Rudolf VALENTA, M.D. May, 2020

Date of birth: February 25, 1963

Place of birth: Vienna

Nationality: Austria

Spoken languages: German (native speaker), English

Academic degree: M.D.

Current position: Professor for Allergology, Medical University of Vienna

Work address: Division of Immunopathology

Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research

Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology

Medical University of Vienna

Währinger Gürtel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria

Tel: +43-1-40400-51080

Fax: +43-1-40400-51300



Home address: Beethovenstraße 18, A-2604 Theresienfeld, Austria

Tel: +43-2622-71535 Mobil: +43-69912570519

1. Education and career history

1981 High school degree with distinction

1981-1987 Study of Medicine, parts I to III with distinction

1987 M. D. degree at the University of Vienna (Preclinical part I with distinction October 19, 1983; Clinical part II with distinction March 22, 1985; Clinical part III with distinction April 27, 1987

1988 Training in molecular biological techniques at the Institute of Molecular Biology, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Markus Susani, Salzburg, from March to April 1988.

1988 Training in molecular biological techniques at the Institute of Microbiology and Genetics, University of Vienna, group of Prof. Michael Breitenbach, from May to August 1988.

1988-1993 Postdoc at the Department of General and Experimental Pathology, Laboratory of Prof. Dr. Dietrich Kraft, University of Vienna, Austria. Molecular Biology group of Prof. Dr. Otto Scheiner.

1993 Habilitation in General and Experimental Pathology, University of Vienna Medical School, Associate Professor (a.o.Univ.Prof. 1996)

1993 General and special training on care and handling of radioactive substances, Seibersdorf, Austria.

1993-now Head of the group “Molecular Immunopathology” in the Division of Immunopathology (Prof. D. Kraft), Department of General and Experimental Pathology, Vienna General Hospital, University of Vienna, Austria, now Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna.

1994 Training in cellular mouse immunology/allergology as guest scientist at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, Dept. of Immunology, Prof. Dr. Alec Sehon.

1994 Training in hematology and design of clinical studies at the University Clinics Vienna, Vienna General Hospital

1994-1995 Training in internal medicine and design of clinical studies at the University Clinics, Vienna General Hospital, (Department of Hematology, Department of Clinical Pharmacology), Vienna, Austria, August 1994-August 1995.

1996 Board-certified specialist in Pathophysiology

1998 Board-certified specialist in Immunology

1998 a. o. Prof. for Pathophysiology

2000-2015 Chairman of the standardization committee of the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS),

2001-now Head of the Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology, Vienna General Hospital, University of Vienna, Austria, now within the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna.

2002-2012 Speaker and co-ordinator of the FWF-funded special research program F18 “Molecular and immunological strategies for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Type I allergies” at the Medical School, University of Vienna, Austria,

2003-2005 Member at Large of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology

2004-now Member of the Scientific Commission for Gene-technology, Gene-analysis and Gene-therapy of the Austrian Ministry of Health

2004-now Professor for Allergology at the Medical University of Vienna

2005-2007 Second Vice-president of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology

2006 Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

2006-2008 President elect of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology

2006-2012 Head of the “Christian Doppler Laboratory for Allergy Research” at the Dept. of Pathophysiology, Medical University of Vienna,

2008-2010 President of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology,

2009 GCP (Good Clinical Practice) Certificate: “Prüfarztdiplom”

2009-now Member of the Academic Senate of the Medical University of Vienna

2012-now Speaker and co-ordinator of the FWF-funded special research program F46 “Towards prevention and therapy of allergy” at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria,

2013-now Deputy Speaker of the FWF-funded PhD program “Molecular, cellular and clinical allergology” at the Medical University of Vienna,

2020-2023 Co-ordinator of the Danube Allergy Research Cluster

2. Publications and scientific merits

• More than 670 scientific publications and book contributions .

The cumulative / total impact factor of Prof. Valenta is: 3,960.122 (per 15.06.2020).

• Currently (December 2019) 441 invited lectures in the fields of immunology, molecular, cellular and clinical allergology, immunodiagnostics, infectiology, vaccine design, gastroenterology, autoimmunity.

• Total number of citations: 32.227 (Scopus, 15/06/2020)

• h-index: 94 (Scopus, 15/06/2020)

• Author or co-author of more than 330 international patents (incl. patent applications) according to EPO (Espacenet):

3. Major scientific contributions

1. Elucidation of the primary structure of allergens through molecular cloning: (Valenta et al., Science 253: 557-560, 1991; Valenta et al., J. Exp. Med. 175: 377-385, 1992; Vrtala et al. J. Immunol. 151: 4773-4781, 1993; Seiberler et al., EMBO J. 13: 3481-3486, 1994)

2. Profilin as actin-binding protein in plants: (Valenta et al., J. Biol. Chem. 268: 22777-22781, 1993; Staiger et al., Curr. Biol. 4: 215-219, 1994; Drobak et al., Plant J. 6: 389-400, 1994; Giehl et al., Eur. J. Biochem. 226: 681-689, 1994)

3. Use of recombinant allergens for in vitro and in vivo allergy diagnosis: (Valenta et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 88: 889-894, 1991; Valenta et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 91: 88-97, 1993; Menz et al., Clin. Exp. Allergy 26: 50-60, 1996; Hiller et al., FASEB J. 16: 414-416, 2002; Hauswirth et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 110: 102-109, 2002)

4. Discovery of IgE autoreactivity in allergy: (Valenta et al., Science 253: 557-560, 1991; Valenta et al., J. Invest. Dermatol. 107: 203-208, 1996; Natter et al., FASEB J. 12: 1559-1569, 1998; Bünder et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 114; 422-428, 2004)

5. Animal models for allergy based on recombinant allergens: (Ferreira et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 97: 95-103, 1996; Vrtala et al., J Allergy Clin Immunol 98: 913-921, 1996; Vrtala et al., J. Immunol. 160: 6137-6144, 1998)

6. Molecular characterization of human allergen-specific IgE antibodies by combinatorial cloning and their interaction with the corresponding allergens and cellular receptors as well as therapeutic intervention strategies targeting the IgE-Fcepsilon RI interaction: (Steinberger et al., J. Biol. Chem. 271: 10967-10972, 1996; Vangelista et al., J. Clin. Invest. 103: 1571-1578, 1999; Flicker et al., J. Immunol. 165: 3849-3859, 2000; Laffer et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 108: 409-416, 2001; Lupinek et al., J. Immunol. 182: 4817-4829, 2009)

7. Solution of the three-dimensional structures of allergens and the corresponding IgE antibodies: (Fedorov et al., Structure 5: 33-45, 1997; De Marino et al., Structure 7: 943-952, 1999; Verdino et al., EMBO J. 21: 5007-5016, 2002; Padavattan et al., J. Immunol. 182: 2141-2151, 2009)

8. Development of allergen-specific antibodies for therapy of allergy: (Visco et al., J. Immunol. 157: 956-962, 1996; Denepoux et al., FEBS Lett. 465: 39-46, 2000; Flicker et al., Eur. J. Immunol. 32: 2156-2162, 2002)

9. Engineering of recombinant hypoallergenic allergen derivatives for safe immunotherapy of allergy: (Ball et al., J. Biol. Chem. 269: 28323-28328, 1994; Vrtala et al., J. Clin. Invest. 99: 1673-1681: 1997; Vrtala et al., FASEB J. 15: 2042-2044, 2001; Focke et al., FASEB J. 15: 2042-2044, 2001).

10. Recombinant hypoallergenic allergen derivatives for allergy treatment in man: (Niederberger et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101: 14677-14682, 2004; Reisinger et al., 116: 347-354, 2005; Pauli et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 122: 951-960, 2008)

11. Mechanisms of allergen-induced IgE-cross linking, basophil and mast cell activation and termination of the immediate reaction (Gieras et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 119: 384-390, 2007; Rauter et al., FASEB J 20: 967-969, 2006; Rauter et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 121: 197-202, 2008; Gieras et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 137: 1557-1565, 2016)

12. Non-IgE-mediated allergic inflammation induced by allergens (Campana et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 121: 528-530; 2008)

13. Suppression of allergy through tolerization with allergen-expressing hematopoetic stem cells (Baranyi et al., J. Immunol. 180: 8168-8175; 2008)

14. Molecular and immunological characterization of rhinovirus antigens, development of serological tests and vaccines for rhinovirus infections as asthma triggers (Edlmayr et a al., J. Immunol. 182: 6298-6306, 2009; Edlmayr et al., Eur. Resp. J. 37: 2140-2148; 2011; Niespodziana et al., FASEB J. 26: 1001-1008, 2012; Niespodziana et al., EBioMedicine 2: 64-70, 2014; Niespodziana et al., Nature Comm. 2018 Jun 18;9(1):2382. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-04591-0)

15. Molecular and immunological characterization of celiac disease-specific wheat antigens (Srinivasan et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2015 DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2015.04.040)

16. Micro-arrayed HIV peptides and antigens for diagnosis of HIV infections (Gallerano et al., PLos One 10: 2015. e0117204; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117204; Gallerano et al., Lab Chip 15: 1574-1589, 2015

17. Development of an IgE-adsorber registered in Europe for the therapeutic depletion of IgE antibodies from allergic patients (Lupinek et al., EBioMedicine. 2017 Mar;17:119-133. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2017.02.007).

18. Elucidation of the evolution of molecular allergen sensitization profiles and prediction of allergy in birth corhorts with micro-arrayed allergens (Westman et al., J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015 May;135(5):1199-206; Wickman et al., EBioMedicine. 2017 Dec;26:91-99. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2017.11.009).

19. Development and successful clinical evaluation of a new generation of recombinant B cell epitope-based vaccines for allergy treatment (Focke-Tejkl et al., J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015 May;135(5):1207-7.e1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2014.09.012; Zieglmayer et al., EBioMedicine. 2016 Sep;11:43-57. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2016.08.022; Niederberger et al., J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2018 Jan 11. pii: S0091-6749(17)31884-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2017.09.052).

4. Current research activities

1. Investigation of the evolution of allergen-specific immune responses in childhood

2. Development and clinical evaluation of therapeutic allergy vaccines

3. Development of allergen-specific strategies for preventive vaccination and tolerance induction for allergy

4. Development of IgE-targeting strategies for allergy therapy

5. Investigation of respiratory virus-induced exacerbations of asthma, COPD and ACOS

6. Development of diagnostic tests and immunotherapy strategies for celiac disease

7. Development of a rhinovirus vaccine for asthma prevention

8. Development of a therapeutic HIV vaccine

9. Development of preventive and therapeutic vaccines for hepatitis B infections

5. Memberships / Offices in national and international societies

2000-2016 Chairman of the Committee for Standardization and Quality Assessment of the International Union for Immunological Societies (IUIS), Subcommittee for Allergen Standardization WAO (World Allergy Organization) Research Council

2003-now Member “American Association of Immunologists”

2003-2005 Member at Large of the EAACI (European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology) Executive Committee

2005-2007 2nd Vice President of EAACI (European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology)

2006 Corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

2006-2008 President elect of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology

2006-now Corresponding member of the German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology

2008-2010 President of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology,

2012-2013 WAO (World Allergy Organization) Scientific and Clinical Issues Council

2012-2013 WAO (World Allergy Organization) Emerging Societies Program Council

2012-2013 WAO (World Allergy Organization) Special Committee on Allergy Diagnosis and Molecular Allergology

2014-2015 Secretary of the Austrian Society of Allergology and Immunology

Memberships: Austrian Biochemical Society

Collegium Internationale Allergologicum (CIA)

European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology

British Society of Immunology

Society for Investigative Dermatology

European Calcium Society

2016-now Working Group on Prolamin Analysis and Toxicity (WGPAT), Executive Member

6. Editorial duties / Services to journals and professional organizations

Ad-hoc reviewer

International Archives of Allergy and Immunology

Clinical and Experimental Allergy


Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

European Journal of Biochemistry

FEBS Letters


Allergo Journal


Journal of Investigational Allergology & Clinical Immunology

Journal of Experimental Botany

Trends in Plant Science

Biochimica Biophysica Acta

Journal of Immunology

Life Sciences

Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA


Journal of Investigative Dermatology


International Immunology

European Journal of Immunology


Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases

Biochemical Journal

Journal of Clinical Investigation

FASEB Journal

Trends in Immunology

Journal of Experimental Medicine

Nature Medicine

Nature Reviews Cell Biology

Nature Communications

Scientific Reports, Nature

Journal of Immunology

Immunological Investigations

New England J. Medicine


Immunol. Letters

European Journal of Clinical Investigation

Journal of Clinical Investigation

Allergy Magazine Mexico

Revista Alergia México

Science Translational Medicine

Science Immunology

Editorial Board

International Archives of Allergy and Immunology

ACI International

Allergo Journal

Journal of Investigational Allergology & Clinical Immunology

Immunology Letters -2006

European Journal of Clinical Investigation

Calcium Binding Proteins

International Journal of Immunorehabilitation

American Journal of Plant Sciences

Revista Alergia Mexico

Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology

American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Immunology

Archives of Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Advisory Board of EBioMedicine (Cell Press/Lancet):

Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

Child`s Health, DOI10.22141, ISSN 2224-0551 (print), ISSN 2307-1168 (online)

SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine

1997-2002 Managing Editor "International Archives of Allergy and Immunology"

2003-2017 Editor-in-chief „International Archives of Allergy and Immunology“

2004 Co-editor with Dietrich Kraft of the issue “Recombinant allergens: from production and characterization to diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of allergy” Methods vol. 32.

2004-2009 Editorial Advisory Board Member “European Journal of Biochemistry” now “FEBS Journal” 2004-2009

2004-now International Board Consultant “Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology”

2011 Co-editor with Robert L. Coffman of the issue 352 “Vaccines against allergies” Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology

2014 Co-editor with Heimo Breiteneder of the issue “Recombinant allergen methods” Methods vol. 66

2017 Guest Editor: Seminars in Immunology, special issue, vol. 30: “Oral Tolerance and Allergy”

2019-now Advisory Board Member “EBioMedicine”

2019-now Member of the Reviewers Board “Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology”

7. Professional awards and honors (roles as co-awardee not listed)

1991 Clemens von Pirquet Award of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology

1992 Gold Medal of the Foundation of Allergy Research of Europe (F.A.R.E.)

1992 Karl Landsteiner Award of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology

1992 Theodor Billroth Award Austrian Medical Society

1993 Scientific Award of Niederösterreich

1994 Sandoz Award for Biology-Austria

1996 International Award of the Pharmacia Allergy Research Foundation

1998 START Award of the Austrian Science Fund

2000 Sarstedt Forschungspreis: 6th Sarstedt Award for the genetic analysis of allergy-eliciting substances and their recombinant production (after: J. Klose and P. H. O`Farrell 1986 Two dimensional electrophoresis, H. Towbin, T. Staehelin and J. Gordon, Western blot 1988, M. Wilchek and E. A. Bayer Biotin-Avidin system 1990, F. S. Collins, J. R. Riordan, L.-C.Tsui Cystic fibrosis gene 1993, B. Vogelstein and D. Sidransky Molecular biology of malignant tumors 1997)

2001 Alois Sonnleitner Award for Immunology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

2006 Corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

2006 President elect of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology

2008 President of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology

2009 Paul Ehrlich Award for Experimental Research of the European Academy for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI)

2011 Award “Atopic Dermatitis” of Foundation Pro Derma, Hamburg, Germany

2012 “Inventor of the year 2012” of the Medical University of Vienna (MUW).

2013 „Würdigungspreis Wissenschaft 2013 des Landes Niederösterreich“

2013 Shortlisted for Else Kröner Fresenius Award

2014 Award of distinction of the Medical University of Vienna: Recognition of the scientific achievements for the international visibility of the Medical University of Vienna

2014 Selected among best five scientists of the Medical University of Vienna

2016 Foreign Adjunct Professor, Department of Medicine Solna, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

2016 International Distinguished Fellow (IDF) Award of the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI)

2016 Medal 'Labour Glory' II for significant contribution to the development of Allergology & Immunology, Ukraine, International Academy of the rating technologies and sociology “Golden Fortune'

2017 Megagrant recipient of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

2017 Director of the new WAO Center of Excellence at MedUniVienna, which comprises the SFB F46 allergy research program, the international MCCA PhD program and coordinates the international post-graduate teaching network INUNIMAI

2018 Global Allergology and Immunology Award of the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology of the Medical University of Vienna

2020 “Golden Fortune Award” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

2020 Guest Professor at Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences, Krems, Austria.

7. Honorary memberships – other honors

Austrian Society of Allergology and Immunology

Austrian Biochemical Society

Collegium Internationale Allergologicum (CIA)

European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology

British Society of Immunology

Society for Investigative Dermatology

European Calcium Society

American Association of Immunologists

Chairman of the Committee for Standardization and Quality Assessment of the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS)

Subcommittee for Allergen Standardization

WAO (World Allergy Organization) Research Council

Corresponding member of the German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology

Corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

2012-now WAO (World Allergy Organization) Scientific and Clinical Issues


2012-now WAO (World Allergy Organization) Emerging Societies Program


2012-now WAO (World Allergy Organization) Special Committee on Allergy Diagnosis and Molecular Allergology

Honorary member of the Georgian Society for Allergology and Immunology

Honorary member of the Ukrainian School of Molecular Allergology and Immunology

President of the International Network University for Molecular Allergology & Immunology,

8. Academic mentoring and awards to scholars / supervisory and mentoring relationships

1993-now Continuous teaching and lectures for students at the University of Vienna/Medical University of Vienna






Molecular Biology in Immunology

Heart and cardiovascular System


Lung diseases

1990-now Continuous education of MD and PhD students during theses:

More than 45 theses supervised

1990-now Advisor of international PhD theses:

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany

University of New South Wales, Australia

Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

9. Habilitations (Associate Professorships) of co-workers:

Until 2019 11 Associate Professors

1999 a.o. Prof. Dr. Susanne Spitzauer, Clinical Inst. for Medical and Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics, University of Vienna, Austria.

2001 PD Dr. Vera Mahler, Dept. of Dermatology, University of Erlangen, Germany.

2002 Doz. Dr. Susanne Vrtala, Dept. of Pathophysiology, University of Vienna, Austria.

2002 Doz. Dr. Verena Niederberger, Dept. of ENT, Medical University of Vienna, Austria.

2004 Doz. Dr. Ines Swoboda, Department of Pathophysiology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

2004 Doz. Dr. Margarete Focke-Tejkl, Department of Pathophysiology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

2008 Doz. Dr. Karl Aichberger, Dept. of Internal Medicine I, Medical University of Vienna

2009 Doz. Dr. Tanja Ball, now at the Medical University of Graz

2009 Doz. Dr. Sabine Flicker, Department of Pathophysiology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

2015 Priv.-Doz.Dr. Irene Mittermann, Department of Pathophysiology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

2015 Assoc. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Birgit Linhart, Department of Pathophysiology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

2019 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Julia Eckl-Dorna, ENT Department, Medical University of Vienna, Austria.

2020 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Katarzyna Niespodziana, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Medical University of Vienna, Austria.

Board certification in Immunology

1999-now Responsible for medical education for the Board certification in „Immunology“ in the Austrian Medical Association, Regular education of MDs in “Immunology”

10. Relevant awards to members of the Valenta Group

1994 Clemens von Pirquet Award of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology to Tanja Ball

1994 Thesis Award of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology to Sylvia Laffer

1996 Thesis Award of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology to Peter Steinberger

1997 Clemens von Pirquet Award of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology to Susanne Vrtala

1998 Award of the Austrian Ministry of Research and Transports ”Alternative Methods for Animal Experiments” to Peter Steinberger

1998 Clemens von Pirquet Award of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology to Susanne Vrtala

1998 Thesis Award of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology to Irene Mittermann

1999 Alfred Kressner Award to Verena Niederberger

1999 Karl Landsteiner Award of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology to Susanne Natter

1999 Thesis Award of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology to Tanja Ball

1999 Thesis Award of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology to Susanne Seiberler

2000 Theodor Billroth Award Austrian Medical Association to Lili Kazemi-Shirazi

2000 Schering Plough International Young Investigator Award to Verena Niederberger

2001 Thesis Award of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology to Sabine Flicker

2002. Award of the Aventis Foundation to Margit Focke-Tejkl

2002 International Allergopharma Award to Susanne Vrtala

2002 Otto Kraupp Award for the best habilitation to Susanne Vrtala

2002. Hertha Firnberg Fellowship of the Austrian Science Foundation to Margit Focke-Tejkl

2002 Austrian ENT Award to Verena Niederberger

2003. Hertha Firnberg Fellowship of the Austrian Science Foundation to Dr. Sabine Flicker

2004 Charlotte Bühler Fellowship of the Austrian Science Foundation to Dr. Tanja Ball

2004 Fritz Melchers Thesis Award of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Imunology to Birgit Linhart

2004. Honorable Mention “International Pharmacia Allergy Award” to Dr. Verena Niederberger

2005. Kardinal Innitzer Award to Dr. Ines Swoboda

2006. Honorable Mention “International Pharmacia Allergy Award” to Dr. Susanne Vrtala

2006 Theodor Billroth Award of the Vienna Medical School to Dr. Karl Aichberger

2006 Herbert-Herxheimer-Förderpreis of the German Society for Allergology to Dr. Ingrid Rauter

2007 International Phadia Award Dr. Susanne Vrtala

2008 Thesis Awards Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology to Dr. Claudia Constantin, Dr. Ulrike Schulmeister

2010 Bencard-Förderpreis Spezifische Immuntherapie 2010 of the German Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology to Dr. Campana Raffaela

2010 Award of the Austrian ENT Society 2010 to Dr. Katharina Gangl

2010 Clemens von Pirquet Award 2010 of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology to Dr. Irene Mittermann

2011 Clemens von Pirquet Award 2011 of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology to Dr. Katarzyna Niespodziana

2011 Award “Atopic Dermatitis” Foundation Pro Derma, Hamburg to Dr. Irene Mittermann

2011 “Award of Excellence” of the Austrian Federal Minister for Science to Dr. Katarzyna Niespodziana

2012 “AAAAI Young Investigators Award” of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology to Dr. Katarzyna Niespodziana

2012 “Hansaton Wissenschaftspreis“ of the Austrian Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head & Neck Surgery to Dr. Julia Eckl-Dorna

2013. Clemens von Pirquet-Preis der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie (ÖGAI) to Dr. Gadermaier Elisabeth

2013 Förderungspreis der Dr. Maria Schaumayr-Stiftung to Dr. Gadermaier Elisabeth

2013 Kuan-Wei Chen: Förderpreis für spezifische Immuntherapie; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allergologie und klinische Immunologie (DGAKI) to Dr. Kuan Wie-Chen

2013 Forschungsförderungspreis Austrian Medical Association „Erste Bank der Österreichischen Sparkassen AG“ to Dr. Marth Katharina.

2014 Theodor Billroth-Preis 2014 of the Austrian Medical Association to Dr. Christian Lupinek

2015 ACTERIA Doctoral Prize oft the European Federation of Immunological Societies to Sandra Pahr (now: Sandrta Wieser)

2015 Exchange Research fellowship Award the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology to Gaurab Sircar

2015 Best thesis Award of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology to Christoph Madritsch

2015 OBMBT/Eppendorf Biotechnology and Applied Science Research Award to Daniela Gallerano

2015 Otto-Kraupp-Preis for the best habilitation of the College of Physicians Vienna to Birgit Linhart

2016 Medal 'Labour Glory' II to Prof. Victoria Garib for significant contributions to the development of Allergology & Immunology in Ukraine, International Academy of the rating technologies and sociology “Golden Fortune', 2016

2016 Award of the Working group Allergology of the Austrian Society for Dermatology and Venerology to Cornelia Egger

2016 International Award of the Pharmacia Allergy Research Foundation (Pharf) to Verena Niederberger

2016 Best thesis Award of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology to Regina Selb

2016 Clemens von Pirquet Award of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology to Anna Gieras

2017 Specific Immunotherapy award of the German Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology to Raphaela Freidl

2018 Clemens von Pirquet Award 2018 of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology to Dr. Katarzyna Niespodziana

2018 Global Allergology and Immunology Award of the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology of the Medical University of Vienna to Viktoriya Garib.

2019 Theodor-Billroth-Preis 2019 der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie for an excellent scientific publication to Andreas M. Farkas with co-authors Ulrike Baranyi, Christian Lupinek, Rudolf Valenta.

