United States Tennis Association



Compilation of

3rd Quarter

Committee Reports



Adaptive Tennis & Special Olympics Committee

Chairs: Jack and Diane Barker

| |Committee Member Responsible |Date Added to Plan |Percent Completed | |Target |

|Action Item | | |(please write the % |Next Step(s) |Date for Completion |

| | | |completed on a scale from | | |

| | | |0-100) | | |

|Special Olympics Annual Meeting |Sue Maner |Jan, 2014 |100% |      |Jan 31, 2014 |

|PTR Symposium |      |Jan, 2014 |100% | | |

|Video for trade show |Sue Maner |Jan, 2014 |100% |Check on video progress |Feb 3, 2014 |

|On-court presentation |Friend of Nancy (Hoekstra?) |Jan, 2014 |100% | |Feb 1, 2014 |

|Sav to play chs team |Jack |Jan, 2014 |100% | |March 1, 2014 |

|Sue's tournament in Lexington |Sue, Jack, Diane |Jan, 2014 |100% |Check w /Kelly on entries   |March 15, 2014 |

|Demo at Family Circle |Jack, Julie Jilly |Jan, 2014 |100% |See Below |Apr 2, 2014 |

|Fundraiser at Moss Creek |Jack, Diane | |100% |Raised $12,000 |May 10, 2014 |

|Demo at Pro Circuit Tournament - Sumter |Sue, Carey Washington |Jan, 2014 |0 |No athletes scheduled to attend |May 17, 2014 |

|Demo at Pro Circuit Tournament – Hilton Head |Sue, Carey |Jan, 2014 |0 |communication with director of tourney did |May 25, 2014 |

| | | | |not happen. emails not answered and | |

| | | | |phone calls not returned | |

|Support training for Special Olympics National |Jack, Diane |Jan, 2014 |100% |ongoing      |Ongoing until games |

|Games | | | | | |

|obtained a grant from usta sc | | |100% |acquiring areas that received the balls and |June 6th |

|for the correct tennis |Jack, Diane, Sue, Kelly | | |accountability for using them for Fall games | |

|balls to be distributed to | | | | | |

|areas in need | | | | | |

|SPUD tournament |Jack, Diane, Rex |Jan, 2014 |100% |Needs help acquiring volunteers |June 6, 2014 |

|Hilton Head Special Olympics Games |Jack, Diane, Kelly (Garrick?), Carey, |Jan, 2014 |0 |      |Oct 29, 2014 |

| |Sue | | | | |

|Demo at Pro Circuit Tournament – Rock Hill |Sue, Carey |Jan, 2014 |0 |Probably won’t work due to athletes attending fall games |Oct 12, 2014 |

|One Day event in Savanah, GA |Kevin Mcfarland/ Rockin Rackets |August | | |Oct. 25, 2014 |

|Special Olympics Fall Games - Greenville |Sue, Jack, Diane, Carey |Jan, 2014 |0 |      |Oct 11, 2014 |

|Coordinate with the next incoming chair. |Jack, Diane |Jan, 2014 |0 |Discuss goals and accomplishments with incoming Chair. |Dec, 2015 |

Quarterly Update on Accomplishments:


First Quarter:

Meeting in Myrtle Beach completed. PTR symposium completed. Had 12 athletes at event. Demonstrated 4 out of 5 levels of unified competition.   

Second Quarter:

Rockin Racquets and Swamp Fox tennis groups demoed practices at Family Circle Cup. Very well received with TV coverage. Training with two athletes attending national games. Submitted grant application for correct balls for different areas; have not heard back. Continue to facilitate one day tournaments.   

Third Quarter:

Obtained usta state grant for the correct tennis balls to be distributed to the areas in the state that did not have

correct tennis balls. We will obtain which areas received tennis balls and that they are using them to get ready for Fall games in

Greenville, SC

committee have identified and voted on the 2014 adaptive volunteer of the year. The result will be forwarded to the awards


Fourth Quarter: charlie racheed will give us courts for the adaptive demo at usta-sc meeting at Wild Dunes.


First Quarter: proper equipment being the key. making sure equipment is getting to areas. emphasis on correct type of balls, foam

and green dot.

Second Quarter: continue to facilitate one day tournaments.


Adult Competition Committee

Chair: Matthew Talford

| |Committee Member Responsible |Date Added to Plan |Percent Completed | |Target |

|Action Item | | |(check the % |Next Step(s) |Date for Completion |

| | | |complete) | | |

|Work with local tournament directors to promote |Each committee member. |12/8/2013 |100% |Contact tournament director in your area and discuss feasibility of |12/5/2014 |

|One-Day Tournaments in your area. | | | |hosting a one-day tournament. | |

|Coordinate with Marketing and Communications |Staff Liaison (TBD) |12/8/2013 |50% |Develop a promotional package for one day tournaments. |Ongoing (Quarterly) |

|commitees regarding promotion of One-Day | | | | | |

|Tournaments | | | | | |

|Send out 2014 Tournament Sanction Packets |Staff Liaison (TBD) |12/8/2013 |0% |(self-explanatory) |Q3, CY2014 (date |

| | | | | |TBA) |

|Finalize 2014 Adult Tournament Schedule |Adult Comp Committee |12/8/2013 |0% |(self-explanatory) |Q3, CY2014 (date |

| | | | | |TBA) |

|Periodically review website for information |Matt Talford, Staff Liaison, Susie |12/8/2013 |10% |Review |Ongoing (Quarterly) |

|pertinent to ACC |Honeycutt | | | | |

|Create a process to recognize and reward top |Matt Talford |12/8/2013 |100% |Check status of budget approval for process that has been created (RttO|1/31/2014 |

|male and female NTRP and Age Division | | | |- Race to the Open). | |

|Singles/Doubles/Mixed tournament players at the | | | | | |

|end of the ranking year | | | | | |

|Write brief description for "Race to the Open" |Matt Talford |12/8/2013 |100% |Pass along to staff liaison to be added to website. |12/31/2013 |

|to be added to | | | | | |

|Seek funding/budget approval for RttO prizes |Staff Liaison (TBD) |12/8/2013 |50% |(self-explanatory) |Q1, CY2014 |

|(tickets). | | | | | |

Quarterly Update on Accomplishments:


First Quarter:

Successfully drafted Race to the Open description and forwarded to Staff Liaison (formerly Jessica Amick). Program is currently under budget review. Committee Members currently in talks with local tournament directors to discuss one-day tournaments.

Second Quarter:

Items 6 & 8 are in progress.

Third Quarter:

Sanctioning session and associated action items are pending. All other items have either been completed or are pending additional actions due from outside the ACC.


Awards Committee

Chair: Ron Charron

| |Committee Member Responsible |Date Added to Plan |Percent Completed | |Target |

|Action Item | | |(please write the |Next Step(s) |Date for Completion |

| | | |% completed on a | | |

| | | |scale from 0-100) | | |

|Propose a procedure to have the committee |Chairperson |12/7/13 |100% |Chairperson will prepare a draft and send to committee members for |2/26/14 |

|review all awards at least every two years for | | | |review in preparation for a vote at its next meeting. | |

|possible changes in criteria for selection or | | | | | |

|name. | | | | | |

|Develop further means to solicit and promote |Committee |12/7/13 |100% |The committee will review efforts made the previous year and determine |6/18/14 |

|nominations. | | | |whether improvements are needed and will discuss ideas at its next | |

| | | | |meeting for implementation by its June meeting. | |

|Review the website for additions or corrections |Committee |12/7/13 |50% |This is an ongoing action item. Committee members should check the |12/31/15 |

|to the webpages regarding awards. | | | |awards webpages priodically when they are on the USTA SC website. | |

|Evaluate nominations and select USTA SC and |Committee |12/7/13 |0 |The committee will review the status of nominations prior to its August|10/1/14 |

|Southern awards. | | | |meeting in preparation for its selections in September. | |

|Promote press coverage and publicity of award |Committee |12/7/13 |0 |Coordinate with USTA SC staff. |10/1/14 |

|winners. | | | | | |

|Provide research on nominees where information |Committee |12/7/13 |50% |All committee members have assigned awards to do research on. |9/14/14 |

|is needed and propose nominations as needed | | | | | |

|Coordinate with the next incoming chair. |Chairperson |1/2014 |0 |Discuss goals and accomplishments with incoming Chair. |December 2015 |

Quarterly Update on Accomplishments:


First Quarter:

The Committee met by teleconference on February 26 to discuss and vote on a proposed addition to its policies to require regular reviews of awards to assure that they remain viable and current with the times. The committee agreed on proposed language for the addition and the revised policy document will be forwarded to the Bylaws and Policies Committee for review prior to submitting it to the Board for approval.

Second Quarter:

The Committee’s scheduled second quarter teleconference meeting will take place on June 4. The main topic of discussion will be ideas for soliciting award nominations. In the meantime, the proposed revision to the committee policies agreed to at the February 26 meeting was forwarded to the Bylaws and Policies Committee for their review.

Third Quarter:

The Committee met by teleconference on June 4 and discussed ideas for soliciting award nominations. At its June 8 meeting, the USTA SC Board approved the revision to the Committee policies regarding regular reviews of awards. The Committee met again by teleconference on August 27 to review nominations received to that date and plan any actions required prior to the selection meeting scheduled for September 14.


Budget & Audit Committee

Chair: James McKissick

| |Committee Member Responsible |Date Added to Plan |Percent Completed | |Target |

|Action Item | | |(check the % |Next Step(s) |Date for Completion |

| | | |complete) | | |

|Conduct periodic in-process review of the USTA |James |January |100% |Meet with Graham monthly |ongoing |

|SC budget and recommend adjustments as | | | | | |

|necessary. | | | | | |

|Ensure that an audit of USTA SC is performed. |James |January |100% |Discuss with Michael Slapnik |April |

|Scott & Co CPA will perform it again this year. | | | | | |

|Perform a mid-year review and adjustment of the |Budget Committee |January |100% |Schedule mid year committee meeting |June |

|2013 budget. | | | | | |

|Ensure that any exceptions noted in the audit |Budget Committee |January |0% |Ongoing monitoring |ongoing |

|are fully and properly addressed. | | | | | |

|Prepare the 2015 budget |Budget Committee |Januray |50% |Schedule meeting for late third early fourth quarter |November |

Quarterly Update on Accomplishments:


First Quarter:

Worked with league committee to revise the league portion of the budget and set forth new detailed revenues/expenses for the league committee and will present the updated request to the board for approval. Met with Graham to review ongoing budget and expense monitoring

Second Quarter:

Have a meeting scheduled for May 16 to perform the mid-year review and adjustment of the budget. Have been conducting regular meetings with Graham to discuss ongoing financials.

