|THEME: Housing |

|Module: Finding a Place to Live |

|Skills |Listening |Speaking |Reading |Writing |

| |CLB 5 |CLB 5 |CLB 5 |CLB 5 |

|Real World Task Goal |Phone the Residential Tenancies Branch |Ask questions about the apartment during an|Find information to rent an apartment |Write a budget outlining prospective |

| |using the toll-free number (1-800-782-8403)|apartment tour with a landlord |suitable for S and family |monthly expenses to relocate to a different|

| |Navigate through the menu options to find | | |rental unit |

| |tenant responsibilities. Listen several | | | |

| |times by pressing the number/pound sign | | | |

| |Understand the information presented | | | |

|Context Information Focus |French introduction, before choosing the |Legal responsibilities and expectations of |Search for an apartment |Budget considerations: |

| |language when listening to voicemail |tenants and landlords (Landlord/Tenant |- Information from friends, newspapers, |damage deposit, utilities, parking, cable, |

| |“For English, press 1” |Act). |rental magazines, bulletin boards/posters |rent, security system |

| |“Press 0 at any time to speak to a |Noise level can be addressed |- Phone the landlord |Terms of a lease |

| |representative”” |Appliances are standard in a rental unit |- View the premises |Landlord's responsibilities: when there |

| |Information can be faxed by giving a fax |Length of time of a lease. |- Compare with other places seen or to |is damage or need for repair |

| |number |Time frame for giving notice. |personal needs and wants |Life skills: write up a budget based on |

| |Residential Tenancies Branch is part of MB |Awareness of safety issues and who to |- Decide | |

| |Housing (or province). |contact. |Look for an apartment: |- Priorities |

| |Questions can be asked in person or by | |- In newspapers or magazines, use: |- Gross and net income |

| |phone (“press 0”). | |index to locate housing ads in specific | |

| |Request renovations or repairs through the | |areas or neighbourhoods | |

| |landlord first | |highlighted and numbered headings | |

| |Website information | |furnished/unfurnished apartments | |

| | | | | |

| | | |- Bulletin boards for sublets, | |

| | | |roommates, sharing | |

| | | |Contact the landlord | |

| | | |Condition of apartment for deposit refund; | |

| | | |sublets must be clean before advertising | |

|CLB Competency/ies |III. Suasion |I. Social interaction |I. Social interaction |II. Reproducing information |

| |Demonstrate comprehension of factual |Respond to small talk comments. |Identify factual details |Reduce a page of information to a list of |

| |details and some inferred meanings in |…, accept … an invitation or offer. |II. Instructions |seven to 10 important points. |

| |simple advice and suggestions… |Indicate non-comprehension |Understand/follow moderately complex |Presenting information and ideas |

| |IV. Information |Take turns |everyday texts | |

| |Demonstrate comprehension of the gist, |III. Suasion |III. Business/Service texts | |

| |factual details, and some inferred |Give and get permission |Identify factual moderately | |

| |meanings… |IV. Information |complex business or service texts, | |

| | |Ask for and provide information related to |including formatted texts | |

| | |routine daily activities (e.g. personal, |IV. Information texts | |

| | |family, others, work) |Demonstrate comprehension of standard | |

| | |Express necessity, worry, or concern |maps... | |

| | | |Access and locate information through | |

| | | |tables of context, indexes... | |

|Genre |Telephone information search |Information interview |Classified Ads |Lists |

| | | |Advertisement | |

| | | |Flyer | |

| | | |Poster | |

|Text structure/Features | | | | |

|Language Focus |Vocabulary |Vocabulary |Vocabulary |Vocabulary |

|(Possible examples given in |Nouns: housing, disputes, hearing, notice,|Nouns: rental unit, lease, sublet, tenant, |Nouns: landlord/ tenant, lease |Adjectives: brand new, run-down, dingy, a |

|italics) |compensation damage,, |caretaker, landlord, notice, |(month-to-month, yearly) |real dump/dive |