2019 „Clemens von Pirquet-Preis für Allergieforschung" prize for the most excellent publication for Christian Lupinek, at the ÖGAI meeting Graz November 21-23, 2019.

2019 "Ursula und Fritz Melchers thesis award” for Raphaela Freidl at the ÖGAI meeting Graz, November 21-23, 2019.

2019 "ÖGAI best thesis award” for Huey Jy Huang at the ÖGAI meeting Graz, November 21-23, 2019.

11. Translation of research into patient care, patents

Translation of research into application

1995 Recombinant tree and grass pollen allergens developed in the applicants group are available in the Pharmacia CAP in vitro allergy diagnosis system (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden).

1995-1996 Three successful phase I clinical studies (Strasbourg, Davos, Vienna) documenting the usefulness of recombinant tree and grass pollen allergens for skin prick diagnosis of Type I allergy in man.

1999-2001 Four phase I clinical studies with genetically engineered hypoallergenic versions of the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1, in Strasbourg and Stockholm documenting reduced allergenic activity by skin testing.

2001 Phase I study comparing recombinant tree and grass pollen allergens by skin testing and nasal provocation, Vienna.

2002 Completed phase IIb multicenter (Vienna, Strasbourg, Stockholm) placebo-controlled double-blind immunotherapy trial with recombinant hypoallergenic derivatives of the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 with Allergopharma, Reinbek, Germany.

Summer 2002, Launching of recombinant allergen-based diagnostic tests for the selection of allergic patients for immunotherapy treatment together with Pharmacia (now Phadia).

March 2003 Phase I skin test study comparing of recombinant Bet v 1 and natural Bet v 1 in allergic patients together with Stallergenes, Paris, France.

End of 2003 Start of two Phase III double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter immunotherapy studies with Allergopharma, Reinbek, Germany and Stallergenes, Paris, France in more than 300 allergic patients with recombinant major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1.

2008, Phase IIb double-blind, multicenter, placebo-controlled immunotherapy study with Stallergenes, Antony France using recombinant Bet v 1 wildtype in 125 patients.

2008-now Development of recombinant Bet v 1-based tablet for immunotherapy of birch pollen allergy by Stallergenes,

Since 2009 Micro-arrayed recombinant allergens for chip-based allergy diagnosis on the market


2010 Successful preclinical development of a grass pollen allergy vaccine based on non-allergenic grass pollen allergen peptides produced as fusion proteins with a viral carrier protein

2011-2016 Development and registration of a medical device (IgEnio) for the selective depletion of IgE antibodies from patients with allergic asthma by immunoapheresis together with BIOMAY AG and Fresenius Medical Care, Bad Homburg, Germany.

2011 Safety evaluation by skin testing of a hypoallergenic vaccine for grass pollen allergy completed with BIOMAY AG (NCT01350635)

2011-2012 Phase II vaccination study (safety and dose-finding) of a hypoallergenic vaccine for grass pollen allergy with BIOMAY AG. (NCT01445002)

2012-2014 Phase IIb multicentre vaccination study (efficacy) of a hypoallergenic vaccine for grass pollen allergy with BIOMAY AG (NCT01538979)

2012-2014 First phase I vaccination study with recombinant hypoallergenic derivatives of the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1 in non-allergic individuals to explore the feasibility of prophylactic allergy vaccination NCT01353924)

2016 Phase IIb vaccination study (refined dose-finding) of a hypoallergenic vaccine for grass pollen allergy with BIOMAY AG. (NCT NCT02643641).

2019 Development of a R&D version of a chip containing micro-arrayed peptides and antigens from respiratory virus for the diagnosis of virus-triggered exacerbations of respiratory diseases

12. Patents

Author or co-author on more than 330 international patents (incl. patent applications) according to EPO (Espacenet): worldwide.searchResults?submitted=true&locale=en_EP&DB=EPODOC&ST=advanced&TI=&AB=&PN=&AP=&PR=&PD=&PA=&IN=rudolf+valenta&CPC=&IC=&Submit=Search

13. Organization of national and international meetings and congresses

1995 Organizer of the International Course on Molecular Biology and Standardization of Allergens, Vienna.

2002 Co-organizer of the International Symposium „Allergology: From the past to future developments“, Vienna.

2004 89th Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds: International Titisee Conference “From Allergy to Cancer: New Perspectives for Therapeutic Vaccination”. March 17-21, 2004, Titisee, Germany.

2004 “Allergiediagnostik mit rekombinanten Allergenen”. Kurs I: Schwerpunkt Baumpollen-, Gräserpollen- und Hausstaubmilbenallergie. March 27-28, 2004, Vienna, Austria.

2004 6th Danone Journalisten Workshop des Instituts Danone für Ernährung: “Nahrung und Immunabwehr im Clinch“: June 17-19, 2004, Medical University of Vienna, Austria.

2004 Symposium “From Basic Science to Clinical Application”: September 3, 2004, Medical University of Vienna, Austria.

2006 President of the 25th European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology Congress, June 10-14, 2006, Vienna, Austria.eaaci2006

2006 Organizer of a Symposium in honour of Prof. DDr. Meinrad Peterlik on the occasion of his retirement “Weder Abschied, noch Neubeginn” Sept. 29, 2006, Vienna, Austria.

2006 Member of the Local Organizing committee of the Clemens von Pirquet Symposium of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology, Organization of the Allergology part of the meeting, December 7-9, 2006, Vienna, Austria.

2007 Co-organizer of the first “African International Conference on Immunity”, May 26-29, 2007, Victoria Falls,

2009 Co-organizer of the Karl Landsteiner Meeting, 11/06-07/2009. Salzburg

2009 Organizer of the Allergology UEMS Section and Board Meeting, 11/13-14/2009, Vienna

2009 Co-Organizer of the Medizinprodukte Workshop, Phadia, 10/09-10/2009, Wien

2010 Co-Organizer of the Sommer-Workshop, Phadia, 07/09-10/2010, Wien

2010 Co-Organizer of the OMI-Workshop, 07/12/2010, Wien

2010 President of the Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology, December 3 – 5, 2010, Vienna, Austria, .

2011 Co-organizer of the “Wiener Allergiekurs 2011”, January 28.-29, 2011, Vienna, Austria,

2011 Co-organizer of the “2nd EFIS-EJI African International Conference on Immunity”, November 3-7, 2011, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.

2011 Co-organizer of the event “100 Jahre Antrittsvorlesung Clemens v. Pirquet”, November 16, 2011, Vienna, Austria

2011 Co-Organizer of the Workshop “Molekulare Allergologie”, Phadia, November 18.-19. 2011, Vienna, Austria

2012 Organizer “Neues aus der Allergieforschung”, Medical University of Vienna, March 10, 2013

2012 Co-organizer of the Workshop “Molekulare Allergologie”, Phadia, August 31 – September 01, 2013

2013 Organizer of the Predicta Consortium Meeting, Vienna, January, 23-24, 2013

2013 Co-Organizer of the 5.Wiener Komponentenschule „Allergien besser verstehen“, Vienna August 30-31, 2013

2013 Organizer of the “1st Training for Trainers of International Network of Universities for Molecular Allergology & Immunology”, Vienna, December 3-5, 2013

2013 Co-Organizer of the “ISMA 2013, International Symposium on Molecular Allergology, Vienna, Austria, December 5-7, 2014

2014 Co-Organizer U.E.M.S Section and Board Meeting, November 14-16, 2014, Vienna

2014 Co-Organizer 6. Wiener Komponentenschule, August 29-30,2014, Vienna

2014 Organizer Landsteiner Seminar "Antibodies in HIV-1 prevention, immunity and therapy", Ges. der Ärzte, Billrothhaus, Vienna, March 21, 2014

2015 4th European Congress of Immunology, ECI, President of the Local organizing committee of the Scientific Program Committee of the, Vienna, September 6-9, 2015

2015 Co-Organizer “7. Wiener Komponentenschule” September 4.-5.2015, Vienna, Austria

2015 Organizer “2nd Training for Trainers of International Network of Universities for Molecular Allergology & Immunology”, September 10.-11.2015, Vienna, Austria

2015 Co-Organizer "- Allergy and Asthma Symposium- AAS, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria, April 10.2015"

2015 Organizer “IUIS Symposium: The importance of Standardization for Immunology” September 10.2015, Vienna, Austria

2016 Organizer of INUNIMAI 3rd Training for Trainers "Guide tour to molecular allergy diagnosis on Danube river", Vienna, June 15, 2016

2016 Co-Organizer of 8. Wiener Komponentenschule “Allergien besser verstehen”, Vienna, September 2-3, 2016

2016 Organizer “1st EFIS-EJI Caucasian School in Allergy and Immunology, 3.-4.10. 2016, Tbilisi, Georgia

2017 Co-Organizer of 9. Wiener Komponentenschule “Allergien besser verstehen”, Vienna, September 1-2, 2017

2017 Organizer of „Interdisziplinärer Wiener Allergietag“, Vienna, Mai 10th, 2017.

2018 Organizer of “5th Anniversary of INUNIMAI & 4-th Training for Trainers in Molecular Allergology, February 21-23, 2018, Vienna, Austria.

2018 Co-Organizer of the 10. Wiener Komponentenschule, “Allergien besser verstehen”, 7.-8.9.2018, Vienna, Austria, September 7-8, 2018.

2018 Organizer of the 3rd African International Conference on Immunity (AICI 2018) , Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, November 3-6, 2018.

2018 Co-Organizer of the First Moscow Molecular Allergology Meeting (MMAM 2018), Moscow, Russia, November 27, 2018.

2019 Co-organizer of the Molecular, Cellular and Clinical Allergology (MCCA) PhD Symposium and SFB F46 „Towards prevention and therapy of allergy“ closing event on mechanisms of IgE-associated diseases and novel approaches for the therapy of allergy and beyond , Vienna, Austria, August, 26, 2019

2019 Organizer of the 11. Wiener Komponentenschule Vienna, Austria. September, 6-7, 2019

2019 Co-organizer of the Second Moscow Molecular Allergology Meeting MMAM Moscow, Russia , November 19, 2019

14. Industrial collaborations

BIOMAY AG, A-1090 Vienna, Austria. Development of therapeutic and prophylactic strategies for allergy

Thermo ScientiFic, before PHADIA AB and PHARMACIA DIAGNOSTICS, Uppsala, Sweden. Since 1994 regularly funded collaboration in the field of molecular characterization of allergens and scientific advisor in the field of allergy diagnosis.

Introduction of recombinant allergens into the panel of Thermo Scientific diagnostic tests and development of allergen chips.

STALLERGENES, Antony, France. Recombinant allergens for skin test diagnosis. Antibodies for standardization of allergen extracts. Immunotherapy with recombinant allergens.

ALLERGOPHARMA, Reinbek, Germany. Development of recombinant allergen-based vaccines. Multicenter double-blind placebo-controlled clinical immunotherapy trial with genetically engineered hypoallergenic derivatives of the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1 which have now lead to the development of a birch pollen allergy vaccine successful up to phase III trials.

FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE, Bad Homburg, Germany. Development of an IgE-adsorber registered as medical device in Europe for the treatment of allergy.

VIRAVAXX, A-1090 Vienna, Austria,

Research on the development of active and passive vaccines based on peptide / carrier technology for the specific therapy and prevention of viral diseases

HiPP-Werk Georg Hipp OHG, Georg-Hipp-Str. 7, 85276 Pfaffenhofen, Germany. Collaboration regarding the evaluation and characterization of hypoallergenic milk formulas.

HVD Biotech Vertriebsgesellschaft m.b.H., Wurzbachgasse 18, A-1152 Vienna, Austria. Establishment of a library of allergenic molecules for world-wide profiling of molecular IgE sensitization profiles.

10 most important academic publications in the career to date

|Lupinek, C., H. Hochwallner, C. Johansson, A. Mie, E. Rigler, A. Scheynius, J. Alm, and R. Valenta. 2019. Maternal allergen-specific IgG|

|might protect the child against allergic sensitization. J Allergy Clin Immunol. Doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2018.11.051. [Epub ahead of print] |

|Niespodziana, K., K. Stenberg-Hammar, S. Megremis, C.R. Cabauatan, K. Napora-Wijata, P.C. Vacal, D. Gallerano, C. Lupinek, D. Ebner, T. |

|Schlederer, C. Harwanegg, C. Söderhäll, M. van Hage, G. Hedlin, N.G. Papadopoulos, and R. Valenta. 2018. PreDicta chip-based high |

|resolution diagnosis of rhinovirus-induced wheeze. Nat Commun. 18: 2382. Doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-04591-0. |

|Wickman, M., C. Lupinek, N. Andersson, D. Belgrave, A. Asarnoj, M. Benet, M. Pinart, S. Wieser, J. Garcia-Aymerich, A. Baar, G. |

|Pershagen, A. Simpson, I. Kull, A. Bergström, E. Melén, C. Hamsten, J.M. Antó, J. Bousquet, A. Custovic, R. Valenta R, and van Hage M. |

|2017. Detection of IgE reactivity to a handful of allergen molecules in early childhood predicts respiratory allergy in adolescence. |

|EBioMedicine 26: 91. Doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2017.11.009. |

|Niederberger, V., A. Neubauer, P. Gevaert, M. Zidarn, M. Worm, W. Aberer, H.J. Malling, O. Pfaar, L. Klimek, W. Pfützner, J. Ring, U. |

|Darsow, N. Novak, R. Gerth van Wijk, J. Eckl-Dorna, M. Focke-Tejkl, M. Weber, H.H. Müller, J. Klinger, F. Stolz, N. Breit, R. Henning, |

|and R. Valenta. 2018. Safety and efficacy of immunotherapy with the recombinant B-cell epitope-based grass pollen vaccine BM32. J |

|Allergy Clin Immunol. 142: 497. Doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2017.09.052. |

|Cornelius, C., K. Schöneweis, F. Georgi, M. Weber, V. Niederberger, P. Zieglmayer, K. Niespodziana, M. Trauner, H. Hofer, S. Urban, and |

|R. Valenta. 2016. Immunotherapy with the PreS-based grass pollen allergy vaccine BM32 induces antibody responses protecting against |

|Hepatitis B infection. EBioMedicine 11: 58, Doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2016.07.023. |

|Niederberger, V., F. Horak, S. Vrtala, S. Spitzauer, M.T. Krauth, P. Valent, J. Reisinger, M. Pelzmann, B. Hayek, M. Kronqvist, G. |

|Gafvelin, H. Grönlund, A. Purohit, R. Suck, H. Fiebig, O. Cromwell, G. Pauli, M. van Hage-Hamsten, and R. Valenta. 2004. Vaccination |

|with genetically engineered allergens prevents progression of allergic disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 101 Suppl 2: 14677-82. |

|Hiller, R., S. Laffer, C. Harwanegg, M. Huber, W.M. Schmidt, A. Twardosz, B. Barletta, W.M. Becker, K. Blaser, H. Breiteneder, M. |

|Chapman, R. Crameri, M. Duchêne, F. Ferreira, H. Fiebig, K. Hoffmann-Sommergruber, T.P. King, T. Kleber-Janke, V.P. Kurup, S. B. Lehrer,|

|J. Lidholm, U. Müller, C. Pini, G. Reese, O. Scheiner, A. Scheynius, H.D. Shen, S. Spitzauer, R. Suck, I. Swoboda, W. Thomas, R. |

|Tinghino, M. Van Hage-Hamsten, T. Virtanen, D. Kraft, M.W. Müller, and R. Valenta. 2002. Microarrayed allergen molecules: diagnostic |

|gatekeepers for allergy treatment. FASEB J. 16: 414. |

|Vangelista, L., S. Laffer, R. Turek, H. Grönlund, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, A. Pastore, and R. Valenta. The immunoglobulin-like modules |

|Cepsilon3 and alpha2 are the minimal units necessary for human IgE-FcepsilonRI interaction. 1999. J Clin Invest. 103: 1571-8. |

|Vrtala, S., K. Hirtenlehner, L. Vangelista, A. Pastore, H.G. Eichler, W.R. Sperr, P. Valent, C. Ebner, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta. 1997. |

|Conversion of the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1, into two nonanaphylactic T cell epitope-containing fragments: candidates for a |

|novel form of specific immunotherapy. J Clin Invest. 99: 1673. |

|Valenta, R., M. Duchêne, K. Pettenburger, C. Sillaber, P. Valent, P. Bettelheim, M. Breitenbach, H. Rumpold, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner. |

|1991. Identification of profilin as a novel pollen allergen; IgE autoreactivity in sensitized individuals. Science 253: 557-60. |

|10 most important scientific/scholarly research achievements |

|2017: Megagrant of the Government of the Russian Federation |

|2016: Foreign Adjunct Professor, Department of Medicine Solna, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden |

|2016: International Distinguished Fellow (IDF) Award of the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) |

|2013: Appreciation Award of Science of the Federal State Government Lower Austria |

|2009: Paul Ehrlich Award for Experimental Research of the European Academy for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) |

|2006: Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences |

|2001: Alois Sonnleitner Award for Immunology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences |

|2000: International Sarstedt Award |

|1998: START Award of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) |

|1996: International Award of the Pharmacia Allergy Research Foundation |

Rudolf Valenta - Invited speaker list

1991 n = 4

1991 Bern-Institute for Clinical Immunology: "Molecular biology of pollen allergens: structure-function-relationship"

1991 Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology

1991 University of Manitoba-Immunology: "The use of recombinant allergens in immunotherapy."

1991 University of Bielefeld, Germany, Cellbiology: "Profilin-a novel pan-allergen".

1992 n = 2

1992 Invited Speaker 2nd International Clinical Immunology Symposium Budapest, International Congress of Immunology: "New perspectives in therapy of allergic diseases-Recombinant allergens".

1992 German Society for Lung and Asthma research, Bochum.

1993 n = 5

"Structural analysis and production of recombinant allergens". 1993 German Society for Allergology and Immunology, Potsdam:"Epitopes of pollen allergens"

1993 Joint Meeting of the German and Dutch Societies for Cell Biology, Münster: "The cytoskeleton in human diseases: Profilin, a panallergen"

1993 Tschechische Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie, Prag: "Progress in allergy diagnostics and therapy through recombinant allergens: new perspectives"

1993 European Academy of Allergology and Immunology, Rotterdam: "Allergens and Epitopes".

1993 7th Paul Ehrlich Seminar, Langen, "Recombinant Allergens and Epitopes".

1994 n = 1

1994 IAACI EAACI Stockholm

1995 n = 4

1995 Swiss Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Geneva

1995 French Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Nancy

1995 EAACI Madrid

1995 Gordon Research Conference on Plant and Fungal Cytoskeleton, Proctor Academy, New Hampshire, USA.

1996 n = 4

1996 International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Lorne, Australia

1996 8th , Paul Ehrlich Seminar, Bethesda, USA.

1996 Collegium Allergologicum Internationale, Fuschl, Austria.

1996 German Society for Allergology and Immunology, Freiburg, Germany.

1997 n = 7

1997 Highlights in Allergy, Clinical Immunolgy and Respiratory Disease, Genoa, Italy.

1997 Nobel Minisymposium "Molecular Medicine in a New Milenium" Stockholm, Sweden.

1997 EAACI Rhodos, Greece.

1997 XVI IAACI Cancun, Mexico.

1997 Seminar "Molecular characterization of IgE autoantigens; links between atopy and autoimmunity", Baylor College for Immunology Research, Dallas, TX, USA.

1997 German Society for Biochemistry, Tübingen, Germany.

1997 DAM Allergy Symposium, Milano, Italy.

1998 n = 10

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. IgE-autoreactivity: "A pathomechanism for severe forms of atopy" February 12, 1998, Göttingen, Germany.

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Genetik und Gentechnik. „Recombinant allergens, from cloning to bedside”, February 13, 1998 Vienna, Austria.

Seminars "Atopic dermatitis, an IgE autoimmune disease?", March 3 – 5, 1998, Erlangen and Göttingen, Germany.

Ramón Areces Foundation. International Symposium on Allergy "Physical and and biochemical basis of allergenicity – What makes and allergen an allergen". March 30 – 31 1998, Madrid, Spain.

Wörthersee-Symposium of the Austrian Society of Dermatology and Venerology. "Neurodermitis is an autoimmune disease". June 12, 1998, Velden, Austria.

XVII EAACI Congress. Symposium "Allergens – Cloning to Bedside", Diagnostic and Therapeutic Potential of Recombinant Pollen Allergens. June 21 – 26, 1998, Birmingham, U.K.

XVII EAACI Congress "Fundamentals of Molecular Biology": Strategies to obtain recombinant proteins. June 21 – 26, 1998, Birmingham, U.K.

XVII EAACI Congress "Pharmacia Allergy Research Foundation Symposium": Cloning Allergens. June 21 – 26, 1998, Birmingham, U.K.

University of Zürich. Symposium The Atopy Syndrome in the Third Millenium. „IgE-Autoantibodies in Atopic Dermatitis“. October 2 – 3, 1998, Zurich, Switzerland.

Allergopharma Allergie-Workshop: "Nicht-anaphylaktische rekombinante Birken-Allergene". November 26 – 27, 1998, Reinbeck bei Hamburg, Germany.

1999 n = 8

XVIII EAACI Congress: Impact of molecular biology on diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases: The concept of component-resolved diagnosis and immunotherapy. July 3 – 7, 1999, Brussels, Belgium.

9th International Paul Ehrlich Seminar: "Large scale production and quality criteria of recombinant allergens for marketing". September 9 – 11, 1999, Langen Germany.

2nd Meeting of Atopic Dermatitis Research: "Atopic dermatitis – an autoimmune disease?", October 20 –23, 1999, Hannover, Germany.

21. Meeting of the German Society for Allergology and Immunology "Nicht-anaphylaktogene rekombinante Allergene zur Immuntherapie". 24 – 28 October 1999, Munich, Germany.

Symposium Sociedad Espanola de Alergia e Inmunologia Clinica: "Recombinant allergens for diagnosis and treatment of Type I allergy". October 27 – 29, 1999, La Coruna, Spain.

International Aniversary Symposium ”30 years with IgE” Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG: Synthetic and genetically engineered hypoallergenic allergen derivatives". November 9 – 11, 1999, Hamburg, Germany.

BSI/BSACI Joint Annual Congress: "Recombinant Allergens", November 30 – December 3, 1999, Harrogate, U.K.

Meeting of the 8th European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology: "Atopic dermatitis: An IgE autoimmune disease?", September 29 – October 3, 1999, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2000 n = 16

Meeting of the Council of IUIS : "Isolation of cDNA clones coding for IgE autoantigens with serum IgE from atopic dermatitis patients", February 14 – 18, 2000, Yaounde, Cameroon.

Les Journées Nationales de la Société Francaise d´ Allergologie et d´Immunologie Clinique: ”Les allergénes recombinantes: du laboratoire au malade”, April 13 –15, 2000, Strasbourg, France.

Klinikum der Philipps-Universität Marburg, Seminar: ”Molecular concepts for the therapy of Type I allergies”, April 17, 2000, Marburg, Germany.

Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Seminar: ”The recombinant allergen-based concept for component-resolved diagnosis and therapy of Type I allergy”, May 8, 2000, Rome, Italy.

23rd CIA Symposium: Allergy in the 21st Century: “New Answers to Old Questions”, May 18 – 23, 2000, Hakone, Japan.

International Consensus Conference on Therapy of Allergological and Immunological Diseases at the Beginning of the Third Millenium: ”Future Aspects of Specific Immunotherapy”, May 24 – 27, 2000 Taormina, Italy.

4. Dermatologisches Alpenseminar: ”Autoantigene bei Atopie”, June 1 – 4, 2000, Grainau, Germany.

Wörther See Symposium ”What´s New in Allergy” ”Immuntherapie mit Komponenten von Allergenen”, June 9 – 11, 2000, Velden, Austria.

XIXth European Academy for Allergology and Immunology: ”Recombinant allergens”, July 1 –5, 2000, Lisbon, Portugal.

WHO Consultation on International Biological Standards for In Vitro Diagnostic Procedures: ”Recombinant allergens for standardization and allergy diagnosis”, September 14 –15, 2000, Geneva, Switzerland.

New Trends in Allergy V: ”Molecular strategies for the treatment of Type I allergy”, September 15 – 17, 2000, Davos, Switzerland.

14th European Immunology Meeting, EFIS 2000: ”Genetically engineered and synthetic allergen derivatives for treatment of Type I Allergy”, September 23 – 27, 2000, Poznan, Poland.

