BoardII RevNotes

Associated Clinical Sciences

Introitus - vaginal orifice. Gravida - number of pregnancies.

Dyspareunia - pain during or after coitus. Para - number of live births.

Dystocia - painful or difficult labor. Pseudocyesis - false pregnancy, pseudopregnancy.

Dysmenorrhea - painful menstrual cycles, caused Menarche - first menstrual cycle.

by secretion of prostaglandins form uterus. Climacteric - cessation of menses, menopause.

Colostrum - initial breast milk secreted, contains IgA. Lanugo - fine hair covering newborns body.

Not found in mature breast milk. Meconium - newborn’s first intestinal discharge.

Vernix Caseosa - cheesy covering on skin of newborn. Lochia - vaginal discharge after delivery.

Lactation - can cause normal amenorrhea. Mittleschmerz - ovulation pain.

Alpha fetoprotein - increased amounts indicate neural tube defect.

Chloasma gravidarum - mask of pregnancy, brownish pigmentation of the face.

Hyperemisis gravidarum - pernicious vomiting of pregnancy.

Cardinal signs of toxemia (HEP) Hypertension, Edema, Proteinuria.

Preeclampsia - toxemia of pregnancy (3rd trimester)

Eclampsia - toxemia of pregnancy with convulsions (3rd trimester).

Braxton Hicks Contractions - intermittent contractions of uterus after 3rd month of pregnancy. AKA false labor.

Embryonic stages - zygote(morula(blastula.

Signs of Pregnancy:

Goodell - softening of the tip of the cervix.

Hegar - entire cervix softens.

Chadwick’s - bluish discoloration of the vagina.

Piskacek - asymmetrical softening and enlargement of the uterus.

Ladin - softened area denoting a change between cervix and body of the uterus.

Ballottement - movement of the fetus upon pressure to cervix through vagina.

Effacement - thinning of the cervix.

Quickening - mother’s perception of fetal movement.

Lightening - descent of uterus into pelvic cavity 2-3 weeks before labor.

Engagement - baby’s head reaches the ischial spines.

Stages of Labor: 1st stage - from first meaningful uterine contraction to full cervical dilation(10 cm). Longest stage.

2nd stage - from full dilation to delivery of the baby.

3rd stage - delivery of the baby to delivery of the placenta.

Placental complications: Placenta Abrupta - early detachment of placenta from uterine wall.

Placenta Previa - low lying placenta, usually interferes with internal cervical opening.

Placenta Accreta - retained placenta, MC cause of post partum hemorrhage.

APGAR scoring: Appearance(color), Pulse(heart rate), Grimace(reflex irritability), Activity(muscle tone),

Respiration(respiratory effort).

Moro Reflex - startle reflex in newborns.

Rooting reflex - touch the cheek of a baby the head turns to that side.

Down’s Syndrome - trisomy 21, mental retardation, low set ears, flat nose or bridge, simian crease on palm or sole.

Characterized by an increased incidence of leukemia.

Turner’s syndrome - 45X, female with short stature, low posterior hairline, short webbed neck, gonadal dysgenesis.

Klinefelter’s Syndrome - 47XXY, male with small testes, gynecomastia, long legs and subnormal intelligence.

Paget’s disease - can cause mammary duct carcinoma.

Endometriosis - ectopic endometrial tissue (uterine lining).

Adenomyosis - endometrial tissue found in the myometrium (muscular layer of the uterus).

Leukoplakia - precancerous lesion of white patches on mucous membranes.

Dermoid Cyst of the Ovary - teratoma (tumor made up of several germinal layers).

Hydatidiform mole - benign trophoblastic tumor, high levels of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG).

Choriocarcinoma - malignant trophoblastic tumor.

Mastitis - localized engorgement of the breast with red streaks.

Ovulation - surge of LH precedes, vaginal mucus stringy and clear.

Associated Clinical Sciences

Uterine involution - occurs during post partum period.

Gene Theory of Disease - Autosomal trait passed on by mother.

Spontaneous Abortion - MC cause of first trimester abortions, usually attributed to chromosomal defects.

CPR on child - 80-100 chest thrusts per minute.

Herpes Simplex - causes aseptic meningitis in the neonate.

Brachial Artery - best to palpate pulse on an infant.

Capillary Hemangioma - typically appears after birthing process on the scalp.

Hutchinson’s Signs - indicators of congenital syphilis; pegged teeth, deafness, interstitial keratosis.

Karl Jung - collective unconscious.

Sigmund Freud - Inner dynamics of the unconscious, free association.

Tripartite of the personality: Id - the unorganized, instinctual part, basic instincts.

Ego - the perceived self, here and now , reality testing portion.

Superego - the conscience.

Stages of development(child): Oral, Anal, Phallic.

Psychological testing:

Rorschach - Ink blot testing used to determine personality disorders.

WISC - Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 5-16 years old.

MMPI - Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, personality testing.

Stanford Binet - MC used intelligence test for young children.

Psychological disorders:

Psychosis - severe disorganization of the personality associated with depression, delusions and hallucinations.

Neurosis - a form of maladjustment in which the person is unable to cope with anxieties, leads to the use

of defense mechanisms.

Schizophrenia - psychosis in which there is a lack of harmony between aspects of the personality.

Involutional melancholia - psychotic behavior associated with the climacteric, accompanied by

agitation, delusions, anxiety and paranoid reactions.

Defense mechanisms:

Reaction formation - the subject denies a disapproved motive or desire by giving strong expression

to its opposite.

Repression - a guilt or anxiety producing impulse or memory is denied by its disappearance from awareness.

Ex: amnesiacs. Bury a memory and not deal with it.

Regression - behavior characteristic of an earlier developmental stage.

Suppression - disapproved impulses or desires are not overtly revealed, or acted upon.

Sublimation - socially unacceptable motives or desires are expressed in socially acceptable forms.

Changing behavior to accepted norms.

Compulsion - neurosis characterized by an irresistible impulse to perform an act contrary to one’s

better judgment or will.

Obsession - neurosis characterized by recurrent thoughts, feelings, or impulses that the subject recognizes

as morbid and which he feels a strong resistance.

Narcissism - self-love or admiration.

Affective disorder - major depressive episode.

Hysterical - histrionics, theatrical gestures.

Schizoid - introverted and withdrawn, emotionally cold and distant.

Antisocial - psychotic/sociopath, acting out their conflicts with no remorse or guilt.

Paranoid - suspicious attitudes leading to aggressive feelings.

Electra complex - libidinous fixation of daughter toward father.

Oedipus complex -libidinous fixation of son toward mother.

Jacosta complex - libidinous fixation of mother toward son.

Phaedra complex - the love and attraction between a stepparent and a stepchild.

Associated Clinical Sciences


Slander - verbal, to say something false about another person.

Libel - written, to write something false about another person. To recover one must prove damages.

Evidence - anything presented in court used by the judge or jury in making a decision.

Hearsay - evidence, which does not derive its value from the witness itself, but gained or acquired from another.

Deposition - a sworn statement of fact given before a notary public can be used as evidence.

Principal - one who retains an agent to act for him.

Contract - a promise to perform for which consideration is given and for which the law recognizes a duty to perform.

Must have: 1) mutual consent, 2) consideration, 3) competent parties, 4) object of contract must be legal,

5) reality of consent to contract. Offer + Acceptance = Contract.

Informed consent - the patient must be informed of the dangers inherent with a procedure before consenting to it.

Expert witness - a person qualified by special studies in special areas of knowledge, allowed to give their opinion.

Privileged communication - confidential communication that does not have to be revealed in court.

Husband/wife, doctor/patient, lawyer/client.

Contributory negligence doctrine - a person may not collect damages if their own negligence contributed to the cause.

Partnership responsibility - all partners are liable for the negligence of one another or of an employee. Release of one

partner releases liability for all.

Termination of partnership - In the event of death surviving partner can buy interest from the deceased estate.

Subpoena - a written legal order requiring one to appear in court to give testimony.

Summons - an official order to appear in court to respond as a defendant to a charge.

Respondent superior - an employer is responsible for the torts (civil wrong) of their employee.

Malpractice case - tried in a tort (civil wrong) court.

Voir Dire - to speak the truth. Res ipsa loquitor - the thing speaks for itself.

Res adjudicata - the matter has been decided.


Pruritis - severe itching, cutaneous hyperesthesia.

Intertrigo - superficial dermatisis in the folds of the skin.

Pustule - small elevation of skin filled with lymph or pus.

Vesicle - blisterlike elevation on the skin filled with serous fluid.

Bullae - large blisters or skin vesicles filled with fluid, also called blebs.

Wheal - round elevation of the skin with a white center and pale red periphery accompanied by pruritis.

Nodule - a small node or aggregation of cells.

Papule - red elevated area of the skin, solid and circumscribed. Often precede vesicle or pustule formation.

Macule - discolored spots or patches on the skin, neither elevated or depressed. Ex: vitiligo, pellagra, rubella.

Keloid - overgrowth of scar tissue due to abnormal amounts of collagen in the scar tissue.

Albinism - melanocytes do not produce melanin ( no tissue pigment.

Vitiligo - acquired idiopathic destruction of melanocytes resulting in patches of depigmentation (often having

hyperpigmented border)

Tinea infections - Mycotic (fungal) skin diseases occurring on various parts of the body. Diagnosis confirmed

with a Wood’s lamp (UV light).

t. barbae - beard t. capitis - head t. corporis - body, AKA ringworm

t. cruris - groin/jock t. pedis - foot t. unguium - nails, AKA onychomycosis

Stasis (not moving) dermatisis - persistent inflammation of the skin in the lower extremities with a tendency toward

brown pigmentation. Associated with venous incompetence. Ex: bed sores, DM, overweight people.

Stasis ulceration - commonly seen lower leg and ankle region with diabetes mellitus.

Furuncle - staphylococcal infection of a hair follicle or sebaceous (oil secreting)gland.

Carbuncle - multiple furuncles.

Miliaria - AKA prickly heat, inflammation of sweat glands.

Urticaria - AKA hives, characterized by formation of wheals and hives.

Psoriasis - dry silvery scales usually on the extensor surfaces. Ex: elbows and knees.

Dermatomyositis - Heliotropic rash on the eyelid.

Associated Clinical Sciences

Rubella - AKA German measles, maculopapular rash 2-3 days. NB question - vaccinate mother to prevent in newborn.

Rubeola - AKA measles, acute contagious disease marked by fever, catarrhal (inflammation of mucous membranes)

symptoms and rose colored macular eruptions. Koplik’s spots - small red spots with blue white centers on the oral mucosa, usually precede cutaneous eruptions.

Varicella - AKA chickenpox, childhood disease characterized by fluid filled subdermal lesions that pass through

stages of macules, papules,vesicles and crusts. MC complication is secondary infection.

Icthyosis - dry skin (xeroderma), AKA fish skin or scaly skin.

Acne - papules, pustules, comedones and inflamed nodules. Inflamed hair follicle or sebaceous gland.

Rosacea - chronic inflammation of the nose, cheeks and forehead, MC in middle-age to older people. Characterized by

papules, pustules, telangiectasia, erythema and hyperplasia of the soft tissue of the nose.

Pityriasis rosea - skin condition which appears in “herald” or “mother” patches, etiology unknown.

Impetigo - superficial vesiculopustular lesions with bullae formation and honey colored crusts. Etiology strep or staph.

Hyperhydrosis - overactive sweat glands.

Lichen planus - pinhead sized papules that coalesce to form rough, scaly, polygranular, blue/purple lesions. Intense

pruritis with lesions concentrated on flexor surfaces of arms, trunk and genitalia.

Erysipelas - acute febrile disease, cellulitis, vesicles and bullae. Etiology: streptococcal.

Pemphigus - uncommon, potentially fatal skin condition characterized by formation of bullae on skin and mucus

membranes. NB question: middle aged Jewish male presents with multiple blister-like skin lesions.

Dermatitis herpetaformis - chronic inflammatory disease characterized by erythematous, papular, vesicular, bullous,

or pustular lesions with tendency to grouping. Intense burning and itching, primarily extensor surfaces.

Alopecia capitis - hair loss on head. Alopecia universalis - hair loss over entire body.

Hirsuitism - excessive hair growth in unusual places, especially in women. Increased androgen production or

metabolism. Often seen with pregnancy.

Addison’s disease - decreased adrenocortical hormones resulting in bronze colored skin, irregular patches of vitiligo.

Cushing’s syndrome - increased glucocorticoids resulting in edema , hair loss, skin discoloration and purple striae. Icterus - AKA jaundice, pigmentation of the tissues, membranes and secretions with bile pigments

Myopia - nearsighted, image formed before retina due to longer eye.

Hyperopia - farsighted, image formed behind retina due to shorter eye.

Astigmatism - irregular curvature of the cornea or lens causing diffusion of light rays on the retina.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STD)

Chlamydia - MC STD, causes non-gonococcal urethritis, non-specific cause, primary cause of Reiter’s syndrome.

Pelvic pain and swelling, rectal stricture. Lymphogranuloma venerum - unilateral lymph node enlargement.

Syphilis - caused by treponema pallidum, dx with dark field microscopy, tx with penicillin.

Primary - hard painless chancre, well defined, VDRL+ days after chancre appears.

Secondary - condylomata lata(flat vulvar warts), tiny brown spots on thorax, soles and palms.

Tertiary - tabes dorsalis, gumma formation, not contagious in this stage.

Congenital - Hutchinson triad (pegged teeth, deafness, interstitial keratosis), saber shin deformity.

Gonorrhea - caused by neisseria gonorrhoeae, contagious catarrhal inflammation of the genital mucus membranes.

