Sorted in date order - Archive Publications - Editing and ...

Sorted in date order(Alphabetic list follows)CaseThisWord23.05.24Changes initial case of current word and jumps to next wordTrackChangeReport21.05.24Creates a file of sentences containing (at least n-number of) TCsLinksToURLtextGlobal17.05.24Converts URL links from descriptive text to actual URL addressQuoteInQuoteSingleDoubleSwitch15.05.24Changes double quotes to single or vice versa, avoiding apostrophesHyphenAlyse15.05.24Creates a frequency list of all possible hyphenationsHyphenSpaceWordCount13.05.24Counts hyphenated word formsFRselective13.05.24Sets up various Finds and F&RsCommaAdd13.05.24Adds a comma after the current wordCaseNextChar13.05.24Changes case of the next character/selectionMacroNameShow10.05.24Displays the current macro name in a display fileFourDigitFixer10.05.24Adds a delimiter to four-digit numbers, but not datesDocAlyse07.05.24Analyses various aspects of a documentSpellingCorrect06.05.24Corrects spelling and wrong capitalisationPunctuationToSingleQuote06.05.24Changes next quote mark to single curlyFRstay04.05.24Finds and replaces but don't move to nextFRskip04.05.24Finds next match forwards, case insensitivelyFRgo04.05.24Finds, replaces and moves to the next matchCommentCollector30.04.24Creates a table of all commentsFReditListTidy24.04.24Tidies up a FRedit listSpellAlyseToFRedit23.04.24Corrects spelling and wrong capitalisationGoogleFetchFinland23.04.24Launches selected text on GoogleListAllStyles22.04.24Creates a list of all styles nameLanguageUSUKswitch22.04.24Switches language between UK and US EnglishDocumentAddMyBlank20.04.24Adds document at specific window size, based on my templateStyleLister18.04.24Lists all paragraph and character styles usedStrikeThroughAllURLs18.04.24Strikes through all URLs to protect them from changesGenusSpeciesAlyse18.04.24Checks the abbreviation of genus/species namesUKUScount17.04.24Counts relative spellings between UK and US EnglishFReditCommentToggle17.04.24Adds or removes the vertical bar that turns FRedit items into commentsCopyToListAlphabetic17.04.24Copies selected text into an alphabetic list fileCaseNextWord16.04.24Changes case of initial letter of next word or selectionHighlightOrColourRemove15.04.24Removes the current highlight or font colour from the whole textTitlesReveal13.04.24Switches the next light grey font colour to full colourPunctuationToMinus13.04.24Finds punctuation and changes to minus signMatchSquareBrackets13.04.24Check whether brackets match upShiftIn10.04.24Moves items from the list back into the current documentMultiSwitch10.04.24Scripted word/phrase switchingCopyCommentsAndSave10.04.24Create a list of all the commentsCitationListSortByName10.04.24Sorts items in a citation list in the text by name.ShiftUp09.04.24Moves a list item upShiftOut09.04.24Moves items out into a separate listShiftDown09.04.24Moves a list item upMerriamFetch03.04.24Launches selected text to MerriamHighlightRemovePerColour03.04.24Removes highlight of one colour from selection or whole textHighlightInContext30.03.24Highlights a word or phrase in its context in a sentence/paragraphLtrRestore29.03.24Restores text direction to left-to-rightCitationAlyse29.03.24Checks citations against referencesAynHamzaFormat28.03.24Corrects formatting of ayns and hamzasBoldItalicToStyle27.03.24Changes bold, italic and bold-italic applied directly, into character stylesWordCopierUp25.03.24Copies the word from the end of the selection to the beginningWordCopierDown25.03.24Copies the word from the beginning of the selection to the endProperNounAlyse25.03.24Analyses similar proper nounsOUPFetchPremium22.03.24Launches selected text to OUP Premium website.CopyAllComments17.03.24Copies all the comments into a new documentCopyAllComments17.03.24Copies all the comments into a new documentHighlightYellow15.03.24Highlights the selected text (or a word or a paragraph)HighlightBrightGreen15.03.24Highlights the selected text (or a word or a paragraph)PageBreakColour14.03.24Colours/highlights the lines either side of each page breakInstantFindDown14.03.24Finds selected text downwardsNumberSelectedList12.03.24Applies (or corrects the existing) numbering on the selected text paragraphsNotesEmbed12.03.24Embed footnotes or endnotesTextToNumber11.03.24Finds numbers expressed in words + converts to figuresTextPlusNumber11.03.24Finds numbers expressed in words + adds "(figures)"VerbChanger07.03.24Changes "(to) splodge" <-> "(of/for) splodging"PunctuationFormatChecker07.03.24Variously highlight italic/roman punctuationURLlinker05.03.24Finds all URLs in the text and links themWelcheKorrigiere04.03.24Finds "welche" after a comma and corrects itFormatNumbers02.03.24Formats number at cursor or numbers within a selectionSimilarWordsAlyse29.02.24Analyses similar wordsPreferredSpellingsAlyse29.02.24Finds words similar to those in a preferred-spelling listSectionHeadsInComments26.02.24Adds the heading style and text of each heading into a commentCommentSuggestText26.02.24Copies selected text to make a commentCommentNameChanger26.02.24Changes the name attached to commentsCommentComposeMenu26.02.24Adds a comment off a menuCommentCompose26.02.24Allows you to create a new (modern) commentCommentAddSimple26.02.24Adds a new comment with a standard text item addedCommentAddMenu26.02.24Adds a comment off a menuCommentAddJumpBack26.02.24Creates a comment or jumps back to the textCommentAddFromFile26.02.24Adds a comment from a file of ready-made commentsCommentAddAndPasteSelected26.02.24Copies text, adds a comment and pastes textCommentAdd26.02.24Adds a commentHighlightPlus22.02.24Adds highlight in a choice of coloursHighlightMinus22.02.24Adds highlight in a choice of coloursTrackOnOffVisibleMac20.02.24Switches tracking on/off with visible backgroundBoldItalicEtcToStyle18.02.24Changes bold, italic, etc to character stylesHighlightWordList17.02.24Highlights (and/or colours) all the words/phrases given in a listPunctuationTrackAcceptAll16.02.24Accepts all track changes that involve punctuationSpellingSuggest12.02.24Checks/corrects spellings or adds/subtracts FRedit suggested changeOEDFetch10.02.24Launches selected text on OED dictionary siteNTaddressCopy08.02.24Reports the address of the folder holding the Normal templateInitialPullBack03.02.24Pulls author's trailing initial(s) (e.g. B. or C.D.) in front of surnameHighlightTrackedTextAuthor02.02.24Highlights all tracked text by a specific authorPunctuationToApostrophe01.02.24Changes next quote mark to an apostropheIndexListItems01.02.24Finds page numbers of all the words/phrases given in a listPlurAlyse29.01.24Creates a frequency list of single/plural pairsDuplicatesRemove26.01.24Remove duplicate items from a listLinkDelete25.01.24Deletes (unlinks) the current linkLinkCopy25.01.24Copies the URL of the current linkLinkAdd25.01.24Selects the current word(s) and adds a link from your inputHighlightOffIncNotes24.01.24Removes all highlights and/or colour from text and notesFReditListMenuFixedFiles23.01.24Allows fixed filenames, for if FReditListMenu doesn't work for youTrackChangeCountWords18.01.24Checks the track changes to count words/characters added/subtractedTrackChangeCounter18.01.24Reports the numbers of track changes, plus words/characters added/deletedNTbackupDated18.01.24Backs up the Normal template and the VBA code with date and timeTrackChangeDisplaySwitch15.01.24Switches track change displays: Simple <=> AllMarkupFindResetParameters15.01.24Does a dummy find to set all the parameters to defaultCommentCopier15.01.24Creates an author query listCommentCollectTabulated15.01.24Collects comments into a tableColourPlus15.01.24Adds font colour in a choice of coloursParticipleSentenceStartShow04.01.24Underlines + highlights the participles that start sentencesListAllCitations28.12.23Alphabetically lists all fig/table/box/flowchart citationsParagraphEndChecker22.12.23Highlights the end of all possibly punctuation-less paragraphsCommentsCollectTabulated21.12.23Collects comments into a tableFindFwd20.12.23Finds next match forwards, case insensitivelyAuthorForenamesInitialiser20.12.23Changes author forenames to initialsDisplayQuote14.12.23Finds or displays a long quoteQuotesAddSingle11.12.23Adds quotes round a word or phraseQuotesAddDouble11.12.23Adds quotes round a word or phraseFRedit07.12.23Scripted find and replaceCopyToSwitchList04.12.23Copies selected text into a switch list file for MultiSwitchSearchHierarchically24.11.23Shell macro: Searches hierarchically for a characterRandomTextTypeMac24.11.23Types out paragraphs of pseudo-Latin or English text (Mac version)RandomTextType24.11.23Types out paragraphs of pseudo-Latin or English textMatchParentheses24.11.23Check whether brackets match upMarkupDisplaySwitch23.11.23Cycles through track change display levelsIndexPageOrderChecker21.11.23Seeks paragraphs that have number list in wrong orderIndexPageNumberSwap21.11.23Swaps the page number at the cursor with the next number, e.g. 3,6,4,8,10DPTMFetch21.11.23Launches selected text on DPTM - Busca el texto seleccionado en el Diccionario de términos médicosChapterFileLinker16.11.23Rejoins all the chapters of a bookPublisherSwitch14.11.23Swaps "Location: Publisher Name" to "Publisher Name, Location"TitleCapAllItalic13.11.23Changes all italic titles to title capitals.SwapNamesFullPoints13.11.23Swap name and initials and add full pointsCapperMax13.11.23Uppercases initial letter of all major words (title case)FigureCaptionSplitAll30.10.23Splits all captions into two lines, the second in italicNTbackupDatedSimple28.10.23Backs up the Normal template with date and timeFigureCaptionSplit27.10.23Splits a caption into two lines, the second in italicSaveAllUnsavedDocs26.10.23Saves all unsaved documentsMarkIt25.10.23Applies various attributes by (wildcard) F&RFieldCodesVisible24.10.23Switches between fields being visible and not visibleChapterChopper20.10.23Chops a chapter into separate filesFindSamePlaceBack16.10.23Finds the same place in another open fileFindSamePlace16.10.23Finds the same place in another open fileGoogleFetch04.10.23Launches selected text on GoogleEtAlCitationElision04.10.23Crops multi-author citation to single name + 'et al'UKUShighlight02.10.23Marks US spellings within UK text and vice versaFindMissingPageNumbers28.09.23Clears trailing spaces, then highlights refs without page numbersCommentsResolveSelected19.09.23Resolves all the comments in the selected area of textAllCapWordsCollect15.09.23Collects all the words in all caps styleRepeatedWordsInParagraphs10.09.23Highlights any words duplicated within given paragraphsGoogleMapFetch06.09.23Launches selected text to Google MapsSelectionGrowRight02.09.23Extends the selection word by word to the leftSelectionGrowLeft02.09.23Extends the selection word by word to the leftWhatFolder01.09.23Loads the clipboard with the address of folder of this fileSelectionRoundOff01.09.23Extends the existing selection to the nearest word end/startCopyToList01.09.23Copies selected text into a list fileTabbedParasToIndent30.08.23Finds tabbed paras, deletes them and adds first-line indent insteadGoogleFetchQuotesEgypt30.08.23Launches selected text - with quotes - on GoogleGoogleFetchEgypt30.08.23Launches selected text on GoogleLanguageSwitch16.08.23Switches the language between two or three alternatesIncludeBracketInSentence11.08.23Moves the full point to after the bracketed referenceMultiSyllableWordsHighlight10.08.23Highlights words of 3, 4 or 5+ syllablesLongWordHighlighter09.08.23Highlights all words more than a certain lengthNoteCitationsOutsidePunctuationGlobal28.07.23Moves all note numbers to outside the punctuationMoveToEnd22.07.23Moves the selected text to the end of the sentenceSingleQuotesDoubleTopical20.07.23Changes single quotes around current text to doublesDoubleQuotesSingleTopical20.07.23Changes double quotes around current text to singlesTablesStrikeThroughAll19.07.23Adds a strike-through to all table textReferenceErrorHighlight19.07.23Highlights references that aren't foundLinkProblemHighlighter19.07.23Highlights links that don't go anywhereLinkProblemHighlight19.07.23Highlights links that don't go anywhereSelectBetweenQuotes17.07.23Selects text between double quotes and optionally does a FetchDisplayedQuoteToInline17.07.23Turns a displayed quote to an inline quoteDisplayedQuotesShortHighlight17.07.23Highlights all displayed quotes that are too shortURLshrinker15.07.23Reduces the extent of a URL link to just the selected textNumberToTextUK13.07.23Converts next number into textNumberToText13.07.23Converts next number into textMovePreviousSentence12.07.23Moves the cursor ro the start of the next sentenceHighlightSpecialCharacters06.07.23Highlights all special characters in a fileSwapPunctuation05.07.23Swaps the next pair of punctuation marksSelectionStartShrink03.07.23Pulls the start of the selection back to the right (i.e. shrinks it)SelectionStartExtend03.07.23Moves the start of the selection further out to the left (i.e. extends it)SelectionEndShrink03.07.23Pulls the end of the selection back to the left (i.e. shrinks it)SelectionEndExtend03.07.23Moves the end of the selection further out to the right (i.e. extends it)TypeThat30.06.23Types 'that' after the current word.SaveAsWithIndex30.06.23Saves the current file, adding a postfixPunctuationOff30.06.23Deletes the next punctuation itemCountRemainder27.06.23Counts words below the cursorAndToAmpersandGlobal24.06.23Changes all citations from "and" to "&"AndToAmpersand24.06.23Changes the next citation from "and" to "&"ContentsListerByStyle23.06.23Create a contents list from numbered heading styleAmpersandAdd23.06.23Adds an ampersand in front of the current namePlurAlyseColour19.06.23Colours/highlights all words listed by PlurAlysePlurAlyse17.06.23Creates a frequency list of single/plural pairsNavigationPanePrepare16.06.23Copies text and prepares for Navigation pane (only needed for Macs)FindFwdCase16.06.23Next case-sensitive find forwardsFindBack16.06.23Next find backwardsRomanPunctuationHighlight13.06.23Finds roman punctuation that follows italic textNotesEmbedSquareBrackets09.06.23Creates endnotes from text-based notes, numbered in square bracketsWhatChar07.06.23Show ASCII and unicode and character namesLanguageSetMulti07.06.23Toggles between different language country settingsColourPlusAttribute06.06.23Applies font/highlight colour plus an attributeDeleteOneWord26.05.23Deletes current word, but no punctuationFigStrip25.05.23Strips out all figures and leave a calloutCaptionsListAll25.05.23Lists all paragraphs with bold Figure, Table, BoxTrackChangeDisplaySelect21.05.23Cycles through track change display levelsSpellAlyse18.05.23Complete spellchecking systemLinksAllToEndnotes18.05.23Change each active URL link into an endnoteDocAlyseUser18.05.23Create your own (multilingual?) document analysesMultiFileDocToDocxSave12.05.23Save any .doc files in a folder also in .docx formatHighlightAllItalic07.05.23Highlights all text in italic (including in notes)HighlightOffNextWord15.04.23Unhighlights the next word that has some highlightingHighlightOffNext15.04.23Unhighlights the next area of highlightingOddLanguageHighlighter12.04.23Highlights any characters NOT in the chosen languageBibleGatewayFetch12.04.23Launches Bible references on BibleGatewayReferenceNameDateMover10.04.23Moves forename/initials to before surname or move year to endSpracheDE09.04.23Sets language as GermanSpracheCH09.04.23Sets language as SwissGermanLanguageSetUS09.04.23Sets language as US EnglishLanguageSetUK09.04.23Sets language as UK EnglishLanguageSetCanada09.04.23Sets language as Canadian EnglishParticipleChanger06.04.23Toggles between past and present participlesMultiFileLoader06.04.23Loads a set of filesCommentAddToTrackedChanges06.04.23Adds a blank comment to every tracked change in the selected textWildcardType31.03.23Reads the current 'Selection.Find' and types it in the fileWildcardSave31.03.23Reads the current 'Selection.Find' and saves at the top of the fileHyphenSpaceWordCount30.03.23Counts hyphenated word formsPunctuationToDoubleQuote26.03.23Changes next quote mark to double curlyPunctuationToSpace25.03.23Change the next punctuation item to a spacePunctuationToSingleOpenGuillemet25.03.23Changes next quote mark to single open guillemetPunctuationToSingleCloseGuillemet25.03.23Changes next quote mark to single close guillemetPunctuationToPrime25.03.23Change next quote mark to single primePunctuationToNothing25.03.23Changes next punctuation mark to nothing, i.e. deletes itPunctuationToNonBreakingThinSpace25.03.23Changes next space etc to a non-breaking thin spacePunctuationToNonBreakingEnDash25.03.23Changes next hyphen/em/en dash to a non-breaking em/en dashPunctuationToMultiplySign25.03.23Changes next x or X to multiplication signPunctuationToHyphen25.03.23Changes the word break punctuation to a hyphenPunctuationToHardSpace25.03.23Changes the next item to a hard spacePunctuationToFullPoint25.03.23Changes the next punctuation item to a full pointPunctuationToDoublePrime25.03.23Change next quote mark to double primePunctuationToDoubleOpenGuillemet25.03.23Changes next quote mark to double open guillemetPunctuationToDoubleCloseGuillemet25.03.23Changes next quote mark to double close guillemetPunctuationToDash25.03.23Changes next hyphen/em/en dash to an em/en dashPunctuationToComma25.03.23Changes the next punctuation item to a commaSwapWords14.03.23Swaps adjacent wordsParenthesesEtcPairDelete14.03.23Removes the following pair of parentheses or quotes, etc.NoteMarkerMoveEndSentence13.03.23Moves the foot/endnote marker to the end of the sentenceFontNameSizeScanAndFix13.03.23Assesses and lists (& optionally fixes) the font sizes & namesFontNameSizeScanAndFix13.03.23Assesses and lists (& optionally fixes) the font sizes & namesBordersAddParagraphs08.03.23Adds colour borders to (partly) selected paragraphsSuperscriptOnOff05.03.23Toggles superscript ON/OFFSubscriptOnOff05.03.23Toggles subscript ON/OFFChapterStartBreak05.03.23Finds all chapter titles, adds page break and removes multi-newlinesWordHippoFetch03.03.23Launches selected text on GoogleInstantFindDownWild23.02.23Finds selected text downwards wildcards setColonLowercaseAll17.02.23 Changes the initial letter after every colon to lowercaseSentenceRoughRepeatChecker14.02.23Unprotects the current fileSentenceExactRepeatChecker14.02.23Unprotects the current fileMultiFileText07.02.23Collects text plus simple formatting from multiple filesMoveToStart06.02.23Moves the selected text to the beginning of the sentenceQuotesOffBothEndsDoubleAddItalic03.02.23Removes double quotations marks from both ends of a text + italicisesBackgroundPatternStyleChecker26.01.23Searches for text style with background pattern appliedGoogleFetchCookie25.01.23Launches selected text to Google website with cookie promptFootnoteEndnoteFiddle24.01.23Tidies up start/end of each footnote or endnotePeriod23.01.23Makes adjacent words into sentence endFullPoint23.01.23Makes adjacent words into sentence endDash23.01.23Makes adjacent words into sentence endColon23.01.23Makes adjacent words into colon separatedPunctuationItalicOff20.01.23Un-italicises all commas etc not followed by italic textSpacedFontFinder19.01.23Finds and highlights/underlines any text with odd spacingFindHashAndStyleNext19.01.23Finds a hash and changes the style of the following paragraphSpecialSortsLister18.01.23Collect all special sorts in a fileNumberIncrement18.01.23Adds one to the next number after the cursorNumberDecrement18.01.23Subtracts one from the next number after the cursorNotesCopyToInline18.01.23Copies notes into inline notes in bracketsQuoteSingleToDoubleGlobal15.01.23Changes single quotes to double, avoiding apostrophesNumberTextFigureCount14.01.23Counts numbers as figures vs. wordsMacroSelect12.01.23Selects the current macro textCapitAlyse12.01.23Analyses capitalised wordsSelectWord04.01.23Selects current word, and then those before itScreenColourSwitch01.01.23Switches colour text and background