XVIIth International Congress of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: ”Allergen characterization”, October 15 – 20, 2000, Sydney, Australia.

XXI Reuniao Anual SPAIC: ”Recombinant Allergens”, November 23 – 25, 2000, Troia, Portugal.

Sarstedt Symposium 2000: Komponenten-spezifische Allergie-Diagnostik mit rekombinanten Allergenen: Grundlage für neue Formen der molekularen Therapie von Typ I Allergien”, December 3 – 5, 2000, Bonn, Germany.

Münchner Kollegium für Therapieforschung: ”Zukünftige Therapieoptionen”, December 9, 2000, Munich, Germany.

2001 n = 13

Meeting of the European Academy of Allergology and Immunology, “Basic Immunology in Allergy and Immunology“, February 1 - 4, 2001, Davos, Switzerland.

XXth Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology: „Role of autoimmunity in chronic urticaria“, May 9 – 13, 2001, Berlin, Germany.

XXth Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology – Hitachi Satellite Symposium „Diagnostic use of recombinant allergens“, May 11, 2001, Berlin, Germany.

Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Symposium „Manipulation of the Immune System – a Medical Challenge“: Molecular strategies for diagnosis and treatment of Type I allergy“, May 14 - 15, 2001, Vienna, Austria.

International Symposium: Frontiers in Allergy and Autoimmunity: „Molecular strategies for the treatment of Type I allergy“, May 18 - 19, 2001. Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany.

XXX Reunión de la Sociedad Andaluza de Alergologiae I.C.: “Clinical Application of Recombinant Allergens“, June 1 - 2, 2001, Jaén, Spain.

Allergology in the Third Millennium: „Lodz 2001“, “Molecular strategies for diagnosis and treatment of Type I allergy based on recombinant DNA technology“, June 6 - 9, 2001, Lodz, Poland.

IIth International Congress: „Modern methods of Diagnosis and Treatment of Allergies“ - „Recombinant allergen based concepts for diagnosis and therapy of Type I allergy“, June 26 - 29, 2001, Tbilisi, Georgia.

11th International Congress of Immunology: “Antigen-based immunotherapy in allergy“, July 22 - 28, 2001, Stockholm, Sweden.

European Asthma Congress: “Recombinant allergen based component-resolved diagnosis and therapy of Type I allergy“, September 9 - 12, 2001, Moscow, Russia.

Meeting of the Czech Society for Allergology: “Recombinant allergen-based diagnosis and therapy of Type I allergy“, October 11, 2001, Prague, Czech Republic.

10th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology (EADV): “Autoimmune mechanisms“, October 10 - 14, 2001, Munich, Germany.

International Advisory Board Meeting, Allergopharma: “New developments with anti-IgE“, November 30, 2001, Reinbeck bei Hamburg, Germany.

2002 n = 18

Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Allergology and Immunology: „Perspectives of diagnosis and immunotherapy of IgE-mediated allergies“, March 14 - 16, 2002, Lugano, Switzerland.

Allergy Symposium, University of East Anglia, Norwich: „Role of IgE autoimmunity in atopic dermatitis“, March 25, 2002, Norwich, United Kingdom.

XYZALL Symposium: „Allergiediagnostik – Quo vadis“, April 4, 2002, Salzburg, Austria.

XYZALL Symposium: „Allergiediagnostik – Quo vadis“, April 6, 2002, Graz, Austria.

28th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Hygiene, Molecular Biology and Preventive Medicine: „Type I Allergy“, May 7 – 10, 2002, Meran, Italy.

Course of molecular allergology, Turino, Italy: „Component resolved diagnosis of Type I allergy with recombinant allergens“, May 31 – June 1, 2002, Turino, Italy.

XXI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology: „Sensitization to autoantigens in allergic diseases“, June 1 –5, 2002, Naples, Italy.

Wörthersee-Symposium „What’s new in allergy“, „Austrian Allergology Research Programmes“, June 14 – 16, 2002, Velden, Austria.

University of Palermo, Seminar - „Recombinant allergen-based diagnostics and therapeutics“, September 6, 2002, Palermo, Italy

7. FORUM Atemwegskonferenz mit Workshop – Asthma, Allergie und COPD

„Ein Impfstoff gegen alle IgE-vermittelten Allergien?“, September 11 – 12, 2002, Bonn Germany.

Gastroenterologie 2002 - 57. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten: „Autoimmunmechanismen bei Allergien“, September 11 – 14, 2002, Bonn, Germany.

33. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin: „Prävention von Pollenallergien“, September 19 –21, 2002, Salzburg, Austria.

10th International Paul-Ehrlich-Seminar – Regulatory Control and Standardization of Allergenic Extracts: „Immunotherapy with recombinant allergen vaccines – state of the art“, October 2 – 5, 2002, Lübeck, Germany.

XIX. Congress of Czech and Slovak Societies of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: „Recombinant allergens – future of allergen immunotherapy?“, October 9 – 12, 2002, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic.

Symposium - Neue Entwicklungen in der Pathophysiologie und Therapie der atopischen Dermatitis: „Bedeutung rekombinanter Allergen Moleküle für die spezifische Immuntherapie bei der Typ-I-Allergie“, October 25 – 26, 2002, Münster, Germany.

Workshop – Allergy vaccination: novel strategies and perspectives: „Recombinant allergen-based strategies for therapy of Type I allergy“, November 24 – 27, 2002, Sochi – Krasnaya Polyana, Russia.

PHARMACIA Day: „Diagnostische Teste basierend auf rekombinanten Allergenen für die Auswahl von Therapieformen für Allergien“, November 29, 2002, Vösendorf bei Wien, Austria.

6th Latin American Immunology Congress: „Recombinant allergen-based strategies for diagnosis and therapy of IgE-mediated allergies“, December 7 – 15, 2002, Havana, Cuba.

2003 = 15

Pharmacia Deutschland Mitarbeiterseminar, January 30, 2003, Baden-Baden, Germany

7. Innsbrucker Allergiegespräche, Kongresshaus Innsbruck: „Gegenwart und Zukunft der spezifischen Immuntherapie“, March 29, 2003, Innsbruck, Austria

Fifth Congress of the Federation of African Immunological Societies: „Recombinant allergen-based strategies for therapy and prophylaxis of Type I allergy“, April 27 – May 2, 2003, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Jahrestagung des Landesberufsverbandes der Wien, NÖ und Burgenland: „Allergietherapie auf der Basis von rekombinanten Allergenen“, May 17, 2003, Vienna, Austria

XXXV Lección Conmemorativa Jiménez Díaz: „Futuro del diagnóstico alérgico basado en la IgE específica“, May 20, 2003, Madrid, Spain

XXII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology – Allergy as a Global Problem: „From allergen genes to vaccines“, June 7 – 11, 2003, Paris, France

15th European Immunology Congress – EFIS 2003: „Induction and regulation of IgE-mediated allergy“, June 8 - 12, 2003, Rhodes, Greece

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Schwerpunkttreffen „Atopische Dermatitis“: „Recombinant allergens: Analysis of pathomechanisms in atopic dermatitis, development of allergen-based diagnostic and therapeutic strategies“, June 17, 2003, Bonn, Germany

Expert Panel Meeting on Food Allergy: „Therapeutic Approaches to Food Allergy“, June 30 – July 1, 2003, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

World Allergy Organization Congress – XVIII ICACI: „Allergenic Peptides Involved in Diagnosis and Treatment“, September 7-12, 2003, Vancouver, Canada

Pharmacia Meeting: „Recombinant allergen-based allergy diagnosis“, September 30, 2003, Uppsala, Sweden

III. Balkan Congress of Allergy and Clinical Immunology jointly with 11th Turkish National and Clinical Immunology Congress: „Recombinant allergen based diagnosis and therapy of the type I allergy“, October 11 – 14, 2003, Istanbul, Turkey

Allergologie 2003: „Rekombinante Allergene in der Diagnose der Typ I Allergie“,

October 11, 2003, Essen, Germany

Immuno-Day 03: “Recombinant allergen-based diagnosis for improved selection of allergy therapy”, November 3-6, 2003, Lausanne/Luzern

Aux frontières de l’allergie : “Autoallergy: a possible pathomechanism in severe atopy”, December 4, 2003, Angers, France

2004 n = 16

Postgraduate Course for Allergologists/clinical Immunologists with FMH-title and title candidates – 6th Course: Allergy and Immunology Update (AIU): “Component resolved allergy diagnosis”, January 16-18, 2004, Gstaad, Switzerland

Trends in der Allergie- und Autoimmundiagnostik: “Rekombinante Allergene in der Diagnose der Typ I Allergie”, March 3-4, 2004, Köln, Germany

Plenary Meeting of the GMO Panel, March 4, 2004, Brussels, Belgium

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds – International Titisee Conference: “From allergen genes to allergy vaccines”, March 17-21, 2004, Titisee (Schwarzwald), Germany

Arthur M. Sackler Colloquia of the National Academy of Sciences: “From Allergen Genes to Allergy Vaccines”, April 1-3, 2004, Washington D.C., USA

Seminar Kings College London: “From allergen genes to new vaccines”, April 14-16, 2004, London, Great Britain

From allergen structure to new forms of allergen-specific immunotherapy, 2nd Italian Course of molecular allergology: “Renaissance of the blocking antibody concept in Type I Allergy”, April 23-24, 2004, Portofino, Italy

Seminar University of Erlangen-Nürnberg: “From allergen genes to allergy vaccines”, May 2, 2004, Erlangen, Germany

Wörther See-Symposium: What’s new in allergy?: “Mechanismen der IT mit genetisch modifizierten Allergenen”, June 4-6, 2004, Velden am Wörthersee, Austria

XXIII EAACI Congress: “Celiac disease and wheat allergy: is there a link?”, June 12-16, 2004, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

International Congress of Immunology and 4th Annual Conferenc of FOCIS: “From allergen structure to diagnosis and therapy”, July 19-23, 2004, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

6th EFIS Tatra Immunology Conference: “Immunological mechanism underlying immunotherapy with genetically modified allergens”, September 11-16, 2004, Tatranske Zruby, Slovakia.

Allergiekongress Aachen: “Spezifische Immuntherapie mit rekombinanten Allergenen”, September 15-19, 2004, Aachen, Germany.

DELAB-Fachtagung für Laborärzte etc.: „Rekombinante Allergene als Voraussetzung immuntherapeutischer Ansätze“, October 27-29, 2004

International Interasma-EAACI Meeting: “Recombinant allergens”, November 27-30, 2004, Bilbao, Spain.

XXIst Congress of Czeck and Slovak Allergists and Clinical Immunologists: “Recombinant allergens for diagnosis and therapy”, November 3-4, 2004, Brno, Czech Republic

2005 n = 19

III World Congress on Immuopathology & Respiratory Allergy”: “Allergen-driven regulation of the allergic immune response”, February 5-8, 2005, Pattaya, Thailand

Boehringer Ingelheim: “Genetically modiefied allergens for therapyand preventione of allergic asthma“, February 2, 2005, Biberach, Germany

Pharmacia Diagnostics AB Sweden, Workshop “Recombinant Allergens”, February 19, 2005, Stockholm, Sweden

61st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology: “Generation of Grass Pollen Vaccines by Disruption of 3D Structures”, March 18-22, 2005, San Antonio, USA

7th Congress of the Italian Society of Allergology and Pediatric Immunology: “Recent advances in molecular allergy: implication s for new diagnostic tests and immunotherapeutic strategies”, April 6-9, 2005, Rome, Italy

1st Baltic Allergy Congress. Allergy: from the past to the future. Recombinant allergens: from bench to clinical applications (Therapy), May 24-25, 2005, Vilnius, Lithuania.

3rd International Course in MolecularAllergology. Allergenic molecules: from theory to practice: “Vaccination and allergy”, May 27-28, 2005, Florence, Italy

Symposium of the Belgian Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology: Recombinant Allergens: “Recombinant allergens for diagnosis and treatment of allergy”, June 9, 2005, Diegem, Belgium and Utrecht, Netherlands

World Allergy Congress (WAO): “Usefulness of recombinant allergens in clinics”, June 26 to July 1, 2005, Munich, Germany

11th Paul Ehrlich Seminar (IPES): “Immunological mechanisms underlying immunotherapy with recombinant allergens”, September 29 – October 1, 2005, Bad Homburg, Germany

Workshop Fine Tuning the Immune System for the Treatment of Allergic and Autoimmune Diseases: “Use of recombinant allergens as allergy vaccines”, October 10-11, 2005, Rome, Italy

Workshop on “The Safety of GM Foods”: “Review of food safety risk assessment procedures followed in the EUI and the US for GM products and post-marketing monitoring” (together with Armin Spoek), October 13-14, 2005, Rome Italy

XXVI Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology: “Recombinant allergens for immunotherapy”, October 12-15, Oporto, Portugal

Journee Scientifique “Gabrielle Pauli“: “Recombinant Allergens“, October 15, 2005, Strasbourg, France

III European Asthma Congress: “Clinical studies performed with recombinant allergen-based vaccine“, October 20-23, Athens, Greece

International Conference: Vaccination, Infection & Autoimmunity: Myth & Reality - VIAMR 2005: “Recombinant allergen based allergy vaccines“, October 26-28, 2005 Lausanne, Switzerland

Second Iranian Asthma Meeting of the Iranian Society of Asthma and Allergy (ISAA): “From allergen structure to new forms of diagnosis and therapy of allergy”, November 13-18, 2005, Teheran, Iran

Fortbildungsveranstaltung der Münchner Allergie-Gesellschaft am Biederstein e.V.: “Rolle rekombinanter Allergene in der Allergiediagnostik“, November 31, 2005, Munich, Germany

Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: “Recombinant allergens”, December 15-17, 2005, Haifa, Israel

2006 n = 9

Keystone Symposia 2006: “Immunotherapy with hypoallergenic molecules”, April 6-11, 2006, Beckenridge, Colorado, USA

Institutskolloquium am Institut für Medizinische Physik und Biophysik: “Von der Allergenstruktur zu neuen Diagnose- und Therapieformen für Allergien“, July 6, 2006, Münster, Germany

Eröffnung eines Christian Doppler Labors an der Universität Salzburg: „From allergen genes to vaccines“, July 31, 2006, Salzburg, Austria

Annual Scientific Meeting of ASCIA (Australsasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy): “Autoallergy - a new mechanism in allergic inflammation”, September 7 -10, 2006, Sydney, Australia

14th Annual Meeting of the Turkish National Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: “Allergen recognition and presentation” and “Biology of the allergens”, November 4-8, 2006, Antalya, Turkey

XXXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Alergia e Imunopatologia: “Basic mechanisms in allergy” and “Recombinant allergen-based allergy diagnosis”, November 11-15, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Annual Meeting of the Finnish Society of Allergy and Immunology: “Recombinant allergen-based allergy diagnosis”, November 16-17, 2006, Helsinki, Finland

Fortbildungskurs für Allergologen in der Praxis „Rekombinante Allergene in der Praxis“: „Unterschied rekombinantes Allergen vs. Allergenextrakt“, „Biologie einiger wichtiger rekombinanter Allergene“ und „Rekombinante Allergene für die Indikationsstellung zur Immuntherapie und zur Verlaufskontrolle“, November 25, 2006, Luzern, Switzerland

5th International Congress on Autoimmunology: “Allergy and autoimmunity: do they co-exist?”, November 29 – December 3, 2006, Sorrento, Italy

2007 n = 17

Educational Seminar for Clinicians: “Biological functions of recombinant allergens”, January 25, 2007, London, England

Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology: “Microarrayed allergen molecules: a novel diagnostic tool” and“Controversies in immunotherapy: recombinant vs. natural allergens”, February 23-27, 2007, San Diego, CA, USA

Special Seminar at the California Institute of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering: “Recombinant allergen-based concepts for diagnosis and therapy of allergy”, February 28, 2007, San Diego, CA, USA

Institutsseminar an der Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck: „Vom Allergen zum Allergieimpfstoff“, March 5, 2007, Innsbruck, Austria

3rd Vienna Vaccines Conference: Challenges for vaccine development: medical needs and social implications, “Allergy vaccines”, April 12, 2007, Baden bei Wien, Austria

Institutsseminar an der Universität Hohenheim, Lehrstuhl Ernährungs-medizin/Prävention: „Vom Allergen zu neuen Allergieimpfstoffen“, May 11, 2007, Stuttgart, Germany

Annual Meeting of the South Spain-Andalucía Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology: “The major allergen of olive pollen as a marker for sensitization to members of the Oleacea family”, May 17-19, 2007, Granada, Spain

African International Conference on Immunity: “Allergy and autoimmunity”, May 24-31, 2007, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Africa

XXVI EAACI Congress: “New designs of allergen molecules for immunotherapy” and “Importance of allergen epitopes for allergic disease”, June 9-13, 2007, Göteborg, Sweden

Imflammatory Barrier Diseases Meeting: “Recombinant allergens for immunotherapy”, July 12-14, 2007, Kiel, Germany

13th International Congress of Immunology: “Recombinant allergen-based diagnosis of allergy”, “Pathomechanisms in IgE-mediated allergies” and “From allergens to new allergy vaccines”, August 21-25, 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

One Day Symposium on Asthma and Allergy – from mechanisms to biomarkers and therapeutic targets organized by the MRC & Asthma UK Centre in Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma: “Use of recombinant allergens”, September 19, 2007, Guys Hospital London

2nd Annual Meeting: Vaccine Therapy Cluster (VTC): “Immunotherapy to allergic diseases”, October 24-27, 2007, Matrahaza, Hungary

Symposium “55 Years from organized beginning of allergy in Croatia”: “Characteristics of allergens and allergenic preparation”, October 26, 2007, Zagreb, Croatia

57th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Allergology (JSA57): “New approach to treatment of allergic disease. Part 1: Allergens and immune response. Birch pollen allergy and the immune response”, November 1-3, 2007, Yokohama, Japan

Course at the University of Prague: “Recombinant allergen-based diagnosis”, November 18, 2007, Prague, Czech Republic

World Allergy Congress (WAC) 2007: “The future is with recombinant and bioengineered allergens”, December 2-6, 2007, Bangkok, Thailand

2008 n = 10

Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology: “Novel Immunotherapy Approaches”, March 14-18, 2008, Philadelphia, USA

Konferenz des Forums für Metallurgie und Werkstofftechnik: „From Allergen Genes to Allergy Vaccines“, May 19-20, 2008, Leoben, Austria

Wörthersee Symposium 2008: ”Allergie ohne IgE”, May 30 – June 1, 2008, Velden, Austria

XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology: “Improving therapeutic options with recombinant technology”, June 7 – 11, 2008, Barcelona, Spain

4th Slovenian Pneumology and Allergology Congress 2008: “What happens to mast cells/basophils during immunotherapy?” and “Role of recombinant allergens in double sensitization”, September 14-16, 2008, Portoroz, Slovenia

Swiss MedLab 2008: “Diagnostics of allergies”, September 19, 2008, Montreux, Switzerland

12th International Paul-Ehrlich-Seminar: “Surrogate Markers of Clinical Efficacy”, September 24-27, 2008, Bad Homburg, Germany

Shanghai International Laboratory Medicine Conference: “Microarrayed recombinant allergens for diagnosis of allergy”, October 17, 2008, Shanghai, China

XXXV Brazilian Congress on Allergy and Immunopathology: “Clinical therapy trials with recombinant allergens: Results and future developments”, “The allergen-specific IgE response” and “Clinical value of recombinant allergen-based diagnostics”, November 1-6, 2008, Porto Alegre, Brazil

18th Johns Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Center Annual Symposium: “Molecular-chip and component based diagnosis and treatment of allergic disease”, November 21, 2008, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Ende 2008 = 178

2009 n = 16

6th Symposium on Environmental Allergy and Allergotoxicology: Climate change and allergy: “Combination vaccination for viral infections and allergy”, January 29-31, 2009, Munich, Germany

1st International Conference on Biotechnology (ICOB): “Recombinant allergen-based diagnosis” and “Combination vaccines for allergy and infectious diseases”, February 16-18, 2009, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

8. Bundesheer-Impfsymposium: “Allergieprophylaxe durch Impfungen”, March 27, 2009, Salzburg, Austria

18. Österreichischer Impftag für Ärzte und Apotheker: “Allergieprophylaxe durch Impfungen”, March 28, 2009, Salzburg, Austria

ÖGAI Fortbildungsveranstaltung: Diagnose in der klinischen Allergologie: „Grundlagen der Komponenten-basierenden Diagnostik“, April 16-17, 2009, Vienna, Austria

XXVIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology: “Recombinant allergens for specific immunotherapy”, June 6 – 10, 2009, Warsaw, Poland

9th Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies: „Autoallergy – chronic inflammation by IgE autoreactivity”, September 2-5, 2009, Dresden, Germany

2nd European Congress of Immunology: “Molecular and immunological characterization of a novel allergen from staphylococcus aureus”, September 13-16, 2009, Berlin, Germany

2.Interdisziplinäres Freiburger Allergie Symposium: “Aktueller Stand und zukünftige Perspektiven der modernen Allergiediagnostik”, October 2-3, 2009, Freiburg, Germany

Projektmeeting MIG-Biomay, October 6, 2009, München, Germany

EU-Projektmeeting, October 7, 2009, Paris, France

EU Project Planning Meeting, October 16, 2009, München, Germany

Allergen Vaccines 2009: International Workshop on Current Problems in Allergen Vaccines - Development and Manufacturing: “Recombinant allergen-based approaches for immunotherapy”, October 18-23, 2009, Varadero, Cuba

Karl Landsteiner Meeting der ÖGAI mit den 4. Salzburger Allergiegesprächen, November 6-7, 2009, Salzburg, Austria

55th IUIS Council Meeting, November 8-11, 2009, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

World Allergy Congress: “Recombinant allergens – Where are we?”, December 6-10, 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Ende 2009 = 194

2010 n = 26

Advisory Board Meeting, MRC & Asthma UK Centre in Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma, January 15, 2010, London, United Kingdom

Journee Recherche et Santé Allergies: “Les allergènes”, January 19, 2010, Paris, France

Meeting of the European Science Foundation, January 20, 2010, Munich, Germany

4th Annual Allergy Academy Food Allergy Study Day: “Practical component resolved diagnostics in the food allergy clinic”, February 9, 2010, London, United Kingdom

Phadia Component Resolved Diagnostics in Allergy Management Seminar, February 10, 2010, Central London, United Kingdom

American Adacemy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 2010 Annual Meeting: “Novel immunotherapy approaches”, “Modified recombinant molecules for allergen-specific immunotherapy: how do they induce immune tolerance?” and “The future of immunomodulation in allergy”, February 26 – March 2, 2010, New Orleans, USA

12th National Congressi, Società Italiana di Allergologia e Immunologia Pediatrica: “Component-resolved allergy diagnosis”, April 16, 2010, Bari, Italy

28th Symbosium of the Collegium Internationale Allergologicum, April 25-30, 2010, Ischia, Italy

29th Congress of the European Academy of Allergy & Clinical Immunology (EAACI) Medical Congress: “Immunotherapy: future directions” and “Future developments in immunotherapy”, June 5-9, 2010, London, United Kingdom

22nd Update, Frontiers in Research and Clinical Management of Asthma & Allergy: From Bench to Bedside: “Targeted suppression of allergic responses”, “New approaches to immunotherapy” and “Recombinant allergen approcaches”, June 11, 2010, Baltimore, USA

ÖGAI Wörthersee-Symposium: “2. Milchallergie – was gibt es Neues?“, June 18–20, 2010, Velden, Austria

Klinikfortbildung, Institut für Medizinische und Chemische Labordiagnostik: “Von der Allergenstrucktur zur neuen Diagnose und Therapieformen der Allergie”, July 5, 2010, Klagenfurt, Austria

Phadia Sommer-Workshop, Neue Komponenten-Allergen Diagnostik: „Pathomechanismen der Allergie“ und „Mechanismen der SIT“, July 9-10, 2010, Vienna, Austria

New Trends in Allergy VII & 6th Georg Rajka Symposium, International Symposium on Atopic Dermatitis: “Allergens and epitopes”, “Viral vectors in enhancing efficacy of allergen-specific immunotherapy ASIT”, July 22-24, 2010, Munich, Germany

Projektbesprechung (wissenschaftlicher Meinungsaustausch) Allergopharma, August, 3, 2010, Reinbek, Germany

