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Economics 212Microeconomic PrinciplesExam #1 Time: 1h 15m Date: 24 June 2013Name ___________________________________Instructor: Brian B. YoungThe value of this exam is 100 points. Please show your work where appropriate!Multiple Choice2 points each1) One reason the demand for peanuts might increase is aA) decrease in price of peanuts.B) decrease in price of pretzels.C) very successful advertising campaign for peanuts.D) scientists discover that peanuts cause hair loss.2) Consider the market for bread. If the price of wheat rises, then theA) equilibrium quantity of bread increases.B) price of bread falls.C) demand curve for bread shifts leftward.D) demand curve for bread shifts rightward.E) supply curve of bread shifts leftward.3) When supply increases, there is aA)movement down along the supply curve.B)rightward shift of the entire supply curve.C)leftward shift of the entire supply curve.D)movement up along the supply curve.4) The law of supply states that, other things remaining the same, if the price of a good falls, then theA)supply increases.B)supply decreases.C)quantity supplied decreases.D)quantity supplied increases.5) A product that has a negative income elasticity of demand is ____ good.A).a complementaryB)a substituteC)a normalD)an inferior6) The table above shows the situation in the gasoline market in Tulsa, Oklahoma. If the price of a gallon of gasoline is $3.68, thenthere is a shortage of gasoline in Tulsa.there is a surplus of gasoline in Tulsa.the market for gasoline in Tulsa is in equilibrium.there is neither a shortage nor a surplus, but the market for gasoline is NOT in equilibrium in Tulsa.7) Gasoline and propane are complements in production. If the price of gasoline rises, thenA)the supply of gasoline will increase.B)the supply for propane will decrease.C)the quantity supplied of gasoline will decrease.D)the supply for propane will increase.8) A price ceiling set above the equilibrium price leads toA)a shortage.B)a surplus.C)an increase in the quantity bought and sold.D)no change in either the equilibrium price or the equilibrium quantity9) A price floor set above the equilibrium price results inA)a shortage.B)a surplus.C)an increase in the quantity bought and sold.D)no change in either the equilibrium price or the equilibrium quantity.10) If the price of a movie rises 3 percent and, as a result, the quantity demanded of video rentals increases 6 percent, then the cross elasticity of demand isA)2.B)1/2.C)1/2.D)2.11) In the real world, opportunity costsA)increase because resources are not all equally productive at all activities.B)are constant because resources are not all equally productive at all activities.C)decrease because resources are not all equally productive at all activities.D)are sometimes decreasing and sometimes increasing.12) The above figures show the market for HD televisions. If people's incomes increase and HDTelevisions are a normal good, which figure shows the effect of this change?A) Figure AB) Figure BC) Figure CD) Figure D13) In the absence of external intervention, when the quantity supplied is less than the quantity demanded, there is aA)shortage and the price will fall.B)shortage and the price will rise.C)surplus and the price will rise.D)surplus and the price will fall.14) In the above figure, Jack's opportunity cost of producing 1 gallon of soda is ________ of bottledwater.A) 1/2 of a gallonB) 1 gallonC) 6 gallonsD) 2 gallonsE) 1/4 of a gallon15) In the above figure, Jack's opportunity cost of producing 1 gallon of bottled water is ________ of soda.A) 6 gallonsB) 1 gallonC) 1/2 of a gallonD) 2 gallonsE) 1/4 of a gallon16) In the above figure, Jill's opportunity cost of producing 1 gallon of soda is ________ of bottled water.A) 1 gallonB) 1/4 of a gallonC) 2 gallonsD) 4 gallonsE) 1/2 of a gallon17) In the above figure, Jill's opportunity cost of producing 1 gallon of bottled water is ________ of soda.A) 4 gallonsB) 1 gallonC) 1/4 of a gallonD) 1/2 of a gallonE) 2 gallons18) Using the figure above, if Jack and Jill specialize and gain from trade, thenA) Jack produces equal amounts of gallons of water and bottled water.B) Jack specializes on the production of soda and water.C) Jack specializes in the production of soda.D) Jack specializes in the production of bottled water.E) Jack and Jill produce beyond their PPF.19) In an indifference curve/budget line diagram, at the consumer equilibrium the slope of the budget lineA)equals the slope of the indifference curve.B)is greater than the slope of the indifference curve.C)is less