Chapter 29 Section 1 Notes - Birdville ISD / Overview

Chapter 29 Section 2 Notes

I. Ruler of Russia

A. Czar Nicholas II was the ruler of Russia during WWI

II. The Schlieffen Plan

A. German plan for attack on the Western Front

B. Named after German General Alfred Graf von Schlieffen

C. Designed to knock France out of the war quickly so Germany would

Not have to fight a two front war.

D. Attacked through Belgium

III. Central Powers

A. Called Central Powers because they were in the center of Europe

B. Germany, Austria Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire

IV. Allies

A. Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy (switched sides) and later America

V. Western Front

A. Fought mainly in France

B. Battles

1. Battle of the Marne - Taxi cab battle

2. Battle of the Somme - 20,000 British soldiers died in one day

3. Battle of Verdun - Major city destroyed

C. Trench Warfare

1. Men dug ditches for miles along the entire Western Front

2. Trench Foot major fungus of the feet

D. New Weapons of War

1. Poison Gas, mustard chlorine, and ammonia

2. Machine gun

3. Tanks mainly Great Britain

4. Airplanes,

a. Bi planes - allies

b. Tri planes - Germans

1. Baron von Richthofen

VI. Eastern Front

A. Fought between Russia and Germany also between Russia and Austria

B. Russians had no luck against the Germans and only little against Austria

C. Russia lost 2 million soldiers in 1915

D. Russia exited the war in 1917


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