14th International Congress of Immunology (ICI): “Vaccination against allergy”, August 22-27, 2010, Kobe, Japan

Projekt Meeting Harare, September 6-8, 2010, Harare, Zimbabwe

Phadia CD-Labor Projektbesprechungsmeeting, September 24, 2010, Uppsala, Sweden

EU-Projekt “PreDicta” kick-off meeting: “WP7-Diagnostics (aps)”, October 4-5, 2010, Athens, Greece

Annual Meeting, Israel Association of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: “Recombinant allergen-based diagnostic and therapeutic strategies” and “Basic mechanisms in IgE-mediated allergy”, October 14 -16, 2010, Nazareth, Israel

Phadia Symposium im Rahmen der ÖGLMKC (öster. Gesellschaft für Labormedizin und Klinische Chemie): „Molekulare Allergiediagnostik - Die Zukunft hat begonnen“, October 27, 2010, Salzburg, Austria

XVI Latin American Congress of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, XXXVII Brazilian Congress of Allergy and Immunopathology, Nathional Congress of Asthma – CONASMA 2010: “Toward a side effect free forms of allergen-specific immunotherapy” and “Recombinant allergens for prescription and monitoring al allergenspecific immunotherapy”, November 13–16, 2010, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Immunology Programme Seminar Series: “Strategies for therapy and prevention of allergy”, November 23, 2010, Singapore

60th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Allergology: “The Future of Immunomodulation in Allergy” and “Towards immunotherapy based on the most advanced immunological principles”, November 25–27,2010, Tokyo, Japan

Advanced Course in Innovative immunologically-based therapies: “Allergy”, December 1-2, 2010, Paris, France

2010 NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) Immunotherapy Retreat, December 14-15, 2010, Bethesda, MD

Ende 2010 = 220

2011 n=21

MeDALL kick-off meeting, Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemology (CREAL): “In vitro diagnosis in the definition of the IgE phenotype” and “Characterization of inhalant and food allergens”, January 24-26, 2011, Barcelona, Spain

Wiener Allergiekurs 2011, österreichishe Ärztekammer: “Innovationen”, January 28–29, 2011, Vienna, Austria

Symposium 2011, ICA PhD Program: “Therapeutic strategies for allergy”, February 1, 2011, Salzburg, Austria

The EAACI SummIT 2011, 100 Years of Immunotherapy in Allergy. From noon till dawn…: “Are the new modalities of SIT realistic?”, February 24, 2011, Geneva, Switzerland

ESF-JSPS Frontier Conference for Young Researchers, European Science Foundation (ESF) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Cutting Edge Immunology and its Clinical Application: “Regulation of allergen responses”, March 4-5, 2011, Hulshorst, Netherlands

IFCC-Worldlab EuroMedLab Berlin 2011, 21st International congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine: “Component-based diagnostics – recombinant allergens as novel diagnostic tools”, May 15-19, 2011, Berlin, Germany

EAACI Congress 2011, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Workshop: “Allergenic molecules: natural or recombinant?, Recombinant forms are better for….”: ”Meet the expert – Rudolf Valenta. Recombinant allergens in allergy diagnosis and treatment”, June11-15, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey

Seminar an der University of Pittsburg, IUIS Council Meeting in Washington: “New forms of diagnosis and therapy for allergy”, June 20-24, Pittsburg and Washington, USA

6. Deutsche Allergiekongress, Klinisch-Wissenschaftliches Symposium, Inhalationsallergien, In-Vitro Allergie-Diagnostik auf molekularer Ebene: „Inhalationsallergien“, September 8-9, 2011, Wiesbaden, Germany

55. österreichischer HNO Kongress: „100 Jahre Immunotherapie: eine Erfolgsgeschichte“, September 14-17, 2011, Vienna, Austria

Jahrestagung der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie (ÖGAI): „Zukunft der Immuntherapie - individualisierte Therapie / rekombinante Allergene“, September 15-17, 2011, Graz, Austria

Symposium: „Opportunities for control over asthma today, freedom from asthma tomorrow“, September 29, 2011, Guy´s Hospital, London, United Kingdom

Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society: “From immune recognition of allergens to new forms of diagnosis and therapy”, October 6-7, 2011, Rabac, Croatia

40th Annual Congress of the Hungarian Society for Immunology (HSI): “Towards side-effect free allergy vaccines”, October 12-13, 2011, Kecskemet, Hungary

2nd EFIS-EJI African International Conference on Immunity (AICI): “Immunity in infectious diseases and allergy – diagnosis, treatment and prevention”, November 3-7, 2011, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Annual Meeting of SEAIC 2011, Symposium International de Alergia Alimentaria: “Towards side effect-free allergen specific immunotherapy”, November 10, 2011, Barcelona, Spain

Journal of Internal Medicine (JIM) Symposium: “New approaches to immune modulation in allergic disease”, November 11-12, 2011, Stockholm, Schweden

Komponentenworkshop, Phadia: “Pathomechanismen der Allergie”, November 18, 2011, Vienna, Austria

XXXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Alergia e Imunopatologia 2011: “Towards side effect-free allergen-specific immunotherapy” and “IgE immunoapheresis for allergy treatment”, November 21-23, 2011, Fortaleza, Brazil

2nd EFIS-EJI Intensive Educational Course in Clinical Immunology, Advanced Course in Innovative immunologically-based therapies: “Allergy”, November 28-29, 2011, Paris, France

22nd World Allergy Congress: “Newest forms of SIT”, December 4-8, 2011, Cancun, Mexico

Ende 2011 = 241

2012 n=22

Advisory Board Meeting. MRC & Asthma UK Centre in Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma, January 12-14, 2012, London, Great Britain

MeDALL – Mechanisms of the Development of ALLergy. Second annual meeting: “Characterization of inhalt and food allergens”, “IgE microarrays in MeDALL”, 23-24, 2012, Paris, France

Vortrag, Seminarreihe Immunologie, Allergologie, Pneumologie, Philipps Universität Marburg: “Towards side effect-free vaccination against allergy”, January 30, 2012, Marburg, Germany

Seminar, Vortrag, Charité Centrum für Innere Medizin und Dermatologie, February 6, 2012, Berlin, Germany

Investigator meeting, Biomay AG, Harrison Clinical Research: „Product profile“, February 29, 2012, Munich, Germany

PreDicta Consortium Meeting, Swiss Institute for Allergy and Asthma Research, March 16-18, 2012, Davos, Switzerland

V World Asthma & COPD Forum: “Therapeutic targeting of IgE”, April 22-24, 2012, New York, USA

Adjuvant & Allergen Vaccines 2012: “From mechanisms of allergen-specific immunotherapy towards side effect-free allergy vaccines”, May 5-11, 2012, Varadero, Cuba

EAACI (European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology) Congress 2012: “Autoreactive IgE in Chronic allergic disease”, “Immune responses induced by immunotherapy”, “Choosing the right extract for immunotherapy”, June 16-20, 2012, Geneva, Switzerland

Workshop Molekulare Allergologie, Allergien besser verstehen: „Pathomechanismen der Allergie“, „Mechanischmen der SIT“, August 31 - September 1, 2012, Vienna, Austria

3rd European Congress of Immunology – ECI 2012: “Immunotherapeutics provide insights into pathogenesis”, September 5-8, 2012, Glasgow, Scotland

Asthma Birth Cohorts Workshop, NIH Neuroscience Center. September 11-12, 2012, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

Project meeting with GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), September 19, 2012, Rixenart, Belgium

FAST, EU-Project progress meeting, October 1-2, 2012, Reykjavik, Island

33rd Annual Meeting of SPAIC (Portuguese Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology) – Asthma, allergy and co-morbidities: “New approaches for immunotherapy with recombinants”, October 4-6, 2012, Fátima, Portugal

29th Symposium of the Collegium Internationale Allergologicum (CIA) – Allergen Specific Immunotherapy, Poster Session 10, Chairperson, October 14-19, 2012, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea.

Visit to clinical trial centers of BM32, Phase IIb Study, October 29-31, 2012, Wiesbaden, Marburg, Bonn and Copenhagen

Besuch des Prüfzentrums Berlin für die BM32 Studie, November 2, 2012, Berlin, Germany

SFB Retreat, November 4-5, 2012, Ottenstein, Austria

Oral proceedings, Vertretung des Patents EP2027149B1, November 9, 2012, Munich, Germany

Allergy meeting, University of Copenhagen: “Allergens and allergen specific immune therapy”, November 28, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark

Second international meeting on gluten sensitivity at the Schär Institute: “Identification and epitope characterization of a novel IgA reactive wheat antigen”, December 1-2, 2012, Munich, Germany.

Ende 2012 = 263

2013 n=32

MeDALL Meeting, FP7: “Characterization of inhalant and food allergens”, “IgE molecular profiling: the first MeDALL results”, January 14-15, 2013, Berlin, Germany.

PreDicta Consortium Meeting, FP7 Project, January 23-24, 2013, Vienna, Austria

Advisory Board Meeting, MRC & Asthma UK Centre in Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma. February 8, 2013, London, Great Britain

AAAAI (American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology) Annual Meeting 2013: “Peptides and modified recombinants”. February, 22-26, 2013, San Antonio, Texas

AAA (Austrian Apheresis Association), Apherese-Gesellschaft, Gesellschaft der Ärzte in Wien - Billrothhaus, Pressekonferenz: “Zukunftsaussichten – Apherese gegen Asthma und schwere allergische Erkrankungen”. April, 10, 2013, Vienna, Austria.

Allergieforschung – der Status quo, Gesellschaft der Ärzte in Wien - Billrothhaus: „Immuntherapie für Gräserpollenallergie mit rekombinanten Allergenderivaten“. April, 17, 2013, Vienna, Austria.

Stallergenes´ Scientific advisory board meeting, April, 26, 2013, Paris, France.

VI World Asthma, Allergy & COPD Forum: “Depletion of IgE for the treatment of allergic asthma”, “Mechanisms and clinical results obtained with a recombinant vaccine for grass pollen allergy”. April, 27-30, 2013, London, Great Britain.

Neue Diagnose und Behandlung von Allergien und Asthma, Vortrag von Univ. Prof. Dr. Rudolf Valenta, May 29, 2013, Guntramsdorf am Tabor, Austria

Allergologie im Kloster, Interdisziplinares Symposium und Workshops: “Molekulare Allergologie: von den wissenschaftlichen Anfängen bis zur Anwendung in der klinischen Routine”. May 25, 2013, Kloser Eberbach in Eltville, Rheingau, Deutschland

MeDALL FP7 Project Meeting, MeDALL Integration Workshop: „Concept and expected outcome of IgE Microarray“, „Time plan for further analysis of other cohorts“, „Expected outcomes – deliverables of WP5“. May 31- June 5, 2013, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden and Thermofischer, Uppsala , Sweden.

Else Kröner Fresenius Award Ceremony: “From allergen genes to new form of diagnosis and therapy of allergy”. June 5, 2013, Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung, Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin, Germany

Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology & World Allergy Organization (EAACI & WAO), World Allergy & Asthma Congress: “In vitro allergy diagnosis”. June 22-25, 2013, Mailand, Italy.

Congress of the Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies (FOCIS) 2013, AAAAI & NIAID FOCIS Symposium: “New forms of allergen immunotherapy”. June 27-30, 2013, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

3rd EFIS-EJI Summer School in Clinical Immunology, Innovative Therapies based on Immunology (ITI): “Engineered allergen-specific immunotherapy vaccines, from bench to bedside”. July 1-3, 2013, Cordeliers Research Center, Paris, France.

15th ICI (Immunitas vis Nature) International Congress of Immunology: “From allergen genes to allergy vaccines”. August 21-28, 2013, Milan, Italy.

5. Wiener Komponentenschule, Allergien besser verstehen: „Pathomechanismen der Allergie“, „Mechanismen der SIT“. August 30-31, 2013. Wien, Österreich.

AAF/OMI Open Medical Institute Symposium in topic “Current view to molecular allergology for personalize medicine”: “Current view to pathomechanisms of allergy”, “Innovative allergy diagnosis”, “New strategies for therapy and prevention of allergy”. September 18, 2013, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Slovak and Czech Allergology and Clinical Immunology Congress (SSAKI): “Recombinant allergen-based forms of diagnosis and treatment for allergy”. September 25, 2013, Bratislava, Slovakia.

PreDicta (EU-Projekt) consortium meeting, Hotel Rydges Kensington. October 7-8, 2013, London, Great Britain.

2nd Meeting of Middl-European Societies for Immunology and Allergology, “Session VI on Allergology”. October 10-13, 2013, Opatija, Croatia.

3rd Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Meeting (PAAM 2013), “Monitoring the antibody response to rhinovirus: implications for asthma management”. October 18-19, 2013, Athens, Greece.

2nd SFB work-in-progress meeting, SFB Program Grant F46: “”Towards prophylactic vaccination of allergy”. November 4-5, 2013, Rastenfeld, Austria.

FAST – EU-Projektmeeting, progress meeting, Golden Age of Athens hotel. November 11-12, 2013, Athens, Greece.

Annual meeting of the Portuguese society of immunology, Coimbra SPI 2013: “From allergen genes to new forms of diagnosis and therapy of allergy”. November 13-15, 2013, Coimbra, Portugal.

eMediqual – The end of a project, the beginning of structural changes in Romanian medical education: “From allergen genes to new forms of diagnosis and therapy of allergy”. University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes”. November 20-22, 2013, Timisoara, Romania.

Emerging Societies Program (ESP), World Allergy Training School (WATS), Diagnostics tests of allergy: “Demonstation session I: Skin testing workshop”, “ Indications, Mechanisms and Treatment of Airway Allergy Diseasse: SCIT vs SLIT”. November 25-26, 2013, Harare, Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe Allergy Society, NCD Symposium on Allergies and Asthma: “Immunotherapy and Immunomodulators in allergic airway disease”. November 26-27, 2013, Bronte Hotel, Harere, Zimbabwe.

The role of developmental determinants of chronic diseases and frailty in ageing: From science to value creation and policies. Workshop. December 2-3, 2013, Montpellier, France.

1st Training for trainers of International Network University for molecular allergology & immunology (IN Uni MA&I): “Current view of pathomechanisms of allergy”, “New strategies for therapy and prevention of allergy”, “ISAC Results Round table”. December 3-5, 2013. Vienna, Austria.

1st International Ring Symposium “Skin in Inflammation and Allergy”: “Recombinant allergens for diagnosis and therapy”. December, 9, 2013, Münich, Germany.

WAO Symposium on Immunotherapy and Biologics: “Recombinant allergens: the present and the future”, “Passive immunization with allergen-specific IgG antibodies for the treatment and prevention of allergy”. December 13-14, 2013, Chicago, IL, United States.

Ende 2013 = 295

2014 n=25

MeDALL – Mechanisms of the development of allergy, 4th Annual meeting and general assembly: “Characterization of inhalant and food allergens”. January 23, 2014, Paris, France.

Advisory board meeting, MRC & Asthma UK Centre in Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma, St. Mary´s Campus. January, 30-31, 2014, London, United Kingdom.

Meeting with Stallergenes. February, 17, 2014, Paris, Antony, France.

Medizin im Museum, Neues aus den medizinischen Gesellschaften im Kunsthistorischen Museum: „Wie funktioniert Allergen-spezifische Immuntherapie und wie können wir dieses Wissen für deren Verbesserung nutzen?“. March 15., 2014, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie, Vienna, Austria.

Kurier Gesundheits-Talk, Große Allergie-Diskussion am Mittwoch, March 19., 2014, , Van-Swieten-Saal der MedUni Wien, Vienna, Austria.

XXII World Congress of Asthma (WCA 2014): Allergen-specific IgG for the treatment and prevention of allergy”, “Recombinant allergens in asthma management”, “Immunotherapy trials with genetically modified grass pollen allergens”. March 29. – April 1., 2014, Mexico City, Mexico.

1st Congress of allergists and clinical immunologists of the Rebublic of Kazakhstan, XIV International scientific conference “Asthma and Allergy”: “Innovative allergy diagnosis”, “Recombinant allergens for diagnosis and treatment of allergy”. April 24-25, 2014, Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

VII World Asthma, Allergy & COPD forum: “Alain de Weck memorial lecture”. April 26-29, 2014, New York, USA.

Pharma Forum, Fresenius: “IgE-associated allergy and the rationale for IgE apheresis”. May 6, 2014, Bad Homburg, Deutschland.

International Forum “Clinical Immunology and Allergology – Interdisciplinary Problems”: “Recombinant allergens for diagnosis and treatment of allergy”, “Innovative allergy diagnosis”. May 14-17, 2014, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia.

Bern Immunology Club, Universität Bern, Institut für Pharmakologie: “From allergen genes to new forms of diagnosis and treatment of allergy”. May 21, 2014, Bern, Schweiz.

1. ASA-NET Treffen: “Asthma: Fokus IgE”. June 6, 2014, Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität, Salzburg, Austria.

European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress 2014 (EAACI): “Next generation recombinant allergens”. June 7-11, 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark.

ALLSA Congress 2014, Frontiers in Allergy: “Frontiers in allergy, Cas Motala Memorial Lecture”, “Allergy related immunology for Dummies”. August, 6-10, 2014, Durban, South Africa.

Annual retreat of the Centre for Immune Regulation: “From allergen genes to new forms of diagnosis and treatment of allergy”. August, 18-19, Oslo, Norway.

6. Wiener Komponentenschule. Allergien besser verstehen: „Pathomechanismen der Allergie“, „Mechanismen der SIT“. August, 29-30, Wien, Austria.

Falk Symposium, Celiac disease and other small bowel disorders: „Allergy and the gut“. September 5-6, 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

European Respiratory Society (ERS), International Congress 2014: “New therapy options”. September, 6-10, 2014, Bad Homburg, Germany.

IDD AII R&D-meeting 2014, Thermofischer Scientific: “The impact of molecular allergy diagnosis on the management of allergic diseases”. September, 15-16, 2014, Nova Park, Knivsta, Sweden.

Lecture under auspice of Russian Medical Academy for post-graduate education, Medical University of Vienna and InUniMai: “Recombinant allergens for diagnosis and treatment of allergy”. October 10, 2014, Moscow, Russia.

IX World Congress on Immunopathology and Respiratory Allergy, IX. CIS Congress on Allergology and Immunology: “Clemens von Pirquet keynote lecture”, “Specific immunotherapy with recombinant allergens in allergy”. Workshop: “Recombinant allergens for diagnosis and treatment”. October 11, 2014, Sochi, Russia.

14th International Paul Ehrlich Seminar: Allergen Products for Diagnosis and Therapy: Regulation and Science: “BM32, a hypoallergenic vaccine containing a PreS carrier protein for allergen immunotherapy of grass pollen allergy.” October 29– November 1, 2014, Bad Nauheim, Germany.

UEMS Section and Board Meeting 2014: “Recombinant allergen-based immunotherapy”. November 14-15-16, 2014, Vienna, Austria.

Rencontres francophones d`allergologie moléculaire: “Stratégies récentes de développement de vaccins pour l´immunothéapie”. November 22, 2014, Paris, France.

WISC 2014, WAO International Scientific Conference 2014 and the XLI. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Association of Allergy and Immunology: “New Vaccines for Immunotherapy of House Dust Mite Allergy” December 6-9, 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Ende 2014 = 320

2015 n=28

Predicta Consortium Meeting: “WP7 Diagnostics”, January 12-13, 2015, Marburg, Germany

International Scientific Forum, Immunity and Allergy, Look into the future: “ Future visions for better allergy management based on recombinant allergen technology”, January 26-28, 2015, Moscow, Russia

2015 Kick-Off Meeting Therapeutic Apheresis: “IgEnio®: Scientific background”, January 29-30, 2015, Bad Homburg, Germany

XIII International Congress Modern Problems of Immunology, Allergology and Immunopharmacology, “’Recombinant allergens for diagnosis and treatment of allergy”, “Innovative allergy diagnosis”, February 18-20, Moscow, Russia

AAAAI Annual Meeting, New Advances in Allergen Immunotherapy: “Modified Allergens, Adjuvants and New Constructs: Where do we stand?”, “Evaluating the Role of Rhinovirus using a Peptide Chip: Developments from PREDICTA”, February 20-24, 2015, Houston, USA

Meet the Expert: “Severe Allergic Asthma and IgE-Mediated Diseases: “Physiopathology and Immunadsorbtion Therapy”, March 04, 2015, Florence, Italy

11th Spring School on Immunology, German Societa of Immunology, “Allergen-specific immunotherapy: How does it work?”, March 11-13, 2015, Ettal, Germany

10e Congrés Francophone d´Allergologie, Journée “Recherche en Allergologie”: “Innovative strategies for diagnosis and treatment of allergy”, April 21, 2015, Paris, France

VIII. World Asthma, Allergy & COPD Forum: “Recombinant allergen-based approaches for diagnosis of allergic asthma”. April 26-29, 2015, Singapore.

IgEnio Training, Fresenius: “Basic Immunology” Parts I+II, “Why IgE?”, “ESPIRA-study”. May 4, 2015, Bad Homburg, Germany.

Advisory Board Meeting Boehringer Ingelheim: “Biological Advances in Immunotherapy”, May 14, 2015, Denver, USA.

2nd Congress of the Croatian Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, CMA, “Recombinant allergens for allergen-specific immunotherapy”, May 21-23, 2015, Zagreb, Croatia

64th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Allergology: “Novel approaches for the management of allergic deseases”, “Next generation of immunotherapy for allergic diseases”, May 26-28, 2015, Tokyo, Japan

Molecular Allergy Symposium, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University: “Novel approaches for the management of allergic diseases”, “Next generation of immunotherapy for allergic diseases”, May 29, 2015, Tainan City, Taiwan

EAACI Congress: “”How CRD (component-resolved diagnosis) has changed concepts in allergic deseases”, “Clinical efficacy of a recombinant B cell epitope-based grass pollen allergy vaccine,: A phase IIb proof of concept study”, “Ethical aspects of a scientific publishing”, “How CRD (component-resolved diagnosis) has changed concepts in allergic diseases”, June 6-10, 2015, Barcelona, Spain

VIII Georgian Congress of Allergology & Immunology, “Innovative allergy diagnosis based on recombinant allergens”, “Recombinant allergen-based immunotherapy of allergy”, June 25, 2015, Tbilisi, Georgia

Allergy school e-PAD: EAACI Practical Allergy Diagnosis: “Component resolved diagnosis (CRD), August 27-29, 2015, Moscow, Russia.

7. Wiener Komponentenschule, “Pathomechnismen der Allergie”, “Mechanismen der SIT”, September 4-5, 2015, Vienna, Austria.

4th European Congress of Immunology (ECI 2015), “Novel allergy vaccines”, September 6-9, 2015, Vienna, Austria

2nd Training for Trainers of International Network of Universities for Molecular Allergology & Immunology, “Current view of allergy pathomechnisms”, “New strategies for therapy and prevention of allergy”, September 10-11, 2015, Vienna, Austria.

ERS International Congress 2015, “First clinicaltrial of a new IgE-adsorber in allergic asthma”, September 26-30, 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Immunocolombia 2015, 11th Congress of the Latin American Association of Immunology – ALAI / 10th Colombian Congress of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology – ACAAI, “From allergen genes to new forms of diagnosis and treatment of allergy”, October 13-16, 2015, Medellín, Colombia.

Affinity & Biorecognition. Meir Wilchek’s 80th Birthday Symposium, “Recombinant allergen-based strategies for diagnosis, therapy and prevention of allergy”, October 29, 2015, Rehovot, Israel.

Innovative Technologies in Immunology & Allergy, “Targeting IgE for treatment of IgE-associated allergy”, “Allergen-specific immunotherapy with allergen B cell epitopes”, “7 reasons why SIT does not work”, November 17-18, 2015, Moscow, Russia.

ISMA “International Symposium on Molecular Allergology”, “Molecular Allergology and Immunotherapy”, “Phase II trial with BM32”, November 19-21, 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.

Böhringer Ingelheim, Meeting with Paul Ehrlich Institute, “Redirecting antibody responses towards rhinovirus for vaccination against rhinovirus-induced exacerbations of respiratory diseases”, November 26-27, 2015, Biberach, Germany.

Symposium “Food allergy is the problem of XXI century”, “Food allergy: From mechanisms to new forms of diagnosis and treatment”, December 2-3, 2015, Lviv, Ukraine.

