CPR Review Exercises


Review Exercises

Introduction (page 3)

1. The Chain of Survival describes the ____________________response system we need if we are going to improve survival from pre-hospital cardiac arrests.

2. An important link in the chain is “Early _____________”. This means quickly making an emergency telephone call.

3. The next link is “Early ________________”

4. The link after that is a shocking one, “Early ________________”.

5. The next link, “Early ______________ _________________” refers to paramedics.

6. The Heartsaver CPR course teaches the ____”R’s” of CPR.

- about __________ factors for heart disease and stroke;

- about how to _______________that what is happening might be a serious developing emergency;

- about how to ________________ to that;

- about how to ____________________ a person who is choking or suffering from a cardiac arrest.

The Heart and When it Breaks (p. 4 & 5)

7. Blood carries ____________ to organs and tissues of the body.

8. The heart is just one big mighty tough _______________.

9. Blood vessels, called _______________ deliver blood to the heart muscle tissues.

10. They can get blocked by ___________________.

11. When the heart’s coronary arteries get blocked, that person will have _________ in the chest.

12. If the block is severe and the heart muscle starts to die (due to a lack of oxygen, that person is having a __________ ____________.

13. Sometimes when people have a heart attack, the heart stops beating completely. This is called ____________ _____________.

14. In the most common kind of cardiac arrest, heart muscle beats with a squiggly, squirming kind of movement called _____________________.

15. The purpose of CPR is to force _____________ ________________ through the body, even when the heart is not beating.

16. ______________ ____ _______________ provides oxygen to the lungs so that the blood being pumped through the body is oxygenated.

17. A patient in ventricular fibrillation needs a special kind of electrical shock delivered to correct the heart rhythm. If a heart in fibrillation is shocked, it is ______fibrillated.

Risk Factors for Heart Disease and Stroke (p. 6 & 7)

16. Smoking is personal air pollution that causes heart disease, lung cancer and ___________breath.

17. If your diet has lots of vegetables, _______________and grain products, it doesn’t leave much room for cholesterol.

18. Hypertension is not about being “hyper”. It refers to high ________ _____________.

19. Diabetes is an illness affecting how we control ___________ in our blood. If that’s out of control, fat levels in blood get out of control. A proper diet helps this a lot.

20. Obesity is a risk factor by itself because the heart has to work ___________ to pump blood to the tissues.

21. Exercise helps all your muscles stay in good shape, including the ________ muscle.

22. Stress affects us physically, causing a number of problems, including ___________ problems

Recognize (p. 8)

22. The signals of a heart attack include (5 “Ps’):

- crushing or squeezing chest ____________ that may spread to the person’s neck, jaw, shoulders or arms

- looking ____________and perhaps sweaty

- having trouble breathing or __________________

- feeling sick to the stomach or actually _______________

- feeling ______________, very tired, no energy.

23. If your patient has the 5 “P’s” of cardiac chest pain, you should call ________ for help.

24. If someone has chest pain, they often don’t go to the hospital quickly because they are very afraid. They also may not believe it is a serious problem or that “it can’t be happening to me”. This is called __________

25. You too may hesitate to call 911 because you are afraid to look stupid if you are wrong (__________) or because you too, just can’t believe it is a serious problem (denial).

26. The signals of a stroke include sudden ____________ of the face, arm or leg, and/or sudden speech problems.

React (p. 9)

27. Some people feel the most important reaction a person trained in CPR can have is to first call for ________.

28. Once you have called for help, stay with your patient and offer PLT:

a. P: __________________________

b. L: __________________________

c. T: __________________________

29. You find information about a person’s allergies, medications and past medical history on a ______________ bracelet or necklace.

Resuscitate (p.10)

30. The purpose of CPR is to keep a person alive who is not ________________ and who’s heart has stopped beating

31. Before providing help to someone who needs it you must ask for ___________________

32. If the person is a ____________ who is alone or is _____________________, the law assumes that the person would want help. This is called “assumed consent”

33. When you are performing CPR, you follow a sequence of CAB-D:

a. C: ________________________

b. A: ________________________

c. B: ________________________

d. D: ________________________


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