Approved at the Cyclic Methodical Council

of Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial

surgery department

protocol № 1 dated from 30.08.16.

Head of the department, Prof. L. N. Yakovenko

Schedule for practical classes in children surgical dentistry for students training in English for the 4 training course of 2016/17 academic year.

|Training course |Date, time |Group |Teacher’s name |

|4course |16.12.16-29.12.16 |2 |Kharkov A. |

| |8.20-13.20 | |Kiselyova N. |

|Final module control |

|4course |29.12.16 |2 |Iefymenko V. |

| | | | |

Schedule of running consultations in children surgical dentistry

for stomatological students.

|Training course |Date, time |Group |Teacher’s name |

|4course |28.12.16 |2 |Kiselyova N. |

| |13.30-15.30 | | |

Lectures’ of module 1

In children surgical dentistry for stomatological students of the 4 training course.

|Training course, Group |Date |Tiime |Teacher’s name |

|4 course |16.12.16 |08.20-10.00 |Kiselyova N. |

|2 Group |19.12.16 |(10 minutes' break) | |

| |21.12.16 | | |

| |23.12.16 | | |

| |26.12.16 | | |

Practical training of children surgical dentistry are held from 8.20 to 13.20 (30 minutes' break).

Practical training are finished in Lecture days at 15.00.

Lectures are given on the Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial surgery department

(base of practical training of children surgical dentistry in “Medical club” clinic, street of Baggovutovskaya 14 ).

Approved at the Cyclic Methodical Council

of Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial

surgery department

protocol № 1 dated from 30.08.16.

Head of the department, Prof. L. N. Yakovenko

Lectures’ thematic plan of module 1

In children surgical dentistry for stomatological students of the 4 training course.

(English-speaking students)

2016-2017 a.y.

|№ | Lectures’ topic |

|1 |Local and general anesthesia for children (types and methods of local anesthesia for children; indications and contraindications). Extraction|

| |features of temporary and permanent teeth in children, prophylaxis of early and late complications. Indications and contraindications for |

| |dental removal in children, performance techniques;instruments for teeth extraction. |

|2 |General characteristics of the inflammatory processes course of the maxillofacial tissues in children.Acute and chronic periostitis. Acute |

| |and chronic osteomyelitis of the bones of face. Classification, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical forms of the disease. Manifestations’ |

| |conformities in children of various age groups. Diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment methods, complications and their |

| |prophylaxis. |

|3 |Inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial soft tissues in children (abscesses, phlegmons, lymphadenitis, carbuncles, furuncles). |

| |Conformities of clinical course, diagnostics, differential diagnostics and complex treatment. Specific inflammatory diseases. |

|4 |Anatomical-physiological features of the salivary glands structure, mandibular joint.Inflammatory diseases of the salivary glands, mandibular|

| |joint in children. Conformities of clinical course, diagnostics, differential diagnostics and treatment. |

|5 |Acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the mandibular joint in children. Ankylosis, secondary deformation osteoarthrosis of the |

| |temporo-mandibular joint. Causes of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, clinical course. The principles and stages of surgical, medical |

| |treatment. The rehabilitation of these patients. |

Lectures are given on the Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial surgery department

(base of maxillufacial separation of Childhood hospital № 7, street of Podvysotskogo-4b ).

Approved at the Cyclic Methodical Council

of Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial

surgery department

protocol № 1 dated from 30.08.16.

Head of the department, Prof. L. N. Yakovenko

Thematic plan of practical classes of module 1

In children surgical dentistry for stomatological students of the 4 training course 2016-2017 a.y.

(Academic hours’ amount – 60)

|№ п/п |Lesson’s topic |Academic |

| | |hours |

| |Anatomical-physiological peculiarities of the development and structure of the maxillofacial tissues and organs in | 5,45 |

| |children. Surgical interventions’ anesthesia into the maxillofacial area in children under the out-patient and | |

| |in-patient care. | |

| |Temporary and permanent teeth extraction in children. |5,45 |

| |Odontogenic and non-odontogenic periostitis of the jaws.Clinical picture of acute and chronic periostitis. |5,45 |

| |Diagnostics, differential diagnostics. Complex treatment. | |

| |Acute and chronic odontogenic, non-odontogenic (hematogenic, traumatic osteomyelitis) osteomyelitis of the jaws in |5,45 |

| |childern. Primary chronic osteomyelitis. | |

| |Acute and chronic,odontogenic and non-odontogenic lymphadenitits of the maxilofacial area. |5,45 |

| |Odontogenic and non-odontogenic absceses and phlegmons of the maxillofacial area. |5,45 |

| |Furuncles and carbuncles of the maxillofacial area. Complications and prophylaxis. |5,45 |

| |Acute diseases of the salivary glands in children: epidemic and non-epidemic parotitis, calculous and non-calculous |5,45 |

| |submaxillitis. Chronic diseases of the salivary glands in children: parenchymal and interstitial submaxillitis. | |

| |Acute inflammatory diseases of the mandibular joint in children - arthritis. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the |5,45 |

| |mandibular joint in children(chronic arthritis, secondary deforming arthritis). Ankylosis, secondary deformation | |

| |osteoarthrosis of the temporo-mandibular joint. | |

|10. |Specific diseases: actinomycosis,tuberculosis, syphilis. AIDS and HIV infection: maxillofacial manifestations in |5,45 |

| |children. | |

| |Final module control | |

Practical training of children surgical dentistry are given (base of maxillufacial separation of Childhood hospital № 7, street of Podvysotskogo-4b ).

Approved at the Cyclic Methodical Council

of Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial

surgery department

protocol № 1 dated from 30.08.16.

Head of the department, Prof. L. N. Yakovenko

Students’ individual work types of module 1

and its control

(total number -20)

|№ |Topic |Hours |Control types |

|1. |Preparation for practical, seminar lessons, the control of content modules’learning |10 |Current control on practical |

| |(theoretical,practical skills and abilities working-out) | |classes |

|2. |Individual studying of topics which are not involved into the practical classes plan |

|2.1 | Complicated eruption of temporary and permanent teeth in children of various age Clinical |2 |Final module control |

| |features and therapeutic method . | | |

|2.2 | Instrumental and laboratory examination methods of the salivary glands in case of their |2 |Final module control |

| |ailments in children. | | |

|2.3 |Blood diseases manifestations in the maxillofacial area in children.Therapeutic method. |2 |Final module control |

|3. |Individual self-reliant work -educational methodical literature survey, reports’writing, |2 |Final module control |

| |scientific investigations carrying out. | | |

|4 |Final module control preparation. |2 |Final module control |

Approved at the Cyclic Methodical Council

of Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial

surgery department

protocol № 1 dated from 30.08.16.

Head of the department, Prof. L. N. Yakovenko

Questions’ list.