on/offFullNameAlyseCaseCount23.12.22Counts each of a list of words/phrasesPhraseCount22.12.22Counts each of a list of words/phrasesHeadingStylesAutomatic13.12.22Automatically adds styles to headingsJumpScroll12.12.22Scrolls current line to the top of the pageApostropheAdd08.12.22Adds an apostrophe, highlightedEquationSpacer06.12.22Adds spaces either side of equations that butt up to some textNumberTotaller30.11.22Sums the numbers within the selected text (or checks the sum)FieldsUnlink30.11.22Unlinks all fields except equationsNotesFootEndSwitch22.11.22Switches individual footnote <-> endnote (in note or in text)PDFspellIgnoreProperNouns17.11.22Underlines all spelling errors except proper nounsHardSpaceAfterSuperscriptNumbers17.11.22Switches space to hard space after all superscripted numberOddQuoteSpacingCorrectAll16.11.22Corrects the odd spacing on quotation marks (due to RTL fonts)HighlightComments16.11.22Highlights all comments that have specific prefixesCommonCode16.11.22Not a macro - just useful computer codeSelectSentence12.11.22Selects the current sentence + next sentence rightCapperMin12.11.22Lowercases initial letter of capitalised words (sentence case)HeadersFootersRemove11.11.22Removes all headers and footers in all sectionsStrikeItalicParagraphs04.11.22Add single strike to all italic paragraphsListAllHeadings04.11.22Creates a list of all headings by style namePDFspellAll27.10.22Underlines all spelling errorsNumberRangeHyphenToDash26.10.22Changes all hyphens in number ranges to en dashesCambridgeDictionaryFetch24.10.22Launches selected text on Cambridge DictionaryMoveNextSentence18.10.22Moves the cursor ro the start of the next sentenceKeystrokeLister18.10.22Create a list of custom key allocationsPunctuationAfterCitation17.10.22Moves the full point (period) to after the citationMarkupModeSwitch12.10.22Switches between inline and in-balloon markupQuotesToGuillemets08.10.22Changes all double and single quotes (inc. German) into guillemetsFourDigitHundreds04.10.22Changes four-figure numbers to wordsSentenceReverse02.10.22Switches the order of the two sentences in the bullet pointFinalCharDelete24.09.22Removes the final character or punct off a wordConsolidateTracking24.09.22Turns split tracking into a single changeAsWellAsToAnd24.09.22Changes 'as well as' to 'and', and the comma, if necessaryHighlightMissingDialoguePunctuation22.09.22Highlights missing dialogue punctuation (from an idea by Katherine Kirk)ConsolidateTrackingAll17.09.22Consolidates tracking on all words within selection or all textQuotesOffBothEndsSingle03.09.22Removes single quotations marks from both ends of a testQuotesOffBothEndsDouble03.09.22Removes double quotations marks from both ends of a testQuotesOffBothEnds03.09.22Removes single quotations marks from both ends of a textWordPairPunctuate31.08.22Makes word pair hyphenated or single wordItalicHighlightNotQuotes31.08.22Finds italic text (but not in quotes) and highlights itProperNounAlyseES30.08.22Analyses similar proper nounsNumberToTextCMOS29.08.22Converts next number into text, using e.g. "fourteen hundred"SomethingFetch28.08.22Launches selected text to Xyz website.CMOSFetchAlt28.08.22Launches selected text to CMS website.CMOSFetch28.08.22Launches selected text to CMS websiteSomethingFetchAlt27.08.22Launches selected text to Xyz mentAdder23.08.22Adds a comment off a menuMacroFetchUpdate21.08.22Updates an existing macro, preserving the keystrokeFinalPhraseMoveForward11.08.22Cuts the final phrase of a sentence and pulls it to just after the cursor-wordBoldThisWord11.08.22Makes the word at the cursor boldAllCapsToItalicNext11.08.22Finds next word in all caps and makes it italicFindFetch08.08.22Shell macro for making your own macro:FindAndDoRng08.08.22Finds something specific and does things to each oneFindAndDo08.08.22Finds something specific and does things to each oneAllCapsToItalic08.08.22Finds words in all caps and makes them italicThatWhich06.08.22Changes that to which and vice versaMerriamCollegiateFetch02.08.22Launches selected text to Merriam-Webster collegiate websiteProperNounAlyse26.07.22Analyses similar proper nounsOddQuoteSpacingCorrectSingle26.07.22Corrects the odd spacing on double quotation marksColonUppercaseAll23.07.22 Changes the initial letter after every colon to lowercaseInitialSwapperReverse22.07.22Swaps initials and surname (Beverley, P.E. -> P.E. Beverley)FontFunniesClearAll22.07.22Changes all text in this specific font into the default fontGoogleBooksFetch20.07.22Launches selected text on Google BooksDeleteToNextPunctuation20.07.22Deletes from end of current word to the next punctuation markBibleHubFetch20.07.22Launches selected text on BibleHubCountPhrase18.07.22Counts this word or phrasePluralise15.07.22Tries to make the current word pluralLoadFilesInList29.06.22Loads a series of files in a Word file listCopyFullFilename29.06.22Loads full filename of current document into clipboardCommentJumpToText22.06.22Moves the cursor from the comment back into the textAcceptTrackedFormatChanges21.06.22Accepts just the formatting track changesConfusables17.06.22Highlights/colours list of words in confusables fileAbbreviationAdd15.06.22Creates an abbreviation of roughly selected text (in parenthesis)PunctuationToNonBreakingEmDash14.06.22Changes next hyphen/em/en dash to a non-breaking em dashIZtoIS14.06.22Corrects text to give -is-, -ys- spellingsIStoIZ14.06.22Corrects text to give -iz-, -yz- spellingsNamesReverse13.06.22Switches two names and adds (or removes) the commaCommentJumpInOut13.06.22Jumps in and out of comment textTablesMarkAllEmptyCells09.06.22Adds some dummy text into every empty cellParenthesesAdd06.06.22Puts parentheses round the current word or phraseInitialSwapper06.06.22Swaps initials and surname (P.E. Beverley -> Beverley, P.E.)PunctuationSwapInDialogue03.06.22Swaps the next punctuation markPunctuationSwap03.06.22Swaps the next punctuation markItaliciser03.06.22Toggles italic for next character or selected textAmpersand03.06.22Changes next ampersand to 'and'NumberToTextUK201.06.22Convert next number into textNumberToText201.06.22Convert next number into textMultiSearchLoader31.05.22Loads text segments into MultiSearchTeAkaFetch29.05.22Launches selected text on the Maori dictionary Te AkaMultiSearchUp28.05.22Searches for a set of words in proximityMultiSearch28.05.22Searches for a set of words in proximityCopyTextSimple23.05.22Creates a text-only copy, with some features preservedSuperscriptSwitch17.05.22Toggle subscriptSubscriptSwitch17.05.22Toggle superscript and subscriptCommentDeleteMoveNext17.05.22Deletes current comment and moves to the next commentMacroLauncher12.05.22Offers a list of macros to launch (was called "MacroMenu")RAEfetch10.05.22Launches selected text on Real Academia Espa?olaDTMEfetch10.05.22Launches selected text onItalicSpeechToSingleQuotes04.05.22Finds italic text, Romanises it and adds single quotesBoldiser03.05.22Toggles bold for next character or selected textHighlightAllTrackedText15.04.22Highlights (and/or font colours) all tracked textChronologyChecker15.04.22Copies paragraphs containing date references into a new fileDayDateAlyse10.04.22Lists words out of a proper noun frequency listBinomialAdder04.04.22Adds Latin binomials into a documentDictionaryFetchByLanguage21.03.22Checks the current word in a language-related dictionaryShortTitleUnderline17.03.22Underlines the current author name(s)ShortTitleAlyse17.03.22Analyses Short titles to check references against citationsSpeciesAbbreviator12.03.22Adds genus and species to the text, pulling data off a fileTracksInlineToggle07.03.22Toggles track change deletions between bubbles and inlineReviewPaneToggle03.03.22Opens and closes the track change review paneSpellingErrorLister02.03.22Generates an alphabetic list all the spelling 'errors'SigloSmallCaps24.02.22Finds "siglo" and small-caps the IVX followingTrackAcceptMoveOn19.02.22Accepts change and moves to the nextYearMoveToEnd16.02.22Moves the year to end of referenceFindInProximity12.02.22Finds certain words within a given word rangeFReditListProcess08.02.22Tidies up a spelling FRedit list from cursor downwardsProperNounToFRedit04.02.22Picks up alternative spellings in a PN query list for a FRedit listHyphenationToFRedit04.02.22Creates FRedit items from HyphenAlyse or PropernounAlyse filesFindColouredTextUp03.02.22Finds coloured text upwardsClearHighlightAndColour28.01.22Removes all highlighting, coloration and (optionally) underliningHighlightFindUp27.01.22Selects the previous piece of highlighted textHighlightFindDown27.01.22Selects the next piece of highlighted textSerialCommaAlyse25.01.22Highlights things that might be lists with serial commas (or not)ItaliciseVariable25.01.22Runs along, finds sets of alpha chars and italicises themWordPairAlyse20.01.22Creates a file of all the adjacent word pairsMegAlyse20.01.22Launches a selected series of analysis macrosParagraphLineLengthHighlighter11.01.22Highlights any paragraphs longer than a number of linesParagraphShrink07.01.22Shrinks the current paragraph (for use with CitationAlyse)InstantFindUp07.01.22Finds selected text upwardsMacroRunNoTC01.01.22Runs an analysis on track-accepted textChicagoNoteReferenceAlyse31.12.21Helps to check note-based reference citationsGoogleScholarFetch06.12.21Launches selected text on Google ScholarAcronymAlyse27.11.21Lists all acronyms, with frequencyForumTextFormat21.11.21Converts text from Word to Forum and vice versaMacroFetchKeystrokeReadMac20.11.21Reads and restores a macro's keystroke while upgradingMacroFetchKeystrokeRead20.11.21Reads and restores a macro's keystroke while upgradingPunctuationToThinSpace19.11.21Changes the next item to a thin spacePunctuationToMultiplySign19.11.21Changes next x or X to multiplication signPunctuationToEnDash19.11.21Changes next hyphen/em/en dash to an en dashPunctuationToEmDash19.11.21Changes next hyphen/em/en dash to an em dashGoogleFetchUS18.11.21Launches selected text on GoogleFetchQuotesUS18.11.21Launches selected text - with quotes - on GoogleFetchQuotesCA18.11.21Launches selected text - with quotes - on Google CanadaGoogleFetchQuotes18.11.21Launches selected text - with quotes - on GoogleGoogleFetchIndia18.11.21Launches selected text on GoogleGoogleFetchCA18.11.21Launches selected text on Google CanadaCommentPrevious14.11.21Goes to previous commentCommentNext13.11.21Goes to next commentOpenmySize02.11.21Opens the window to a particular size, position and magnificationLanguageToggle01.11.21Toggles the language setting of (part selected) textParaDelete29.10.21Deletes the current paragraphCompareNow26.10.21Creates an instant comparison of two open Word filesItalicBinomial25.10.21Italicises binomialsCopySelectedForCompare23.10.21Copies the selected text to a specified fileMultiFileAcceptTrackChanges21.10.21Accept track changes in multiple filesWikiFetchDE18.10.21Launches selected text on WikipediaWikiFetch18.10.21Launches selected text on WikipediaOneLookFetch18.10.21Launches selected text to NgramFetch18.10.21Launches selected text on Google NgramGoogleFetchQuotesDE18.10.21Launches selected text - with quotes - on GoogleGoogleFetchDE18.10.21Launches selected text on GoogleFormatText15.10.21Formats a word/selection of whole wordsSwapPreviousCharacters06.10.21Switches the two chars in front of the caretSwapCharacters06.10.21Switches characters either side of caretPunctuationBoldOff06.10.21Un-bolds all commas, etc. not followed by bold textMultifileXML01.09.21Save a folder full of files as XMLsMacroNameToLink31.08.21Makes URL for macro name in clipboard or at cursor and puts in clipboardTimestampRemover29.08.21Deletes all timestamps of the form: nn:nn:nn<sp>MacroFetch21.08.21Fetches the macro named in the clipboard or at the cursorFunnyDashToEnDash06.08.21Changes all funny dashes to proper en dashHighlightToStyles03.08.21Finds highlighted text and does things to each colourCommentsModernDelete02.08.21Deletes current comment or all commentsCommentsModernCollect02.08.21Extracts modern comments with format and colouringFootnoteTidy30.07.21Checks each footnoteGoogleTranslate11.07.21Launches selected text to GoogleTranslateMultiFileFRedit10.07.21Multi-file version of FReditLongParagraphHighlighterChars23.06.21Highlights all paragraphs more than a certain lengthGermanAccusative18.06.21Forces the accusative -en ending to the current wordFontColourSame18.06.21Colours all occurrences of this text in this colourCheckCapSentences18.06.21Forces an initial capital on every sentenceDictionaryMultipleFetch17.06.21Launches selected text to and other dictionariesFindBackCase16.06.21Next case-sensitive find backwardsSmallCapWord15.06.21Makes the current word smallcapsHowever15.06.21Starts a sentence with 'However', and removes the later "however"QQConvert14.06.21Converts QQ comments to ordinary commentsEmDashUnspaced14.06.21Removes punctuation, adds unspaced em dash and lowercases next charInitialCapAllCapsWords03.06.21Initial caps the all-caps words in a documentQQAddMenu01.06.21Adds a QQ comment from a user-set menuScareQuoteAdd29.05.21Add single quotes round a wordJoinTwoWords29.05.21Joins two wordsSplitScreen28.05.21Splits the screenQQUpdate28.05.21Renumbers QQ commentsPluraliseDE23.05.21Toggles the ending plural/singularDuplicateSentenceCount21.05.21Counts frequency of any duplicated sentences + highlightsAuthorSurnameSwap19.05.21Moves author surname in a list to the beginning of the lineFontMixHighlight17.05.21Highlights paragraphs with mixed fonts, showing odd fontsFontMixFind16.05.21Finds the next paragraph that has mixed fontsCommentsPane11.05.21Opens and closes the Comments paneURLlinksVisible01.05.21Unlinks all the URLs in the selection or the whole fileSelectToSentenceEnd23.04.21Selects from current word to end of sentenceDeleteBackToSentenceStart23.04.21Selects from current word to end of sentenceCopyAllEditedSentences20.04.21Copies all sentences that have tracked edits in themWordsMoveRight15.04.21Moves the partly selected words one word rightWordsMoveRight15.04.21Moves the partly selected words one word rightWordsMoveLeft15.04.21Moves the partly selected words one word leftContentControlsRemove14.04.21Moves the partly selected words one word rightSpellingErrorHighlighter11.04.21Highlights all spelling errorsPrepareToReplaceWithMarker10.04.21Copy text into the F&R box from top leaving markerPrepareToReplaceFromTop10.04.21Copy text into the F&R box from topPrepareToReplaceDownTCoff10.04.21Copy text into the F&R boxPrepareToReplaceDown10.04.21Copies selected text into the F&R boxNavPaneLoad10.04.21Copies selected text into the F&R boxPDFrunningHeadHighlight09.04.21Locates running heads and highlights/enlarges page numberAbstractAndKeywordCount09.04.21Counts abstract word numbers and keyword itemsFontLister07.04.21Lists all font names in selected text or whole filePageCountBySection03.04.21Counts the pages between section headingsNormaliseText03.04.21Sets Normal style and removes (some) formattingCountSectionWords03.04.21Counts words in sections of text between headingsCountChapterPages03.04.21Counts words in sections of text between headingsMultiFilePageCount30.03.21Counts pages in a group of filesMatchSingleQuotes18.03.21Check whether single quotes match upColourMinus16.03.21Removes or adds font colour in a choice of coloursFullNameAlyse24.02.21Creates a frequency list of all full namesFReditListChecker18.02.21Checks for possible anomalies in a FRedit listFullPointInDialogue17.02.21Make adjacent words into sentence endCommaInDialogue17.02.21Give adjacent words a comma linkTemplatesFolderAddressMac10.02.21Loads the clipboard with the address of your Templates folderDeleteCommentsSelectively10.02.21Accepts track changes of specific author/editorAcceptTrackingSelectively10.02.21Accepts track changes of specific author/editorWordSwitch06.02.21Scripted single-word switchingIZIScount06.02.21Counts IS/IZ spellingsFReditListMenu06.02.21Provides a menu to run different FRedit listsDictaFRedit06.02.21Adds features to Word 365 Dictate, and cleans up it errorsClipCopy06.02.21Copies the selected text into a ClipStore fileCharacterSwitch06.02.21Scripted character switchingCharToVariousAccents01.02.21Adds various accentsCharToUmlaut01.02.21Adds various accentsCharToGrave01.02.21Adds a grave acute accent to the next vowelCharToCircumflex01.02.21Adds a circumflex to the next vowelCharToAcute01.02.21Adds an acute accent to the next vowelFReditHeadingsOnly30.01.21Run FRedit, but only on similarly formatted textURLlink23.01.21Makes the URL/email at the cursor a clickable linkWordGraph16.01.21Gives a visual indication of the occurrences of a word or phraseSortListInText16.01.21Sorts items in a list in the text alphabetically.SearchThenMultiSwitch16.01.21Finds one of your words, then calls MultiSwitch to change itSearchThenChange16.01.21Finds one of the words from a list, then changes to its alternatePunctuationOffRight16.01.21Removes the punctuation off a word end (and quote off start)NumberToFigure16.01.21Converts the next number to a figureMacroUpdater16.01.21Updates to the current macro text, preserving the keystrokeListOfTextParas16.01.21Lists all paragraphs (pure text) starting with certain textListOfParas16.01.21Lists all paragraphs (formatted text) starting with certain textListOfList16.01.21Lists all items in a list that contain a particular textListOfFound16.01.21Lists all occurrences of selected textIndexChecker16.01.21Lists all pages on which this word(s) occur(s)HighlightSame16.01.21Highlight all occurrences of this text in this colourHighlightOffWord16.01.21Remove highlight from all occurrences of this wordCommentListNumbered16.01.21List all comments in file with index numbersCitationListSortByYear16.01.21Sorts items in a citation list in the text by date.AuthorInitialCapitalReferences16.01.21Changes author surnames in all capitals to initial capitalAuthorCaseChange16.01.21Lowercases author surnames (e.g. SMITH, J. to Smith, J.) in references listAAnAlyse16.01.21Checks a's and an's for agreement with the following wordTypeA15.01.21Types 'a' or 'A', (or 'an' or 'An') between two wordsSmartFinder15.01.21Finds this text/note/page/etc, etc immediately.URLlauncher14.01.21Launches successive URLs from the textSwapThreeWords14.01.21Swaps three adjacent words (A and B to B and A)SpellWordChange14.01.21Accepts Word's spelling suggestion for current wordDeleteRestOfSentence14.01.21Deletes from end of current word to the end of the sentenceAddTextRoundText14.01.21Adds text at either end of a word or phrase (can delete punctuation)TableStripper13.01.21Strips out all tables into a separate fileNotesReEmbedByNumber13.01.21Re-embed footnotes or endnotes by numberInstantJumpUp13.01.21Find selected text upwardsStylesPaneCustomize12.01.21Moves the Styles pane where and how you wantNavPaneWidth12.01.21Widens the navigation paneNavPaneCustomize12.01.21Opens the navigation pane where and how you wantInstantJumpDown12.01.21Find selected text downwardsGoogleSSFetch12.01.21Uses Google to search a single specific siteFindReplaceGo12.01.21Finds, replaces and moves to the next matchFindClipTop12.01.21Jumps to the top, and finds whatever is in the clipboardFindClip12.01.21Find whatever is in the clipboardRenumberNotes02.12.20Renumbers all note numbers in selected textSpecialWordSpellAlyse01.12.20Does a ProperNounAlyse of all long 'spelling error' wordsRenumberSuperscript28.11.20Renumbers all superscript numbersMultiFileWord28.11.20Multiple Word file concatenationUnifyFormatForwards27.11.20Make end of para (or selection) same format as the startUnifyFormatBackwards27.11.20Makes start of para (or selection) same format as the endTitlesShowHide25.11.20Toggles between light grey font colour text and full colourCenturyAlyse25.11.20Analyses how centuries are formatted in a documentTheFindAshortMacro24.11.20Finds a macro shorter than a certain lengthNotesInlineToEmbed24.11.20Copies in-line notes into embedded notesDIYFormatHeadwords24.11.20Adds a character style to the first word of every para in a given