Home of the Knights

Inglewood Middle School

Home of the Knights

Inglewood Middle School 24120 N.E. 8th Street Sammamish, WA 98074 Main Office: 425-936-2360 Attendance Recorder: 425-936-2361

IMS Website:

Dear Inglewood Middle School Students,

Welcome to the Home of the Knights. We are very excited to begin another year at Inglewood Middle School and we are proud of our accomplishments and traditions. As we approach this school year, the Inglewood community of students, staff and parents feel it is important to renew our commitment to being respectful to each other and to making this a great place for all students.

This commitment takes on special meaning for all our students because you are the ones who make Inglewood GREAT. Your participation in our challenging academic program as well as the many activities we have to offer are the key to making this a great year. There is a place for everyone and your involvement in academics, sports, activities, and clubs will contribute to the "spirit" of our school.

We, the staff, are dedicated to providing the best atmosphere and climate for you to be successful. We want you to experience challenges and we are here to help you reach your goals. This handbook will provide you with important information you will need to be successful at Inglewood. We want to welcome you to Inglewood and wish you an exciting school year!


Tim Patterson




7:50 8:50


8:54 9:44


9:48 10:38


10:42 12:08

UKnighted 12:12 12:32


12:36 1:26


1:30 2:20

A lunch 10:38 11:08

B lunch 11:08 11:38

C lunch 11:38 12:08



7:50 9:20


9:24 10:50


10:54 12:50

A lunch 10:50 11:20

B lunch 11:35 12:05

C lunch 12:20 12:50



7:50 8:50


8:54 9:50


9:54 10:50


10:54 12:20


12:24 1:20


1:24 2:20

A lunch 10:50 11:20

B lunch 11:20 11:50

C lunch 11:50 12:20


Flex check 7:50 7:54


7:54 8:41


8:45 9:32


9:36 10:16


10:20 11:07


11:11 12:37


12:41 1:28


1:32 2:20

A lunch 11:07 11:37

B lunch 11:37 12:07

C lunch 12:07 12:37


Flex Check 7:50 7:54


7:54 9:25


9:29 10:09

UKnighted 10:13 10:47


10:47 12:44


12:48 2:20

A lunch 10:47 11:17

B lunch 11:30 12:00

C lunch 12:14 12:44

Daily Schedule

L- Lunch during this Period

Inglewood Middle School


Handbook 2019-20

Table of Contents

COMMUNICATION METHODS .............................................................................................................................................. 4

ACADEMICS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5

ACTIVITIES/CLUBS/DANCE POLICIES ................................................................................................................................ 6

ATHLETICS............................................................................................................................................................................. 7

ANTI-BULLYING RULES ........................................................................................................................................................ 8

CELL PHONES, ELECTRONIC DEVICES, MP3 PLAYERS AND CAMERAS ...................................................................... 8

CLOSED CAMPUS ................................................................................................................................................................. 9

DRESS CODE......................................................................................................................................................................... 9

EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN........................................................................................................................................ 10

FEES AND FINES................................................................................................................................................................. 10

FOOD AND DRINK ............................................................................................................................................................... 10

GIFTS AND BALLOONS....................................................................................................................................................... 10

HEALTH ROOM .................................................................................................................................................................... 10

HALLWAY & BATHROOM BEHAVIOR ................................................................................................................................ 10

LIBRARY INFORMATION..................................................................................................................................................... 11

LOST AND FOUND .............................................................................................................................................................. 11

LUNCH PROGRAM .............................................................................................................................................................. 11

LUNCHROOM EXPECTATIONS.......................................................................................................................................... 11

NUISANCE AND PERSONAL ITEMS .................................................................................................................................. 12

VISITORS AND VOLUNTEERS ........................................................................................................................................... 12

MIDDLE SCHOOL ATTENDANCE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ................................................................................ 122

SCHOOL CLOSURE............................................................................................................................................................. 13

INGLEWOOD SCHOOL DISCIPLINE .................................................................................................................................. 13

DISTRICT LEVEL APPEAL PROCESS.............................................................................................................................. 144

BUS CONDUCT .................................................................................................................................................................... 14




Inglewood Middle School


Handbook 2019-20



Communication is the most vital link in our school community. This is accomplished in a variety of ways.

