Mock Supreme Court Outline instructions - Weebly

Mock Supreme Court Outline instructions

The “team” needs 2 different outlines. (See #1 and #2)

1. One copy of Outline #1 will be for your portfolio (case brief). Use it when giving your speech. It will be detailed (2-3 pages). IDEAS AND ORGANIZATION FOR OUTLINE #1:

I. Background of case

A. What details are you going to emphasize? (both sides will do this)

B. Tell the story in your own words (not the handout)

(Don’t lie or make up information – just give them your side of the story)

II. Constitutional Issues

A. Which amendments you will discuss.

1. example: 1st amendment (quote parts)

2. example: 14th amendment (the State restricted)

B. Why those amendments relate to your case

C. Why those amendments were or were not violated (depending on your side)

III. HISTORICAL support for your side.

A. Past court cases (District – Supreme) – Most will not be the exact issue(s)in your case. (Show the relationship to your case)

B. Quotes from past judges/experts etc.

C. Why the court should decide your way according to past issues/decisions.

D. What the writers of the Constitution intended.

IV. IMPORTANCE OF this cases decision by the court.

A. How you would like to see the court decide and what their opinion should include (specifically)

B. What future consequences will occur if the court does not decide your way? Constitutional issues (more rights taken away), social issues, safety issues, etc.

C. Why is it so important for the court to decide in your favor? (quotes, stories, similes, etc.)

2. One copy of OUTLINE #2 will also be in case brief portfolio. You will also need 9 additional copies for the judges. The outline should be a skeleton outline. It will be a guide for the judges to follow and write on (just put key words or general points). LEAVE SPACES FOR JUDGES TO FILL IN DETAILS.

I. Background

A. Key words and information. (NOT full story)

B. What information from the story the judges should remember throughout your oral arguments.

II. Constitutional Issues

A. Which amendments.

B. Key words in amendments

C. What points you are going to make.

1. Unconstitutional or Constitutional etc.



1. example: New Jersey v. T.L.O (1985) – (leave blank for judges to fill in information about case)

B. Quotes (by whom/ key words)

C. Relationship to your case.

1. example: The search is not the same or is the same –

IV. IMPORTANCE of their decision

A. List future consequences if they decide against your case.

B. How should they decide specifically?


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