ANNEX: Reconstruction of continuous time series of ...


Continuous time series of mortality by cause of death in West Germany for period 1968-1997

Note: Before making use of the data read carefully the documentation.


1. Introduction

This Annex contains the background and the files produced by the reconstruction process described in the present paper: the continuous time series of underlying causes of death[1] in West Germany between 1968 and 1997, accompanied by the explanatory and complementary data (descriptions, definitions, population estimates and birth counts).

The time series available in this Annex were reconstructed using the official data from the German statistical office. The population estimates from the Human Mortality Database were used to compute the age-specific death rates ().

Files containing the reconstruction results by year, sex, age group and cause of death, as well as the mid-year population estimates and the birth counts are comma separated text (ASCII) files: the data have the fields separated by the comma character and string variables are quoted by the double quote character. This format allows for easy importing into SPSS, STATA, SAS, Microsoft Access etc.[2]

2. Files description and data layout



• list of ICD8 items used in the reconstruction project (in German and English), and alphanumeric codes that were used in the text, in the correspondence tables and in the elementary associations to identify the grouped items


• list of 3-digit ICD9 items used in the reconstruction project (in German and English)


Elementary associations.xls

• A total of 304 elementary associations between the 3-digit items of ICD9 and the available items of ICD8 (not always 3-digit). The table is divided in two parts: the first 4 columns refer to ICD9:



Death counts in 1980,

Death counts in 1979,

while the remaining six columns refer to ICD 8:

Death counts in 1978,

Death counts in 1977,

Alphanumeric working code,

Portion (T = a total of the ICD8 item is included in the corresponding ICD9 item, P = only a portion of the ICD8 item is included in the corresponding ICD9 item - this ICD8 item corresponds to several ICD9 items),



• The last column “Note” contains additional information about the limitation of the correspondences to certain age groups only.

• Each elementary association ends with a sum of all the involved items on the last line.

• Once displayed, the death counts from ICD items, as well as the titles, do not appear any more.

• Instead of death counts, a notion of neglection (neglected) may appear in the column “1978”. This notion means there is a theoretical link between the items, but this link was neglected due to its minor contribution to the statistical balance of the elementary association. In such cases the ICD8 items is placed in another association, with a “P” in the column “Portion”.

• n.a. – not available (i.e. after the change of the publication system in 1980, these items were no more included in the available ICD9 data)

Transition coefficients.xls

• 1157 transition coefficients (in ‰) between the items of ICD8 and ICD9 for 20 age groups (0, 1-4, 5-9, …, 85-89, 90+)

• sorted by ICD9 items


dx_idr.txt (52,380 records)

• reconstructed death counts on the level of the 3-digit ICD9 items for the period 1968-1997 after the proportional redistribution of ill-defined causes of death (ICD9 Chapter XVI except ICD9 item n° 798 for age 0).[3] For the ICD9 item n° 798 Sudden death, cause unknown the deaths were redistributed only for age groups 1-4 and older due to the special position of the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) among the ill-defined causes. Therefore, this cause has been kept in the file (for age 0) with the modified title “Sudden (infant) death”.

|Variable |Type |Content |

|year |numeric |Year to which data refer |

|code |string (3 characters) |ICD9 3-digit code |

|title |string (up to 80 chars.) |Title of ICD9 3-digit code |

|sex |numeric |1 = male, 2 = female |

|d_total |numeric |Deaths at all ages |

|d0 |numeric |Deaths at age 0 |

|d1_4 |numeric |Deaths at age 1-4 years |

|d5_9 |numeric |Deaths at age 5-9 years |

|d10_14 |numeric |Deaths at age 10-14 years |

|d15_19 |numeric |Deaths at age 15-19 years |

|d20_24 |numeric |Deaths at age 20-24 years |

|d25_29 |numeric |Deaths at age 25-29 years |

|d30_34 |numeric |Deaths at age 30-34 years |

|d35_39 |numeric |Deaths at age 35-39 years |

|d40_44 |numeric |Deaths at age 40-44 years |

|d45_49 |numeric |Deaths at age 45-49 years |

|d50_54 |numeric |Deaths at age 50-54 years |

|d55_59 |numeric |Deaths at age 55-59 years |

|d60_64 |numeric |Deaths at age 60-64 years |

|d65_69 |numeric |Deaths at age 65-69 years |

|d70_74 |numeric |Deaths at age 70-74 years |

|d75_79 |numeric |Deaths at age 75-79 years |

|d80_84 |numeric |Deaths at age 80-84 years |

|d85_89 |numeric |Deaths at age 85-89 years |

|d90_ |numeric |Deaths at age 90 years and above |

dx_chapters.txt (1,020 records)