Personal Contact: You can contact teachers by phone between 7:00 and 7:45 a.m. and between 2:25 and 3 p.m. or during their planning period. Email is also a great way to communicate with your child's teacher. In most cases, the email address for staff is firstinitiallastname@. (example: tpatterson@). This is the preferred method of contact.

Daily Bulletin: Daily announcements are made over the intercom.

Phone Numbers:

School Office: Fax: IMS Attendance Recorder: LWSD Food Service: LWSD Transportation:

425-936-2360 425-868-0628 425-936-2361or inglewoodattendance@ 425-936-1393 425-936-1120

Websites: Student Access

Go to Student Access and click on "Student Portal." Click on "Standard Score" to view grades (note: put lwsd\ before your username)

Inglewood Middle Website

PowerSchool Learning Management System

PTSA Parent Communications

District Website

PTSA Knightly News: This weekly online newsletter is sent via email by PTSA to keep families advised of the current events at IMS. Families can sign up to automatically receive Knightly News at . Simply click on READ THE KNIGHTLY NEWS image.

School Messenger; School Letters/Notices: Additional information deemed necessary by the district or our school will be mailed, emailed or hand carried to the home of each student. Additional district publications are available by personal request to the District Administration offices at 425-702-3200.

Parent Access: The Lake Washington School District has a system which allows parents to access their student's records via the internet. By registering for Parent Access, you will have access to general student information, grades, lunch account balances and volunteer applications. One log-in links parents to all students in their family.

To register for Parent Access: ? Go to ? Click on the "For Parents" tab at the top of the page ? Click on "New User" on the right side of the screen under "Parent Access" ? Click on "Register Now" ? Follow directions provided.

Inglewood Middle School


Handbook 2019-20


Grades: The school year is divided into four quarters. Report cards will be issued approximately one week following the close of each quarter. The purpose of the report card is to inform the student and parent of progress being made in school. Academic grades will be issued on the following basis:

A = Excellent B = Good C = Average

D = Poor F = Failing I = Incomplete

P = Pass S = Satisfactory W = Withdrawn

Points will be given for grades in the following manner:

A = 4.0 (90-100%)

B- = 2.7 (80-82%)

B+ = 3.3 (87-89%)

C+ = 2.3 (77-79%)

B = 3.0 (83-86%)

C = 2.0 (73-76%)

C- = 1.7 D+ = 1.3 D = 1.0

(70-72%) (67-69%) (60-66%)

Standards Based Reporting: Is a way of reporting students understanding and performance against our curriculum standards. In a traditional A-F grading system it is possible for a student to receive high marks but not demonstrate mastery of the curriculum standard. (Example: a student that does all the homework well, but fails the tests) Standards Based Grading is used to help communicate what each student knows and is able to do in relation to the content standards


Proficiency of Learning Target

4 Exceeds Standard

Synthesis / Evaluation

Judging the values of ideas, materials and methods by developing and applying standards and criteria.

Putting together constituent elements or parts to form a whole requiring original, creative thinking.

Judges Disputes Develops Discusses Generalizes Relates Compares Contrasts Abstracts Creates

3 At Standard

Apply / Analysis

Understanding of information given.

Explains Translates Demonstrates Interprets

2 Approaching Standard

Define / Comprehend

Recalling or recognizing specific information.

Responds Absorbs Remembers Recognizes Memorizes

1 Not at Standard

Unable to define / Comprehend

Progress Reports: Parents can access their student's grades through Skyward. Students can access their grades through the secondary student portal. Most teachers update grades on Skyward approximately every two weeks. However, this is not a school policy. Parents or students who have questions should contact the teacher. Mid-Quarter "D" and "F" Reports are mailed home to families. Quarter Progress Reports are handed to all students. Semester Grade Reports are mailed home to all students.

Homework Policy: Homework is an expectation within the total school experience. Teachers use homework to enhance and enrich learning. The completion of homework and meeting of due dates are critical to students' overall understanding of material. Each teacher is responsible to develop homework guidelines and expectations which will be provided for the students.

The following are recommended guidelines to teachers, students, and parents: 1. The student is responsible for taking accurate notes, paying close attention to the explanation, and putting forth

consistent effort to learn the material being presented. 2. The student is responsible for keeping an up-to-date calendar in their Student Planner. This means tracking due dates

as well as assignment completion.

Inglewood Middle School

Handbook 2019-20



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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