Third Quarter:

We met via conference calls several times in order to review bids for the upcoming audit seasons and have a recommendation to make to the board in that regard. We also met to adjust the mid year budget and have scheduled a time to meet for the 2015 budget preparation. The committee chair has met with Janice and Graham to ensure uniformity in the financial reporting process to the board and affiliates.


Committee: By-Laws and Policies

Chair: Robert Peiffer

| |Committee Member Responsible |Date Added to Plan |Percent Completed | |Target |

|Action Item | | |(check the % |Next Step(s) |Date for Completion |

| | | |complete) | | |

|Review Governance policies (except Diversity and|All |12/7/13 |33% |Review policies |1/31/14 |

|Inclusion) and identify necessary changes | | | | | |

| Conduct and Ethics |Honeycutt/Peiffer |12/7/13 |50% |Review policy |1/31/14 |

| Conflict of Interest |Charron/Peiffer |12/7/13 |100% |Review policy |1/31/14 |

| Document Retention and Destruction |Charron/Hoel |12/7/13 |50% |Review policy |1/31/14 |

| Nomination and Election of Officers and |Hoel/Wells |12/7/13 |0% |Review policy |1/31/14 |

|Area Directors | | | | | |

| Policies, Procedures and Regulations |Barth/Wells |12/7/13 |0% |Review policy |1/31/14 |

|…..Procedures for Collecting and Maintaining |Barth/Honeycutt |12/7/13 |0% |Review policy |1/31/14 |

|Signed Statements from Volunteers and Staff | | | | | |

|Send correspondence to Committee Chairs, |Peiffer |12/7/13 |100% |Prepare correspondence |2/28/14 |

|reminding them of requirement to review their | | | | | |

|policies annually and establishing dates, based | | | | | |

|on Board meeting dates, for submission of new | | | | | |

|and revised policies | | | | | |

|Draft revisions to Governance policies (as |All based on review assignments above |12/7/13 |0% | |3/31/14 |

|required) | | | | | |

|Review USTA SC By-Laws and identify needed |All |12/7/13 |0% |Review By-Laws |4/15/14 |

|amendments | | | | | |

|Draft revisions to USTA SC By-Laws (as required)|Assignments TBD |12/7/13 |0% |      |5/13/14 |

|Finalize revisions to Governance policies for |All |12/7/13 |0% |      |5/15/2014 |

|submittal to Board of Directors for approval | | | | | |

|Draft revisions to USTA SC By-Laws (as required)|Assignments TBD |12/7/13 |0% |      |5/31/14 |

|Finalize revisions to USTA SC By-Laws |All |12/7/13 |0% |      |6/30/14 |

|Review proposed policies and proposed policy |A primary reviewer will be assigned to |1/20/14 |0% | |As required |

|revisions other than those proposed by BPC |each proposed policy/policy revision | | | | |

|Finalize revisions of proposed policies and |All | |0% | |As required |

|policy revisions | | | | | |

|Review proposed revisions to By-Laws proposed by|All | |0% | |As required |

|other than the BPC and prepare final revision | | | | | |

|for submission to Board | | | | | |

|Review Governance policies (except Diversity and|All |1/20/14 |0% |      |1/31/15 |

|Inclusion) and identify necessary changes | | | | | |

| Conduct and Ethics |Barth/Honeycutt |1/20/14 |0% |      |1/31/15 |

| Conflict of Interest |Honeycutt/Peiffer |1/20/14 |0% |      |1/31/15 |

| Document Retention and Destruction |Charron/Peiffer |1/20/14 |0% |      |1/31/15 |

| Nomination and Election of Officers and |Charron/Hoel |1/20/14 |0% |      |1/31/15 |

|Area Directors | | | | | |

| Policies, Procedures and Regulations |Hoel/Wells |1/20/14 |0% |      |1/31/15 |

|…..Procedures for Collecting and Maintaining |Barth/Wells |1/20/14 |0% |      |1/31/15 |

|Signed Statements from Volunteers and Staff | | | | | |

|Draft revisions to Governance policies (as |All based on review assignments above |1/20/14 |0% | |3/31/15 |

|required) | | | | | |

|Finalize revisions to Governance policies for |All |1/20/14 |0% |      |5/15/2015 |

|submittal to Board of Directors for approval | | | | | |

Quarterly Update on Accomplishments:


First Quarter:

The annual review of existing policies has begun. The BPC is behind schedule in reviewing the governance policies, but should be able to catch up. The Committee Chairs of been notified of the requirement to review their policies and to provide feedback to the BPC no later than June 30, 2014.

Second Quarter:

Progress this quarter has been slow. Will try to get things geared up by the time of the third quarter report. There will be one policy revision to present to the Board for approval (Awards Committee), and possibly a second (JTT Committee).

Third Quarter:

Progress continues to be slow—read that non-existent. The fault lies with the chair who is up to his eyeballs at work coupled with a move to a new residence. Those, however, are personal problems that should not interfere with obligations. Bear with me.


Diversity & Inclusion Committee

Chair: Howard Green

| |Committee Member Responsible |Date Added to Plan |Percent Completed | |Target |

|Action Item | | |(please write the |Next Step(s) |Date for Completion |

| | | |% completed on a | | |

| | | |scale from 0-100) | | |

|Establish a pilot program with the Boys and |Shawn Risher |12/7/13 |10% |Introduce concept to Boys and Girls Club Director in Aiken, SC to gauge|December 2014 |

|Girls Club and NJTL Program. (Objective is to | | | |interest in collaboration with USTA SC through NJTL model | |

|increase diversity in JTT through Boys and Girls| | | | | |

|Club demographics) | | | | | |

|Inititate contact with local pro in the St. |Barbara Jones |12/17/13 |100% |Make contact with teaching pro in surrounding area that would be |March 2014 |

|George area that would continue clinic/lesson | | | |willing to support programs through reduced lesson/clinics | |

|services to St. George youth | | | | | |

|Assess USTA SC grant award process with respect |Karen Holzschuh |12/17/13 |20% |Initiate discussion with USTA SC to determine possibility of attaching |December 2014 |

|to diversity and Inclusion. Coordinate with the| | | |a diveristy and inclusion clause to grant awards | |

|Community Development Committee in executing | | | | | |

|this action item | | | | | |

|Assess the Diversity Profile of all CTA's in SC |Howard Green |12/17/13 |30% |Develop survey to be distributed to CTA's regarding their diversity |June 2014 |

|and gather information from each CTA regarding | | | |profile and goals for improvement | |

|their local goals for improving Diversity | | | | | |

|Coordiante with incoming Chair. |Howard Green |1/14 |0% |Discuss goals and accomplishments with incoming Chair. |December 2015 |

Quarterly Update on Accomplishments:


First Quarter:

We are in continued discussions with Shawn Risher in an attempt to establish a pilot program for the Boys and Girls Club from Aiken. Last discussion focused on funding for the project to offer scholarships to those kids. We have researched some funding possibilities through the diversity budget and are looking into the rules regarding the use of these funds. Although many of these kids would qualify for ten and under scholarships through USTA, we are looking to assist those that would not. St George has secured a teaching pro from Orangeburg to provide them with much needed assistance with their tennis programming, a more detailed report on this project is forth coming. Some communication with the USTA SC office has transpired in the first quarter regarding attaching a DI clause to grants awards. Further communication is required. Diversity profile is being revamped to capture more data. Two meetings have been held with a consultant to develop the survey that would meet the needs of the committee. A draft survey is the next step in the process to be approved by the committee.

Second Quarter:

There has not been much activity or progress during the second Quarter on the goals listed above. A planning and action meeting is being scheduled for the third quarter to continue working on the goals. We are now aware of the budget set aside for Diversity related activities and are considering what activity to be completed with those funds. Third meeting held with consultant to consider some local marketing strategies that could be pilot program in Greenwood Area to improve diversity outreach for membership. More details to come regarding this venture.


Event Planning Committee

Chair: Franny Russell

| |Committee Member Responsible |Date Added to Plan |Percent Completed | |Target |

|Action Item | | |(please write the |Next Step(s) |Date for Completion |

| | | |% completed on a | | |

| | | |scale from 0-100) | | |

|Initial Planning Stages |Victoria Smith |1/20/14 |40% |Choose colors, menu options, set a draft schedule and decide themes for|June 1, 2014 |

| | | | |any events. Decide on fundraiser for SCTPF | |

| | | | | |June 1, 2015 |

|Prepare everything needed for invitations and |Victoria Smith and Jana Kassianos |1/20/14 |0 |Staff to prepare everything in house. Invitations cannot be send until|October 1, 2014 |

|send those out the first week in October | | | |the committee roster and Board slate has been chosen | |

| | | | | |October 1, 2015 |

|Prepare the list of funded room nights for the |Victoria Smith |1/20/14 |0 |List prepared off of who is invited. |October 1, 2014 |

|resort | | | | | |

| | | | | |October 1, 2015 |

|Move into active phase planning |Victoria Smith |1/20/14 |0 |Active phase means that there is typically something to do at all time.|Through Meeting |

|Execution of Annual Meeting Weekend |Victoria Smith and Jana Kassianos |1/20/14 |0 |Direct support throughout the entire event |Through Meeting |

|Solicit vendors and sponsors |Victoria Smith |1/20/14 |0 |Email, phone call, and in-person solicitation of companies we think |Entire Year |

| | | | |might be beneficial or interested. | |

|Periodically review of website for information |Victoria Smith |1/20/14 |0 |Work with staff web coordinator |Twice per year |

|pertinent or important at the time | | | | | |

|Review next year’s contract at host site for any|Victoria Smith and Franny Russell |1/20/14 |0 | |Week after each |

|addendums that need to be placed in | | | | |year’s meeting |

|Coordinate with incoming Chair. |Franny Russell |1/14 |0 |Discuss goals and accomplishments with incoming Chair. |December 2015 |

Quarterly Update on Accomplishments:


First Quarter:

A schedule was set and an addendum was submitted back in December to hold all space needed for 2014 via the contract. Franny Russell and Victoria Smith have the first official meeting with Wild Dunes on March 8th to set color schemes, event layouts, secure space, decide on menus, and discuss themes/entertainment.