• reconstructed death counts on the level of the 17 main ICD9 chapters for the period 1968-1997 without the redistribution of ill-defined causes of death.

|Variable |Type |Content |

|year |numeric |Year to which data refer |

|chapter |numeric |No. of the ICD9 chapter |

|codes |string (up to 9 characters) |ICD9 codes within the chapter |

|title |string (up to 68 chars.) |Title of the chapter |

|sex |numeric |1 = male, 2 = female |

|d_total |numeric |Deaths at all ages |

|d0 |numeric |Deaths at age 0 |

|d1_4 |numeric |Deaths at age 1-4 years |

|d5_9 |numeric |Deaths at age 5-9 years |

|d10_14 |numeric |Deaths at age 10-14 years |

|d15_19 |numeric |Deaths at age 15-19 years |

|d20_24 |numeric |Deaths at age 20-24 years |

|d25_29 |numeric |Deaths at age 25-29 years |

|d30_34 |numeric |Deaths at age 30-34 years |

|d35_39 |numeric |Deaths at age 35-39 years |

|d40_44 |numeric |Deaths at age 40-44 years |

|d45_49 |numeric |Deaths at age 45-49 years |

|d50_54 |numeric |Deaths at age 50-54 years |

|d55_59 |numeric |Deaths at age 55-59 years |

|d60_64 |numeric |Deaths at age 60-64 years |

|d65_69 |numeric |Deaths at age 65-69 years |

|d70_74 |numeric |Deaths at age 70-74 years |

|d75_79 |numeric |Deaths at age 75-79 years |

|d80_84 |numeric |Deaths at age 80-84 years |

|d85_89 |numeric |Deaths at age 85-89 years |

|d90_ |numeric |Deaths at age 90 years and above |

mx_idr.txt (52,380 records)

• age specific death rates (mx) per 1,000,000 persons on the level of the 3-digit ICD9 items for the period 1968-1997 after the proportional redistribution of ill-defined causes of death (ICD9 Chapter XVI except ICD9 item n° 798 for age 0). The death rates were computed using the following formula:


where Dx are the death counts observed during one year period and Ex is the population exposed to risk of death (extracted from the Human Mortality Database).

|Variable |Type |Content |

|year |numeric |Year to which data refer |

|code |string (3 characters) |ICD9 3-digit code |

|title |string (up to 80 chars.) |Title of ICD9 3-digit code |

|sex |numeric |1 = male, 2 = female |

|m0 |numeric |Death rate at age 0 |

|m1_4 |numeric |Death rate at age 1-4 years |

|m5_9 |numeric |Death rate at age 5-9 years |

|m10_14 |numeric |Death rate at age 10-14 years |

|m15_19 |numeric |Death rate at age 15-19 years |

|m20_24 |numeric |Death rate at age 20-24 years |

|m25_29 |numeric |Death rate at age 25-29 years |

|m30_34 |numeric |Death rate at age 30-34 years |

|m35_39 |numeric |Death rate at age 35-39 years |

|m40_44 |numeric |Death rate at age 40-44 years |

|m45_49 |numeric |Death rate at age 45-49 years |

|m50_54 |numeric |Death rate at age 50-54 years |

|m55_59 |numeric |Death rate at age 55-59 years |

|m60_64 |numeric |Death rate at age 60-64 years |

|m65_69 |numeric |Death rate at age 65-69 years |

|m70_74 |numeric |Death rate at age 70-74 years |

|m75_79 |numeric |Death rate at age 75-79 years |

|m80_84 |numeric |Death rate at age 80-84 years |

|m85_89 |numeric |Death rate at age 85-89 years |

|m90_ |numeric |Death rate at age 90 years and above |

sdr_idr.txt (52,380 records)

• age-standardized death rates (SDR) per 1,000,000 persons on the level of the 3-digit ICD9 items for the period 1968-1997 after the proportional redistribution of ill-defined causes of death (ICD9 Chapter XVI except ICD9 item n° 798 for age 0). The standardized death rates were computed using the following formula:


where mx are age specific death rates and[pic]are the age-specific standard population counts. As standard we applied the WHO European standard population with extension to age group 90+ (Table 1). We have calculated age standardized death rates for the following age groups: All ages, 0-14, 15-29, 30-44, 45-60, 60-74, 75+, 0-64, 65+, 25-64.

