SIEMENS SIMATIC NET (S7) Interface to the PI System

for S7 Series PLC


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( 1997 OSI Software, Inc. All rights reserved

777 Davis Street, Suite 250, San Leandro, CA 94577

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

PI Point Configuration 4

Configuration File 7


The Windows NT Control Panel 8

Softnet – S7 8

Hardnet - CP1413 8

Performance measurement 9

Performance Tag 9

I/O-rate Tag 9

Interface Files 10

Installation 11

Pre-installation Notes 11

Additional Pre-installation for a PI 2 Home Node 11

Installation 11

Updating the Interface 14

Startup 15

Shutdown 17

Error and information messages 18

How the SIEMENS SIMATIC NET Interface Operates 19

Data acquisition 19

Hints for the System Manager 21

Configuration of the connection 21

Additional entries in SINET.INI 22

Test enviroment 23


The SIEMENS SIMATIC NET Interface provides the transfer of data between


and the Plant Information (PI) System.

The Interface communicates to the S7 PLC via SAPI-S7 Functions. One Interface can only connect to one PLC. If necessary, one has to start a single copy of the interface per PLC.

The Communication Processors (CP) and the library are not part of this PI interface. They can be purchased from SIEMENS.


|Supported Scenarios |

|System |Network |Remote CP |Host CP |Library |

|S7 |H1 |CP 443-1 |CP 1413 |S7-1413 |

| | |6GK7 443-1BX00-0XE0 |6GK1 141-3CB01 |6GK1701-1CB00-3AA0 |

|S7 |PROFIBUS[1] |CP 342-5 |CP 5412 (A2) |S7-5412 |

| | |6GK7 342-5DA00-0XE0 |6GK1 541-2BA00 |6GK1 702-5CB00-3AA0 |

| | |CP 343-5 | | |

| | |6GK7 343-5FA00-0XE0 | | |

| | |CP 443-5 | | |

| | |6GK7 443-5DX00-0XE0 | | |

The PI Interface makes internal use of the PI-API-NT in order to keep a standard way of interfacing from a client node to the PI Server Node.

The interface runs under Windows NT Server or Workstation, Intel Platform. This machine runs either a PI3 Server Node or the PI-API Node and can connect to any PI Node in the network.

Since S7 PLC currently do not support “FETCH” telegrams, we support the S7 Function protocol instead. This protocol represents OSI level 7 but is performance optimized.

SINEC AP and SINEC TF are not supported.

The protocols are described in detail in:



S7- Programmierschnittstelle

|Supported Features |

|Interface Platforms supported |Windows NT (Intel) |

|Order Code |GmbH |

|Vendor Software Required |Yes |

|Sign up for Updates |Yes |

|Exception Reporting |yes |

|PI API Node Support |Yes |

|UNIINT |Yes |

|Input |Scan based[2] |

|Outputs |Event based |

|Text Transfer |No |

|Configuration Data |No |

|Multiple Links |Yes[3] |

|Failover |No |

|Number of Points |Unlimited |

PI Point Configuration

The following database details are necessary for configuring a PI point for use with the SIMATIC NET Interface.

Point Name

The point name is free, according to the normal PI point naming conventions.

Extended Descriptor


If the keyword PERFORMANCE_POINT is specified in the extended descriptor, then the PI Point is a performance point. Performance points are described under the section entitled “Performance”.


If a tagname is specified using the EVENT keyword for an input point, then values for the input point are read only when tagname changes value. If the EVENT keyword is not specified, then the input point will be scanned periodically as described under the Location4 PI Point attribute and under the /f command-line argument. tagname can be any valid tag name. For example:



The Mask will be applied only to integer or digital tags. If the result of a BITWISE AND between mask and value from PLC is different then 0, the value written to PI will be 1. If the result of a BITWISE AND will be 0, the value 0 will be written to PI. Example:


Point Source

The point source is a single character, for example S (SIMATIC NET). The point source must be defined in the point source library before point configuration.

Point Type

The Interface supports the PI point types real R, integer I and discrete D.

Engineering Units

The Engineering Units have to be defined in accordance with the meaning of the measured values.

Scan flag

This is usually ON for all points of this interface. If you edit this Point Attribute to OFF, then the tag is OFFLINE (no values are exchanged for this tag).

