

Mrs. Bellisari Global 10 Pre-IB

Midterm Review #4

Imperialism and World War One



Motives for Imperialism

For each motive listed below, give an example.






Directions: Define and explain all words that are bolded in the chart below.

|Africa |India |

|The Dark Continent |British East India Company |

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|Scramble for Africa: |Natural Resources |

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|Social Darwinism: |Hindus and Muslims |

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|“The White Man’s Burden” by Rudyard Kipling: |The Sepoy Mutiny: |

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|Berlin Conference: | |

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|Cecil Rhodes: | |

|China |Japan |

|Opium Wars: |End of isolation and the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate |

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|Treaty of Nanjing: |Commodore Matthew Perry: |

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|Spheres of Influence: |Meiji Restoration: |

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|Open Door Policy: |Westernization: |

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|Boxer Rebellion: |Russo-Japanese War: |

| | |

| |Japan becomes an Imperialistic Power |

➢ How are the Boxer Rebellion of China and the Sepoy Mutiny of India similar? Explain.

Effects of Imperialism on the Colonies

Short Term Effects

❖ Large number of Asian and African came under foreign rule

❖ Land was lost by African tribes

❖ Natural resources were taken by the Europeans

❖ Local economies became dependent on industrialized powers (mercantilism)

❖ Individuals and groups resisted European domination

❖ Tribal and ethnic wars in Africa

❖ Western culture spread to new regions

❖ Traditional and cultural ties were disrupted and destroyed

❖ Famines occurred

Long-Term Effects

❖ Western culture continued to influence much of the world

❖ Transportation, education, and medical care were improved

❖ Resistance to imperial rule evolved into nationalistic movements for independence

❖ Many economies became based on single cash crops grown for export

Effects of Imperialism on the Europeans and the World

❖ The West discovered new crops, foods, and other products

❖ Westerners were introduced to new cultural influences

❖ Competition for empires created and increased conflict between imperial powers. These conflicts sometimes led to war

❖ The industrial nations controlled a new global economy

World War One

Directions: Complete the chart below of the causes of World War I and a specific example.

|Causes of World War I |Example |

|M | |

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|A | |

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|N |Balkans – “Powder Keg” - |

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|I | |

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|A | |

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A Chain Reaction

After the assassination, the major nations of Europe responded. Each hostile action led to another hostile action:

1- Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for the murders of the archduke and his wife and made harsh demands in Serbia.

2- Serbia refused to comply with any of the demands.

3- Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia on July 28th.

4- Russia, a Slavic nation and a friend of Serbia, mobilized its forces in preparation for war.

5- Germany, an ally of Austria-Hungary, declared war on Russia.

6- Germany declared war on France, an ally of Russia.

7- Germany invaded neutral Belgium on August 3, 1914, so that Germans forces could enter France more easily.

8- Britain declares war on Germany.

Directions: Complete the chart below and define and explain all bold words.


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Fighting during World War I

On the Western Front:

o Trench Warfare:

New Weapons:

o Machine gun

o Tank

o Submarine

o Airplane

o Poison gas, gas mask

Total War:



o Governments drafted men to fight in the war.

o Governments raised taxes and borrowed money to pay for the war.

o Governments rationed foods at home so that the military could be provided for.

o Governments used the press to promote propaganda.

o Women at home took jobs that the soldiers had left behind. Some women joined the armed services. Other women went to the fronts as nurses.

Major Turning Points of the War

o United States Entry into war

o Russian withdrawal from the war

Costs of the War

On November 11, 1918, an armistice, an agreement to stop fighting was declared. The costs of WWI were enormous:

▪ More than 8.5 million people had died

▪ More than 17 million had been wounded

▪ Nations had huge war debts

▪ Factories, farms, and homes had been destroyed


▪ Who were the leaders that met at Versailles to create a peace treaty?

▪ What were the harsh provisions for Germany in the Treaty? BE SPECIFIC!!

▪ What was the purpose of the League of Nations?

▪ Was the League of Nations successful? Why or why not?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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