3rd Middle East-Asia Allergy Asthma Immunology Congress, “Novel Stragegies of Immunotherapy”, “MeDALL-chip to assess IgE sensitization: a New Diagnostic Tool for Allergic Disease?”, December 11-13, 2015, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Ende 2015 = 348

2016: n = 19

X World Congress on Asthma, COPD and Immunopathology, “Factors determining the allergenic activity of an allergen”, “The importance of molecular diagnosis in asthma”, February 6-9, 2016, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Workshop “Immune-mediated reactions to foods”, “ Food Allergy: from basics to new forms of diagnosis and treatment”, “Usefulness of recombinant Gamma gliadin 1 for identifiying patients with celiac disease and monitoring adherence to a gluten-free diet”, February 23-25, 2016, Teheran, Iran.

2016 AAAAI Annual Meeting (American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology), “B and T Cell Epitope Peptides: Ultra-short AIT schedules can be effective”, “Use of molecular allergology to monitor AIT: are we there yet?”, “Immunotherapy: The future of the oldest treatment of allergic diseases”, March 4-7, 2016, Los Angeles, USA.

4th Dresden International Symposium on Therapeutic Apheresis, “IgE and Allergy: Why is this the most important combination?”, March 18, 2016, Dresden, Germany.

Training Symposium on Molecular Allergology, “Current view of allergy pathomechanisms”, “New strategies for therapy and prevention of allergy”, Russian Medical Academy for Post-graduate Medical Education, April 21, 2016, Moscow, Russia.

Molecular Allergology Marathon within the RAAKI Forum ‘Clinical Immunology and Allergology – interdisciplinary problems’, “Introduction. New approach for allergy diagnosis”, “Concluding remarks and new start for future”, May 30 – June 2, 2016, Kazan, Russia.

Congress on Dietology, “Recombinant allergens in diagnosis for food allergy”, June 2 – 4, 2016, Moscow, Russia.

EAACI Congress, “Improving allergens for diagnosis”, June 11 – 15, 2016, Vienna, Austria.

INUNIMAI 3rd Training for Trainers “Guide to molecular allergy diagnosis on Danube river”, “New strategies for therapy and prevention of allergy. Update 2016”, June 15, 2016, Vienna, Austria.

IX World Asthma, Allergy and COPD Forum, July 1-4, 2016, St. Petersburg, Russia.

IgE and Allergy: 50 Years and Onward. FASEB Conference, “From allergen genes to recombinant allergen-based diagnosis, therapy and prevention of allergy”, July 24-29, 2016, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA.

16th International Congress of Immunology (ICI), “IgE targeting strategies for treatment of allergy”, August 21 – 26, 2016, Melbourne, Australia.

8. Wiener Komponentenschule “Allergien besser verstehen. Diskutieren Sie Ihren mitgebrachten Fall mit Top-Allergologen“, „Pathomechanismen der Allergie“, „Mechanismen der SIT“, September 2-3, 2016, Vienna, Austria.

XLIII Annual Congress of the European Society for Artificial Organs, “IgE Apheresis. A new indication for acute allergy reactions”, September 14-17, 2016, Warsaw, Poland.

1st EFIS-EJI Caucasian School in Allergy and Immunology, Organization committee, “Contemporary view of allergy diagnosis”, “New strategies for therapy and prevention of allergy. Update 2016”, “EFIS: fostering and promoting immunology in Europe. OEGA and INUNIMAI joint scientific projects”, October 3-4, 2016, Tblisi, Georgia.

XXXIII Czech & Slovak Allergy Congress, “Efficacy of AIT with grass pollen allergy vaccine BM32 and induction of antibody responses protecting against hepatitis B infection”, October 12-15, 2016, Plzeň, Czech Republic.

Postgraduate Course “Update in allergic asthma management – from mechanisms to biological therapy”, “From allergen gens to new form of diagnosis and therapy of allergy”, October 25 – 28, 2016, Timisoara, Romania.

1. Symposium des Allergiezentrums Rheinland-Pfalz, “Neue Entwicklungen in der Allergologie”, November 30, 2016, Mainz, Germany.

3rd Meeting of Middle European Societies for Immunology & Allergology, “Mechanisms and clinical efficacy of a recombinant B cell epitope-based grass pollen allergy vaccine”, December 1-3, 2016, Budapest, Hungary.

WISC 2016/WAO International Scientific Conference 2016, “Recent Discoveries on Molecular Intrinsic Allergic Properties”, December 6-9, 2016, Jerusalem, Israel.

Ende 2016 = 367

2017: n = 25

Regional Scientific-practical conference “Molecular Allergology School”, Institute for post-graduate medical training. “Diagnostics and specific immunotherapy of food allergy”, “From therapy of allergy to prophylactic vaccination”, “From diagnosis in childhood to allergy prognosis”, February 1, 2017, Khabarovsk, Russia.

Vladivostok Allergy Conference, “Pathomechanisms and diagnosis of allergic diseases”, “Molecular diagnosis of food allergy”, “New strategies of allergy therapy and prevention”, February 2, 2017, Vladivostok, Russia.

Insight to plant biology in modern era. An international symposium for centenary celebration of Bose Institute (1917-2017). “Allergy to plants: From pathomechanisms to diagnosis, therapy and prevention”, February 8-10, 2017, Kolkata, India.

RAACI Forum, Training Symposium Medical University of Vienna & International Network for Molecular Allergology and Immunology/ XIV International congress ‘Modern problems of Immunology, Allergology and Immunopharmacology’. “From modern allergy diagnosis to prediction of allergy”, March 23, 2017, Moscow, Russia.

International Advisory Board Meeting Sechenov University Moscow. "Molecular allergology: From diagnosis to prediction to treatment and prevention of allergy", April 5-7, 2017, Moscow, Russia.

The XVII-th International National Scientific Congress “Asthma and Allergy”. “Molecular allergology: From diagnosis to treatment, prediction and prevention of allergy”, April 25-26, 2017, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

X World Asthma, Allergy & COPD Forum. “Clemens von Pirquet Keynote Lecture: Towards preventive medical examination for allergy”, “Clinical results obtained with the recombinant grass pollen allergy vaccine BM32”, April 28 – May 1, 2017, New York, USA.

Inunimai Training Symposium Medical University of Vienna & International Network for Molecular Allergology and Immunology, “From modern allergy diagnostics to prediction of allergy”, May 12, 2017, Gomel, Republic of Belarus.

II International Congress “Innovative Technologies in Immunology & Allergy”, “Factors determining the allergenic activity of an antigen”, “Towards preventive medical examination for allergy”, May 17-19, 2017, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.

The 29th National Conference of the Romanian Physiology Society with international attendance: Personalized Physiology from Concept to Precision Medicine, “Towards preventive medical examination in allergy”, “Factors determining the allergenic activity of an allergen”, “Innovative therapeutic approaches in allergic diseases”, May 25-26, 2017, Timisoara, Romania.

XI National Congress of the Italian Society of Immunology, Clinical Immunology and and Allergology, “Immunological mechanisms and clinical efficacy of the recombinant B cell epitope-based grass pollen allergy vaccine BM32”, May 28-31, 2017, Bari, Italy.

AMA Milchsymposium 2017, “Milchunverträglichkeiten – welche Milchalternativen für wen?”, May 31, Vienna, Austria.

Seminar Philipps University Marburg, “Towards allergen-specific approaches for allergy prevention”, June 12, 2017, Marburg, Germany.

EAACI Congress 2017, “Structural and biological evidence for good and bad allergens”, June 17-21, 2017, Helsinki, Finland.

IX Georgian National Congress on Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, "From modern allergy diagnosis to prediction of allergy", June 28-July 1, 2017, Tbilisi, Georgia.

47th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Immunology, “Factors determining the allergenic activity of an antigen”, September 12-15, 2017, Erlangen, Germany.

9. Wiener Komponentenschule, “Pathomechanismen der Allergie“, „Mechanismen der spezifischen Immuntherapie (SIT)“, September 1-2, 2017, Vienna, Austria.

First Medical State University Sechenov, “Key to success in Science”, “Molecular allergology: from diagnosis to treatment of allergy”, September 19-20, Moscow, Russia.

XI World Congress on COPD, Asthma and Immunopathology, “Pathomechanisms in allergy”, “Maternal allergen-specific IgG may protect children from allergic sensitization”, October 5-8, 2017, Moscow, Russia.

FOCIS European Advanced Course in Basic and Clinical Immunology, “Allergy, molecular diagnostic and allergen Immunotherapy”, October 16-18, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic.

7th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology, EAACI-ISMA 2017, “The future of allergen-specific immunotherapy: Molecular approaches, November 9-11, 2017, Luxembourg.

2nd Conference of Allergists and Immunologists of Ural Region, “From pathomechanisms to diagnosis of allergy”, “New strategies for therapy and prevention of allergy”, November 18, 2017, Yekaterinburg, Russia.

24th National Congress of Allergy and Clinical Immunology”, “The uses of component-resolved diagnosis in allergy or Molecular allergy diagnosis: Towards preventive medical examination”, “Scientific paper writing: A guide for publishing papers”, November 18-22, 2017, Antalya, Turkey.

10th Federation of African Immunological Societies (FAIS) Congress, “”Towards prophylactic vaccination of allergy: When, how and whom”, December 3-7, 2017, Hammamet, Tunis.

MRC & Asthma UK Centre Science Afternoon, “Towards prophylactic vaccination of allergy: When, how and whom”, December 12, 2017, London, United Kingdom.

Ende 2017 = 392

2018: n = 23

Gordon Research Conference, Food Allergy, “Molecular Allergology in Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Food Allergy”, January 7-12, 2018, Ventura, USA.

Allergy School, “New strategies for therapy and prevention of allergy”, “From pathomechanisms to diagnosis of allergy”, January 22, 2018, Moscow, Russia.

Allergy School, “Molecular Allergology in Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Food Allergy”, January 28 – February 2, 2018, Psirov, Russia.

Advisory Board Meeting MRC Asthma UK Centre in Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma, Kings College, “Molecular Diagnosis of Food Allergy”, February 16, 2018, London, United Kingdom.

XX Congress of pediatricians of Russia, “Molecular diagnosis of Food Allergy”, February 16-28, 2018, Moscow, Russia.

4th Training for Trainers, 5 years INUNIMAI, “Molecular Diagnosis of Food Allergy”, February 21-23, 2018, Vienna, Austria.

RMAPO Multidisciplinary Conference, “Introduction to Molecular Allergology”, “Allergy Diagnostic and CRD”, “Molecular Allergology: Allergen-specific Immunotherapy”, “Molecular Allergology: House Dust Mite Allergy”, “Molecular Allergology: From pathomechanisms to diagnosis, treatment and prevention of allergy”, March 21-22, 2018, Moscow, Russia.

Conferinta Nationala de Allergologie si Imunologie Clinica, “Towards prophylactic vaccination for allergy”, “New forms of allergen-specific immunotherapy”, May 17-19, 2018, Sinaia, Romania.

Sechenov International Biomedical Summit 2018 (SIBS-2018), “Personalized medicine in allergy through molecular allergology”, May 20-25, 2018, Moscow, Russia.

EAACI Congress 2018, “The importance of epitopes on allergens for effector cell activation: Spatial orientation, steric hindrance and antibody affinity”, May 26-30, 2018, Munich, Germany.

VI European Congress on Asthma, COPD & Respiratory Allergy, X Georgian National Congress on Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, “The end of allergen extracts in diagnosis and treatment”, “What we have learned and what we still do not know about mechanisms in allergy”, June 15-19, 2018, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Symposium for allergologists from Moscow and St. Petersburg, “Food allergy” “From pathomechanisms to diagnosis, treatment and prevention”, July 3, 2018, Petrozavodsk, Russia.

10. Wiener Komponentenschule, “Pathomechanismen der Allergie”, “Mechanismen der spezifischen Immuntherapie (SIT)“, September 8-9, 2018, Vienna, Austria

10th Hong Kong Allergy Convention, “Molecular Allergology: The Key to Precision Medicine in Allergy”, “The Role of Allergen Exposome in Allergic Sensitization”, September 29-30, 2018, Hong Kong, China.

APAAACI, APAPARI 2018, „Molecular Allergology – precision medicine in allergy comes of age”, “Factors determining the allergenic activity of an allergen”, October 11-14, 2018, Bangkok, Thailand.

XII World Congress in Asthma, COPD Immunopathology, “Kimishige Ishizaka Keynote Lecture”, October 18-21, 2018, Moscow, Russia.

XXI Congress of Pulmologists, “The serological diagnostic of allergic and virus-induced asthma”, October 27, 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia.

5 Jahre Karl Landsteiner Universität + 150 Jahre Karl Landsteiner, Keynote Lecture: „Vom Antigen zu Diagnose und Impfung – zur modernen Allergieforschung“, October 31, 2018, Krems, Austria.

3rd African Conference on Immunity, „Towards prophylactic vaccination against allergy“, „What we have learned and what we still do not know about mechanisms in allergy“, November 3-6, 2018, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.

First Moscow Molecular Allergology Meeting, Opening speech, November 27, 2018, Moscow, Russia.

The Israeli Association of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Annual Meeting 2018, “Molecular Allergy Diagnosis: Quo Vadis?”, November 29–December 1, 2018, Jerusalem, Israel.

Moleclular Allergology and Immunology: A look into the future, “Molecular Allergology: What is the future?”, “Is it possible to predict and prevent allergy?”, December 4, 2018, Chelyabinsk, Russia.

Moleclular Allergology and Immunology: A look into the future, “Molecular Allergology: What is the future?” “Is it possible to predict and prevent allergy?”, December 6, 2018, Tyumen, Russia.

Ende 2018 = 415

2019: n = 26

The interdisciplinary aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases, “Molecular diagnosis and immunotherapy of house dust mite allergy”, February 20, 2019, Moscow, Russia.

National Conference: Clinical immunology and allergology – interdisciplinary problems, “The future of house dust mite allergen-specific immunotherapy”, February 28, 2019, Moscow, Russia.

International Conference: Actual problems of clinical Immunology, “The basics of molecular allergology”, March 1, 2019, Voronezh, Russia.

Konsul Bergh Symposium – Precesion Medicine in Allergy and Asthma-New Possibilities?, “Next generation of allergen-specific immunotherapy for allergy and asthma”, March 28, 2019, Stockholm, Sweden.

Second Allergy & Clinical Immunology International Summit Forum, “The development and advantages of molecular allergy diagnosis”, “Next generation of allergen specific immunotherapy for allergy and asthma”, April 11-14, 2019, Shanghai, China.

Medical University of Kazan, “Next generation of allergen-specific immunotherapy for allergy and asthma”, May 15, 2019, Kazan, Russia.

Kongress der rumänischen Gesellschaft für Allergologie, Congres National de Alergologie si Imunologie Clinica, “Next generation of allergy diagnosis – molecular approaches (State-of-the-art)”, Mai 16-18, 2019, Sinaia, Romania.

15th International Interdisciplinary Congress of Allergology and Immunology, “Molecular diagnosis of allergic and virus-induced bronchial asthma on the way to personalized medicine”, May 22-24, 2019, Moscow, Russia.

International Conference New methods of diagnosis and treatment of allergies and immunodeficiencies, “From the immune recognition of the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 towards specific diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive strategies for birch pollen-associated allergy”, May 24, 2019, Vitebsk, Belarusia.

EAACI Congress 2019, “New insights in allergen immunotherapy: Peptides and beyond”, June 1-5, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.

Translating scientific advancement to real life practice on allergy management, lectures for pediatricians, “An update on food allergy prevention and building tolerance in early life”, June 12, KK Woman’s and Children’s Hospital, Singapore, Republic of Singapore, June 14, 2019, Hong Kong, China.

XII World Asthma,Allergy and COPD Forum, “William Frankland Honorary Lecture”, “New aspects of birth pollen allergy”, June 29 – July 2, 2019, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Summer School on Food Allergy and Molekular Allergology with international speakers, “An update on food allergy prevention and building tolerance in early life”, July 3-5, 2019, Sochi, Russia.

XLII Annual Congress AAAelC 2019, “Diagnosis of asthma induced by virus and allergens. Personalized treatment”, “Molecular diagnosis and recombinant vaccines in allergy prevention”, August 15-17, 2019, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

11. Wiener Komponentenschule, Allergien besser verstehen, “Pathomechanismen der Allergie”, “Mechanismen der spezifischen Immuntherapie (SIT)”, September 6-7, 2019, Vienna, Austria.

XVI. internationale wissenschaftliche und klinische Konferenz – Aktuelle Fragen der Pädiatrie, „How molecular allergology may improve pediatric practice“, September 18, 2019, Moscow, Russia.

11th EFIS-EJI South East European Immunology School (SEEIS2019), “Allergy:

From pathomechanisms to diagnosis and therapy”, “Diagnostics in Allergy”, September 27-30, 2019, Pristina, Kosovo.

VI Russian Congress on Biochemistry and IX Russian Symposium «Proteins and Peptides», “Towards prophylactic vaccination against allergy”, October 1-6, 2019, Sochi, Russia.

International Conference "Monsoons and Allergy", “Molecular allergology in pediatric practice: Differential diagnosis of virus- induced and allergic asthma”, October 15, 2019, Vladivostok, Russia.

Respiratory Congress St. Petersburg, “Molecular allergology in pediatric practice: Differential diagnosis of virus- induced and allergic asthma”, October 26, 2019, St. Petersburg, Russia.

26th National Congress of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, “Preventive immunotherapy”, November 9-13, 2019, Antalya, Turkey.

Scientific and practical conference with international participation “Interdisciplinary issues of allergy and immunology”, “Differential diagnostics of virus-induced and allergic form of bronchial asthma. Innovation: respiratory chip”, November 13, 2019, Moscow, Russia.

2nd Moscow Molecular Allergology Meeting (MMAM-2019), “Prophylactic vaccination against allergy: Mission possible”, November 19, 2019, Moscow, Russia.

Austrian-Russian Biopharma Club, “Vaccine development: From the idea to the clinically approved drug”, November 19, 2019, Moscow, Russia.

47th ÖGAI Annual Meeting 2019, “Towards prophylactic vaccination of allergy: Mission possible”, November 21-23, 2019, Graz, Austria.

2019 International symposium of Allergy and Mucosal Immunity, “Prophylactic vaccination against allergy: Mission possible”, “Molecular allergology in pediatric practice: Differential diagnosis of virus- induced and allergic asthma”, December 7-8, 2019, Tainan, Taiwan.

End 2019 = 441


Univ. Prof. Dr. Rudolf VALENTA,

Division of Immunopathology

Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research

Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology

Medical University of Vienna,

Währinger Gürtel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria.

Tel: +43-1-40400-51080

Fax: +43-1-40400-51300


*=corresponding author


1.) Breiteneder, H., K. Pettenburger, A. Bito, R. Valenta, D. Kraft, H. Rumpold, O. Scheiner, and M. Breitenbach*. 1989. The gene coding for the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v I, is highly homologous to a pea disease resistance response gene. EMBO J. 8.


2.) Breitenbach, M., R. Valenta, H. Breiteneder, K. Pettenburger, O. Scheiner, H. Rumpold, and D. Kraft*. 1990. Introduction to cDNA cloning of plant allergens. In: "Epitopes of Atopic Allergens", UCB, Bruxelles, Belgium; A. Sehon, D. Kraft, G. Kunkel, eds., pp 57-60.

3.) Pettenburger, K., H. Breiteneder, R. Valenta, D. Kraft, H. Rumpold, M. Breitenbach, and O. Scheiner*. 1990. Distribution of allergens and mRNAs coding for allergens isolated from various tissues of white birch (BV). In: "Epitopes of Atopic Allergens", UCB, Bruxelles, Belgium; A. Sehon, D. Kraft, G. Kunkel, eds., pp 65-68.

4.) Breiteneder, H., K. Pettenburger, R. Valenta, D. Kraft, H. Rumpold, O. Scheiner, and M. Breitenbach*. Characterization of cDNA coding for the major pollen allergen of white birch, Bet v I. In: "Epitopes of Atopic Allergens", UCB, Bruxelles, Belgium; A. Sehon, D. Kraft, G. Kunkel, eds., pp 69-72.

5.) Valenta, R., H. Breiteneder, K. Pettenburger, M. Breitenbach, H. Rumpold, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner*. RNA- and DNA-sequence similarities of the major allergens of birch, alder, hazel, and hornbeam pollens. 1990. In: "Epitopes of Atopic Allergens", UCB, Bruxelles, Belgium; A. Sehon, D. Kraft, G. Kunkel, eds., pp 73-76.


6.) Breiteneder, H., O. Scheiner, K. Pettenburger, R. Valenta, K. Hoffmann-Sommergruber, M. Duchêne, M. Tejkl, M. Breitenbach, H. Rumpold, and D. Kraft*. 1991. Cloning of birch pollen allergens. In: New Trends in Allergy III, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, London, Paris, Tokio; J. Ring, B. Przybilla, eds., pp 48-56.

7.) Valenta, R., H. Breiteneder, K. Pettenburger, M. Breitenbach, H. Rumpold, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner*. 1991. Homology of the major birch-pollen allergen, Bet v I, with the major pollen allergens of alder, hazel, and hornbeam at the nucleic acid level as determined by cross-hybridization. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 87:677-682.

8.) Valenta, R., M. Duchêne, K. Pettenburger, C. Sillaber, P. valent, P. Bettelheim, M. Breitenbach, H. Rumpold, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner*. 1991. Identification of profilin as a novel pollen allergen; IgE autoreactivity in sensitized individuals. Science 253:557-560.

9.) Valenta, R., M. Duchêne, M. Breitenbach, K. Pettenburger, L. Koller, H. Rumpold, O. Scheiner, and D. Kraft*. 1991. A low molecular weight allergen of white birch (Betula verrucosa) is highly homologous to human profilin. Int. Arch. Allergy Appl. Immunol. 94:368-370.

10.) Spitzauer, S., H. Rumpold, C. Ebner, C. Schweiger, R. Valenta, F. Gabl, J. Anrather, M. Breitenbach, O. Scheiner, and D. Kraft*. 1991. Allergen profiles of dog hair and dander, body fluids and tissues as defined by immunoblotting. Int. Arch. Allergy Appl. Immunol. 94:346-348.

11.) Ebner, C., T. Birkner, R. Valenta, H. Rumpold, M. Breitenbach, O. Scheiner, and D. Kraft*. 1991. Common epitopes of birch pollen and apples-studies by Western and Northern blot. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 88:588-594.

12.) Valenta, R., M. Duchêne, S. Vrtala, T. Birkner, C. Ebner, R. Hirschwehr, M. Breitenbach, H. Rumpold, O. Scheiner, and D. Kraft*. 1991. Recombinant allergens for immunoblot diagnosis of tree-pollen allergy. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 88:889-894.


13.) Valenta, R*., M. Duchêne, C. Ebner, P. Valent, C. Sillaber, P. Deviller, F. Ferreira, M. Tejkl, H. Edelmann, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner. 1992. Profilins constitute a novel family of functional plant pan-allergens. J. Exp. Med. 175:377-385.

14.) Pettenburger, K., M. Tejkl, R. Valenta, K. Hoffmann-Sommergruber, I. Swoboda, E. Heberle-Bors, M. Breitenbach, H. Rumpold, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner*. 1992. Distribution of allergens and allergen-encoding mRNAs in various tissues of white birch. Mol. Immunol. 29: 1401-1406.

15.) Valenta, R.*, M. Duchêne, P. Valent, C. Sillaber, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner. Identification of profilin as novel plant pan-allergen: IgE-autoreactivity in sensitized patients. 1992. In: "Vaccines 92", eds.: F. Brown, R. M. Chanock, H. S. Ginsberg, R. A. Lerner. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, New York, pp 29-33.

16.) Vallier, P., C. Dechamp, R. Valenta, O. Vial, and P. Deviller*.1992. Purification and characterization of an allergen from celery immunochemically related to an allergen present in several other plant species. Identification as a profilin. Clin. Exp. Allergy 22:774-782.

17.) Valenta, R.*, S. Vrtala, C. Ebner, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner. Diagnosis of grass pollen allergy with recombinant timothy grass (Phleum pratense) pollen allergens. 1992. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 97:287-294.

18.) Hirschwehr, R., R. Valenta, C. Ebner, F. Ferreira, W. Sperr, P. Valent, M. Rohac, H. Rumpold, O. Scheiner, and D. Kraft*. 1992. Identification of common allergenic structures in hazel pollen and hazelnuts: A possible explanation for sensitivity to hazelnuts in patients allergic to tree pollen. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 90:927-936.