styleDIYColourLongWords24.11.20Adds a highlight to sentences longer than 40 wordsDIYColourLongSentences24.11.20Adds a highlight to sentences longer than 40 wordsFormatHeadwords22.11.20Adds a character style to the first word of every para in a given styleBLcatalogueFetch21.11.20Launches selected text on GoogleWhatsAppTextFormat11.11.20Converts text from Word to WhatsApp formattingListAlyse11.11.20Makes a list of all the 'list' items - then you can analyse them!EquationsAllItalic02.11.20Makes all equations in the current selection italicRedTagger28.10.20Colours all tags redCopyTextVerySimple28.10.20Creates a text-only copy, with no features preservedSrikeAllHighlightText25.10.20Adds strikethrough to all highlighted textPhrasesInSentences25.10.20Lists all sentences containing a give phraseFReditSelect21.10.20Runs FRedit, but only on multiply selected textEquationsHighlightAll10.10.20Highlights all maths itemsPDFpageNumberer30.09.20Adds page numbers to each line of an exported PDF textMerriamUnabridgedFetch13.09.20Launches selected text to Merriam-Webster unabridged websiteMerriamThesaurusFetch13.09.20Launches selected text to Merriam-Webster thesaurus websiteMerriamMedicalFetch13.09.20Launches selected text to Merriam-Webster medical websiteMerriamLegalFetch13.09.20Launches selected text to Merriam-Webster legal websiteLawDictionaryFetch13.09.20Launches selected text to Dictionary.Law websiteTagsShowHide08.09.20Changes tags into hidden text and then reveals them againFirstLineIndentToTab07.09.20Changes all first-line indents to a tabReverseList05.09.20Reverses the order of items in a listAuthorNameReinsertParens05.09.20Replaces the dash-and-comma for the author's name (parenthesis)AuthorNameReinsert05.09.20Replaces the dash-and-comma for the author's nameSpellingErrorListerBilingual03.09.20Generates an alphabetic list all the bilingual spelling 'errors'ChangeNext29.08.20Finds next change (but not comment)TitleInQuotesCapperGlobal25.08.20Uppercases the initial letter of all major words (title case)TitleInQuotesCapper25.08.20Uppercases the initial letter of all major words (title case)MultiFileShowHiddenText25.08.20Unhides hidden text in multiple filesBackgroundColourOnOff25.08.20Switches background colour on/offEtAlElision24.08.20Crops multi-authors to a given number before 'et al'JumpNextAppliedStyle11.08.20Jumps to the next applied styleWikiFetchNL08.08.20Launches selected text on WikipediaNLThesaurusFetchNL08.08.20Launch selected text to selected text to openthesaurus.deThesaurusFetch08.08.20Launch selected text to PubMedFetch08.08.20Launches selected text to PubMedOUPFetch08.08.20Launches selected text to OUPMacquarieFetch08.08.20Launches selected text to the Macquarie dictionaryGroeneBoekjeFetch08.08.20Launches selected text to selected text - with quotes - on GoogleNLGoogleFetchNL08.08.20Launches selected text on GoogleNLFileOpener08.08.20Menu system to select and load a file(s)DictionaryFetchNL08.08.20Launches selected text to selected text to duden.deDictionaryFetch08.08.20Launches selected text to Chirimbolos04.08.20Chirimbolos - WhatChar in SPANISH by Marcela RonainaLongQuoteNext01.08.20Jumps to the next long quotationItalicQuoteToggle13.07.20Toggles between italic and single or double quoteFigTableBoxLister09.07.20Finds figure/table/box elements and their citationsAddKeys08.07.20Adds keybindings to macrosBibSortWithDittos07.07.20Sorts bibliographic list including ditto marksMacroMenuForMac04.07.20Offers a list of macros to launchMacroLauncherForMac04.07.20Offers a list of macros to launch (was called "MacroMenuForMac")UnlinkCitationsAndRefs29.06.20Unlinks reference citations (ignoring equations)FindFwdAll27.06.20Moves forward to next match: text > notes > commentsFontColourDocumentSplit25.06.20Splits a document into coloured and not colouredNumberParasTagged18.06.20Adds numbering to first-level headings tagged with <a>CleanUp10.06.20Cleans up a file by F&RCopyHighlightedTextSentences09.06.20Copies sentences containing highlighted text into a new fileQuotationMarkErrorFinder28.05.20Moves to the next mismatched double quotesSpellCheckerPlus27.05.20Spellchecks from cursor, using multiple languagesExceptionsListEdit27.05.20Allows the user to edit, add to or replace the exceptions listSpellingShowToggle25.05.20Switches visible spelling error indication on and offHighlightOddQuotations25.05.20Marks all quotes + displayed textQuotationMarker21.05.20Marks all quotes + displayed textTrackDateTimeList13.05.20Lists the date and time of all track changesLoadTheseFiles13.05.20Loads all the files listed in a file listFixedFontSwitch13.05.20Switches font colour red -> blue -> black ->FixedFontRed13.05.20Sets font to an 'almost' red font colourFixedFontBlue13.05.20Sets font to an 'almost' blue font colourFixedFontBlack13.05.20Sets font to an 'almost' black font colourCommentsDeleteSelectively13.05.20Deletes all comments that have a specific tagBookmarkTempFind29.04.20Go to temporary markerConcordanceMaker17.04.20Creates a concordance listFrequencyWordLength15.04.20Creates a histogram of word lengthsFrequencySentenceLength15.04.20Creates a histogram of sentence lengthFrequencyParagraphLength15.04.20Creates a histogram of paragraph lengthClipPasteTextOnly15.04.20Collects and pastes an item from a clip listClipPaste15.04.20Collects and pastes an item from a clip listMenuItemMaker13.04.20Creates a histogram of paragraph lengthVancouverCitationChecker11.04.20Finds all citations and creates a listBackgroundColourOff11.04.20Removes background colourBackgroundColourAllOff11.04.20Removes all background coloursZifferWort06.04.20Converts the next number (1 to 12) into German textRefCitationConvert04.04.20Converts superscripted ref. citations to bracketedCountDownVisible03.04.20Shows a statusbar and Big Text countdown to zeroLongParagraphHighlighter25.03.20Highlights all paragraphs more than a certain lengthLongParagraphCheck25.03.20Colour long sentencesHighlightNonRomanPunctuation25.03.20Highlights non-roman punctuationQuoteExtractor23.03.20Copies paragraph that contain italic text and are indented or contain quotesClipStore20.03.20Copies the selected text into a clip listClipPaste_120.03.20Collects and pastes a numbered item from a clip listCommentChangeScope04.03.20Reduces or extends the scope of a commentListUppercaseNoPunct29.02.20Uppercases the initial character + removes end punctuationURLunlinker28.02.20Unlinks all the URLs in the selection or the whole fileRevisionsHighlight19.02.20Highlights all the edits in a textTitleHeadingCapper18.02.20Uppercase initial letter of all major words (title case)HeadingSentenceCase18.02.20Sentence cases this selection or paragraph (but not acronyms)CurlyQuotesToggle18.02.20Switches on auto curly quotes on and offMultiFileTextForMac17.02.20Collects text plus simple formatting from multiple filesMultiFileTextForMac17.02.20Collects text plus simple formatting from multiple filesTrackSimplifier13.02.20Accepts certain types of tracked featuresRulersShow10.02.20Switches Word’s ruler on and offInitialiseFornamesInList10.02.20Changes forenames within a list to initialsOxfordCommaSelectiveDelete07.02.20Moves to next Oxford comma and/or deletes current comma firstAccentAlyse06.02.20Analyses all the words that contain an accentAccentedWordCollector03.02.20Creates a list of all the accented words in a textTaggedTextToSmallCaps01.02.20Finds tagged text, lowercases it and changes to small capsAcronymsToSmallCaps01.02.20Finds all acronyms (in text or selection) and changes to small capsTitleInSquaresCapperFR22.01.20Uppercase initial letter of all major words (title case)TenseChanger18.01.20Finds one of the words from a list, then changes to its alternateNumberToTextMultiSwitch18.01.20Finds a number, then calls MultiSwitch to change itDeSexer18.01.20Finds one of your words, then calls MultiSwitch to change itPunctuationToSingleQuoteFR11.12.19Changes next quote mark to French single curlyPunctuationToSingleQuoteDE11.12.19Changes next quote mark to German single curlyPunctuationToDoubleQuoteFR11.12.19Changes next quote mark to French double curlyPunctuationToDoubleQuoteDE11.12.19Changes next quote mark to German double curlyMoveWordRight30.11.19Moves current word one word to the RightMoveWordLeft30.11.19Moves current word one word to the rightListRenumber30.11.19Makes all following numbered items in a list consecutiveMacroVersionChecker18.11.19Checks Paul Beverley - Version dates of all your macros against MacroListMacrosAllRestore18.11.19Adds keybindings from a list of macro namesMacrosAllBackup18.11.19Creates a list of all macro keystrokesCompareTexts14.11.19Compares copied text (i.e. clipboard contents) with selected textSerialCommaCounter12.11.19Counts serial (or not) commas in listsSortIt02.11.19Sort the selected textSupercriptNumberFormatter28.10.19Corrects spaces + punctuation on superscripted numbersPDFHyphenRemover28.10.19Finds all end-of-line hyphens, joining back to the next wordMakeOKwordsList26.10.19Makes a list of all words not highlightedPDFHyphenChecker25.10.19Checks the line-end hyphenation of a converted PDFEnigmatizer25.10.19Obfuscates/anonymises the current fileEmailLinker18.10.19Finds all email addresses in the text and links themCommentsDeleteAllNotTagged17.10.19Deletes all comments *not* starting with a specific tagCommentsAddIndexOnInitials17.10.19Adds (and removes) serial numbers to initials in commentsRemoveNumbersFromHeadings15.10.19Removes automatic numbering from headingsBordersPrevious10.10.19Finds previous paragraph with bordersBordersNext10.10.19Finds next paragraph with bordersAutoTagger30.09.19Tag/code automaticallySentenceAlyse28.09.19Analyse the lengths of sentencesDocAlyseForMac28.09.19Analyses various aspects of a documentVerbChangerNLglobal13.09.19Changes Dutch verbs through the whole fileVerbChangerNL13.09.19Changes Dutch verbs in current sentenceSelectPreviousHighlight13.09.19Selects the previous piece of higlighted textSelectNextHighlight13.09.19Selects the next piece of highlighted textSearchTheseWords13.09.19Finds the next occurrence of any of a list of wordsParaSplitJoin13.09.19Splits the para after current word or joins to next paraMendeleyPunctuationCorrection13.09.19Moves punctuation marks to before the note indicatorCharToMacron13.09.19Adds a macron accent to the next vowelCapitaliseUndoubler13.09.19Finds doubled capital letters and corrects themBoldFirstOccurrence13.09.19Emboldens the first occurrence of words in a listRepeatedWordsInSentences12.09.19Highlights any words duplicated within a given sentenceDialoguePunctuationSwitch12.09.19Switches adjacent word link between comma and full pointStyleEffectDetector10.09.19Reports the style and effects applied to the textAlphaHeadersOnIndex10.09.19Adds alpha headers to an indexFormatAlyse07.09.19Highlights various formatting featuresFieldAlyse06.09.19Counts all fields of different typesFReditSame21.08.19Create FRedit item with ^&LinesToParagraphs16.08.19Converts lots of individual lines of text into paragraphsTablePrevious14.08.19Steps through tables, one by oneTableNext14.08.19Steps through tables, one by oneTableBordersToggle14.08.19Switches table borders and rules on and offStyleDetector14.08.19Displays or speaks the current style nameFontColourReader14.08.19Reads style font colour + any applied colourCommentInitialReplaceAll14.08.19Changes all comment initialsCommentInitialFandR14.08.19Finds and replaces comment initialsTrackOnOffVisible19.06.19Switches tracking on/off with visible backgroundSemicolon19.06.19Make adjacent words into semicolon separatedQuestionMark19.06.19Makes adjacent words into sentence endExclamationMark19.06.19Make adjacent words into sentence endComma19.06.19Make adjacent words into comma separatedCommentNumbering20.05.19Add or remove fixed comment numbersSerialNotCommaHighlight18.05.19Highlights or underlines text that appears not to have a serial commaSerialCommaHighlight18.05.19Highlight or underline text that appears to have a serial commaParaSentenceLengthHighlighter16.05.19Highlights paragraphs with too many sentencesDeleteAllSpellingErrors08.05.19Deletes all spelling errorsHighlightWithTrackChange03.04.19Use allcaps, smallcaps, underline for tracking highlightingListofHeadings06.12.18Create a list of all headingsDraftViewToggle05.12.18Switches between draft view and print viewFontNameAndSizeReader21.11.18Reads style font Name + any applied NameVerseListFormat09.11.18Formats list(s) or poem verse(s) with manual linebreaksMiniFRedit15.10.18Adds attributes to certain wordsItalicisePhrase04.10.18Selects text up to next punctuation mark and makes it italicFindInContextLoad04.10.18Loads name and date ready for FindInContext macroHighlightNotThisSize03.10.18Highlights all text NOT the same size as the current textUnderlineStyle01.10.18Changes the underline style of underlined textTableEdit01.10.18Edits items in the cells of some or all tablesSurnameSorter01.10.18Sorts a name list on surname, but allowing for postfixesTypeTimesX25.09.18Types '(×2)' then moves back to the number, ready to increase itMoveToNextQuote25.09.18Moves cursor to the next quote pairDeleteSentenceAfterQuote25.09.18Deletes rest of sentence after current quoteQuoteCopier24.09.18Copies text from one quote pair to the nextNumberSequenceCheckerSimple24.09.18Checks consecutivity of numberingNumberSequenceCheckerDecimal24.09.18Checks consecutivity of numbering containing decimal pointMultifileTrackChangeReport24.09.18Creates a file of sentences containing TCs in multiple filesListOfTaggedHeadings21.09.18Lists all tagged headings, <A>, <B>, etcHighlightCertainCharacters21.09.18Highlights certain characters with attributesFReditListCreate20.09.18Adds text to list items and applies formattingSortAndRemoveDups19.09.18Sort the selected textItalicWordList19.09.18Creates a list of all words in italicFileLister19.09.18Lists all files in a folderFandRdespiteTCsSelective19.09.18Does current F&R despite track changes (selective)FandRdespiteTCsGlobal19.09.18Does current F&R despite track changes (global)DeleteAllFootnotes19.09.18Delete all footnotesDeleteAllEndnotes19.09.18Delete all endnotesCommaAddPrevious19.09.18Adds a comma before the current wordInitialCapAlyse17.09.18Highlight possible capitalisation inconsistencyContentsListerByTag17.09.18Creates a contents list from tags, <A>, <B>, etc.AcronymLister17.09.18List all acronymsFootnoteAdd27.08.18Creates a new footnote (in a given style and/or sq. brackets)FootnoteAdd27.08.18Creates a new footnote (in a given style)AlphabeticOrderByLine14.08.18Finds any suspicious non-alphabetismReferencesCollator11.07.18Finds reference lists, and colours, collates and sorts themVancouverAllCited26.05.18Creates a list of all cited Vancouver referencesCommentBubblesToBrackets26.05.18Copies comments into brackets in running textCommentBracketsToBubbles26.05.18Copies text in square brackets and into comment bubblesBordersAllOff26.05.18Removes border attributes from some or all textBordersAddToText26.05.18Changes underlined+highlighted text to coloured bordersCatchPhrase18.05.18Searches for repeated phrases/sentencesTweetCheck10.05.18Highlights paragraphs with too many charactersParaWordLengthHighlighter08.05.18Highlights all paragraphs of a range of word lengthsProperToPronoun02.05.18Changes the next proper noun to a personal pronounStyleFollowingHeadings13.04.18Sets the style of the paragraph after each headingDoubleSpaceAfterSentence28.02.18Ensures that every sentence has TWO spaces after itInsertTableRefs21.02.18Adds hyperlinked references to all tablesInsertFigureRefs21.02.18Adds hyperlinked reference to all figuresWordsPhrasesInContext19.02.18Copies paragraphs containing specific names into a new fileInsertHeadingRef18.02.18Adds a hyperlinked reference to a headingSmallCapsToProperNoun11.02.18Changes every small caps word into initial cap + lowercaseMacrosAllRestoreMac03.02.18Adds keybindings from a list of macro namesShowFormattingMenu01.02.18Displays (or not) various formatting markers, and the highlightingNoteRelocater01.02.18Takes footnotes out into the running textListSurnameSwap29.01.18Swaps forename first to surname first in selected textCountWordsToCursor29.01.18Counts how many words in the paragraph up to the cursorCommentContextCopier20.01.18Copies paragraphs containing comments into a new fileFReditCopyPlus18.01.18Copy word to make FRedit script item + highlight + case insensitiveFootnoteFiddleStartSpace06.01.18Removes initial space from each footnoteCopyHighlightedTextParagraphs06.01.18Copies paragraphs containing highlighted text into a new fileColonUnbold06.01.18Romanises bold colons that are followed by roman textCodeSegmentProtect06.01.18Applies strike-through to computer code sectionsClipboardLoader06.01.18Puts text in clipboard from a menuMultiFileReferenceCollator13.12.17Collects all references (or foot/endnotes) from multiple filesMultiFilePDF13.12.17Save a folder full of files as PDFsMultiFileCount13.12.17Count words in a group of filesMultiFileCopier13.12.17Save a duplicate set of files with a postfixMultiFileComment13.12.17List all comments in a set of filesEndnoteAdd30.11.17Creates a new endnote (in a given style and/or sq. brackets)SuperSubConvert20.11.17Changes weird super/subscript format to proper onesCommentsPaneOLD08.11.17Open the comments paneGreekHighlighter05.11.17Finds unicode Greek sections of text and highlights themUnHighlightAndColour04.11.17Removes all highlight/coloration of the current colourTagNI04.11.17Adds an <ni> tag after every headingTableSpaceBeforeHeading04.11.17Adds a blank line where a numbered heading follows a tableSelectiveUnColourUnHighlight04.11.17Removes highlighting + removes coloration, but only on non-program textQuoteMarkEmbedder04.11.17Changes double quotes inside double quotes to singlesPunctuationOffNearHere03.11.17Removes the punctuation near the cursorFindRepeatedWords03.11.17Finds words that are repeated in a given rangeAuthorsNotAllCaps30.10.17Changes author surnames to initial cap onlySortTextBlocks28.10.17Alpha sorts blocks of text by first lineSortOnTextAfterDelimiter28.10.17Sorts the selected list based on second 'field'MaggyIt28.10.17Creates a Maggied Paul Beverley - Version of the current fileArticleChanger28.10.17Types, deletes or switches article 'the'/'a'/'an'.VisibleTrackOff427.10.17Visible trackchange reminder - yellow backgroundAlphaOrderChecker27.10.17Creates an alpha-sorted Paul Beverley - Version of selected text showing changesTagDQ03.10.17Add a tag to the current paragraphListLowercaseNoPunct03.10.17Lowercases the initial char + removes end punctuationAcronymDefinitionLister17.09.17Creates a list of acronyms with definitionsListHighlightedOrColoured09.09.17Lists alphabetically any text that is highlightedListHighlightedText08.09.17Lists alphabetically any text that is highlightedFontFunniesClearThisOne08.09.17Makes the selected text into the default fontFontFind08.09.17Finds text in a given font name in selected text or whole fileHideShowText07.09.17Makes body text invisibleFunnyFontFind07.09.17Finds the next paragraph that has mixed fontsFunnyFontClear07.09.17Makes all text in the selection the same fontFindInDeletedText07.09.17Searches only the deleted (track changed) textShapeShowHide29.08.17Makes all shapes distinguishableFeatureCounter24.08.17Counts various feature of the current Word fileStrikeSingle15.08.17Adds or removes strike-throughFigTabBoxTagger21.07.17Add tags to captions of all Figures, Tables and BoxesKeystrokesRestoreAll20.07.17Creates keybindings from a listKeystrokesSaveAll19.07.17Creates a list of all user-defined keystrokesKeystrokesMacroRestore18.07.17Applies keystrokes from a list of macros and keystrokesTagVariousAttributes13.07.17Add red tags to all italic textKeystrokesMacroSave13.07.17Creates a list of all macro keystrokesTablesToTabText27.06.17Converts all tables into tab-separated textHighlightAndColourSame13.06.17Highlights and/or colours all occurrences of this textTagHighlighter09.06.17Highlights all of the ranges a paired