Instrument Tag

This field contains the symbolic address of PLC variables. The syntax is as follows:

|Syntax - Symbolic Address |

|DB[Number],[Type]Index |

|Number |Range number, where applicable |

|Type |Data Type, e.g. BYTE, REAL, CHAR |

|Index |Number of the element relative to start of range |

|S7 Range |

|Mnemonic |Description |

|DB |Common Data |

The following table lists available data types by PLC type.

|Mnemonic |Description |

|B |Byte (unsigned) |

|BYTE |Byte (unsigned) |

|CHAR |Byte (signed) |

|COUNTER |Counter |

|D |Double Word (4byte, unsigned) |

|DINT |Double Word (4byte, signed) |

|DWORD |Double Word (4byte, unsigned) |

|INT |Word (signed) |

|REAL |Floating Point (SIEMENS) |

|STRING |Text |

|TIMER |Timer |

|W |Word (unsigned) |

|WORD |Word (unsigned) |

|X |Byte for DB and DI |

|Examples |

|S7 |Description |

|DB21,Real5 |Data Module 21, Real 5 |

|DB21,B1 |Data Module 21, Byte 1 |

|DB21,Char2 |Data Module 21, Char 2 |

|DB21,Dword3 |Data Module 21, Dword 3 |

Location 1

This is the number of the interface process, which shall collect data for this tag. The interface can run multiple times and so distribute CPU power to groups of tags. E.g. it is possible to give a number of tags, to be scanned with high frequency, a separate process.

The parameter required here is the same as the parameter /id in the startup file of the according interface process.

It is even possible to start multiple interface processes on different PI Nodes. But then a separate Software License for the Interface is required per PI Node.

Location 2

Not used in this version.

Location 3

Not used in this version.

Location 4

Specifies the scan class used.

The startup command procedure has parameters like


This parameter specifies cycle time for scan groups. The first /f= relates to scan group 1 etc.

Location 5

Specifies the direction of data transfer. The interface is able to handle READ and WRITE Telegrams. As the interface has to open different connections for READ and WRITE, you have to configure a logical connection to the PLC (Location2 and configuration file) for each job (READ and WRITE) and PLC.

0 Input

1 Output

Exception Reporting

Standard PI usage, see PI System Manual I.

Zero, Span

Standard PI usage, see PI System Manual I.

The Interface does not use the following tag attributes

1. Square root code

2. Totalization code

3. Conversion factor

Configuration File


Each interface process needs a configuration file, where the access point, symbolic name and VFD is defined. While access point and VFD is optional (the interface will use the first available access point and the first available VFD if there is no entry in the configuration file) the symbolic name is required.



; ACCESS POINT defines the name of the CP device

; see settings of the PG/PC interface in siemens setup

; example for softnet: S7ONLINE

; for hardnet (CP1413): CP_H1_1:




To run several copies of the interface as a service every interface needs its symbolic name. The access point is a symbolic name for the network card used by the SIEMENS software. You can edit/create the access point with the "Setting the PG-PC Interface" application in the SIMATIC NET program group.

The Windows NT Control Panel

Communication on the PC side is configured from “Setting the PG/PC Interface” in the Windows NT control panel.

Softnet – S7

If the Softnet-S7 drivers are used on the interface node, perform the following in the control panel.

1. Click on the “install” button to install the ISO Ind. Ethernet module. One may need to reboot after this is done. If the module has already been installed, its name will appear in the white box that begins with .

2. From the same control panel add an ACCESSPOINT. Clicking on the down arrow underneath “Access Point of Application” will reveal an option to add or delete an Access Point.

3. To associate this ACCESSPOINT with an Ethernet Module, highlight the appropriate Ethernet Module name (which will appear somewhere beneath ).

4. Click the “Diagnostics” button and test the configuration. If this test does not pass, the interface will not be able to establish a connection to the PLC.

Hardnet - CP1413

If the CP1413 drivers are used on the interface node, enable the TF in “setting the PG-PC interface” if the PLC has a TF connection configured for the PC.

Performance measurement

Performance Tag

You can configure a PERFORMANCE POINT to monitor the data transfer rate.

