EOC Radio Setup - AE6PM

EOC Radio Setup

|Mem Chan |Area |Type |Call |Freq |Offset |PL |

|1 |Saratoga |Command |K6SA |146.655 |Neg |114.8 |

|2 |Saratoga |Tactical 1 |Simplex |146.505 | | |

|3 |Saratoga |Tactical 2 |Simplex |145.585 | | |

|4 |Los Gatos |Command |W6PIY |147.390 |Pos |151.4 |

|5 |San Jose |Command |W6UU |146.985 |Neg |114.8 |

|6 |County |Resource, Primary |AA6BT |146.115 |Pos |100.0 |

|7 |County |Resource, North |W6ASH |145.270 |Neg |100.0 |

|8 |County |Message Net |W6TI |147.360 |Pos |110.9 |

|9 |County |Message Net Alternate 1 |WB6OQS |146.760 |Neg |151.4 |

| | | | | | | |

Generic Setup for Saratoga EOC

• Select Frequency Band

• Set the Frequency

• Select the Mode (FM)

• Select Offset/Shift (+/-, xxx kHz)

• Configure Tones (encode/decode, tone frequency)

• Select transmitter power level (H, M, L)

• Select memory Channel

• Store settings into memory

• Recall settings from memory


1. The programming instructions that follow avoid the use of CTCSS or DCS squelch functions and rely instead on the operator setting the manual squelch control on the units.

2. All of the IC-706 channels are set to the lowest power. This may need to be increased.

3. All of the TM-V71A channels are set to medium power.

4. The Kenwood TM-V71 experiences heavy interference from the local Ethernet on the SARA repeater frequency of 146.655.


Press the left VOL control knob to select Band A (left side of display) or press the right VOL control knob to select Band B (right side of display).

Select the frequency band (p17)

Press BAND switches right of Main Dial as many times as required to select the desired band.

Set the operating frequency

Press MENU key as many times as required to select Menu M2.

Press F-3 (V/M) so that VFO A and not MEMO appears in display.

Rotate the Main Dial until the desired frequency appears.

Select the mode (p19)

Press the MODE switch as many times as required to select the desired mode (FM, for example).

Select the offset

Press MENU key as many times as required to select Menu M4.

Press F-2 (DUP) key until DUP+ or DUP- appears in display indicating duplex operation and sign of offset (or nothing, indicating simplex operation).

Configure tone and CTCSS

While in Menu M4, press F-3 (TON) key until FM-T (for tone) or none (if simplex) appears in the display.

*** Skip to the next section if using simplex ***

Press and hold DISPLAY for 2 seconds to enter Quick Set mode.

Press MENU key one or more times until Q7 TONE SQL appears in display.

Rotate Main Dial knob until desired tone frequency appears.

Press DISPLAY momentarily to exit Quick Set mode.

Note: CTCSS is not invoked. The unit sends the correct tone on transmit, but does not require one on receive.

Set transmitter power level (p25)

Press and hold DISPLAY for 2 seconds to enter Quick Set mode.

Press MENU key one or more times until Q1 RF POWER appears in display.

Rotate Main Dial knob until desired power level appears.

Power level is displayed as L, 1-9, and H.

Set at L or …..

Press DISPLAY momentarily to exit Quick Set mode.

Store settings into memory (p40)

Press MENU key as many times as required to select Menu M2.

Rotate M-CH knob until desired channel appears in lower right corner of display.

Press F-1 (MW) for 2 seconds to store settings.

Recall settings from memory (p39)

Rotate M-CH knob until desired channel appears in lower right corner of display.

While in Menu M2, press F-3 V/M to toggle between VFO and Memory.

MEMO appears in display when memory is selected, otherwise VFO A or B.

Kenwood TM-V71A 2 Meter/70 cm Setup

1. Press the VFO key to assure VFO (not memory) mode.

2. Select an operating band display (p15)

The front panel display is divided into two sides: “A Band” on the left and “B Band” on the right.

Press the left VOL knob to select “A Band” (left side of display) as the active operating band.

3. Cycle the REV key so that “R” does not appear at the top of the active display.

4. Select the frequency band (p17)

Press the F key momentarily and then press the left VOL knob.

Repeat until the desired frequency band is displayed.

Choices on “A Band” are 118 (118-135.995 MHz), 144 (136-199.995 MHz), 220 (200-299.995 MHz), 300 (300-399.995 MHz) and 440 (400-523-523.995 MHz).

Select 144 or 440 depending on the frequency that will be entered in step 5.

5. Set the operating frequency (p18)

Rotate the Tuning/MNU control until the desired frequency appears.

6. Set the modulation/demodulation mode (Menu Item #102, p20)

Press the F key momentarily and then press the Tuning/MNU control to access the Menu.

The Menu name and number appears in the display (the number blinks).

Rotate the Tuning/MNU control to select Menu #102.

Press the Tuning/MNU control.

The current menu choice is displayed (blinks).

Rotate the Tuning/MNU control to select FM (not AM or NFM).

Press the Tuning/MNU control to save the value (menu number blinks).

7. Set the offset (p26)

Press the F key then the REV key as many times as necessary to select + or – offset, or (none) for no offset.

8. Activate the TONE* function (p27) or CTCSS** (p49)

Press the TONE key as many times as necessary until T (for tone)* or CT (for CTCSS) appears in the active display.

Press the F key then the TONE key.

Rotate the Tuning/MNU knob to select the desired tone frequency.

Press the TONE key to save the selected frequency.

9. Set the transmitter power level

Press the LOW key to cycle through the available power levels (H, M, L).

Leave the setting at Medium (M).

10. Store the settings into memory (p33)

Press the F key.

A memory channel number appears in the display (channel number blinks).

Rotate the Tuning/MNU control to select the desired channel number.

Press the MR key to store the data into that memory channel.

11. Recall the saved settings from memory (p18)

Press the MR key.

Rotate the Tuning control until the desired channel number appears in the display.

* Configures the TM-V71A to send the correct tone to access the repeater on transmit, and to not require a tone for reception .

** Configures the TM-V71A to send the tone on transmit and to require the same tone on receive.

The TONE key can be toggled anytime to change from T (Tone) to CT (CTCSS) to none.

The REV key can be toggled anytime to interchange the transmit and receive frequencies (i.e., listen on the repeater input and transmit on the repeater output).

The LOW key can be toggled anytime to change the power level.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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