Second Quarter:

Gifts for attendees, board members, past presidents, and VIPs have been chosen. Awards have been chosen. Centerpieces and event themes have been chosen. Entertainment and flow for Friday night has been decided. Speakers are being solicited for the business meeting. Solicitations for vendors and sponsors have been sent out.


Grievance Committee

Chair: Craig Wells

| |Committee Member Responsible |Date Added to Plan |Percent Completed | |Target |

|Action Item | | |(please write the |Next Step(s) |Date for Completion |

| | | |% completed on a | | |

| | | |scale from 0-100) | | |

|Current version of Friend at Court posted on |Craig Wells |10 DEC 13 |100% |2014 version is published in different section of website, additional |MAR 2014 or after |

|USTA SC website | | | |link TBP in grievance section. Corrwct version on USTA SC website |publication |

|Hard copies of 2014 Friend at Court distributed |Craig Wells |10 DEC 13 |100% |Waiting for publication by USTA Ammended to go electronic and save |MAR 2014 or after |

|to committee and board members that do not | | | |some trees |publication |

|already receive a copy | | | | | |

|Education initiatives |Craig Wells |10 DEC 13 |100% |Agenda item for January meeting |15 JAN 14 |

|Influencer contact list to receive Friend at |Craig Wells |17 JAN 14 |50% |Work in progress Free electronic media prefered |JAN 15 |

|Court, grievance policies, and procedures | | | | | |

|Online grievance option with drop down menu |Craig Wells |17 JAN 14 |20% |USTA Southern example found. Investigating SC use. |MAR 15 |

|selections for ease of submission | | | | | |

|Coordinate with incoming Chair. |Craig Wells |JAN 14 |100% |None pending appeal |DEC 15 |

Quarterly Update on Accomplishments:


First Quarter:

One grievance currently in process. No response from person the grievance was filed against. One grievance committee member recused herself. Teleconference held 3 March. Action items in plan on hold until publishing of 2014 Friend at Court. Other items still in progress at 50%.

Second Quarter:

Completed a filed grievance. This was a second grievance filed against this USTA official. Additional care was required in handling this event due to the accused being one of own. The committee quickly convened and concurred on an appropriate discipline for the inappropriate behavior. Specifics of the discipline are available on a need to know basis to protect the USTA SC member.

Third Quarter:

A good quarter for the grievance committee. We like it when there are no grievances to act upon. We credit the hard work of the volunteers to get the word out and resolve issues at the lowest level. We like feeling like the Maytag repairman.


Investment Management Committee

Chair: David Honeycutt

| |Committee Member Responsible |Date Added to Plan |Percent Completed | |Target |

|Action Item | | |(please write the |Next Step(s) |Date for Completion |

| | | |% completed on a | | |

| | | |scale from 0-100) | | |

|Meet at least semi-annually to review portfolio |All |December 7, 2013 |100% |Individual committee members will monitor the investment portfolio |June 3, 2014 |

|performance, evaluate economic projections and | | | |performance continually throughout the year. | |

|make any necessary adjustments to the portfolio | | | | |& |

|or the allocation strategies. | | | | | |

| | | | | |December 6, 2014 |

|Submit revisions to Investment Management Policy|All |December 7, 2013 |50% |Submitt draft revised policy to By-laws & Policy Committee |February 15, 2014 |

|to address “passive management” and “withdrawal | | | | | |

|approval authorities”. | | | |Submit to Board. | |

| | | | | |March 9, 2014 |

|Decide the relative cost/benefit of using all or|All |December 7, 2013 |100% |Collect May 31, 2014 portfolio performance info . Evaluate current and |June 3, 2014 |

|part of the 2013 operating fund surplus to pay | | | |projected portfolio performance versus interest rate on office building| |

|down the office building mortgage or to transfer| | | |mortgage. | |

|surplus funds to the Cash Reserve and/or | | | | | |

|Investment Portfolio Accounts. | | | |Awaiting formal report on 2013 operating fund surplus. | |

|Evaluate the 2014 investment portfolio |All |December 7, 2013 |0% |Obtain November 2014 portfolio performance and market projections for |December 6, 2014 |

| | | | |2015. | |

|Meet at least semi-annually to review portfolio |All |December 7, 2013 |100% |Committee members will monitor the investment portfolio performance |June 9, 2015 |

|performance, evaluate economic projections and | | | |continually throughout the year. | |

|make any necessary adjustments to the portfolio | | | | |& |

|or the allocation strategies. | | | | | |

| | | | | |December 5, 2015 |

|Decide the relative cost/benefit of using all or|All |December 7, 2013 |0% |Collect June 30, 2015 portfolio performance info . Evaluate current and|June 9, 2015 |

|part of the 2014 operating fund surplus to pay | | | |projected portfolio performance versus interest rate on office building| |

|down the office building mortgage or to transfer| | | |mortgage and inflow of 2014 operating fund surplus. | |

|surplus funds to the Cash Reserve and/or | | | | | |

|Investment Portfolio Accounts. | | | | | |

|Evaluate the 2015 investment portfolio |All |December 7, 2013 |0% |Obtain November, 2015 portfolio performance and market projections for |December 5, 2015 |

| | | | |2016 | |

|Review Investment Management Policy and develop|All |March 4, 2014 |0% |Submit draft revision to By-Laws and Policy committee for review by |December 1, 2015 |

|draft changes as appropriate | | | |November 1, 2015. Submit for Board approval by December 1, 2015 | |

|Coordinate with incoming Chair. |Chairperson |January 2014 |0% |Discuss goals and accomplishments with incoming Chair. |December 2015 |

Quarterly Update on Accomplishments:


First Quarter:

Committee members have been individually monitoring the portfolio performance for January and February, 2014. First draft of revised Investment Management Policy is complete. Will finalize and submit for By-Laws and Policy committee review by March 31. Action plan has been expanded to include 2015 activities.

Second Quarter:

Committee members have been individually monitoring the portfolio performance for January through May, 2014. First draft of revised Investment Management Policy is complete. Will finalize and submit for By-Laws and Policy committee review by Septembedr 1, 2014. Committee will make final decision on pay-down of mortgage once audited 2013 operating fund surplus fund is finalized.

Third Quarter:

The Committee approved use of $!57,409 from the 2013 general fund surplus to pay off the mortgage on USTA SC's office building. The Committee also approved transfer of the $17,092 remaining surplus into the Cash Reserve Account to increase cash available for potential emergency requirements. This increased the Cash Reserve Fund to 12.3% of the total Reserve Fund. Mortgage pay-off and cash transfers to cash reserve fund were completed in July and August, 2014. The Committee also approved the reallocation of $54,000 from the General Reserve to the Building Fund Reserve to satisfy the scheduled annual reallocations of $27,000 for fiscal years 2013 and 2014. The current Reserve Fund goal is $404,169. The current Reserve Fund value is $452,852---112% of the current goal.


Jr. Team Tennis Committee

Chair: Ashlyn Cousins

| |Committee Member Responsible |Date Added to Plan |Percent Completed | |Target |

|Action Item | | |(please write the |Next Step(s) |Date for Completion |

| | | |% completed on a | | |

| | | |scale from 0-100) | | |

|Player Leveling: Implement state-wide |Nancy Powell |12/7/13 |20% |Develop first phase plan for player leveling |March 15 2014 |

|commitment for leveling teams with first phase | | | | | |

|of implementation beginning in Championship year| | | | | |

|2015 | | | | | |

|Bid Proposals for 2016-2017 SCJTT State |Les Arkin |12/7/13 |0% |Update bid proposal forms and distribute by end of March 2015. |March 2015 |

|Championships | | | | | |

|Periodically review website for information |Daniel Walters |1/1/12 |0% | |March 2 '14 |

|pertinent to our areas | | | | |July 20 '14 |

| | | | | |Oct 11 '14 |

| | | | | |Dec 6 '14 |

| | | | | |March 7 '15 |

| | | | | |July 18 '15 |

| | | | | |October 10 '15 |

| | | | | |Dec 5 '15 |

|Teen Council Pilot Program ongoing status |Ashlyn Cousins |12/7/13 |100% | |March 2 '14 |

|reports | | | | |July 20 '14 |

| | | | | |Oct 11 '14 |

| | | | | |Dec 6 '14 |

| | | | | |March 7 '15 |

| | | | | |July 18 '15 |

| | | | | |October 10 '15 |

| | | | | |Dec 5 '15 |

|Awards nomination push ideas |Daniel Walters |12/7/13 |0% |Awards nominations collected at State championships |March 2 '14 July 20 |

| | | | | |'14 |

| | | | | |Oct 11 '14 |

| | | | | |Dec 6 '14 |

| | | | | |March 7 '15 |

| | | | | |July 18 '15 |

| | | | | |October 10 '15 |

| | | | | |Dec 5 '15 |

|LLC Stipend calclulations: how to distribute |TBD |10/5/13 |0% |Discussion with Rashawn Nelson |July 2014 |

|LLC stipend funds each year | | | | | |

|Middle school beginner lesson grant: quarterly |Michelle Campanella |10/5/13 |100% |Send an update to ad-hoc committee to update process (open pool money |March 2 '14 |

|status reports on grant recipients | | | |as of Oct 1) |July 20 '14 |

| | | | | |Oct 11 '14 |

| | | | | |Dec 6 '14 |

|Coordinate with incoming Chair |Howard Green |1/14 |25% |Discuss goals and accomplishments with incoming Chair. |Dec 2015 |

Quarterly Update on Accomplishments:


First Quarter:

Our committee meeting is planned for Saturday, March 8th at the SC Tennis office. Items to be discussed: Player leveling, website review, Teen Council pilot program, Middle School beginner lesson grant, Bylaw review & High school tennis pilot programs.

