Clinical Laboratory Personnel Committee Minutes

Clinical Laboratory Personnel Committee Minutes

Law offices of Adams and Reese, LLC

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

December 4, 2010

Members Present Guests Present

Brian Vidrine Renee Crasto (Atty, Adams & Reese)

Terry Cangelosi Angela Foley

James Taylor, MD

Cesia Funez

Chipley Booth

Phyllis Toups

Patsy Jarreau, AD, CLPC

I. Call to Order

1. Chairman Toups called this meeting to order at 10:08 a.m.

2. There is a quorum at this meeting- 7 members and 2 guests in attendance.

II. Introductions

Dr. Taylor met Renee Crasto, attorney with Adams and Reese.

III. Approval of Minutes (March 27, 2010 Meeting)

The minutes from August 14, 2010 meeting were reviewed via email.

MOTION: approve minutes as written by Dr. Taylor and seconded by Chipley Booth. All approved, motion PASSED.

IV. Board of Medical Examiners Update

1. Website Changes: “Moodle” (free web blackboard) will be accessed by the website for a competency test for the first renewal a license. This test could include questions about terms of the license, field of study, general rules, fees, etc. Possible CEU credit of up to one hour for this test.

2. Interpretive Ruling concerning RNs performing laboratory testing was reaffirmed by LSBME on September 20, 2010. A letter concerning an issue with Barbara Morvant prompted the finding of this ruling.

3. Patsy discussed being notified by LSMBE when there is a laboratory issue so she can participate. Someone should be regularly checking LSMBE website for their monthly agenda so someone from CLPC can be at the Board meeting if there is an issue that concerns this committee.

4. Patsy Jarreau brought up for discussion how to find people who are working without a license. Should there be criminal charges filed through the Attorney General’s office? How should the Hospital or Laboratory be dealt with who hired them and allowed to practice? Should administration be notified? Once penalties are agreed on (being researched by Renee Crasto and Phil) these people’s names will be placed on the website for practicing without a license.

V. Online Renewals

1. Phyllis Toups discussed that the few minor issues with online renewal were fixed.

2. The online renewal process running more smoothly.

VI. FAQ’s on Website

1. Discussed in IV LSBME Update.

VII. Changes to Application

1. Patsy Jarreau said the new application should be ready by January. The new applicant form has been shortened from as many as 14 pages to only 3 pages.

2. Creation of certain reports from the old database is possible by notifying IT. The information can be sorted by need, i.e. number of techs, age, certifications, congressional districts, zip codes, currently working, licensed, etc.

VIII. Other Business

1. Phyllis Toups and Terry Cangelosi went through old minutes to discover the changes to the CLPC rules that were discussed in years past. It was decided that Patsy Jarreau would address rule changes with the LSMBE. Dr. Jim Taylor suggested that a copy of the suggested changes be sent by email to all committee members so we can decide how to implement these changes into the existing rules. Renee Crasto scanned and will send them out via email to Terry and in turn the copy will go out with the minutes.

2. Phyllis discussed pursuing a position for a member to the LHA committee. She will contact Clark Cosei.

IX. Calendar of Meeting Dates for the Next Year

1. Meeting dates for 2011 were discussed and decided. Patsy will send out a calendar reminder to the committee. Dates are as follows:

March 12th

August 13th

November 5th

X. Adjourn

Chairman Toups adjourned at 12:00 pm.

MOTION: To adjourn by Angela Foley and seconded by Chipley Booth. Approved by all, motion PASSED.

Secretary, Terry Cangelosi

Notes by Terry Cangelosi and Phyllis Toups



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