Gram neg. diplococci, commonly leads to joint infections MC knee, female can be asymptomatic.

Trichomas vaginalis - caused by parasitic protozoa, persistent burning, redness and frothy, greenish yellow discharge.

Gardnerella vaginalis - caused by gram neg. bacilli, characteristic malodorous discharge, clue cells.

Candidiasis - AKA moniliasis, yeast infection caused by candida albicans. White cheesy plaques. Seen in DM,

pregnancy, babies (thrush).

Haemophilus ducreyi - caused by gram neg. bacilli, forms soft painful chancroid, highly infectious.

Molluscum contagiousum - pearly, smooth, waxy, dome shaped, umbilicated papules on the genitals/penis.

Condylomata accuminata - bulbous vulvar warts caused by human papilloma virus.

Parasites: Scabies - mite that burrows under the skin, causes intense pruritis.

Pediculosis - AKA lice, crabs. P.capitis = head lice, P. corporis = body lice.

Antidotes: Chemical - combines with poison to form harmless substance.

Mechanical - prevents absorption.

Physiological - counteracts poison by causing opposite physiologic effect.

Universal - 2 parts activated charcoal / 1 part magnesium oxide / 1 part tannic acid / ½ ounce warm water.

Associated Clinical Sciences

Hypertension: Systolic of (140 on 2 or more visits, and diastolic of (90 on 2 or more visits.

Essential - AKA primary or idiopathic hypertension, no definite etiology.

Benign - slow progression, chronic, relatively mild.

Malignant - rapid progression with severe vascular damage. Seen with renal necrosis/failure.

Category Systolic Diastolic

Very severe ( 210 ( 120

Severe 180-209 110-119

Moderate 160-179 100-109

Mild 140-159 90-99

Prescription medications: Bioavailability - portion of a drug that reaches the target tissue.

Pharmacodynamics - absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of a drug.

Tardive dyskinesia -slow, rhythmic automatic stereotyped movements caused by

anti-psychotic medications.

Ritalin - Attention deficit disorder (ADD). Organophosphate - cholinesterase inhibitor.

Elavil - tricyclic antidepressant. Benzodiagazine - anxiety disorders.

Dilantin - seizure disorders. Syrup of ipecac - emetic, induces vomiting.

Amyl nitrate - cyanide poisoning. Prozac - most widely used anti-depressant used in U.S.

Acyclovir - herpes.

Over the Counter Medications

NSAIDS - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Ex: salicylates(aspirin), Acetominophen(tylenol), feldane.

Acetominophen - overdose can cause liver damage.

Salicylate poisoning - ringing/roaring in the ears, respiratory alkalosis, vomiting, tinnitus, deafness,


Expectorant - facilitates removal of mucus secretions, used to alleviate coughing.

Lead poisoning - bluing of the gums, basophilic stippling. Sources - lead based paints, old plumbing with lead solder,

battery factory employee - lead sulfate.

Geriatric patients

Arcus senilus - gray opaque ring at the edge of the cornea.

Blood glucose and WBC count do not change with age.

Alzheimer’s disease - diagnosis confirmed at autopsy.

Arterial bifurcation and facial planes - sites for normal arterial degenerative changes.

Osteoporosis - determine extent with immunoabsorbant assay.

Glaucoma - causes irreversible decreased visual acuity.

Multiple myeloma - MC dyscrasia in the elderly.

Medicare patients - must have x-rays (12 months old for treatment by chiropractor.

Pick’s disease - Alzheimer’s disease of the frontal lobe.

Peripheral arterial disease - intermittent claudication in the elderly.

Presbyopia - hardening of the lens with age leads to loss of accomodation and hyperopia.

Prebycusis - hardening of the tympanic membrane with age leads to initial hearing loss in high frequencies.

Asbestosis - asbestosis (mesothelioma. Cotton - brown lung.

Coal - pneumoconiosis, AKA black lung. Silica - silicosis ( emphysema.

Croup - inspiratory stridor with dry cough, tx with humidified air.

Cystic fibrosis - chronic lung disease with increased mucus secretions, pos. familial hx, neonatal intestinal obstuction.

Eneuresis - bedwetting. Nocturnal eneuresis - nighttime bedwetting.

Diphtheria - characteristic pseudomembrane formation, exotoxin formation can lead to myocarditis and neuritis.

Raccoon sign - indicative of concussion.

Venogram - confirms signs of thrombophlebitis.

Associated Clinical Sciences

Trigeminal neuralgia - unilateral lancinating facial pain, no other neurological deficits noted.

Legg Calve Perthes - no history of trauma, avascular necrosis of the femoral head.

Erb’ palsy - damage to upper portion of the brachial plexus, C5/C6.

Klumpke’s palsy - damage to the lower portion of the brachial plexus, C8/T1.

Xan - lipid. Xanthoma = fatty tumor.

Purulent otitis media - bacterial infection, TM reddens, looses landmarks and bulges laterally.

Serous otitis media - viral infection, TM turns amber from serous fluid behind TM, fluid level and sometimes

air bubbles.

Phobias: indicating abnormal fear or aversion to a subject.

Acrophobia - fear of heights. Gynephobia - fear of women.

Agoraphobia - fear of open places. Androphobia - fear of men.

Claustrophobia - fear of confinement. Ochlophobia - fear of crowds.

Atopy - genetic predisposition.

Homeostasis - dynamic equilibrium of the internal environment of the body.

Metaplasia - conversion of one type of tissue into a form that is not normal for that tissue.

Ischemia - local temporary deficiency of blood supply.

Infarction - necrotic tissue following cessation of blood supply, caused by embolus or thrombus.

Hypoxia - deficiency of oxygen.

Embolus - a mass of undissolved matter present in a blood or lymphatic vessel.

Thrombus - a blood clot that obstructs a blood vessel or cavity of the heart.

Aortic aneurysm - 80% occur below the kidneys due to weaker arterial walls.

Congestive heart failure - systolic failure with a dilated ventricle and low ejection fraction, orthopnea,

hepatic distention.

Mononucleosis - caused by Epstein Barr virus, atypical lymphocytes, lymphadenopathy, fatigue, heterophile AB test.

Gower’s maneuver - patient unable to assume an erect posture without “climbing up” on themselves. Seen in

patients with muscular dystrophy, indicates weak hip and knee extensors.

Osteogenic sarcoma - most frequent malignancy observed in 15 year old with leg pain.

Tyramine - increases blood pressure, found in cheeses and wine.

BCP ( ( B6 levels.

General Diagnosis

Pulmonary Diagnosis:

Pneumonia: Pneumococcol, lobar distribution, rusty sputum.

Klebsiella, current jelly sputum, commonly seen with alcoholics.

Hemophilus Influenza - commonly seen with children.

Mycoplasma Pneumonae - Walking pneumonia, commonly seen in adults.

Cold agglutinin.

Pneumocystis Carinii - Protozoan origin, commonly seen with AIDS patients.

Viral - Mucopurulent productive cough. Gradual onset of symptoms.

AKA walking pneumonia.

Lung conditions Breath sounds Percussive note

atlectasis absent flat/dull

pleurisy crackles(friction rub) normal

acute bronchitis rhonchi normal

asthma wheezing normal

emphysema wheezing hyper-resonant

pneumonia suppressed dull

Note: Crackles = water, Resonant = air.

Respiration: Biot’s - seen w/ increased intracranial pressure, irregular periods of apnea alternating

w/ with hyperapnea.

Cheyne Stokes - breathing pattern characterized by a period of apnea lasting 10-60

seconds, followed by gradually increasing then decreasing respirations.

Kussmaul - deep gasping respiration characteristic of air hunger or diabetic coma.

Paradoxical - abnormal rib excursion with respiration, seen with rib fractures.

Stertorous - respiration characterized by rattling or bubbling sounds.

Stridulous - high pitched crowing sound or barking sound heard during inspiration caused

by obstruction of the respiratory passageway.

Meningitic or ataxic respiration - Diabetic ketoacidosis.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Ds (COPD) - Pursed lip breathing (Kussmal respiration), emphysema,

chronic bronchitis.

Pleurisy - Sharp superficial pain. Sheppleman’s test to Dx: Pain on contralateral side with lateral flexion.

Diabetic coma - Increased respiration.

Atelectasis - A collapsed or airless condition of the lung, no vesicular breath sounds.

GI Diagnosis: Ulcerative colitis - bloody diarrhea, high fever.

Regional enteritis- chronic diarrhea, weight loss, anorexia, enteropathic arthritis,

AKA Crohn’s disease, terminal/regional ileitis.

Hernia’s: Direct - above the inguinal ligament(sides of the pinky)

*MC Indirect - through the ring(top of pinky), to the scrotum.

Femoral - below the inguinal ligament.

Examination is performed with the patient standing, palpate and have

the patient cough.

Absence of bowel sounds = advanced intestinal obstruction.

Bilirubin: Direct = congutated = has come from the liver.

Indirect = uncongutated = has not been to the liver.

Liver cirrhosis - Increased direct and indirect bilirubin.

Regional ilietis (Crohn’s) - ganulomatous lesions, intermittent bloody diarrhea, erythema nodosum.

False positive guaiac test - Consumption of red meat.

Hematochezia - Blood in the stool.

Palmar erythema - Liver enlargement.

Icterus - AKA jaundice, pigmentation caused by bile pigments, best seen in the sclera.

General Diagnosis

GI Diagnosis: Gastric ulcer - Increased hypochondriac pain.

Duodenal ulcer - Post prandial pain relieved by eating.

Pancreatic cancer - Primary symptom anorexia, increased with males, cigarette smokers and high

fat or meat diets.

Portal hypertension - Jugular veins become distended in a seated position.

Tympany - MC percussive note in the abdomen.

Liver enzymes - AST(SGOT), ALT(SGPT).

Pancreatitis - Pain relieved with postural changes.

Portal hypertension - Abdominal venous hum, spider nevi.

Serum ferritin - Iron/phosphate/protein complex. Iron combines with apoferritin on interstitial

mucosa and is stored in the reticuloendothelial cells of the liver, spleen and bone marrow.

“Ferrit” iron away to store it.

Cardiovascular Diagnosis: P = Atrial depolarization.

QRS = Ventricular depolarization, atrial repolarization.

T = Ventricular repolarization.

S1 = mitral and tricuspid closing

S2 = Aortic and pulmonic closing

Systole Diastole

Valves - Mitral R S = stenotic Mi Tri regurgitates on Sys = Mitral and tricuspid

Tricuspid R S regurgitates on Systole.

Aortic S R = regurgitant PRTS = Pulmonic Regurgitation w/ Tricuspid Stenosis.

Pulmonary S R ARMS = Aortic Regurgitation w/ Mitral Stenosis.

Split S2 - Increases with inspiration. Increased ST segment = Aortic regurgitation.

Atrial flutter - Saw tooth P waves. Atrial fibrillation - Irregular and multiple P waves.

Premature atrial contractions - Premature P waves or deformed P waves.

Ventricular fibrillation - Chaotic ECG can lead to death.

Pansystolic murmur - Mitral regurgitation.

Mitral stenosis - Diastolic heart murmur heard at the apex of the heart.

Coarctation of the aorta - Congenital deformity Dx by pulse/BP variations from upper extremity to lower.

Takayatsu’s Disease - Obliteration of the great branches of the aorta.

Monckeburgs Medial Sclerosis - Calcification of medium sized muscular arteries.

Leriche’s sign - Obstruction of the abdominal aorta bifurcation with B/L leg pain, impotence and

intermittent claudication.

Dissecting Aneurysm - Common in HTN, arachnodactaly and trauma.

Polyarteritis Nodosa - Immunologic disorder of small and medium arteries usually at their bifurcation.

Bacterial endocarditis - Splinter hemorrhages in nail beds.

Essential hypertension - Dx by BP ( 140/90 on three separate occasions.

Thoracic aortic aneurysm - Sx = substernal pain, dyspnea, tracheal tug.

Coronary artery disease - Increased risk with increased ratio of total cholesterol to HDL.

Myocardial infarction - Lab tests; CPK 1(, SGOT 2(, LDH 3(.

Diastolic blood pressure - Recorded when Karotkoff sounds disappear.

Cardiac tamponade - Neck vein distention, paradoxical pulse, decreased heart sounds.

Pulsus paradoxus - MC occurs with constrictive pericarditis.

Pulsus bisferious - Pulse with two peaks for each systole.

B/L ankle edema - First sign of right ventricular failure.

Pulse pressure - Difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

General Diagnosis

Tongue: Strawberry - scarlet fever, also raspberry color.

Magenta - riboflavin deficiency.

Black and hairy - oral antibiotic treatment.

Beefy red tongue - Schistosomiasis, forced rate vomiting, malaise.

Anemia: Decreased iron, can be caused by pregnancy, hemorrhage, chronic blood loss, decreased intrinsic

factor, folic acid deficiency, B-12 deficiency. Increased reticulocyte count - successful anemia therapy.

Hematocrit - can be used to monitor a patient’s improvement with anemia.

Macrocytic anemia - Folic acid/ B12 deficiency, AKA Megaloblastic anemia. Dx with Schilling test.

Microcytic anemia - Hypochromic anemia, decreased iron. Spoon nails.

Koilonychia - Spoon shaped nails, associated with iron deficiency anemia.

Pernicious anemia - Test AB with antiparietal cells, ( intrinsic factor (( B12.

Aplastic anemia - Bone marrow stops producing RBC’S.

Sickle cell anemia - Increased incidence in blacks, Hemoglobin S, Howell jolly bodies.

Dx with hemoglobin electrophoresis.

Thallasemia - Increased in Mediterranean people, microcytic, Cooley’s anemia.

