Bee sting reaction swelling and breathing ...

Bee sting reaction swelling and ↓ breathing--------------anaphylactic shock

Cause of presbyopia-------------lens hardening

Elderly ↑ HDL ↓ triglycerides-----------active life style with frequent aerobic activity

Battle sign area echimosis on the mastoid------------base of skull

Involution after birth--------------6 weeks

Young male with puss from the penis--------------Gonorrhea

Caput saccundum-----------------resolves and is benign

Pain in lower abdomen, 36th week of pregnancy--------lightening

5 cm and dilating------------1st stage of delivery

Side effect of long term use of lithium----------------Tremors

Vertebral basilar insufficiency test--------------------Extension and rotation

Common sign of PMS-----------------enlarged breasts

Notched scalloped lesion, black or dark brown, red and white and blue, raised surface-------------malignant melanoma

PID------------chlamydia trichomonas

Placenta transmission--------Treponema pallidum

Wilms tumor or neuroblastoma in child------------- ----abdominal mass

Associated with transsexuals----------cross dressing

22 year old intense itching, linea furrows------------scabies

Leukoplakia in the mouth-------------cigarettes

Long time use = CVA--------------Tylenol (acetaminophen)

Major component of aging---------↓ muscle strength

Alcoholism – macrocytic anemia is due to ------------Folate ↓ (B9)

Exposure to sunlight aggravates------------lupus erythematosus

Liver damage often accompanies-------------acetamedaphren

Chronic connective tissue dz-contracture of the palmer fascia------------Dupuytrens contracture

Characterized by-symptomatic disc herniation ---------less common then in middle age

Allergic reaction ----------wheals

Oral mucosa, precancerous----------leukoplakia

Aids patients------------Kaposi’s sarcoma

Female taking oral contraceptives-----------Venous thrombi

Coal miners dz-----------Pneumoconiosis dz

Most common in aging------------osteoarthritis

Disseminated gonorrhea, arthritis dermatitis-----------bacteremia

Dementia, focal neurological deficits-------------multi infarct dementia

Untreated gonoccoccal in newborn-----------Blindness

Cauliflower lesions on genitals-----------(HPV) Genital warts

↓ Prostaglandins--------aspirin (NSAID’S)

Classified burns------------depth of the burn (penetration)


Class III pap smear-------------dysplasia

Compounds in cheese, wines, causes HTN--------------Metabisulfides

Most likely to ↓ after 70 years of age-------Thermo regulation

Oral lesions in the elderly------------leukoplakia

Absence of posterior tibial pulse in geriatric patient----------------Peripheral artery dz

Most common anemia----------B12

Silver colored scales and pitted nails------------psoriasis

Venereal dz spread through lymphatics-------------syphilis

Biomechanical and physiological effects of drugs on the body-----------Pharmodynamics

Rough bubbly indurated skin-----------------Lichenification

Ageism is defined as-----------discriminatory treatment of the elderly

Most common side effect of birth control pills ---------thromboembolism

71 year old female, with large floaters in her eye, blind, flashes--------------retinal detachment

most likely cz for ↓ atlantodental interspace due to progressive loss of articular catilage-------osteoarthritis

50 yof with giant cell arteritis---------polymyalgia rheumatica

herpes zoster is known as -----shingles

palpable pulse in adult in accident----carotid

change in skin color w/o elevation ------macule

5 yob with rash on trunk and spreads to extremities after high fever-------roseola

dermatitis from food allergies---------urtic aria

manifests as ulcers in the mouth--------aphthous stomatitis (canker sore)

sexually transmitted dz characterized by ragged painful ulcer on genitals-----chancroid

reactivated virus from mother to infant-------herpes simplex

beta blocking agents are used for--------arrythmia

2 yob with yellow discharge from nose and mild fever for three days. no fever 3 days later. Dx --------viral rhinitis

biotransformation of drugs occurs primarily in what organ-------liver

substance useful in removing lead from the body-------edta

safest area to begin cpr on an infant-------mid sternum

er involving poisoning------syrup of epecac

activated charcoal helps reduce circulating levels of poisen by acting of an-----absorbent

emesis is containdicated after ingestion of-------corrosive alkali

↑ in mucous secretion of the vagina is found in which part of menstrual cycle-----ovulation cycle

court of torte law tried------civil court

doctor can be tried in court for abandonment of pt.--------breech of contract

lochia appears--------after birth

↓ in glucose in the csf would lead you to suspect-------bacterial infection

covers up nitrates in the urine--------ascorbic acid (vit c)

most commonly occurs in manic phase of manic depression------hyperactivity

1st sign of puberty in male--------↑ size of the testes

after ovulation and before menses is called-------secretory phase

adjustment w/o consent= ASSAULT and battery

dc requires consent from pt.------- before 1st tx

5 yo child presents with delayed speech and inability to relate to other children is most suggestive of--------


frankel’s exercise is best for--------to improve coordination

little LEAGUERS elbow is aka-------medial epicondylitis

best place for doc to test temp of baby----dorsum of the hand

limits liability of business assets-------corporation

placing black blotchy figures before a child is-----rorschach

not an indication for c-section--------vertex presentation

primitive reflex of stroking the corner of the mouth of the newborn is called the ___reflex------rooting reflex