The performance point measurement is an integer, which specifies the time (in seconds) that is required to update the scan list. The scan list is specified using the interface startup script and the LOCATION4 point attribute.

To configure a performance point, create a tag with the point source specified for the interface. The point type should be integer. The extended descriptor should say PERFORMANCE_POINT all in uppercase. Location4 should specify the scan class of interest.


|Tag |Descriptor |Eng |ExDesc |Loc. 1 |Loc. 4 |Point |Point |

| | |Units | | | |Source |Type |

|SINET1 .02 |Sinet1 Performance Point 2 |Seconds |PERFORMANCE_POINT |1 |2 |S |I |

|SINET1 .03 |Sinet1 Performance Point 3 |Seconds |PERFORMANCE_POINT |1 |3 |S |I |

I/O-rate Tag

You can configure an I/O-rate tag to measure the events sent by the interface to PI. In order to do that, you will have to:

1. Create/edit the file IORATES.DAT in the PIPC\dat directory.



2. Create a PI tag.

Example PI Tag:

|Tag |Descriptor |EngUnits |Point |Point |Span |Typical |Zero |

| | | |Source |Type | |Value | |

3. Add the /ec= to the startup file.



Interface Files

The startup files for the interface resides in the PIPC/interfaces/SINET directory. Listed below are the files required for starting up the interface.

Directory PI/interfaces/SINET

|SINET7.BAT |Start SAPI-S7 interface process |

|SINET7.exe |SAPI-S7 Protocol Interface |

|SINET.INI |Example configuration file for Interface |

| | |

| | |


Pre-installation Notes

Before installing the Interface itself, the SIEMENS Library software needs to be installed and the appropriate connections have to be configured on the PLC side:

|S7 |Configure the CP MAC address. |

| |Set up a connection of type PG/PC and configure the TSAPs and MAC address for that. |

|PC |Configure the Softnet S7 Database with COML S7. The TSAPs and MAC must be according to the PLC |

| |configuration! |

| |Configure the S7 Protocol to use the S7 Database created with COML S7. |

To install the interface, you must define a point source code and modify the PI startup and shutdown command files on that node. You can optionally specify one performance monitoring tag as shown in section "Performance Point".

Additional Pre-installation for a PI 2 Home Node

In the PI2 System Point Source Editor set up the following values:

Point Source Code: S

Point Source Descriptor: S7 PLC’s / H1

|Location Minimum |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |

|Location Maximum |10 |1000 |0 |10 |1 |

To disable output (WRITE) tag configuration set up the following values:

Point Source Code: S

Point Source Descriptor: S7 PLC’s / H1

|Location Minimum |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |

|Location Maximum |10 |1000 |0 |10 |0 |


1. Insert the installation disk, and look for the following files on the disk.

|SINET7.BAT |Startup command file |

|SINET7.EXE |Program executable |

|SINET.INI |Example configuration file for Interface |

2. Copy these files to a directory such as c:\pipc\interfaces\sinet\. The names of the sinet7.bat and the sinet7.exe can be freely altered as long as the root name of the executable and the command file is the same. For example, for the first copy of the interface, one may wish to rename the executable and command file to sinet1.exe and sinet1.bat. If the .bat file and the .exe file do not have the same root name, then the executable will not be able to find the command-line arguments when the executable is started as a service.

3. Alter the command-line arguments in the sinet7.bat file as discussed under the section called “The Startup Command File.” Pay particular attention to the /output flag. It is used to specify the directory name and file name of the output log file. The sinet.ini file must be in the same directory as the output log file. The interface will not be able to start if a directory is specified that does not exist.

4. Try to start the interface interactively using the startup command file. If one cannot run the interface interactively, one will not be able to run the interface as a service. Once the interface is successfully running interactively, one can try to run it as a service by following the instructions below.

Running the Interface as a Service

The procedure for installing the interface as a service depends upon whether or not Bufserv is being used. Once the interface has been installed as a service, the procedure for starting, stopping, and removing the interface as a service is the same whether or not Bufserv is used. The purpose of the Bufserv utility is to continue to collect data from an interface in the event that the PI Data Archive is shut down for some reason. For example, if the interface is installed on the PI home node and the PI Data Archive is shut down for an upgrade, the Bufserv utility on the PI home node will buffer the data in a file until the PI Data Archive is brought back online. Another possibility is that the interface is installed on an API node. If there are problems with the PI home node, then the Bufserv utility on the API node will buffer the data in a file until the PI home node is brought back online.