Second Quarter:

Committee meeting was held at the SC Tennis office on March 8th. All planned topics were covered. Minutes were submitted by Daniel Walters. Michelle Campanella has moved from Staff Liaison to a volunteer member of the committee as of May 16th. Main focus for this quarter and next is player leveling. A LLC survey is proposed and planned to be distributed by the end of May.

Third Quarter:

Committee meeting was held at the SC Tennis office on Aug 2nd after the yearly LLC workshop. Ashlyn, Michelle, Les, Rashawn & Graham were in attendance. The committee discussed the leveling pilot program in Greenville and the future statewide impact, also much discussion about how new JTT rules will be approved and implemented (through the committee, board, or both?). The committee will meet again at the Annual Meeting in December.


Junior Competition Committee

Chair: Jonathan Barth

| |Committee Member Responsible |Date Added to Plan |Percent Completed | |Target |

|Action Item | | |(please write the |Next Step(s) |Date for Completion |

| | | |% completed on a | | |

| | | |scale from 0-100) | | |

|Look at match formats that will help our |Toby Simpson, Jonathan Barth, Carlos | |50% | |6/30/14 |

|performance-based age groups by allowing |Lozano | | | | |

|opportunities to play 2 out of 3 sets in | | | | | |

|singles, or any other formats. | | | | | |

|To help create a more consistent officiating |Bob Keivit, Theresa Hendrix | |0% | |3/31/14 |

|environment at tournaments by increasing | | | | | |

|communication between td and ref and other | | | | | |

|officials working. (Following the mission | | | | | |

|statement of USTA-SC.) | | | | | |

|Educate tournament director’s to become more |Carlos Lozano, Theresa Hendrix | |0% | |ongoing |

|customer service oriented. | | | | | |

|Increase sportsmanship education at junior |Linda Spratt, Bill Lindsay, Bill | |50% | |6/30/14 |

|tournaments by having parent/player/coaches |Brannon | | | | |

|meeting before start of tournament. Consider | | | | | |

|other rewards for winning the sportsmanship | | | | | |

|award. | | | | | |

|Create a stricter enforcement of sanctioning for|Kelly Hesketh, Theresa Hendrix | |0% | |9/30/14 |

|tournaments that do not meet the requirements | | | | | |

|set forth by the junior competition committee. | | | | | |

|Increase 10 and under participation by having |Bernie McGuire, Terrie Ferrell, Anne | |0% | |6/30/14 |

|more successful one day events. |Reynolds | | | | |

|Waivers: Try to enhance the waiver system and |Terry Ferrell, Toby Simpson | |75% | |6/1/14 |

|make sure that the waiver system is enforced. | | | | | |

|Coordinate with incoming Chair. |Jonathan Barth | |0% |Discuss goals and accomplishments with incoming Chair. |12/15 |

Quarterly Update on Accomplishments:


First Quarter:

Had first conference call in early February. We had discussions and assigned tasks to be completed that pertained to action items. We identified issues with the SC point chart in relation to Southern Level 1 and are working to make the point chart more equal at that level.

Second Quarter:

We had a successful qualifier at Belton this year with granting 15 waivers for the National selection tournaments held on the same weekend. We are working on the waiver process for the future.


Leagues Committee

Chair: Mary Goins

| |Committee Member Responsible |Date Added to Plan |Percent Completed | |Target |

|Action Item | | |(check the % |Next Step(s) |Date for Completion |

| | | |complete) | | |

|Promote Leagues trying to get |All Committee Members |Jan. 2014 |95% |Work with Jonathon promotion-interest stories |June 2014 |

|new memberships | | | |Help and assist the State and Local Coordinators develop their | |

| |are responsible for their | | |individual leagues for play in 2014. |Dec. 2014 and 2015 |

| |individual local league | | |Work with Jonathon promotion-interest stories | |

| | | | |Hold Work League Training for Mixed Doubles; 55 & Over and Combo | |

| |Mary Goins | | |Doubles | |

|Develop 55 & Over Mixed League for SC. |Patti McVey |Nov. 11, 2013 |95% |Organize 55 & Over Mixed League and Direct State Championships. Make |Sept. 2014 |

| | | | |sure all players are computer rated or have a NTRP Self Rate | |

| | | | |Work with Susan Turner, Mixed League Coordinator | |

| | | | |Work with Jonathon promotion 55 & Over Mixed League. | |

|Organize Combo State Championships |Joyce Harrison |Nov. 11, 2013 |90% |Work with Jonathon promoting Combo Championships. |Oct. 2014 |

|Direct LATA League | | |100% Local |Championship awards-work with Daniel. | |

| | | |League |Organize All Combo Doubles Age Divisions and Develop Regulations for | |

| | | | |the Combo Doubles League. Check all local leagues regulation making | |

| | | | |sure all Southern Regulations are followed. Organize Combo Doubles | |

| | | | |Championships and Direct them working with Jackie Reynecke Host for | |

| | | | |championships. Prepare paperwork for all Combo Local League | |

| | | | |Coordinators. | |

| | | | |Championship awards-work with Daniel | |

|Work with Staff and Volunteer |Ed Sprenger |1.5.2014 |100% |Organize the Florence League Program. Writing regulations to cover the|Dec. 2014 |

|to improve our program in the Florence Area. | | | |Florence Program,Hold Captains' Meeting. Make sure all players are | |

|Grow the league players | | | |eligible to compete in the league. Make team schedules and enter in | |

| | | | |TennisLink. | |

|Organize HH League and Direct |Jackie Reynecke |Nov. 11, 2013 |75% |A Organize the League Program for CCTA/Bluffton. |Dec. 2014 |

|two of our state championships | | | |Prepare team schedules and enter in TennisLink. | |

| |Jackie Reynecke |Nov. 2014 |0% |Setup League Tree so players can register. | |

| |Joyce Harrison | | |Hold Captains' Meeting. Make sure all players are eligible to | |

| | | | |participate in league. Write Local Regulations for the league. Appoint| |

| | | | |level coordinators to help with league business. | |

| | | | |Prepare teams for state championships.ppoint level coordinators | |

|Work with new volunteers to help the league grow|Jerry Wayne |Nov. 11, 2013 |75% |A Organize the League Program for CCTA/Bluffton. |Jan. 2014 |

| | | | |Prepare team schedules and enter in TennisLink. | |

| | |Sept 2014 |0% |Setup League Tree so players can register. | |

| | |Oct. 2014 | |Hold Captains' Meeting. Make sure all players are eligible to | |

| | | | |participate in league. Write Local Regulations for the league. Appoint| |

| | | | |level coordinators to help with league business. | |

| | | | |Prepare teams for state championships.ppoint level coordinators | |

|Develop Volunteer Staff for the Aiken League and|Shawn Risher |11.9.2013 |50% |Oranize the League Program for AALT/Aiken. Hold Captains' Meeting. | |

|work with the League Program, growing by 5 % | | | |Make sure all players are eligible to participate in league. Write | |

| | |05/15/2014 |60% |Local Regulations for the League. Appoint Level Coordinators to help | |

| | | | |with league business. Setup League Tree for Age Divisions so players | |

| | |09/04/14 |90% |can register. Make team schedule for play and enter in TennisLink. | |

| | | | |Prepare teams for state championships. | |

|Organize Columbia League |Sandra Grooms |11.09.2013 |100% |Oranize the League Program for the Columbia Local league. Hold |Dec. 2014 |

| | | | |Captains' meeting. Make sure all players are eligible to participate | |

| | | | |in league. Write local regulations for the league. Appoint level | |

| | | | |coordinators. | |

|Bringing the GATA League back to a successful |Ray Nelson |1.02.2014 |30% |Appoint Grievance and Grievance Appeal Committee for league play in |Dec. 2014 |

|league again | | | |2014. | |

| | |05.12.2014 |40% |Organize and redevelop the Greenwood League bringing it back to the | |

| | | | |status that it once had. Make sure all players are eligible to compete | |

| | | | |and have a NTRP Computer Rating or a NTRP Self-Rate before taking the | |

| | | | |court. Appoint Grievance and Grievance Appeal Committee for league play| |

| | | | |in 2014 | |

|Orgnize 55 & Over League and Championships |Bonnie Sue Duncan |11.13.2013 |75% |Organize Adult 55 & Over League and develop league championships. |May, 2014 |

|Orgnize 55 & Over Championships | | |100% Local League |Write regulations to cover what USTA doesn't cover locally. Appoint |& Nov. 2014 |

|as well as 65s, 70s and 75s | | |100% |Volunteers to help with the league and championships. Set dates for | |

| | | | |the league to be completed and set dates for information to be sent to| |

|Organize UPTA League for play in 2014. well as | | |95% |the state for the championships. Prepare paperwork for teams | |

|65s, 70s and 75s | | | |advancing to sectional championships. | |

| Organize Singles League and |Sam Hicks |11.13.2013 |50% |Write Regulations for the Singles League and set |2014 and 2015 |

|Championships | | |100% Local League |dates for completion. Write state regulations and have them approved. | |

|Develop League for SATL Championships | | | |Develop Singles League Championships. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Organize the SATL League to begin play in Feb. 2014.Write local | |

| | | | |regulations, setup league tree, make schedules for teams to play. | |

|Develop and Grow Tri Level League plus |Kim Ozman |10.10.2013 |100% |Organize the MCTL League beginning Jan. 2014. Write local regulations,| |

|reorganize Rock Hill | | | |setup league tree, make schedules for teams to begin play in Feb. | |

|League program. | | | | | |

|Grow Low Country League and bring volunteers up |Susan Mock |11.9.2013 |30% |Organize the LCTA League. Make sure all players are eligible to |Dec. 2014 and 2015 |

|to date | | | |participate. Write Local Regulations Assist and train level | |

| |Steve Wilson |02.01.2014 |100% |coordinators in the LCTA League. | |

| | | | |Learn and assist level coordinators in the LCTA League | |

|Organize Local League and take minutes at |Dee Vaughan |11.09.2013 |100% |Organize the FTA League to begin play in Feb. Write Local regulations.|Dec. 2014 |

|committee minutes | | | |Take minutes at all LLC meetings. Setup League Tree and make schedules| |

| | | | |for teams to begin play. | |

|Organize Local League and train |Susie Honeycutt |11.09.2013 |100% |Organize the GSTL League to begin play in Jan. 2014. Make sure all |Dec. 2014 |

|volunteers to help with league | | | |players are eligible to participate. Write local regulations. Assist | |

|Develop Tri Level | |05.22.214 |0% |and Train local volunteers. | |

|Organizing Mixed League and help with |Susan Turner |11.09.2013 |90% |Work with CTL as Mixed League Coordinator for League. |Dec. 2014 |

|Championships | | | |Write State Mixed Doubles Regulations and have them approved by State | |

| | |02.01.2014 |100% |and Section. Hold Mixed Doubles Local League Coordinator's meeting. | |

| | | | |Assist and Train Local Volunteers. | |

|Coordinate with incoming Chair |Mary Goins |02.03.2014 |0 |Discuss goals and accomplishments with incoming Chair. |Dec. 2015 |

Quarterly Update on Accomplishments:


First Quarter:

All Local League Coordinators and Committee Members have been working with their individual leagues organizing them and planning for upcoming schedules. Four of the leagues are playing matches at this time. The remaining local leagues will begin play by March 8, 2014. Each Committee member has been writing their local regulations and distributing them. Schedules are published for local play.