| |permission, renovations/renos |damage/security deposit |Synonyms: caretaker/custodian |Phrasal verbs: bring out, bring on, move |

| |Verbs: redecorate, apply, force, give |Collocations: safety issues, smoke |tenant/renter |to, get out of |

| |notice |detectors, security system | | |

| |Adjectives/adverbs: wilfully, negligibly, |Phrasal verbs: go |Abbreviations in housing ads: 3 br., |Grammar |

| |written [permission], workmanlike |out, turn left |refs req'd, hwf, TLC, etc. |Modals: I'd like...; I may... |

| |Phrases: on time, in a good and |Grammar |Types of rental units: | |

| |workmanlike manner, more than four days |Prepositions of place |Apartments(furnished/unfurnished), |Prepositions: near a bus stop; in the same|

| |late, at the hearing |Functions |townhouses, duplexes, rooming house |area as my work, hole in the wall, water |

| | |Acknowledge appropriately with: Sure, Okay,|Geographic areas: central, east, west, |stain above the cupboard |

| |Synonyms: |Fine |southeast, etc (SE, SW), perimeter, ring | |

| |rental unit=home, apartment | |road | |

| |liable=responsible for | | | |

| |Collocations: online/offline information, | | | |

| |number/pound sign, toll-free number, | | | |

| |written permission, valid notice, order | | | |

| |notice, client services officer | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Grammar | | | |

| |Modals: have to, must | | | |

| |Pronunciation liable: | | | |

| |often pronounced with two syllables rather | | | |

| |than three | | | |

|Language and Learning Strategies |Press # to listen several times |Rehearse/request beforehand |Scan to find specific information |Writing in point form |

| |Ignore irrelevant information (i.e., French|Indicate communication problems verbally. |Reread parts of text when unsure of the |Use own abbreviations |

| |information, pieces of information for |Know how to ask for repetition and |meaning |Determine appropriate text structure |

| |landlords, etc.) |clarification: Could you |Check abbreviations against full word |Use point form |

| |Listen for key words when finding the route|repeat that please? Sorry, what did you |Reading the names of neighbourhoods on maps|Reread and revise for more accurate |

| |to learn tenant responsibilities |say? |Understand and use map grids |descriptions |

| |Focus on key information if the delivery is|Use body language to show comprehension: | |Rewrite to vary sentence types |

| |unclear or mumbled. |nodding, smiling | |Proofread for spelling, punctuation, |

| |Break words into syllables for | | |paragraphing- be careful when using Spell |

| |understanding | | |Check (American spelling) |

| |Sketch a “menu map” or flow chart to | | | |

| |indicate landmarks when navigating the | | | |

| |1-800 information | | | |

|Essential Skill Focus |Document Use, Numeracy, Oral Communication, Thinking – Decision Making |

|ES-focused instructional | |

|activities | |

| |Numeracy & Thinking Skills – Students add up the columns of numbers from different prospective budgets in order to decide which apartment is the most affordable |

|Teaching Resources & Materials |Telephone |Teacher-made gap exercise |Class sets of newspapers, rental guide |T-made handout about family finances |

| |Telephone book | |magazines, Consumer's Guide for Newcomers, | |

| |T-made tape and tape player | |city maps or schematic maps in renter's | |

| | | |guides | |

|Outcome Assessment Task |Listen several times to a T-made tape to |In pairs, do a gap exercise dealing with |Read and understand classified housing ad |Read a T-made account of a family’s monthly|

| |introduce tenant responsibilities |apartment logistics |abbreviations in newspapers or on community|expenses |

| | |In groups of 4 or 5, discuss one aspect of |bulletin boards or online sources like |From the account write their monthly budget|

| |Scenarios: tenant requests or problems. A|tenant responsibilities to understand and |Kijiji | |

| |neighbour gives advice |clarify requirements |Fill in a T-made crossword puzzle with the | |

| |3. I |Brainstorm questions needed for the tour |full form of abbreviations provided in the | |

| | | |clues | |




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