Thallasemia major - Target cells.

Sideropenic anemia - AKA Plummer Vinson anemia. Hyperchromic anemia, splenomegaly,

dysphagia and glossitis.

Erythroblastosis fatalis - RH factor incompatible between mother and child, happens after first

child. Coomb’s test

Raynaud’ disease - Increased incidence in women. Abnormal vasoconstriction of the extremities upon

exposure to cold or emotional stress. Phenomenon - Intermittent attacks of pallor, followed by cyanosis,

then redness of digits(normal.

Scleroderma - CREST sign = Calcinosis, Raynaud’s, Esophageal dysfunction, Sclerodactaly, Telangiectasia.

Breurger’s disease - Thromboarteritis obliterans, associated with male smokers, elevated sed rate.

WBC distribution - Neutrophils 60% ( bacteria “60, 30, 8, 3, 0 - Never Let My Engine Blow.”

Lymphocytes 30% ( viral

Monocytes 8% ( chronic infxn. Right shift - (mature cells

Eosinophils 3% ( allergy, parasites Left shift - (neutrophils, pyogenic infections

Basophils 0% ( parasites

Hypersensitivity reactions : Type I - Allergy, anaphylaxis, immediate. Type II - Antigen/AB at the cell

surface eg; Goodpastures (lung & kidney). Type III - Antigen/AB extracellular fluid spaces.

Eg; Arthus, serum sickness, glomerulonephritis. Type IV - Cell mediated or delayed reaction,

antigen/ T-lymph. Eg; TB, contact dermatitis.

Male Genitalia Disorders:

Varicocele - Enlarged scrotal veins, feels like a bag of worms.

Hydrocele - Fluid accumulation in the testicle, will trans-illuminate.

Spermatocele - Cystic, painless will trans-illuminate, located superior and posterior to the testis.

Epididymitis - Usually caused by infection secondary to chlamydia.

Orchitis - Usually secondary to mumps, severe inflammation.

Seminoma - Cancer, does not trans-illuminate, painless.

Cryptorchidism - Undescended testes.

Hypospadius - Urethral opening proximal to end of the penis.

Epispadius - Fusion defect of the urethra.

Phimosis - Inability to retract the foreskin.

Paraphimosis - Inability of retracted foreskin to be reduced over the glans penis.

Peyronie’s Disease - Similar to a Depuytren’s contracture, but of the fascia of the corpora.

General Diagnosis

Diabetes Mellitus - Involves pancreas with decreased release of insulin. Symptoms include: Polydipsia, polyphagia,

and polyuria. Type I - Children, insulin dependent. Type II - AODM, more insulin resistant.

Long term treatment response test glycosylated hemoglobin.

Diabetes Insipidus - Polyuria and polydipsia with decreased ADH.


Guillian Bare syndrome - Post viral polyneuropathy, progressive muscular weakness, distal sensory


Reye’s syndrome - Children under the age of fifteen post viral infection treated with aspirin.

Tietze’s syndrome - painful, non-suppurative inflammation of the costochondral cartilage.

Nephrotic syndrome - glomerular artery disease, proteinuria ( hypoalbuminemia, and edema.

Wernicke’s syndrome- defective memory, disorientation seen in elderly.

Horner’s syndrome - paralysis of cervical sympthetics, ptosis, meiosis, anhydrosis.

Klippel Feil syndrome - congenital, short/wide neck, CS fusion, hemivertebra and limited ROM.

Rheumatic fever - Post streptococcal infection, skin lesion called erythema marginatum.

Anti-streptolysin O (ASO) - Test to determine streptococcal infections.

Pel Ebstein - Cyclic fever pattern which lasts for several days and falls for several days, occurring in Hodgkin’s.

Pastia’s lines - Associated with streptococcal infection.

Moniliasis - Yeast infection.

Atypical lymphocytes - Infectious mononucleosis.

Migraine headache - Bandlike headache, increased daily stress levels, photosensitivity, aura and nausea.

Pheochromocytoma - HTN, anxiety, diaphoresis and abrupt severe headache.

Giant cell arteritis - AKA temporal arteritis, temporal headache, tenderness of artery, visual loss, facial pain.

Decreased blood to the optic nerve leading to blindness.

Meniere’s disease - Progressive deafness, tinnitus, vertigo, feeling of fullness/pressure in the ears.

IgA - The principle immunoglobulin in exocrine secretions such as milk, saliva, tears, respiratory

and intestinal mucin.

IgD - Increased in persons with a high concentration of RH AB, AKA erythroblastosis fatalis.

IgE - Atopic diseases increase concentrations, eg: allergies. Parasites. Binds to mast cells.

IgG - The principal immunoglobulin in human serum. Crosses placenta. Major AB for antitoxins,

viral and bacteria. Activates the complement cascade.

IgM - Controls the A,B, and O blood group AB responses, most efficient in stimulating the

complement cascade.

Acute serous otitis media - Retraction of the tympanic membrane.

Vertigo - Room seems to be spinning, result of a disturbance to the equilibratory apparatus.

Multiple sclerosis - Hyperesthesia, nystagmus, scanning speech.

Osteitis deformans (Paget’s) - Cotton wool skull, ivory vertebra, blade of grass sign.

Multiple myeloma - Dx test serum electrophoresis. Increased IgG, anemia, renal lesions, increased in sixth decade.

Ankylosing spondylitis - Ocular finding most common is anterior uveitis.

Addison’s - Hypoadrenocorticism, hypotension, decreased BP, bronze skin, loss of hair.

Cushing’s - Hyperadrenocorticism, upper truncal adiposity(buffalo hump), purple stria on the abdomen,

hypertension, and hypertrichosis - growth of hair in excess of normal.

Myxedema - Hypothyroidism, dry skin, periorbital edema that does not indent with pressure,

macroglossia, thick lips.

Cretinism - Congenital form of myxedema, arrested physical and mental development.

Hyperthyroid - increased basal metabolic rate (BMR), exopthalmosis, tachycardia, hyperhydrosis,

Sx: Increased temperature, fatigue, weight loss. AKA Grave’s disease.

Hodgkin’s lymphoma - Lymphadenopathy, pruritis, solid tumor of the lymphoreticular system.

Reed Sternburg cells in biopsy. Microcytic anemia, increased SED rate. Lymph nodes feel rubbery.

General Diagnosis

Triad’s: Charcot’s (Multiple sclerosis) - SIN = staccato speech, intention tremor, nystagmus.

Dejerine’s - aggravation of radiculitis due to: coughing, sneezing, straining at the stool.

Parkinson’s - rigidity, resting tremor, mask facies.

Grave’s - hyperthyroidism, exopthalmosis, goiter.

Clinical sx of hands:

Ulnar deviation - rheumatoid arthritis. Clawhand - ulnar nerve involvement.

Tetany - carpal spasm. Ape hand - no flexion of thumb, median nerve inv.

Wrist drop - radial nerve involvement. Dupuytron’s contracture - thickening of the

Heberden’s nodes - DIP’s w/ osteoarthritis. Palmar fascia.

Bouchard’s nodes - PIP’s w/ osteoarthritis.

Haygarth’s nodes - MCP’s w rheumatoid arthritis.

Signs: DeMusset’s - oscillation of the head due to aortic aneurysm or insufficiency.

Murphy’s - inability to take a deep breath w/ Dr’s hand pressing into lower hepatic margin.

Sign of gallbladder disease.

Blumberg’s - AKA rebound tenderness, acute pain on abrupt release of pressure over abdominal lesion.

Ischemia - local temporary deficiency of blood supply.

Infarction - necrotic tissue following cessation of blood supply, caused by embolus or thrombus.

Hypoxia - deficiency of oxygen.

Embolus - a mass of undissolved matter present in a blood or lymphatic vessel.

Thrombus - a blood clot that obstructs a blood vessel or cavity of the heart.

Buerger’s disease - AKA thromboangitis obliterans. Primarily male smokers, legs involved w/ intermittent claudication.

Madelung’s deformity - radial deviation of the hand due to increased ulnar length or decreased radial length.

Basal body temperature is increased during the menstrual cycle and after ovulation.

Pituitary gland - Master gland of the body, secretes hormones that regulate growth, reproduction, and

metabolic activities.

Corticospinal pathway = Pyramidal pathway.

Milia - White pinhead sized papules on the face and sometimes the trunk of a newborn, keratin filled cysts.

Apthos stomatitis - Painful oral ulcers with yellow borders surrounded by yellow/crimson hyperemic zone.

Angular stomatitis - Decreased riboflavin.

Weber test - Right lateralization = sensorineural loss of the left ear or conduction loss on the right.

Argyll Robertson pupils - mitotic, accommodating, no consensual reflexes, associated w/ tabes dorsalis.

Adie’s pupil - sluggish accomodation, no consensual reflexes, cause unknown.

Hordeolum - AKA sty, inflammation of a sebaceous gland of the eyelid.

Dacryocystitis - Localized pain and swelling to side of nose inferior to the inner canthus.

Entropion - Inversion of the eyelid. Ectropion - Eversion of the eyelid.

Preretinal hemorrhage - Single round large bright red spot with horizontal blood level on fundoscopic exam.

Pterygium - Triangular shaped structure extending from the inner canthus to the border of the cornea with the

apex toward the pupil.

Basal cell carcinoma - Chronic ulceration/depression with a pearly raised border. Rarely metastasizes.

Pilonidal cyst - Sacrococcygeal region, tuft of hair over the sacrum.

Brucellosis - Sheep origin.

Aids - Lymphadenopathy, fever, purple skin lesions, frequent bouts of infection.

Dehydration - Increased albumin in the serum.

Tophi - deposits of sodium biurate, seen in gouty arthritis.

Folate deficiency - MC cause of malabsorption.

CAGE questioning - Alcoholism/abuse.

Nitrites in the urine - MC infection cystitis.

Underlying malignancy - C/S lymph nodes discrete and oval.


SI subluxation - Affects thigh abduction. Causalgia - Pain along distribution of a peripheral nerve.

Lesion - Osteopathic equivalent of the subluxation. Pacinian corpuscles - Pressure.

Ruffini endings - Temperature. Secondary polycythemia - Caused by smoking, altitude.

Myelopathy - Cord compression. Sheurmann’s disease - Ankylosis of the T/S.

Raynaud’s disease - Vasospasm in response to cold. Sudomotor - Sweat.

Spinal manipulation causes somatoautonomic reflex. SI instability - Stabilize with intertrochanteric belt.

Hypomobility/fixation - Kinetic intersegmental.

Vasomotor centers - Reflex inhibition leads to hyperemia.

Directional guidance - Function of the posterior motion segments or facets. Most sensitive to pain.

C1 - Least likely to find foraminal encroachment, provides most rotation.

Lateral horn - AKA interomediolateral cell column. Motor to the autonomics.

Anterior horn - LMN, voluntary motor.

Posterior horn - Sensory, dorsal columns.

Prefrontal cortex - Anterior part of the frontal lobe.

Periaqueductal gray matter - Produces endorphins leading to an analgesic effect.

Typical thoracic vertebra - Has ten synovial articular surfaces.

Sphenoid bone - Keystone bone of the skull, articulates with most cranial bones.

Meric system - Based on the somatoautonomic reflex theory. Organ dysfunction associated with vertebral

subluxations at corresponding levels or vice versa.

Coronary problems - Occiput/C1, Vagus nerve.

Heart T1-T4, sympathetic nervous system.

Duodenal ulcer (spasm at T5-T9 vertebral level.

Stomach T5-T8

Gallbladder T6-T8

Kidney T11-T12

Prostate L2

Samuel Weed - named chiropractic.

DD Palmer - Founder of chiropractic, concept of tone within the system, homeostasis = equilibrium.

Three factors lead to subluxation: mechanical, chemical, psychic.

B J Palmer - UC technique, HIO, cord compression hypothesis. Four criteria needed: mal-alignment,

foraminal occlusion, nerve compression, and interference with nerve impulse transmission.

H B Logan - Pelvic imbalance, sacrotuberous ligament.

Andrew Taylor Still - founded osteopathy. Relates disease to vascular dysfunction.

Korr - Osteopath who worked with hypersympathetic atonia.

Hahneman - developed homeopathy, dilutions of a substance basis for remedy.

Dejarnette - SOT technique.

Cox - Flexion/distraction technique, McMannus tables.

Carver - Structural theory of the spine, adapts to structural stress.

Selye - Stress syndrome, neurodystrophic hypothesis, inhibit general adaptation syndrome.

Somatoautonomic subluxation.

Fred Illi - Responsible for the concept of hypermobility.

Henri Gillet - Theory of hypomobility and fixation theory.

Korr & Levet - Muscle responses in their chiropractic model. Spindle fixation, ( motor neurons, GTO’s.

Wolf’s law - Structure responds to function. ( stress on a bone (( density.

Bell Magende law - Demyelination of a nerve due to stress and loss of trophic supply over a period of time.

Dentate theory - CNS irritation caused by rotation of the vertebral bodies. Dentate ligament connects pia mater

to dura mater.

Reflex muscle spasm - Result from proprioceptive irritation mediated by ( - motor neurons.

Type III mechanoreceptors - GTO, measure tension.

Muscle spindles - sensitive to length changes in muscle fibers.


Theories (from Leach)

Intervertebral subluxation Intervertebral subluxations are a common

occurrence in the general population.

Nerve compression Intervertebral subluxations can interfere with

the normal transmission of nerve energy (i.e. , action potentials, etc.)

Cord compression Intervertebral subluxations in some severe cases

(BJ, HIO, upper cervical (and even in the absence of fracture/dislocation)

and Atlas/Axis) may irritate or compress the spinal cord.