NTRP Appeals have been coming in on a regular basis and Southern Tennis NTRP Committee has been working on them, sending at least 10-15 appeals daily to players. Medical appeals have been higher than usual, none of them have granted.

At this point in time we have 17, 344 participants in the three age groups that play in the spring, Adult 18 & Over; Adult 40 & Over and Adult 55 & Over. This number will increase before the end of the season.

Team Count for Championships is being organized at this time so the number of teams can be given to the Referees for scheduling championships.

Three Training Workshops were conducted, one at the end of January and two in February.

Keeping Website update with Daniel Stetson.

Second Quarter:

One Medical Appeal Granted. 5 Medical Appeals not answered. One Medical Appeal sent to Nationals for Review, waiting for results.

Adult 18 & Over, 40 & Over complete for 2014. The 2.5-3.5 Portion of 18 & Over championships will complete all the adult championships for 2014. Prepare all winning teams for Sectional Championships, end of July and August.

Working with Mixed Doubles and Combo Leagues for upcoming season. Mixed Championship play begins in June and Combo Play begins in August. Mixed Championships will be held in September and Combo Championships will be in October.

Singles League Competition beginning in June and going through November. Sam Hicks, Singles State League Coordinator.

Third Quarter:

NTRP Computer Ratings are still a major concern of the players, we keep trying to help them understand the system and the most current ratings will be published by December of 2014.

Mixed Doubles Play has concluded for the 2014 season. We are preparing for Mixed Doubles Championships and 55 & Over Mixed Championships to be held during September in Florence, SC. There will be five sites used from Friday to Monday. The number of Players competing is to be determined when rosters have been submitted to our State Mixed Coordinators.

Combo Doubles began play in August and will be concluded by October 1. Championship for this division is to be held in Hilton Head, SC during the middle week of October. There will be 8 to 10 sites used with over 2500 player competing.

65s and 70s Age Division has begun play for the season and will complete at the end of October. A Championship will be held in Hilton Head for this Division in November.

Some Singles Leagues are competing at this time and will conclude the first week in November.

MCTL-Rock Hill and GSTL-GrandStrand will begin their Tri Level play in October.

2014 Computer Ratings will be published in the fourth Quarter.


Membership Relations and Development Committee

Chair: Maggie LaCoste

| |Committee Member Responsible |Date Added to Plan |Percent Completed | |Target |

|Action Item | | |(check the % |Next Step(s) |Date for Completion |

| | | |complete) | | |

|Narrow down preliminary list of MGI projects |Maggie and Graham |12-2013 |100% |Begin working on first group of projects, submit to Executive Committee|1-15-2014 |

|approved at Annual Meeting to those ready to | | | |for approval | |

|move ahead | | | | | |

|Develop Form for submission of MGI projects |Maggie and Graham |12-2013 |100% |Use form to submit projects |1-10-2014 |

|Complete MGI form for each Phase I project to be|All committee members |1-15-2014 |100% |Submit to Executive Committee for approval |2-1-2014 |

|submitted | | | | | |

|Communicate with committee chairs regarding |Maggie |1-15-2014 |100% |Develop e-mail communication to relevant chairs |3-15-2014 |

|relevant approved projects | | | | | |

|Communicate with committee chairs regarding |Maggie and Graham |1-15-2014 |100% |Develop e-mail communication to state chairs |2-30-2014 |

|purpose of committee, encourage their | | | | | |

|suggestions | | | | | |

|Develop Plan of Action for approved MGI projects|Staff with assistance from committee |1-21-2014 |75% |Divide responsibilities between staff, committee |2-28-2014 |

|Develop a plan for improving relationship |Ric Schoefield in conjunction with |1-21-2014 |0% |Phone call with Ric, Graham and Maggie to discuss strategy |3-2014 |

|between USTA SC and CTA’s |Bruce Alexander and Graham | | | | |

|Work with Mary Goins to develop a fact sheet on |Graham and Maggie |1-21-2014 |0% |Develop an outline of key points of information needed |3-1-2014 |

|Understanding your NTRP Rating | | | | | |

|Develop a plan to utilize captains and league |Shirley directs with assistance from |1-21-2014 |0% |Determine how to best utilize local CTA e-mail lists of captains, and |3-30-2014 |

|coordinators to help promote successive tennis |committee and staff | | |how to best communicate upcoming league seasons to those captains | |

|seasons to teammates | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Submit recommended membership growth, retention |Maggie and Graham |2-13-2014 |100% |Utilize priorities to evaluate projects proposed for MGI funding by any|3-2014 |

|and customer service priorities to the Board for| | | |USTA SC committee | |

|approval | | | | | |

|Determine what growth numbers will be used each |Graham |12-2013 |100% |Finalize list and report all numbers on a monthly basis |12-31-2014 |

|month to report MGI progress | | | | | |

|Submit Quarterly Action Plan Updates |Maggie, committee, staff |12-2013 |50% |Submit updates for quarterly action plans and forward to Board Liaison |March, June, |

| | | | |and mailing list |September, December,|

| | | | | |2014 and 2015 |

|Work on Phase II Membership Growth Initiative |Committee and staff |1-21-2014 |0% |Begin work on Phase II projects once Phase I projects have been |April, 2014 |

|Projects | | | |developed, submitted and approved. | |

|Develop an assessment tool to evaluate success |Staff |1-21-2014 |0% |Determine factors to be used to determine the success of funded |March, 2014 |

|of funded MGI projects | | | |projects, how they can be improved and whether they should be | |

| | | | |continued. | |

|Coordinate with incoming chair |Maggie |1-2014 |0% |Discuss goals and accomplishments with incoming chair |12-2015 |

|Develop procedure for reviewing MGI funding |Committee and staff |2-13-2014 |100% |Provide information on the procedure to all USTA-SC committees, along |3-2014 |

|requests from other USTA SC Committees | | | |with funding priorities | |

|Develop standardized form for MGI funding |Graham |1-15-2014 |100% |Form to be used for all requests for funding |Ongoing |

|proposals | | | | | |

Quarterly Update on Accomplishments:


First Quarter:

A form was developed for submission of all MGI funding requests. This will provide a uniform and consistent information for every project, thus facilitating review. Committee and staff developed project abstracts for 8 funding proposals and these have been submitted and are awaiting final approval. Working with staff, the Committee helped narrow down what growth data will be tracked during the year. Committee, working with staff formalized the MGI objectives and priorities so that this information can be shared with other USTA SC Committees who may have ideas for funding. The priorities together with the funding request form will standardize project review, insuring that each project is reviewed fairly, with the same criteria. The Committee approved moving ahead with the development of the Master’s Tennis proposal with a target completion date of late March.

Second Quarter:

At the March 9 USTA SC Board Meeting, an Ad Hoc Committee was formed to make funding determinations on each Membership Growth Initiative project advanced to them. Shortly after the formation all submitted projects were approved as requested. This launched a new phase for the MRD Committee where the focus of attention shifted to facilitate these projects through implementation. At the April 15 Committee meeting, members were asked to choose which projects they wanted to assist with. Leigh Green will coordinate all resources into an integrated plan for success of all projects, and will communicate with the Committee regarding the scheduling of events and projects as well as the success of such programs.

The second quarter saw the implementation of most of the approved projects under the direction of Leigh Green. Captain Appreciation Week has been widely promoted for June 8 to 14, as has the Tournament Rebate Program. Plans for the summer Young Professional League were tabled based on lack of interest/cooperation with the local league in pilot communities.

At the April 15 meeting, the Committee was advised that summer conference calls would be scheduled on an as-needed basis.