|Variable |Type |Content |

|year |numeric |Year to which data refer |

|code |string (3 characters) |ICD9 3-digit code |

|title |string (up to 80 chars.) |Title of ICD9 3-digit code |

|sex |numeric |1 = male, 2 = female |

|sdr |numeric |SDR for all ages |

|sdr0_14 |numeric |SDR at age 0-14 years |

|sdr15_29 |numeric |SDR at age 15-29 years |

|sdr30_44 |numeric |SDR at age 30-44 years |

|sdr45_59 |numeric |SDR at age 45-59 years |

|sdr60_74 |numeric |SDR at age 60-74 years |

|sdr75_ |numeric |SDR at age 75 years and above |

|sdr0_64 |numeric |SDR at age 0-64 years |

|sdr65_ |numeric |SDR at age 65 years and above |

|sdr25_64 |numeric |SDR at age 25-64 years |

sdr.txt (53,520 records)

• age standardized death rates (SDR) per 1,000,000 persons on the level of the 3-digit ICD9 items for the period 1968-1997 without the redistribution of ill-defined causes of death. The layout of the data is exactly the same as for the file sdr_idr.txt, they differ solely by the number of records.

Table 1 Standard population

|Age group |Population |

|0 |16000 |

|1-4 |64000 |

|5-9 |70000 |

|10-13 |70000 |

|15-19 |70000 |

|20-24 |70000 |

|25-29 |70000 |

|30-34 |70000 |

|35-39 |70000 |

|40-44 |70000 |

|45-49 |70000 |

|50-54 |70000 |

|55-59 |60000 |

|60-64 |50000 |

|65-69 |40000 |

|70-74 |30000 |

|75-79 |20000 |

|80-84 |10000 |

|85-89 |6500 |

|90+ |3500 |

|Total |10000000 |


population.txt (60 records)

• population exposed to risk of death between 1968-1997 by age and sex (extracted from the Human Mortality Database the 1st February 2006)

|Variable |Type |Content |

|year |numeric |Year to which data refer |

|sex |numeric |1 = male, 2 = female |

|exp0 |numeric |Pop. exp. to risk of death at age 0 |

|exp1_4 |numeric |Pop. exp. to risk of death at age 1-4 years |

|exp5_9 |numeric |Pop. exp. to risk of death at age 5-9 years |

|exp10_14 |numeric |Pop. exp. to risk of death at age 10-14 years |

|exp15_19 |numeric |Pop. exp. to risk of death at age 15-19 years |

|exp20_24 |numeric |Pop. exp. to risk of death at age 20-24 years |

|exp25_29 |numeric |Pop. exp. to risk of death at age 25-29 years |

|exp30_34 |numeric |Pop. exp. to risk of death at age 30-34 years |

|exp35_39 |numeric |Pop. exp. to risk of death at age 35-39 years |

|exp40_44 |numeric |Pop. exp. to risk of death at age 40-44 years |

|exp45_49 |numeric |Pop. exp. to risk of death at age 45-49 years |

|exp50_54 |numeric |Pop. exp. to risk of death at age 50-54 years |

|exp55_59 |numeric |Pop. exp. to risk of death at age 55-59 years |

|exp60_64 |numeric |Pop. exp. to risk of death at age 60-64 years |

|exp65_69 |numeric |Pop. exp. to risk of death at age 65-69 years |

|exp70_74 |numeric |Pop. exp. to risk of death at age 70-74 years |

|exp75_79 |numeric |Pop. exp. to risk of death at age 75-79 years |

|exp80_84 |numeric |Pop. exp. to risk of death at age 80-84 years |

|exp85_89 |numeric |Pop. exp. to risk of death at age 85-89 years |

|exp90_ |numeric |Pop. exp. to risk of death at age 90 years and above |

births.txt (30 records)

• birth counts for the period 1968-1997 (extracted from the Human Mortality Database the 1st February 2006)

|Variable |Type |Content |

|year |numeric |Year to which data refer |

|male |numeric |Male births |

|female |numeric |Female births |


Statistisches Bundesamt (August 1971). Bevölkerung und Kultur, Reihe 7, Gesundheitswesen, 1968, p. 50-92.

