
Texas Education Agency

Division of Textbook Administration

Publishers with Materials Adopted on November 15, 2002


|Mr. Lewis Cohen |Mr. Mike Saltzman |Ms. Cheryl Cramer |

|Customer/Sales Services Manager |Director of High School Sales & Marketing |Educational Sales Representative |

|Abrams & Company Publishers, Inc |Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishing Group |, inc. |

|P. O. Box 10025 |4B Cedarbrook Drive |1000 Chesterbrook Blvd. |

|Waterbury, CT 06725 |Canbury, NJ 08512 |Suite 111 |

|Telephone: 1-800-227-9120 |Telephone:  866-843-3715, Ext. 751 |Berwyn, PA  19312 |

|Fax: 1-800-737-3322 |Fax:  609-409-0297 |Telephone:  800-860-9228 |

|Email: customerservice@ |Email:  msaltzman@ |Fax:  800-806-4336 |

|PreKindergarten |AP Psychology, AP European History |Email:  cheryl_cramer@ |

|Titles from Abrams & Company |Titles from Bedford, Freeman & Worth |U.S. History Studies Since Reconstruction; Social |

| | |Studies English, Grade 8 |

| | |Titles from bigchalk |

|Ms. Ellen M. Nelson |Mr. Tim C. Hannon |Texas Regional Office |

|President of R&D and Contracts |President |Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill |

|Decision Development Corporation |EduConnect, Inc. |Companies, Inc. |

|2303 Camino Ramon, Suite 200 |6500 Reeds Drive |4360 Beltway Place, #230 |

|San Ramon, CA 94583 |Mission, KS 66202 |Arlington, TX 76018 |

|Telephone: 925-830-8896 |Telephone:  913-384-6701 |Telephone: 800-828-5096 |

|Fax: 925-830-0830 |Fax:  913-384-6701 |Fax: 814-781-2116 |

|Email: info@ |Email:  timhannon@ |Email: tx_reg@mcgraw- |

|Social Studies English, Grade 1; Social Studies |Social Studies English, Grade 7 |World Geography Studies; U.S. Government; World |

|English, Grade 2; Social Studies English, Grade 3; |Titles from EduConnect |History Studies; AP World History; Psychology; |

|Social Studies English, Grade 5 | |Sociology; Economics with Emphasis on the Free |

|Titles from Decision Development Corporation | |Enterprise System and Its Benefits; Social Studies |

|(Materials were originally listed under Kendall Hunt | |English, Grade 6; Social Studies English, Grade 7; |

|Publishing Company) | |Social Studies English, Grade 8;  U.S. History |

| | |Studies Since Reconstruction; AP European History; AP|

| | |U.S. History; AP Microeconomics; AP Macroeconomics |

| | |Titles from Glencoe/McGraw-Hill |

|Ms. Marylou Dougherty |Ms. Karen Bennett |Mr. Mike Brawley |

|Education Sales Coordinator |Vice President, Sales Administration |Holt Rinehart and Winston, a division of Harcourt, |

|Hammond World Atlas Corporation |Harcourt School Publishers |Inc. |

|95 Progress Street |1175 North Stemmons |1175 N. Stemmons Fwy |

|Union, NJ 07083 |Lewisville, TX  75067 |Lewisville, TX 75067 |

|Telephone:  908-206-1300 or |Telephone:  800-426-6577 |Telephone: 972-459-6000 or |

|800-526-4953 |Fax:  800-277-4707 |800-242-5479 |

|Fax:  908-206-1104 |Email:  kbennett@ |For emergencies, call 830-688-9903 |

|Email:  mdougherty@ |Social Studies English, Grades 1-6; Social Studies |Fax: 972-459-6154 |

| AP European History |Spanish, Grades 1-6 |Social Studies English, Grades 6-8; Social Studies |

|Titles from Hammond World Atlas |Titles from Harcourt |Spanish, Grade 6; World Geography Studies; World |

| | |History Studies; U.S. Government; Economics with |

| | |Emphasis on the Free Enterprise System and Its |

| | |Benefits; U. S. History Studies Since Reconstruction;|

| | |Sociology; Psychology |

| | |Titles from Holt Rinehart and Winston |

|Ms. Susan Myers |Ms. Joan Reeves |Ms. Kathy Doyle |

|Sales Project Manager |Regional Vice President |McDougal Littell Texas Regional Office |

|LeapFrog SchoolHouse |Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a Division of the McGraw-Hill |McDougal Littell Inc. |

|305 Camp Craft Road, Suite 100 |Companies |600 Freeport Parkway, Suite 120 |

|Austin, TX 78746-6580 |1341 West Mockingbird Lane |Coppell, TX 75019 |

|Telephone:  512-314-2795 |Suite 1102 East |Telephone: 800-346-3570 |

|Fax:  512-329-6145 |Dallas, TX  75247-4943 |Fax: 972-745-3579 |

|Email:  smyers@ |Telephone:  214-688-5101 |Email: kathy_doyle@ |

|PreKindergarten |Fax:  214-688-5127 |Social Studies English, Grades 6-8; World Geography |

|Titles from LeapFrog |Email:  joan_reeves@mcgraw- |Studies; World History Studies; AP U.S. History; AP |

|  |Social Studies English, Grades 1-5; Social Studies |European History; AP World History; AP U.S. |

| |Spanish, Grades 1-5 |Government & Politics; U.S. History Studies Since |

| |Titles from Macmillan/McGraw-Hill |Reconstruction |

| | |Titles from McDougal Littell |

|Mr. John Perata |Ms. Brenda Cole |Mr. Raymond Ward |

|Director of Marketing and Sales |South Regional Office Manager |Regional Vice President |