Fixation (Gillet) One type of subluxation is recognized by lessened

mobility, soft tissue involvement, aberrant neural reflexes,

and segmental facilitation.

Vertebrobasilar arterial Cervical intervertebral subluxations may cause deflexion

insufficiency or compression of the vertebral arteries, which thereby

gives rise to altered cerebral blood supply.

Axoplasmic aberration Axoplasmic flow may be altered when the spinal nerve

roots become compressed or irritated by intervertebral subluxations.

Somatoautonomic reflex Somatic afferent bombardment of dorsal horn cells, which may result

from spinal fixations, can alter normal autonomic reflexes.

Neurodystrophic (Selye) Neural dysfunction is stressful to the viscera and other body

structures, and this “lowered tissue resistance” can modify the

nonspecific and specific immune responses and alter the trophic

function of the involved nerves.

Neurovascular compression syndromes:

Scalenus anticus syndrome or cervical rib - Adson’s test.

Costoclavicular - Eden’s test.

Pectoralis minor or hyperabduction - Wright’s test.

Autonomic nervous system: Purely motor system, involuntary motion, lateral horn. Monitored with

visualized thermography.

Sympathetics - Thoracolumbar cell bodies, fight or flight response, thoracolumbar T1-L2.

Parasympathetics - Craniosacral, CN’s III, VII, IX, X and sacral plexus S2, S3, S4.

System Sympathetics Parasympathetics

heart increase rate(fight or flight) decrease rate(wine and dine)

lungs deep breaths, dilate bronchi shallow breaths, constrict bronchi

eyes dilate constrict

GI/colon, peristalsis decrease motility, secretions increase motility, secretions

blood vessels vasoconstrict vasodilate


Preganglionic acetylcholine acetylcholine

Postganglionic epi/norepinepherine acetylcholine

receptors at target cells adrenergic cholinergic

Preganglionic fibers: Sympathetics - white rami communicantes, run from anterior nerve root to

the sympathetic ganglionic chain located laterally to the vertebral body from the skull to the coccyx. Myelinated.

Parasympathetics - run from the CNS to ganglia located on or near the

organs they supply.

Postganglionic fibers: Sympathetics - gray rami communicantes, from the sympathetic chain ganglia

to the organs they supply. Unmyelinated.

Parasympathetics - from the parasympathetic or autonomic ganglia to the organ.


Reflex - undue irritation or stimulation of sensory receptors which set up an afferent barrage of the nerve system

resulting in increased or decreased activity in the effectors of another area. Ex: irritation of the skin or muscles may result in an increase of cardiac rate (somato-sympathetic).

Afferent - efferent, somato-visceral, viscero-somatic, somato-sympathetic, somato-somatic, viscero-visceral.

Histeresis - Deformation caused by rapidly changing forces.

Creep - Deformation caused by continuous forces.

Proprioceptive insult hypothesis - Gamma motor gain.

Segmental facilitation - Leads to aberrant neural reflexes

Abnormal reflexes - Caused by afferent bombardment of the posterior horn.

Reverberating impulses - Impulse spreads through synapses in self perpetuating cycles.

Sclerotogenous pain - Dull and achy, burning, usually increased with motion.

Chronic compression - Leads to focal nerve demylination.

Nerve roots - Lack perineurium leaving them more susceptible to pressure than peripheral nerves.

Neuropraxin - Associated with nerve compression theory.

Parasympathetics - CN’s 3,7,9,10 and Sacral nerves S2,S3 and S4.

Parasympatheticotonia - May result from sympathetic atonia.

Axoplasmic aberration - trophic function.

Causalgia - First sign burning pain long a peripheral nerve distribution.

Neuralgia - Pain along the course of a nerve.

Neuritis - Inflammation of nerve with pain, paresthesia or anesthesia, paralysis, diminished reflexes.

Radiculitis - Inflammation of a spinal nerve root. Dermatomal and sharp pain.

Referred pain patterns: Esophagus………upper back Stomach & duodenum…………RUQ and back

Diaphragm…...right shoulder Pancreas……………LUQ, right shoulder, back

Kidneys………………..flank Colon………………………….RLQ, LLQ, back

Small intestine…..back, RLQ Gall bladder, biliary tract…..RUQ, right scapula

Nerve injury: Traction - leads to conduction/transmission block.

Compression: Acute - irritation, facilitation, excitation.

Chronic - pressure, compression, inhibition, degeneration.

Acute Chronic

Posterior horn hyperesthesia anesthesia

Anterior horn hypertrophy atonia/flaccid

Lateral horn vasodilation vasoconstriction

bronchodilation bronchoconstriction

Baastrups syndrome - Long thoracic spine SP’s, kissing spinouses.

Scoliosis - Sectional involvement, rotary scoliosis spinous to the concavity.

Compensatory scoliosis - non structural scoliosis.

Functional kyphosis - several adjacent vertebral segments form a posterior convexity due to muscular pull.

C/S motion segments - C4/5 most likely to exhibit hypermobility and instability.

Physiologic barrier - first barrier to joint motion.

Hyperlordosis - increased with psoas hypertonicity.

Quadriceps - primary stabilizer of the knee.

Lateral atlas - patient side posture, pisiform contact.

Sclerotomal pain - deep non-palpatory pain aggravated by abrupt movement.

T4-T8 functional subluxation - referred pain to stomach or pancreas.


Planes of motion: Saggittal = flexion/extension, Transverse = rotation, Coronal = lateral flexion

The intersection of 2 planes results in motion in the third plane.

Saggittal and transverse = lateral flexion

Saggittal and coronal = rotation

Coronal and transverse = flexion/extension

Axis of motion: X-axis = flexion/extension +X = flexion -X = extension

Y-axis = rotation +Y = left rotation -Y = right rotation

Z-axis = lateral flexion +Z = right lateral flexion -Z = left lateral flexion

Coupled motion - C/S and upper T/S spinous process rotates to convexity, body to concavity.

Lower T/S and LS spinous process rotates to concavity, body to convexity.

Grade reflexes (0-5) Reflexes -Biceps C5-C6

0 - absent Triceps C7

1+ - hypoactive Brachioradialis C6

2+ - normal Patellar - L4

3+ - hyperactive Achilles - S1

4+ - hyperactive with transient clonus Babinski - pathological, UMNL

5+ - hyperactive with sustained clonus Ankle clonus - dorsiflex ankle

Motor evaluation - Grade motor strength (0-5)

5 = full ROM with resistance, normal

4 = full ROM with some resistance, good

3 = full ROM with gravity, fair

2 = ROM present without gravity

1 = no ROM, traceable, palpable contraction

0 = no ROM, no traceable, palpable contraction, no joint motion

Dermatomes Cervical spine: C1 - none C5 - lateral brachium

C2 - above occiput C6 - lateral antebrachium, thumb, 1st finger

C3 - below occiput C7 - middle finger

C4 - nape of neck C8 - medial antebrachium, 4th & 5th fingers

Thoracic spine: T1 - medial brachium

T4 - nipple

T7 - xiphoid process

T10 - umbilicus

T12 - above inguinal crease

Lumbar spine: L1 - below inguinal crease

L4 - medial leg to foot and big toe

L5 - dorsum of foot

S1 - lateral leg and foot

Retrolisthesis - AKA extension malposition.

Bilateral posterior disc - AKA flexion malposition.

Luschka Trauma - AKA direct break, lateral malposition.

Capsular Trauma - AKA rotary break, rotation malposition.

Open wedge - AKA lateral flexion malposition, superiority.

Toggle recoil - torque corrects inf. or sup. component, determined by anterior tubercle position on lateral X-ray.

Infection - contraindication to HVLA.


Gonstead: Emphasizes posteriority of the spinous as the primary basis for the subluxation listing.

Doctor stands on the side of open wedge for adjustment, torque closes open wedge.

Do not cross mid-line of the spine to make adjustment.

R or L for spinous rotation, S or I for lateral flexion.

Example: PRS = Posterior (spinous), Right (spinous), Superior(vertebral body)

PRI = Posterior (spinous), Right (spinous), Inferior (vertebral body)

PLS = Posterior (spinous), Left (spinous), Superior (vertebral body)

PLI = Posterior (spinous), Left (spinous), Inferior (vertebral body)

(superiority and inferiority denote open wedging)

PRS-SP or PLS-SP indicates to contact spinous process. T/S &L/S T/S L/S

PRI-T or PLI-T indicates to contact transverse process. PLS-SP PLI-T PLI-M

PRI-M or PLI-M indicates to contact mammillary process. PRS-SP PRI-T PRI-M

Comparing Gonstead listing to alternate methods:

Spinous listing TP or body listing Lat. Flex. Rotation

PRS = LPI = Left = Left

PLS = RPI = Right = Right

PRI = LPS = Right = Left

PLI = RPS = Left = Right

PRS = LPI = left lat. flex. with left body rotation = a fixation of right lateral

flexion and right body rotation. Adjust with a spinous contact

standing on right, use your right (cephalad) hand pisiform. Thrust

is applied with a clockwise torque to close open wedge on the right.

PLS = RPI = right lat. flex. with right body rotation = a fixation of left lateral

flexion and left body rotation Adjust with a spinous contact

standing on left, use your left (cephalad) hand pisiform Thrust is

applied with a counterclockwise torque to close open wedge on the left.

PRI = LPS = right lat. flex. with left body rotation = a fixation of left lateral

flexion and right body rotation. Adjust with a transverse (TS),

or mammillary (LS) contact standing on left, use your left (cephalad)

hand pisiform. Thrust is applied with a counterclockwise torque to

close the open wedge on the left.

PLI = RPS = left lat. flex with right body rotation = a fixation of right lateral

flexion and left body rotation. Adjust with a transverse (TS), or

mammillary (LS) contact standing on right, use your right (cephalad)

hand pisiform. Thrust is applied with a clockwise torque to close

the open wedge on the right.


Draw out the four directions a vertebrae can subluxate.

Which ones are in right lateral flexion? Left?

Which side is the convexity?

Which side do you stand on to adjust? (convexity)

Where would you contact? (spinous, lamina, transverse, mammillary)

What torque do you use to correct?

What side is up in side posture.

How would you adjust with pull move? Push move?

How does it translate into the triaxial system (X,Y,Z)

Axis of motion: X-axis = flexion/extension +X = flexion -X = extension

Y-axis = rotation +Y = left rotation -Y = right rotation

Z-axis = lateral flexion +Z = right lateral flexion -Z = left lateral flexion

Which represent normal coupling of the cervicothoracic vertebrae? Thoracolumbar?

How would you describe each one for a spinous listing, transverse/body/articular pillar listing. For the transverse/

body/articular pillar listings describe them both on the side of anteriority.

Describe what position the torso of the individual would present with. (antalgia)

What motions would be restricted.

What muscles might cause/increase the restriction?

L5 special situation: Assume the sacrum is level. If L5 is an S listing (PRS or PLS), the scoliosis above the

listing creates a curve so that the low side of L5 is on the convex side of the compensatory curve above it.

You must not cross the spine to adjust. The spinous is rotated to the side of open wedge, so you adjust

contacting the mammillary process.

Ex: PLS-M Dr. on R (opposite open wedge) with L hand pisiform on mammillary process using

counterclockwise torque.

PRS-M Dr. on L (opposite open wedge) with R hand pisiform

on mammillary process using clockwise torque.

Atlas subluxations: According to Gonstead primary direction of subluxation is anterior. As the atlas rotates

the lateral mass on the anterior side widens on an AP x-ray and the posterior side appears narrower.

Four letters differentiate direction of subluxation:

First = A for anteriority.

Second = S or I for superior or inferior anterior tubercle. Corrected with torque.

Third = Right or Left for laterality. Corrected by line of drive.

Fourth = Anterior or Posterior for transverse process on side of laterality.


Pelvis subluxations: PSIS is the anatomical reference, same level as S2 tubercle.

PI = PSIS posterior inferior, femur head superior, short leg on same side.

AS = PSIS anterior superior, femur head inferior, long leg on same side.

Sacrum moves opposite of the pelvis. PI ilium with AI sacrum, AS ilium with PS sacrum.

IN = int. rot. (femur head compensates with ext. rot), EX = ext. rot(femur head int. rot.).

IN = wider ilium shadow on x-ray. EX = narrower ilium shadow on x-ray.

ASIN = ( lordosis (AS) and toe out (IN ilium).

PIEX = ( lordosis (PI) and toe in (EX ilium). Obturator foramen ( vertically with PI

and ( horizontally with EX on x-ray.

Muscle groups of the pelvis: Gluteals work with hamstrings.

Abdominals work with hamstrings.

Erector spinae work opposite hip flexors (iliopsoas, rectus femoris)

Abdominals and hamstrings (( lordosis in contraction.

Hip flexors and erector spinae (( lordosis in contraction.

Psoas spasm - external rotation of the femur.

Piriformis spasm - sciatic nerve irritation.


Obturator foramen: On x-ray the obturator foramen will present in varying positions according to subluxation.

PI = ( vertical dimension. AS = ( vertical dimension.

EX = ( horizontal dimension. IN = ( horizontal dimension.

PIEX = increased vertical and horizontal dimensions.

PIIN = increased vertical and decreased horizontal dimensions.

ASIN = decreased vertical and horizontal dimensions.

ASEX = decreased vertical and increased horizontal dimensions.