than the slope of the indifference curve.D)may be greater than, equal to, or less than the slope of the indifference curve.20) We have asked Mac to rank his preferences between three market baskets, A, B, and C. If Mac prefers B to C but does not care if he gets A or B, thenA)A is on a higher indifference curve than B.B)B and C are on the same indifference curve.C)B is on a higher indifference curve than C.D)C is on a higher indifference curve than A.Peter’s production possibilitiesPaul’s production possibilitiesProduction pointDip(pounds)Chips(bags)ProductionpointDip(pounds)Chips(bags)A0and20A0and30B1and16B1and24C2and12C2and18D3and8D3and12E4and4E4and6F5and0F5and021) Based on the table above, if Peter and Paul specialize according to their comparative advantages and trade, how many pounds of dip and how many bags of chips will they produce in total?A)50 pounds of dip and 0 bags of chipsB)50 bags of chips and 0 pounds of dipC)30 bags of chips and 5 pounds of dipD)20 bags of chips and 5 pounds of dip22) If the price of tangerines increases, then the price of oranges also rises becauseA)consumers consider the two goods complements and so sellers decreased the supply.B)consumers consider the two goods substitutes and demand for oranges increases.C)if the supply of tangerines decreased, then the supply of oranges also must decrease.D)buyers must have expected a higher price for oranges and thus increased their demand for oranges.23) Which of the following helps explain why the law of supply exists?A) The law of increasing opportunity cost.B) The law of demand.C) Larger outputs result in lower costs of production.D) The costs of production remain constant throughout all levels of output.E) Sellers realize that if the price increases, they make larger profits and do not need to change their production.24) The demand for necessities generally is ____ the demand for luxury goods.A)as elastic asB)more elastic thanC)less elastic thanD)flatter than25) If a product is considered by buyers to be a luxury item and is priced high relative to buyers’ incomes, the price elasticity of demand for this product is likely to beA)elastic.B)unit elastic.C)inelastic.D)zero.Short Answer10 points each1) When the expected future price of a good rises, the supply curve shifts to the left and the demand curve shifts to the right at the same time. What happens to the equilibrium price after the shifts? What happens to the equilibrium quantity after the shifts? Is it always possible to determine the direction of change in both the equilibrium price and quantity or is more information necessary? Use supply and demand curves to graphically explain your answer.2)Price(dollars)Quantity demanded(units per week)A10040B8060C6080D40100E20120The table above gives the demand schedule for a good. Using the midpoint method, find the price elasticity of demand between points A and B, and between points B and C.3) Suppose that alfalfa is an ingredient in the production of milk. Further, suppose that it has been an especially good year for alfalfa production with record high yields being realized all over the country. In the market for milk:Which curve(s) shift? Demand shifts to the right / Demand shifts to the left / Supply shifts to the right / Supply shifts to the left. (Circle correct answer)Graph the situation in the market for milk:52070028702000P5441959715400 Q2367280502729400C) As a result of the increase in alfalfa production, (Circle correct answers)-- the price of milk will increase / decrease / can’t tell -- the quantity of milk sold will increase / decrease / can’t tell4)George has a $600 annual entertainment budget that he uses to buy trips to the movies and dinners at local restaurants. The figure above shows indifference curves and budget lines for these two goods. The price of a movie is $15.Along budget line BL1, what is the price of a dinner?What combination of dinners and movies will George select along budget line BL1?Budget line BL2 represents a change in the price of dinners from that along BL1. What is the new price of dinners along this budget line?What combination of dinners and movies will George select along budget line BL2?Use the information in this problem to give two points on George’s demand curve for dinners.5) For consumers, computers are a complement to computer software. Suppose the price of a computer falls. Simultaneously, suppose that the number of companies selling computer software decreases. How do these changes affect the price and quantity of computer software? ................

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