tag, e.g. <em>, </em>TagChecker09.06.17Checks the continuity of a paired tag, e.g. <em>, </em>LigatureConverter09.06.17Replaces funny codes for fi/ff/fl/ffi in converted PDFHighlightMultiAuthorCitations09.06.17Finds and highlights all the multi-author citations in the textFullPointOnCaptions09.06.17Finds captions and ensures that they have a full pointFullPointOnBullets09.06.17Finds bullet items and ensures they have a full pointDeleteRestOfLine09.06.17Deletes from the beginning of current word to the end of the lineUnderlineOnlyItalic08.06.17Removes all underlining, then underlines all italic textSpaceEquationsInPara08.06.17Adds spaces to MathType equation in this para if necessaryItalicOffWord18.05.17Removes all italic and underline from selected text (or current word)ShowFormatting10.05.17Display all formatting or just paragraph marksFullFileNameCopy09.05.17Copy the full file name of the current file to the clipboardVisibleTrackOff506.05.17Visible trackchange reminder - selectable background colourTextProbe05.05.17Find funny character codesTypeSectionNumber29.03.17Adds a section number to the current headingFindNextBigText29.03.17Searches down for a bigger than Normal fontDisplayedTextFormat28.03.17Removes quotes and romanises (and trims trailing spaces)ItalicParaDelete23.03.17Deletes all paragraphs that are mainly in italicVisibleTrackOff314.03.17A visible trackchange reminder - using a wiggly line!FootnoteReferenceExtract11.03.17Extracts references from footnotes, leaving Harvard citationFindReplaceStay09.03.17Finds and replaces but don't move to nextStyleBodyIndent20.01.17Adds body style generally, plus No indent after headingsReplicateThisEdit07.01.17Replicates the change just made, through the rest of the fileAutoCorrectItemsList03.01.17Lists all current autocorrect itemsAutoCorrectItemsDeleteAdd03.01.17Optionally deletes all items, then adds new itemsAuthorDateFormatter03.01.17Checks/corrects author/date formatting of reference listTitleRemoveQuotesAndCaps13.12.16Removes quotes from current sentence, then makes it lowercaseHighlightOddPunctuationFormat13.12.16Highlights oddly formatted punctuation marksDeleteAllImagesAndCloseUp13.12.16Deletes all images and closes the gapsAddQuotesAndTitleCap13.12.16Puts quotes on sentence, then makes it title caseFReditSimple10.12.16Performs a list of F&RsCiteCheck09.12.16Checks reference citationsDeleteAllInlineImages06.12.16Delete all inline from a fileDeleteAllImagesAddCallout06.12.16Deletes all images from a file and leave a caption line.ListAllColouredWords02.12.16Creates an alphabetic list of all words in the selected font colour.SpacesInThousands29.11.16Changes four-figure numbers from comma to space.AutoListOff22.11.16Changes auto-bulleted listing to real bulletsRomanise24.10.16Removes italic from the next set of italic characters.ListItemNumberFormatter24.10.16Format the numbering of current list itemEquationsConvertAll24.10.16Converts all Equation Editor items to their text equivalent.AlphabeticOrderChecker22.10.16Find any suspicious non-alphabetismReferenceDateShift14.10.16Move date from end of reference to after author(s)TableCellsInitialCaps01.09.16Applies an initial capital to every cell in the selected rangeStrikeAndColour01.09.16Adds strikethrough and colourListAllLinks01.09.16Creates a table of all URLs in the fileFormatRemoveNotURLs01.09.16Removes all styles and formatting except URLsCloneWordFile01.09.16Create a clean new copy of a documentCloneWithEquations01.09.16Creates a clean copy of a file, including formatted equationsEquationsStrikeThroughAll31.08.16Ensure that no equations are edited by FRedit etc.DoubleQuotesToSingle31.08.16Changes the curly quotes on a given phrase from double to singleDeleteAllFigures31.08.16Delete all images from a file that have a captionReferenceCheckWeb30.08.16Check each hyperlink and highlight accordinglyTagSelectedOrBold02.05.16Add red tags to the currently selected text or italic textItalicBoldTagger02.05.16Adds red tags to all italic and/or bold textHighlightDuplicateSentences201.05.16Highlight pairs of identical sentencesHighlightDuplicateSentences01.05.16Highlight pairs of identical sentencesSpellingListProcess27.04.16Tidy up a spelling FRedit list from cursor downwardsLetterIncrement26.04.16Find next alpha character and decrement it alphabeticallyLetterDecrement26.04.16Find next alpha character and increment it alphabeticallyCountRemainderSimple25.04.16Count words below the cursorComboBoxAccept14.04.16Find combo boxes and replace with the currently selected textTagSelectedOrItalic13.04.16Add red tags to the selected text or italic textUndoSpecificTrack06.04.16Find specific text and undo the track changes on itItaliciseOneVariable06.04.16Run along to find the next single alpha char and italicise itSinglePrime19.02.16Adds single primeNotesUnembed19.02.16Unembeds footnotes or endnotesDoublePrime19.02.16Adds double primeCountWordsInHighlightColour10.02.16Count the number of words in a given highlight colourEnclosureFixer09.02.16Checks and corrects the order of enclosures - brackets etc.DuplicatedWordsHighlight03.02.16Add a highlight to any duplicate words in a text, e.g. "the the"DuplicatedWordsFind303.02.16Find next consecutive three-word duplicateDuplicatedWordsFind203.02.16Finds next consecutive two-word duplicateDuplicatedWordsFind03.02.16Find next consecutive duplicate word (idea from Douglas Vipond)HyphenationToStylesheet27.01.16Create a word list from a HyphenAlyse fileFReditSwap20.01.16Swaps the two sides of a FRedit itemFReditCopy20.01.16Copy word to make FRedit script itemBookmarkToCursorSelect12.01.16Select from temporary marker to cursorBookmarkTempClear12.01.16Delete temporary markersBookmarkTempAdd12.01.16Add temporary markerUnitSpacer07.12.15Find units with numbers and add a thin spaceAbbrSwap24.11.15Swap abbreviation into or out of bracketsTitleUnCapper27.10.15Uppercase initial letter only on first wordBoxTextIntoBody08.10.15Copy text out of textboxes, then delete the boxesSuperscriptHighlightSmart25.09.15Highlight all superscript numbers according to typeContentsListerByNumber25.09.15Create a contents list from numbered headingsSurnamesAllCaps18.09.15Capitalise all the surnames in a refs listInitialCapWord18.09.15Initial capitalises the word at the cursorFileChopper29.08.15Chops text into a number of smaller file using page breaksFullPointMissing06.08.15Add a full point to the next line that doesn't have oneTrackChangeShowHide16.07.15Set up track changes to tasteTrackChangeOptions16.07.15Set up track changes to tasteColumnTotal12.05.15Check the column totalZeroIndentFirstLine29.03.15Zero indent on paragraph after headingNameToInitial02.03.15Change given name to initial, then jump on to nextCommentTextNormalise21.01.15Get rid of "funny effects" in the comment boxesRibbonMinMax18.12.14Toggle between maximize and minimize of the ribbonListLowercaseSemicolon17.12.14Add semicolons to bulletted list + lowercase initial charTimecodeEditor22.10.14Increments/decrements timecode in a fileSwapNames06.10.14Swap adjacent namesAuthorNameSwap01.10.14Changes author surname and initials/given nameListItemFinder28.08.14Jump to an auto-list numberListCheckStart28.08.14Jump to an auto-list numberGreekPicker20.06.14Call up the Insert Symbol window set to Greek charactersGivenNameToInitials27.03.14Reduce given names to initial onlyFindThisOrThat24.02.14Find the next occurrence of certain specific wordsFindThisOrThatSetUp22.02.14Set-up for finding the next occurrence of certain specific wordsHeadingLister11.01.14Create a list of all coded headingsPDFunderlineToLigature04.01.14Restore underline characters into ligaturesPDFsoftHyphenRemove04.01.14Unhyphenate split wordsAcronymToSmallCaps31.12.13Converts all acronyms to small capsToCupdate16.12.13Update (and customise) the table of contentsCompareTextsOLD07.12.13Select non-identical text (was called IdenticalTextCheck)CommentPickerInserter14.11.13Copy a comment from a list and paste into textSymbolToUnicode11.11.13Converts Symbol font characters to Unicode charactersCommentPicker09.11.13Copy a comment out of a list of commentsEmailFormatter05.11.13Formats paragraphs in an emailSymbolShowNumber28.10.13Types out the 'unicode' of the symbol font characterTypeThinSpace25.10.13Types and highlights a thin spaceChangePrevious23.10.13Finds next change (not! comment)ApplyAttribute19.10.13Apply attribute to current cell, row, column, paragraph, sentence, word or selectionCommentAdd201.06.13Adds a commentShortTitleLister19.05.13Create a list of the named references in the notesPDFhardHyphenRestore18.04.13Hyphenate falsely concatenated wordsPDFfunniesToLigatures18.04.13Restore ligatures that have been converted to odd charactersHighlightAllOff02.04.13Remove all highlighting, including in boxesFigCallouts12.03.13Figure callout inserterTableEmDasher05.03.13Empty cells and hyphen/en dash to em dashPerCent25.02.13Changes percent symbol to wordsSpaceBeforeSelector18.02.13Increase and decrease space before paragraphSpaceAfterSelector18.02.13Increase and decrease space after paragraphIndentRightSelector18.02.13Set left indent settings to specific valuesIndentLeftSelector18.02.13Set left indent settings to specific valuesIndentFirstSelector18.02.13Set left indent settings to specific valuesFontEliminate16.02.13Restore anything in this font to the default fontGermanQuotes14.02.13Switch UK quotes to German quotesFrenchQuotes14.02.13Switch UK quotes to French quotesAutoCurlyQuotesON14.02.13Switch on auto curly quotesAutoCurlyQuotesOFF14.02.13Switch off auto curly quotesIndentsSet01.02.13Set indent settingsIndentsMeasure01.02.13Measure and display current indent settingsTagList19.01.13Add tags to a numbered or bulleted listFindNextNumber09.01.13Jump from one number to the next - section, fig, table, etcFindPreviousNumber08.01.13Jump back to the previous numberFindSamePageLine17.12.12Find the same place in another file by page and lineMatchDoubleQuotes07.12.12Check whether double quotes match upCodeFirstLines05.12.12Prepares the file by adding codes, etc.DeleteSomeLinks31.10.12Delete hyperlinks that are not URLsDeleteAllLinks30.10.12Delete all hyperlinksBasicIndexer222.10.12Also does basic indexingPunctuationSwitcher04.10.12Changes order of next two punctuation marksSortNumberedList03.07.12Sort references, ignoring the number at the beginningCiteFileLink225.06.12Link text and references files for CiteCheckListBulleter09.06.12Add a bullet to every paragraph in a listAddWordToStyleList26.05.12Adds the selected text to the style list fileNoteJumper21.05.12Jump back and forth between notes and main textLongSentenceHighlighter19.05.12Highlight all sentences more than a certain lengthPDFpager14.05.12Highlights page numbers of text from a PDFShowStyles06.05.12Show style names as <A>-type codes in the textTagBulletLists30.04.12Add tags to all bullet listsCiteFileLink18.04.12Link text and references files for CiteCheckDeleteAllComments21.02.12Delete all commentsTooDifficultWordHighlighter15.02.12Highlights any words not included in word listPageNumberChecker09.02.12Check that the text page number = Word's page numberContentsListChecker09.02.12Confirm the page numbers in the contents listSampleFindAndDo08.02.12Find something specific and do things to each oneNumberSequenceCheckerHierarchical06.02.12Check the sequence of section numbersFindColouredText03.02.12Finds coloured textAutoListLcaseOne30.01.12Lowercase initial letter of one auto-bulleted/numbered list itemAutoListLcaseAll30.01.12Lowercase initial letter of all auto-bulleted/numbered list itemsMultiChoiceTidierGlobal26.01.12Lower case first word and remove end spaces and punctuationFReditCopyWholeWord17.01.12Create FRedit item for whole-word F&RYesterdate09.01.12Type yesterday's date into the textAddCommentMarkersInText30.12.11Add comment initials and numbers to textNotesUnembedBySections28.12.11Unembed endnotes that are numbered in sectionsSpellcheckWordUSUK19.12.11Spellcheck single word in NOT the current languageAllCapsToInitialCap14.12.11Initial cap any words in all capsSelectTheseWords12.12.11Extend selection to whole wordsSpellcheckWordCurrent10.12.11Spellcheck single word in current languageLanguageHighlight05.12.11Highlight all text not in main languageInitialCapItalicText03.12.11Initial caps on significant words in italic text in notesInitialCapItalicInNotes03.12.11Initial caps on significant words in italic text in notesTrackChangeReject23.11.11Rejects the track changes on the current lineTrackChangeAccept23.11.11Accepts the track changes on the current lineCountCase23.11.11Count the numbers of upper and lowercase charactersChangeNotTracked03.11.11Changes (or add) some text, but don't track the changeTagA29.10.11Adds a tag to the current paragraphCiteFindName21.10.11Jump back from date to nameCellsAddChar20.10.11Check that there is a full point ending each cellPunctAlyse18.10.11Produces usage statistics of various punctuationFontHighlight03.10.11Highlight all fonts NOT named in the listSelectHighlightedText05.09.11Selects all text in a given highlightPictureShow31.08.11Switch pictures on and offHideShowPictures31.08.11Switch pictures on and off (Was called PictureShow)SpellcheckWordUS25.08.11Spellcheck single word USSpellcheckWordUK25.08.11Spellcheck single word UKSuperscriptNoteNumber11.08.11Superscript note numberItalicKill11.08.11Removes italic from selected text or current lineHighlightLongQuotesSingle11.08.11Highlight all long quotes (single)HighlightLongQuotesDouble11.08.11Highlight all long quotes (double)BoldKill11.08.11Remove bold from selected text or current lineBorderParaOff06.08.11Remove the borders applied to the paragraphEndNoteFiddleSuperscript25.07.11Makes changes to superscript on all endnotesSuitToText21.07.11Convert playing card suit symbolks to textIndentChanger07.07.11Changes paras of one indent value to anotherCodeIndentedParas07.07.11Add codes to indented paragraphsFindAdvanced301.06.11Call up Advanced Find dialog boxHighlightListerDeLuxe27.05.11List all the highlight colours usedHighlightLister26.05.11List all the highlight colours usedNumberParasAuto21.05.11Adds hierarchical section numberingMarkFinalOnOff14.05.11Switch "Mark as final" facility on/offSciMarkPicker10.05.11Call up the Insert Symbol window set to Greek charactersAccentPicker10.05.11Call up the Insert Symbol window set to accented charactersSpellcheckWarn30.04.11Run a spellcheck, but beep if not UK or langauges are mixedFandRapostrophe22.04.11F&R text that contains curly quotes/apostropheReferenceNameFinder08.04.11Get date from reference and add after author citationAcceptSpecificTrackChange02.04.11Accept all occurrences of one specific track changeFullNameType31.03.11Types out the full filename of the open fileFReditListRun31.03.11Load, run and close a specific FRedit listCountHighlightColour04.03.11Count how many times a highlight colour occursHighlightIndentedParas01.03.11Highlight all indented paragraphsTrackOnOffAudible26.02.11Track on/off with audio feedbackSpikePaste26.02.11Paste the whole contents of the spikeSpikeCut26.02.11Cut to spikeSpikeCopy26.02.11Copy to spikeInstantFindBottom25.02.11I couldn't possibly comment!TrackingShowSwitcherExtreme23.02.11Toggle visibility of track changesTrackingShowSwitcher23.02.11Toggle visibility of track changesClipToTextWithEmphasis23.02.11Get pure text from pdfs and websitesSortCaseSense17.02.11Sort into separate lists: Lcase/UcaseSectionNumberChecker16.02.11Check the sequence of section numbersListSemicolon15.02.11Add semicolons to bulleted listHighlightAllQuestions15.02.11Highlights all questionsAcronymFinder11.02.11Find a group of words for an acronymLowercaseGlobal10.02.11Lowercase this phrase throughout textSemicolonEndPara09.02.11Lowercase first character + add semicolon at endAddSectionNumber07.02.11Add indexed section numberHeadingStyler02.02.11Styles all headings by depth of section numberBodyTexter02.02.11Apply 'Body Text' to every paragraph in 'Normal'MultiChoiceTidierSingle28.01.11Lowercases initial char of answer + remove end spaces + punctSelectCurrentPage26.01.11Select the current pageWordTotaller21.01.11Adds up word numbers in selected textsCodeBoldParas13.01.11Tag/code every bold headingUnHighlightExcept11.01.11Remove all highlights except one/two chosen coloursLongSentenceCheck06.01.11Colour long sentencesStylePaste04.01.11Paste styleStyleCopy04.01.11Copy stylePasteWithEmphasis30.12.10Paste with emphasisFindStyle30.12.10Finds text in this styleBasicIndexer27.12.10Does basic indexingIndexElide23.12.10Add elision to an indexPageHopper218.12.10Go to page xTableCallouts14.12.10Table callout inserterPageHopper08.12.10Go to page xSpellcheck06.12.10Run a spellcheckCommaAddUSUK28.11.10Add a commaSelectParagraph24.11.10Selects current paragraphInstantFindTop18.11.10Find this from the topFindStyleOld17.11.10Find text in this styleFindStyleOldUp16.11.10Find text in this styleParaShort06.11.10Finds medium-length paragraphsListHighlighter19.10.10This highlights all 'short' paragraphs in a textFootnoteNextUp13.10.10Jump to previous footnoteFootnoteNext13.10.10Jump to next footnoteNextNumberUp11.10.10Find previous section numberNextNumberPlusUp11.10.10Find previous section numberNextNumberPlus11.10.10Find next section numberNextNumber11.10.10Find next section numberInstantFindFormatUp10.09.10Find format similar to thisInstantFindFormatDown10.09.10Find format similar to thisCaseSecondNextWord12.08.10Changes case of next-but-one wordCaseNextPara12.08.10Changes case of initial letter of the paragraphItalicCount22.07.10Counts the number of words that are in italicToCback18.07.10Jump back to table of contentsDeleteAllBookmarks18.06.10Deletes all bookmarksTextBoxFrameCut01.06.10Remove textboxes and framesSetTextBoxStyle01.06.10Apply style to all textboxesNoteDeleteDblSpace01.06.10Deletes double spaces from endnotesJustifyOFF01.06.10Turn format off on all paragraphsFunnyChange01.06.10Make various complicated changes to all paragraphsFootnoteNumberNotItalic01.06.10Makes changes to all footnotesFirstNotIndent01.06.10Full-out paragraph under all headingsCopyComments201.06.10Create a list of all the commentsAutoListOffSimple01.06.10Auto-lists to textInitialNext29.05.10Find run of capsInitialCapOnly29.05.10Reduce all-capitals to initial capCentreText07.05.10Centres the textColourToggle05.05.10Red text on/offSpecialCharList28.02.10Creates a list of the Unicode characters in the documentSymbolFontCheck23.02.10Greek symbol font checkerShowFixedSpaces09.02.10Fixed spaces visibleCustomKeys03.02.10Open the Customize Keyboard dialogue boxDoNowt01.02.10Do nothing at all!PasteUnformatted30.01.10Pastes unformattedHiLightOffCurrentLine22.01.10Removes highlight (text colour) from selected text or current lineListUcaseAll07.01.10Upper case initial letter of all list itemsListUcase07.01.10Upper case initial letter of list itemClipToText04.01.10Get pure text from pdfs and websitesWikiToText01.01.10Convert from text to Wiki formatWikiToStyles01.01.10Convert from Wiki format to textWikiSwitch01.01.10Convert text to and from Wiki formatVisibleTrackOff201.01.10Visible reminder that track changes is offVisibleTrackOff01.01.10Visible reminder that track changes is offTrackOnOff01.01.10Toggle track changes on and offShowHideTracksOnly01.01.10Toggle showing just track changes on and offShowHideAllTracking01.01.10Toggle showing track changes and comments on and offOvertypeBeep201.01.10Sound warning beep on overtype + visualOvertypeBeep01.01.10Sound warning beep on overtypeNonCurlyQuote01.01.10Add non-curly double quoteNonCurlyApostrophe01.01.10Add non-curly single quoteMacroIndent01.01.10Automatically indent a macro listingHiLightTurquoise01.01.10Adds highlight in turquoiseHiLightON01.01.10Adds highlight in currently selected colourHiLightOffALL01.01.10Removes ALL highlights (text colour) from whole textHiLightOFF01.01.10Removes highlight (text colour) from selected textToggleNextCharCase228.09.09Changes case of the next character/selectionToggleNextCharCase28.06.09Changes case of the next