Statistisches Bundesamt (March 1972). Bevölkerung und Kultur, Reihe 7, Gesundheitswesen, 1969, p. 56-112.

Statistisches Bundesamt (October 1972). Bevölkerung und Kultur, Reihe 7, Gesundheitswesen, 1970, p. 60-113.

Statistisches Bundesamt (August 1973). Bevölkerung und Kultur, Reihe 7, Gesundheitswesen, 1971, p. 66-123.

Statistisches Bundesamt (December 1974). Bevölkerung und Kultur, Reihe 7, Gesundheitswesen, 1972, p. 78-135.

Statistisches Bundesamt (December 1975). Bevölkerung und Kultur, Reihe 7, Gesundheitswesen, 1973, p. 82-139.

Statistisches Bundesamt (October 1976). Bevölkerung und Kultur, Reihe 7, Gesundheitswesen, 1974, p. 74-131.

Statistisches Bundesamt (July 1977). Gesundheitswesen, Reihe 4, Todesursachen, 1975, p. 4-65.

Statistisches Bundesamt (August 1978). Gesundheitswesen, Reihe 4, Todesursachen, 1976, p. 4-65.

Statistisches Bundesamt (May 1979). Gesundheitswesen, Reihe 4, Todesursachen, 1977, p. 4-65.

Statistisches Bundesamt (March 1980). Gesundheitswesen, Reihe 4, Todesursachen, 1978, p. 4-67.

Statistisches Bundesamt (July 1981). Gesundheitswesen, Reihe 4, Todesursachen, 1979, p. 4-79.

Statistisches Bundesamt, electronic format, Gesundheitswesen, Todesursachen, 1980.

Statistisches Bundesamt, electronic format, Gesundheitswesen, Todesursachen, 1981.

Statistisches Bundesamt, electronic format, Gesundheitswesen, Todesursachen, 1982.

Statistisches Bundesamt, electronic format, Gesundheitswesen, Todesursachen, 1983.

Statistisches Bundesamt, electronic format, Gesundheitswesen, Todesursachen, 1984.

Statistisches Bundesamt, electronic format, Gesundheitswesen, Todesursachen, 1985.

Statistisches Bundesamt, electronic format, Gesundheitswesen, Todesursachen, 1986.

Statistisches Bundesamt, electronic format, Gesundheitswesen, Todesursachen, 1987.

Statistisches Bundesamt, electronic format,Gesundheitswesen, Todesursachen, 1988.

Statistisches Bundesamt, electronic format, Gesundheitswesen, Todesursachen, 1989.

Statistisches Bundesamt, electronic format, Gesundheitswesen, Todesursachen, 1990.

Statistisches Bundesamt, electronic format, Gesundheitswesen, Todesursachen, 1991.

Statistisches Bundesamt, electronic format, Gesundheitswesen, Todesursachen, 1992.

Statistisches Bundesamt, electronic format, Gesundheitswesen, Todesursachen, 1993.

Statistisches Bundesamt, electronic format, Gesundheitswesen, Todesursachen, 1994.

Statistisches Bundesamt, electronic format, Gesundheitswesen, Todesursachen, 1995.

Statistisches Bundesamt, electronic format, Gesundheitswesen, Todesursachen, 1996.

Statistisches Bundesamt, electronic format, Gesundheitswesen, Todesursachen, 1997.


[1] Underlying cause of death is defined as “the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury” in accordance with the rules of the International Classification of Diseases.

[2] It is not recommended to import the data into spreadsheets due of the excessive number of records (up to 53 520 records per file).

[3] The death counts computed during the reconstruction and the redistribution of the ill-defined causes of death have been rounded, therefore the total does not always conform to the sum of the age groups.




ICD8 (icd8.xls) [pic]

ICD9 (icd9.xls) [pic]


Elementary associations.xls [pic]

Transition coefficients.xls [pic]


Death counts on the 3-digit level (dx_idr.txt) [pic]

Death counts by ICD9 chapters (dx_chapters.txt) [pic]

Age specific death rates (mx_idr.txt) [pic]

Standardized death rates 1 (sdr_idr.txt) [pic]

Standardized death rates 2 (sdr.txt) [pic]


Birth counts (births.txt) [pic]

Population at risk of death (population.txt) [pic]



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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