In children surgical dentistry for stomatological students of the 4 training course.

To control module 1 knowledge mastering.

Content module 1.

Anatomical-physiological peculiarities of the development and structure of the maxillofacial tissues. Surgery anesthesia into children maxillofacial area under out-patient and in-patient care.Operation on the removal of temporary and permanent teeth in children of various age groups.

1. Anatomical-physiological peculiarities of the development and structure of the maxillofacial tissue and organs in children.

2. Anesthesia methods classification (local, general their kinds) of the maxillofacial tissues.

3. Application and infiltrative anesthesia peculiarities of the maxillofacial tissues.

4. Conductive anesthesia technique on the upper jaw in children of various age groups.

5. Conductive anesthesia technique on the lower jaw in children of various age groups.

6. Anesthetics that are most commonly used for local anesthesia of the maxillofacial tissues.

7. Local complications that occur during conductive anesthesia giving and their prevention.

8. General complications during local anesthesia giving and their prevention.

9. Quincke’s edema. Clinical manifestations.

10. Clinical manifestations of anaphylactic shock.

11. Emergency medical care in case of Qiuncke’s edema and anaphylactic shock ( intramuscular and intravenous injections; artificial respiration „mouth to mouth” and „mouth to nose ” breathing; cardiac massage).

12. General anesthesia types and substances that are used for its induction. Narcosis administering peculiarities into the maxillofacial area.

13. Indications and contraindications for general anesthesia under out-patient care.

14. Indications and general anesthesia type selection under the in-patient care.

15. Sedative-medication preparation principles for surgery into the maxillofacial area.Indications and contraindications.

16. Indications and contraindications for extraction of temporary and permanent teeth.

17. Dental removal stages and their peculiarities.

18. Temporary and permanent teeth extraction features.

19. Complicated eruption of temporary and permanent teeth in children.Clinical picture and therapeutic method.

20. Complications resulted from dental removal, their prophylaxis and management.

21. Postextraction bleedings.Clinical picture, diagnostics and their management.

22. Dental extraction in children suffering from cardio-vascular diseases.

23. Dental extraction in children suffering from diabetes.

24. Dental extraction in children with blood diseases.

25. Blood diseases manifestations in the maxillofacial area in children.

Content module 2.

General characteristics of the inflammatory processes course of the maxillofacial tissues in children.General processes of the jaws: acute and chronic periostitis, acute and chronic hematogenous and odontogenic osteomyelitis. Inflammatory diseases of the mandibular joint in children. Clinical picture, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, principles of treatment and rehabilitation. Complications, their diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis.

1. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture of odontogenic maxillary periostitis.

2. Causes, diagnostic features and treatment of acute odontogenic mandibular periostitis.

3. Differential diagnostics of acute odontogenic periostitis and osteomyelitis of the jaws.

4. Etiology and clinical course peculiarities of chronic periostitis of the jaws.

5. Differential diagnostics of chronic periostitis of the jaws and their treatment features.

6. Local and general treatment methods of chronic periostitis of the jaws.

7. Classification and etiology of jaws’ osteomyelitis.

8. Theories of jaws’ osteomyelitis occurrence; a contemporary view onto the nature of osteomyelitis.

9. Diagnostics and clinical picture of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the lower jaw.

10. Diagnostics and clinical picture of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the upper jaw.

11. Causes of the development, diagnostics and clinical picture of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis of the jaws.

12. Emergency surgical and medication care of children with acute osteomyelitis of odontogenic and non-odontogenic origin.

13. Complications and consequences of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws.

14. Rehabilitation of patients with acute odontogenic osteomyelitis.Disease prophylaxis.

15. Clinical roentgenological forms of chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis.

16. Etiology, diagnostics, indications for patients’ hospitalization suffering from chronic osteomyelitis.

17. Treatment and prophylaxis of the jaws’ chronic osteomyelitis.

18. Prognosis and outcome of the disease in chronic osteomyelitis, rehabilitation of patients who are ill with this disease.

19. Complex treatment of chronic osteomyelitis.

20. Differential diagnostics of the jaws’ chronic osteomyelitis.

Content module 3.

Inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial soft tissues in children: lymphadenitis,abscesses, phlegmons,furuncles, carbuncles. Specific processes of the face. Acute and chronic diseases of the salivary glands. Acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the mandibular joint in children. Ankylosis, secondary deformation osteoarthrosis of the temporo-mandibular joint.

1. Classification of lymphadenitis and its etiology.

2. Clinical picture, diagnostics of acute odontogenic lymphadenitis.

3. Clinical picture and diagnostics of acute non-odontogenic lymphadenitis.

4. Complex treatment of acute serous lymphadenitis.

5. Complex treatment of acute purulent lymphadenitis.

6. Classification, diagnostics and clinical picture of the mandibular joint chronic lymphadenitis.

7. Chronic lymphadenitis management.

8. Differential diagnostics of acute and chronic lymphadentitis.

9. Specific lymphadenitis in the maxillofacial area in chidren(tuberculous, actinomycotic). Clinical manifestations, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment peculiarities.

10. „Cat’s scratch” disease.Clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment peculiarities.

11. Classification of the maxillofacial abscesses and phlegmons and ways to diagnose them.

12. Clinical picture and diagnostics of abscesses, phlegmons that are located in the maxillary area.

13. Clinical picture and diagnostics of abscesses, phlegmons that are located in the mandibular area.

14. Complex treatment of the maxillofacial abscesses and phlegmons.

15. Surgical care given to children suffering from abscesses and phlegmons in the out-patient and in-patient departments.

16. Possible complications of the maxillofacial abscesses and phlegmons and their prophylaxis.

17. Indications, hospitalization organization of children with maxillofacial abscesses and phlegmons.

18. Maxillofacial area furuncles.Clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment.

19. Maxillofacial area carbuncles. Clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment .

20. Complications of the maxillofacial furuncles and carbuncles in children and their prophylaxis.

21. Classification of salivary glands inflammatory diseases.

22. Etiology, pathogenesis and clinical picture of acute epidemic parotitis.

23. Etiology, pathogenesis and clinical picture of acute non-epidemic parotitis.

24. Acute parotitis management.

25. Calculous submaxillitis. Clinical picture, diagnostics, differential diagnostics.

26. An X-ray contrast sialography method and substances necessary for its performance.Roentgenological positions types to detect calculi in the salivary glands.