19.) Breiteneder, H., K. Hoffmann-Sommergruber, C. Ebner, A. Reikerstorfer, M. Duchêne, F. Ferreira, R. Valenta, M. Breitenbach, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner*. 1992. Complementary DNA cloning and expression in Escherichia coli of Aln g I, the major allergen in pollen of alder (Alnus glutinosa). J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 90:909-917.

20.) Seiberler, S., O. Scheiner, D. Kraft, R. Valenta*. Homology of two cDNAs coding for birch pollen allergens with calmodulin: protein bound Ca2+ affects the IgE-binding capacity. 1992. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 99:380-381.

21.) Valenta, R.*, M. Duchêne, S. Vrtala, P. Valent, C. Sillaber, F. Ferreira, M. Tejkl, R. Hirschwehr, C. Ebner, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner. 1992. Profilin, a novel plant pan-allergen. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 99:271-273.


22.) Scheiner, O., S. Vrtala, S. Laffer, C. Ebner, M. Duchêne, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1993. cDNA cloning of the major pollen allergens from timothy grass (Phleum pratense) and rye (Secale cereale). Diagnosis of grass pollen allergy with recombinant allergens. In: Molecular Biology and Immunology of Allergens, eds.: D. Kraft, A. H. Sehon, CRC-press, Boca Raton, pp 153-156.

23.) Swoboda, I., F. Ferreira, S. Vrtala, M. Duchêne, P. Deviller, R. B. Meagher, E. Heberle-Bors, D. Kraft, O. Scheiner, and R. Valenta*. 1993. Occurrence and properties of profilins in plants. In: Molecular Biology and Immunology of Allergens, eds.: D. Kraft, A. H. Sehon, CRC-press, Boca Raton, pp 169-172.

24.) Duchêne, M.*, S. Ortner, G, Wiedermann, D. Kraft, O. Scheiner, and R. Valenta. 1993. Entamoeba histolytica profilin binds serum IgE from pollen allergic patients. In: Molecular Biology and Immunology of Allergens, eds.: D. Kraft, A. H. Sehon, CRC-press, Boca Raton, pp 173-175.

25.) Valent, P.*, R. Valenta, W. R. Sperr, C. Sillaber, K. Lechner, F. Ferreira, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner. 1993. Human profilin fulfills criteria of an IgE-dependent histamine releasing factor (HRF). In: Molecular Biology and Immunology of Allergens, eds.: D. Kraft, A. H. Sehon, CRC-press, Boca Raton, pp 177-183.

26.) Seiberler. S., D. Kraft, O. Scheiner, and R. Valenta*. 1993. Homology of two cDNAs coding for birch pollen allergens with calmodulin and calmodulin-like proteins. In: Molecular Biology and Immunology of Allergens, eds.: D. Kraft, A. H. Sehon, CRC-press, Boca Raton, pp 227-229.

27.) Ebner, C., F. Ferreira, Z. Szephalusi, P. Parronchi, E. Maggi, R. Valenta, O. Scheiner, S. Romagnani, and D. Kraft*. 1993. Characterization of allergen (Bet v I) specific T-cell clones. In: Molecular Biology and Immunology of Allergens, eds.: D. Kraft, A. H. Sehon, CRC-press, Boca Raton, pp 231-233.

28.) Hirschwehr, R., R. Valenta, C. Ebner, F. Ferreira, O. Scheiner, and D.

Kraft*. 1993. Identification of common allergenic structures in hazel-pollen and hazelnuts: a possible explanation for sensitivity to hazelnuts in tree pollen allergic patients. In: Molecular Biology and Immunology of Allergens, eds.: D. Kraft, A. H. Sehon, CRC-press, Boca Raton, pp 283-285.

29.) Valenta, R.*, W. R. Sperr, F. Ferreira, P. Valent, C. Sillaber, M. Tejkl,

M.Duchêne, C. Ebner, K. Lechner, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner. 1993. Induction of specific histamine release from basophils with purified natural and recombinant birch pollen allergens. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 91:88-97.

30.) Valenta, R.*, M. Duchêne, S. Vrtala, T. Ball, F. Ferreira, S. Laffer, R. Hirschwehr, C. Ebner, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner. 1993. Recombinant allergens as candidates for immunotherapy of Type I allergic diseases. In: "Vaccines 93", eds.: F. Brown, R. M. Chanock, H. S. Ginsberg, R. A. Lerner. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, New York, pp 37-42.

31.) Valenta, R*., M. Duchêne, K. Pettenburger, C. Sillaber, P. Valent, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner. 1993. Similarities of exogenous and endogenous allergens; IgE-autoreactivity in atopic patients. In: Asthma, Immunopathologie und Immunotherapie, eds.: F. Kummer. Springer Verlag, Berlin, New York, Heidelberg; pp 71-79.

32.) Plaimauer, B., S. Ortner, M. Födinger, M. Binder, G. Wiedermann, D. Kraft, O. Scheiner, R. Valenta, and M. Duchêne*. 1993. Molecular characterization of IgG and IgE antigens of Entamoeba histolytica. XII Seminario sobre Amibiasis, Mexico, In: Archives of Medical Research, eds.: A. Martiniz-Palomo, 23:255-257.

33.) Ebner, C., F. Ferreira, Z. Szephalusi, A. Jilek, R. Valenta, P. Parronchi, E. Maggi, S. Romagnani, O. Scheiner, and D. Kraft*. 1993. Identification of multiple T-cell epitopes on Bet v I, the major birch pollen allergen using specific T cell clones and overlapping peptides. J. Immunol. 150:1047-1054.

34.) Vrtala, S., W. R. Sperr, I. Reimitzer, R. VanRee, S. Laffer, W. D. Müller, P. Valent, K. Lechner, H. Rumpold, D. Kraft, O. Scheiner, and R. Valenta*. 1993. cDNA cloning of a major allergen from timothy grass (Phleum pratense) pollen: Characterization of the recombinant Phl p 5 allergen. J. Immunol. 151:4773-4781.

35.) Grote, M.*, S. Vrtala, and R. Valenta. 1993. Monitoring of two allergens, Bet v I and profilin, in dry and rehydrated birch pollen by immunogold electron microscopy and immunoblotting. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 41:745-750.

36.) Sillaber, C., D. Bevec, J. H. Butterfield, C. Heppner, R. Valenta, O. Scheiner, D. Kraft, K. Lechner, P. Bettelheim, and P. Valent*. 1993. Tumor necrosis factor α and interleukin-1ß mRNA expression in HMC-1 cells: differential regulation of gene product expression by recombinant interleukin-4. Exp. Hematol. 21:1271-1275.

37.) Vrtala, S., M. Grote, M. Duchêne, R. VanRee, D. Kraft, O. Scheiner, and R. Valenta*. Properties of tree and grass pollen allergens: reinvestigation of the linkage between solubility and allergenicity. 1993. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 102:160-169.

38.) Hirschwehr, R., S. Jäger, F. Horak, F. Ferreira, R. Valenta, C. Ebner, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner*. 1993. Allergens from birch pollen and the European chestnut share common epitopes. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 23:755-761.

39.) Sperr, W. R., H. Agis, R. Valenta, H. C. Bankl, C. Sillaber, O. Scheiner, D. Kraft, K. Lechner, and P. Valent*. 1993. Die Effektorzellen der Allergie: Biologische Grundlagen und neue pharmakologische Konzepte. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift. 105/23:677-681. Review.

40.) Valenta, R.*, P. Steinberger, S. Vrtala, M. Grote, S. Laffer, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner. 1993. Neue Konzepte zur Therapie von Typ I allergischen Erkrankungen. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift. 105/23:682-686. Review.

41.) Valenta, R.*, S. Vrtala, S. Laffer, F. Ferreira, M. Duchêne, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner. 1993. Molekulare Charakterisierung und gentechnische Herstellung respiratorischer Allergene. Atemwegs und Lungenerkrankungen. 8:341-344.

42.) Staiger, C. J.*, K. C. Goodbody, P. J. Hussey, R. Valenta, B. K. Drobak, and C. Lloyd. 1993. The profilin multigene family of maize: Differential expression of three isoforms. Plant J. 4:631-641.

43.) Valenta, R.*, F. Ferreira, M. Grote, I. Swoboda, S. Vrtala, M. Duchêne, P. Deviller, R. B. Meagher, E. MacKinney, E. Heberle-Bors, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner. 1993. Identification of profilin as an actin binding protein in higher plants. J. Biol Chem. 268:22777-22781.

44.) Dolecek, C., S. Vrtala, S. Laffer, P. Steinberger, D. Kraft, O. Scheiner, and R. Valenta*. 1993. Molecular characterization of Phl p II, a major timothy grass (Phleum pratense) pollen allergen. FEBS Letters, 335:299-304.


45.) Spitzauer, S., C. Schweiger, W. R. Sperr, B. Pandjaitan, P. Valent, S. Mühl, C. Ebner, O. Scheiner, D. Kraft, H. Rumpold, and R. Valenta*. 1994. Molecular characterization of dog albumin as cross-reactive allergen. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 93:614-627.

46.) Laffer, S., R. Valenta, S. Vrtala, M. Susani, R. vanRee, D. Kraft, O. Scheiner, and M. Duchêne*. 1994. Complementary DNA cloning of the major allergen Phl p I from timothy grass (Phleum pratense); recombinant Phl p I inhibits IgE-binding to group I allergens from eight different grass species. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 94:689-698.

47.) Laffer, S., S. Vrtala, M. Duchêne, R. vanRee, D. Kraft, O. Scheiner, and R. Valenta*. 1994. IgE-binding capacity of recombinant timothy grass (Phleum pratense) pollen allergens. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 94:88-94.

48.) Grote, M.*, C. Dolecek, R. van Ree, and R. Valenta. Immunogold electron microscopic localization of major timothy grass (Phleum pratense) pollen allergens, Phl p I and Phl p V, after anhydrous fixation in acrolein vapor. 1994. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 42:427-431.

49.) Valenta, R.*, T. Ball, S. Vrtala, M. Duchêne, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner. cDNA cloning and expression of timothy grass (Phleum pratense) pollen profilin in Escherichia coli; comparison with birch pollen profilin. Biochem. Bioph. Res. Com. 199:106-118.

50.) Staiger, C.*, M. Yuan, R. Valenta, P. Shaw, R. Warn, and C. Lloyd. 1994. Microinjected profilin affects cytoplasmic streaming in plant cells by rapidly depolymerizing actin microfilaments. Current Biol. 4:215-219.

51.) Valenta, R.*, S. Vrtala, S. Laffer, P. Steinberger, T. Ball, F. Ferreira, O. Scheiner, and D. Kraft.1994. B-cell epitopes of allergens determined by recombinant techniques; use for diagnosis and therapy of type I allergy. Arbeiten aus dem Paul Ehrlich Institut, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York, 87:235-246.

52.) Scheiner, O.*, H. Breiteneder, C. Dolecek, M. Duchêne, C. Ebner, F. Ferreira, K. Hoffmann-Sommergruber, S. Schenk, R. Valenta, and D. Kraft. 1994. Molecular and functional characterization of allergens: basic and practical aspects. Arbeiten aus dem Paul Ehrlich Institut, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York, 87:221-232. Review.

53.) Mohapatra, S. S., C. F. Nicodemus, C. Schou, and R. Valenta. 1994. Recombinant allergens and epitopes. ACI News. 6:45-48.

54.) Bousquet, J. and R. Valenta. 1994. In vivo and in vitro use of recombinant allergens. ACI News. 6:54-59.

55.) Valenta, R.*, C. Dolecek, S. Vrtala, S. Laffer, F. Ferreira, C. Ebner, M. Duchêne, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner. 1994. Recombinant tree and grass pollen allergens for diagnosis and therapy of type I allergy. Allergo J. 3:90-95.

56.) Grote, M.* and R. Valenta. 1994. Über die Darstellung von Allergenen mit Hilfe der Elektronenmikroskopie. Allergo J. 3:144-147.

57.) Valenta, R.*, S. Vrtala, T. Ball, S. Laffer, P. Steinberger, and D. Kraft. 1994. Allergen-specific therapy in type I allergy: New concepts based on recombinant allergens. Therapeutic concepts for Type I allergy based on recombinant allergens. ACI News. 6:165-169.

58.) Seiberler, S., O. Scheiner, D. Kraft, D. Lonsdale, and R. Valenta*. 1994. Characterization of a birch pollen allergen, Bet v III, representing a novel class of Ca2+ binding proteins; specific expression in mature pollen and dependence of patients IgE-binding on protein bound Ca2+. EMBO J. 13:3481-3486.

59.) Ball, T., S. Vrtala, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, M. Susani, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1994. Isolation of an immunodominant IgE-hapten from an epitope expression cDNA library: dissection of the allergic effector reaction. J. Biol. Chem. 269:28323-28328.

60.) Drobak, B. K.*, P. A. C. Watkins, R. Valenta, S. K. Dove, C. W. Lloyd, and C. J. Staiger. 1994. Inhibition of plant plasma membrane phosphoinositide phospholipase C by the actin-binding protein, profilin. Plant J. 6:389-400.

61.) Giehl, K., R. Valenta, M. Rothkegel, M. Ronsiek, H. G. Mannherz, and B. M. Jockusch*. 1994. Interaction of plant profilin with mammalian actin. Eur. J. Biochem. 226:681-689.


62.) Valenta, R.*, C. Dolecek, S. Laffer, S. Vrtala, M. Susani, U. Schönheit-Kenn, G. Menz, H. Grönlund, and D. Kraft. 1995. Diagnostic and therapeutic concepts based on recombinant allergens. Progress in Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, S. G. O Johansson eds., 3:226-233.

63.) Steinberger, P., B. Bohle, F. di Padova, M. Wrann, E. Liehl, O. Scheiner, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1995. Allergen-specific IgE production of committed B cells from allergic patients in vitro. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 96:209-218.

64.) Valenta, R.*, S. Vrtala, T. Ball, S. Laffer, P. Steinberger, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, and D. Kraft. 1995. Recombinant allergens: basic aspects and new therapeutic concepts. Springer Verl. Berlin, Heidelberg, pp 167-182.

65.) Valenta, R.*, S. Spitzauer, B. Pandjaitan, T. Ball, S. Seiberler, S. Laffer, C. Dolecek, P. Steinberger, and D. Kraft. 1995. Allergen-antibody interactions: molecular approaches for specific therapy of type I allergy. in: Proceedings ECACI 95, Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, A. Basomba, J. Sastre, eds., pp 555-563.

66.) Grote, M.*, I. Swoboda, R. B. Meagher, and R. Valenta. 1995. Localization of profilin- and actin-like immunoreactivity in in vitro-germinated tobacco pollen tubes by electron microscopy after special water-free fixation techniques. Sex. Plant Reprod. 8:180-186.

67.) Mittermann, I., I. Swoboda, E. Pierson, N. Eller, D. Kraft, R. Valenta*, and E. Heberle-Bors. 1995. Molecular cloning and characterization of profilin from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum): increased profilin expression during pollen maturation. Plant Mol. Biol. 27:137-146.

68.) Vallier, P., S. Balland, R. Harf, R. Valenta, and P. Deviller*. 1995. Identification of profilin as an IgE-binding component in latex from Hevea brasiliensis: clinical implications. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 25:332-339.

69.) Dolecek, C., P. Steinberger, M. Susani, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*, G. Boltz-Nitulescu. 1995. Effects of IL-4 and IL-13 on total and allergen specific IgE production by cultured PBMC from allergic patients determined with recombinant pollen allergens. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 25:879-889.

70.) Vrtala, S., M. Grote, F. Ferreira, M. Susani, B. Stocker, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1995. Humoral immune responses to recombinant tree pollen allergens (Bet v I, Bet v II) in mice: construction of a live oral allergy vaccine. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 107:290-294. Review.

71.) Ebner, C., R. Hirschwehr, L. Bauer, H. Breiteneder, R. Valenta, H. Ebner, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner*. 1995. Identification of allergens in fruits and vegetables, IgE-cross-reactivities with the important birch pollen allergens Bet v 1 and Bet v 2 (birch profilin). J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 95:962-969.

72.) Susani, M.*, P. Jertschin, C. Dolecek, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, C. Ebner, D. Kraft, R. Valenta, and O. Scheiner. 1995. High level expression of birch pollen profilin (Bet v 2) in Escherichia coli: purification and characterization of the recombinant allergen. Biochem. Bioph. Res. Comm. 215:250-263.

73.) Hess, M.*, I. Mittermann, C. Luschnig, and R. Valenta. 1995. Immunocytochemical localization of actin and profilin in the generative cell of angiosperm pollen: TEM studies on high-pressure frozen and freeze-substituted Ledebouria socialis Roth (Hyacinthaceae). Histochem. Cell Biol. 104:443-451.

74.) Valenta, R.*, D. Kraft. 1995. Recombinant allergens for diagnosis and therapy of allergic diseases. Current Opin. Immunol. 7:751-756. Review.

75.) Binder, M., S. Ortner, H. Erben, O. Scheiner, G. Wiedermann, R. Valenta, and M. Duchêne*. 1995. The basic isoform of profilin in pathogenic Entamoeba histolytica cDNA cloning, heterologous expression, and actin-binding properties. Eur. J. Biochem. 233:976-981.

76.) Spitzauer, S., B. Pandjaitan, G. Söregi, S. Mühl, C. Ebner, D. Kraft, R. Valenta*, and H. Rumpold. 1995. IgE cross-reactivities against albumins in patients allergic to animals. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 96:951-959.

77.) Schenk, S., H. Breiteneder, M. Susani, N. Najafian, S. Laffer, M. Duchêne, R. Valenta, G. Fischer, O. Scheiner, D. Kraft, and C. Ebner*. 1995. T cell epitopes of Phl p 1, major pollen allergen of timothy grass (Phleum pratense): Evidence for crossreacting and non-crossreacting T-cell epitopes within grass group I allergens. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 96:986-996.


78.) Ferreira, F. D., P. Mayer, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, S. Seiberler, C. Ebner, E. Liehl, O. Scheiner, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1996. Induction of IgE antibodies with predefined specificity in rhesus monkeys with recombinant birch pollen allergens, Bet v 1 and Bet v 2. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 97:95-103.

79.) Valenta, R.*, I. Swoboda, M. Grote, S. Vrtala, F. Ferreira, M. Duchêne, E. Heberle-Bors, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner. 1996. Profilin: A novel pan-allergen and actin-binding protein in plants. In: Pollen Biotechnology: Genes, Allergens and Development, eds.: S. S. Mohapatra, B. Knox. Chapman & Hall, New York; pp 269-278.

80.) Vrtala, S., M. Susani, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, S. Laffer, C. Dolecek, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1996. Immunologic characterization of purified recombinant timothy grass pollen (Phleum pratense) allergens (Phl p 1, Phl p 2, Phl p 5). J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 97:781-787.

81.) Menz, G., C. Dolecek, U. Schönheit-Kenn, F. Ferreira, M. Moser, T. Schneider, M. Suter, G. Boltz-Nitulescu, C. Ebner, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1996. Serological and skin-test diagnosis of birch pollen allergy with recombinant Bet v 1, the major birch pollen allergen. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 26:50-60.

82.) Darnowski, D., R. Valenta, and M. Parthasarathy*. 1996. Identification and distribution of profilin in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Planta. 198:158-161.

83.) Heiss, S., S. Flicker, D. Hamilton, D. Kraft, J. Mascarenhas, and R. Valenta*. 1996. Expression of Zm13, a pollen specific maize protein, in Escherichia coli; reveals IgE-binding capacity and alergenic potential. FEBS Lett. 381:217-221.

84.) Rothkegel, M., O. Mayboroda, M. Rohde, C. Wucherpfennig, R. Valenta, and B. Jockusch*. 1996. Plant and animal profilins are functionally equivalent and stabilize microfilaments in living animal cells. J. Cell Science. 109:83-90.

85.) Valenta, R.*, P. Steinberger, M. Duchêne, and D. Kraft. 1996. Immunological and structural similarities among allergens: Prerequisite for a specific and component-based therapy of allergy. Immunol. and Cell Biol. 74:187-194. Review.

86.) Steinberger, P., D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1996. Construction of a combinatorial IgE library from an allergic patient: Isolation and characterization of human IgE Fabs with specificity for the major timothy grass pollen allergen, Phl p 5. J. Biol. Chem. 271:10967-10972.

87.) Valenta, R.* and D. Kraft. 1996. Type I allergic reactions to plant-derived food: A consequence of primary sensitization to pollen allergens. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 97:893-895. Review.

88.) Pauli, G.*, J. Oster, P. Deviller, S. Heiss, J. Bessot, M. Susani, F. Ferreira, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta. 1996. Skin testing with recombinant allergens rBet v 1 and rBet v 2. Diagnostic value for birch pollen and associated allergies. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 97:1100-1109.

89.) Mittermann, I., S. Heiss, D. Kraft, R. Valenta*, and E. Heberle-Bors. 1996. Molecular characterization of profilin isoforms from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) pollen. Sex. Plant Reprod. 9:133-139.

90.) Laffer, S., M. Duchêne, I. Reimitzer, M. Susani, C. Mannhalter, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1996. Common IgE-epitopes of a recombinant major timothy grass pollen allergen, Phl p 1, and natural group 1 grass pollen isoallergens. Mol. Immunol. 33:417-426.

91.) Valenta, R. and D. Kraft*. 1996. What makes an allergen an allergen? ACI International, 8/2:60-61.

92.) Valenta, R.* and D. Kraft. 1996. Rekombinante Allergene. Allergo Journal. 3:169-172.

93.) Fischer, S., M. Grote, B. Fahlbusch, W. Müller, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1996. Characterization of Phl p 4, a major timothy grass (Phleum pratense) pollen allergen. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 98:189-198.

94.) Laffer, S., S. Spitzauer, M. Susani, H. Pairleitner, C. Schweiger, H. Grönlund, G. Menz, G. Pauli, T. Ishii, H. Nolte, C. Ebner, A. H. Sehon, D. Kraft, H. G. Eichler, and R. Valenta*. 1996. Comparison of recombinant timothy grass pollen allergens with natural extract for diagnosis of grass pollen allergy in different populations. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 98:652-658.

95.) Valenta, R.*, D. Maurer, R. Steiner, S. Seiberler, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, S. Spitzauer, S. Kapiotis, J. Smolen, and G. Stingl. 1996. Immunoglobulin E response to human proteins in atopic patients. J. Invest. Dermatol. 107:203-208.

96.) Visco, V., C. Dolecek, S. Denepoux, J. L. Mao, C. Guret, F. Rousset, M. T. Guinnepain, D. Kraft, R. Valenta, A. Weyer, J. Banchereau, and S. Lebecque*. 1996. Human IgG monoclonal antibodies that modulate the binding of specific IgE to birch pollen Bet v 1. J. Immunol. 157:956-962.

97.) Vrtala, S., P. Wiedemann, I. Mittermann, H. G. Eichler, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1996. High level expression in Escherichia coli and purification of recombinant plant profilins; comparison of IgE-binding capacity and allergenic activity. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 226:42-50.

98.) Heiss, S., S. Fischer, W. Müller, B. Weber, R. Hirschwehr, S. Spitzauer, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1996. Identification of a 60 kd cross-reactive allergen in pollen and plant-derived food. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 98:938-947.

99.) Vrtala, S., P. Mayer, F. Ferreira, M. Susani, A. H. Sehon, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1996. Induction of IgE antibodies in mice and rhesus monkeys with recombinant birch pollen allergens: different allergenicity of Bet v 1 and Bet v 2. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 98:913-921.

100.) Valenta, R.*, S. Laffer, S. Vrtala, H. Grönlund, L. Elfman, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, F. Ferreira, P. Mayer, E. Liehl, S. Heiss, R. Steiner, H. G. Eichler, M. Susani, and D. Kraft. 1996. Recombinant allergens: steps on the way to diagnosis and therapy of type I allergy. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 409:185-196. Review.

101.) Wiedemann, P., K. Giehl, S. Almo, A. Fedorov, M. Girvin, P. Steinberger, M. Rüdiger, M. Ortner, M. Sippl, C. Dolecek, D. Kraft, B. Jockusch, and R. Valenta*. 1996. Molecular and structural analysis of a continous birch profilin epitope defined by a monoclonal antibody. J. Biol. Chem. 271:29915-29921.

