Plainfield East High School

Name ________________________________________________Date _____________________Period ____Honors Anatomy Outcome K: Lymphatic SystemCrash Course Video NotesEpisode 44: Overview of the Lymphatic SystemNotes-What is the role of the lymphatic system?-Lymphatic system components include:-Lymphatic Organs include:149951228600-How do lymphatic capillaries work?-Lymph Flows:Lymphatic ducts drain:-Lymphatic vessels recover blood fluid-What are lymphocytes?-What are MALTS?----________________:A watery solution that does not contain RBCs, which remain in the closed circulatory loop because they are too large to pass through capillary membranes-______________________: help reabsorb fluid-______________________: checkpoints that monitor and cleanse lymph as it as it filters through the body25689668142160025347391497603002569573115470200256304252006500*Also, there are lymphatic tissues throughout the bodyExplain:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-__________________ __________________ _________________-Right lymphatic duct drains from _______________________________ to the: __________________________ vein-Thoracic duct drains from _____________________________________to the: __________________________ vein-How much per day? __________/ more than _____ total blood volume-Immune cells-Found in & mature in _________________________________________-Makes up: ____________ and other _____________________________-M___________ A_______________L______________T_____________-Found in: __________________________________________________-Examples: _______________________ & ________________________Episode 45: Innate DefenseNotes-How is the immune system different from other body systems?-What is the first line of defense?-What is the second line of defense?-1st Innate Defense: Simple physical barriers-2nd Innate Defense: Internal Innate defenses-Types of phagocytes (“to eat”)-Other defense cells-What is the inflammatory response?-What is leukocytosis?-Many different tissues, organ systems, & specialized-but-widely-distributed defense cells3839845238288321767802403566558618240030038722301160780231013011703054622801193165-______________ or ___________________ defense system -Includes external barrier like ________________ and __________________ -Includes internal defenses like ___________________, antimicrobial proteins, and other _____________ cells-______________ or ___________________ defense system -________: tough, keratinized epithelial membrane-_______________ membranes: respiratory, ________________, ________________, and reproductive tracts_____________________ 2)_____________________ 3)_____________________1170940404677_________________: most abundant _______________________________: Have moved from blood stream to tissues36331971397000-Natural _________________ (NKs) -Can kill your own cells if they are infected with __________ or _________________ -Trigger _______________, or programmed cell death-Internal “fire alarm” that uses ______________ signals-R______________, S_______________, H_______, and P______-Actually a sign of ______________-Release of _____________ from the bone marrow where they’re made into the ________Episode 46: Adaptive DefenseNotes-Beyond what the innate defense system can handle, larger threats are handled-What are major differences between adaptive and innate defenses?-How does the adaptive defense system work?-What are examples of antigens?-Describe B lymphocytes-What happens when B cells are activated?-What is neutralization?-How does vaccination work?(Active Acquired Immunity)-How do mothers pass immunity to babies?(Passive Humoral Immunity)Episode 47: Cell Mediated Response-Adaptive or __________________ defense system-Immune system has to be introduced to a ____________________, and recognize it as a threat, before it will _______________-Not born with it = _______________-Slow to act -Ability to __________________ specific ____________-Adaptive defense is ______________, meaning it can fight throughout the body at once1)____________________ Immunity: operates with _______________ in blood and lymph -Why __________________ work2)____________________ Defenses1)________________ 2) __________________ 3)_______________ 4) ________________-Made & mature in the ________________-Develops _________________________: how to recognize and bind a particular antigen-Develops _________________________: knowing how to NOT attack body’s own cells-Is specific—each B lymphocyte makes its own ________________, which are ready to identify and bind a particular kind of _____________-Colonize or “seed” secondary lymph organs37585657493000-Starts _______________ itself-Each new B cell has the same _______________ to fight the particular antigen-Most clones become _____________ cells, or active fighters-Others are long lived and become _____________ cells to preserve a specific, successful antibody (key to vaccinations!)44932606960600- Antibodies physically block ____________ sites on viruses or bacteria, so they can’t attach to _____________-Antibodies have multiple binding sites, so they can bind multiple antigens and form clumps in ___________________. Macrophages can easily gobble these clumps!404685510096500-Made of ___________ or _________ pathogens-Secondary immune response is more ____________ than a primary response-Introduction of the ______________ prepares your body to fight hard and quickly if introduced again-Can ______________ severity of symptoms-Influenza can evolve, so a new version of the vaccine is made available each year-_________________ made by mothers are passed through the ____________ and eventually ________________-Only provides short-term immunity until baby produces more antibodies independentlyNotes-What are T lymphocytes?-How does the cell-mediated response work in the innate immune response?-Where do T cells come from?-What are the different kinds of T cells?-How are cytotoxic cells different from macrophages?-What causes AIDS?-What are regulatory T cells?-What are some other auto-immune disorders?-Also called T cells; they respond when cells have been “hijacked” by viruses, bacteria, or cancer-Cause ___________________________-________________ macrophages-Get other T cells fired up-Regulate much of the immune response-Phagocyte engulfs pathogen-__________ the pathogen into tiny _____________ and then displays them on its outer ______________-They are known as _______________ presenting cells-T cells cannot detect whole _________________; they can only recognize them when they’re broken up and “decorating” an antigen-______________ cell-Made in bone________________; mature in the t__________-_______________ T cells -Cannot kill, but can ______________ cells that do kill -Help regulate ______________ immune response-_______________ T cells -Actually kill cells gone bad-_______________ T cells -Remember a particular _____________ should it meet one again in the __________-Macrophages engulf whole cells and DO NOT circulate throughout thebody-Cytotoxic cells roam the __________ and __________, looking for cells that need to be killed -May release _____________ that make holes in the other cell’s membrane -May trigger _________________-Human _________________________ virus that specifically attacks _____________ cells-Without helper T cells, there is not much of a ____________ response-Release ________________ cytokines to tell other immune cells to stand down-Without this, your body could produce too many antibodies and cytotoxic cells, which would result in _____________ or destruction of its ______________-__________________________: eats away at the myelin sheaths around _____________-__________________________: tears up the pancreatic cells that make ______________ ................

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