Orthopedic Neurologic Evaluation

Nerve Root Disc DTR Myotome Influence Dermatome Pattern

C5 C4/5 Biceps Shoulder abduction Lateral arm

deltoid, biceps

C6 C5/6 Brachio- Elbow flexion, wrist Lateral forearm, 1st and 2nd

radialis extensors fingers

C7 C6/7 Triceps Elbow & wrist flexion, Posterior forearm, middle

finger extension finger

C8 C7/T1 Thumb extension, finger Medial forearm, 5th & 6th digits,

flexion, ulnar deviation hypothenar region

T1 Finger abduction, Medial brachium

finger adduction

T4 Nipple line

T7 Xiphoid

T10 Umbilicus

T12 Lower abdomen, above

inguinal ligament

L1 Hip flexion Inguinal region

L2 L1/2 Hip flexion, thigh add. Lateral upper thigh

L3 L2/3 Knee extension, thigh add. Medial thigh above knee

L4 L3/4 Patellar Knee extension, ankle Medial leg & medial sole

dorsiflexion, foot inversion, of the foot

thigh adduction.

L5 L4/5 Toe extension, heel walk Anterior leg, dorsum of foot

S1 L5/S1 Achilles Ankle plantarflexion & Lateral leg, lateral side of

eversion, hip extension, foot, little toe

knee flexion, toe walk

S2 Perineum & medial post thigh

Cauda equina syndrome - B/L leg pain, loss of bowel and bladder function, refer to a neurologist. CNS/cord problem.

Ganglion impars - Sacral parasympathetic ganglion located anterior to the coccyx.

Hyperextension - C4/5 MC site injured. Hyperflexion - C5/6 MC site injured, most degenerative changes.

Scapula - Inferior border standing/seated T7, prone T6. Root of scapular spine T3.

Patella - MC subluxates lateral and superior. Patella alta = superior displacement.

L/S - at L5/S1 IVF the L5 nerve root exits. Spinal canal increases in size from L1 to L5. Spinous deviate to concavity.

C/S and T/S - spinous deviate to side of convexity.

Tibial nerve - Posterior compartment, plantar flexion of the ankle. Tarsal tunnel - tibial nerve entrapment.

Posterolateral disc herniation - pain down leg leaning to contralateral side.

Ankylosing spondylitis - instruct patient on breathing exercises.


Know orthopedic tests for NMS.

Wexler scale: 0 = no reflex Muscle grading: O= no evidence of contraction

1= hyporeflexic 1= evidence of contraction but no movement

2= normal 2= movement W/O gravity

3= hyperreflexic W/O clonus, 3= movement w/gravity

4= hyperreflexic with transient clonus 4= slight resistance

5= hyperreflexic with sustained clonus. 5= full resistance.

Main ascending pathways: Spinothalamic - C fibers, A delta, Pain and temperature. Decussate W/I 1-2 levels of

entry into the spinal cord. Pain and temperature contralateral.

Dorsal columns - 1A nerves, proprioception, fine touch, 2 pt, vibration, graphesthesia. Decussate at the

cervicomedullary junction, information carried ipsilateral to this point.

LMN = Nerve to muscle = vent. horn cell = ant. horn cell = ( motor neuron = final common pathway.

UMN = Corticospinal tract = pyramidal tract (90% decussate) = voluntary movement.

All other descending pathways are more primitive in nature = reflexive.

UMN lesion - Inhibitory effect from corticospinal path will be dampened with an ( in DTR.

UMN lesion vs LMN lesion

Increased DTR’s Decreased DTR’s

Spastic paralysis Flaccid paralysis

Increased muscle tone Decreased muscle tone

Pathological reflexes No pathological reflexes

Absent superficial reflexes Diminished superficial reflexes

Gaits: Waddling - MD, polio, dislocated hip.

Steppage - Toe/foot drop (paralysis of the foot dorsiflexors) as in damage to the peroneal nerve.

AKA Charcot Marie Tooth syndrome. Weak tibialis anterior muscle.

Scissors - spastic paraplegia, knees scrape together. UMN lesion. Seen with cerebral palsy.

Circumduction - Stroke will affect same side, hemiparesis.

Trendelenburg - Lift leg weak contralateral gluteus medius. Weight shifts over weak G-med,

acetabulum and femur support weight.

Festinating or propulsion - .forward leaning posture, small shuffling steps seen with Parkinson’s,

mask like facies.

Ataxic/tabetic - wide gait, watches feet, slap foot on ground to help fire proprioceptors. Dorsal columns

disease seen with tabes dorsalis.

Motor ataxia - Cerebellar dysfunction. Irregular, unsteady, reeling, vertigo, wide based steps.

Neurologic disorders:

Brown Sequard syndrome: Hemisection of the spinal cord with the following neurological changes.

Corticospinal ipsilateral below the site of the lesion, spastic paralysis.

Spinothalamic - contralateral within 1-2 levels below site of the lesion, ( pain & temp.

Dorsal columns - ataxia, proprioception, 2 point, vibratory discrimination ipsilateral below lesion.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - motor neuron disease causing LMN signs in upper extremities,

and UMN signs in lower extremities.

Myasthenia gravis - sporadic muscular weakness due to defect at the myoneural junction, decreased

acetylcholine. Cranial nerves involvement.

Tabes dorsalis - ataxia due to loss of proprioceptive paths.

Wallenberg - thrombosis of posterior inferior cerebellar artery causing vertigo, nausea, contralateral

hemiparesis, hemianesthesia, loss of hearing, tinnitus & ataxia.

Barre Lieou - vertigo, tinnitus, nausea associated with vertebral artery disturbance.

Guillian Barre - acute polyneuropathy with muscular weakness and some sensory loss, usually preceeded

by a nonspecific febrile (usually viral) illness one to three weeks prior.

Syringomyelia - chronic progressive disease of the spinal cord, loss of pain & temp. Touch and pressure OK.

Loss of sensation with a shawl like distribution.


Disturbances in sensation:

Agraphesthesia - inability to recognize traced or written letters/numbers/outlines on the skin.

Asterognosis - inability to recognize familiar objects by sense of touch.

Baragnosis - inability to distinguish between two different weights.

Pallanesthesia - loss of vibratory sensation felt on the skin or bone.

Akinesthesia - loss of sense of motion: extent , direction and weight.

Dysesthesia - Abnormal sensations on the skin. Numbness, tingling, burning or cutting pain.

Paresthesia - abnormal sensations on the skin. Numbness, prickling, tingling, increased sensitivity.

Agnosia - loss of comprehension of auditory, visual or other sensations with sensory spheres intact.

Aphasia - loss of ability to communicate through speech, writing, or signs.

Anosmia - loss of sense of smell..

Akinesia - loss of muscle movement.

Apraxia - decreased voluntary motor function, cerebrum.

Tests for tetany:

Chvostecks - Tapping over facial nerve (TMJ) causes spasmodic facial contraction ipsilaterally. ( Ca.

Trousseau’s - Compression of the brachial artery causes carpopedal (wrist) spasm.

Erb’s - Galvanic stimulation causes tonic contraction.

Babinski responses - dorsiflexion of big toe and fanning of the other four toes.

Babinski - upward plantar stroke of the foot from lateral to medial.

Chaddocks - “C” shaped stroke around lateral maleolus.

Oppenheim - stroke tibialis anterior.

Gordon’s - squeeze calf musculature.

Schaefer’s - squeeze the achilles tendon.

Jaw jerk sign - CN V lesion.

Westphal’s sign - Loss of any one dependent reflex.

Homan’s sign - diffuse calf pain or behind knee upon forced dorsiflexion of the foot, indicates thrombophlebitis.

Miner’s sign - patient arises from seated position with affected leg bent, balancing on healthy side, hand on chair.

Gower’s maneuver - Pt “climbs up on themselves”, weak extensor muscles similar to miner’s sign. Seen with MD.

Carpal tunnel syndrome - Median nerve compression, can be caused by lunate subluxation. Night pain.

Meralgia paresthetica - Involves the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. L2-L3 nerve roots. Anterior lateral thigh pain.

Horner’s syndrome - Interruption of the C/S sympathetic chain. Ptosis, myosis, anhydrosis.

Tic Douloureax - 5th cranial nerve involvement, bouts of severe lancinating pain along distribution of the trigeminal.

Bell’s palsy - 7th cranial nerve involvement, unilateral facial paralysis of sudden onset.

Erb’s palsy -UMN lesion, paralysis of the muscles of the shoulder and upper arm, C5and C6 roots.

Klumke’s palsy - LMN lesion, atrophic paralysis of the forearm, C8 and T1 roots.

Stretch reflex - Involves 1 interneuron that synapses with input sensory nerve to output LMN.

Dorsal Root Ganglion (DRG) - Origination of most of the primary neurons of the sensory nerves.

Sprain/strain - “T” in strain think tendon. Active vs. Passive test with O’Donahues maneuver.

Passive - Muscle not involved with movement = ligament/joint = sprain.

Active - muscle involved = tendon = strain.

Causalgia - First sign burning pain long a peripheral nerve distribution.

Neuralgia - Pain along the course of a nerve.

Neuritis - Inflammation of nerve with pain, paresthesia or anesthesia, paralysis, diminished reflexes.

Radiculitis - Inflammation of a spinal nerve root. Dermatomal and sharp pain.

Superficial reflexes - Lost with both UMN and LMN lesion.

Ciliospinal reflex - Pupil dilation following painful stimulation to skin of the neck. Autonomic modulation.

Corneal reflex - CN V afferent, CN VII efferent.


Orthopedic tests:

C/S: Intrathecal pressure Increased - Valsalvas, Dejarines, Milgrams, Naffzigers.

Compression maneuvers - Spurling’s, foraminal compression, Jackson’s compression,

maximum foraminal compression

Distraction - Hurts more with muscular involvement, increased pain with disc

Soto Hall, Lindner’s, Brudzinski’s (leg flexion = meningitis), Kernigs.

T/S Sheppleman’s - Ipsilateral = intercostal neuritis, contralateral = pleurisy.

Chest expansion - 2” males, 1 ½” women. Decreased with AS.

Swallowing - Decreased with AS, DISH, retrotracheal/pharyngeal swelling.

Beevors - Deviation of the umbilicus, indicates side and general level of lesion.

Lhermites - Shooting pain into the extremities.

Chest compression - With rib fracture pain lateralizes to side of fracture.

Forrestiere bowstring - Ipsilateral muscle contracts with AS.

L/S SLR (Laseagues) 0-30 = hip, 30-60 = SI, 60> = nerve root. Indicates lateral disc bulge.

WLR ( Fazjerstsan’s) - Indicates medial disc bulge.

Braggards - Foot dorsiflexion, nerve root traction.

Sicard’s - Great toe dorsiflexion, nerve root traction.

Kemp’s - Ipsilateral facet, contralateral nerve root.

Ely’s - Lateral femoral nerve irritation.

Thomas - Iliopsoas tension.

SI Nachlas - SI lesion, tight quads, anterior thigh pain.

Hibbs - SI or hip depending on site of pain.

Yeoman - anterior SI lesion.

Gaenslen - SI or hip involvement.

Neri bowing - Hamstring tightness, not nerve root traction.

Shoulder: Calloway’s - dislocation of the humerus.

Dugas - dislocation of the humerus.

Apprehension - dislocation of the humerus.

Codman’s - rotator cuff tear usually supraspinatus.

Yergason’s - bicipital tendonitis or transverse humeral ligament.

Weber’s test - 512 hz tuning fork placed on vertex of skull. Lateralization indicates air conduction loss on same side

or sensorineural loss on side opposite lateralization.

Rinne’s - 512 hz tuning fork placed on mastoid process, held until pt no longer hears then fork held in air beside ear.

Negative if air conduction 2x longer than bone.

Positive if bone conduction longer than air conduction.

Schwabach’s - after pt can no longer hear air conduction with Rinne’s Dr listens to tuning fork for comparison.

Barany - labyrinthine test, whirling or calorimetric test.

Muscle tension HA - Unvarying dull HA, band like pattern.

Classic migraine HA - Aura, throbbing phase, mood change.

Brain tumor - Can present as weak lateral rectus muscle, HA, and elevated optic disc.

Posterolateral sclerosis - AKA combined systems disease - Stocking glove distribution, B12 (.

Complication secondary to pernicious anemia.

Duchenne’s MD - 50-100X increase in CPK, muscle wasting, waddling gait.

Sudeck’s atrophy - RSDS with osteoporosis.

Hegar’s sign - softening of the cervix.

Polymyositis - Most definitive test is tissue biopsy to diagnose.

Osteochondritis dessicans - Joint mice lateral aspect of the medial compartment of the knee MC site.

Pelligrini Stieda - Partial avulsion of the MCL with resultant calcification.

Order of shoulder dysfunction - Tendonitis ( bursitis ( capsulitis.

Neurotrophic joint sx: Hx, joint effusion, ( sensitivity, ( with DM. Not a shooting type pain.

Hematogenous osteomyelitis - Metaphyseal bone.


Rotator cuff muscles (SITS) - supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis.

TFL - Patient externally rotates and abducts leg.

Perthes test - Checks competence of the venous valves of 2 extremities.

L4/L5 facet syndrome - Flank, groin and medial knee pain.

Milwaukee brace - Scoliosis brace, use indicated if curve is 20( with rotation.

Maxillary sinus - Can cause pain in upper teeth.

Tibial nerve – Posterior compartment.

Common peroneal nerve:

Superficial peroneal nerve lateral compartment, foot eversion.

Deep peroneal nerve ant compartment, foot dorsiflexion, dermatome between 1st and 2nd toes.

Peroneal nerve palsy - AKA Charcot Marie Tooth Syndrome.

Shoulder depression - Tests dural sleeve adhesions.

Closed pack = full extension. Open pack = full flexion.

Babinski pronation - Examiner taps dorsum of supinated hand ( patient pronating hand.

Piriformis syndrome - SLR with external rotation to test muscle integrity.

