7th Grade Mathematics

Ms. Callie Ellis, M.Ed

Room 231 (205) 342-2884 cjellis@

Course Description

The seventh-grade math course is an extension of many ideas introduced in Grade 6. Students will review integers and learn to add, subtract, multiply and divide integers. Students will learn to convert numbers among fractions, decimals, and percents as well as studying percent applications. We will revisit algebra and move into solving more complex two-step equations and inequalities. Students will then focus on proportional relationships and their applications. We will further our knowledge of geometry by looking at area, volume, surface area, and angle relationships. Finally, students will explore probability and statistics.

Materials Needed

-1” 3-ring binder (Students are responsible for having all handouts, notes, returned papers, etc. in their notebooks.)

-Ample supply of loose-leaf paper

-PENCILS (Students should ONLY use pencils in math class.)

-Four function calculator with +/- button and square root (√) button (Scientific calculator is allowed, but not required.)

Classroom Rules and Policies

1. Enter classroom, sit in your assigned seat, get your materials out, and immediately begin working on the warm up.

2. Bring your math supplies to class every day. You will not be allowed to go to your locker to retrieve materials.

3. If you borrow a pencil from me, you must return it at the end of the period.

4. You will be assigned a number for my class. This number will be the number for all your devices you use in my room, such as MacBook, iPad, calculator, etc. You are responsible for using these items properly and taking care of them. If an item is damaged or inappropriate sites are found on your device, you will lose your device privileges.

5. Participate in class by taking notes, listening, and completing assignments.

6. Respect the teacher, classmates, and yourself at all times. Profanity and disrespectful comments will not be tolerated.

7. Follow directions the first time they are given.

8. Raise your hand for teacher’s permission/attention.

9. Remain in your assigned seat unless given permission to move.

10. Three bathroom passes will be given per nine weeks. Passes out for other reasons (nurse, phone, etc.) will not be given unless in an emergency.

11. Turn in your work on time. Missing assignments will be given a zero until they are completed and returned.

12. Keep your area clean. Pick up any trash and throw it away as you are leaving. Do not leave personal items (i.e. jackets, planners, library books, etc.) in the room.

13. Try to work a problem on your own before asking for help. If you get stuck, check your notes or textbook before asking the teacher.

Tardy Policy

A student is considered tardy if he or she is not sitting in his or her assigned seat when the bell rings. Students will sign the tardy book for each tardy, and action will be taken according to the school policy.

Warm Up Policy

Students will have a warm up every day on the side board. You will have 5-8 minutes to complete the warm up; therefore, you should begin working as soon as you enter the classroom. Please work all warm ups on the same piece of paper, noting the day of the week above each one. On Fridays, I will collect the week’s warm ups for a grade. Warm ups are meant to review what we learned the previous day or practice a skill needed for the day’s lesson. They are an easy 20-point grade and are designed to boost students’ grades. However, multiple zeros for incomplete or lack of warm ups will hurt your grade. If you fail to turn in or complete your warm ups, you will receive a grade of zero that cannot be made up.

Turning in Assignments

EVERY ASSIGNMENT, EVERY TIME! You are expected to complete all assignments given in class. No name papers will be given a zero until it is claimed. Incomplete work will be graded as is or given a zero for effort. You have the option to finish it for homework; however, it is your responsibility to return it. I will not remind you to turn in your assignments if you take them home to complete.

Make Up Work

Make up work will be given to you when you return to school. You may complete it at home. YOU are responsible for completing your make up work and returning it if a grade was given. You should get any notes from a classmate and put them in your notebook. Assignments missed for suspension days will be given a zero.

Extra Credit

Extra credit will not be given. You can easily pass the class by completing the regular work assigned. I will give bonus questions on tests.

Grading Plan:

Daily classwork 10-30 points

Quizzes 20-50 points

Warm ups 20 points

Tests/projects 100 points

Grades are based on the point system. A student’s final average is computed by taking the total number of points received divided by the total number of possible points creating a percentage.

Grading Scale:

|A |90-100 |

|B |80-89 |

|C |70-79 |

|D |60-69 |

|F |59 or Below |

I have read and understand the rules for Ms. Ellis’ Math 7 class.


Parent/Guardian Name Printed

_____________________________________ __________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Student Name Printed

____________________________________ __________________________

Student Signature Date

**Please return only this sheet to Ms. Ellis for a grade no later than Monday, August 12, 2019.

Keep your copy of the syllabus in the front of your math notebook.**


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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