27. Calculous submaxillitis management.

28. Gerzenberg’s pseudoparotitis, causes, diagnostics, differential diagnostics and treatment.

29. Chronic parenchymal sialodenitis.Clinical roentgenological characteristics and treatment .

30. Differential diagnostics of chronic sialodenitis.

31. Complex treatment of chronic sialodenitis.

32. Disease prognosis in chronic inflammatory diseases of the salivary glands.

33. Mandibular joint arthritis. Clinical picture,diagnostics methods, management.

34. Rheumatoid arthritis of mandibular joint. Clinical picture,diagnostic methods, management.

35. Mandibular joint traumatic arthritis. Clinical picture,diagnostics methods, management.

36. Examination methods of the mandibular joint in children.

37. Chronic arthritis of the mandibular joint.Clinical picture, diagnostics, differential diagnostics.

38. Complex treatment of the mandibular joint chronic arthritis.

39. Complications and consequences of the mandibular joint chronic arthritis in children.

40. Causes and clinical picture of unilateral ankyloses of the TMJ. A surgical treatment method of the TMJ ankyloses.

41. Clinical picture, diagnostics and differential diagnostics of bilateral ankyloses of the TMJ.

42. A complex treatment principle of patients with ankyloses.

43. Diagnostics and treatment ways of microgenia in uni and bilateral ankyloses. Compression –destructive method.

44. Application of free cartilaginous transplant in the form of interposition material while treating children for ankyloses.

Approved at the Cyclic Methodical Council

of Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial

surgery department

protocol № 1 dated from 30.08.16.

Head of the department, Prof. L. N. Yakovenko

List of practical skills obtained

In children surgical dentistry for stomatological students of the 4 training course,

to be checked during module 1 taking

І. Conductive anesthesia in the treatment of dental diseases ( Intra- and Extra - oral way methods).

1. To induce mental, mandibular, at the torus anesthesias of the lower jaw.

2. To induce infraorbital, tuberal, palatal, at the foramen incizivum anesthesias of the upper jaw.

3. To induce Infiltration anesthesia.

ІІ . To extract a temporary and permanent tooth.

ІІІ. Stop bleeding after tooth extraction (Suture ligation of bleeding after tooth extraction).

ІV. To open a subperiosteal abscess of various localization.

V. To open a superficial abscess of the soft tissues (submandibular, parotid, cheek, infraorbital areas)

Approved at the Cyclic Methodical Council

of Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial

surgery department

protocol № 7 dated from 15.12.16.

Head of the department, Prof. L. N. Yakovenko

Schedule for practical classes in children surgical dentistry for students training in English for the 5 training course of 2016/17 academic year.

|Training course |Date, time |Group |Teacher’s name |

|5course |10.02.17-23.02.17 |1 |Vaskovskay M. |

| |8.20-13.20 | |Kiselyova N. |

| | | | |

| | |2 |Iefymenko V |

| | | |Yegorov R. |

|Final module control |

|5 course |23.02.17 |1 |Iefymenko V. |

| | | | |

| | |2 | |

Schedule of running consultations in children surgical dentistry

for stomatological students.

|Training course |Date, time |Group |Teacher’s name |

|5course |22.02.17 |1 |Kiselyova N. |

| |13.30-15.30 | | |

| | |2 |Yegorov R. |

Lectures’ of module 2

In children surgical dentistry for stomatological students of the 4 training course.

|Training course, Group |Date |Tiime |Teacher’s name |

|5 course |10.02.17 |08.20-10.00 |Kiselyova N. |

| |13.02.17 |(10 minutes' break) | |

| |15.02.17 | | |

| |17.02.17 | | |

| |20.02.17 | | |

Practical training of children surgical dentistry are held from 8.20 to 13.20 (30 minutes' break).

Practical training are finished in Lecture days at 15.00.

Lectures are given on the Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial surgery department (base of maxillofacial department of Childhood hospital № 7, st. Podvysotskogo-4b ).

Approved at the Cyclic Methodical Council

of Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial

surgery department

protocol № 7 dated from 15.12.16.

Head of the department, Prof. L. N. Yakovenko

Lectures’ thematic plan of module 2

In children surgical dentistry for stomatological students of the 5 training course.

(English-speaking students)

2016-2017 a.y.

| | Theme |

|1 |Benign tumors of soft tissues of the maxillary-facial area in children. Classification, etiology. Principles of diagnostics. Differential |

| |diagnostics, treatment methods and postoperative management of children with benign malformations. |

|2 |Tumors and tumor-like malformations of the maxillary-facial bones. Etiology, classification, diagnostics, clinical picture and treatment of the|

| |bone tumors. Inflammatory odontogenic cysts of the jaws originated from the temporary and permanent teeth. Diagnostics and differential |

| |diagnostics of the malignant tumors. |

|3 |True tumors and tumor-like malformations of the salivary glands. Malignant tumors of the maxilla-facial soft tissues in children. |

| |Classification. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnostic methods, differential diagnostics. Primary verification of malignant |

| |tumors. The modern principles of treatment, hospital management and rehabilitation of these patients. |

|4 |Pediatric congenital defects (cleft upper lip and palate) of the MFA development. Statistics, etiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinical|

| |picture. Current principles of complex treatment, prophylactic medical examination and rehabilitation of children with congenital defects of |

| |the MFA. |

|5 |Pediatric traumatic injuries of soft tissues, teeth and bones of MFA. Statistics, classification. Regularities of the clinical course, current |

| |diagnostic methods. The principles of therapeutic method. |

Lectures are given on the Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial surgery department (base of maxillofacial department of Childhood hospital № 7, st. Podvysotskogo-4b ).

Approved at the Cyclic Methodical Council

of Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial

surgery department

protocol № 7 dated from 15.12.16.

Head of the department, Prof. L. N. Yakovenko

Thematic plan of practical classes of module 2

In children surgical dentistry for stomatological students of the 5 training course 2016-2017 a.y.

(Academic hours’ amount – 60)

| | Theme | |

|1 |Maxillary-facial soft tissues’ tumors in children (hemangioma, lymphangioma, lipoma, myoma, nevus). Etiology, clinical |5,45 |

| |picture, diagnostics, treatment. | |

|2 |Tumor-like malformations of soft facial tissues (epidermoid, dermoid, teratoma, atheroma). Congenital cysts and fistulae of |5,45 |

| |the neck. Neurofibromatosis. Etiology, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment. | |

|3 |Facial bones’ tumors in children( osteoblastoclastoma, osteoma). Diagnostics, clinical picture and treatment of the facial |5,45 |

| |bone tumors. odontogenic malformations of jaws in children (ameloblastoma, odontoma, cementoma). Etiology, diagnostics, | |

| |differential diagnostics, clinical picture, treatment methods. | |

|4 |Tumor-like neoplasms of the jaws’cysts (follicular, residual, fissure, primary osteal, eruption cyst). Diagnostic methods, |5,45 |

| |differential diagnostics and ways of treatment.Children rehabilitation after cystectomy and cystotomy. | |