Tennis elbow - Carpi radialis brevis, AKA lateral epicondylitis.

Klippel Feil syndrome - Short web neck, low hairline, ( # of C/S vertebra with fusion, CNS affected.

Cervical rib - Symptoms 4th and 5th metacarpal and medial forearm.

Osteoid osteoma - Rare benign bone tumor composed of sheets of osteoid tissue, pain relieved by aspirin.

Adduction of the thumb - Ulnar nerve, Froment’s paper sign.

Scheuerman’s disease - Kyphotic curve unilateral rib curve, schmorl’s nodes.

Acetabula protrusio - Femur heads protruding into the pelvic bowl, complication of RA, fracture, Pagets.

Diabetes mellitus - Hip joint changes most common seen is avascular necrosis.

Myasthenia gravis - Eyelid ptosis, severe facial weakness, recurring ocular fatigue, sx decrease with rest.

Multiple sclerosis - Charcot’s triad = SIN - Scanning speech, Intention tremor, Nystagmus. Shock like sensation

throughout the spine (Lhermitte’s). Transient blindness with optic disc neuritis.

Olecranon bursitis - MC associated with gout.

Tarsal tunnel syndrome - Causes numbness in the toes.

Ankle pronation - causative agent of plantar fascitis.

Multiple myeloma - Light chain immunoglobulins, MC dyscrasia in the elderly.

Retinitis pigmentosis - Not associated with sudden loss of vision.

Amaurosis fugax - Sudden transient loss of vision in one eye secondary to optic artery compression.

Subarachnoid hemorrhage - Sudden onset like a blow to the head with fever and nuchal rigidity.

Intention tremor - Cerebellar rigidity.

Rhabdomyosarcoma - Malignant tumor of skeletal muscle.

Myelopathy - Cord problem.

Flexion - Greatest tension on the C/S. Soto Hall, Lindner’s, Lhermitte’s sign.

Sjorgren’s disease - Xeropthalmia, Xerostomia, and RA.

Popliteal artery - MC location for a lower extremity bruit.

Thromboangitis obliterans - Young males, increased with smokers.

Patellar tendonitis - AKA jumpers knee.

Athetoid motion - Slow, writhing, worm like motion.

Choreiform motion - Jerky dance like movement (Huntington’s - congenital, Syndeham’s - strep acquired).

Sickle cell anemia - MC cause of avascular necrosis of the femoral head.

Pes planus - Flat feet, normal posture in a one year old.

Strabismus - Optic axes can not be directed to the same object.

Brachioradialis - Radial nerve, C6.

Nucleus ambiguous - Vagus nerve.

Cardiac problems - Upper C/S subluxation/irritation, can influence vagus nerve flow to the heart.


Order of geographic densities (least to most )- Air, fat, water, bone, metal.

Bremstralung radiation - AKA braking radiation. Useful X-ray Beam - 85% Bremstralung radiation.

Aluminum filtration - Absorbs the less penetrating X-rays to decrease dose to the patient, ½ mm equivalent in the

tube 2mm equivalent added for a total of 2.5mm. Filtration - primary purpose is to reduce skin dosage.

Thermionic emission - Electrons boiled off the tungsten filament in the focusing cup.

Quantum Mottle - “Noise” displayed on the film. Increased with faster film screen combinations.

High energy - Implies high frequency and low wavelength.

kVp - Refers to the quality of the X-ray beam, or penetrating power of the beam, determines contrast of image

produced. Increase voltage = increased penetration.

mA - Determines the number of electrons produced in the cathode, determines temperature of the filament.

mAs - Quantity of x-rays, determines the density (darkness) of the image.

Density - Degree of film darkness, increased mAs = increase in density.

High kVp and low mAs = ( dose to the patient. kVp and contrast are inversely proportional. mAs and density

are directly proportional.

Heat units for single phase - mA x time x kVp = heat.

Contrast - the range of density variations among the dark and light areas.

Scale of Contrast - Short scale of contrast = decreased kVp.

Short scale of contrast - high contrast or abrupt transition of densities.

Long scale of contrast - low contrast or gradual transition of densities.

Detail - 1) degree of sharpness/ definition. 2) radiographic contrast.

Penumbra - Shadow, size directly related to image sharpness.

Intensifying screens - intensify film image (95% of film exposure from light emitted by the intensifying screen)

Big crystals = more light, less sharpness. Small crystals and thin emulsion = increased detail, sharpness.

Primary purpose to reduce patient exposure. Fast screens decrease definition. Emit blue or green light.

Emulsion - Active component of the X-ray film, contains thin layer of crystals and binding agent.

Film tint - Blue or green tint added to film to improve contrast.

Attenuation - Reduction in intensity of an x-ray beam as it passes through matter.

Rectification - Converts AC to DC.

Autotransformer - Steps up voltage from 110 or 220 to kV.

Focal Spot - Tungsten target, does not affect patient exposure dose. Small focal spot leads to increased heat

concentration or decreased dissipation. 99% of energy is lost as heat - only 1% is transferred as x-radiation.

Cathode - negative (-), electrons boiled off tungsten element in focusing cup. Opposite charge of anode attracts

electrons at about ½ the speed of light.

Anode - positive (+), electrons strike anode and x-radiation produced. X-rays travel from the anode (patient(film

at approximately the speed of light

Anode heel effect - Angulation of the anode leads to decreased intensity of the beam from the outside of the anode.

Focal Film Distance - long focal film distance increases definition, reduces distortion.

Decreased Magnification - Decreased object to film distance(OFD) or increased tube to film distance(TFD).

15% Rule - Increase kVp 15% will need to decrease mAs 50% to maintain density. Minimum change in mAs needed

to note change density on plain film = 50%.

Roentgen - unit for describing exposure dose of x or gamma radiation.

RAD - Radiation absorbed dose, the energy transfer of 100 ergs/gram of the absorbing material.

REM - Roentgen Equivalent to Man, used to determine occupational worker dose, equivalent to absorption of 1 rad. MPD - Maximum permissible dose, 5(N-18) rads or 5 rads/year. 13 week period = 3 rads maximum Grid - Best method

to minimize scatter radiation exposure to film.

Grid ratio = Height : Width, Higher the ratio = increased dose to the patient to produce a quality radiograph.

Fixing - Removes unexposed silver halides from the film, hardening the emulsion and preserves the image.

Silver Reclamation - Recovered from the fixer.

Developer - Purpose is to reduce the exposed silver halide crystals to metallic silver. Brings out latent image to a

visual image. Increased temperature of developer will increase density of the film. Decreased temperature

of developer will lead to increased development time. Excessive oxidation of developer fluid =brown film.

Activator, retainer, preservative and hardener.

Wash - Longest stage of manual development.


Kissing Artifact - Wet film touched together.

Black Branching Artifact - Static electricity, increased with dry cold climates.

Geometric factors - focal spot, FFD, OFD, motion, screen crystal size, film screen contact, alignment of film/part/tube. Increase definition - ( FFD, ( OFD, ( focal spot, ( crystal size.

Latitude - the range between maximum and minimum exposure.

Scatter radiation - x-rays which have undergone a change in direction after interaction with part being exposed.

AKA - Secondary radiation, fog. Grid helps to absorb scatter from reaching the film.

Inverse square law - intensity of the beam is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. I1/ I2 = (D2/ D1)2.

Law of Bergonie and Tribondeau - Proliferation of cells and their radiosensitivity.

No x-ray during first trimester of pregnancy, or children.

Wolf’s law - bone develops strength along the areas of greatest stress.

Women of child bearing years - x-ray within 10 days following onset of menses. 10 day rule.

Spondylosis - ankylosis of a vertebral joint.

Spondylolysis - separation of the pars interarticularis.

Anterolisthesis - anterior displacement (listing).

Spondylolisthesis - spondylosis with anterior displacement.

Myerding classification: percentage equivalent of anterior displacement.

Grade 1 = 0-25%. Grade 2 = 25-50%. Grade 3 = 50-75%. Grade 4 = 75 -99%.

Spondyloptosis = 100% anterior displacement.

Inverted Napolean hat sign - AKA bowline of Brailsford, seen w/ advanced grade IV anterolisthesis

or spondyloptosis.

Isthmic spondyolisthesis - Greatest degree of slippage occurs during 2-10 years old.

Scoliosis - lateral curvature of the spine.

Simple - the vertebral bodies have rotated away from the scoliosis and into the concavity (Lovett neg.)

Rotatory - the vertebral bodies have rotated into the scoliosis or into the convexity (Lovett positive)

Lovett static - scoliosis with no body rotation.

Cleft vertebra - failure of closure of the vertebral posterior arch.

Hemivertebra - lack of development of half a vertebra, can lead to development of scoliosis.

Spina bifuda - developmental anomaly of the neural arch.

Occulta - usually insignificant, no protrusion of the cord or meninges.

Manifesta - cystic swelling of the meninges (menigocele), cord (myelocele), or both (menigomyelocele).

Knife clasp deformity - Elongated L5 spinous with spina bifuda occulta at S1 and pain with extension.

Blocked vertebra - non segmentation or congenital fusion of two or more spinal segments.

Klippel Feil Syndrome - Multiple blocked vertebra, Springle’s Deformity - elevated scapula.

Tropism - asymmetrical or anomalous zygapophyseal joints.

Baastrup’s - elongated spinous processes. AKA kissing spinouses.

Gout - Increased uric acid concentration leading to deposition of crystals and tophi formation. Overhanging

edge sign, avascular necrosis, juxta-articular erosions. Grossly inflammatory condition works from outside

into the joint space. AKA lumpy bumpy arthritis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - Lab: RA factor, C-reactive protein, increased ESR. Early radiographic signs MC seen

in the hands and feet. Uniform loss of joint space. Hands all fingers affected starts in MCP joints =

Haygarth’s nodes. Can also affect PIP = Bouchard’s nodes, but never DIPS. BL and symmetrical

distribution, periarticular soft tissue swelling, juxtaarticular osteoporosis, periarticular erosions and cysts, with uniform loss of joint space. Ligament laxity predominantly in hands with ulnar deviation

of the fingers. Rarely see subchondral sclerosis. Can affect SI unilaterally. Pencil in cup deformity.

Whittled appearance to periarticular bone. AKA Still’s disease in children. DDx: SLE.

Osteoarthritis - AKA DJD. Progressive, non-inflammatory process. Asymmetric distribution, non-uniform loss

of joint space, osteophytes, subchondral sclerosis, subchondral cysts, facet arthrosis, IVF stenosis, ( disc height and vacuum sign. UV arthrosis/facet arthrosis - C/S oblique, hourglass IVF = IVF encroachment.

Erosive OA - Inflammatory variant of DJD involving DIP’s and PIP’s. Erosion’s = gull wing deformity, sclerosis,

osteophytes, periostitis, ankylosis, and non-uniform loss of joint space.


Psoriatic arthritis - MC involves DIP’s, also interphalangeal and PIP’s with widened joint spaces, ray pattern,

sausage digit due to increased swelling, pencil in cup deformity and rat bite erosions.

Reiter’s - Triad of conjunctivitis, urethritis and polyarthritis usually following sexual exposure. Lateral foot

heel spurs, SI erosion and sclerosis often unilateral, spine nonmarginal syndesmophytes

Calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease AKA CPPD - Crystals deposited within the articular cartilage

leading to thin linear cartilage calcification parallel to and separate from adjacent subchondral bone.

Osteochondritis dessicans - MC site is lateral aspect of the medial femoral condyle. Joint mouse.

Hydroxyapatite deposition disease AKA HADD, calcific bursitis - Calcification within a tendon, bursa, or

other periarticular soft tissue. MC sites include shoulder, hip, and the cervical spine. Shoulder = clock dial positions 3 & 9 calcific bursitis, between 1 & 2 and 10 & 11 calcific tendonitis.

Synoviochondrometaplasia - Synonyms include joint mice, synovial chondromatosis, osteochondromatosis, and

osteochondral loose bodies. MC sites - knee, hip, ankle and hip. Can lead to formation of a Baker’s cyst.

Baker’s cyst - Enlargement of the gastrocnemius-semimembranosus bursa, commonly seen in RA and


Charcot’s joint - AKA neurotrophic joint. Six D’s: Distension -from effusion, Density -subchondral sclerosis,

Debris-bony intraarticular fragments, Dislocation,, Disorganizaton-bag of bones, and Destruction of

articular bone. Lack of subjective and objective pain. Commonly seen with diabetes and syphilitic tabes.

Scheuermann’s disease - AKA juvenile kyphosis, vertebral epiphysitis. Dx from lateral film, at least three contiguous

vertebra, irregular endplates, decreased disc height, increased kyphosis. MC middle to lower T/S, primarily teenagers.

Myositis ossificans - Post traumatic calcification of muscular tissue.

Sequestrum - Fragment of a necrosed bone that has become separated from surrounding bone.

Involucrum - Covering of newly formed bone enveloping the sequestrum with infection of the bone.

Geographic lesion - Circumscribed and uniformly lytic lesion.

Ewings Sarcoma - Tumor most common seen in the diaphysis, onion skin layering.

Chondroblastoma - Most common seen in the epiphysis, calcific matrix.

Enchondroma - Most common benign tumor of the hand, Ollier’s disease = Multiple enchondromas.

Giant Cell Tumor - Expansile destructive lesion at the end of long bones, can affect the joints.

Pedunculated Osteoma - Paranasal sinuses.

Unicameral Bone Cyst - Usually Dx by spontaneous fracture.

Aneurysmal bone cyst - Expansile lesion. Ex: arch of the atlas.

Osteopoikilosis - Widespread multiple circumscribed round or ovoid lesions of increased density. AKA bone measles.