102.) Laffer, S., L. Vangelista, P. Steinberger, D. Kraft, A. Pastore, and R. Valenta*. 1996. Molecular characterization of Bip 1, a monoclonal antibody that modulates IgE binding to birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1. J. Immunol. 157:4953-4962.

103.) Schenk, S., H. Breiteneder, M. Susani, N. Najafian, S. Laffer, M. Duchêne, R. Valenta, G. Fischer, O. Scheiner, D. Kraft, and C. Ebner*. 1996. T cell epitopes of Phl p 1, major pollen allergen of timothy grass (Phleum pratense). Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 409:141-146.

104.) Ebner, C.*, R. Hirschwehr, L. Bauer, H. Breiteneder, R. Valenta, K. Hoffmann, M. Krebitz, D. Kraft, and O. Scheiner. 1996. Identification of allergens in apple, pear, celery, carrot and potato: cross-reactivity with pollen allergens. Monogr. Allergy. 32:73-77. Review.

105.) Menz, G., C. Dolecek, U. Schöheit-Kenn, F. Ferreira, M. Moser, T. Schneider, M. Suter, G. Boltz-Nitulescu, C. Ebner, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1996. Serologic and skin test diagnosis of birch pollen allergy with recombinant Bet v 1, the chief allergen of birch. Pneumologie. 50:632-640.


106.) Valenta, R.*, S. Natter, S. Seiberler, Z. Szephalusi, P. Valent, W. R. Sperr, and D. Kraft. 1997. IgE-autoreactivity: a pathomechanism of potential relevance in severe atopic diseases. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, pp 113-120.

107.) Spitzauer, S.*, R. Valenta, S. Mühl, H. Rumpold, H. Ebner, and C. Ebner. 1997. Characterization of allergens from deer: crossreactivity with allergens from cow dander. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 27:196-200.

108.) Valenta, R.*, P. Steinberger, S. Laffer, C. Dolecek, P. Wiedemann, S. Flicker, and D. Kraft. 1997. Cloning allergen-specific antibody fragments (Fabs); tools for allergen standardization and therapy of Type I allergy. Arbeiten aus dem Paul Ehrlich Institut, Band 91, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, Lübeck, Ulm, pp. 222-228.

109.) Godnic-Cvar, J., M. Susani, H. Breiteneder, A. Berger, L. Havelec, T. Waldhör, R. Hirschwehr, R. Valenta, O. Scheiner, H. Rüdiger, D. Kraft, and C. Ebner*. 1997. Recombinant Bet v 1, the major birch pollen allergen, induces equal hypersensitivity reactions to those induced by natural Bet v 1 in the airways of patients allergic to tree pollen. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 99:354-359.

110.) Spitzauer, S., B. Pandjaitan, S. Mühl, C. Ebner, D. Kraft, R. Valenta*, and H. Rumpold. 1997. Major cat and dog allergens share IgE-epitopes. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 99:100-106.

111.) Lebecque, S.*, C. Dolecek, S. Laffer, V. Visco, S. Denepoux, J. J. Pin, C. Guret, G. Boltz-Nitulescu, A. Weyer, and R. Valenta. 1997. Immunologic characterization of monoclonal antibodies which modulate human immunoglobulin E binding to the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 99:374-384.

112.) Fedorov, A. A., T. Ball, N. M. Mahoney, R. Valenta, and S. C. Almo*. 1997. Crystal structure and IgE-epitope mapping of birch pollen profilin: The molecular basis for allergen cross-reactivity. Structure. 5:33-45.

113.) Fedorov, A. A., T. Ball, R. Valenta, and S. C. Almo*. 1997. X-ray crystal structures of birch pollen profilin and Phl p 2. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 113:109-113.

114.) Valenta, R.*, S. Natter, S. Seiberler, and M. Grote. 1997. Isolation of cDNAs coding for IgE-autoantigens: a link between atopy and autoimmunity. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 113:209-212.

115.) Steinberger, P., D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1997. Expression in Escherichia coli of human IgE antibody fragments with specificity for major timothy grass pollen allergens using the combinatorial library approach. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 113:258-259.

116.) Laffer, S., L. Vangelista, P. Steinberger, D. Kraft, A. Pastore, and R. Valenta*. 1997. Bip 1, a monoclonal antibody with specificity for the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 modulates IgE binding to the allergen. Int. Arch. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 113:260-261.

117.) Vrtala, S., K. Hirtenlehner, L. Vangelista, A. Pastore, H. G. Eichler, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, C. Ebner, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1997. Division of the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1, into two non-anaphylactic fragments. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 113:246-248.

118.) Elfman, L.*, M. Svensson, J. Lidholm, G. Pauli, and R. Valenta. 1997. Different profiles in specific IgE to rBet v 1 and rBet v 2 in patients allergic to birch pollen from six countries. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 113:249-251.

119.) Vrtala, S., K. Hirtenlehner, L. Vangelista, A. Pastore, H. G. Eichler, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, C. Ebner, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1997. Conversion of the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1, into two non-anaphylactic T-cell epitope-containing fragments: candidates for a novel form of specific immunotherapy. J. Clin. Invest. 99:1673-1681.

120.) Flicker, S. H., S. M. Schneider, M. Offterdinger, E. Dittrich, B. Fazeny, R. Valenta, H. Huber, C. Dittrich, and T. W. Grunt*. 1997. Tyrosine kinase signaling pathways control the expression of retinoic acid receptor-alpha in SK-BR-3 breast cancer cells. Cancer Lett. 115:63-72.

121.) Valenta, R.* and T. Ball. 1997. Antibody recognition of recombinant allergens and allergen-fragments; evidence for a predominantly direct class switch to IgE in allergic patients. John Wiley & Sons, eds.: D. Vercelli, pp. 225-236.

122.) Fuchs, T., S. Spitzauer, C. Vente, J. Hevler, S. Mühl, H. Rumpold, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1997. Identification of common IgE-binding structures in natural latex, grass pollen and weed pollen. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 100:356-364.

123.) Sperr, W. R.*, H. Agis, H. Semper, R. Valenta, M. Susani, M. Sperr, M. Willheim, O. Scheiner, E. Liehl, K. Lechner, and P. Valent. 1997. Inhibition of allergen dependent histamine release from basophils by cyclosporine-A and FK-506. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 114:68-73.

124.) Domke, T.*, T. Federau, K. Giehl, K. Schlüter, R. Valenta, B. M. Jockusch, and D. Schomburg. 1997. Birch pollen profilin: structural organization and interaction with poly-(L-proline) peptides as revealed by NMR. FEBS Lett. 411:291-295.

125.) Holzinger, A.*, I. Mittermann, S. Laffer, R. Valenta, and U. Meindl. 1997. Microinjection of profilins from different sources into the green alga Micrasterias causes transient inhibition of cell growth. Protoplasma. 199:124-134.

126.) Hess, M. W.*, and R. Valenta. 1997. Profilin revealed in the nucleus: Immuno-electron microscopy of high-pressure frozen Ledebouria pollen. Sex. Plant Reprod. 10:283-287.

127.) Valenta, R.*, S. Flicker, P. B. Eibensteiner, P. Steinberger, S. Laffer, C. Dolecek, and D. Kraft. 1997. Recombinant allergen-specific antibody fragments: Tools for diagnosis, prevention and therapy of Type I allergy. Biol. Chem. 378:745-749. Review.

128.) Twardosz, A., B. Hayek, S. Seiberler, L. Vangelista, L. Elfman, H. Grönlund, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1997. Molecular characterization, expression in Escherichia coli and epitope analysis of a two EF-hand calcium-binding birch pollen allergen, Bet v 4. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 239:197-204.

129.) Valenta, R.*, P. Wiedemann, T. Ball, S. Laffer, C. Dolecek, P. Steinberger, S. Flicker, S. Vrtala, S. Spitzauer, and D. Kraft. 1997. Therapy of Type I allergy by interfering with the immunoglobulin E-allergen interaction. Huber & Hogrefe, pp 144-149.

130.) Valster, A., E. S. Pierson, R. Valenta, P. K. Hepler, and A. M. C. Emons*. 1997. Probing the plant actin cytoskeleton during cytokinesis and interphase by profilin microinjection. Plant Cell. 9:1815-1824.

131.) Dormann, D., E. Montermann, L. Klimek, B. Weber, C. Ebner, R. Valenta, D. Kraft, and A. B. Reske-Kunz*. 1997. Heterogeneity in the polyclonal T cell response to birch pollen allergens. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 114:272-277.


132.) Grote, M.*, P. Wiedemann, S. Lebecque, and R. Valenta. 1998. Human monoclonal IgG antibodies derived from a patient allergic to birch pollen as tools to study the in situ localization of the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1, by immunogold electron microscopy. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 101:60-66.

133.) Bugajska-Schretter, A., L. Elfman, S. Kapiotis, H. Rumpold, R. Valenta*, and S. Spitzauer. 1998. Parvalbumin, a cross-reactive fish allergen contains IgE-epitopes sensitive to periodate treatment and Ca2+-depletion. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 101:67-74.

134.) Hirschwehr, R., C. Heppner, S. Spitzauer, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, S. Jäger, U. Berger, F. Horak, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1998. Identification of common allergenic structures in mugwort and ragweed pollen. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 101:196-206.

135.) Niederberger, V., S. Laffer, R. Fröschl, D. Kraft, H. Rumpold, S. Kapiotis, R. Valenta*, and S. Spitzauer. 1998. IgE antibodies to recombinant pollen allergens (Phl p 1, Phl p 2, Phl p 5, Bet v 2) account for a high percentage of grass pollen-specific IgE. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 101:258-264.

136.) Carpin, S., S. Laffer, F. Schoentgen, R. Valenta, J. C. Chenieux, M. Rideau, and S. Hamdi*. 1998. Molecular characterization of a cytokinin inducible periwinkle protein showing sequence homology with pathogenesis-related proteins and the Bet v 1 allergen family. Plant Mol. Biol. 36:791-798.

137.) Grote, M.*, S. Fischer, W. D. Müller, and R. Valenta. 1998. In situ localization of a high molecular weight cross-reactive allergen in pollen and plant-derived food by immunogold electron microscopy. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 101:250-257.

138.) Yu, L. X., J. Nasrallah, R. Valenta, and M. V. Parthasarathy*. 1998. Molecular cloning and mRNA localization of tomato pollen profilin. Plant Mol. Biol. 36:699-707.

139.) Valenta, R.*, V. Niederberger, S. Fischer, S. Jäger, S. Spitzauer, and D. Kraft. 1998. Tree pollen allergens. Plenum Publishing Corp. pp 85-102.

140.) Valenta, R.*, S. Vrtala, S. Laffer, S. Spitzauer, and D. Kraft. 1998. Recombinant allergens. Allergy. 53:552-561. Review.

141.) Vrtala, S., T. Ball, S. Spitzauer, B. Pandjaitan, C. Suphioglu, B. Knox, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1998. Immunization with purified natural and recombinant allergens induces mouse IgG1 antibodies that recognize similar epitopes as human IgE, inhibit the human IgE-allergen interaction and allergen-induced basophil degranulation. J. Immunol. 160:6137-6144.

142.) Valenta, R.*, S. Almo, T. Ball, C. Dolecek, P. Steinberger, S. Laffer, P. Eibensteiner, S. Flicker, S. Vrtala, S. Spitzauer, P. Valent, S. Denepoux, D. Kraft, J. Banchereau, and S. Lebecque. 1998. The immunoglobulin E-allergen interaction: A possible target for therapy of Type I allergic diseases. Int. Arch. Allergy. Immunol. 116:167-176. Review.

143.) Mittermann, I., J. S. Fetro, D. L. Schaak, S. C. Almo, D. Kraft, E. Heberle-Bors, and R. Valenta. 1998. Oligomerization of profilins from birch, man and yeast. Profilin, a ligand for itself? Sex. Plant Reprod. 11:183-191.

144.) Niederberger, V., G. Pauli, H. Grönlund, R. Fröschl, H. Rumpold, D. Kraft, R. Valenta*, and S. Spitzauer. 1998. Recombinant birch pollen alergens (rBet v 1, rBet v 2) contain most of the IgE epitopes present in birch, alder, hornbeam, hazel and oak pollen. A quantitative IgE inhibition study with sera from different populations. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 102:579-591.

145.) Natter, S., S. Seiberler, P. Hufnagl, B. R. Binder, A. M. Hirschl, J. Ring, D. Abeck, T. Schmidt, P. Valent, and R. Valenta*. 1998. Isolation of cDNA clones coding for IgE autoantigens with serum IgE from atopic dermatitis patients. FASEB J. 12:1559-1569.

146.) Hayek, B., L. Vangelista, A. Pastore, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, S. Vrtala, V. Niederberger, A. Twardosz, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1998. Molecular and immunological characterization of a highly cross-reactive two EF-hand calcium-binding alder pollen allergen, Aln g 4. Structural basis for calcium modulated IgE recognition. J. Immunol. 161:7031-7039.

147.) Valenta, R.*, S. Natter, S. Seiberler, S. Wichlas, D. Maurer, M. Hess, M. Pavelka, M. Grote, F. Ferreira, Z. Szepfalusi, P. Valent, and G. Stingl. 1998. Molecular characterization of an autoallergen, Hom s 1, identified by serum IgE from atopic dermatitis patients. J. Invest. Dermatol. 111:1178-1183.

148.) Valenta, R.*, B. Hayek, S. Seiberler, A. Bugajska-Schretter, V. Niederberger, A. Twardosz, S. Natter, L. Vangelista, A. Pastore, S. Spitzauer, and D. Kraft. 1998. Calcium-binding allergens: From plants to man. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 117:160-166. Review.

149.) Bousquet, J., R. Lockey, H. J. Malling, and the WHO panel members (includes R. Valenta). 1998. Allergen immunotherapy: Therapeutic vaccines for allergic diseases. A WHO position paper. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 102:558-562. Review.

150.) Bousquet, J.*, R. Lockey, HJ Malling, E. Alvarez Cuesta, G. W. Canonica, M.D. Chapman, P.J. Creticos, J. M. Dayer, S. R. Durham, P. Demoly, R. J. Goldstein, T. Ishikawa, K. Ito, D. Kraft, P. H. Lambert, H. Lowenstein, U. Müller, P. S. Norman, R. E. Reisman, R. Valenta, R. Valvovirta, and H. Yssel. 1998. Allergen immunotherapy: therapeutic vaccines for allergic diseases. Ann. Allergy Asthma Immunol. 81:401-405.

151.) Kraft, D.*, F. Ferreira, C. Ebner, R. Valenta, H. Breiteneder, M. Susani, M. Breitenbach, and O. Scheiner. 1998. Recombinant allergens: the future of the diagnosis and treatment of atopic allergy. Allergy. 53:62-66.


152.) Valenta, R.*, S. Vrtala, T. Ball, S. Laffer, P. Eibensteiner, P. Steinberger, S. Flicker, S. Fischer, I. Mittermann, S. Spitzauer, and D. Kraft. 1999. Molecular characterization of allergens, their B-cell epitopes and allergen-specific antibodies for allergy prevention and treatment. In: Immunotherapy in Asthma, eds.: J. Bousquet, H. Yssel, Marcel Dekker, New York. 136:313-325.

153.) Skyllouriotis, P., M. Skyllouriotis-Lazarou, S. Natter, R. Steiner, S. Spitzauer, S. Kapiotis, P. Valent, A. M. Hirschl, S. E. Guber, G. Laufer, G. Wollenek, E. Wolner, M. Wimmer, and R. Valenta*. 1999. Immunoglobulin-G subclass reactivity to human cardiac myosin in cardiomyopathy patients is indicative of a Th1-like autoimmune disease. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 115:236-247.

154.) Niederberger, V., B. Hayek, S. Vrtala, S. Laffer, A. Twardosz, L. Vangelista, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, H. Rumpold, D. Kraft, K. Ehrenberger, R. Valenta*, and S. Spitzauer. 1999. Calcium-dependent immunoglobulin E recognition of the apo- and calcium-bound form of a crossreactive two EF-hand timothy grass pollen allergen, Phl p 7. FASEB J. 13:843-856.

155.) Vangelista, L., S. Laffer, R. Turek, H. Grönlund, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, A. Pastore, and R. Valenta*. 1999. The Ig-like modules Cε3 and α2 are the minimal units necessary for human IgE-FcεRI interaction. J. Clin. Invest. 103:1571-1578.

156.) Ball, T., W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, J. Lidholm, S. Spitzauer, C. Ebner, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1999. Induction of antibody responses to new B cell epitopes indicates vaccination character of allergen immunotherapy. Eur. J. Immunol. 29:2026-2036.

157.) Valenta, R.*, J. Lidholm, V. Niederberger, B. Hayek, D. Kraft, and H. Grönlund. 1999. The recombinant allergen-based concept of component-resolved diagnosis and immunotherapy (CRD & CRIT). Clin. Exp. Allergy. 29:896-904. Review.

158.) Valenta, R.*, S. Natter, S. Seiberler, R. Mossabeb, N. Mothes, V. Mahler, and P. Eibensteiner. 1999. Autoallergy: A pathogenetic factor in atopic dermatitis? Curr. Probl. Dermatol. 28:45-50. Review.

159.) Vrtala, S., K. Hirtenlehner, M. Susani, P. Hufnagl, B. R. Binder, L. Vangelista, A. Pastore, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, C. Ebner, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1999. Genetic engineering of recombinant hypoallergenic oligomers of the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1: candidates for specific immunotherapy. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 118:218-219.

160.) Kraft, D.*, F. Ferreira, S. Vrtala, H. Breiteneder, C. Ebner, R. Valenta, M. Susani, M. Breitenbach, and O. Scheiner. 1999. The importance of recombinant allergens for diagnosis and therapy of IgE-mediated allergies. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 118:171-176.

161.) Laffer, S., E. Hogbom, J. Adrianson, H. Grönlund, C. Sillaber, P. Valent, L. Vangelista, F. Kricek, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1999. An in vitro model for the allergen-IgE-FcεRI interaction. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 118:116-118.

162.) Pauli, G.*, A. Purohit, J. P. Oster, F. de Blay, S. Vrtala, V. Niederberger, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta. 1999. Clinical evaluation of genetically engineered hypoallergenic rBet v 1 derivatives. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 118:216-217.

163.) Bugajska-Schretter, A., A. Pastore, L. Vangelista, H. Rumpold, R. Valenta*, and S. Spitzauer. 1999. Molecular and immunological characterization of carp parvalbumin, a major fish allergen. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 118:306-308.

164.) Eibensteiner, P., S. Denepoux, P. Steinberger, D. Kraft, V. Visco, J. Banchereau, S. Lebecque, and R. Valenta*. 1999. Expression of a human IgG4 antibody, BAB2, with specificity for the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1 in Escherichia coli: Recombinant BAB2 Fabs enhance the allergic reaction. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 118:190-192.

165.) Ball, T., T. Fuchs, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1999. Lessons from the antibody recognition of the major timothy grass pollen allergen Phl p 1. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 118:208-209.

166.) Ball, T., T. Fuchs, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, L. Vangelista, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1999. B cell epitopes of the major timothy grass pollen allergen, Phl p 1, revealed by gene fragmentation as candidates for immunotherapy. FASEB J. 13:1277-1290.

167.) De Marino, S., A. Castiglione Morelli, F. Fraternali, E. Tamborini, G. Musco, S. Vrtala, C. Dolecek, P. Arosio, R. Valenta, and A. Pastore*. 1999. An immunoglobulin-like fold in a major plant allergen: the solution structure of Phl p 2 from timothy grass pollen. Structure. 7:943-952.

168.) Valenta, R., and S. Vrtala. 1999. Recombinant allergens for specific immunotherapy. Allergy. 54:43-44. Review.

169.) Seiberler, S., A. Bugajska-Schretter, P. Hufnagl, B. R. Binder, J. Stöckl, S. Spitzauer, P. Valent, and R. Valenta*. 1999. Characterization of IgE-reactive autoantigens in atopic dermatitis. 1. Subcellular distribution and tissue-specific expression. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 120:108-116.

170.) Seiberler, S., S. Natter, P. Hufnagl, B. R. Binder, and R. Valenta*. 1999. Characterization of IgE-reactive autoantigens in atopic dermatitis. 2. A pilot study on IgE versus IgG subclass response and seasonal variation of IgE autoreactivity. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 120:117-125.

171.) Valenta, R.*, S. Vrtala, M. Focke-Tejkl, A. Bugajska-Schretter, T. Ball, A. Twardosz, S. Spitzauer, H. Grönlund, and D. Kraft. 1999. Genetically engineered and synthetic allergen derivatives: candidates for vaccination against type I allergy. Biol. Chem. 380:815-824. Review.

172.) Pandjaitan, B., P. B. Eibensteiner, S. Vrtala, B. Hayek, M. Grote, R. Reichelt, H. Rumpold, R. Valenta*, and S. Spitzauer. 1999. pET-prof, a plasmid for high level expression of recombinant peptides fused to a birch profilin-derived hexadecapeptide tag: a system for the detection and presentation of recombinant antigens. Gene. 237:333-342.

173.) van Hage-Hamsten, M.*, M. Kronqvist, O. Zetterström, E. Johansson, V. Niederberger, S. Vrtala, H. Grönlund, and R. Valenta. 1999. Skin test evaluation of genetically engineered hypoallergenic derivates of the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1: results obtained with a mix of two recombinant Bet v 1 fragments and rBet v 1 trimer in a swedish population before the birch pollen season. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 104:969-977.

174.) Vrtala, S.*, S. Fischer, M. Grote, L. Vangelista, A. Pastore, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, R. Reichelt, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta. 1999. Molecular, immunological, and structural characterization of Phl p 6, a major allergen and P-particle-associated protein from timothy grass (Phleum pratense) pollen. J. Immunol. 163:5489-5496.

175.) Heiss, S., V. Mahler, R. Steiner, S. Spitzauer, C. Schweiger, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1999. Component-resolved diagnosis (CRD) of Type I allergy with recombinant grass and tree pollen allergens by skin testing. J. Invest. Dermatol. 113:830-837.

176.) Grote, M.*, B. Hayek, R. Reichelt, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta. 1999. Immunogold electron microscopic localization of the crossreactive two EF-hand calcium-binding birch pollen allergen Bet v 4 in dry and rehydrated birch pollen. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 120:287-294.

177.) Kazemi-Shirazi, L., G. Pauli, A. Purohit, S. Spitzauer, R. Fröschl, K. Hoffmann-Sommergruber, H. Breiteneder, O. Scheiner, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 1999. Quantitative IgE inhibition experiments with purified recombinant allergens indicate pollen-derived allergens as the sensitizing agents responsible for many forms of plant food allergy. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 105.116-125.


178.) Denepoux, S., P. B. Eibensteiner, P. Steinberger, S. Vrtala, V. Visco, A. Weyer, D. Kraft, J. Banchereau, and R. Valenta*, S. Lebecque. 2000. Molecular characterization of human IgG monoclonal antibodies specific for the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1. Anti-allergen IgG can enhance the anaphylactic reaction. FEBS Lett. 465:39-46.

179.) Pandjaitan, B., I. Swoboda, F. Brandejsky-Pichler, H. Rumpold, R. Valenta*, and S. Spitzauer. 2000. Escherichia coli expression and purification of recombinant dog albumin, a cross-reactive animal allergen. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 105:279-285.

180.) Flicker, S., S. Laffer, P. Steinberger, B. Alhani, Y. Zhu, M.-L. Laukkanen, K. Keinänen, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2000. Engineering, purification and applications of His-tagged recombinant antibody fragments with specificity for the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1. Biol. Chem. 381:39-47.

181.) Mahler, V., S. Fischer, T. Fuchs, M. Ghannadan, P. Valent, M. Fartasch, D. Kraft, G. Schuler, and R. Valenta*. 2000. Prevention of latex allergy by selection of low allergen gloves. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 30:509-520.

182.) Grote, M.*, V. Mahler, S. Spitzauer, T. Fuchs, R. Valenta, and R. Reichelt. 2000. In situ localization of latex allergens in 3 different brands of latex gloves by means of immunogold field emission scanning and transmission electron microscopy. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 105:561-569.

183.) Aghayan-Ugurluoglu, R., T. Ball, S. Vrtala, C. Schweiger, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2000. Dissociation of allergen-specific IgE and IgA responses in sera and tears of pollen-allergic patients: A study performed with recombinant pollen allergens. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 105:803-813.

