Likely composed between 1603 and 1606, MacBeth is among ...

Name: _____________________________________ Period: __________

Likely composed between 1603 and 1606, MacBeth is among one of the best-known of William Shakespeare’s plays. It is a true story, embellished with fantastical elements. Moreover, a tragedy for all times, MacBeth illustrates a time period so terrifying, that no one was safe.

The lust for power was insatiable.

Sorcery paved the way for cruel leaders.

Friendship was meaningless.

The monarchy was never protected.

Guilt is overlooked for a quest for kingship.

The play focuses on real problems 1,000 years ago. Shakespeare merely breathed life into history.

Historical Context

This play is a tragedy, set in Scotland in the 11th century A.D. It is based on history, but very loosely. Shakespeare borrowed the storyline of Macbeth from Chronicles written by a man named Holinshed. The play itself was written sometime circa 1603-1606, as was composed for the new King of England: King James I.

In the 11th century, we consider it a time of warlords and barbarians, a time when invasion was imminent for all countries as people were land-hungry. Civil wars broke out all over the European states. The common belief was that the best form of protection was a king who killed those who threatened the livelihood of their country. This theory is what spawned the original story of Beowulf.

Macbeth is a Christian first name and does translate to “son of God.” Macbeth’s full name back then was Macbeth mac Findlaech, which in modern times would translate to the name McFinley.

Most important to know is that MacBeth is one of the most profound and deeply tragic plays of Shakespearean literature. It is the shortest of all his tragedies, and yet Shakespeare was able to discuss incredibly risqué issues. The play has intrigue, blood lust, murder, revenge, suicide and sorcery.

( A map of early Scotland.


FINAL NOTE FOR HELP: If you have trouble understanding MacBeth you may want to consider buying the book No Fear Shakespeare MacBeth edition as it provides the original and a translation of the text. There is also a free copy of the text on our Google site.

Directions: As we read Shakespeare’s MacBeth respond to the following questions. This packet will be due at the end of the reading and will be discussed during class as often as possible. I will collect this packet at the end of every class hour to ensure that you are actively and individually working on each of the questions provided. Realize now that your task as an active reader of this play it is your responsibility to answer all questions and not rely on peers or your instructor!

While we read, it is also encouraged that you take thorough notes. This is a REQUIREMENT. You will be able to use these notes on tests or quizzes. You will NOT be able to use the reading packet.

*When called for, you must cite the location of the quote or scenario being referenced. You need to format the citation in the following format: 1.3.34-56. The format looks scary, but really it is quote simple:

Act Number. Scene Number. Line Number(s). Example: 2.1.145-190.

Breaking apart each of the categories with a period is imperative. Be sure to highlight all lines that are used, as nothing with Shakespeare is only one or two lines.



As you begin reading, how is the mood of the play set?

Explain the effect that starting the play with the witches has with readers. What can you expect from this play knowing that there are witches?

Whom are the witches going to meet, and when? Be sure to pay attention to some of the words being used in order to catch the repetition being used in the play. Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!

What is the witches’ prophecy? Explain what this means about their character.


Why do you think Malcolm would be worried that he is going to be taken prisoner?

What do we learn about and from the "bloody Captain"? What does the captains exaggerated battle scene suggest about MacBeth and Banquo as warriors?

Who is Macdonwald and what has he done? What has been done to him and by whom? Did that end the problem with rebels? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!

What do we learn from Ross and Angus? Who was the traitor in this different revolt? What does King Duncan say about the traitor and about his title? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!

The word “flout” (line 49) means to “to scoff at” or “make fun of.” Why does Ross (the Scottish men) say the Norwegian (their enemies) banners were making fun of them when Scotland and Norway was at war?

How does Duncan reward Macbeth for his noble service during the war? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!

What is your impression of Macbeth so far?


How do the witches prepare for Macbeth's arrival, and what do they say?

Does Macbeth's first line in this scene remind you of anything we have heard before? (Go back to scene 1!)

What do the witches look like? What do they tell Macbeth? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!

What happens to Macbeth after his encounter with the witches?

What does Banquo ask the witches and what do they tell him? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!

What does Macbeth learn from Ross and Angus (1.3.89-116)?

How is Macbeth reacting to what the witches have said and to what Ross and Angus have said?

What is Banquo saying when he says “The instruments of darkness tell us truths, / Win us with honest trifles to betray’s / In deepest consequence”?

How does Macbeth explain his behavior? How much of his thought does he plan to share with Banquo? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!


How did Cawdor die? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!

How does the King greet Macbeth and Banquo?

What announcement does the King make about the Prince of Cumberland? What does this mean for Macbeth? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!

Where does the King intend to go (1.4.42-43)?


Has Macbeth reported accurately to his wife? How does she respond?

What does Lady Macbeth intend to do with the King staying in her home? What does she have to do to herself to let that happen?

Who is in charge when Macbeth arrives? Has Lady Macbeth decided what to do? What does she tell him to do, and what will she herself do?

What is the double meaning in saying that Duncan “must be provided for”? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!


How honest is Lady Macbeth's welcome? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!

How does Banquo’s description of the castle contrast with Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy in the previous scene?

What does Duncan think of Macbeth’s reason for hurrying home so fast? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!

Why do you think Lady Macbeth is being especially gracious to Duncan?


How ready is Macbeth to kill the King? What special rules of hospitality is Macbeth violating? What motivation does Macbeth attribute to himself killing Duncan?

What is Lady Macbeth complaining about? What does Macbeth then say, and how does Lady Macbeth reply? Who is the stronger person in this scene?

What reasons does Macbeth give for not killing Duncan?

Does Macbeth believe that ambition is good enough reason for killing Duncan? Why or why not? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!