Hemangioma - Most common benign tumor of the spine, corduroy cloth vertebra.

Osteopetrosis - Vertebra within a vertebra.

Syndesmophyte - Bony outgrowth or ossification of a ligament that attaches to bone.

DISH - Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis. Ossification of ALL with non-marginal syndesmophytes. Disc

spaces and facets are spared. Dx on lateral film, difficulty swallowing, can be associated with diabetes.

AKA Forestier’s disease.

AS - Ankylosing Spondylitis. Initial marginal pencil thin syndesmophytes, can cause sclerosing of posterior motor

units. Syndesmophytes thicken with time, B/L SI joint obliteration, decreased chest expansion.

AKA Marie Strumpel’s disease. HLA-B27(+). Ortho test - Schober’s test.

Paget’s - typically 50+ male, Ivory vertebra, blade of grass sign, cortical thickening, cotton wool skull,

shepherd’s crook deformity, picture frame vertebra, saber shin deformity, protrusio acetabuli, bone

expansion, increased hat size. AKA osteitis deformans.

Lab Dx: Urinary hydroxyproline, alkaline phosphatase.

Malignant degeneration to osteosarcoma.

Brim Sign - Thickening of the cortex at the pectineal line and the pelvic rim. Seen with Paget’s.

Multiple Myeloma - MC 1( malignant bone tumor. Bone scans are cold. MC sites spine, pelvis, skull, ribs

and scapula. Punched out lesions, raindrop skull and vertebra plana. Lab findings Bence Jones proteinuria

and reversed AG ratio.

Fibrous dysplasia - Shepherd’s crook deformity, ground glass appearance, septations of bone giving cobweb

appearance. Expansile lesions with cortical thinning. MC benign tumor of rib creating extrapleural sign.

Rind of sclerosis around geographic lesion. AKA polyostotic fibrous dysplasia. Can be in vertebral bodies.


Monostotic Fibrous dysplasia - Short zone of transition, sclerotic ring often found in the neck of the femur.

Tuberculosis - Likes apices of the lungs, can have calcified density in the lung field or miliary type lesions.

Can also produce lesions in the spleen. Pott’s = TB of the spine ( Gibbus formation w/ angular kyphosis.

Pancreatic calcification - midline calcification frequently seen with alcoholics.

Sarcoidosis - Pulmonary signs include lymphadenopathy(1-2-3 sign, potato nodes), infiltrates and fibrosis.

Scleroderma - Acro-osteolysis, soft tissue retraction, calcification and tapered fingers. CREST sign = Calcinosis,

Raynauds phenomenon, Esophageal abnormalities, Scleroderma and telangiectasia.

Prostate metastasis - Primarily blastic, likes spine and pelvis. Midline calcification AP pelvis above pubic symphysis.

Parasites - Multiple calcific densities in muscles.

Hyperparathyroidism - Rugger jersey sign, salt and pepper skull, increased serum calcium. Sub-periosteal

on the radial side of the fingers with soft tissue calcification.

Fracture - Need to have pieces to diagnose.

Jefferson’s fracture - C1 compression fracture, burst fracture ring of the atlas, unstable needs to be braced.

Hangman’s fracture - C2 decompression fracture, stable but needs bracing.

Odontoid fracture - Three types: apical, transverse at the base, and transverse extending into the body of C2.

Clay shovelers fracture - spinous process of C6 or C7.

Galeazzi fracture - Proximal radius with dislocation of the ulna.

Monteggia fracture - Proximal ulna with dislocation of the radius.

Colle’s fracture - Posterior distal radius.

Smith’s fracture - Anterior distal radius.

Pott’s fracture - distal fibula.

Boxer’s fracture - 2nd or 3rd metacarpal vs. Bar room fracture - 4th or 5th metacarpal.

Jones fracture - Fifth metatarsal.

March fracture - Stress fracture of metatarsal.

Diastatic fracture - Separation of a partially moveable joint.

Kummel’s fracture - compression fracture of a vertebra associated with osteoporosis.

Anderson lesion - Fracture of pathologic calcification. Ex: Ankylosing spondylitis.

Freiburg’s sign - Fracture of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals ( avascular necrosis.

Keinbock’s sign - Fracture of the lunate.

Salter Harris fractures: Type 1 - through growth plate only; ex: slipped capital femoral epiphysis.

Type 2 - through growth plate and metaphysis.

Type 3 - through growth plate and epiphysis.

Type 4 - through growth plate and both metaphysis and epiphysis.

Type 5 - compression deformity.

Risser’s Sign - Diffusion of iliac crest apophysis, used to determine skeletal maturity.

Eisenstein Sign - Canal stenosis viewed from lateral film, posterior body line to spinolaminar line.

Normal should be ½ or more than the width of the vertebral body. Pedicogenic stenosis.

Chamberlain’s Line - Hard palate to the opisthion, > 5mm = to basilar invagination.

McGregor’s Line - Hard palate to the base of the occiput, > 7mm = to basilar invagination.

Martin’s Basilar Angle - Root of the nasion/sella turcica to ant.foramen magnum, 128-152(. Check for platybasia.

McNabb Line - Facet imbrication, parallel to inferior end plate draw line posterior. Should not cross the superior

articulating facet of the inferior vertebra. Lateral lumbar oblique view. Rostrocaudal migration.

Jackson’s cervical stress line - Flexion at C5/6, extension and neutral at C4/5.

Ullmann’s Line - Draw line perpendicular at anterior portion of S1 endplate line, should not intersect L5 body.

Indicates spondylolisthesis.

Klein’s Line - Used to Dx slipped femoral capital epiphysis.

C/S Gravity Line - Tip of odontoid to anterior C/7 vertebral body.

L/S Gravity Line - L3 body center vertical line to anterior 1/3 of sacral base. AKA Ferguson’s line.

Boehler’s angle of 35 degrees - Calcaneal compression fracture if < 28(, dx from lateral foot.

Ferguson’s angle (35-45() - sacral base angle to true horizontal.

Mickulicz’s angle (120-130() - femoral neck angle, angle of declination between epiphysis and diaphysis of femur.

130( = coxa valga < 120( = coxa vara


Y Epiphysis - Acetabulum.

Fabella - Sesamoid bone found in the lateral head of the gastrocnemius tendon proximally.

Capitulum - Distal humerus , articulates with the radial head.

Olecranon fossa - Posterior distal humerus, accepts olecranon process of the ulna.

Coronoid process - Located on the anterior ulna, articulates with the trochlea.

Coracoid process - Located on the scapula.

Supracondylar fossa - Located on the humerus.

Supraglenoid sulcus - Located on the humerus.

Paraglenoid sulcus - Female pelvis lateral to SI joints, usually postpartum, often seen with OCI..

L/S IVF - Seen on the lateral film.

ADI - Adult up to 3mm, children up to 5mm.

Lateral flexion film - Tuck chin in and flex to chest.

Anterior fat pad normally seen on an AP elbow.

Dorsiplantar foot - 5 degree cephalad tube tilt.

AP Coccyx - Caudal tube tilt.

Medial oblique - View taken to visualize the proximal talofibular joint.

Os trigonum - Accessory ossicle posterior to the tibia, superior to the calcaneus.

Os vesalianum - Sesamoid bone proximal to the fifth metatarsal.

LCP - Pseudo widening of the joint space, flattening and fragmentation of the femoral head.

Legg Calve Perthes Slipped Femoral Capital Epiphysis

3-12 YO, especially 5-7 10-15 YO

5:1 male Increased in males

Limp with vague pain especially Limp with hip pain to knee of obese

with abduction and int rot. adolescent. Femur displaces sup, ext rot,

AKA avascular necrosis of femoral head adduction of the neck on the head.

Subchondral fracture (crescent sign) Dx with Klein’s line on AP view

1( cause obscure - hereditary, trauma, 50% have a Hx of significant trauma

endocrine, inflammatory, nutritional. Also assoc. with rickets & osteodistrophy

10% bilateral 20-30% bilateral

Lung Apices - Best seen on apical lordotic view.

Silhouette Sign - Loss of the heart outline due to lung consolidation.

Hahn’s venous fissure - Horizontal radiolucent cleft on lateral thoracic film.

Pleural effusion - Best seen with the lateral decubitus view.

Pneumoperitonium - Best seen with erect abdomen view.

Megenblase - Stomach gas.

Sudeck’s atrophy - post traumatic osteoporosis.

Sickle cell anemia - Endplate biconcavity of all vertebral levels.

Osteoid osteoma and Brodie’s abscess - Both have night pain relieved by aspirin.

Brodie’s abscess - circumscribed area of bone destruction, pus, osteomyelitis.

Osteochondrosis - degenerative changes in the ossification centers of the epiphysis of bones, particularly during

periods of rapid growth in children. Stages: necrosis ( regeneration ( healing.

Staghorn calculi - Calcification in the renal calyces.

Eburnation - Laying down more bone.

Pelligrini Stiedas Disease - Medial condyle injury of the knee with partial avulsion of the MCL with calcification.

Mediums: pantopaque - myelograms

telopaque - biliary

barium sulfate - GI study


Lumbar Spine Orthopedic Tests

Test Pt Position Procedure Findings

Bechterew’s Seated Extend each knee alternately + Disc involvement

then both together

Bowstring Supine Firm pressure on hamstring/ + Sciatic nerve irritation

popliteal fossa

Braggards Supine SLR to pain, lower 5( + 0-35( = extradural sciatica

dorsiflex foot + 35-70( = suspect IVD lesion

Buckling Sign Supine SLR + Flexion of leg w/ traction

on sciatic nerve

Disc Lesion Seated Instruct pt to stand from seated + Medial disc = ipsi antalgia

Lateral disc = contra antalgia

Ely’s Prone Heel to contra buttock + Anterior thigh pain = lateral

femoral N. irritation

Goldthwaith’s Supine SLR & WLR w/palpation + 0-35( = SI lesion

of sacrum & lumbar SP’s + 35-70( = lumbosacral

Dr feels for fanning of SP’s + 70-90 = lumbar joint pain

Kemp’s Seated Extend LS obliquely backward + Same side = lateral disc bulge

or standing + Opp. side = medial disc bulge

Lasegue’s Supine Flex hip, extend leg + Sciatic radiculopathy

Lindner’s Supine CS flexion, chin to chest + Dural involvement, disc lesion

Milgram’s Supine Raise pt legs 6 inches & patient + lumbar spine lesion

support legs - Peripheral lesion

Minor’s sign Seated Pt rises from seated position + Flexion of involved leg due to

to standing sciatica

Neri Bowing Supine Flex @ waist & knee Dr. extends + Sciatica

leg @ knee - No ( pain lumbar somatic

SLR Supine Dr. raises patient’s extended leg + 0-35( = extradural involvement

+ 35-70( = disc involvement

+ 70-90( = lumbar joint pain

Spinous Seated Dr. percusses SP w/ reflex + Lumbar fracture (localized)

hammer or disc lesion (radicular)

Supported Standing Dr. braces ilia & sacrum while + Lumbar involvement

Forward Flexion standing behind patient

Valsalva Seated Inhale, hold & bear down + Pain = space occupying lesion

WLR Supine Dr. raises uninvolved leg + Medial or central disc, dura or

lumbar somatic

SI Joint/Hip Orthopedic Tests

Test Pt Position Procedure Findings

Anterior Standing Pt takes big step forward with good + Pain on affected side lower trunk

Innominate leg, bends forward at waist trying to or heel of affected side lifts off

touch the floor floor

Fabere-Patrick Supine Leg in figure 4 position: flexion + w/pressure = SI/hip lesion

abduct, external rotation + w/o pressure = inflammation

Gaenslen’s Supine SI on table, flex opposite leg, extend + SI, hip involvement

thigh side being tested - apply pressure

Hibb’s Prone Max leg flexion @ knee push + SI pain = SI lesion

leg lat = int rot + Hip pain = hip lesion

Iliac Compression Side posture Involved side up + SI involvement

Lewin-Gaenslen’s Side posture Involved side up, flex inferior + Pain on extension = SI lesion

leg, extend superior leg

Nachlas Prone Heel to ipsilateral buttock + SI lesion, buttock pain or

tight quads, ant thigh pain

Ober’s Side posture Involved side up, thigh abducted + Thigh remains abducted, suspect

and extended TFL or iliotibial band contracture

Thomas Supine Involved side thigh actively flexed + Involuntary flexion of opposite

by pt w/ hands around knee knee, indicates hip flexion

contracture (iliopsoas)

Trendelenburg Standing Instruct pt to raise foot of involved + Iliac crest on involved side drops

side off floor suspect contralateral gluteus

medius weakness

Yeoman’s Prone Dr. stabilizes involved SI, flex leg + SI pain = Anterior SI ligaments

extend thigh

Orthopedic Tests for Malingering

Test Pt Position Procedure Findings

Burn’s Bench Kneeling Instruct pt to bend to touch + Inability to perform test. Uses

on table floor while Dr. stabilizes legs leg muscles not back muscles

Flip Test Seated Pt performs Bechterew’s or + No pain or tripod position

Dr. performs Lasegue sitting test

Hoover’s Supine Dr. supports heels, pt instructed + Uninvolved side heel is not

to lift involved leg off table depressed toward table

Magnuson’s Seated Ask pt to point to site of pain + Patient unable to point to same

Distract pt then ask them to place twice

localize pain again

Mankopf’s Seated Obtain pulse rate, irritate area of + Lack of pulse rate increase by

Chief Complaint, retake pulse at least 10 percent

McBride’s Seated Pt instructed to approximate foot + Patient refuses to attempt test

to mouth.

