Lesson 49: The Story of Creation

Lesson 51: The Story of the Ants

Objective: Retell the story of the Ants.

Materials: Egg Carton, markers, pipe cleaners, Saleh’s She-Camel Song, Sulieman and the Ants song scissors, ant coloring sheets

Procedure: 1. Open circle time with Sura Fatiha and the As Salam Alaykum song.

2. Review Quran stories. Sing Saleh’s She-Camel

3. Ask students to think about ants and tell what they know about ants.

- They are hard workers.

- The can lift more than they weigh.

- They cooperate.

- They fight to protect each other.

4. Tell the story of Sulaiman and the ants. Refer to the following website for summaries of the story:

Be sure students know the following details:

- Prophet Sulaiman asked Allah for a kingdom better than any other kingdom and Allah gave it to him.

- Prophet Sulaiman had the ability to control the Jinn, the Wind, and talk to animals.

- Prophet Sulaiman was marching with Jinns and animals when he came to a valley of Ants.

- He heard one ant warning the other ants to get out of the way so that Sulaiman’s army wouldn’t accidentally step on them.

- Prophet Sulaiman was happy to know that the ant understood that he didn’t really want to hurt the ants.

5. Introduce the song: Suleiman and the Ants. First sing it to the students, then have them repeat each line. Finally, sing the song together a few times. You can go to this website to hear the tune of the song:

6. Tell students to make an ant craft. After they make the ants, ask them to

act out the story of the ants. Go to the following website to see how to make an ant craft:

Evaluation: Ask students the following questions:

- What is the name of the Prophet who could talk to animals?

- What else could Prophet Sulaiman do?

- What was Sulaiman doing when he found the ants?

- What did the ant say to the other ants?

- Why was Prophet Sulaiman happy when he heard the ants talking?

Homework: Color worksheet from


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