|Oxford University Press |Pearson Education, Inc., Publishing as Prentice Hall |Pearson Education, Inc., Publishing as Scott Foresman|

|198 Madison Avenue |600 Freeport Parkway, Suite 140 |600 Freeport Parkway, Suite 140 |

|New York, NY 10016 |Coppell, TX 75019 |Coppell, TX 75019 |

|Telephone:  800-334-4249, Ext. 6481 or 212-726-6481 |Telephone: 800-888-8398 |Telephone: 800-441-1438 |

|Fax:  212-726-6448 |Fax: 972-488-7878 |Fax: 972-488-7702 |

|Email:  perataj@oup- |Email: Brenda.Cole@ |Email: raymond.ward@ |

|Social Studies English, Grade 8 |Social Studies English, Grades 6-8; Social Studies |Social Studies English, Grades 1-5; Social Studies |

|Titles from Oxford University Press |Spanish, Grade 6; World History Studies; World |Spanish, Grades 1-5 |

|  |Geography Studies; U.S. Government; U.S. History |Titles from Pearson Education as Scott Foresman |

| |Studies Since Reconstruction; Economics with Emphasis| |

| |on the Free Enterprise System and its Benefits; AP | |

| |U.S. History; AP World History; AP U.S. Government & | |

| |Politics; AP European History | |

| |Titles from Pearson Education as Prentice Hall | |

|Mr. Charles Benton |Ms. Debby Spitzer |Mr. Charlie Hodge |

|Chairman |Early Childhood Product Manager |Educational Representative |

|Public Media, Inc. |Rigby |Saxon Textbooks, LP |

|4423 North Ravenswood Avenue |1000 Hart Road, Third Floor |321 US Hwy. 75 N |

|Chicago, IL 60640 |Barrington, IL 60010-2627 |Fairfield, TX 75840 |

|Telephone:  773-878-2600 |Telephone:  800-822-8661, Ext. 7653 |Telephone:  800-669-8398 |

|Fax:  773-878-2895 |Fax:  847-620-7664 |Fax:  903-389-6505 |

|Email:  cbenton@ |Email:  debby.spitzer@ |Email:  chodge@ |

|World Geography Studies |PreKindergarten  |PreKindergarten |

|Titles from Public Media |Titles from Rigby |Titles from Saxon |

|Mr. Larry Ragland |Ms. Kim Holland |Ms. Cynthia J. Bugge |

|Office/Contracts Manager |Administrative Assistant |Bid Analyst, Textbook Services & Adoptions |

|Scholastic Inc. |Sopris West Educational Services |South-Western/Thomson Learning |

|1431 Greenway Drive, Suite 350 |7001 Grapevine Highway, Suite 324 |5191 Natorp Boulevard, 5th Floor |

|Irving, TX 75038 |N. Richland Hills, TX 76180 |Mason, OH 45040 |

|Telephone:  972-550-1911 or |Telephone:  817-595-9933 |Telephone:  800-543-0487, Ext. 1510 |

|800-221-5312 |Fax:  817-595-9922 |Fax:  513-229-1017 |

|Fax:  972-550-0577 |Email:  kimholland@ |Email:  cindy.bugge@ |

|Email:  lragland@ |PreKindergarten |AP Macroeconomics; AP Microeconomics |

|PreKindergarten |Titles from Sopris West |Titles from South-Western/Thomson Learning |

|Titles from Scholastic | | |

|Ms. Carolyn Davis |Ms. Becki Smith |Dr. Jerrold Kleinstein |

|Manager, Bids and Contracts |Customer Consultant |President |

|SRA/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill |Teachers' Curriculum Institute |Technical Educational Consultants Ltd, dba WorldView |

|Companies, Inc. |1170 East Meadow Drive |Software |

|8787 Orion Place |Palo Alto, CA 94303 |76 North Broadway, Suite 4009 |

|Columbus, OH 43240-4027 |Telephone:  800-497-6138 or |Hicksville, NY 11801 |

|Telephone:  800-468-5850, Ext. 6670 or 614-430-6670 |800-367-6185 |Telephone:  800-34-STUDY (78839) |

|Fax:  614-430-6626 |Fax:  800-343-6828 or |Fax:  516-681-1775 |

|Email:  carol_davis@mcgraw- |512-268-6547 |Email:  arnie@ |

|PreKindergarten   |Email:  bsmith@ |World Geography Studies; U.S. Government; U.S. |

|Titles from SRA/McGraw-Hill |Social Studies English, Grade 5; Social Studies |History Studies Since Reconstruction; Social Studies |

| |English, Grade 6; Social Studies English, Grade 8; |English, Grade 8; World History Studies |

| |U.S. History Studies Since Reconstruction |Titles from Technical Educational Consultants |

| |Titles from Teachers' Curriculum Institute | |

|Ms. Patricia E. Brandt |  |  |

|Manager, Textbook Services and Adoptions | | |

|The Wadsworth Group/Thomson Learning | | |

|5191 Natorp Boulevard, 5th Floor | | |

|Mason, OH 45040 | | |

|Telephone: 800-543-0487, Ext. 1510 | | |

|Fax: 513-229-1017 | | |

|Email:   patbrandt@ | | |

|AP World History, Psychology,  AP Psychology, AP | | |

|Comparative Government and Politics, AP European | | |

|History, AP U.S. Government & Politics, AP U.S. | | |

|History | | |

|Titles from the Wadsworth Group/Thomson Learning | | |


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