Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Overview

[Pages:44]Systemic Lupus

Erythematosus Overview

Clinical presentation, pathophysiology, and therapeutic strategies over the course of disease

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

? An inflammatory, multisystem, autoimmune disease of unknown etiology with protean clinical and laboratory manifestations and a variable course and prognosis

? Lupus can be a mild disease, a severe and life-threatening illness, or anything in between

Clinical Manifestations of SLE-- Important Concepts

? The diversity of clinical symptoms in SLE is great, and all organ systems are vulnerable

? Different ethnic backgrounds are associated with differences in disease prevalence and severity

? Disease is characterized by periods of flare and remission and can culminate in irreversible end-organ damage

Video of Dr. Graciela Alarc?n

The University of Alabama at Birmingham


? Epidemiology ? Diagnosis ? Pathogenesis ? Mortality ? Therapeutic principles


? Prevalence: 2?140/100,000 worldwide but as high as 207/100,000

? Incidence: 1?10/100,000 worldwide

? Population at highest risk:

? Women in their reproductive years

? Female:male ratio is approximately 9:1 postpuberty and premenopausal

? Variation in race/ethnicity: More common in Black (3-6x), Hispanic and Native American (2?3x), and Asian (2x) populations

? Cost: There are direct costs associated with treatment (eg, $100 billion in healthcare cost associated with autoimmune diseases) and indirect cost related to lost productivity and wages

Video of Dr. Graciela Alarc?n

The University of Alabama at Birmingham


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