Thoracic Spine Orthopedic Tests

Test Pt Position Procedure Findings

Adam’s Sign Standing Pt flexes at waist w/hands in + Rib hump/convexity = scoliosis

prayer position, C/S flexed in Checked from anterior and

anterior position posterior positions

Beevor’s Supine Pt performs a half sit-up w/hands + Deviation of umbilicus indicates

behind head level and side of lesion

Chest Seated Measure after pt exhales and + Decreased expansion suspect

Expansion after max inhalation spinal ankylosis, pathology

Males 2-3” normal or fracture

Females 1-2” normal

Rib Motion Seated Dr. behind pt w/hands on flat on + Decreased expansion suspect

back, thumbs on paraspinal muscles spinal ankylosis, pathology

pt inhales or fracture

Schepelmann’s Seated Pt abduct arms, hands overhead + Pain on side of flexion =

Sign lateral flexion bilaterally intercostal neuritis

+ Pain opposite side of flexion =

intercostal myofascitis or pleurisy

Spinal Percussion Seated Reflex hammer percussion of + Spinous process pain = osseous

spinous processes and paraspinal injury or fracture

musculature + Paraspinal muscle pain = soft

tissue injury

Sternal Supine Dr. uses ulnar aspect of hand to + Localized pain at lateral border

Compression apply pressure AP on sternum of ribs indicates fracture

Valsalva Seated Inhale, hold & bear down + Pain = space occupying lesion

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Orthopedic Tests

Test Pt. Position Procedure Findings

Adson’s Seated Radial pulse palpated, arm + Absence of radial pulse =

supinated and slightly abducted compression of the

head rotated and extended toward neurovascular bundle.

affected side. Dr. externally + Paresthesia or radiculopathy in

rotates and extends shoulder. upper extremity = compression

of neural component

Allen’s Seated Palpate radial pulse, abduct arm + Same as above

to 90(, elbow flexed to 90(,

externally rotate shoulder

Pt turns head to opposite side

Costoclavicular Seated Palpate radial pulse bilaterally + Same as above

pt flex chin to chest examiner

extends pt shoulders

Halstead Seated Palpate radial pulse, Dr traction’s + Same as above

arm inferior, pt hyperextends neck

Wright’s Seated Palpate radial pulse, arm supinated + Compression of axillary art. by

examiner abducts arm pec. minor or coracoid process

Cervical Spine Orthopedic Tests

Test Pt Position Procedure Findings

Barre-Lieou Seated Pt rotates head maximally + Vertebral artery syndrome =

from side to side vertigo, nausea, blurred vision

DeKleyn’s Supine Hang head off end of table +Stenosis or compression of the

hyperextend and rotate vertebral, basilar or carotid A

George’s Seated History, auscultation, + Vascular insufficiency of

ROM and maneuver the vertebral artery

Hautant’s Seated Arms held in front, hands + Stenosis or compression of the

supinated, rotate and extend vertebral, basilar or carotid A

head, eyes closed

Jackson’s Seated Dr. hands on head lat flex + Pressure on nerve root

Compression head apply inf pressure

Foraminal Seated Pt in neutral position, Dr. Hands + Same side = facet pathology

Compression on head applies inferior pressure or nerve root compression

Maximum Seated Pt actively rotates and + Same side = facet pathology

Foraminal hyperextends toward side or nerve root compression

Compression radicular complaint

Maigne’s Seated Rotate and extend head for + Stenosis or compression of the

30 seconds vertebral, basilar or carotid A

O’Donoghue Seated Resisted and passive ranges + Resisted = muscular involvement

Maneuver of motion + Passive = ligament involvement

Soto-Hall Supine Stabilize the sternum and + Osseous, discal or ligamentous

passively flex neck to chest pathology

Spurling’s Seated Soft vertical blow to top of + IVF compression or facet lesion

patients head

Underburgh’s Standing Outstretch arms, supinate hands + Stenosis or compression of the

rotate and extend head while vertebral, basilar or carotid A

marching in place + Indicates cerebellar involvement

Valsalva Seated Inhale, hold & bear down + Pain = space occupying lesion

Orthopedic Tests for Meningeal Irritation

Test Pt Position Procedure Findings

Brudzinski’s Supine Dr flexes chin to chest + Buckling of the knees

Kernig’s Supine Dr flexes knee and hip to 90( + Pt flexes head/neck or responds with

then tries to extend lower leg resistance or kicking motion

Orthopedic Tests For The Shoulder

Test Pt. Position Procedure Findings

Anterior Seated Flex, abduct & externally rotate + = Pain or look of apprehension

Apprehension affected arm, apply pressure to and resists further testing,

Test posterior shoulder indicates ant. dislocation

Apley Scratch Seated Place affected hand behind head + = Pain indicating degenerative

Test & touch opposite scapula, then tendonitis of rotator cuff,

place hand behind back & try to usually supraspinatus tendon.

touch inferior aspect opp. scapula

Biceps Tendon Seated Flexion of pt elbow, Dr grasps + = Pain localized to biceps tendon

wrist & ext. rot. arm vs. resistance indicates instability

Calloway’s Test Seated Pt arms at side measure around + = ( measurement indicates

shoulder girth at the acromial tip dislocation of the humerus

Codman’s Drop Seated Dr passively abducts arm( 90( + = Shoulder pain or hunching

then releases support significant for rotator cuff tear

usually supraspinatus tendon

Dawbarn’s Sign Seated Apply pressure inf to the acromial + = Decreased pain w/abduction

process: w/pain abduct arm past indicates subacromial bursitis

90( maintaining pressure

Dugas’ Test Seated Instruct patient to touch opposite + = Inability to touch opposite

shoulder & bring elbow to chest shoulder, indicates dislocation

Posterior Supine Flex and int. rotate pt shoulder + = Pain or look of apprehension

Apprehension flex elbow. Dr applies posterior and resists further testing,

Test pressure on the elbow = post. humeral dislocation

Subacromial Seated Dr standing behind pt, apply + = Subacromial bursitis

Push Button pressure to the subacromial bursa + = Pain indicates rotator cuff tear

specifically supraspinatus tend.

Supraspinatus Seated Arm at side, active abduction vs. + = Pain indicates degenerative

Tendonitis Test resistance tendentious of supraspinatus tend.

Yergason’s Test Seated Pt elbow flexed, palpate biceps + = Pain in the intertubercular

tendon & grasp hand w/opposite groove indicates biceps

hand. Apply passive ext. rotation tenosynovitis or transverse

w/resisted supination. humeral ligament

Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome Orthopedic Tests

Test Pt. Position Procedure Findings

Froment’s Seated Elbow flexed, arm pronated + Pt unable to hold paper between

Paper Sign fingers abducted. Place piece of fingers when examiner pulls =

between fingers, adduct fingers indicates ulnar nerve paralysis

Tinnel’s Sign Seated Elbow flexed to 90 degrees + Hypersensitivity = neuritis or

at the Elbow tap groove between medial neuroma

epicondyle and olecranon

Ulnar Tunnel Seated Inspect and palpate ulnar + Tenderness, ring finger clawing,

Triad triangle hypothenar atrophy

Orthopedic Tests For The Elbow

Test Pt. Position Procedure Findings

Chair Test Standing Face front of chair supinate + = Pain at medial epicondyle

Medial hands, push chair to contract indicates medial epicondylitis

Epicondylitis forearm flexors

Chair Test Standing Face front of chair pronate + = Pain at lateral epicondyle

Lateral hands, push to contract forearm indicates lateral epicondylitis

Epicondylitis extensors

Cozen’s Seated Arm pronated, wrist extended + = Pain at lateral epicondyle

pt makes a fist. Pt actively indicates lateral epicondylitis

dorsiflexes Dr applies pressure

to dorsum of hand.

Golfer’s Elbow Seated Arm supinated, elbow slightly + = Pain at medial epicondyle

flexed. Dr applies pressure at indicates medial epicondylitis

wrist to extend elbow, pt resists.

Mill’s Test Seated Arm supinated, wrist, elbow and + = Pain at lateral epicondyle

hand fully flexed. Dr passively indicates lateral epicondylitis

extends elbow and pronates arm.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Orthopedic Tests

Test Pt. Position Procedure Findings

Phalen’s Seated Abduct shoulders, both elbows + Tingling of hand in median n.

flexed and arms pronated, wrist indicate neural compression

flexed, dorsum of hands touching

Reverse Seated Same as above with wrists + Same as above

Phalen’s extended and palms touching

Tinel’s Sign Seated Supinate hand, tap palmar surface + Same as above

of wrist w/ reflex hammer

Tourniquet Seated Supinate arm, wrap sphyg cuff + Same as above

around wrist, ( pressure 20mm

above resting diastolic pressure

Stenosing Tenosynovitis Orthopedic Test

Test Pt. Position Procedure Findings

Finkelstein Seated Elbow flexed, arm pronated + Pain of abductor pollicus longus

pt makes fist w/ thumb tucked and extensor pollicus brevis inside fingers, actively ulnar tendons = de Quervain’s or

deviate hand Hoffman’s disease

Orthopedic Test For Hypersensitivity

Test Pt. Position Procedure Findings

Libman’s Seated Apply pressure to mastoid Indicates patient pain threshold,

process to pain tolerance, can be used as index for later

repeat bilaterally examination

Orthopedic Test For Thrombophlebitis

Test Pt. Position Procedure Findings

Homan’s Supine Dr. raises leg to 45( and squeezes + Deep calf or leg pain = indicates

Sign calf firmly, maintain pressure and thrombophlebitis

dorsiflex foot

Orthopedic Test For Arterial Insufficiency

Test Pt. Position Procedure Findings

Buerger’s Supine Elevate leg, consecutively + = If foot takes over one minute to

Test dorsi/plantarflex foot for 2+ regain normal color indicates

minutes, lower leg & sit pt up arterial insufficiency

Allen’s Test Seated Raise arm, open/close fist for ( + = Delay of filling or ( 10 seconds

1 min. Lower arm while occluding indicates arterial insufficiency

radial & ulnar artery, release radial,

repeat test and release ulnar

Orthopedic Tests For The Patella

Test Pt. Position Procedure Findings

Dreyer’s Supine Knee extended pt actively + = Ability to raise leg w/tendon

Test raises leg off table, if unable braced indicates patellar

stabilize patellar tendon/repeat fracture

Patellar Supine Knee flexed to 30( stress patella + = Pt apprehension/quads contract

Apprehension laterally Suspect chronic lateral patellar


Patellar Supine Knee extended or flexed to + = Floating sensation of the patella

Ballottement comfort, apply posterior indicates intraarticular swelling

pressure to patella

Patellar Supine Knee extended, block patella + = Pain w/pressure or movement

Grinding inf & sup move in all directions. indicates chondromalacia

Sup, inf, med, lat and circumduct patella

Orthopedic Tests For The Knee

Test Pt. Position Procedure Findings

Abduction Supine Stabilize lateral thigh, stress + = Pain at medial aspect of knee

Stress Test leg lateral at the ankle. Perform suspect medial collateral

(aka - Valgus) at full extension and 20-30( flexion ligament

Adduction Supine Stabilize medial thigh, stress leg + = Pain at lateral aspect of knee

Stress Test medial at the ankle. Perform at suspect lateral collateral

(aka - Varus) full extension and at 20-30( flexion ligament

Apley’s Prone Flex pt leg to 90(, stabilize thigh + = Pain indicating a torn meniscus

Compression w/Dr’s knee, apply down pressure on respective side

on pt foot and ext & int rotates

Apley’s Prone Flex pt leg to 90(, stabilize thigh + = Pain indicating a torn collateral

Distraction w/Dr’s knee, grasp ankle w/hands + = Decreased pain confirms injury

distract foot and ext & int rotates to meniscus

Bounce Home Supine Knee flexed, ankle supported. + = Inability to fully extend knee or

Test Dr allows leg to fall into extension pain indicates meniscus

Drawer Sign Supine Knee flexed, foot on table, Dr + = Excess anterior sliding of the

braces foot w/thigh. Grasp tibia tibia indicates ACL rupture

B/L, stress anterior &posterior Excess posterior sliding of the

tibia indicates PCL rupture

Lachman’s Supine Knee flexed to 30(, brace ant + = Instability indicates anterior

femur, stress tibia anterior cruciate ligament

McMurray’s Supine Flex leg then int rotate leg + = Painful or audible click indicates

w/ valgus stress, or ext rotate leg a torn meniscus. Int rot = lateral

w/varus stress while extending leg meniscus. Ext rot = medial men.

Orthopedic Tests For The Ankle

Test Pt. Position Procedure Findings

Drawer Sign Supine Knee flexed foot flat on table, + = Increased gapping. Posterior

for the Ankle Dr braces foot w/thigh, grasp shift indicates ant. talofibular

Tibia w/both hands exert ant/post ligament. Anterior shift

stress on the tibia. indicates posterior talofibular


Lateral Supine Grasp/support foot, apply + = Increased gapping. Indicates

Stability Test passive inversion stress tear of ant. Talofibular ligament

or calcaneofibular ligament

Medial Supine Grasp/support foot, apply + = Increased gapping. Indicates

Stability Test passive eversion stress deltoid ligament tear.

Orthopedic Tests For Ankylosing Spondylitis

Test Pt. Position Procedure Findings

Schober’s Standing 10 cm span marked from 5th + = Skin measurement is ( 14 cm.

lumbar cephalad. Pt performs Normal measurement ( 15 cm.

maximum forward flexion,

remeasure distance between marks.

Forestierre Standing Pt laterally flexes to one side, + = Pt recruits ipsilateral erector

Bowstring. Repeat on opposite side spinae to perform lateral flexion







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