| |. | |

|5 |Tumor-like neoplasms of the maxilla-facial area bones fibrous dysplsia, cherubism, hyperparathyroid fibrous osteodystrophy, |5,45 |

| |epulids.. Clinical picture, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment. | |

|6 |True tumors and tumor-like malformations of the salivary glands. Diagnostics, differential diagnostics, clinical picture, |5,45 |

| |treatment principles. | |

|7 |Malignant tumors of soft tissues and the maxillary-facial bones. Classification, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, |5,45 |

| |differential diagnostics. Principles of hospital management and treatment of children with malignant facial tumors. | |

|8 |Congenital cleft upper lip. Coloboma, short frenulum of tongue and lips. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, | |

| |diagnostics, methods of surgical treatment. Complex rehabilitation of the patients. Free tissue transplantation (dermal and | |

| |dermal-cartilaginous patches) at treatment of the children with congenital and acquired soft tissue deformities. | |

| |Contraindications, indications. Principles of performing the operation, complications and prevention of complications. | |

| | |5,45 |

| | | |

|9 |Congenital cleft palate. Pierre Robin, I – II branchial arch, Franceschetti syndromes. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical | |

| |picture, diagnostics, methods of surgical treatment. Complex rehabilitation of the patients. Contraindications, indications. | |

| |Principles of performing the operation, complications and prevention of complications. |5,45 |

|10 |Traumatic lesions of soft tissues. Traumatic dental injuries in children (contusion, dislocations:complete, incomplete, |60 |

| |intrusion). Pediatric traumatic injuries of the maxilla-facial bones ( maxillary and mandibular fractures, jugal complex). | |

| |Clinical picture, diagnostics, methods of treatment and postoperative management of the patients. Treatment of the mandibular| |

| |fractures with Tigershtedt’s splints. | |

| |FMC | |

Approved at the Cyclic Methodical Council

of Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial

surgery department

protocol № 7 dated from 15.12.16.

Head of the department, Prof. L. N. Yakovenko

Self-reliant work types of students (SWS) of module 2

and its control

(Total amount of hours -20)

|№. |Topic |Hours number |Control types |

|1. |Practical, seminar classes preparation (theoretical, practical abilities and skills |10 | |

| |working off) | |Current control on the |

| | | |practical classes |

|2 |Preparation for content modules mastering control – theoretical preparation and |2 | |

| |practical skills working off. | | |

| 3. |Self-reliant working off of the subjects that are not involved into lecture hours: |

|3.1 | Pre-neoplastic processes within the maxilla-facial area in children. Pediatric tumors, |1 |Final module control |

| |tumor-like neoplasms of the face and jaws division according to the international | | |

| |histological classification of WHO. | | |

|3.2 |Prophylaxis of dental surgeon affection with specific diseases (tuberculosis, syphilis, |1 |Final module control |

| |AIDS and HIV infection) within out-patient and in-patient department. | | |

| 3.3 |Treatment and prevention of pathological scars after operative interventions on the MFA |1 |Final module control |

| |of children. | | |

|4. |Individual SWS– education-methodical literature review, essays writing, scientific |2 | Final module control |

| |research carrying out. | | |

|5. |Preparation for the final module control. |3 | |

| |Total |20 | |

Approved at the Cyclic Methodical Council

of Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial

surgery department

protocol № 7 dated from 15.12.16.

Head of the department, Prof. L. N. Yakovenko

Questions’ list.

In children surgical dentistry for stomatological students of the 5 training course.

To control module 2 knowledge mastering.

Tumors and tumor-like neoplasms of the soft tissues and salivary glands

1. Classification of benign tumors and tumor-like neoplasms of the MFA soft tissues.

2. Capillary hemangiomas of the soft tissues of the MFA. Conformities of clinical course, their diagnostics and treatment methods.

3. Cavernous hemangiomas of the MFA soft tissues.Clinical course conformities, their diagnostics and treatment methods.

4. Clinical picture and differential diagnostics of superficial and deep hemangiomas of the MFA.

5. Clinical picture and of the MFA diagnostics of mixed hemangiomas and treatment methods.

6. Advantages and disadvantages of the basic treatment methods of the MFA hemangiomas.

7. Neurofibromatosis. Etiology, clinical picture, diagnostics and differential diagnostics.

8. Facial nevi. Clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment methods.

9. MFA lymphangiomas. Classification, clinical picture, diagnostics and treatment.

10. Differential diagnostics of the MFA lymphangiomas from other soft tissue tumors.

11. Pediatric veritable tumors of the salivary glands. Clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment methods.

12. Retention cysts of the salivary glands Clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment methods.

13. Atheroma. Clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment methods. Median cysts and fistulae of the neck. Clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment.

14. Lateral cysts and fistulae of the neck. Clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment.

15. Differential diagnostics and treatment methods of the lateral cysts and fistulae of the neck.

16. Dermoid cysts of the maxilla-facial area. Clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment methods.

17. Epidermoid cysts of the maxilla-facial area Clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment methods.

18. Fibroma, lypoma. Clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment.

Malignant tumors of the maxilla-facial tissues.

1. Classification and clinical signs of malignant tumors of the maxilla-facial soft tissues.

2. Clinical, patho-morphological and other additional signs of the maxilla-facial malignant tumors.

3. Diagnostic methods of the maxilla-facial malignant tumors.

4. Complex treatment of the MFA malignant tumors.

5. Differential diagnostics of malignant and benign tumors.

6. Malignant neoplasms of the jaws. Ewing’s sarcoma.

7. Primary verification of malignant tumors of the jaws and surgical treatment principles.

8. Malignancy biopsy, rules and methods of its performing.

9. Complex treatment of malignancies of the maxilla-facial area.

10. Radial way of treatment in complex management of malignancies.

11. Chemotherapy of the maxilla-facial malignant tumors. Complications and their prevention.

Osteal tumors of odontogenic and osteogenic origin.

Tumor-like neoplasms of the bones

1. Classification of benign tumors and tumor-like neoplasms of the maxilla-facial bones.

2. Osteoblastoclastoma. Clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment.

3. Differential diagnostics of osteoblastoclastoma with other neoplasms and malignancies of the maxilla-facial area.

4. Osteoma, Clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment.

5. Parathyroid osteodystrophy. Etiology, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment.

6. Fibrous osteodysplasia. Etiology, clinical picture, diagnostics.

7. Odontogenic maxillary cysts originated from temporary and permanent teeth. Diagnostics, clinical-roentgenological picture, treatment methods.

8. Odontogenic mandibular cysts originated from temporary and permanent teeth. Diagnostics, clinical-roentgenological picture, treatment methods.