character/selectionAlphabetic orderAAnAlyse16.01.21Checks a's and an's for agreement with the following wordAbbreviationAdd15.06.22Creates an abbreviation of roughly selected text (in parenthesis)AbbrSwap24.11.15Swap abbreviation into or out of bracketsAbstractAndKeywordCount09.04.21Counts abstract word numbers and keyword itemsAccentAlyse06.02.20Analyses all the words that contain an accentAccentedWordCollector03.02.20Creates a list of all the accented words in a textAccentPicker10.05.11Call up the Insert Symbol window set to accented charactersAcceptSpecificTrackChange02.04.11Accept all occurrences of one specific track changeAcceptTrackedFormatChanges21.06.22Accepts just the formatting track changesAcceptTrackingSelectively10.02.21Accepts track changes of specific author/editorAcronymAlyse27.11.21Lists all acronyms, with frequencyAcronymDefinitionLister17.09.17Creates a list of acronyms with definitionsAcronymFinder11.02.11Find a group of words for an acronymAcronymLister17.09.18List all acronymsAcronymsToSmallCaps01.02.20Finds all acronyms (in text or selection) and changes to small capsAcronymToSmallCaps31.12.13Converts all acronyms to small capsAddCommentMarkersInText30.12.11Add comment initials and numbers to textAddKeys08.07.20Adds keybindings to macrosAddQuotesAndTitleCap13.12.16Puts quotes on sentence, then makes it title caseAddSectionNumber07.02.11Add indexed section numberAddTextRoundText14.01.21Adds text at either end of a word or phrase (can delete punctuation)AddWordToStyleList26.05.12Adds the selected text to the style list fileAllCapsToInitialCap14.12.11Initial cap any words in all capsAllCapsToItalic08.08.22Finds words in all caps and makes them italicAllCapsToItalicNext11.08.22Finds next word in all caps and makes it italicAllCapWordsCollect15.09.23Collects all the words in all caps styleAlphabeticOrderByLine14.08.18Finds any suspicious non-alphabetismAlphabeticOrderChecker22.10.16Find any suspicious non-alphabetismAlphaHeadersOnIndex10.09.19Adds alpha headers to an indexAlphaOrderChecker27.10.17Creates an alpha-sorted Paul Beverley - Version of selected text showing changesAmpersand03.06.22Changes next ampersand to 'and'AmpersandAdd23.06.23Adds an ampersand in front of the current nameAndToAmpersand24.06.23Changes the next citation from "and" to "&"AndToAmpersandGlobal24.06.23Changes all citations from "and" to "&"ApostropheAdd08.12.22Adds an apostrophe, highlightedApplyAttribute19.10.13Apply attribute to current cell, row, column, paragraph, sentence, word or selectionArticleChanger28.10.17Types, deletes or switches article 'the'/'a'/'an'.AsWellAsToAnd24.09.22Changes 'as well as' to 'and', and the comma, if necessaryAuthorCaseChange16.01.21Lowercases author surnames (e.g. SMITH, J. to Smith, J.) in references listAuthorDateFormatter03.01.17Checks/corrects author/date formatting of reference listAuthorForenamesInitialiser20.12.23Changes author forenames to initialsAuthorInitialCapitalReferences16.01.21Changes author surnames in all capitals to initial capitalAuthorNameReinsert05.09.20Replaces the dash-and-comma for the author's nameAuthorNameReinsertParens05.09.20Replaces the dash-and-comma for the author's name (parenthesis)AuthorNameSwap01.10.14Changes author surname and initials/given nameAuthorsNotAllCaps30.10.17Changes author surnames to initial cap onlyAuthorSurnameSwap19.05.21Moves author surname in a list to the beginning of the lineAutoCorrectItemsDeleteAdd03.01.17Optionally deletes all items, then adds new itemsAutoCorrectItemsList03.01.17Lists all current autocorrect itemsAutoCurlyQuotesOFF14.02.13Switch off auto curly quotesAutoCurlyQuotesON14.02.13Switch on auto curly quotesAutoListLcaseAll30.01.12Lowercase initial letter of all auto-bulleted/numbered list itemsAutoListLcaseOne30.01.12Lowercase initial letter of one auto-bulleted/numbered list itemAutoListOff22.11.16Changes auto-bulleted listing to real bulletsAutoListOffSimple01.06.10Auto-lists to textAutoTagger30.09.19Tag/code automaticallyAynHamzaFormat28.03.24Corrects formatting of ayns and hamzasBackgroundColourAllOff11.04.20Removes all background coloursBackgroundColourOff11.04.20Removes background colourBackgroundColourOnOff25.08.20Switches background colour on/offBackgroundPatternStyleChecker26.01.23Searches for text style with background pattern appliedBasicIndexer27.12.10Does basic indexingBasicIndexer222.10.12Also does basic indexingBibleGatewayFetch12.04.23Launches Bible references on BibleGatewayBibleHubFetch20.07.22Launches selected text on BibleHubBibSortWithDittos07.07.20Sorts bibliographic list including ditto marksBinomialAdder04.04.22Adds Latin binomials into a documentBLcatalogueFetch21.11.20Launches selected text on GoogleBodyTexter02.02.11Apply 'Body Text' to every paragraph in 'Normal'BoldFirstOccurrence13.09.19Emboldens the first occurrence of words in a listBoldiser03.05.22Toggles bold for next character or selected textBoldItalicEtcToStyle18.02.24Changes bold, italic, etc to character stylesBoldItalicToStyle27.03.24Changes bold, italic and bold-italic applied directly, into character stylesBoldKill11.08.11Remove bold from selected text or current lineBoldThisWord11.08.22Makes the word at the cursor boldBookmarkTempAdd12.01.16Add temporary markerBookmarkTempClear12.01.16Delete temporary markersBookmarkTempFind29.04.20Go to temporary markerBookmarkToCursorSelect12.01.16Select from temporary marker to cursorBorderParaOff06.08.11Remove the borders applied to the paragraphBordersAddParagraphs08.03.23Adds colour borders to (partly) selected paragraphsBordersAddToText26.05.18Changes underlined+highlighted text to coloured bordersBordersAllOff26.05.18Removes border attributes from some or all textBordersNext10.10.19Finds next paragraph with bordersBordersPrevious10.10.19Finds previous paragraph with bordersBoxTextIntoBody08.10.15Copy text out of textboxes, then delete the boxesCambridgeDictionaryFetch24.10.22Launches selected text on Cambridge DictionaryCapitaliseUndoubler13.09.19Finds doubled capital letters and corrects themCapitAlyse12.01.23Analyses capitalised wordsCapperMax13.11.23Uppercases initial letter of all major words (title case)CapperMin12.11.22Lowercases initial letter of capitalised words (sentence case)CaptionsListAll25.05.23Lists all paragraphs with bold Figure, Table, BoxCaseNextChar13.05.24Changes case of the next character/selectionCaseNextPara12.08.10Changes case of initial letter of the paragraphCaseNextWord16.04.24Changes case of initial letter of next word or selectionCaseSecondNextWord12.08.10Changes case of next-but-one wordCaseThisWord23.05.24Changes initial case of current word and jumps to next wordCatchPhrase18.05.18Searches for repeated phrases/sentencesCellsAddChar20.10.11Check that there is a full point ending each cellCentreText07.05.10Centres the textCenturyAlyse25.11.20Analyses how centuries are formatted in a documentChangeNext29.08.20Finds next change (but not comment)ChangeNotTracked03.11.11Changes (or add) some text, but don't track the changeChangePrevious23.10.13Finds next change (not! comment)ChapterChopper20.10.23Chops a chapter into separate filesChapterFileLinker16.11.23Rejoins all the chapters of a bookChapterStartBreak05.03.23Finds all chapter titles, adds page break and removes multi-newlinesCharacterSwitch06.02.21Scripted character switchingCharToAcute01.02.21Adds an acute accent to the next vowelCharToCircumflex01.02.21Adds a circumflex to the next vowelCharToGrave01.02.21Adds a grave acute accent to the next vowelCharToMacron13.09.19Adds a macron accent to the next vowelCharToUmlaut01.02.21Adds various accentsCharToVariousAccents01.02.21Adds various accentsCheckCapSentences18.06.21Forces an initial capital on every sentenceChicagoNoteReferenceAlyse31.12.21Helps to check note-based reference citationsChirimbolos04.08.20Chirimbolos - WhatChar in SPANISH by Marcela RonainaChronologyChecker15.04.22Copies paragraphs containing date references into a new fileCitationAlyse29.03.24Checks citations against referencesCitationListSortByName10.04.24Sorts items in a citation list in the text by name.CitationListSortByYear16.01.21Sorts items in a citation list in the text by date.CiteCheck09.12.16Checks reference citationsCiteFileLink18.04.12Link text and references files for CiteCheckCiteFileLink225.06.12Link text and references files for CiteCheckCiteFindName21.10.11Jump back from date to nameCleanUp10.06.20Cleans up a file by F&RClearHighlightAndColour28.01.22Removes all highlighting, coloration and (optionally) underliningClipboardLoader06.01.18Puts text in clipboard from a menuClipCopy06.02.21Copies the selected text into a ClipStore fileClipPaste15.04.20Collects and pastes an item from a clip listClipPaste_120.03.20Collects and pastes a numbered item from a clip listClipPasteTextOnly15.04.20Collects and pastes an item from a clip listClipStore20.03.20Copies the selected text into a clip listClipToText04.01.10Get pure text from pdfs and websitesClipToTextWithEmphasis23.02.11Get pure text from pdfs and websitesCloneWithEquations01.09.16Creates a clean copy of a file, including formatted equationsCloneWordFile01.09.16Create a clean new copy of a documentCMOSFetch28.08.22Launches selected text to CMS websiteCMOSFetchAlt28.08.22Launches selected text to CMS website.CodeBoldParas13.01.11Tag/code every bold headingCodeFirstLines05.12.12Prepares the file by adding codes, etc.CodeIndentedParas07.07.11Add codes to indented paragraphsCodeSegmentProtect06.01.18Applies strike-through to computer code sectionsColon23.01.23Makes adjacent words into colon separatedColonLowercaseAll17.02.23 Changes the initial letter after every colon to lowercaseColonUnbold06.01.18Romanises bold colons that are followed by roman textColonUppercaseAll23.07.22 Changes the initial letter after every colon to lowercaseColourMinus16.03.21Removes or adds font colour in a choice of coloursColourPlus15.01.24Adds font colour in a choice of coloursColourPlusAttribute06.06.23Applies font/highlight colour plus an attributeColourToggle05.05.10Red text on/offColumnTotal12.05.15Check the column totalComboBoxAccept14.04.16Find combo boxes and replace with the currently selected textComma19.06.19Make adjacent words into comma separatedCommaAdd13.05.24Adds a comma after the current wordCommaAddPrevious19.09.18Adds a comma before the current wordCommaAddUSUK28.11.10Add a commaCommaInDialogue17.02.21Give adjacent words a comma linkCommentAdd26.02.24Adds a commentCommentAdd201.06.13Adds a commentCommentAddAndPasteSelected26.02.24Copies text, adds a comment and pastes textCommentAdder23.08.22Adds a comment off a menuCommentAddFromFile26.02.24Adds a comment from a file of ready-made commentsCommentAddJumpBack26.02.24Creates a comment or jumps back to the textCommentAddMenu26.02.24Adds a comment off a menuCommentAddSimple26.02.24Adds a new comment with a standard text item addedCommentAddToTrackedChanges06.04.23Adds a blank comment to every tracked change in the selected textCommentBracketsToBubbles26.05.18Copies text in square brackets and into comment bubblesCommentBubblesToBrackets26.05.18Copies comments into brackets in running textCommentChangeScope04.03.20Reduces or extends the scope of a commentCommentCollector30.04.24Creates a table of all commentsCommentCollectTabulated15.01.24Collects comments into a tableCommentCompose26.02.24Allows you to create a new (modern) commentCommentComposeMenu26.02.24Adds a comment off a menuCommentContextCopier20.01.18Copies paragraphs containing comments into a new fileCommentCopier15.01.24Creates an author query listCommentDeleteMoveNext17.05.22Deletes current comment and moves to the next commentCommentInitialFandR14.08.19Finds and replaces comment initialsCommentInitialReplaceAll14.08.19Changes all comment initialsCommentJumpInOut13.06.22Jumps in and out of comment textCommentJumpToText22.06.22Moves the cursor from the comment back into the textCommentListNumbered16.01.21List all comments in file with index numbersCommentNameChanger26.02.24Changes the name attached to commentsCommentNext13.11.21Goes to next commentCommentNumbering20.05.19Add or remove fixed comment numbersCommentPicker09.11.13Copy a comment out of a list of commentsCommentPickerInserter14.11.13Copy a comment from a list and paste into textCommentPrevious14.11.21Goes to previous commentCommentsAddIndexOnInitials17.10.19Adds (and removes) serial numbers to initials in commentsCommentsCollectTabulated21.12.23Collects comments into a tableCommentsDeleteAllNotTagged17.10.19Deletes all comments *not* starting with a specific tagCommentsDeleteSelectively13.05.20Deletes all comments that have a specific tagCommentsModernCollect02.08.21Extracts modern comments with format and colouringCommentsModernDelete02.08.21Deletes current comment or all commentsCommentsPane11.05.21Opens and closes the Comments paneCommentsPaneOLD08.11.17Open the comments paneCommentsResolveSelected19.09.23Resolves all the comments in the selected area of textCommentSuggestText26.02.24Copies selected text to make a commentCommentTextNormalise21.01.15Get rid of "funny effects" in the comment boxesCommonCode16.11.22Not a macro - just useful computer codeCompareNow26.10.21Creates an instant comparison of two open Word filesCompareTexts14.11.19Compares copied text (i.e. clipboard contents) with selected textCompareTextsOLD07.12.13Select non-identical text (was called IdenticalTextCheck)ConcordanceMaker17.04.20Creates a concordance listConfusables17.06.22Highlights/colours list of words in confusables fileConsolidateTracking24.09.22Turns split tracking into a single changeConsolidateTrackingAll17.09.22Consolidates tracking on all words within selection or all textContentControlsRemove14.04.21Moves the partly selected words one word rightContentsListChecker09.02.12Confirm the page numbers in the contents listContentsListerByNumber25.09.15Create a contents list from numbered headingsContentsListerByStyle23.06.23Create a contents list from numbered heading styleContentsListerByTag17.09.18Creates a contents list from tags, <A>, <B>, etc.CopyAllComments17.03.24Copies all the comments into a new documentCopyAllComments17.03.24Copies all the comments into a new documentCopyAllEditedSentences20.04.21Copies all sentences that have tracked edits in themCopyComments201.06.10Create a list of all the commentsCopyCommentsAndSave10.04.24Create a list of all the commentsCopyFullFilename29.06.22Loads full filename of current document into clipboardCopyHighlightedTextParagraphs06.01.18Copies paragraphs containing highlighted text into a new fileCopyHighlightedTextSentences09.06.20Copies sentences containing highlighted text into a new fileCopySelectedForCompare23.10.21Copies the selected text to a specified fileCopyTextSimple23.05.22Creates a text-only copy, with some features preservedCopyTextVerySimple28.10.20Creates a text-only copy, with no features preservedCopyToList01.09.23Copies selected text into a list fileCopyToListAlphabetic17.04.24Copies selected text into an alphabetic list fileCopyToSwitchList04.12.23Copies selected text into a switch list file for MultiSwitchCountCase23.11.11Count the numbers of upper and lowercase charactersCountChapterPages03.04.21Counts words in sections of text between headingsCountDownVisible03.04.20Shows a statusbar and Big Text countdown to zeroCountHighlightColour04.03.11Count how many times a highlight colour occursCountPhrase18.07.22Counts this word or phraseCountRemainder27.06.23Counts words below the cursorCountRemainderSimple25.04.16Count words below the cursorCountSectionWords03.04.21Counts words in sections of text between headingsCountWordsInHighlightColour10.02.16Count the number of words in a given highlight colourCountWordsToCursor29.01.18Counts how many words in the paragraph up to the cursorCurlyQuotesToggle18.02.20Switches on auto curly quotes on and offCustomKeys03.02.10Open the Customize Keyboard dialogue boxDash23.01.23Makes adjacent words into sentence endDayDateAlyse10.04.22Lists words out of a proper noun frequency listDeleteAllBookmarks18.06.10Deletes all bookmarksDeleteAllComments21.02.12Delete all commentsDeleteAllEndnotes19.09.18Delete all endnotesDeleteAllFigures31.08.16Delete all images from a file that have a captionDeleteAllFootnotes19.09.18Delete all footnotesDeleteAllImagesAddCallout06.12.16Deletes all images from a file and leave a caption line.DeleteAllImagesAndCloseUp13.12.16Deletes all images and closes the gapsDeleteAllInlineImages06.12.16Delete all inline from a fileDeleteAllLinks30.10.12Delete all hyperlinksDeleteAllSpellingErrors08.05.19Deletes all spelling errorsDeleteBackToSentenceStart23.04.21Selects from current word to end of sentenceDeleteCommentsSelectively10.02.21Accepts track changes of specific author/editorDeleteOneWord26.05.23Deletes current word, but no punctuationDeleteRestOfLine09.06.17Deletes from the beginning of current word to the end of the lineDeleteRestOfSentence14.01.21Deletes from end of current word to the end of the sentenceDeleteSentenceAfterQuote25.09.18Deletes rest of sentence after current quoteDeleteSomeLinks31.10.12Delete hyperlinks that are not URLsDeleteToNextPunctuation20.07.22Deletes from end of current word to the next punctuation markDeSexer18.01.20Finds one of your words, then calls MultiSwitch to change itDialoguePunctuationSwitch12.09.19Switches adjacent word link between comma and full pointDictaFRedit06.02.21Adds features to Word 365 Dictate, and cleans up it errorsDictionaryFetch08.08.20Launches selected text to DictionaryFetchByLanguage21.03.22Checks the current word in a language-related dictionaryDictionaryFetchDE08.08.20Launches selected text to duden.deDictionaryFetchNL08.08.20Launches selected text to selected text to and other dictionariesDisplayedQuotesShortHighlight17.07.23Highlights all displayed quotes that are too shortDisplayedQuoteToInline17.07.23Turns a displayed quote to an inline quoteDisplayedTextFormat28.03.17Removes quotes and romanises (and trims trailing spaces)DisplayQuote14.12.23Finds or displays a long quoteDIYColourLongSentences24.11.20Adds a highlight to sentences longer than 40 wordsDIYColourLongWords24.11.20Adds a highlight to sentences longer than 40 wordsDIYFormatHeadwords24.11.20Adds a character style to the first word of every para in a given styleDocAlyse07.05.24Analyses various aspects of a documentDocAlyseForMac28.09.19Analyses various aspects of a documentDocAlyseUser18.05.23Create your own (multilingual?) document analysesDocumentAddMyBlank20.04.24Adds document at specific window size, based on my templateDoNowt01.02.10Do nothing at all!DoublePrime19.02.16Adds double primeDoubleQuotesSingleTopical20.07.23Changes double quotes around current text to singlesDoubleQuotesToSingle31.08.16Changes the curly quotes on a given phrase from double to singleDoubleSpaceAfterSentence28.02.18Ensures that every sentence has TWO spaces after itDPTMFetch21.11.23Launches selected text on DPTM - Busca el texto seleccionado en el Diccionario de términos médicosDraftViewToggle05.12.18Switches between draft view and print viewDTMEfetch10.05.22Launches selected text onDuplicatedWordsFind03.02.16Find next consecutive duplicate word (idea from Douglas Vipond)DuplicatedWordsFind203.02.16Finds next consecutive two-word duplicateDuplicatedWordsFind303.02.16Find next consecutive three-word duplicateDuplicatedWordsHighlight03.02.16Add a highlight to any duplicate words in a text, e.g. "the the"DuplicateSentenceCount21.05.21Counts frequency of any duplicated sentences + highlightsDuplicatesRemove26.01.24Remove duplicate items from a listEmailFormatter05.11.13Formats paragraphs in an emailEmailLinker18.10.19Finds all email addresses in the text and links themEmDashUnspaced14.06.21Removes punctuation, adds unspaced em dash and lowercases next charEnclosureFixer09.02.16Checks and corrects the order of enclosures - brackets etc.EndnoteAdd30.11.17Creates a new endnote (in a given style and/or sq. brackets)EndNoteFiddleSuperscript25.07.11Makes changes to superscript on all endnotesEnigmatizer25.10.19Obfuscates/anonymises