Lesson 29 February 15, 2004

Lesson 29 February 15, 2004


1. God has eternally existed.

2. He chose to manifest His Essence to Glorify Himself and to do so via Matter, Creatures, Space and Time.

3. He first created the Universe. Gen 1:1

4. Then he created angels as Free Moral Agents who were Able Not to Sin thru Intake and Application of Truth.

5. He established an Angelic hierarchy with Lucifer at the head. Eze 28:12-18

6. He communicated to angels the Truth about His Essence.

7. At some point He made Lucifer His communicator. Ezk 28:14 = I placed you as an anointed cherub which guards NET cf 28:12 = full of wisdom

8. Lucifer became dissatisfied with his position and wanted to become like God, I will be like the most high. Isa 14:13-14

9. He devised a plan in which he would offer godhood to the other angels. Isa 14:13 = I will sit on the Mount of Assembly in the recesses of the North.

10. God permitted Satan's evil lies and distortions to be spread to other angels.

- Ezek 28:16 = by the abundance of your trade.

11. The laws, the parameters that God established for angels were violated by a third of the angels, some knowingly but probably many of them were deceived by Satan.

cf Eze 28:18 "By the multitude of your iniquities, In the unrighteousness of your trade You profaned your sanctuaries."

12. God brought Satan to trial and found him guilty. Jn 16:11;

13. Satan was condemned and sentenced to the Lake of Fire; Mt 25:41

14. At which point he challenged God with "Are you going to send us all to the Lake of Fire?" - thus attacking God's Love, +R/J.

15. God pointed out that as God, El Elyon, He had the right and responsibility to judge his rebellion.

16. At which point Satan leveled an attack on the entirety of the Essence of God.

Essence Satan's Attack Countered by the Action of God

a. OmSc Can't know all God laid out prophetic events and they

all will come to pass demonstrating that He does know the end from beginning

b. Sov/OmPo Can't accomplish By establishing a kingdom in Satan's

what He decides world - Spiritual with the Church and

physical with His millennial reign

c. Veracity Lied about His Demonstrates throughout history that

essence what He says is fact

d. OmPr/OmSc Can't keep up with Demonstrates that He does have finger

His plan on the Plan in its entirety

e. OmPo I'm as powerful as God and His plan have always won out,

God is He controls history, holds the universe


f. +R/J/Love How could a loving By providing on a grace basis to every God condemn me to one who believes in Christ salvation;

the Lake of Fire all the resources necessary to live and bring glory to Him.

17. I Suspect that at this time He would present the Plan of bringing into existence a New Free Moral Agent (mankind) with less faculties than angels who would actually meet Satan's charges and through the Son becoming man, this one, would pay the penalty for sins providing a means of bringing God and man together in a relationship.

18. Two-thirds of the angels believed that God could accomplish what He said He would do and rejected the message of Satan.

19. Then the ground rules were laid out for the angels in the conflict to which they agreed.

- the parameters they were to operate under which would include the domain of Jude 6


1. God must maintain the integrity of His Essence throughout history.

2. God will not overrule Volition. Jn 3:16

3. Outside influence of man's Volition will be permitted by both parties, God and Satan.

4. Only God has authority over life and death. Job 2:6; 12:10; 33:4

5. The Lord would establish tests to demonstrate that through application of truth this lower creation (man) would glorify God. 1 Pet. 1:6-7; 1 Cor. 10:13

B.L. issue with testing or suffering for the believer is just what is your mental attitude in that test or suffering. How are you dealing with it?


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