Nominating Committee

Chair: Al Marshall

| |Committee Member Responsible |Date Added to Plan |Percent Completed | |Target |

|Action Item | | |(please write the |Next Step(s) |Date for Completion |

| | | |% completed on a | | |

| | | |scale from 0-100) | | |

|Review officer and area director positions to |Committee Chair |1/21/14 |0 |Review requirements in the By-laws and determine each incumbent’s |February 15, 2015 |

|determine which incumbents are ineligible for | | | |eligibility. | |

|re-election due to term limits. | | | | | |

|Evaluate the marketing and promotion of the |Committee Chair |1/21/14 |0 |Solicit ideas from committee members and work with staff to develop an |March 31, 2015 |

|biennial election process with the intent of | | | |effective statewide campaign. Target groups should include current | |

|starting the process in mid-2015. | | | |state volunteers, CTAs, other member organizations. | |

|Review evaluation forms and form letters for use|Committee Chair and Staff Liaison |1/21/14 |0 |Gather materials used in previous years for consideration. |April 15, 2015 |

|during the 2015 nomination and election | | | | | |

|processes and update as needed | | | | | |

|Increase the emphasis on finding suitable |Committee Chair |1/21/14 |0 |Solicit Diversity Committee assistance in developing themes and |May 15, 2015 |

|minority candidates by targeting groups not | | | |identifying target groups and staff assistance in designing appropriate| |

|traditionally involved in tennis. | | | |marketing materials. | |

|Conduct a statewide promotional campaign to |Committee and Staff |1/21/14 |0 |The objective will be to identify at least one candidate for President,|May 15, 2015 |

|solicit candidates for office. | | | |one for EVP, three or more for VP, two for Treasurer, two for | |

| | | | |Secretary, and two for each Area Director Positions. | |

|Conduct reviews and interviews as needed and |Committee |1/21/14 |0 |Committee Chair to coordinate evaluation process and schedule |September 7, 2015 |

|select nominees | | | |interviews. | |

|Submit a slate of nominees for the December 2015|Committee Chair |1/21/14 |0 |This action must take place at least 60 days prior to the Annual |October 1, 2015 |

|elections to the USTA SC Secretary | | | |Business Meeting. | |

|Formally present the slate to the membership |Committee Chair |1/21/14 |0 |To be done during the Annual Business Meeting |December 2015 |

|Follow up with candidates as appropriate by |Committee Chair and/or Designated |1/21/14 |0 |Follow-up task to be completed as soon as possible after nominees are |September 15, 2015 |

|telephone and mail. |Committee Member | | |selected. | |

|Ensure that viable candidate who are not |Committee Chair, Staff Liaison, and/or |1/21/14 |0 |Follow-up task to be completed as soon as possible after nominees are |September 15, 2015 |

|nominated are encouraged to apply for other |Designated Committee Members | | |selected | |

|volunteer positions and recommended to the USTA | | | | | |

|SC leadership | | | | | |

|Identify and nominate candidates to fill |Committee |1/21/14 |0 |This task is provisional and will be performed only if a mid-term |As required |

|mid-term vacancies | | | |vacancy occurs and the BOD chooses to fill them | |

|Coordinate with incoming Chair |Committee Chair |1/14 |0 |Discuss goals and accomplishments with incoming Chair. |December 2015 |

Quarterly Update on Accomplishments:


First Quarter:

Nothing to report for the first quarter.

Second Quarter:

Nothing to report for the first quarter.

Third Quarter:

Nothing to report for the first quarter.


Officials Committee

Chair: Bena Peek

| |Committee Member Responsible |Date Added to Plan |Percent Completed | |Target |

|Action Item | | |(please write the |Next Step(s) |Date for Completion |

| | | |% completed on a | | |

| | | |scale from 0-100) | | |

|Conduct USTA School at 3 specific junior |Scottie, Theresa, Bena |1/16/14 |66% no change |Identify three tournaments and coordinate with TD/Referee to plan. |4/30/14 |

|tournaments. | | | | | |

|Develop an evaluation form for Referees to |Bena, Bob, (Scottie and |1/16/14 |75% |Review STOC draft form and revise for SC referee’s use. |3/30/14 revise to |

|complete to assess performance of officials. |Theresa)02/27/14 | | | |10/14 |

|Provide annual training events for Chairs |Pat and Bob |1/16/14 |100% |Identify dates and locations. |6/30/14 |

| | | |02/27/14 | | |

|Evaluate and revise Mentor program |Bena |1/16/14 |100% |Look at USTA Georgia and discuss their use of area coordinators. |3/30/14 |

| | | |02/27/14 | | |

|Examine potential for assessing fees for |Bena |1/16/14 |30% |Discuss with three state associations how fees are implemented, |3/30/14 |

|training with no charge to new people. | | | |collected, and managed. | |

| | | |50% no change | | |

|Develop a policy that officials who take Referee|All Committee Members |1/16/14 |0% |Review policy and procedure manual from USTASC tennis board. |6/30/14 |

|exam must complete referee mentor program in | | |No change | | |

|order to be a referee. | | | | | |

|Study means by which to address and enforce |All Committee Members |1/16/14 |75% |Research what the committee can legally do based on USTA SC policy. |6/30/14 |

|Officials Code of Conduct for SC Officials and | | | | | |

|recommend counseling for officials who | | | | | |

|repeatedly are reported with poor performance. | | | | | |

|Develop a means to enforce TD/Referee’s use of |Scottie, Bena, Celia |1/16/14 |0% |Develop a survey for TD/Referees to identify barriers currently |9/30/14 |

|1:6 ratio for roving. | | | |affecting staffing ratio. | |

|Explore means to poll the interest/need/purpose |All Committee Members |1/16/14 |0% |Analysis of benefits and challenges of implementing an officials |9/30/14 |

|of how an official’s organization in SC would | | | |association. | |

|function. | | | | | |

|Develop means for officials to inform referees |Bob, Theresa |1/16/14 |25% |Step 1: Ensure sign up lists for specific tournaments are at officials’|2/29/14 |

|of availability for tournaments. | | | |training clinics in February. | |

| | | |100% | | |

| | | | |Step 2: Explore options with USTA SC tennis options for use of existing|4/30/14 |

| | | | |tennis website. | |

|Coordinate with incoming Chair. |Bena |1/14 |0% |Discuss goals and accomplishments with incoming Chair. |12/15 |

Quarterly Update on Accomplishments:


First Quarter:

Completed 5 Chair training workshops;2 at USC and 3 at Clemson; Chair Clinic scheduled for Belton

Chair discussed Official’s Committee structure with GA Chair and Southern Chair;

Completed 3 recertification schools with 2 remaining before July 2014

Introduced and discussed managing Committee’s role for officials who are reported for unethical behavior

Reviewed Mentor policy and amended to indicate PV officials will not be approved for Nucula account until completed mentor program.

Reviewed and accepted Southern recommendation to maintain a file on Officials who have incidents reported to Committee

Initiated plan for maintaining file on Tournament incidents involving Officials

Second Quarter:

With resignation of Chair of Officials, the committee did not address most action plan items. No new chair was identified within the 30 days’ notice. Bena agreed to continue until a replacement could be found. USTA SC Executive Director Graham Cox agreed for his staff to take over some of the duties of the chair with data entry and contact information on becoming an official. Bob Keivit and Bena met with staff and reviewed the posted list of approved officials. The list was removed from the website. USTA staff will be allowed to access the officials’ data base (NUCULA) and can use that data to confirm certifications of all SC officials. The Officials website was also updated and streamlined.

The chair was asked to draft a policy regarding compensating mentors. Funds ($1000) were requested for this effort. TD’s had raised this concern. This matter is deferred until the full Committee can address it and will be added to the action plan with the next Committee Conference call.

A USTA Chair Clinic and Evaluation for Chairs was completed at Belton with 9 officials participating.

There has been one official involved with disciplinary action. Two officials have been reported to the Committee chair raising concerns for ethical issues. Both reporters were directed to utilize the grievance process. No outcomes are reported as of this date.

Third Quarter:

Completed 4 clinics with one possible for late Fall in Charleston; addressed issues with certifications, vision forms, and decrease in number of new folks interested in becoming officials. Coordinated with staff to shift data entry and monitoring to staff; provided SC official attire for US Open officials; reviewed issues with Referee mentor program


Player Development Committee

Chair: Mark Smith

| |Committee Member Responsible |Date Added to Plan |Percent Completed | |Target |

|Action Item | | |(please write the |Next Step(s) |Date for Completion |

| | | |% completed on a | | |

| | | |scale from 0-100) | | |

|Solicitation of Coaches for upcoming coaching |Jessica |12/5/13 |100% |Email to all registered teaching professionals in SC announcing our |2/15/14 |

|opportunities offered through USTA SC Player | | | |coaching opportunities. | |

|Development. |All | | | | |

| | | |100% |Begin selection process of first conference call. | |

|10 & under Camps |Mark Rearden |12/5/13 |67% |Implement dates for 3 smaller (regional) camps and 1 big (Central) camp|2/15/14 |

|CTC Camps |All |12/5/13 |20% |Design 2 big events that would accommodate 12-18 divisions |2/15/14 |

| | | | |Look at the feasibility of running a 4-session CTC for the “next 20” in| |

|Additional CTC Camps (next 20) |Gary Agardy |12/5/13 |100% |the 12 and 14 age divisions |2/15/14 |

|VDM All-star Camp |All |12/5/13 |100% |Dates are June 7 & 8 at Cayce |12/5/13 |

| | | |100% |Guest Speaker |2/15/14 |

| | | |100% |Coaches Selection |3/15/14 |

|Southern Junior Cup |All |12/5/13 |100% |Coaches Selections will be done on the May conference call |5/15/14 |

| | | | |Player Selection will be done after the completion of the Southern | |

| | | | |Closed Championships (and standings have been updated) |6/30/14 |

|Green Ball competition |All |12/5/13 |50% |Look for opportunities for more green ball competition for the lower |2/15/14 |

| | | | |level 12s and upper level 10s | |

|Player Development website material |All |12/5/13 |20% |Everyone look at what we have on the USTA SC website for Player |2/15/14 |

| | | | |Development. Please have additions and deletions ready by February | |

| | | | |conference call | |

|2 Year Plan |All |12/5/13 |0% |Look forward to 2015 and discuss goals and plans that we have on the |2/15/14 |

| | | | |February conference call | |

|Coordinate with incoming Chair. |Mark Smith |1/14 |0% |Discuss goals and accomplishments with incoming Chair. |12/15 |

Quarterly Update on Accomplishments:


First Quarter:

The first quarter has been very productive for the PD committee. We have mailed out invitations to coaches for all of our 2014 events. We have two 10U camps that will take place on April 6. One in Myrtle Beach at the MBTC. The other in Clinton at Presbyterian College. There will be a larger “state” camp held in early May in the midlands.

We have revamped our CTC programs to be higher quality and service more players. Our top-level players (top ten ranked in the state) will train at a couple of larger events like the VDM all-star camp. These are designed for the top ranked players in the 12 through 18 age divisions. We are also implementing a brand new training program called NXT camps. These are designed for the “next 20” ranked players in the 12 and 14 age divisions. We are very excited about this, as it will allow us to develop the player that is currently ranked in the #10-30 range in our state standing system. This will be a 3-4 session program starting in August. Our belief is that by training more players from top to bottom will eventually create even better players at the top.

The Van deMeer All-star Camp is set for June 7 and 8 at the Cayce Tennis Center. The group is working diligently on a guest speaker for the event. The selection of coaches for this event will be made next month.