9. Follicular maxillary cysts. Etiology, clinical picture, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment.

10. Follicular mandibular cysts. Etiology, clinical picture, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment.

11. Differential diagnostics of the jaws’ cysts.

12. Ordinary and giant-cellular epulids. Clinical picture, differential diagnostics, treatment methods.

13. Ameloblastoma. Clinical manifestations, diagnostics, treatment principles.

14. Differential diagnostics of ameloblastoma with other tumors of the jaws.

15. Odontoma and cementoma of the jaws. Clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment principles.

16. Differential diagnostics of odontogenic tumors with other tumors of the jaws.

17. Treatment methods of odontogenic tumors of the jaws.

Pediatric traumatic injuries of the maxilla-facial area.

1. Traumatic injuries classification of the maxillofacial soft tissues.

2. Clinical picture of the maxillofacial soft tissues wounds of different origin.

3. Peculiarities of the clinical course and wounds’ treatment principles penetrating into oral cavity.

4. Clinical picture and treatment of wounds with the soft tissues defects of the maxillofacial area.

5. Primary debridement of the maxillofacial wounds.

6. Primary debridement features and treatment of the maxillofacial bite wounds. Antirabic vaccination. Indications for its giving.

7. Indications for hospitalization of children with the soft tissues traumatic injuries.

8. Indications and principles of antitetanus vaccination.

9. Burns and frostbites.Classification, clinical signs, diagnostics and treatment.

10. Free skin grafting. Indications, contraindications. Skin taking method. Preoperative preparation and postoperation care.Indications for hirudothearpy. Complications and their prophylaxis.

11. Free cutaneous-cartilaginous flaps grafting.Indications, contraindications. Transplantat taking method.Postoperation plications and their prevention.

12. Classification of the mandibular body fractures. Clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment methods depending on the child’s age.

13. Classification, clinical picture of maxillary fractures. Their diagnostic methods.

14. Complex treatment of maxillary fractures depending on the trauma severity and child’s age.

15. Treatment peculiarities of pediatric fractures during mixed occlusion.

16. Mixed lesions of the maxilla-facial area. Clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment principles.

17. Traumatic dental injuries. Classification, diagnostics, clinical picture.

18. Temporary and permanent teeth dislocations. Clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment peculiarities in children of various age.

19. Permanent teeth fractures. Clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment.

Congenital defects of the maxilla-facial tissues development.

1. Etiology, classification of congenital clefts of the upper lip and palate.

2. Congenital isolated clefts of the upper lip: clinical picture and surgical intervention principles.

3. Unilateral penetrating cleft of the upper lip and palate: clinical picture, terms and principles of surgical intervention.

4. Bilateral penetrating cleft of the upper lip: clinical picture, surgical intervention terms.

5. A complex preparation of a patient for cheiloplasty in bilateral penetrating clefts of the upper lip.

6. Free dermal grafting. Indications, contraindications. Dermal exercise method. Post-operative care. Complications of free dermal grafting.

7. Free grafting of dermal-cartilaginous and cartilaginous flaps by Suslov. Indications, contraindications. Material exercise method. Post-operative care. Complications and their prevention.

8. Children feeding ways with penetrating palatine clefts.

9. Indications, making time and use of obturator in case of penetrating palatine clefts.

10. Anatomical and functional impairments produced by clefts of the upper lip and palate.

11. Congenital labial and palatine clefts influence onto the general development of a child’s organism within the first years of life.

12. Clinical picture of congenital unilateral clefts of the upper lip and palate. Terms and principles of surgical intervention.

13. Orthodontic rehabilitation principles of a child with congenital clefts of the palate.

14. Bilateral clefts of the hard and soft palate. Pre-operative preparation of such children and surgical intervention terms.

15. A complex treatment and its terms of patients with congenital palatine clefts.

16. Post-operative management of patients with clefts of the palate.

17. Medical-social management of patients with congenital defects of the maxilla-facial area.

18. The peculiarities of the clinical course, indications, terms and types of surgical intervention in case of short frenula of the lips and tongue, minor vestibule of the mouth.

List of practical skills obtained by the stomatological students of the VІІ term to be checked during module 1 taking

1. To collect a correct anamnesis and write medical papers of patients with inflammatory processes of the soft tissues and jaws, maxillofacial traumas.

2. To make a correct diagnosis of patients with inflammatory processes and maxillofacial traumas in children.

3. To interpret X-ray pictures and establish a preliminary diagnosis of patients with inflammatory processes of the jaws.

4. To give an application anesthesia of the soft tissues in children.

5. To carry out an infiltrative anesthesia of the maxillofacial tissues in children.

6. To induce a conductive anesthesia of the lower jaw.

7. To induce a conductive anesthesia of the upper jaw.

8. To extract a temporary and permanent tooth.

9. To open a subperiosteal abscess of various localization.

10. To open a superficial abscess of the soft tissues.

11. To administer a complex treatment in inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial area in children.

12. To prescribe a complex treatment in children facial traumas.

13. To do a primary debridement of the soft tissues wounds with and without their defects.

14. To carry out the jaws’ cysts cystotomy.

15. To carry out the jaws’ cysts cystectomy.

16. To render a medical care in case of fainting.

17. To give a medical care in case of collapse.

18. To give a primary care in case of anaphylactic shock.

19. To render a primary care in Quincke’s edema.

20. To give intramuscular injection.

21. To give intravenous injection.

22. To perform an artificial respiration „mouth to mouth” and „mouth to nose”.

23. To do cardiac massage.

24. To make tracheotomy.

Schedule of running consultations and working off of missed classes in children surgical dentistry for stomatological students.

Schedule of running consultations and working off of missed classes in children surgical dentistry for stomatological students.

Schedule for practical classes in in children surgical dentistry for students training in English for the X terms of 2013/14 academic year

|Date, time |Surname |

|12.02-17.02 | 25 gr. Korotchenko G. |

| |Kiselyova N. |

Chief of the chair

Department Surgical stomatology and

Maxillofacial Surgery of Childhood

Corresponding Member of AMSU, Phd, MD, Professor L. V. Kharkov

Schedule for practical classes in in children surgical dentistry for students training in English for the X terms of 2013/14 academic year

|Date, time |Surname |

|12.02-17.02 | 25 gr. Korotchenko G. |

| |Kiselyova N. |

Lectures’ thematic plan In children surgical dentistry for stomatological students of the X term. (English-speaking students)academic year 2013-2014.

|№ | Lectures’ topic | |

|1 |Features of clinical picture, principles of diagnostics and differential diagnostics, the modern principles of |2 |

| |treatment. Inflammatory diseases, tumors and tumor-like malformations, damage to tissue, congenital and acquired | |

| |diseases of the maxillary-facial area in children. | |

Given lectures on the department of surgical stomatology and maxillufacial surgery of Childhood (base of maxillufacial separation of Childhood hospital № 7, street of Podvysotskogo-4b ).