The procedure for installing the interface in conjunction with the Bufserv Utility assumes that the user has Bufserv 1.04 or higher because the procedure implicitly assumes that Bufserv will be installed as a service. The actual installation of the Bufserv Utility itself is not discussed. For these instructions, the user is referred to the PI-API Bufserv 1.x Release Notes. Also, the installation procedure below does not discuss the details related to shutdown events that the user should be aware of when the Bufserv Utility is used. Once again, refer to the PI-API Bufserv 1.x Release Notes for more information.

In the procedure below, it is assumed that the interface name is sinet7.exe. However, one is free to change this name, and one must have a different name for each copy of the interface that is installed as a service. The only restriction on naming is that the executable and the bat file must have the same root name.

1. One can get help for installing the interface a service at any time by typing the following:

Sinet7.exe -help

Note that the –query flag that is described when help is invoked is not implemented at this time.

The interface can be installed either as a manual or an automatic service. Automatic services are started automatically when the NT operating system is rebooted. This feature is useful in the event of a power failure. To install the interface as a manual service, execute the following command.

Without Bufserv:

Sinet7.exe -install -depend tcpip

With Bufserv:

Sinet7.exe -install -depend “tcpip bufserv”

To install the interface as an automatic service, execute the following command.

Without Bufserv:

Sinet7.exe -install –auto -depend tcpip

With Bufserv:

Sinet7.exe -install –auto -depend “tcpip bufserv”

Check the Microsoft Windows NT services control panel to verify that the service has been successfully added. One can use the services control panel at any time to change the interface from an automatic service to a manual service or vice versa.

Once the service has been installed, the rest of the procedure is the same whether or not Bufserv has been implemented. The service can be started from the services control panel or by executing the following command from the directory:

Sinet7.exe -start

A message will be echoed to the screen informing the user whether or not the interface has been successfully started as a service. If the service is successfully started, the interface will attempt to read the command-line arguments from the sinet5.bat file. For this to succeed, the root name (the part of the file name before the .exe and .bat extensions) of the batch file must be the same as the root name of the executable. Also, the batch file and the executable file must be in the same directory. If the interface is unable to read the command-line arguments or if the command-line arguments that the interface reads are invalid, the service will terminate with no error messages echoed to the screen. For this reason, the user MUST check the output log file to verify that the interface is running correctly.

If the service was successfully started, the user can verify that the service is still running from the services control panel. If the service has been terminated, the reason for its termination will be given in the output log file. If the service is still running, the user can use apisnap.exe, ProcessBook, or another client program to verify that data is being successfully transferred to the PI Data Archive.

The service can be stopped at any time by issuing the following command:

Sinet7.exe -stop

The service can be removed by

Sinet7.exe -remove

2. If and only if the interface is installed as a manual service on the PI home node, the user may wish to edit the c:\PI\adm\pisrvsitestart.bat and the c:\PI\adm\pisrvsitestop.bat command files. These command files are invoked only when the PI data archive is started and stopped as a manual service with the c:\PI\adm\pisrvstart.bat and the c:\PI\adm\pisitestop.bat command files.

In the c:\PI\adm\pisrvsitestart.bat file, make sure that the second to last line ends in

& wait 5000

If not, append “& wait 5000” to the end of the line. In the same file, add the following command just above “:the end”

C:\PI\interfaces\sinet\sinet7.exe -start & wait 5000

Add the following command to the c:\PI\adm\pisrvsitestop.bat file just above “:the end”

C:\PI\interfaces\sinet\sinet5.exe -stop

Note that the full path name to the executable must be given in both the c:\PI\adm\pisrvsitestart.bat and the c:\PI\adm\pisrvsitestop.bat command files.

Updating the Interface

To update the interface, simply replace the current Sint5.exe executable with the new executable on the update disk.


To start the interface run the SINET/.BAT, star the service from the service control applet or execute SINET7.EXE -start.