Second Quarter:

During the second quarter, the PD committee held a 10U state camp on May 4, 2014 at Cayce Tennis and Fitness Center that served as a combined camp from participants from the local 10U camps at Myrtle Beach Tennis Center and Presbyterian College that were rained out. The committee is looking to also do two additional 10U camps this year.

The PD committee also solidified coaches for the Southern Jr. Cup, the Southern Closed Championships, and the Van der Meer All Star Camp.

The PD committee selected a guest speaker for the Van der Meer All Star Camp to be held on June 7-8 at the Cayce Tennis & Fitness Center. Invitations were sent out to all players who qualify for this camp based on their final rankings from last year. Letters were also sent to potential coaches.

The PD will be looking to plan a large 12-18s camp in the fall that will serve as our primary CTC for the year.

In addition to the large CTC, the PD committee would like to begin planning for the implementation of the NXT program as a development tool for the “next 20” kids in the standings. The NXT program will consist of 3 sessions in the fall. Dates for these sessions will be determined by July 15, 2014.


Senior Cup Committee

Chair: Tom Foster

| |Committee Member Responsible |Date Added to Plan |Percent Completed | |Target |

|Action Item | | |(check the % |Next Step(s) |Date for Completion |

| | | |complete) | | |

|     Review and update senior cup information on|Ben Varn |Jan 10, 2014 |100% |Conduct review and advise USTA SC office of any changes that need to be|January 30, 2014 |

|USTA SC website. | | | |made. | |

|Identify and send initial letter to potential |Tom Foster and committee |Jan 10, 2014 |100% |At our Mar 2014 meeting determine who gets a “selection” letter. |February 28, 2014 |

|players. These players are on the so called | | | | | |

|long list. | | | | | |

|Determine player availability based upon |Full Committee |Jan 10, 2014 |100% |Receive responses from our selection letter. Meet to review those who |March 31, 2014 |

|responses to the initial letter. Select players| | | |can participate and make tentative selections. | |

|based upon availability, rankings, past and | | | | | |

|present accomplishments, challenge matches, and | | | | | |

|tournament results. | | | | | |

|Seek to increase diversity on the team, |Full Committee |Jan 10, 2014 |100% |Contact Area Directors and solicit their assistance in identifying |March 31, 2014 |

|consistent with the goal of fielding the | | | |people of diverse backgrounds in their areas that would be potential | |

|strongest possible team. | | | |candidates for the team. Research people identified and evaluate | |

| | | | |whether they should be added to the long list and given a letter. | |

|WIN the Southern Senior Cup Championships for |Full Committee |Jan 10, 2014 |100% |Identify best players available and invite them to play on the team. |June 8, 2014 |

|the fourth consecutive year. | | | |Maintain contact with selected players in order to minimize the number | |

| | | | |that drop out. | |

|     Review and update senior cup information on|Ben Varn |Jan 10, 2014 |100% |Prepare report on 2014 competition and provide to USTA SC office to add|July 1, 2014 |

|USTA SC website. | | | |to the USTA SC website, along with any other changes that need to be | |

| | | | |made. | |

| | | | | | |

|     Review and update senior cup information on|Ben Varn |Jan 10, 2014 | |Conduct review and advise USTA SC office of any changes that need to be|January 30, 2015 |

|USTA SC website. | | | |made. | |

|Identify and send initial letter to potential |Tom Foster and committee |Jan 10, 2014 | |At our Mar 2015 meeting determine who gets a “selection” letter. |February 28, 2015 |

|players. These players are on the so called | | | | | |

|long list. | | | | | |

|Determine player availability based upon |Full Committee |Jan 10, 2014 | |Receive responses from our selection letter. Meet to review those who |March 31, 2015 |

|responses to the initial letter. Select players| | | |can participate and make tentative selections. | |

|based upon availability, rankings, past and | | | | | |

|present accomplishments, challenge matches, and | | | | | |

|tournament results. | | | | | |

|Seek to increase diversity on the team, |Full Committee |Jan 10, 2014 | |Contact Area Directors and solicit their assistance in identifying |March 31, 2015 |

|consistent with the goal of fielding the | | | |people of diverse backgrounds in their areas that would be potential | |

|strongest possible team. | | | |candidates for the team. Research people identified and evaluate | |

| | | | |whether they should be added to the long list and given a letter. | |

|WIN the Southern Senior Cup Championships for |Full Committee |Jan 10, 2014 | |Identify best players available and invite them to play on the team. |June 8, 2015 |

|the fourth consecutive year. | | | |Maintain contact with selected players in order to minimize the number | |

| | | | |that drop out. | |

|     Review and update senior cup information on|Ben Varn |Jan 10, 2014 | |Prepare report on 2015 competition and provide to USTA SC office to add|July 1, 2015 |

|USTA SC website. | | | |to the USTA SC website, along with any other changes that need to be | |

| | | | |made. | |

|Coordinate with the chair to discuss the goals |Tom Foster |Jan 10, 2014 | |Find out who has been chosen to be the Chair of the Senior Cup |December 1, 2015 |

|we had the last year. | | | |Committee for 2016-17. | |

Quarterly Update on Accomplishments:


First Quarter:

The senior cup information on the USTA SC website was updated with the dates for the 2014 competitions.

The Senior Cup Committee met on Feb 17, 2014 and identified potential players for the so called long list. The committee drafted a letter to be sent to each player on the long list. This letter, dated Feb 25, 2014, has been finalized and sent to each player. The letter gives some background information about the Senior Cup and asks for the player’s interest and availability for representing SC at the Senior Cup to be held in Huntsville, Al on June 5 – 8, 2014. The letter also identifies tournaments and encourages the players to compete in these tourneys as preparation for Senior Cup competition.

Second Quarter:

Ninety nine letters (47 for the women and 52 for the men) were sent out on Feb 25, 2014 to the players on the long list. The Senior Cup Committee met on April 8, 2014 and, using the information provided by the responses from the long list players, selected nineteen women and nineteen men to represent South Carolina in the Senior Cup Competition. The committee finalized the selection letter and sent it to the forty players selected - this letter was sent April 14, 2014. The committee also finalized and mailed, on April 14, 2014, a letter to each of the players who responded and were not selected. The committee included the names of the selected players in the letter to the non selectees. The committee also finalized details regarding lodging for the team and coaches.

Third Quarter:

After some signification weather challenges throughout the weekend, the Senior Cup 2014 was able to be completed! Thank you to our captains and participants this year for their cooperation and patience during the weekend. Huntsville Tennis Center did a phenominal job this year, and the players were in for another high-quality championship. And a big thank you to the tournament staff (Mary Anna Scott, Dene Owen, Elizabeth Walker and Nancy Vineyard) for working endless hours in making the tournament a success.

2014 Championship Winners

The state winner for the Women’s Overall Championship is a tie betweenTENNESSEE AND SOUTH CAROLINA with 38 championship points. Louisiana followed behind with 23 points, and Kentucky finished in fourth with 20 points.

The state winner for the Men’s Overall Championship goes to GEORGIA with 30 championship points. Alabama finishes in second place with 27 points. Tennessee and Louisiana round out the third and fourth place finishes with 23 and 22.5 points.

The state titleholder for the Mildred Southern Cup, which goes to the state with the most overall men’s and women’s goes to TENNESSEE with 61 championship points. The runner-up honors goes to South Carolina with 52 championship points and Georgia and Louisiana tallying 50.5 and 45.5 championship points for third and fourth place.

The state victor for the Gil Stacy Memorial Cup, which goes to the state with the most individual wins, goes to TENNESSEE with 53 points. This was an extremely tight race, as South Carolina follows closely behind at 50 points for second place. Louisiana finished at third with 48 points, and Alabama and Georgia tied at fourth with 44 points each.

Detailed results are available on the SC Tennis web site.


Strategic Planning & Evaluation Committee

Chair: Terry Kinard

| |Committee Member Responsible |Date Added to Plan |Percent Completed | |Target |

|Action Item | | |(please write the |Next Step(s) |Date for Completion |

| | | |% completed on a | | |

| | | |scale from 0-100) | | |

|Collect and distribute 2014 - 2015 USTA SC |Terry Kinard and Victoria Halydier |January 2014 |100% |(1) Collect Committee Action Plans |February 7, 2014 |

|Action Plans. | | | |(2) Review Action Plans for format and feasibility; coordinate with | |

| | | | |committee chairs if necessary | |

| | | | |(3) Submit Action Plans to BOD | |

|Submit Quarterly Action Plans Updates. |Terry Kinard and Victoria Halydier |January 2014 |25% |Collect Quarterly Action Plan Updates and forward them to BOD and |March 7, 2014 and |

| | | | |Committee Chairs |2015 |

| | | | | |June 6, 2014 and |

| | | | | |2015 |

| | | | | |September 5, 2014 |

| | | | | |and 2015 |

| | | | | |December 5, 2014 |

| | | | | |and 2015 |

|Review USTA SC Strategic Plan. |Committee; BOD coordination by Terry |January 2014 |25% |(1) Insure plan reflects current thinking; update as necessary. |May 30, 2014 and |

| |Kinnard; web site posting by Terry | | | |2015 |

| |Kinard and Daniel Stetson | | |(2) Incorporate any changes from National and Sectional Meetings. |September 12, 2014 |

| | | | | |and 2015 |

| | | | |(3) Submit update plan to BOD for approval. |September Meeting, |

| | | | | |2014 and 2015 |

| | | | |(4) Post updated plan on web site. | |

| | | | | |Following BOD |

| | | | | |Approval |

|Review website for pertinent information. |Terry Kinard and Daniel Stetson |January 2014 |25% |Coordinate review one month prior to due date |February 14, 2014 |

| | | | | |and 2015 |

| | | | | |September 5, 2014 |

| | | | | |and 2015 |

|Post Quarterly Action Plans to website. |Terry Kinard, Victoria Halydier, and |January 2014 |25% |Initiate action in time to ensure completion by due date |March 7, 2014 and |

| |Daniel Stetson | | | |2015 |

| | | | | |June 6, 2014 and |

| | | | | |2015 |

| | | | | |September 5, 2014 |

| | | | | |and 2015 |

| | | | | |December 5, 2014 and|

| | | | | |2015 |

|Review staffing requirements. |Committee and Graham Cox |January 2014 |0% |(1) Determine personnel needs as membership and tasks increase |September 2015 |

| | | | |(Southern Growth Initiative); coordinate with ED. | |

| | | | |(2) Report to BOD |As needed |

|Review facility requirements. |Committee and Graham Cox |January 2014 |0% |(1) Determine space requirements as/if staff increases; coordinate with|September 2015 |

| | | | |ED. |As needed |

| | | | |(2) Develop preliminary building/expansion plans. |As needed |

| | | | |(3) Report to BOD | |

|Evaluate committees' adherence to Action Plans. |Committee |January 2014 |0% |(1) Review committee Action Plans to determine reasonable adherence to |September 5, 2014 |

| | | | |timelines and degree of success in meeting objectives. |and June 6, 2015 |

| | | | |(2) Report serious issues to USTA SC President | |

|Coordinate with the next incoming chair. |Terry Kinard |January 2014 |0% |Discuss goals & accomplishments with incoming chair |Dec 2015 |

Quarterly Update on Accomplishments:


First Quarter:

Committee reviewed Action Plans & requested revisions where needed. Action Plans & Quarterly updates submitted to BOD (Victoria). Reviewed website & added latest Plans (Daniel).