What is the purpose of the opening of 2.1? What is the function of the discussion about the witches in 2.1.20-29?

Read Macbeth's soliloquy carefully. What is happening to him? How does he explain it? What will he do about it?

Why do you think Banquo is having bad dreams about the witches?

Why does Macbeth lie to Banquo when he tells him “I think not of them [witches].” Why does he lie?

Macbeth believes he sees a floating dagger. Is Macbeth losing his mind? Why or why not? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!


What is Lady Macbeth's state of mind in her soliloquy (2.2.1-13)? What has she done? What does she assume Macbeth is now doing? Why didn't she do it?

What deed has Macbeth done? What is Macbeth worried about? How does Lady Macbeth respond?

What does Lady Macbeth mean when he says: “It will make us mad.”

What voice is Macbeth talking about?

Why is Macbeth so torn by killing Duncan when he has killed so many in battle?


What does the porter pretend to be doing? What things does he say drinking provokes?

What is the thematic function of Lennox's conversation with Macbeth about the unruly night? What is the theatrical function of the scene?

What news does Macduff report? How do Macbeth and Lady Macbeth respond? What does Macbeth report that he did?

What do Malcolm and Donalbain decide to do and why? Where will they go? What do they seem to expect will happen if they don't leave?

Do you think Banquo suspects Macbeth of the murder of Duncan? Why or why not?

What does Donalbain mean when he says, “There’s daggers in men’s smiles”? How does this relate to the theme of “fair is foul, and foul is fair”? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!


What is the function of the dialogue between the Old Man and Ross (lines 1-20)?

What do we learn from Macduff about Malcolm and Donalbain? About Macbeth? Where has Macbeth gone? Where will Macduff go?

Who does Macduff suspect of doing the deed? Why? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!



How does Banquo react to Macbeth's being King? What does he suspect has happened to Duncan? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!

What does Macbeth learn from Banquo? Why does he want to know it? What does he say about Malcolm and Donalbain?

Read Macbeth's soliloquy carefully. What is bothering Macbeth?

How does Macbeth get the two murderers to agree to kill Banquo? Has he told them the truth about Banquo and himself? What has brought the murderers to be willing to do a deed like this? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!


How much does Macbeth tell Lady Macbeth about his fears? How much does he tell her about what he plans to do?

What do we know about Lady MacBeth’s view of power?

Does Lady Macbeth follow her own advice about forgetting about Duncan’s murder? Why or why not?

How does Macbeth think his wife will feel about the evil he is about to do? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!


How do the two murderers respond to the third one? How does the third one explain his presence?

How successful is their mission? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!


During the banquet, what does Macbeth learn from the First Murderer? How does that affect Macbeth's participation in the banquet?

What appears during the banquet? Who can see it? What "trick" does it play on Macbeth?

How does Macbeth respond? How does Lady Macbeth explain his response to Macbeth? To the guests?


What is Hecate's complaint to the witches? What does she tell them to do? What will happen tomorrow? Where? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!

In this scene, the witches claim that security is being considered a person’s main enemy. How can this be true?


Why is Lennox talking in such an indirect way to the other lord? What is Lennox trying to tell him? What might he be trying to learn about him?

What has happened to Macduff? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!

Do you think Macbeth will go after Macduff? Why or why not?



How many witches (total) appear in this scene?

What messages does Macbeth get from the witches and their apparitions? Does he feel safe after the first three apparitions? Should he? How does he feel after the fourth, the line of kings? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!

What does Macbeth learn from Lennox? What does he plan to do about it?


What is Lady Macduff's reaction to her husband's departure for England?

What is the function of the scene between Lady Macduff and her son?

What happens to Lady Macduff and her son? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!


What do we know at the beginning of the scene that Macduff doesn't know?

What is the main issue between Malcolm and Macduff in the first part of the scene?

Why might Malcolm be suspicious of Macduff? How does Macduff respond?

What does Malcolm say about himself, and how does Macduff respond? What bothers Macduff more in a king, lust or avarice? Why does this character of Malcolm's surprise Macduff?

How does this threat to leave by Macduff change Malcolm's story? What is Malcolm's explanation for his behavior?

What was Malcolm about to do when Macduff arrived?

What message does Ross bring? How long does it take for him to tell it? How does Macduff respond?

What are Malcolm, Macduff, and Ross ready to do at the end of the scene? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!



What has the gentlewoman seen Lady Macbeth do? Why won't she tell the Doctor what Lady Macbeth said?

What does Lady Macbeth reveal in her sleepwalking speeches and actions? To what does the Doctor relate? What is he suggesting that Lady Macbeth might do?


Where are the soldiers heading in 5.2? Whose side are they on? What do the mentions of Birnam Wood and Dunsinane remind us of?


What reports are the servants bringing to Macbeth? Why does Macbeth say he is not afraid? What does he think about himself?

What does the Doctor say about Lady Macbeth? What does Macbeth wish the Doctor could do?


What does Malcolm tell the soldiers to do? What effect do you expect this to have on Macbeth?


What does "the cry of women" signify? Read Macbeth’s speech carefully. What is he saying? How does he feel about life at this point?

What news does the messenger bring? How does Macbeth react to this news?


What do we learn in this scene? Why are Siward and his son mentioned? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!


What is Macbeth's attitude at the beginning of the scene? What happens in his encounter with Young Siward?

Who is Macduff looking for and why? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!

How is it that Malcolm and Siward are able to enter the castle so easily? Put the citation of where this scene is found in the play!


What does Malcolm promise his followers? What does he tell us about Lady Macbeth's death? Should we believe him? (He is her enemy, after all-but remember the Doctor's instructions in 5.1!



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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