Chart: Fill in the chart below by going to one or multiple stores (the more stores the better, but Target and Walmart work best) and finding the country of origin for 10 different products-- two versions/brands of each (Ex. Hanes Brand T-shirt and Fruit of the Loom T-shirt are the same product- a T-shirt. They are not the same as polo shirts, sweatshirts, etc.) Try to have different countries of origin for the two versions/brands of the product. If possible, pick a version/brand that is made in the USA!

|Number |Product |Country of origin |Store |Price |

|Product A |Hanes T-shirt |USA |Walmart |4.99 |

|Product B |Fruit of the Loom T-shirt |China |Walmart |3.99 |

|Product 1A | | | | |

|Product 1B | | | | |

|Product 2A | | | | |

|Product 2B | | | | |

|Product 3A | | | | |

|Product 3B | | | | |

|Product 4A | | | | |

|Product 4B | | | | |

|Product 5A | | | | |

|Product 5B | | | | |

|Product 6A | | | | |

|Product 6B | | | | |

|Product 7A | | | | |

|Product 7B | | | | |

|Product 8A | | | | |

|Product 8B | | | | |

|Product 9A | | | | |

|Product 9B | | | | |

|Product 10A | | | | |

|Product 10B | | | | |

Reflection Paper: You then must write a 1 page typed reflection paper about your experience. Things to consider and include in your paper: where were most products made, was it easy or hard to find things made in the USA, did the country of origin have anything to do with the quality of the product, did the country of origin have anything to do with the price of the product, did some stores carry only items from certain countries, which countries or origin did you see the most, etc. Give an overall summary of your experience and include any new or important information you discovered during this process in your reflection.


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