Earth and Environmental

HYPERLINK "" a piece of white paper, the student will use the image that comes up to create a diagram of the phases of the moon for February 2017. The diagram should include the Earth, sun and moon phases properly placed. Each phase should be labeled with it’s appropriate name as well as the date on which it will take place in the month. Example of diagramleft781050016192509163051619250716280160972553530538385751259205003295650147828000403860076390500254317575438000276225012973050037623752781300027336742590800032854909715500301942550673000 watching the video, answer the following questions about tides.Describe tidal force.What is the overall effect of tidal force?Why does the moon have less gravity than the Earth?How big is the Earth?How much time is there between each high and low tide?How quickly is the moon moving away from the Earth?What is tidal locking?How much less is the sun’s tidal force than the moon?What is a spring tide? Neap tide? ................

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