Annual Report: 2015-2016 - My Sister's House

[Pages:1]Annual Report: 2015-2016


To serve Asian and Pacific Islander and other underserved women

and children impacted by domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking by providing a culturally appropriate and responsive safe haven, job training, and community



To eliminate domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking in our community.

Highlights of

Assisted 499 domestic

My Sister's House 2015-2016 Fiscal Year

violence victims with restraining orders, child custody, immigration

Provided 5,123

and other legal issues.

(Emergency shelter,

Served 20 human

Transitional House,

trafficking victims.

Hotel stay and

Hosted a Human Traf-

Anti-trafficking shelter) ficking conference with

nights of shelter, utilities, 300 law enforcement and

food, and case manage- social service providers

ment services to

Partnered with two

35 Asian Pacific Is-

domestic violence

landers and other

agencies (Maitri and

women and children

Marjaree Mason Center)

fleeing abuse.

to expand their cultural

Helped with safety


planning and provided In partnership with

information to over

WEAVE Inc., and

2,295 people.

California Emergency

Gave certificates of

Services, My Sister's

completion to 26 new

House opened the Lotus

shelter advocates.

House, a shelter for

Assisted more than 356 human trafficking

women in our Women to victims in July 2016.

Work Program.

Funder Highlights Created and/or improved the resumes of

more than 50 domestic

2015-2016 was another positive year for

violence survivors.

My Sister's House. One reason was because

Helped 27 survivors of

My Sister's House received additional funding

violence obtain jobs or

from the California Office of Emergency Services


which enabled us to hire a counselor and service

Served almost 20,000

specialists to assist clients.

customers at My Sister's

In addition to grant funds, My Sister's House

Caf?, many learning

was able to increase its additional unrestricted

about My Sister's House donations. Last year, My Sister's House raised its

for the first time.

largest amount ever from unrestricted donations.

Provided more than 115 presentations regarding domestic violence and human trafficking, educating almost 4,200 people.

Two special donations need to be recognized. Thanks to Lyon Cares Foundation and the Immediate Need Grants Program of the Sacramento Region Community Foundation, My Sister's House was able to repair the roof of its emergency shelter.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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