the current fileEquationsAllItalic02.11.20Makes all equations in the current selection italicEquationsConvertAll24.10.16Converts all Equation Editor items to their text equivalent.EquationsHighlightAll10.10.20Highlights all maths itemsEquationSpacer06.12.22Adds spaces either side of equations that butt up to some textEquationsStrikeThroughAll31.08.16Ensure that no equations are edited by FRedit etc.EtAlCitationElision04.10.23Crops multi-author citation to single name + 'et al'EtAlElision24.08.20Crops multi-authors to a given number before 'et al'ExceptionsListEdit27.05.20Allows the user to edit, add to or replace the exceptions listExclamationMark19.06.19Make adjacent words into sentence endFandRapostrophe22.04.11F&R text that contains curly quotes/apostropheFandRdespiteTCsGlobal19.09.18Does current F&R despite track changes (global)FandRdespiteTCsSelective19.09.18Does current F&R despite track changes (selective)FeatureCounter24.08.17Counts various feature of the current Word fileFieldAlyse06.09.19Counts all fields of different typesFieldCodesVisible24.10.23Switches between fields being visible and not visibleFieldsUnlink30.11.22Unlinks all fields except equationsFigCallouts12.03.13Figure callout inserterFigStrip25.05.23Strips out all figures and leave a calloutFigTabBoxTagger21.07.17Add tags to captions of all Figures, Tables and BoxesFigTableBoxLister09.07.20Finds figure/table/box elements and their citationsFigureCaptionSplit27.10.23Splits a caption into two lines, the second in italicFigureCaptionSplitAll30.10.23Splits all captions into two lines, the second in italicFileChopper29.08.15Chops text into a number of smaller file using page breaksFileLister19.09.18Lists all files in a folderFileOpener08.08.20Menu system to select and load a file(s)FinalCharDelete24.09.22Removes the final character or punct off a wordFinalPhraseMoveForward11.08.22Cuts the final phrase of a sentence and pulls it to just after the cursor-wordFindAdvanced301.06.11Call up Advanced Find dialog boxFindAndDo08.08.22Finds something specific and does things to each oneFindAndDoRng08.08.22Finds something specific and does things to each oneFindBack16.06.23Next find backwardsFindBackCase16.06.21Next case-sensitive find backwardsFindClip12.01.21Find whatever is in the clipboardFindClipTop12.01.21Jumps to the top, and finds whatever is in the clipboardFindColouredText03.02.12Finds coloured textFindColouredTextUp03.02.22Finds coloured text upwardsFindFetch08.08.22Shell macro for making your own macro:FindFwd20.12.23Finds next match forwards, case insensitivelyFindFwdAll27.06.20Moves forward to next match: text > notes > commentsFindFwdCase16.06.23Next case-sensitive find forwardsFindHashAndStyleNext19.01.23Finds a hash and changes the style of the following paragraphFindInContextLoad04.10.18Loads name and date ready for FindInContext macroFindInDeletedText07.09.17Searches only the deleted (track changed) textFindInProximity12.02.22Finds certain words within a given word rangeFindMissingPageNumbers28.09.23Clears trailing spaces, then highlights refs without page numbersFindNextBigText29.03.17Searches down for a bigger than Normal fontFindNextNumber09.01.13Jump from one number to the next - section, fig, table, etcFindPreviousNumber08.01.13Jump back to the previous numberFindRepeatedWords03.11.17Finds words that are repeated in a given rangeFindReplaceGo12.01.21Finds, replaces and moves to the next matchFindReplaceStay09.03.17Finds and replaces but don't move to nextFindResetParameters15.01.24Does a dummy find to set all the parameters to defaultFindSamePageLine17.12.12Find the same place in another file by page and lineFindSamePlace16.10.23Finds the same place in another open fileFindSamePlaceBack16.10.23Finds the same place in another open fileFindStyle30.12.10Finds text in this styleFindStyleOld17.11.10Find text in this styleFindStyleOldUp16.11.10Find text in this styleFindThisOrThat24.02.14Find the next occurrence of certain specific wordsFindThisOrThatSetUp22.02.14Set-up for finding the next occurrence of certain specific wordsFirstLineIndentToTab07.09.20Changes all first-line indents to a tabFirstNotIndent01.06.10Full-out paragraph under all headingsFixedFontBlack13.05.20Sets font to an 'almost' black font colourFixedFontBlue13.05.20Sets font to an 'almost' blue font colourFixedFontRed13.05.20Sets font to an 'almost' red font colourFixedFontSwitch13.05.20Switches font colour red -> blue -> black ->FontColourDocumentSplit25.06.20Splits a document into coloured and not colouredFontColourReader14.08.19Reads style font colour + any applied colourFontColourSame18.06.21Colours all occurrences of this text in this colourFontEliminate16.02.13Restore anything in this font to the default fontFontFind08.09.17Finds text in a given font name in selected text or whole fileFontFunniesClearAll22.07.22Changes all text in this specific font into the default fontFontFunniesClearThisOne08.09.17Makes the selected text into the default fontFontHighlight03.10.11Highlight all fonts NOT named in the listFontLister07.04.21Lists all font names in selected text or whole fileFontMixFind16.05.21Finds the next paragraph that has mixed fontsFontMixHighlight17.05.21Highlights paragraphs with mixed fonts, showing odd fontsFontNameAndSizeReader21.11.18Reads style font Name + any applied NameFontNameSizeScanAndFix13.03.23Assesses and lists (& optionally fixes) the font sizes & namesFontNameSizeScanAndFix13.03.23Assesses and lists (& optionally fixes) the font sizes & namesFootnoteAdd27.08.18Creates a new footnote (in a given style and/or sq. brackets)FootnoteAdd27.08.18Creates a new footnote (in a given style)FootnoteEndnoteFiddle24.01.23Tidies up start/end of each footnote or endnoteFootnoteFiddleStartSpace06.01.18Removes initial space from each footnoteFootnoteNext13.10.10Jump to next footnoteFootnoteNextUp13.10.10Jump to previous footnoteFootnoteNumberNotItalic01.06.10Makes changes to all footnotesFootnoteReferenceExtract11.03.17Extracts references from footnotes, leaving Harvard citationFootnoteTidy30.07.21Checks each footnoteFormatAlyse07.09.19Highlights various formatting featuresFormatHeadwords22.11.20Adds a character style to the first word of every para in a given styleFormatNumbers02.03.24Formats number at cursor or numbers within a selectionFormatRemoveNotURLs01.09.16Removes all styles and formatting except URLsFormatText15.10.21Formats a word/selection of whole wordsForumTextFormat21.11.21Converts text from Word to Forum and vice versaFourDigitFixer10.05.24Adds a delimiter to four-digit numbers, but not datesFourDigitHundreds04.10.22Changes four-figure numbers to wordsFRedit07.12.23Scripted find and replaceFReditCommentToggle17.04.24Adds or removes the vertical bar that turns FRedit items into commentsFReditCopy20.01.16Copy word to make FRedit script itemFReditCopyPlus18.01.18Copy word to make FRedit script item + highlight + case insensitiveFReditCopyWholeWord17.01.12Create FRedit item for whole-word F&RFReditHeadingsOnly30.01.21Run FRedit, but only on similarly formatted textFReditListChecker18.02.21Checks for possible anomalies in a FRedit listFReditListCreate20.09.18Adds text to list items and applies formattingFReditListMenu06.02.21Provides a menu to run different FRedit listsFReditListMenuFixedFiles23.01.24Allows fixed filenames, for if FReditListMenu doesn't work for youFReditListProcess08.02.22Tidies up a spelling FRedit list from cursor downwardsFReditListRun31.03.11Load, run and close a specific FRedit listFReditListTidy24.04.24Tidies up a FRedit listFReditSame21.08.19Create FRedit item with ^&FReditSelect21.10.20Runs FRedit, but only on multiply selected textFReditSimple10.12.16Performs a list of F&RsFReditSwap20.01.16Swaps the two sides of a FRedit itemFrenchQuotes14.02.13Switch UK quotes to French quotesFrequencyParagraphLength15.04.20Creates a histogram of paragraph lengthFrequencySentenceLength15.04.20Creates a histogram of sentence lengthFrequencyWordLength15.04.20Creates a histogram of word lengthsFRgo04.05.24Finds, replaces and moves to the next matchFRselective13.05.24Sets up various Finds and F&RsFRskip04.05.24Finds next match forwards, case insensitivelyFRstay04.05.24Finds and replaces but don't move to nextFullFileNameCopy09.05.17Copy the full file name of the current file to the clipboardFullNameAlyse24.02.21Creates a frequency list of all full namesFullNameAlyseCaseCount23.12.22Counts each of a list of words/phrasesFullNameType31.03.11Types out the full filename of the open fileFullPoint23.01.23Makes adjacent words into sentence endFullPointInDialogue17.02.21Make adjacent words into sentence endFullPointMissing06.08.15Add a full point to the next line that doesn't have oneFullPointOnBullets09.06.17Finds bullet items and ensures they have a full pointFullPointOnCaptions09.06.17Finds captions and ensures that they have a full pointFunnyChange01.06.10Make various complicated changes to all paragraphsFunnyDashToEnDash06.08.21Changes all funny dashes to proper en dashFunnyFontClear07.09.17Makes all text in the selection the same fontFunnyFontFind07.09.17Finds the next paragraph that has mixed fontsGenusSpeciesAlyse18.04.24Checks the abbreviation of genus/species namesGermanAccusative18.06.21Forces the accusative -en ending to the current wordGermanQuotes14.02.13Switch UK quotes to German quotesGivenNameToInitials27.03.14Reduce given names to initial onlyGoogleBooksFetch20.07.22Launches selected text on Google BooksGoogleFetch04.10.23Launches selected text on GoogleGoogleFetchCA18.11.21Launches selected text on Google CanadaGoogleFetchCookie25.01.23Launches selected text to Google website with cookie promptGoogleFetchDE18.10.21Launches selected text on GoogleGoogleFetchEgypt30.08.23Launches selected text on GoogleGoogleFetchFinland23.04.24Launches selected text on GoogleGoogleFetchIndia18.11.21Launches selected text on GoogleGoogleFetchNL08.08.20Launches selected text on GoogleNLGoogleFetchQuotes18.11.21Launches selected text - with quotes - on GoogleGoogleFetchQuotesCA18.11.21Launches selected text - with quotes - on Google CanadaGoogleFetchQuotesDE18.10.21Launches selected text - with quotes - on GoogleGoogleFetchQuotesEgypt30.08.23Launches selected text - with quotes - on GoogleGoogleFetchQuotesNL08.08.20Launches selected text - with quotes - on GoogleNLGoogleFetchQuotesUS18.11.21Launches selected text - with quotes - on GoogleFetchUS18.11.21Launches selected text on GoogleMapFetch06.09.23Launches selected text to Google MapsGoogleScholarFetch06.12.21Launches selected text on Google ScholarGoogleSSFetch12.01.21Uses Google to search a single specific siteGoogleTranslate11.07.21Launches selected text to GoogleTranslateGreekHighlighter05.11.17Finds unicode Greek sections of text and highlights themGreekPicker20.06.14Call up the Insert Symbol window set to Greek charactersGroeneBoekjeFetch08.08.20Launches selected text to space to hard space after all superscripted numberHeadersFootersRemove11.11.22Removes all headers and footers in all sectionsHeadingLister11.01.14Create a list of all coded headingsHeadingSentenceCase18.02.20Sentence cases this selection or paragraph (but not acronyms)HeadingStyler02.02.11Styles all headings by depth of section numberHeadingStylesAutomatic13.12.22Automatically adds styles to headingsHideShowPictures31.08.11Switch pictures on and off (Was called PictureShow)HideShowText07.09.17Makes body text invisibleHighlightAllItalic07.05.23Highlights all text in italic (including in notes)HighlightAllOff02.04.13Remove all highlighting, including in boxesHighlightAllQuestions15.02.11Highlights all questionsHighlightAllTrackedText15.04.22Highlights (and/or font colours) all tracked textHighlightAndColourSame13.06.17Highlights and/or colours all occurrences of this textHighlightBrightGreen15.03.24Highlights the selected text (or a word or a paragraph)HighlightCertainCharacters21.09.18Highlights certain characters with attributesHighlightComments16.11.22Highlights all comments that have specific prefixesHighlightDuplicateSentences01.05.16Highlight pairs of identical sentencesHighlightDuplicateSentences201.05.16Highlight pairs of identical sentencesHighlightFindDown27.01.22Selects the next piece of highlighted textHighlightFindUp27.01.22Selects the previous piece of highlighted textHighlightInContext30.03.24Highlights a word or phrase in its context in a sentence/paragraphHighlightIndentedParas01.03.11Highlight all indented paragraphsHighlightLister26.05.11List all the highlight colours usedHighlightListerDeLuxe27.05.11List all the highlight colours usedHighlightLongQuotesDouble11.08.11Highlight all long quotes (double)HighlightLongQuotesSingle11.08.11Highlight all long quotes (single)HighlightMinus22.02.24Adds highlight in a choice of coloursHighlightMissingDialoguePunctuation22.09.22Highlights missing dialogue punctuation (from an idea by Katherine Kirk)HighlightMultiAuthorCitations09.06.17Finds and highlights all the multi-author citations in the textHighlightNonRomanPunctuation25.03.20Highlights non-roman punctuationHighlightNotThisSize03.10.18Highlights all text NOT the same size as the current textHighlightOddPunctuationFormat13.12.16Highlights oddly formatted punctuation marksHighlightOddQuotations25.05.20Marks all quotes + displayed textHighlightOffIncNotes24.01.24Removes all highlights and/or colour from text and notesHighlightOffNext15.04.23Unhighlights the next area of highlightingHighlightOffNextWord15.04.23Unhighlights the next word that has some highlightingHighlightOffWord16.01.21Remove highlight from all occurrences of this wordHighlightOrColourRemove15.04.24Removes the current highlight or font colour from the whole textHighlightPlus22.02.24Adds highlight in a choice of coloursHighlightRemovePerColour03.04.24Removes highlight of one colour from selection or whole textHighlightSame16.01.21Highlight all occurrences of this text in this colourHighlightSpecialCharacters06.07.23Highlights all special characters in a fileHighlightToStyles03.08.21Finds highlighted text and does things to each colourHighlightTrackedTextAuthor02.02.24Highlights all tracked text by a specific authorHighlightWithTrackChange03.04.19Use allcaps, smallcaps, underline for tracking highlightingHighlightWordList17.02.24Highlights (and/or colours) all the words/phrases given in a listHighlightYellow15.03.24Highlights the selected text (or a word or a paragraph)HiLightOFF01.01.10Removes highlight (text colour) from selected textHiLightOffALL01.01.10Removes ALL highlights (text colour) from whole textHiLightOffCurrentLine22.01.10Removes highlight (text colour) from selected text or current lineHiLightON01.01.10Adds highlight in currently selected colourHiLightTurquoise01.01.10Adds highlight in turquoiseHowever15.06.21Starts a sentence with 'However', and removes the later "however"HyphenAlyse15.05.24Creates a frequency list of all possible hyphenationsHyphenationToFRedit04.02.22Creates FRedit items from HyphenAlyse or PropernounAlyse filesHyphenationToStylesheet27.01.16Create a word list from a HyphenAlyse fileHyphenSpaceWordCount13.05.24Counts hyphenated word formsHyphenSpaceWordCount30.03.23Counts hyphenated word formsIncludeBracketInSentence11.08.23Moves the full point to after the bracketed referenceIndentChanger07.07.11Changes paras of one indent value to anotherIndentFirstSelector18.02.13Set left indent settings to specific valuesIndentLeftSelector18.02.13Set left indent settings to specific valuesIndentRightSelector18.02.13Set left indent settings to specific valuesIndentsMeasure01.02.13Measure and display current indent settingsIndentsSet01.02.13Set indent settingsIndexChecker16.01.21Lists all pages on which this word(s) occur(s)IndexElide23.12.10Add elision to an indexIndexListItems01.02.24Finds page numbers of all the words/phrases given in a listIndexPageNumberSwap21.11.23Swaps the page number at the cursor with the next number, e.g. 3,6,4,8,10IndexPageOrderChecker21.11.23Seeks paragraphs that have number list in wrong orderInitialCapAllCapsWords03.06.21Initial caps the all-caps words in a documentInitialCapAlyse17.09.18Highlight possible capitalisation inconsistencyInitialCapItalicInNotes03.12.11Initial caps on significant words in italic text in notesInitialCapItalicText03.12.11Initial caps on significant words in italic text in notesInitialCapOnly29.05.10Reduce all-capitals to initial capInitialCapWord18.09.15Initial capitalises the word at the cursorInitialiseFornamesInList10.02.20Changes forenames within a list to initialsInitialNext29.05.10Find run of capsInitialPullBack03.02.24Pulls author's trailing initial(s) (e.g. B. or C.D.) in front of surnameInitialSwapper06.06.22Swaps initials and surname (P.E. Beverley -> Beverley, P.E.)InitialSwapperReverse22.07.22Swaps initials and surname (Beverley, P.E. -> P.E. Beverley)InsertFigureRefs21.02.18Adds hyperlinked reference to all figuresInsertHeadingRef18.02.18Adds a hyperlinked reference to a headingInsertTableRefs21.02.18Adds hyperlinked references to all tablesInstantFindBottom25.02.11I couldn't possibly comment!InstantFindDown14.03.24Finds selected text downwardsInstantFindDownWild23.02.23Finds selected text downwards wildcards setInstantFindFormatDown10.09.10Find format similar to thisInstantFindFormatUp10.09.10Find format similar to thisInstantFindTop18.11.10Find this from the topInstantFindUp07.01.22Finds selected text upwardsInstantJumpDown12.01.21Find selected text downwardsInstantJumpUp13.01.21Find selected text upwardsIStoIZ14.06.22Corrects text to give -iz-, -yz- spellingsItalicBinomial25.10.21Italicises binomialsItalicBoldTagger02.05.16Adds red tags to all italic and/or bold textItalicCount22.07.10Counts the number of words that are in italicItalicHighlightNotQuotes31.08.22Finds italic text (but not in quotes) and highlights itItaliciseOneVariable06.04.16Run along to find the next single alpha char and italicise itItalicisePhrase04.10.18Selects text up to next punctuation mark and makes it italicItaliciser03.06.22Toggles italic for next character or selected textItaliciseVariable25.01.22Runs along, finds sets of alpha chars and italicises themItalicKill11.08.11Removes italic from selected text or current lineItalicOffWord18.05.17Removes all italic and underline from selected text (or current word)ItalicParaDelete23.03.17Deletes all paragraphs that are mainly in italicItalicQuoteToggle13.07.20Toggles between italic and single or double quoteItalicSpeechToSingleQuotes04.05.22Finds italic text, Romanises it and adds single quotesItalicWordList19.09.18Creates a list of all words in italicIZIScount06.02.21Counts IS/IZ spellingsIZtoIS14.06.22Corrects text to give -is-, -ys- spellingsJoinTwoWords29.05.21Joins two wordsJumpNextAppliedStyle11.08.20Jumps to the next applied styleJumpScroll12.12.22Scrolls current line to the top of the pageJustifyOFF01.06.10Turn format off on all paragraphsKeystrokeLister18.10.22Create a list of custom key allocationsKeystrokesMacroRestore18.07.17Applies keystrokes from a list of macros and keystrokesKeystrokesMacroSave13.07.17Creates a list of all macro keystrokesKeystrokesRestoreAll20.07.17Creates keybindings from a listKeystrokesSaveAll19.07.17Creates a list of all user-defined keystrokesLanguageHighlight05.12.11Highlight all text not in main languageLanguageSetCanada09.04.23Sets language as Canadian EnglishLanguageSetMulti07.06.23Toggles between different language country settingsLanguageSetUK09.04.23Sets language as UK EnglishLanguageSetUS09.04.23Sets language as US EnglishLanguageSwitch16.08.23Switches the language between two or three alternatesLanguageToggle01.11.21Toggles the language setting of (part selected) textLanguageUSUKswitch22.04.24Switches language between UK and US EnglishLawDictionaryFetch13.09.20Launches selected text to Dictionary.Law websiteLetterDecrement26.04.16Find next alpha character and increment it alphabeticallyLetterIncrement26.04.16Find next alpha character and decrement it alphabeticallyLigatureConverter09.06.17Replaces funny codes for fi/ff/fl/ffi in converted