Command line switches for the SIMATIC NET interface

|Parameter |Description |

|/ps=S |point source (S). For Point Source see also Chapter „Installation“. |

|/in=1 |Interface number. The interface number (P2) corresponds to Location 1 |

| |of a tag. All tags with Location 1 = P2 will be serviced by that |

| |Interface. |

|/host=localhost:5450 |The Hostname and Port number of the PI Server to connect to. Use 5450 |

| |for PI3 servers and 545 for PI2 servers. If this interface runs on a |

| |PI3 Server, this should be /host=localhost:5450. |

|/output=C:\SINET.LOG |Optional output file name, all messages will be written to that file. |

|/pass=password |Optional password for connecting to (P3). Use only upper case, because|

| |all command line arguments are converted to upper case. As an |

| |alternative, you can wait for the prompt and enter the password. This |

| |will avoid the situation to have a password stored in a file and |

| |readable for every user on this machine. The password only has to be |

| |entered first time. On all future startups, the interface will |

| |remember the password from an encrypted file. |

|/f=00:00:01 |Scan class frequency class 1(required). |

| |Scan frequencies are assigned to the Location 4 parameter of a Tag. If|

| |a tag for example has Location 4=1, then he gets values in frequencies|

| |of the first occurring switch /f=... in SINETPISTART.BAT. The order |

| |number in SINETPISTART.BAT is related to the scan class number. |

|/f=00:00:20 |Scan class frequency class 2(optional) |

|/time=LOCAL |The PLC’s do not send timestamps, so the interface has to give a |

| |timestamp per value. This parameter decides whether time stamping runs|

| |synchronously to the interface node /time=LOCAL or to the PI Server |

| |node /time=SERVER. |

|/write=0 |Disable write data (output) into PLC (security) |

| |Enable |

| |Disable |

|/deb=0 |Optional debug level (defaulted to 0) |

|/db |Optional debug switch for UNIINT |

|/ex=1 |Optional event counter for rate measurement |


If the Interface is running in a command window, close the Command Window or press Ctrl-C. This will call the exit handler of the interface.

If the interface is running as a service, execute the command SINET.EXE –STOP to stop the interface.

The shutdown procedure may take a while in order to leave the connected PLC’s in a correct status.

Error and information messages

You can find messages from the interface in two places:

The PIPC.log in /PIPC/dat directory on the interface PC (the interface puts its error and information messages in this file except for messages from fatal errors that prevented the interface from starting up).

The interface output file. All fatal error messages are copied to this file. The interface also copies selected messages to this file and debug information (if debug is on).

Errors related to tag values are also reported in giving the tag a BAD INPUT state. This happens, if the status of a value derived from the PLC is BAD.

Input tags can also get a status of I/O Timeout or DCS Failed if the Interface detects connection problems.

How the SIEMENS SIMATIC NET Interface Operates

For each group of tags (Location 1 parameter) an according interface process must be started (/id=Location 1). For S7 tags, the executable SINET7.exe must be started.

At startup, the Interface checks all command line parameters (given in SINET7.bat). If one of them is out of range, the interface generates an error-message and stops. If the parameters are all right, the interface runs the initialization part. First step is to open a connection to the PI Server in order to be able to retrieve necessary tag information. The interface has to make a login for security reasons. We support 3 methods of logging into the PI Server.

1. If the interface runs on the PI Server itself, it can be started under “/hosts=localhost” and will not need an additional password. It uses the standard proxy account on the server.

2. The administrator sets up a proxy account for the interface computer and “/host=hostname” will lead to r/w rights for the interface. This is the recommended method.

3. The interface attempts a logon under “piadmin” account and will ask for the password when it was started first time (no SINET01.PWD file is found). The user enters the correct password and the interface stores this password into an encrypted file on the startup directory, where it will make use of it on future startups. Whenever the password for “piadmin” changes, the user has to type in the correct password again on a new startup of the interface.

It may occur that the administrator changes the “piadmin” password and does forget to restart the interface in order to type in the new password. In this case the interface will not be able to connect to the PI Server when an automatic restart of the interface occurred (e.g. reboot of the interface computer caused by a power failure). If you want to avoid such a situation, use method 2, proxy account.

After successful connection to the PI Server, the interface opens a connection to the related SIEMENS library, SAPI-S7. If the library is not present, the interface will stop with an error message. Once connection is made a list of all the tags with the interface point source and configured for this special interface number is collected.