come upon a pregnant pt. who is choking and there are no breath sounds (?)----deliver chest compression

lesion not cz by virus---------condylomata lata (SYPHILIS)

unconscious pt. in room with cherry red lips----carbon monoxide poisoning

chest compression during cpr-----lower ½ of sternum

mc cz of cardiac DYSPNEA------chf

conscious baby with no breath sounds-----deliver 4 thrusts to the back

type of child abuse, dirty clothes -------neglect

chiro assistant cz injury to pt.-------VICARIOUS

urethritis cz by clamidia------reiter’s

pt. w/ trichomonas infection presents with--------greenish discharge

condition cz by staph or strep-------impetigo

lichenification is considered to be------thickening of skin

mumps is assoc. with------orchitis

anterior FONTANEL closes in which month of life------18 +

dz apt to cz damage to fetus in the 1st trimester of pregnancy-----rubella

enuresis is defined as-------bedwetting

1st to do on unconscious pt.-----breathing (abcs)

characteristic in pt. 40-65-----weight gain

organism of GONORRHEA------gram neg. diploccocci

thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, uremia are all assoc. with this dz-----GOOD PASTURES syndrome

mc presentation of the baby-----vertex

mc reason for death in aids pt.-------opportunistic infection

accumulation of wbc in skin lesion-----pustule

rash of measles appears as---papules

presence of alpha pheto protein in amniotic fluid--------neural tube defect

most apt to occur in last trimester of pregnancy-------placenta previa

amenorrhea is assoc. with/except---------pms

amyl nitrite is used to treat -----CYANIDE poisoning

chest compression on colicky baby w/ obstruction------upside down

heberden’s nodes------osteoarthritis

BARBITURATE poisoning produces------ respiratory depression

2° burn is describes as-----blistering of the skin

gait of parkinson’s dz------ rigid

condylomata lata are warts seen in -------2° SYPHILIS

heat stroke presents with--------hot dry skin

guma is seen in -------3° SYPHILIS

apgar score of 10 is-----normal

bulus lesions seen in-------pempohigus (autoimmune)

organophosphates are considered to be-------cholinesterase inhibitor

bluish discoloration of the gums----lead poisoning (plumbism)

+ test of thrombophlebitis--------contrast venography

hormone ↑ most during pregnancy-------progesterone


raynaud’s phenomenon is associated most closely form of arthritis------ra

mc age for schizophrenia to develop-----10-20

mc problem with herpes------recurrence

koplik spots assoc. with-------rubeola

portion of fallopian tube for fertilization to occur----ampulla

BENZODIAZEPINES is a drug for----antianxiety

pt. using acyclovir should avoid------------stress

lesion on breast with hard nodule and retraction of tissue-----cancer (lymph)

prostate carcinoma mc spreads by------blood

thickening of palms of the hands and fingers with loss of rom is------scleroderma

intertrigo mc occurs in which part of body------between skin folds

initial discharge from vagina after birth of baby-------lochia

condition that regress’s after MENSES-------fibrocystic dz

a person who feels compelled to repeat activities-----compulsion

a behavior pattern that alternates between euphoria and depression------bipolar disorder

herald patches are lesions that appear in this dz-----pityrisis rosea

mc complication from hip fracture in the elderly-------thrombosis

pt. with bowing of both legs------rickets

+ test in a case of temporal arteritis------esr

a neurotic pt. generally----has insight into the problem

1st priority care for puncture wound in the lung-----seal the wound

pt c/c sudden onset of bullae in the lower extremities----diabetes

denver test on child is for----------developmental delay

after dislodging foreign body from conscious pt-----advise medical attension

lawsuit for ads-----promise a cure

amenorrhea under which circumstances------following delivery

best test for dementia in elderly-------minnesota multi-phasic personality test

1° SYPHILIS----------hard papule

circumscribed lesion over 0.5 cm with free fluid----cyst

BASOPHILIC stippling of rbc’s------lead poisoning

mc organism implicated in pelvic infl ammatory dz-------chlamydia trachomatis

raised notched scalloped lesion on 60 year old female, red, black, brown-------malignant melanoma

area of body most commonly fractured at birth-----shoulder

kwashiorkor mc due to ↓ of ------protein

form of syphilis not contagious--------gummatous

cpr on adult, superior hand is placed----- on the forehead

mc std------chlamydia

produces scarring of the skin-----cystic acne

produces painful lesion on the perineum----chancroid

avoid vomiting if ingested-----motor oil

passes quickly across blood brain barrier------carbon monoxide

3 year old waddling gait, ↓ gluteus medius-------muscular dystrophy

most contagious non-inflammatory prenatal dz------herpes simplex

caput SUCCEDANEUM------self resolving

position of head for testing vbi-----extension and rotation

lochia appears-----after birth

gives exotoxin------diphtheria

organism mc in salpingoopheritis-------chlamydia

tetracycline avoid what-----sun light or lamp

sequence to treat pt. with laceration-----direct pressure, elevation,

pt. with skin of hand and fingers in flexed position---------scleroderma

chemical spill on skin-----flush with water

over 40 yo person-----lens does not accommodate near vision

placenta previa------implantation to low in uterus

vaccination of the mother------rubella

maternal welfare occurs primarily-----3rd stage of labor

pt. with wheals and hives-----urticaria

white greasy covering on baby-----vernix


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