Assignment: Letters Home from Vietnam

Assignment: Letters Home from Vietnam Name: H US History Pd. Sculley-Ellett100 PointsHopefully this will clarify the assignment. Essential Questions: During the video, you should have taken notes under each of these questions. Obviously you will turn in your handwritten notes. If you wrote a long list of notes, you need to categorize them according to the following question numbers. You should have at least five facts per category. 1. What were the daily hardships faced by soldiers in Vietnam? 5 pts2. What fears and concerns were shared in the letters or seem to be intentionally omitted and why? 5 pts3. What role did the helicopters, doctors and nurses play, according to the letters and the video clip? 5 ptsStatistical Analysis/Evidence Chart: 2 ptsYou should turn in the chart that you filled in during the video. You do not have to retype it. Instructions: Please answer the following questions. They must be typed and in full sentences. Please pay attention to the sentence requirements for each part of the question. 1. Not all of the letters speak of the Vietnam War in the same way. A. What different emotions and themes are reflected in the letters? 4 sentences 8 ptsB. What could explain why the letters are different if they all served in the war? 8 ptssentences 2. A. Describe the average American GI. 4 sentences 8 ptsB. What was his experience in Vietnam? 4 sentences 8 pts3. In one segment of the film, they show you a “Grunts Vocabulary Primer (lesson).” Why is this vocabulary important to understanding the soldier’sA. Role in Vietnam?: Definition: “A prescribed or expected behavior associated with a particular position or status in a group or organization.” () 3 sentences with examples and explanations. Think about emotions. 6 ptsB. Jobs in Vietnam?: Definition: “especially a specific task done as part of the routine of one's occupation”(dictionary.browse/job). 6 pts4. MusicA. Choose a song from the song list and print out the lyrics online. 2 pts B. Cite the source in MLA format 2 ptsC. Explain three lyrics in the song and explain how they relate to Letters Home by giving specific examples. 12 ptsD. Why do you think that some of the music on the list plays an iconic role in American history? 4 sentences. 8 pts5. Critique the film. A. How did the film enhance your learning of the Vietnam War? Provide your opinion and three specific examples from the film to write about and provide your explanation of why you chose them. 12 ptsB. Was the film worth watching in class? 3 sentences. 5 pts ................

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