Lucy Calkins Assessments Unit 1 - Weebly

Lucy Calkins Assessments Unit 1

Formative Assessment

Each day after the mini-lesson I will have students go back to their seats and work out of their writing notebooks. The students will work on the area that I have introduced in my mini-lesson. I will walk around to each of the students and make sure that they are on track and working on what they are supposed to be working on. I will also go around to students and read their writings and what they are focusing on.

I do have room for back-tracking and re-teaching or providing more practice for certain strategies if need be. Students do not have to show mastery in any of these lessons. They will be getting these same exact lessons in 4th and 5th grade. I just want students to get an introduction and some practice with each of these lessons. If you notice on day 4 of my unit the lesson is about being your own captain. This lesson is teaching students that they know where they are at in the writing process and need to continue with where ever they are. This workshop day is in other words a free/catch up day to work on whenever things they need to. If they need more then this extra day I can spend the second day of a lesson on re-teaching if need be.

Summative Assessment

I am planning on having students pick one story that they are proud of. After they pick this story I want them to use all of the steps they have been taught to polish up the draft and revise it. I will also give the students a rubric or checklist so the students can make sure they have revised their writings in every way they know how to.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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