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Week 28: Bible Study and Preparation for DiscussionUNDERSTANDING THE MEANS OF “FAITH AND FAITHFULNESS”LAW:FAITHFUL PRIESTS SHINE BUT UNFAITHFUL PRIESTS BURNLAW: PREPARATION IS PRECISE FOR ANY PRIEST WHO REFLECTS SHEKINAH GLORYGOD’S WORD: Leviticus 9:1-24DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:1.Who first was commanded to offer a sin offering for himself before making sacrifices for other worshippers?2.How do we understand this blessing or promise which was to follow the ritual of the sin offerings: “so that the glory of the Lord may appear to you”? 4.What might have been differences among these: (1) sin offering, (2) burnt offering & (3) fellowship offering?5.How did the Lord display His Shekinah Glory, His powerful presence at this first worship gathering in Israel? GOD’S WORD: ? (Luke 2:8-20)DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:1.How was the Shekinah Glory of the Lord displayed on the occasion of the birth of Jesus?2.What impact did this Shekinah Glory of the Lord have on different people the night Jesus was born? LAW: FAITHFUL PRIESTS SHINE FOR THE LORD AND REFLECTS HIS SHEKINAH GLORYGOD’S WORD: ? (John 17:21-25)DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:1.How was the Lord’s Shekinah Glory displayed in Jesus’ willingness to die as the atonement for our sins?2.What impact did this Shekinah Glory have on different people when Jesus was crucified and raised? GOD’S WORD: ? (Acts 6:8-15; 7:51-60)DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:1.How was the Lord’s Shekinah Glory displayed at the time Stephen was being tried and then dying as the first Christian martyr?2.What impact did the Lord’s Shekinah Glory have on the people when Stephen was being tried and executed for his testimony about Jesus? GOD’S WORD: ? (Matthew 5:16)DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:1.How is the Lord’s Shekinah Glory uniquely displayed in the charitable deeds of faithful Christ-followers?2.What impact does this loving reflection of the Lord’s glory have on others? GOD’S WORD: ? (John 15:1-8)DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:1.How is the Shekinah Glory of the Lord displayed in the way Christ-followers bear fruit for the Lord?2.What does this mean: bear much fruit for the Lord?3.What impact may this kind of reflection of the Lord’s glory have on others? GOD’S WORD: ? (1 Corinthians 6:12-20)DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:1.How is the Shekinah Glory of the Lord displayed in the way Christ-followers run away from every form of sexual immorality?2.What are different forms of sexual immorality which Christ-followers must run away from?3.What impact may this reflection of the Lord’s glory have on people in a very sensual and hedonistic culture? GOD’S WORD: ? (Romans 15:5-7)DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:1.How is the Shekinah Glory of the Lord displayed in the way Christ-followers express spiritual unity through their mutual acceptance and mutual encouragement in spite of their difference?2.What impact may this reflection of the Lord’s glory (mutual acceptance & encouragement) have on others? LAW: AARON’S SONS DESECRATED THEIR WORSHIP TO THE LORD GOD’S WORD: Leviticus 10:1-20DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:1.Who was specifically designated by the Lord to fulfill the priestly role on this first worship assembly in Israel? (Clue: see chapter 9 verses 23-24)2.How serious a matter was it for these Common Priests to make themselves important by doing what only High Priests were assigned to do or that only the High Priest could delegate them to do?3.How did the Lord deal with the religious arrogance of Nadab and Abihu? 4.How might Christ-followers with a rebellious spirit take upon themselves functions without the guidance and delegation of the congregation’s spiritual leaders? (Clue: see Hebrews 13:17)LAW: UNFAITHFUL PRIESTS INSULT THE LORD AND RECEIVE HIS SEVERE DISCIPLINEGOD’S WORD: ?2? So fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed them, and they died before the Lord. ?3? Moses then said to Aaron, “This is what the Lord spoke of when he said: “‘Among those who approach me I will show myself holy; in the sight of all the people I will be honored.’” (Leviticus 10:2-3, NIV)DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:1.How did the Lord deal with spiritual arrogance, disrespect and sacrilege from these two Priests in Israel?2.Why was their offense such a serious offense to the Lord?GOD’S WORD: Acts 6:1-11DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:1.What do we know about the spiritual arrogance and hypocrisy of these two within the earliest church?2.How did the Lord display his righteous indignation against these two hypocrites?3.What impact did the Lord’s intervention and judgment upon these two hypocrites have in the early church?GOD’S WORD: 1 Corinthians 5:1-12DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:1.How does the Lord feel about open rebellion, immorality and sacrilege among Christ-followers?2.How does the Lord direct His New Covenant Congregation to deal with open rebellion, immorality and sacrilege among its members?3.How does this strong teaching connect with the way the Lord punished the sins of Nadab and Abihu? ................

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