PDFLinesToParagraphs16.08.19Converts lots of individual lines of text into paragraphsLinkAdd25.01.24Selects the current word(s) and adds a link from your inputLinkCopy25.01.24Copies the URL of the current linkLinkDelete25.01.24Deletes (unlinks) the current linkLinkProblemHighlight19.07.23Highlights links that don't go anywhereLinkProblemHighlighter19.07.23Highlights links that don't go anywhereLinksAllToEndnotes18.05.23Change each active URL link into an endnoteLinksToURLtextGlobal17.05.24Converts URL links from descriptive text to actual URL addressListAllCitations28.12.23Alphabetically lists all fig/table/box/flowchart citationsListAllColouredWords02.12.16Creates an alphabetic list of all words in the selected font colour.ListAllHeadings04.11.22Creates a list of all headings by style nameListAllLinks01.09.16Creates a table of all URLs in the fileListAllStyles22.04.24Creates a list of all styles nameListAlyse11.11.20Makes a list of all the 'list' items - then you can analyse them!ListBulleter09.06.12Add a bullet to every paragraph in a listListCheckStart28.08.14Jump to an auto-list numberListHighlightedOrColoured09.09.17Lists alphabetically any text that is highlightedListHighlightedText08.09.17Lists alphabetically any text that is highlightedListHighlighter19.10.10This highlights all 'short' paragraphs in a textListItemFinder28.08.14Jump to an auto-list numberListItemNumberFormatter24.10.16Format the numbering of current list itemListLowercaseNoPunct03.10.17Lowercases the initial char + removes end punctuationListLowercaseSemicolon17.12.14Add semicolons to bulletted list + lowercase initial charListOfFound16.01.21Lists all occurrences of selected textListofHeadings06.12.18Create a list of all headingsListOfList16.01.21Lists all items in a list that contain a particular textListOfParas16.01.21Lists all paragraphs (formatted text) starting with certain textListOfTaggedHeadings21.09.18Lists all tagged headings, <A>, <B>, etcListOfTextParas16.01.21Lists all paragraphs (pure text) starting with certain textListRenumber30.11.19Makes all following numbered items in a list consecutiveListSemicolon15.02.11Add semicolons to bulleted listListSurnameSwap29.01.18Swaps forename first to surname first in selected textListUcase07.01.10Upper case initial letter of list itemListUcaseAll07.01.10Upper case initial letter of all list itemsListUppercaseNoPunct29.02.20Uppercases the initial character + removes end punctuationLoadFilesInList29.06.22Loads a series of files in a Word file listLoadTheseFiles13.05.20Loads all the files listed in a file listLongParagraphCheck25.03.20Colour long sentencesLongParagraphHighlighter25.03.20Highlights all paragraphs more than a certain lengthLongParagraphHighlighterChars23.06.21Highlights all paragraphs more than a certain lengthLongQuoteNext01.08.20Jumps to the next long quotationLongSentenceCheck06.01.11Colour long sentencesLongSentenceHighlighter19.05.12Highlight all sentences more than a certain lengthLongWordHighlighter09.08.23Highlights all words more than a certain lengthLowercaseGlobal10.02.11Lowercase this phrase throughout textLtrRestore29.03.24Restores text direction to left-to-rightMacquarieFetch08.08.20Launches selected text to the Macquarie dictionaryMacro list – latest versionsMacroFetch21.08.21Fetches the macro named in the clipboard or at the cursorMacroFetchKeystrokeRead20.11.21Reads and restores a macro's keystroke while upgradingMacroFetchKeystrokeReadMac20.11.21Reads and restores a macro's keystroke while upgradingMacroFetchUpdate21.08.22Updates an existing macro, preserving the keystrokeMacroIndent01.01.10Automatically indent a macro listingMacroLauncher12.05.22Offers a list of macros to launch (was called "MacroMenu")MacroLauncherForMac04.07.20Offers a list of macros to launch (was called "MacroMenuForMac")MacroMenuForMac04.07.20Offers a list of macros to launchMacroNameShow10.05.24Displays the current macro name in a display fileMacroNameToLink31.08.21Makes URL for macro name in clipboard or at cursor and puts in clipboardMacroRunNoTC01.01.22Runs an analysis on track-accepted textMacrosAllBackup18.11.19Creates a list of all macro keystrokesMacrosAllRestore18.11.19Adds keybindings from a list of macro namesMacrosAllRestoreMac03.02.18Adds keybindings from a list of macro namesMacroSelect12.01.23Selects the current macro textMacroUpdater16.01.21Updates to the current macro text, preserving the keystrokeMacroVersionChecker18.11.19Checks Paul Beverley - Version dates of all your macros against MacroListMaggyIt28.10.17Creates a Maggied Paul Beverley - Version of the current fileMakeOKwordsList26.10.19Makes a list of all words not highlightedMarkFinalOnOff14.05.11Switch "Mark as final" facility on/offMarkIt25.10.23Applies various attributes by (wildcard) F&RMarkupDisplaySwitch23.11.23Cycles through track change display levelsMarkupModeSwitch12.10.22Switches between inline and in-balloon markupMatchDoubleQuotes07.12.12Check whether double quotes match upMatchParentheses24.11.23Check whether brackets match upMatchSingleQuotes18.03.21Check whether single quotes match upMatchSquareBrackets13.04.24Check whether brackets match upMegAlyse20.01.22Launches a selected series of analysis macrosMendeleyPunctuationCorrection13.09.19Moves punctuation marks to before the note indicatorMenuItemMaker13.04.20Creates a histogram of paragraph lengthMerriamCollegiateFetch02.08.22Launches selected text to Merriam-Webster collegiate websiteMerriamFetch03.04.24Launches selected text to MerriamMerriamLegalFetch13.09.20Launches selected text to Merriam-Webster legal websiteMerriamMedicalFetch13.09.20Launches selected text to Merriam-Webster medical websiteMerriamThesaurusFetch13.09.20Launches selected text to Merriam-Webster thesaurus websiteMerriamUnabridgedFetch13.09.20Launches selected text to Merriam-Webster unabridged websiteMiniFRedit15.10.18Adds attributes to certain wordsMoveNextSentence18.10.22Moves the cursor ro the start of the next sentenceMovePreviousSentence12.07.23Moves the cursor ro the start of the next sentenceMoveToEnd22.07.23Moves the selected text to the end of the sentenceMoveToNextQuote25.09.18Moves cursor to the next quote pairMoveToStart06.02.23Moves the selected text to the beginning of the sentenceMoveWordLeft30.11.19Moves current word one word to the rightMoveWordRight30.11.19Moves current word one word to the RightMultiChoiceTidierGlobal26.01.12Lower case first word and remove end spaces and punctuationMultiChoiceTidierSingle28.01.11Lowercases initial char of answer + remove end spaces + punctMultiFileAcceptTrackChanges21.10.21Accept track changes in multiple filesMultiFileComment13.12.17List all comments in a set of filesMultiFileCopier13.12.17Save a duplicate set of files with a postfixMultiFileCount13.12.17Count words in a group of filesMultiFileDocToDocxSave12.05.23Save any .doc files in a folder also in .docx formatMultiFileFRedit10.07.21Multi-file version of FReditMultiFileLoader06.04.23Loads a set of filesMultiFilePageCount30.03.21Counts pages in a group of filesMultiFilePDF13.12.17Save a folder full of files as PDFsMultiFileReferenceCollator13.12.17Collects all references (or foot/endnotes) from multiple filesMultiFileShowHiddenText25.08.20Unhides hidden text in multiple filesMultiFileText07.02.23Collects text plus simple formatting from multiple filesMultiFileTextForMac17.02.20Collects text plus simple formatting from multiple filesMultiFileTextForMac17.02.20Collects text plus simple formatting from multiple filesMultifileTrackChangeReport24.09.18Creates a file of sentences containing TCs in multiple filesMultiFileWord28.11.20Multiple Word file concatenationMultifileXML01.09.21Save a folder full of files as XMLsMultiSearch28.05.22Searches for a set of words in proximityMultiSearchLoader31.05.22Loads text segments into MultiSearchMultiSearchUp28.05.22Searches for a set of words in proximityMultiSwitch10.04.24Scripted word/phrase switchingMultiSyllableWordsHighlight10.08.23Highlights words of 3, 4 or 5+ syllablesNamesReverse13.06.22Switches two names and adds (or removes) the commaNameToInitial02.03.15Change given name to initial, then jump on to nextNavigationPanePrepare16.06.23Copies text and prepares for Navigation pane (only needed for Macs)NavPaneCustomize12.01.21Opens the navigation pane where and how you wantNavPaneLoad10.04.21Copies selected text into the F&R boxNavPaneWidth12.01.21Widens the navigation paneNextNumber11.10.10Find next section numberNextNumberPlus11.10.10Find next section numberNextNumberPlusUp11.10.10Find previous section numberNextNumberUp11.10.10Find previous section numberNgramFetch18.10.21Launches selected text on Google NgramNonCurlyApostrophe01.01.10Add non-curly single quoteNonCurlyQuote01.01.10Add non-curly double quoteNormaliseText03.04.21Sets Normal style and removes (some) formattingNoteCitationsOutsidePunctuationGlobal28.07.23Moves all note numbers to outside the punctuationNoteDeleteDblSpace01.06.10Deletes double spaces from endnotesNoteJumper21.05.12Jump back and forth between notes and main textNoteMarkerMoveEndSentence13.03.23Moves the foot/endnote marker to the end of the sentenceNoteRelocater01.02.18Takes footnotes out into the running textNotesCopyToInline18.01.23Copies notes into inline notes in bracketsNotesEmbed12.03.24Embed footnotes or endnotesNotesEmbedSquareBrackets09.06.23Creates endnotes from text-based notes, numbered in square bracketsNotesFootEndSwitch22.11.22Switches individual footnote <-> endnote (in note or in text)NotesInlineToEmbed24.11.20Copies in-line notes into embedded notesNotesReEmbedByNumber13.01.21Re-embed footnotes or endnotes by numberNotesUnembed19.02.16Unembeds footnotes or endnotesNotesUnembedBySections28.12.11Unembed endnotes that are numbered in sectionsNTaddressCopy08.02.24Reports the address of the folder holding the Normal templateNTbackupDated18.01.24Backs up the Normal template and the VBA code with date and timeNTbackupDatedSimple28.10.23Backs up the Normal template with date and timeNumberDecrement18.01.23Subtracts one from the next number after the cursorNumberIncrement18.01.23Adds one to the next number after the cursorNumberParasAuto21.05.11Adds hierarchical section numberingNumberParasTagged18.06.20Adds numbering to first-level headings tagged with <a>NumberRangeHyphenToDash26.10.22Changes all hyphens in number ranges to en dashesNumberSelectedList12.03.24Applies (or corrects the existing) numbering on the selected text paragraphsNumberSequenceCheckerDecimal24.09.18Checks consecutivity of numbering containing decimal pointNumberSequenceCheckerHierarchical06.02.12Check the sequence of section numbersNumberSequenceCheckerSimple24.09.18Checks consecutivity of numberingNumberTextFigureCount14.01.23Counts numbers as figures vs. wordsNumberToFigure16.01.21Converts the next number to a figureNumberTotaller30.11.22Sums the numbers within the selected text (or checks the sum)NumberToText13.07.23Converts next number into textNumberToText201.06.22Convert next number into textNumberToTextCMOS29.08.22Converts next number into text, using e.g. "fourteen hundred"NumberToTextMultiSwitch18.01.20Finds a number, then calls MultiSwitch to change itNumberToTextUK13.07.23Converts next number into textNumberToTextUK201.06.22Convert next number into textOddLanguageHighlighter12.04.23Highlights any characters NOT in the chosen languageOddQuoteSpacingCorrectAll16.11.22Corrects the odd spacing on quotation marks (due to RTL fonts)OddQuoteSpacingCorrectSingle26.07.22Corrects the odd spacing on double quotation marksOEDFetch10.02.24Launches selected text on OED dictionary siteOneLookFetch18.10.21Launches selected text to OpenmySize02.11.21Opens the window to a particular size, position and magnificationOUPFetch08.08.20Launches selected text to OUPOUPFetchPremium22.03.24Launches selected text to OUP Premium website.OvertypeBeep01.01.10Sound warning beep on overtypeOvertypeBeep201.01.10Sound warning beep on overtype + visualOxfordCommaSelectiveDelete07.02.20Moves to next Oxford comma and/or deletes current comma firstPageBreakColour14.03.24Colours/highlights the lines either side of each page breakPageCountBySection03.04.21Counts the pages between section headingsPageHopper08.12.10Go to page xPageHopper218.12.10Go to page xPageNumberChecker09.02.12Check that the text page number = Word's page numberParaDelete29.10.21Deletes the current paragraphParagraphEndChecker22.12.23Highlights the end of all possibly punctuation-less paragraphsParagraphLineLengthHighlighter11.01.22Highlights any paragraphs longer than a number of linesParagraphShrink07.01.22Shrinks the current paragraph (for use with CitationAlyse)ParaSentenceLengthHighlighter16.05.19Highlights paragraphs with too many sentencesParaShort06.11.10Finds medium-length paragraphsParaSplitJoin13.09.19Splits the para after current word or joins to next paraParaWordLengthHighlighter08.05.18Highlights all paragraphs of a range of word lengthsParenthesesAdd06.06.22Puts parentheses round the current word or phraseParenthesesEtcPairDelete14.03.23Removes the following pair of parentheses or quotes, etc.ParticipleChanger06.04.23Toggles between past and present participlesParticipleSentenceStartShow04.01.24Underlines + highlights the participles that start sentencesPasteUnformatted30.01.10Pastes unformattedPasteWithEmphasis30.12.10Paste with emphasisPDFfunniesToLigatures18.04.13Restore ligatures that have been converted to odd charactersPDFhardHyphenRestore18.04.13Hyphenate falsely concatenated wordsPDFHyphenChecker25.10.19Checks the line-end hyphenation of a converted PDFPDFHyphenRemover28.10.19Finds all end-of-line hyphens, joining back to the next wordPDFpageNumberer30.09.20Adds page numbers to each line of an exported PDF textPDFpager14.05.12Highlights page numbers of text from a PDFPDFrunningHeadHighlight09.04.21Locates running heads and highlights/enlarges page numberPDFsoftHyphenRemove04.01.14Unhyphenate split wordsPDFspellAll27.10.22Underlines all spelling errorsPDFspellIgnoreProperNouns17.11.22Underlines all spelling errors except proper nounsPDFunderlineToLigature04.01.14Restore underline characters into ligaturesPerCent25.02.13Changes percent symbol to wordsPeriod23.01.23Makes adjacent words into sentence endPhraseCount22.12.22Counts each of a list of words/phrasesPhrasesInSentences25.10.20Lists all sentences containing a give phrasePictureShow31.08.11Switch pictures on and offPluralise15.07.22Tries to make the current word pluralPluraliseDE23.05.21Toggles the ending plural/singularPlurAlyse17.06.23Creates a frequency list of single/plural pairsPlurAlyse29.01.24Creates a frequency list of single/plural pairsPlurAlyseColour19.06.23Colours/highlights all words listed by PlurAlysePreferredSpellingsAlyse29.02.24Finds words similar to those in a preferred-spelling listPrepareToReplaceDown10.04.21Copies selected text into the F&R boxPrepareToReplaceDownTCoff10.04.21Copy text into the F&R boxPrepareToReplaceFromTop10.04.21Copy text into the F&R box from topPrepareToReplaceWithMarker10.04.21Copy text into the F&R box from top leaving markerProperNounAlyse25.03.24Analyses similar proper nounsProperNounAlyse26.07.22Analyses similar proper nounsProperNounAlyseES30.08.22Analyses similar proper nounsProperNounToFRedit04.02.22Picks up alternative spellings in a PN query list for a FRedit listProperToPronoun02.05.18Changes the next proper noun to a personal pronounPublisherSwitch14.11.23Swaps "Location: Publisher Name" to "Publisher Name, Location"PubMedFetch08.08.20Launches selected text to PubMedPunctAlyse18.10.11Produces usage statistics of various punctuationPunctuationAfterCitation17.10.22Moves the full point (period) to after the citationPunctuationBoldOff06.10.21Un-bolds all commas, etc. not followed by bold textPunctuationFormatChecker07.03.24Variously highlight italic/roman punctuationPunctuationItalicOff20.01.23Un-italicises all commas etc not followed by italic textPunctuationOff30.06.23Deletes the next punctuation itemPunctuationOffNearHere03.11.17Removes the punctuation near the cursorPunctuationOffRight16.01.21Removes the punctuation off a word end (and quote off start)PunctuationSwap03.06.22Swaps the next punctuation markPunctuationSwapInDialogue03.06.22Swaps the next punctuation markPunctuationSwitcher04.10.12Changes order of next two punctuation marksPunctuationToApostrophe01.02.24Changes next quote mark to an apostrophePunctuationToComma25.03.23Changes the next punctuation item to a commaPunctuationToDash25.03.23Changes next hyphen/em/en dash to an em/en dashPunctuationToDoubleCloseGuillemet25.03.23Changes next quote mark to double close guillemetPunctuationToDoubleOpenGuillemet25.03.23Changes next quote mark to double open guillemetPunctuationToDoublePrime25.03.23Change next quote mark to double primePunctuationToDoubleQuote26.03.23Changes next quote mark to double curlyPunctuationToDoubleQuoteDE11.12.19Changes next quote mark to German double curlyPunctuationToDoubleQuoteFR11.12.19Changes next quote mark to French double curlyPunctuationToEmDash19.11.21Changes next hyphen/em/en dash to an em dashPunctuationToEnDash19.11.21Changes next hyphen/em/en dash to an en dashPunctuationToFullPoint25.03.23Changes the next punctuation item to a full pointPunctuationToHardSpace25.03.23Changes the next item to a hard spacePunctuationToHyphen25.03.23Changes the word break punctuation to a hyphenPunctuationToMinus13.04.24Finds punctuation and changes to minus signPunctuationToMultiplySign19.11.21Changes next x or X to multiplication signPunctuationToMultiplySign25.03.23Changes next x or X to multiplication signPunctuationToNonBreakingEmDash14.06.22Changes next hyphen/em/en dash to a non-breaking em dashPunctuationToNonBreakingEnDash25.03.23Changes next hyphen/em/en dash to a non-breaking em/en dashPunctuationToNonBreakingThinSpace25.03.23Changes next space etc to a non-breaking thin spacePunctuationToNothing25.03.23Changes next punctuation mark to nothing, i.e. deletes itPunctuationToPrime25.03.23Change next quote mark to single primePunctuationToSingleCloseGuillemet25.03.23Changes next quote mark to single close guillemetPunctuationToSingleOpenGuillemet25.03.23Changes next quote mark to single open guillemetPunctuationToSingleQuote06.05.24Changes next quote mark to single curlyPunctuationToSingleQuoteDE11.12.19Changes next quote mark to German single curlyPunctuationToSingleQuoteFR11.12.19Changes next quote mark to French single curlyPunctuationToSpace25.03.23Change the next punctuation item to a spacePunctuationToThinSpace19.11.21Changes the next item to a thin spacePunctuationTrackAcceptAll16.02.24Accepts all track changes that involve punctuationQQAddMenu01.06.21Adds a QQ comment from a user-set menuQQConvert14.06.21Converts QQ comments to ordinary commentsQQUpdate28.05.21Renumbers QQ commentsQuestionMark19.06.19Makes adjacent words into sentence endQuotationMarker21.05.20Marks all quotes + displayed textQuotationMarkErrorFinder28.05.20Moves to the next mismatched double quotesQuoteCopier24.09.18Copies text from one quote pair to the nextQuoteExtractor23.03.20Copies paragraph that contain italic text and are indented or contain quotesQuoteInQuoteSingleDoubleSwitch15.05.24Changes double quotes to single or vice versa, avoiding apostrophesQuoteMarkEmbedder04.11.17Changes double quotes inside double quotes to singlesQuotesAddDouble11.12.23Adds quotes round a word or phraseQuotesAddSingle11.12.23Adds quotes round a word or phraseQuoteSingleToDoubleGlobal15.01.23Changes single quotes to double, avoiding apostrophesQuotesOffBothEnds03.09.22Removes single quotations marks from both ends of a textQuotesOffBothEndsDouble03.09.22Removes double quotations marks from both ends of a testQuotesOffBothEndsDoubleAddItalic03.02.23Removes double quotations marks from both ends of a text + italicisesQuotesOffBothEndsSingle03.09.22Removes single quotations marks from both ends of a testQuotesToGuillemets08.10.22Changes all double and single quotes (inc. German) into guillemetsRAEfetch10.05.22Launches selected text on Real Academia