Second Quarter:

Quarterly updates submitted to BOD (Victoria). Reviewed USTA/SC Strategic Plan - no changes currently needed. Daniel posted new Quarterly reports to web site.


Tennis Coaches Committee

Chair: Jorge Andrew

| |Committee Member Responsible |Date Added to Plan |Percent Completed | |Target |

|Action Item | | |(please write the |Next Step(s) |Date for Completion |

| | | |% completed on a | | |

| | | |scale from 0-100) | | |

|Have all the Director of Tennis or Head |All committee- Brad Anderson main |12/20/13 |90% |Contact the only five individuals that are not certify at this time. |6/30/14 |

|Professionals certify by PTR or USPTA. |person. | | |Steve Zalinski helping. | |

|Create an online forum to create/share ideas at |Tom Ruth and Brad Anderson |12/20/13 |50% |Tom and Brad will get together to work on the project. |5/30/14 |

|club/facility level for tennis coaches. | | | | | |

|Have at least one maybe two "One Day Workshop" |Jorge Andrew and Lauren Stewart |12/20/13 |100% |Get feedback from the High School Coaches Association to set date and |1/31/14 |

|for tennis coaches in the state that includes | | | |how to get as many coaches as we can to the workshop. | |

|PTR, USPTA, high school coaches, JTT coaches and| | | | | |

|parents. Special interest in attarcting high | | | | | |

|school coaches. | | | | | |

|Implement a Welcome Back to Tennis Program with |All |3/28/14 |50% |Wait until new membership information is out after USTA Annual Meeting.|3/28/14 |

|a goal to get more adults players into league | | | | | |

|tennis and USTA events. | | | | | |

|Offer two state wide workshops in 2015 for |All |2/4/14 |50% |Make sure the 2014 workshop is a success to grow the interest for 2015 |12/31/15 |

|certify Teaching professionals and tennis high | | | | | |

|school coaches | | | | | |

|Coordinate with incoming Chair. |Jorge Andrew |1/14 |0% |Discuss goals and accomplishments with incoming Chair. |12/15 |

Quarterly Update on Accomplishments:


First Quarter:

Steve Zalinski contacting non-certify Directors of Tennis and Head Professional to see if their position has changed and they can get certify by PTR or USPTA.

The first one day Tennis Coaches Committee workshop will be on Sunday, July 13 at the Cayce Tennis and Fitness Center from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm.

High School coaches will be invited. Sessions 10:00 am – 1:00 pm will be target more to teaching professionals, lunch 1:00 – 2:00 pm for all, sessions 2:00 – 5:00 pm will be target more for high school coaches. We are working in finalizing speakers and getting a list of the SC High School Coaches Association to invite them to the workshop.

Online Forum update.

Brad Anderson and Tom Ruth are continuing to work on the forum

Decided Facebook is not the best forum

Brad is looking into Pro boards, Board Host, and Click topic – all are free services

Second Quarter:

The Tennis Coaches Committee workshop is all set for July 13, 2014. We are sending the information to PTR, USPTA, High School Coaches Association, parents and players. Flyer attached.

Online Forum Update:

We are going to promote it during the coaches workshop on July 13 and give it a try to see how it works. Some concerns in how to promote it and keep it active.

Trying to set a PTR certification workshop for the few Director of Tennis or Head Pros that are not certify in the state. Steve Zalinski helping with that.

Third Quarter:

The Tennis Coaches Committee workshop was held at the Cayce Tennis and Fitness Center on Sunday, July 13, 2014 as planned. We had 41 coaches in attendance. The speaker were first class, many of the coaches commented that this was like a national convention level speakers.

The speaker for the Coaches Forum at the Annual Meeting will be John Boetsch, Assistant Men's Tennis Coach at Clemson University.

We are planning a workshop on January 25, 2015 in Columbia (indoors) before the boys high school season stars. We are working in the details at this time.

Many of the coaches in the state are participation in "Free Tennis September" this are for people that either use to play or that are new to the game.


Wheelchair Committee

Chair: Bob Masella

| |Committee Member Responsible |Date Added to Plan |Percent Completed | |Target |

|Action Item | | |(please write the |Next Step(s) |Date for Completion |

| | | |% completed on a | | |

| | | |scale from 0-100) | | |

|Work on a NC-SC Grand Prix (1 tourney per month)|Ashley Williams and Meg Farrelly |1/7/14 |25% |Reach out to facilities/potential hosts including existing Pro Circuit |Add 1 clinic in 2014|

|with tournaments including a drills devision for| | | |areas (Florence, Rock Hill, Columbia, Greenville, Charleston, Hilton | |

|beginners, to be held on final weekend of Pro | | | |Head), Set dates, find sponsors & CTAs with CPGP $ to spend, make | |

|Circuit events for maximum exposure and media | | | |funding plan for mid-year budget revision, | |

|coverage | | | | | |

|Partner with OPAF First Volley clinics for |Steve Hunter |1/7/14 |80% |Look at partnerships from OPAF 1-day clincis to a line of local clinics|March 2014 |

|promotion and possible funding | | | |to maximize cross-promotion; Discuss mid-year budget revision to | |

| | | | |include travel, advertising, promotion, and giveaway items for OPAF | |

| | | | |events; June Amputee Coalition in Raleigh/Durham; Possible clinics in | |

| | | | |Rock Hill and Shriners - Greenville @ Furman | |

|Increase awareness of Southern Program Grant for|David Rogers |1/7/14 |0% | |December 2014 |

|Wheelchair Tennis | | | | | |

|Update & Maintain Wheelchair Tennis web pages |Bob Masella & Rebecca Martell |1/7/14 |100% |Send desired updates to Rebecca Martell by February 1, 2014 |March 2014 |

|Send 1 Committee Member to PTR Wheelchair |Skeeter Powell |1/7/14 |75% |Vote on committee member; send committee member; obtain expense report |September 2014 |

|Tournament each year for volunteerism and | | | |and reimburse accordingly | |

|Certification ($575 in budget - $200 milage, $75| | | | | |

|clinic, $300 2/nights hotel) | | | | | |

|Update PTR Database of Wheelchair Tennis Player |Julie Jilly |1/7/14 |50% | |June 2014 |

|Scholarship 1 Tennis Pro to PTR Wheelchair |Ashley Williams |1/7/14 |10% |Create and submit budget proposal mid-year 2014; develop scholarship |May 2014 |

|certification each year (starting in Fall 2014) | | | |application; Invite applications from potential pros; Vote on | |

| | | | |applications; Send pro, obtain expense report, and reimburse | |

| | | | |accordingly | |

|Perform Wheelchair Tennis Demo at Family Circle |Julie Jilly, Meg Farrelly, Bob Masella,|2/3/14 |100% |Determine attendees (2 wheelchair athletes, 2 partners); Determine |4/2/14 - 3:00 to |

|Cup each year |David Rogers | | |marketing materials; Obtain tickets & permission to distribute |4:00 PM, |

| | | | |marketing materials; Obtain expenese report and reimburse accordingly |April date TBD for |

| | | | | |2015 |

|Coordinate with incoming Chair. |Bob Masella |1/14 |0% |Discuss goals and accomplishments with incoming Chair. |December 2015 |

Quarterly Update on Accomplishments:


First Quarter:

-Meg Farrelly is working on sanctioning a wheelchair tennis tournament

-Rebecca has compiled a list of wheelchair web page updates; waiting on final updates from Bob; Rebecca has confirmed with Daniel Stetson that the wheelchair web pages can be reconfigured to resemble the National website. Rebecca has reached out to the Tennis Industry Association to see if there is a way to help wheelchair tennis players find each other through .

-Committee has determined that Ashley Williams will attend the PTR Instructing Wheelchair Tennis workshop in the fall

-Committee nominated Tom Ruth of Hilton Head and Tiago Ruffoni of Rock Hill to attend the PTR Instructing Wheelchair Tennis workshop this spring at the PTR Symposium with financial assistance from the committee.

-Julie Jilly has confirmed the court reservation and date for the Family Circle Demonstration. Committee is working on what upcoming events should be promoted at the demonstration.

Second Quarter:

-Ashley Williams has received a commitment from Florence to host a wheelchair tournament in Fall 2014

-OPAF has been promoted via USTA outlets and mass mailings to members, facilities, etc. Rebecca has obtained funding from USTA SC for Karin Korb to perform 2 clinics in SC. Rebecca has received commitments from the host facilities to perform 6-week clinics after these events. Rebecca is currently coordinating the delivery of wheelchairs to these events.

-Wheelchair web pages have been fully updated and redesigned.

-Ashley Williams voted as committee representative to PTR Instructing Wheelchair Tennis clinic. She is now unable to attend due to a scheduling conflict; another member will be chosen in the June committee meeting.

-Committee is pursuing an alternative method of gathering Wheelchair Tennis contacts. Julie Jilly has resigned from the committee.

-Rebecca will request special funding in the budget for 4 pros to attend the Instructing Wheelchair Tennis Course at PTR Championships.

-Family Circle Cup expo completed as scheduled, complete with marketing materials and all expense reports filed. Need an MC for next year.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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