Thematic plan of practical classes In children surgical dentistry for stomatological students of the X term academic year 2013-2014.

(Academic hours’ amount – 30)

|№ |Lesson’s topic |Academic hours|

|1 |Surgical interventions’ anesthesia into the maxillofacial area in children under the out-patient and in-patient care. Allergy |7,5 |

| |tests to anesthetics. Complications during anesthesia. Temporary and permanent teeth extraction in children. Regularities of | |

| |clinical course, diagnostic features, differential diagnosis and treatment of inflammation (soft tissues and jaws), maxillofacial | |

| |area in children. Complications and their prevention. | |

|2 |Benign and malignant tumors, tumor-like malformations of tissues of the maxillary-facial area in children Mechanism of clinical |7,5 |

| |development, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment principles. | |

|3 |Traumatic lesions of the of the maxillary-facial area tissues in children. Clinical picture, diagnostics, methods of treatment and|7,5 |

| |postoperative management of the patients. | |

| |Ankylosis,secondary deformation osteoarthrosis of the temporo-mandibular joint. Etiology, diagnostics, clinical picture, treatment| |

| |and postoperative management principles. Free tissue transplantation( dermal-cartilaginous patches) at treatment of the children | |

| |with the disorders of the temporomandibular joint. Principles of operating, complications, prevention of complications. | |

|4 |Congenital cleft upper lip and palate, acquired defects and deformities of the maxillary-facial area in children Clinical |7,5 |

| |picture, diagnostics, methods of surgical treatment, complex postoperative management of the children. | |

| |Credit seminar. | |

Chief of the chair

Department Surgical stomatology and

Maxillofacial Surgery of Childhood

Corresponding Member of AMSU, Professor L. V. Kharkov

Theme plan

Students’ individual work types and its control

of the X term

|№ |Lesson’s topic |Academic hours |

|1 |Allergic history and tests to anesthetics in terms of prevention of complications during local anesthesia. |3 |

|2 |Syndromes in MFR in children associated with birth defects and deformities tissues of the oral cavity. Surgical |3 |

| |tactics and timing of treatment. | |

|3 |Treatment and prevention of abnormal scarring after surgery in MFR in children. |3 |

Questions for State practical exam on pediatric surgical stomatology

2013/2014 academic year .

Anesthesia and tooth extraction in children.

1. The characteristic features of perfoming anesthesia in maxillofacial area in children.Indications and techniques of carrying out anesthesia in children of different ages.

2. Types and methods of conductor jaw pain, indications for, possible complications and their prevention. The mechanism of action, the concentration of anesthetics used for anesthesia conductor

3. The extraoral methods conduction anesthesia on the upper jaw in children. Indications and contraindications. Local complications during anesthesia, to prevent them.

4. The extraoral methods conduction anesthesia on the lower jaw in children. Indications and contraindications. Local complications during anesthesia, to prevent them

5. Anesthetics most often used for local anesthesia in maxillofacial area in children. Their characteristics.Local complications during local anesthesia and their prevention.

6. Features applique and infiltration anesthesia tissues maxillofacial area. The mechanism of action, the concentration of anesthetics used for anesthesia conductor. Local complications during anesthesia, to prevent them.

7. Emergency help in case of Quincke` edema and anaphylactic shock (intramusculary, intravenously, etc. Artificial respiration "mouth to mouth" and "mouth to nose", indirect heart massage.).

8. Types` and features of general anesthesia in maxillofacial area in children. Indications and contraindications of general anesthesia in clinic and hospital. Possible complications during general anesthesia and their prevention.

9. Indications and contraindications for removal of permanent and temporary teeth. Stages of tooth extraction operation and features of their conduct.

10. Complications during and after removal of teeth, their prevention and treatment.

Inflammatory diseases in maxillofacial area in children.

1. Acute and chronic periostitis of the jaws in children. Differential diagnosis of chronic periostitis of jaw and features of their treatment.Methods of local and general treatment of chronic periostitis.

2. Acute odontogenic mandibular osteomyelitis.. Diagnosis and clinical, first drug and surgical care to children with acute plications and consequences of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws.

3. Rehabilitation of patients with acute nonodontogenic osteomyelitis. Preventing the disease. Diagnosis and clinical, Treatment of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis of the jaws.

4. Clinicoroentgenologic forms of chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis.Causes of diagnosis, indications for hospitalization of patients with chronic osteomyelitis.

5. Clinic course, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, comprehensive treatment of acute odontogenic and nonodontogenic lymphadenitis.

6. Etiology, classification, and clinical diagnosis of chronic nonodontogenic lymphadenitis in maxillofacial area. Combined treatment of chronic odontogenic and nonodontogenic lymphadenitis.

7. Clinical signs, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of abscesses, phlegmon, located in the area of the upper jaw. Surgical care to children with abscesses and phlegmon in outpatient clinics and hospital.

8. Clinical sings diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of abscesses, phlegmon, located in the area of the mandible. Surgical care to children with abscesses and phlegmon in outpatient clinics and hospital.

9. Boils` and carbuncles in maxillofacial area. Ambulatory diagnosis and treatment.

10. Arthritis. Temporo-mandibular joint. Ambulatory diagnostic methods, treatment. Complications and consequences of chronic arthritis of temporomandibular joint in children.

11. Chronic arthritis of temporomandibular joint. Clinical corse, diagnosis, differential diagnosis.

12. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, differential diagnosis and treatment of acute sialodenitis.

13. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, differential diagnosis and treatment of chronic sialodenitis

Tumors and tumor-like neoplasms of Maxillofacial area

1. Hemangiomas of the soft tissues and jaws. Clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, methods of treatment.

2. Lymphangioma. Clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, methods of treatment.

3. Lateral, medial neck cysts and fistulas in children. Clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, methods of treatment.

4. Dermoid and epidermoid cysts. The etiology, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, clinical features, treatment methods.

5. Benign neoplasm of salivary gland tumor (cyst). Clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.

6. Neurofibromatosis. The etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, methods of treatment.

7. Epulidy jaws. Clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, methods of treatment.

8. Fibrous osteodisplaziya. Clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, methods of treatment.

9. Osteogenic tumors of the jaws. Clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, methods of treatment.

10. Odontogenic tumors of the jaws. Clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, methods of treatment.

11. Odontogenic inflammatory cysts of the jaws of temporary and permanent teeth. Clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, methods of treatment.

12. Malignant neoplasm tissue maxillofacial region. Principles of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, clinical features, treatment methods.

13. Indications and technique of blood transfusion during the surgical treatment of tumors (determination of blood loss, blood group and Rh factor, carrying out tests on the individual compatibility before transfusion).