Espa?olaRandomTextType24.11.23Types out paragraphs of pseudo-Latin or English textRandomTextTypeMac24.11.23Types out paragraphs of pseudo-Latin or English text (Mac version)RedTagger28.10.20Colours all tags redRefCitationConvert04.04.20Converts superscripted ref. citations to bracketedReferenceCheckWeb30.08.16Check each hyperlink and highlight accordinglyReferenceDateShift14.10.16Move date from end of reference to after author(s)ReferenceErrorHighlight19.07.23Highlights references that aren't foundReferenceNameDateMover10.04.23Moves forename/initials to before surname or move year to endReferenceNameFinder08.04.11Get date from reference and add after author citationReferencesCollator11.07.18Finds reference lists, and colours, collates and sorts themRemoveNumbersFromHeadings15.10.19Removes automatic numbering from headingsRenumberNotes02.12.20Renumbers all note numbers in selected textRenumberSuperscript28.11.20Renumbers all superscript numbersRepeatedWordsInParagraphs10.09.23Highlights any words duplicated within given paragraphsRepeatedWordsInSentences12.09.19Highlights any words duplicated within a given sentenceReplicateThisEdit07.01.17Replicates the change just made, through the rest of the fileReverseList05.09.20Reverses the order of items in a listReviewPaneToggle03.03.22Opens and closes the track change review paneRevisionsHighlight19.02.20Highlights all the edits in a textRibbonMinMax18.12.14Toggle between maximize and minimize of the ribbonRomanise24.10.16Removes italic from the next set of italic characters.RomanPunctuationHighlight13.06.23Finds roman punctuation that follows italic textRulersShow10.02.20Switches Word’s ruler on and offSampleFindAndDo08.02.12Find something specific and do things to each oneSaveAllUnsavedDocs26.10.23Saves all unsaved documentsSaveAsWithIndex30.06.23Saves the current file, adding a postfixScareQuoteAdd29.05.21Add single quotes round a wordSciMarkPicker10.05.11Call up the Insert Symbol window set to Greek charactersScreenColourSwitch01.01.23Switches colour text and background on/offSearchHierarchically24.11.23Shell macro: Searches hierarchically for a characterSearchThenChange16.01.21Finds one of the words from a list, then changes to its alternateSearchThenMultiSwitch16.01.21Finds one of your words, then calls MultiSwitch to change itSearchTheseWords13.09.19Finds the next occurrence of any of a list of wordsSectionHeadsInComments26.02.24Adds the heading style and text of each heading into a commentSectionNumberChecker16.02.11Check the sequence of section numbersSelectBetweenQuotes17.07.23Selects text between double quotes and optionally does a FetchSelectCurrentPage26.01.11Select the current pageSelectHighlightedText05.09.11Selects all text in a given highlightSelectionEndExtend03.07.23Moves the end of the selection further out to the right (i.e. extends it)SelectionEndShrink03.07.23Pulls the end of the selection back to the left (i.e. shrinks it)SelectionGrowLeft02.09.23Extends the selection word by word to the leftSelectionGrowRight02.09.23Extends the selection word by word to the leftSelectionRoundOff01.09.23Extends the existing selection to the nearest word end/startSelectionStartExtend03.07.23Moves the start of the selection further out to the left (i.e. extends it)SelectionStartShrink03.07.23Pulls the start of the selection back to the right (i.e. shrinks it)SelectiveUnColourUnHighlight04.11.17Removes highlighting + removes coloration, but only on non-program textSelectNextHighlight13.09.19Selects the next piece of highlighted textSelectParagraph24.11.10Selects current paragraphSelectPreviousHighlight13.09.19Selects the previous piece of higlighted textSelectSentence12.11.22Selects the current sentence + next sentence rightSelectTheseWords12.12.11Extend selection to whole wordsSelectToSentenceEnd23.04.21Selects from current word to end of sentenceSelectWord04.01.23Selects current word, and then those before itSemicolon19.06.19Make adjacent words into semicolon separatedSemicolonEndPara09.02.11Lowercase first character + add semicolon at endSentenceAlyse28.09.19Analyse the lengths of sentencesSentenceExactRepeatChecker14.02.23Unprotects the current fileSentenceReverse02.10.22Switches the order of the two sentences in the bullet pointSentenceRoughRepeatChecker14.02.23Unprotects the current fileSerialCommaAlyse25.01.22Highlights things that might be lists with serial commas (or not)SerialCommaCounter12.11.19Counts serial (or not) commas in listsSerialCommaHighlight18.05.19Highlight or underline text that appears to have a serial commaSerialNotCommaHighlight18.05.19Highlights or underlines text that appears not to have a serial commaSetTextBoxStyle01.06.10Apply style to all textboxesShapeShowHide29.08.17Makes all shapes distinguishableShiftDown09.04.24Moves a list item upShiftIn10.04.24Moves items from the list back into the current documentShiftOut09.04.24Moves items out into a separate listShiftUp09.04.24Moves a list item upShortTitleAlyse17.03.22Analyses Short titles to check references against citationsShortTitleLister19.05.13Create a list of the named references in the notesShortTitleUnderline17.03.22Underlines the current author name(s)ShowFixedSpaces09.02.10Fixed spaces visibleShowFormatting10.05.17Display all formatting or just paragraph marksShowFormattingMenu01.02.18Displays (or not) various formatting markers, and the highlightingShowHideAllTracking01.01.10Toggle showing track changes and comments on and offShowHideTracksOnly01.01.10Toggle showing just track changes on and offShowStyles06.05.12Show style names as <A>-type codes in the textSigloSmallCaps24.02.22Finds "siglo" and small-caps the IVX followingSimilarWordsAlyse29.02.24Analyses similar wordsSinglePrime19.02.16Adds single primeSingleQuotesDoubleTopical20.07.23Changes single quotes around current text to doublesSmallCapsToProperNoun11.02.18Changes every small caps word into initial cap + lowercaseSmallCapWord15.06.21Makes the current word smallcapsSmartFinder15.01.21Finds this text/note/page/etc, etc immediately.SomethingFetch28.08.22Launches selected text to Xyz website.SomethingFetchAlt27.08.22Launches selected text to Xyz website.SortAndRemoveDups19.09.18Sort the selected textSortCaseSense17.02.11Sort into separate lists: Lcase/UcaseSortIt02.11.19Sort the selected textSortListInText16.01.21Sorts items in a list in the text alphabetically.SortNumberedList03.07.12Sort references, ignoring the number at the beginningSortOnTextAfterDelimiter28.10.17Sorts the selected list based on second 'field'SortTextBlocks28.10.17Alpha sorts blocks of text by first lineSpaceAfterSelector18.02.13Increase and decrease space after paragraphSpaceBeforeSelector18.02.13Increase and decrease space before paragraphSpacedFontFinder19.01.23Finds and highlights/underlines any text with odd spacingSpaceEquationsInPara08.06.17Adds spaces to MathType equation in this para if necessarySpacesInThousands29.11.16Changes four-figure numbers from comma to space.SpecialCharList28.02.10Creates a list of the Unicode characters in the documentSpecialSortsLister18.01.23Collect all special sorts in a fileSpecialWordSpellAlyse01.12.20Does a ProperNounAlyse of all long 'spelling error' wordsSpeciesAbbreviator12.03.22Adds genus and species to the text, pulling data off a fileSpellAlyse18.05.23Complete spellchecking systemSpellAlyseToFRedit23.04.24Corrects spelling and wrong capitalisationSpellcheck06.12.10Run a spellcheckSpellCheckerPlus27.05.20Spellchecks from cursor, using multiple languagesSpellcheckWarn30.04.11Run a spellcheck, but beep if not UK or langauges are mixedSpellcheckWordCurrent10.12.11Spellcheck single word in current languageSpellcheckWordUK25.08.11Spellcheck single word UKSpellcheckWordUS25.08.11Spellcheck single word USSpellcheckWordUSUK19.12.11Spellcheck single word in NOT the current languageSpellingCorrect06.05.24Corrects spelling and wrong capitalisationSpellingErrorHighlighter11.04.21Highlights all spelling errorsSpellingErrorLister02.03.22Generates an alphabetic list all the spelling 'errors'SpellingErrorListerBilingual03.09.20Generates an alphabetic list all the bilingual spelling 'errors'SpellingListProcess27.04.16Tidy up a spelling FRedit list from cursor downwardsSpellingShowToggle25.05.20Switches visible spelling error indication on and offSpellingSuggest12.02.24Checks/corrects spellings or adds/subtracts FRedit suggested changeSpellWordChange14.01.21Accepts Word's spelling suggestion for current wordSpikeCopy26.02.11Copy to spikeSpikeCut26.02.11Cut to spikeSpikePaste26.02.11Paste the whole contents of the spikeSplitScreen28.05.21Splits the screenSpracheCH09.04.23Sets language as SwissGermanSpracheDE09.04.23Sets language as GermanSrikeAllHighlightText25.10.20Adds strikethrough to all highlighted textStrikeAndColour01.09.16Adds strikethrough and colourStrikeItalicParagraphs04.11.22Add single strike to all italic paragraphsStrikeSingle15.08.17Adds or removes strike-throughStrikeThroughAllURLs18.04.24Strikes through all URLs to protect them from changesStyleBodyIndent20.01.17Adds body style generally, plus No indent after headingsStyleCopy04.01.11Copy styleStyleDetector14.08.19Displays or speaks the current style nameStyleEffectDetector10.09.19Reports the style and effects applied to the textStyleFollowingHeadings13.04.18Sets the style of the paragraph after each headingStyleLister18.04.24Lists all paragraph and character styles usedStylePaste04.01.11Paste styleStylesPaneCustomize12.01.21Moves the Styles pane where and how you wantSubscriptOnOff05.03.23Toggles subscript ON/OFFSubscriptSwitch17.05.22Toggle superscript and subscriptSuitToText21.07.11Convert playing card suit symbolks to textSupercriptNumberFormatter28.10.19Corrects spaces + punctuation on superscripted numbersSuperscriptHighlightSmart25.09.15Highlight all superscript numbers according to typeSuperscriptNoteNumber11.08.11Superscript note numberSuperscriptOnOff05.03.23Toggles superscript ON/OFFSuperscriptSwitch17.05.22Toggle subscriptSuperSubConvert20.11.17Changes weird super/subscript format to proper onesSurnamesAllCaps18.09.15Capitalise all the surnames in a refs listSurnameSorter01.10.18Sorts a name list on surname, but allowing for postfixesSwapCharacters06.10.21Switches characters either side of caretSwapNames06.10.14Swap adjacent namesSwapNamesFullPoints13.11.23Swap name and initials and add full pointsSwapPreviousCharacters06.10.21Switches the two chars in front of the caretSwapPunctuation05.07.23Swaps the next pair of punctuation marksSwapThreeWords14.01.21Swaps three adjacent words (A and B to B and A)SwapWords14.03.23Swaps adjacent wordsSymbolFontCheck23.02.10Greek symbol font checkerSymbolShowNumber28.10.13Types out the 'unicode' of the symbol font characterSymbolToUnicode11.11.13Converts Symbol font characters to Unicode charactersTabbedParasToIndent30.08.23Finds tabbed paras, deletes them and adds first-line indent insteadTableBordersToggle14.08.19Switches table borders and rules on and offTableCallouts14.12.10Table callout inserterTableCellsInitialCaps01.09.16Applies an initial capital to every cell in the selected rangeTableEdit01.10.18Edits items in the cells of some or all tablesTableEmDasher05.03.13Empty cells and hyphen/en dash to em dashTableNext14.08.19Steps through tables, one by oneTablePrevious14.08.19Steps through tables, one by oneTablesMarkAllEmptyCells09.06.22Adds some dummy text into every empty cellTableSpaceBeforeHeading04.11.17Adds a blank line where a numbered heading follows a tableTablesStrikeThroughAll19.07.23Adds a strike-through to all table textTablesToTabText27.06.17Converts all tables into tab-separated textTableStripper13.01.21Strips out all tables into a separate fileTagA29.10.11Adds a tag to the current paragraphTagBulletLists30.04.12Add tags to all bullet listsTagChecker09.06.17Checks the continuity of a paired tag, e.g. <em>, </em>TagDQ03.10.17Add a tag to the current paragraphTaggedTextToSmallCaps01.02.20Finds tagged text, lowercases it and changes to small capsTagHighlighter09.06.17Highlights all of the ranges a paired tag, e.g. <em>, </em>TagList19.01.13Add tags to a numbered or bulleted listTagNI04.11.17Adds an <ni> tag after every headingTagSelectedOrBold02.05.16Add red tags to the currently selected text or italic textTagSelectedOrItalic13.04.16Add red tags to the selected text or italic textTagsShowHide08.09.20Changes tags into hidden text and then reveals them againTagVariousAttributes13.07.17Add red tags to all italic textTeAkaFetch29.05.22Launches selected text on the Maori dictionary Te AkaTemplatesFolderAddressMac10.02.21Loads the clipboard with the address of your Templates folderTenseChanger18.01.20Finds one of the words from a list, then changes to its alternateTextBoxFrameCut01.06.10Remove textboxes and framesTextPlusNumber11.03.24Finds numbers expressed in words + adds "(figures)"TextProbe05.05.17Find funny character codesTextToNumber11.03.24Finds numbers expressed in words + converts to figuresThatWhich06.08.22Changes that to which and vice versaTheFindAshortMacro24.11.20Finds a macro shorter than a certain lengthThesaurusFetch08.08.20Launch selected text to ThesaurusFetchDE08.08.20Launch selected text to openthesaurus.deThesaurusFetchNL08.08.20Launch selected text to timecode in a fileTimestampRemover29.08.21Deletes all timestamps of the form: nn:nn:nn<sp>TitleCapAllItalic13.11.23Changes all italic titles to title capitals.TitleHeadingCapper18.02.20Uppercase initial letter of all major words (title case)TitleInQuotesCapper25.08.20Uppercases the initial letter of all major words (title case)TitleInQuotesCapperGlobal25.08.20Uppercases the initial letter of all major words (title case)TitleInSquaresCapperFR22.01.20Uppercase initial letter of all major words (title case)TitleRemoveQuotesAndCaps13.12.16Removes quotes from current sentence, then makes it lowercaseTitlesReveal13.04.24Switches the next light grey font colour to full colourTitlesShowHide25.11.20Toggles between light grey font colour text and full colourTitleUnCapper27.10.15Uppercase initial letter only on first wordToCback18.07.10Jump back to table of contentsToCupdate16.12.13Update (and customise) the table of contentsToggleNextCharCase28.06.09Changes case of the next character/selectionToggleNextCharCase228.09.09Changes case of the next character/selectionTooDifficultWordHighlighter15.02.12Highlights any words not included in word listTrackAcceptMoveOn19.02.22Accepts change and moves to the nextTrackChangeAccept23.11.11Accepts the track changes on the current lineTrackChangeCounter18.01.24Reports the numbers of track changes, plus words/characters added/deletedTrackChangeCountWords18.01.24Checks the track changes to count words/characters added/subtractedTrackChangeDisplaySelect21.05.23Cycles through track change display levelsTrackChangeDisplaySwitch15.01.24Switches track change displays: Simple <=> AllMarkupTrackChangeOptions16.07.15Set up track changes to tasteTrackChangeReject23.11.11Rejects the track changes on the current lineTrackChangeReport21.05.24Creates a file of sentences containing (at least n-number of) TCsTrackChangeShowHide16.07.15Set up track changes to tasteTrackDateTimeList13.05.20Lists the date and time of all track changesTrackingShowSwitcher23.02.11Toggle visibility of track changesTrackingShowSwitcherExtreme23.02.11Toggle visibility of track changesTrackOnOff01.01.10Toggle track changes on and offTrackOnOffAudible26.02.11Track on/off with audio feedbackTrackOnOffVisible19.06.19Switches tracking on/off with visible backgroundTrackOnOffVisibleMac20.02.24Switches tracking on/off with visible backgroundTrackSimplifier13.02.20Accepts certain types of tracked featuresTracksInlineToggle07.03.22Toggles track change deletions between bubbles and inlineTweetCheck10.05.18Highlights paragraphs with too many charactersTypeA15.01.21Types 'a' or 'A', (or 'an' or 'An') between two wordsTypeSectionNumber29.03.17Adds a section number to the current headingTypeThat30.06.23Types 'that' after the current word.TypeThinSpace25.10.13Types and highlights a thin spaceTypeTimesX25.09.18Types '(×2)' then moves back to the number, ready to increase itUKUScount17.04.24Counts relative spellings between UK and US EnglishUKUShighlight02.10.23Marks US spellings within UK text and vice versaUnderlineOnlyItalic08.06.17Removes all underlining, then underlines all italic textUnderlineStyle01.10.18Changes the underline style of underlined textUndoSpecificTrack06.04.16Find specific text and undo the track changes on itUnHighlightAndColour04.11.17Removes all highlight/coloration of the current colourUnHighlightExcept11.01.11Remove all highlights except one/two chosen coloursUnifyFormatBackwards27.11.20Makes start of para (or selection) same format as the endUnifyFormatForwards27.11.20Make end of para (or selection) same format as the startUnitSpacer07.12.15Find units with numbers and add a thin spaceUnlinkCitationsAndRefs29.06.20Unlinks reference citations (ignoring equations)URLlauncher14.01.21Launches successive URLs from the textURLlink23.01.21Makes the URL/email at the cursor a clickable linkURLlinker05.03.24Finds all URLs in the text and links themURLlinksVisible01.05.21Unlinks all the URLs in the selection or the whole fileURLshrinker15.07.23Reduces the extent of a URL link to just the selected textURLunlinker28.02.20Unlinks all the URLs in the selection or the whole fileVancouverAllCited26.05.18Creates a list of all cited Vancouver referencesVancouverCitationChecker11.04.20Finds all citations and creates a listVerbChanger07.03.24Changes "(to) splodge" <-> "(of/for) splodging"VerbChangerNL13.09.19Changes Dutch verbs in current sentenceVerbChangerNLglobal13.09.19Changes Dutch verbs through the whole fileVerseListFormat09.11.18Formats list(s) or poem verse(s) with manual linebreaksVisibleTrackOff01.01.10Visible reminder that track changes is offVisibleTrackOff201.01.10Visible reminder that track changes is offVisibleTrackOff314.03.17A visible trackchange reminder - using a wiggly line!VisibleTrackOff427.10.17Visible trackchange reminder - yellow backgroundVisibleTrackOff506.05.17Visible trackchange reminder - selectable background colourWelcheKorrigiere04.03.24Finds "welche" after a comma and corrects itWhatChar07.06.23Show ASCII and unicode and character namesWhatFolder01.09.23Loads the clipboard with the address of folder of this fileWhatsAppTextFormat11.11.20Converts text from Word to WhatsApp formattingWikiFetch18.10.21Launches selected text on WikipediaWikiFetchDE18.10.21Launches selected text on WikipediaWikiFetchNL08.08.20Launches selected text on WikipediaNLWikiSwitch01.01.10Convert text to and from Wiki formatWikiToStyles01.01.10Convert from Wiki format to textWikiToText01.01.10Convert from text to Wiki formatWildcardSave31.03.23Reads the current 'Selection.Find' and saves at the top of the fileWildcardType31.03.23Reads the current 'Selection.Find' and types it in the fileWordCopierDown25.03.24Copies the word from the beginning of the selection to the endWordCopierUp25.03.24Copies the word from the end of the selection to the beginningWordGraph16.01.21Gives a visual indication of the occurrences of a word or phraseWordHippoFetch03.03.23Launches selected text on GoogleWordPairAlyse20.01.22Creates a file of all the adjacent word pairsWordPairPunctuate31.08.22Makes word pair hyphenated or single wordWordsMoveLeft15.04.21Moves the partly selected words one word leftWordsMoveRight15.04.21Moves the partly selected words one word rightWordsMoveRight15.04.21Moves the partly selected words one word rightWordsPhrasesInContext19.02.18Copies paragraphs containing specific names into a new fileWordSwitch06.02.21Scripted single-word switchingWordTotaller21.01.11Adds up word numbers in selected textsYearMoveToEnd16.02.22Moves the year to end of referenceYesterdate09.01.12Type yesterday's date into the textZeroIndentFirstLine29.03.15Zero indent on paragraph after headingZifferWort06.04.20Converts the next number (1 to 12) into German text ................

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