Anatomy - Chapter 16

Anatomy - Chapter 16 Name __________________

Mrs. Wilson

1. Give three functions of the lymphatic system (p)

1. Drain excess fluid and proteins from the tissues

2. Filters bacteria and other pathogens to destroy them

3. Absorb fats from the digestive tract

2. What is lymph?

Fluid around the tissues that enters lymphatic capillaries

3. What are two differences between blood capillaries and lymph capillaries?(p 365)

1. Larger gaps between cells to allow larger particles in, more permeable

2. “Blind ended” one way system from tissues to blood

4. Describe the lymphatic vessels .

Thin walled, delicate, have indentations where valves are found; can be superficial or deep; form networks that lead to nodes that filter the fluid; deep vessels are larger

5. What is the purpose of the valves?

They prevent backflow of fluid

6. Describe the two main lymphatic vessels and the areas that they drain.

1. Right lymphatic duct receives lymph from upper right quadrant of body (head, neck, thorax, arm; (empties into right subclavian vein)

2. Thoracic duct drains the rest of the body; (empties into left subclavian vein)

7. By what mechanism does lymph move through the vessels?

Segments between valves contract; more fluid, the faster the contractions; as skeletal muscles contract they press against the lymph vessels, pushing it forward.

8. What is lymph edema? (read the box)

A form of edema (swelling of tissues); a build up of fluid in subcutaneous tissues,

usually in women, affecting only one limb

9. Give two general functions of lymphoid tissue (p).

1. removal of impurities by filtering and destroying

2. processing of lymphocytes of the immune system

10. What are lymph nodes and what do they do?

Small round masses of varying sizes, small as pinhead, to golf ball size

They filter the lymph that is drained from the tissues, in order to kill bacteria that enters your body

List the five basic areas where they are found:

1. cervicle – neck 2. axillary – armpits

3. tracheobronchial – upper chest (mammary/chest)

4. mesenteric - intestines

5. inguinal - groin

Ch. 16 notes

11. How does the function of tonsils vary from other lymph notes?

Filters fluid directly from tissues, not lymph;

Exposed to the outside and more contamination

12. Where is the thymus located, and what types of cells develop in it?

1. Located in upper thorax, under sternum

2. T-lymphocytes (T cells) develop here with the help of hormone thymosin

13. Describe the spleen and its function.

1. soft purplish, flat and long organ made of lymphatic tissue

2. functions to filter the blood, (old red blood cells) and bacteria

Give a brief description of each of these disorders:

14. lymphadenitis- inflammation of the lymph nodes, usually a result of infection such as sore throat, scarlet fever, etc

15. Splenomegaly – enlargement of the spleen, because of infection

16. lymphoma-ANY tumor of the lymphoid tissue, can be benign or malignant (cancerous)

17. Hodgkin’s Disease- malignant tumor of lymph nodes, occurs mostly in young men/adults

18. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – malignant tumors in older adults

19. Elephantiasis. – blockage of lymph vessels as a result of tiny parasitic worms; results in abnormal swelling of lower limbs


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