Traumatic soft tissue injuries, teeth, jaws

1. Traumatic fractures of the mandible. Classification, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, particularly immobilization, depending on age and type of fracture.

2. Traumatic fractures of the upper jaw. Classification, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, methods of immobilization, depending on age and type of fracture.

3. Traumatic dystopia temporary and permanent teeth. Classification, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment.

4. Fractures of the teeth. Classification, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment.Traumatic injuries of soft tissues and clinical soft tissue of maxillofacial area wounds in children. Features of primary surgical treatment of wounds in maxillofacial area.

5. Bite wounds of soft tissues and clinical soft tissue of maxillofacial area in children. Features of wite wounds and their treatment. Antirabic vaccination. Indications for it.

6. Burns, frostbite MFR. Features of the flow, classification, clinical features, diagnosis, comprehensive treatment.

7. Eight. Combined injuries MFR. Clinic, diagnosis, treatment principles.

8. The principles and steps of the surgical wound without soft tissue defects of maxillo-facial region.

9. The principles and stages of surgical treatment of wounds with soft tissue defects of the maxillofacial region.

10. Free transplantation of tissues (skin and skin-cartilage grafts) in traumatic injuries MFR children. Indications, contraindications, principles of the fence material. Pre-and postoperative administration of patients.

Congenital labial and palatal abnormalities.

1. Classification of congenital labial abnormalities. Etiology, pathogenesis of the congenital cleft lips and palate. Clinical picture of the congenital labial abnormalities

2. Classification of congenital palatal abnormalities. Etiology, pathogenesis of the congenital cleft lips and palate. Clinical picture of the congenital palatal abnormalities

3. Terms of operation and principles of surgical intervention at the congenital labial abnormalities.

4. Terms of operation and principles of surgical intervention at the congenital palatal abnormalities.

5. Complex treatment of the patients with congenital labial abnormalities.

6. Complex treatment of the patients with congenital palatal abnormalities.

7. Stages of postoperative management of the children with congenital cleft lips and palate.

8. Free skin transplantation. Indications, contraindications. Skin sample obtaining. Postoperative management of the patient. Complications of the free skin transplantation.

9. Classification and clinical short frenulum lip, tongue. Principles and methods treatment of short frenulum lip, tongue

Chief of the chair

Department Surgical stomatology and

Maxillofacial Surgery of Childhood

Corresponding Member of NAMSU, Prof. L. V. Kharkov


Topic 2: Anesthesia in surgical interventions of the maxillofacial region in children

Topic 3: Tooth extraction

Topic 4: Nonodontogenic and odontogenic periostitis of the jaws

Topic5: Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws in children

Topic 6: Acute Nonodontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws in children

Topic 7: Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis in children

Topic 8: Acute Inflammatory diseases of temporomandibular joint in children

Topic 9: Chronic Inflammatory diseases of temporomandibular joint in children

Topic 10: Odontogenic inflammatory cysts of the mandible and maxilla

Topic 11: Odontogenic and nonodontogenic lymphadenitis of the facial-mandibular area

Topic 12: Odontogenic and nonodontogenic abscesses of maxillofacial area

Topic 13: Odontogenic and nonodontogenic phlegmon of maxillofacial area

Topic 14|: Furuncles, carbuncles

Topic 15: Actinomycosis, tuberculosis, syphilis

Topic 16: Acute inflammatory diseases of the salivary glands in children

Topic 17: Chronic diseases of the salivary glands in children

Topic 18: Traumatic damages to the soft tissues

Topic 19: Burns, frostbites..

Topic 20:Final test (Topic 1-19)

Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine

National O. Bohomolets Medical University

Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgery of Childhood


at the Methodical Chair Council

" “ ________2016.

Protocol № 7 dated from 15.12.16.

The head professor______ L. N. Yakovenko





For the students of dental faculty (5 year of study)

Part II



Year of study – V

Dental faculty

Duration – 60 academic hours

Kyiv – 2016

The Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine

The National Medical O.Bogomolets University


at the Methodical Chair Council

" 30 “ _August___2016.

Protocol № 1 dated from 30.08.16.

The head professor______ L. N. Yakovenko



Monitoring Тest check

In children surgical dentistry for stomatological students training in English for the 4 training course.

Kyiv – 2016

The Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine

The National Medical O.Bogomolets University


at the Methodical Chair Council

Protocol № 7 dated from 05.12.16.

The head professor______ L. N. Yakovenko



Monitoring Тest check

In children surgical dentistry for stomatological students training in English for the 5 training course.

Kyiv – 2016

The Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine

The National Medical O.Bogomolets University


at the Methodical Chair Council

" 30 “ _August___2016.

Protocol № 1 dated from 30.08.16.

The head professor______ L. N. Yakovenko



Final Тest check

In children surgical dentistry for stomatological students training in English for the 4 training course.

Kyiv – 2016

The Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine

The National Medical O.Bogomolets University


at the Methodical Chair Council

Protocol № 7 dated from 05.12.16.

The head professor______ L. N. Yakovenko



Final Тest check

In children surgical dentistry for stomatological students training in English for the 5 training course.

Kyiv – 2016

The Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine

The National Medical O.Bogomolets University


Scientific-educational work vice-chancellor,

Corresponding member of NAMS of Ukraine,


" “ ________ 20__

Faculty –stomatological

Surgical dentistry and Maxillofacial children Department


Address- Kyiv Children Hospital №7, Pidvysotska str 4-B

Telephone number - 284-22-06

Syllabus Draft

In discipline “Surgical dentistry and maxillofacial children surgery ” for stomatological students training in English for the 5 training course.


at the Methodical Chair Council

" “ ___________2016.

protocol № dated from 2016

The head

professor________L. N. Yakovenko .


Kyiv 2016

The Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine

The National Medical O.Bogomolets University


at the Methodical Chair Council

" “ ________2012.

Protocol № dated from

The head

professor___________L. Kharkov.


Faculty –stomatological

Surgical dentistry and Maxillofacial children Department

Chief of the chair

Department Surgical stomatology and

Maxillofacial Surgery of Childhood

Corresponding Member of AMSU, Phd, MD, Professor L. V. Kharkov

Head of the Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial surgery


Approved at the Cyclic Methodical Council

of Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial

surgery department

protocol № 14 dated from 14.03.16.

Head of the department, Prof. L. N. Yakovenko

Lectures’ thematic plan of module 1

In children surgical dentistry for stomatological students of the 4 training course.

