lead |Verbal |11/08/2011 |

|Change History |

|Issue |Date |Author / Editor |Details of Change |

|1.0 |01/09/2009 |DC |First Issue |

|1.1 |04/07/2011 |DC |Amendments to version number for 2.09.10e |

|1.2 |11/08/2011 |DH |Created copy for FASP module. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Review Date | 11/08/2011 |



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