Kenwood Academy

Name:___________________Date:_____________Per:_______Study Guide for Chapter 1 Test1.1 Points, Lines & Planes1.2 Linear Measure 1.3 Distance & Midpoints1.4 Angle Measure1.5 Angle Relationships1.6 PolygonsImpt.Vocabulary/Concepts/Topics? Point? Line? Collinear? Plane? Coplanar? Undefined Terms? Line segment? betweenness? congruent? midpoint? segment bisector? distance formula? degree ? ray? opposite rays? angle? sides? vertex? angle bisector? classify angles? adjacent angles? vertical angles? linear pair? complementary? supplementary? perpendicular? polygon? concave? convex? n-gon? regular polygon? perimeterFill in the blank with the correct answer.Nonadjacent angles that are formed by two intersecting lines are called ___________ angles.An ______________ angle measures less than 90 degrees.The point halfway between the endpoints of a segment is called the ________________.A plane can be named by any three noncollinear ______________ in the plane.For a quests 4-7 refer to this figure.There are ___ planes shown in the figure.A line that is coplanar with AD and AB is ______.The intersection of plane P and the plane that contains points C, B and F is ______.What is the length of TS? Find x and RS if S is between R and T and RS=6x, ST=12 & RT=72Find x if S is between R and T, RS is x+3, ST is 5x, and RT is 57For questions 11-15, use this figure 11. Find m<VSW if <WSR and <VSW are complementary and m<WSR is four times m<VSW.A. 72 B. 36C. 22.5 D. 1812. Which pair of angles are supplementary?A. <USV,<VSW B. <VSW, <WSR C. <TSV, <VSW D. <TSR,<USW13. Which angle is a vertical angle to <UST?14. If m<VSR = 8x+ 18, find x so that US is perpendicular to VS.15. Find m<USW if m<USW = 7x-34 and m<TSR= 4x+ 29.For Questions 16-17, use the figure below.16. Which describes this figure? A. hexagon, convex, regularB. pentagon, concave, regularC. pentagon, convex, not regularD. not a polygon17. What is y for a perimeter of 100 feet?A. 5 B. 15 C. 17 D. 2318. A square has sides with a length of 5.8 inches. What is the effect on the perimeter of this square if the sides are tripled?A. The perimeter stays the same. B. The perimeter is increased by 12.C. The perimeter is multiplied by 3. D. The perimeter is multiplied by 9.In the figure, RC and RD are opposite rays and RQ bisects WRV.19. Find y if m<WRQ= 48 and m<QRV= 7y+ 6.20. Find x so that CR_|_ PR.21. Use the figure below to find x, y, m1 and m2. x=_________y=_________ m1=_________ m2=_________Bell Ringer – Getting ready for Thursday’s Chapter 1 Unit ExamDirections: Please do your work on a sheet of looseleaf and stick one coordinate grid to the page. This will be a Think, Pair, Share so you must work silently for the first 5 minutes.__________________________________________________________Bell Ringer – Getting ready for Thursday’s Chapter 1 Unit ExamDirections: Please do your work on a sheet of looseleaf. You may use the same page you used for yesterday’s “Bell Ringer”. This will be a Think, Pair, Share so you must work silently for the first 4 minutes.__________________________________________________________(Hint: You do not have to graph this figure) ................

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