Data acquisition


After successful startup, the interface generates a list of PI tags assigned to this interface.

Inputs are scan based and different scan classes can be defined. The smallest scan period is 1 second. But this scan period can only be achieved, if the connected PLCs is in normal operation.

Inputs can also be event based. Any PI tag can solve as trigger tag. Whenever this tag changes value, the interface tag will perform a read.

The source of the point will be distinguished in evaluating the symbolic address written in the Instrument Tagname field of a point. For S7 PLCs the SIEMENS library will use this symbolic address directly and calculate the physical address internally.


Output of data to the PLCs is internally handled by exception and downloaded whenever an input scan cycle (of whatever scanclass) is performed. If it is necessary to update values with 5-second accuracy, define a Scan-Class of at least 5 seconds (and at least 1 Input tag in that Scan Class). This does not mean that a write block is downloaded every 5 seconds. It means that if the value changes in PI, it gets downloaded within the next 5 seconds.

The mechanism of using the source point field makes it possible that another tag which could be an input tag of any (and even the same) interface, can be the data source of an Output Tag.

Hints for the System Manager

Configuration of the connection

To connect to the S7, you’ll have to create a SAPI S7 Database to attach to the access point. See below for an example of the COML S7 screen to create a SAPI S7 Database:


This is an S7 database for the symbolic name S7_15_PI and the VFD S7PIREAD. Make sure that the Remote Address, Local TSAP and Remote TSAP settings reflect your setup and are the same in the configuration of the S7 PLC!

For the H1 Network use “ETHERNET” as network type.

The binary S7 database has to be connected to an Access point. This is done by the “setting the PG/PC interface” application.


Above is an example of the “PG/PC interface” application. The Access point S7ONLINE is set to ISO Ind. Ethernet via a Windows NT compatible network card. This access point is connected via the “Properties” button to the binary S7 database (see below).


There is a debug facility that allows to copy usefully information about the S7 communication in a file (see below). However, this will slow down the communication tremendously!


Additional entries in SINET.INI

The SINET.INI configuration file can hold additional information in the section [COMMUNICATION]. You should be very carefully in adding/changing these entries as they manipulate directly some internal variables without error checking. Adding/changing these entries may will result in a not working configuration. See below a table of supported keywords in SINET.INI.

|Keyword |Default |Description |

|S7MESSAGEWAITDELAY |5 (milliseconds) |The interface will sleep that amount of time |

| | |between checking for received message to |

| | |lower CPU usage. |

|S7MAXWAITMESSAGE |10000 |The interface will check that often for a |

| | |message before assuming that the request has |

| | |failed. |

|S7RECONNECTSHORT |5000 (milliseconds) |After an aborted connection the interface |

| | |will try the first reconnect after that time |

|S7RECONNECTLONG |60000 (milliseconds) |After the first failed reconnect, the |

| | |interface will try to reconnect after that |

| | |time again. |

|S7MAXRECONNECTS |9999 |Maximum number of reconnects before the |

| | |interface exits assuming a major problem. |

|MAX_READ_VARIABLES |20 |Maximum number of variables that are read in |

| | |one call. This can not be greater than 20! |

Test enviroment

The Interface was tested under the following Test Environment:


|MS WindowsNT 4.0 SP5 |S7-400 |

|MS Visual C++ V6.0 SP3 enterprise edition |CPU 414-1 (414-1XG02-0AB0) |

|PI 2.1.2 |CP 443-1 |

|SOFTNET-S7 V3.0 | |


|Date |Changes |

|29-Oct-99 AS |First release of the manual |

|01-Nov-99 AS |Added more information about setting the interface up |

|10-Nov-99 AS |Changes for Release |

| |changed S7MAXRECONNECTS |

| |changed Installation chapter |


[1] The SIEMENS SIMATIC NET (S7) interface has not been tested with Profibus. Please contact OSI Software GmbH for further infromation.

[2] The interface supports scanning of tag caused by events from a PI tag (standard uniint feature).

[3] To run multiple copies of the interface as service you have to set up one S7 connection per interface in the Siemens application “COML S7” and you have to configure each interface to use a separate symbolic name in sinet.ini. It is not possible to read from more than one PLC per interface.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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