(English-speaking students)

2015-2016 a.y.

|№ | Lectures’ topic |Date, time and the lecturer’s |

| | |name |

|1 |Local and general anesthesia for children (types and methods of local anesthesia for children; indications |26 .04.16. |

| |and contraindications). Extraction features of temporary and permanent teeth in children, prophylaxis of |(12.00 – 13.30) |

| |early and late complications. Indications and contraindications for dental removal in children, performance |Kiselyova N. |

| |techniques;instruments for teeth extraction. | |

|2 |General characteristics of the inflammatory processes course of the maxillofacial tissues in children.Acute |27 .04.16. |

| |and chronic periostitis. Acute and chronic osteomyelitis of the bones of face. Classification, etiology, |(12.00 – 13.30) |

| |pathogenesis, clinical forms of the disease. Manifestations’ conformities in children of various age groups. |Kiselyova N. |

| |Diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment methods, complications and their prophylaxis. | |

|3 |Inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial soft tissues in children (abscesses, phlegmons, lymphadenitis, |04 .05.16. |

| |carbuncles, furuncles). Conformities of clinical course, diagnostics, differential diagnostics and complex |(8.30 – 10.00) |

| |treatment. Specific inflammatory diseases. |Kiselyova N. |

|4 |Anatomical-physiological features of the salivary glands structure, mandibular joint.Inflammatory diseases of|05.05.16. |

| |the salivary glands, mandibular joint in children. Conformities of clinical course, diagnostics, differential|(8.30 – 10.00) |

| |diagnostics and treatment. |Kiselyova N. |

|5 |Acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the mandibular joint in children. Ankylosis, secondary deformation|06.05.16. |

| |osteoarthrosis of the temporo-mandibular joint. Causes of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, clinical course.|(8.30 – 10.00) |

| |The principles and stages of surgical, medical treatment. The rehabilitation of these patients. |Kiselyova N. |

Lectures given on the Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial surgery department

(base of maxillufacial separation of Childhood hospital № 7, street of Podvysotskogo-4b ).

Approved at the Cyclic Methodical Council

of Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial

surgery department

Head of the department, Prof. L. N. Yakovenko

Schedule of running consultations for practical State exam on pediatric surgical stomatology in 2015-2016 academic year

|Date |Тime |Teacher’s name |

|27.05.16 |14.00-15.00 | Efimenko V |

|30.05.16 |14.00-15.00 |Kiselyova N. |

|01.06.16 |14.00-15.00 |Kiselyova N. |

|02.06.16 |14.00-15.00 | Efimenko V |

|03.06.16 |14.00-15.00 |Korotchenko G. |

|08.06.16 |14.00-15.00 |Korotchenko G. |

|09.06.16 |14.00-15.00 |Korotchenko G. |

|15.06.16 |14.00-15.00 |Yegorov R. |

|16.06.16 |14.00-15.00 |Yegorov R. |

|22.06.16 |14.00-15.00 |Yegorov R. |

|24.06.16 |14.00-15.00 |Yegorov R. |

Schedule of working off of missed classes in children surgical dentistry for stomatological students.

|Date |Тime |Teacher’s name |

|04.05.16 |14.00-17.00 | Yegorov R. |

|05.05.16 |14.00-17.00 |Kiselyova N. |

|06.05.16 |14.00-17.00 | Yegorov R. |

|10.05.16 |14.00-17.00 | Yegorov R. |

|11.05.16 |14.00-17.00 | Kiselyova N. |

|16.05.16 |14.00-17.00 | Kiselyova N. |

|17.05.16 |14.00-17.00 | Korotchenko G. |

|18.05.16 |14.00-17.00 |Kiselyova N. |

|19.05.16 |14.00-17.00 | Yegorov R. |

|20.05.16 |14.00-17.00 |Korotchenko G. |

|23.05.16 |14.00-17.00 |Kiselyova N. |

|24.05.16 |14.00-17.00 |Yegorov R. |

|25.05.16 |14.00-17.00 |Kiselyova N. |

|26.05.16 |9.00-11.00 |Yegorov R. |

|27.05.16 |9.00-11.00 |Kiselyova N. |

|30.05.16 |9.00-11.00 |Kiselyova N. |

|31.05.16 |14.00-17.00 |Korotchenko G. |

Practical training in children surgical dentistry are in base of maxillufacial separation of Childhood hospital № 7, street of Podvysotskogo-4b .

Schedule for practical classes in children surgical dentistry for students training in English for the 4and 5 training courses of 2065/17 academic year.

|Training course |Date, time |Group |Teacher’s name |

|4 course |25.03.16-08.04.16 |1 |Korotchenko G. |

| |8.30-13.15 | | |

| |26.04.16-10.05.16 |2 |Kiselyova N. |

| |8.30-13.15 | | |

| | |3 |Yegorov R. |

|5course |03.03.16-16.03.16 |1 |Kiselyova N. |

| |8.30-13.15 | | |

| | |2 |Korotchenko G. |

Schedule of running consultations in children surgical dentistry

for stomatological students.

|Training course |Date, time |Group |Teacher’s name |

|4 course |07.04.16 |1 |Yegorov R. |

| |13.30-15.30 | | |

| |09.05.16 |2 |Kiselyova N. |

| |13.30-15.30 |3 |Yegorov R. |

|5course |15.03.16 |1 |Kiselyova N. |

| |13.30-15.30 |2 |Korotchenko G. |

Schedule of working off of missed classes in children surgical dentistry for stomatological students.

|Date |Тime |Teacher’s name |

|22.11.16 |14.00-17.00 |Shafeta O |

|24.11.16 |14.00-17.00 |Kiselyova N. |

|29.11.16 |14.00-17.00 |Shafeta O |

|30.11.16 |14.00-17.00 |Korotchenko G. |

|05.05.16 |14.00-17.00 |Kiselyova N. |

|06.05.16 |14.00-17.00 |Yegorov R. |

|10.05.16 | 14.00-17.00 |Yegorov R. |

|11.05.16 | 14.00-17.00 |Kiselyova N. |

|16.05.16 | 14.00-17.00 |Kiselyova N. |

Practical training in children surgical dentistry are held from 8.30 to 13.15 (30 minutes' break). Given lectures on the Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial surgery department

Schedule of working off of missed classes in children surgical dentistry for stomatological students.

|Date |Тime |Teacher’s name |

|01.12.16 |14.00-17.00 |Korotchenko G. |

|07.12.16 |14.00-17.00 |Yegorov R. |

|13.12.16 |14.00-17.00 |Shafeta O |

|14.12.16 |14.00-17.00 |Yegorov R. |

|21.12.16 |14.00-17.00 |Shafeta O |

|22.12.16 |14.00-17.00 |Kiselyova N. |

|27.12.16 |14.00-17.00 |Kiselyova N. |

Base of maxillufacial part of Childhood hospital № 7, street of Podvysotskogo-4b.

Chief of the chair

Surgical dentistry and children maxillofacial

surgery department

Phd, MD, Prof. L. N. Yakovenko


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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