184.) Bugajska-Schretter, A., M. Grote, L. Vangelista, P. Valent, W. R. Sperr, H. Rumpold, A. Pastore, R. Reichelt, and R. Valenta*, S. Spitzauer. 2000. Purification, biochemical, and immunological characterization of a major food allergen: different immunoglobulin E recognition of apo- and calcium-bound forms of carp parvalbumin. Gut. 46:661-669.

185.) Holzinger, A.*, R. Valenta, and U. Lütz-Meindl. 2000. Profilin is localized in the nucleus-associated microtubule and actin-system and is evenly distributed in the cytoplasm of the green alga Micrasterias denticulata. Protoplasma. 212:197-205.

186.) Nopp, A.*, G. Halldén, J. Lundahl, E. Johansson, S. Vrtala, R. Valenta, R.

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187.) Grote, M.*, S. Vrtala, V. Niederberger, R. Valenta, and R. Reichelt. 2000. Expulsion of allergen-containing materials from hydrated rye grass (Lolium perenne) pollen revealed by using immunogold field emission scanning and transmission electron microscopy. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 105:1140-1145.

188.) Valenta, R.*, A. Twardosz, S. Vrtala, and D. Kraft. 2000. Large scale production and quality criteria of recombinant allergens. Arbeiten aus dem Paul Ehrlich Seminar, Band 93, Gustav Fischer Verlag. 93:211-225.

189.) Pauli, G.*, A. Purohit, J.P. Oster, F. de Blay, S. Vrtala, V. Niederberger, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta. 2000. Skin testing with wild-type recombinant birch pollen allergens and hypoallergenic modified molecules. Arbeiten aus dem Paul Ehrlich Seminar, Band 92, Gustav Fischer Verlag. 93:203-210.

190.) Mahler, V., T.L. Diepgen, O. Kuß, T. Leakakos, W. Truscott, G. Schuler, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2000. Mutual boosting effects of sensitization with timothy grass pollen and latex glove extract on IgE antibody responses in a mouse model. J. Invest. Dermatol. 114:1039-1043.

191.) Pauli, G.*, A. Purohit, J. P. Oster, F. de Blay, S. Vrtala, V. Niederberger, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta. 2000. Comparison of genetically engineered hypoallergenic rBet v 1 derivates with rBet v 1 wildtype by skin prick and intradermal testing: results obtained in a french population. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 30:1076-1084.

192.) Valenta, R.*, S. Seiberler, S. Natter, V. Mahler, R. Mossabeb, J. Ring, and G. Stingl. 2000. Autoallergy: a pathogenetic factor in atopic dermatitis? J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 105:432-437. Review.

193.) Sperr, W. R.*, S. Natter, M. Baghestanian, J. Smolen, K. Wolff, B.R. Binder, M.R. Müller, K. Lechner, R. Valenta, and P. Valent. 2000. Autoantibody reactivity in a case of Schnitzler´s Syndrome: evidence for a Th1-like response and detection of IgG2 anti-FcεRI antibodies. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 122:279-286.

194.) Flicker, S., S. Vrtala, P. Steinberger, L. Vangelista, A. Bufe, A. Petersen, M. Ghannadan, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, L. Norderhaug, B. Bohle, H. Stockinger, C. Suphioglu, E. K. Ong, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2000. A human monoclonal IgE antibody defines a highly allergenic fragment of the major timothy grass pollen allergen, Phl p 5: Molecular, immunological and structural characterization of the epitope-containing domain. J. Immunol. 165:3849-3859.

195.) Eibensteiner, P. B., S. Spitzauer, P. Steinberger, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2000. IgE antibodies of atopic individuals exhibit a broad usage of VH-gene families. Immunol. 101:112-119.

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196.) Valenta, R.*, and D. Kraft. 2000. Clinical utilities of cross-reactive recombinant allergen components. ACI International. Suppl. 1:71-73.

197.) Valenta, R.*, A. Twardosz, I. Swoboda, B. Hayek, S. Spitzauer, and D. Kraft. 2000. Calcium-binding proteins in type I allergy: elicitors and vaccines. In: Calcium: The molecular basis of calcium action in biology and medicine, eds.: R. Pochet, R. Donato, J. Haeich, C. Heizmann, V. Gehrke. Kluwer Academic Press, Amsterdam, pp. 365-377.

198.) Vrtala, S., C.A. Akdis, F. Budak, M. Akdis, K. Blaser, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2000. T cell epitope-containing hypoallergenic recombinant fragments of the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1, induce blocking antibodies. J. Immunol. 165:6653-6659.


199.) Valenta, R.*, and D. Kraft. 2001. Recombinant allergens. In: ”New Drugs for Asthma, Allergy and COPD” eds.: T. Hansel, P. Barnes, Karger, Basel, 31:195-200.

200.) Valenta, R.*, S. Vrtala, M. Focke-Tejkl, A. Twardosz, I. Swoboda, A. Bugajska-Schretter, S. Spitzauer, and D. Kraft. 2001. Synthetic and genetically engineered allergen derivatives for specific immunotherapy of type I allergy. In: Inflammatory Mechanisms in Allergic Diseases. B. Zweiman, L. Schwartz eds. Marcel Dekker, New York, USA, Clin. Allergy Immunol. 16:495-517.

201.) Mahler, V., S. Fischer, S. Heiss, M. Duchêne, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2001. cDNA cloning and characterization of a cross-reactive birch pollen allergen: identification as a pectinesterase. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 124:64-66.

202.) Laffer, S., P. Steinberger, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2001. Promiscuous use of light chains by human IgE antibodies specific for three major grass pollen allergens. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 124:29-30.

203.) Focke, M., V. Mahler, T. Ball, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2001. Non-allergenic peptides from surface-exposed areas or B-cell epitopes of allergens for specific immunotherapy. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 124:398-399.

204.) Wiedermann, U.*, U. Herz, S. Vrtala, U. Neuhaus-Steinmetz, H. Renz, C. Ebner, R. Valenta, and D. Kraft. 2001. Mucosal tolerance induction with hypoallergenic molecules in a murine model of allergic asthma. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 124:391-394.

205.) Flicker, S., S. Vrtala, P. Steinberger, L. Vangelista, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2001. A highly allergenic fragment of the major timothy grass pollen allergen, Phl p 5 defined by a human monoclonal IgE antibody. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 124:80-84.

206.) Spitzauer, S.*, I. Swoboda, I. Wiry, B. Pandjaitan, F. Brandeijsky-Pichler, H. Rumpold, and R. Valenta. 2001. Mapping of the IgE-reactive portions of cat and dog albumin by gene fragmentation. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 124:95-96.

207.) Swoboda, I., N. de Weerd, P. L. Bhalla, V. Niederberger, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, H. Kahlert, H. Fiebig, C. Ebner, S. Spitzauer, R. Valenta, and M. B. Singh*. 2001. Hypoallergenic forms of the ryegrass pollen allergen Lol p 5 as candidates for immunotherapy. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 124:380-382.

208.) Vrtala, S., C. A. Akdis, F. Budak, M. Akdis, K. Blaser, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2001. Induction of blocking antibodies with T cell epitope-containing hypoallergenic recombinant Bet v 1 fragments. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 124:107-108.

209.) Valenta, R.*, and D. Kraft. 2001. Recombinant allergen molecules: tools to study effector cell activation. Immunol. Rev. 179:119-127. Review.

210.) Natter, S., G. Granditsch, G. Reichel, M. Baghestanian, P. Valent, L. Elfman, H. Grönlund, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2001. IgA cross-reactivity between a nuclear autoantigen and wheat proteins suggests molecular mimicry as a possible pathomechanism in celiac disease. Eur. J. Immunol. 31:918-928.

211.) Mossabeb, R., D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2001. Evaluation of the allergenic potential of Ginkgo biloba extracts. Wr. Klin. Wochenschr. 113:580-587.

212.) Swoboda, I., P. L. Bhalla, H. Xu, Y. Zang, I. Mittermann, R. Valenta, and M. B. Singh*. 2001. Identification of pronp1, a tobacco profilin gene activated in tip growing cells. Plant Mol. Biol. 46:531-538.

213.) Wiedermann, U.*, U. Herz, K. Baier, S. Vrtala, U. Neuhaus-Steinmetz, B. Bohle, G. Dekan, H. Renz, C. Ebner, R. Valenta, and D. Kraft. 2001. Intranasal treatment with a recombinant hypoallergic derivative of the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 prevents allergic sensitization and airway inflammation in mice. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 126:68-77.

214.) Grote, M.*, S. Vrtala, V. Niederberger, R. Wiermann, R. Valenta, and R. Reichelt. 2001. Release of allergen-bearing cytoplasm from hydrated pollen: a mechanism common to a variety of grass (Poaceae) species revealed by electron microscopy. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 108:109-115.

215.) Vrtala, S., K. Hirtenlehner, M. Susani, M. Akdis, F. Kussebi, C.A. Akdis, K. Blaser, P. Hufnagl, B. R. Binder, A. Politou, A. Pastore, L. Vangelista, W. R. Sperr, H. Sempber, P. Valent, C. Ebner, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2001. Genetic engineering of a hypoallergenic trimer of the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1. FASEB J. 15:2045-2047.

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216.) Focke, M., V. Mahler, T. Ball, W.R. Sperr, Y. Majlesi, P. Valent, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2001. Non-anaphylactic synthetic peptides derived from B-cell epitopes of the major grass pollen allergen, Phl p 1, for allergy vaccination. FASEB J. 15:2042-2044.

217.) Laffer, S., E. Hogbom, K. H. Roux, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, H. C. Bankl, L. Vangelista, F. Kricek, D. Kraft, H. Grönlund, and R. Valenta*. 2001. A molecular model of Type I allergy: Identification and characterization of a non-anaphylactic anti-human IgE antibody fragment that blocks the IgE-FcεRI interaction and reacts with receptor-bound IgE. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 108:409-416.

218.) Niederberger, V., P. Stübner, S. Spitzauer, D. Kraft, R. Valenta*, K. Ehrenberger, and F. Horak. 2001. Skin test results but not serology reflect immediate type respiratory sensitivity: a study performed with recombinant allergen molecules. J. Invest. Dermatol. 117:848-851.

219.) Sperr, W. R., J.H. Jordan, M. Baghestanian, H.P. Kiener, P. Samorapoompichit, H. Semper, A. Hauswirth, G.H. Schernthaner, A. Chott, S. Natter, D. Kraft, R. Valenta, L.B. Schwartz, K. Geissler, K. Lechner, and P. Valent*. 2001. Expression of mast cell tryptase by myeloblasts in a group of patients with acute myeloid leukemia. Blood. 98:2200-2209.

220.) Binder, M., V. Mahler, B. Hayek, W.R. Sperr, M. Scholler, S. Prozell, G. Wiedermann, P. Valent, R. Valenta, and M. Duchêne*. 2001. Molecular and immunological characterization of arginine kinase from the Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella, a novel cross-reactive invertebrate pan-allergen. J. Immunol. 167:5470-5477.

221.) Hochreiter, R., A. Hartl, J. Freund, R. Valenta, F. Ferreira, and J. Thalhammer*. 2001. The influence of CpG motifs on a protein or DNA-based Th2-Type immune response against major pollen allergens Bet v 1a, Phl p 2 and Escherichia coli-derived ß-galactosidase. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 124:406-410.


222.) Swoboda, I., N. de Weerd, P. L. Bhalla, V. Niederberger, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, H. Kahlert, H. Fiebig, P. Verdino, W. Keller, C. Ebner, S. Spitzauer, R. Valenta, and M. Singh*. 2002. Mutants of major ryegrass pollen allergen, Lol p 5, with reduced IgE binding capacity: candidates for grass pollen-specific immunotherapy. Eur. J. Immunol. 32:270-280.

223.) Tinghino, R., A. Twardosz, B. Barletta, E. M. R. Puggioni, P. Iacovacci, C. Butteroni, C. Afferni, A. Mari, B. Hayek, G. di Felice, M. Focke, K. Westritschnig, R. Valenta*, and C. Pini. 2002. Molecular, structural and immunological relationship between different families of recombinant calcium-binding pollen allergens. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 109:314-320.

224.) Hiller, R., S. Laffer, C. Harwanegg, M. Huber, W.M. Schmidt, A. Twardosz, B. Barletta, W.M. Becker, K. Blaser, H. Breiteneder, M. Chapman, R. Crameri, M. Duchêne, F. Ferreira, H. Fiebig, K. Hoffmann-Sommergruber, T.P. King, T. Kleber-Janke, V.P. Kurup, S.B. Lehrer, J. Lidholm, U. Müller, C. Pini, G. Reese, O. Scheiner, A. Scheynius, H.D. Shen, S. Spitzauer, R. Suck, I. Swoboda, W. Thomas, R. Tinghino, M. van Hage-Hamsten, T. Virtanen, D. Kraft, M.W. Müller, and R. Valenta*. 2002. Microarrayed allergen molecules: diagnostic gatekeepers for allergy treatment. FASEB J. 16:414-416.

225.) Niederberger, V., B. Niggemann, D. Kraft, S. Spitzauer, and R. Valenta*. 2002. Evolution of IgM, IgE and IgG1-4 antibody responses in early childhood monitored with recombinant allergen components: implications for class switch mechanisms. Eur. J. Immunol. 32:576-584.

226.) Taylor, P. E., R. C. Flagan, R. Valenta, and M. M. Glovsky*. 2002. Release of allergens as respirable aerosols: a link between grass pollen and asthma. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 109:51-56.

227.) Westritschnig, K., D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2002. Allergie und Autoimmunität. Rekombinante Allergene in der Diagnose der Typ I Allergie. Recombinant allergens for the diagnosis of type I allergy. Lab. Med. 26:120-129.

228.) Kazemi-Shirazi, L., Ch. Gasché, S. Natter, A. Gangl, J. Smolen, S. Spitzauer, P. Valent, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2002. IgA autoreactivity: a feature common to inflammatory bowel and connective tissue diseases. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 128:102-109.

229.) Swoboda, I., A. Bugajska-Schretter, P. Verdino, W. Keller, W.R. Sperr, P. Valent, R.Valenta*, and S. Spitzauer. 2002. Recombinant carp parvalbumin, the major cross-reactive fish allergen: a tool for diagnosis and therapy of fish allergy. J. Immunol. 168:4576-4584.

230.) Kinaciyan, T., S. Natter, D. Kraft, G. Stingl, and R. Valenta*. 2002. IgE autoantibodies monitored in a patient with atopic dermatitis under cyclosporin: a treatment reflect tissue damage. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 109:717-719.

231.) van Hage-Hamsten, M.*, and R. Valenta. 2002. Specific immunotherapy – the induction of new IgE-specificities? Allergy. 57:375-378.

232.) Valenta, R.*. 2002. Recombinant allergen-based concepts for diagnosis and therapy of type I allergy. Allergy. 57:66-67.

233.) Kazemi-Shirazi, L., V. Niederberger, B. Linhart, J. Lidholm, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2002. Recombinant marker allergens: diagnostic gatekeepers for the treatment of allergy. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 127:259-268. Review.

234.) Niederberger, V., A. Purohit, J.P. Oster, S. Spitzauer, R. Valenta, and G. Pauli*. 2002. The allergen profile of ash (Fraxinus excelsior) pollen: cross-reactivity with allergens from various plant species. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 2:933-941.

235.) Valenta, R.*. 2002. The future of antigen-specific immunotherapy of allergy.

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237.) Flicker, S., P. Steinberger, L. Norderhaug, W.R. Sperr, Y. Majlesi, P. Valent, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2002. Conversion of grass pollen allergen-specific human IgE into a protective IgG1 antibody. Eur. J. Immunol. 32:2156-62.

238.) Movérare, R.*, K. Westritschnig, B. Hayek, M. Bende, G. Pauli, R. Sorva, T. Haahtela, and R. Valenta, L. Elfman. 2002. Different IgE reactivity profiles in birch pollen-sensitive patients from six European populations revealed by recombinant allergens. an imprint of local sensitization. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 128:325-335.

239.) Swoboda, I.*, A. Bugajska-Schretter, R. Valenta, and S. Spitzauer. 2002. Recombinant fish parvalbumins: candidates for diagnosis and treatment of fish allergy. Allergy. 57:94-96.

240.) Hauswirth, A. W., S. Natter, M. Ghannadan, Y. Majlesi, G.H. Schernthaner, W.R. Sperr, H.J. Bühring, R. Valenta, and P. Valent*. 2002. Recombinant allergens promote expression of CD203c on basophils in sensitised individuals. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 110:102-109.

241.) DeWitt, A. M., V. Niederberger, P. Lehtonen, S. Spitzauer, W.R. Sperr, P. Valent, R. Valenta, and J. Lidholm. 2002. Molecular and immunological characterization of a novel timothy grass (Phleum pratense) pollen allergen, Phl p 11. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 32:1329-1340.

242.) Valenta. R.*, and D. Kraft. 2002. From allergen structure to new forms of allergen-specific immunotherapy. Curr. Opin. Immunol. 14:718-727. Review.

243.) Stumvoll, S., J. Lidholm, R. Thunberg, A.M. DeWitt, P. Eibensteiner, I. Swoboda, A. Bugajska-Schretter, S. Spitzauer, L. Vangelista, L. Kazemi-Shirazi, W.R. Sperr, P. Valent, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2002. Purification, structural and immunological characterization of a timothy grass (Phleum pratense) pollen allergen, Phl p 4, with cross-reactive potential. Biol. Chem. 383:1383-1396.

244.) Mossabeb, R., S. Seiberler, I. Mittermann, R. Reininger, S. Spitzauer, S. Natter, P. Verdino, W. Keller, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2002. Characterization of a novel isoform of α-nascent polypeptide-associated complex as IgE-defined autoantigen. J. Invest. Dermatol. 119:820-829.

245.) Budde, I. K., P.G. de Heer, S. Natter, V. Mahler, J.S. van der Zee, R. Valenta, and R.C. Aalberse*. 2002. Studies on the association between IgE autoreactivity and IgE-dependent histamine releasing factors. Immunology.107:243-251.

246.) Grote, M.*, S. Stumvoll, R. Reichelt, J. Lidholm, and R. Valenta. 2002. Identification of an allergen related to rPhl p 4, a major timothy grass pollen allergen, in pollens, vegetables, and fruits by immunogold electron microscopy. Biol. Chem. 383:1441-1445.

247.) Maglio, O., J. W.Saldhana, S. Vrtala, S. Spitzauer, R. Valenta, and A. Pastore*. 2002. A major IgE epitope-containing grass pollen allergen domain from Phl p 5 folds as a four-helix bundle. Protein Engineering.15:635-642.

248.) van Hage-Hamsten, M.*, E. Johansson, A. Roquet, C. Peterson, M. Andersson, L. Greiff, S. Vrtala, R. Valenta, and R. Grönneberg. 2002. Nasal challenges with recombinant derivatives of the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 induce fewer symptoms and lower mediator release than rBet v 1 wild-type in patients with allergic rhinitis. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 32:1448-1453.

249.) Grönlund, H.*, S. Vrtala, U. Wiedermann, G. Dekan, D. Kraft, R. Valenta, and M. van-Hage-Hamsten. 2002. Carbohydrate-based particles (CBP): a new adjuvant for allergen-specific immunotherapy. Immunology. 107:523-529.

250.) Verdino, P., K. Westritschnig, R. Valenta, and W. Keller*. 2002. The cross-reactive calcium-binding pollen allergen, Phl p 7, reveals a novel dimer assembly. EMBO J. 21:5007-5016.


251.) Majlesi, Y., P. Samorapoompichit, A.W. Hauswirth G.H. Schenrthaner, M. Ghannadan, M. Baghestanian, A. Rezaie-Majd, R. Valenta, W.R. Sperr, H.J. Bühring, and P. Valent*. 2003. Cerivastatin and atorvastatin inhibit IL-3-dependent differentiation and IgE-mediated histamine release in human basophils and downmodulate expression of the basophil-activation antigen CD203c/E-NPP3. J. Leukocyte Biol. 73:107-117.

252.) Harwanegg, C., S. Laffer, R. Hiller, M. W. Müller, D. Kraft, S. Spitzauer, and R. Valenta*. 2003. Microarrayed recombinant allergens for diagnosis of allergy. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 33:7-13. Review.

253.) Westritschnig, K., E. Sibanda, W. Thomas, H. Auer, H. Aspöck, G. Pittner, S. Vrtala, S. Spitzauer, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2003. Analysis of the sensitisation profile towards allergens in Central Africa. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 33:22-27.

254.) Verdino, P., K. Westritschnig, R. Valenta, and W. Keller*. 2003. Three-dimensional structure of the panallergen Phl p 7. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol.130:10-11.

255.) Reininger, R., H. Exner, C. Kuderna, H. Rumpold, N. Balic, R. Valenta, and S. Spitzauer*. 2003. Possible modes of allergen-specific sensitization and boosting in an atopic child. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 130:275-279.

256.) Grote, M.*, R. Valenta, and R. Reichelt. 2003. Abortive pollen germination: a mechanism of allergen release in birch, alder, and hazel revealed by immunogold electron microscopy. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 111:1017-1023.

257.) Stumvoll, S., K. Westritschnig, J. Lidholm, S. Spitzauer, P. Colombo, G. Duro, D. Kraft, D. Geraci, and R. Valenta*. 2003. Indentification of cross-reactive and genuine Parietaria judaica pollen allergens. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 111:974-979.

258.) Laffer, S., S. Hamdi, C. Lupinek, W.R. Sperr, P. Valent, P. Verdino, W. Keller, M. Grote, K. Hoffmann-Sommergruber, O. Scheiner, D. Kraft, M. Rideau, and R. Valenta*. 2003. Molecular characterization of recombinant T1, a non-allergenic periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) protein, with sequence similarity to the Bet v 1 plant allergen family. Biochem. J. 373:261-269.

259.) Hochreiter, R., T. Stepanoska, F. Ferreira, R. Valenta, S. Vrtala, J. Thalhamer*, and A. Hartl. 2003. Prevention of allergen-specific IgE production and suppression of an established Th2-type response by immunization with DNA encoding hypoallergenic allergen derivatives of Bet v 1, the major birch pollen allergen. Eur. J. Immunol. 33:1667-1676.

260.) Bohle, B., I. Swoboda, S. Spitzauer, H. Breiteneder, K. Hoffmann-Sommergruber, O. Scheiner, C. Ebner, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2003. Food allergens: structure and function. In: Food Allergy: Adverse Reactions to foods and food additives. Blackwell, Malden, 3:38-50, USA.

261.) Mothes, N., M. Heinzkill, K.J. Drachenberg, W.R. Sperr, M.T. Krauth, Y. Majlesi, H. Semper, P. Valent, V. Niederberger, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2003. Allergen-specific immunotherapy with a monophosphoryl lipid A-adjuvanted vaccine: reduced seasonally boosted immunoglobulin E production and inhibition of basophil histamine release by therapy-induced blocking antibodies. Clin. Exp. Allergy.33: 1198-1208.

262.) Grönlund, H.*, T. Bergman, K. Sandström, G. Alvelius, R. Reininger, P. Verdino, A. Hauswirth, K. Liderot, P. Valent, S. Spitzauer, W. Keller, R. Valenta, and M. van Hage-Hamsten. 2003. Formation of disulfide bonds and homodimers of the major cat allergen Fel d 1 equivalent to the natural allergen by expression in Escherichia coli. J. Biol. Chem. 278:40144-40151.

263.) Focke, M.*, W. Hemmer, R. Valenta, M. Götz, and R. Jarisch. 2003. Identification of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) pollen profilin as a cross-reative allergen. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 132:116-123.

264.) Flicker, S., and R. Valenta*. 2003. Renaissance of the blocking antibody concept in Type I allergy. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 132:13-24. Review.

265.) Westritschnig, K., and R. Valenta. Can we genetically engineer safer and more effective immunotherapy reagents? Curr. Opin. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 3:495-500. Review.

266.) Reininger, R., I. Swoboda, B. Bohle, A.W. Hauswirth, P. Valent, H. Rumpold, R. Valenta*, and S. Spitzauer. 2003. Characterization of recombinant cat albumin. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 33:1695-1702.

267.) Hartl, A.*, R. Weiss, R. Hochreiter, S. Scheiblhofer, R. Bauer, R. Valenta, F. Ferreira, W. Leitner, and J. Thalhamer. 2003. Strategies for the development of safe and effective DNA vacines for allergy treatment. Arb. Paul Ehrlich Inst. Bundesamt

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269.) Harwanegg, C., S. Spitzauer, R. Valenta, M. W. Müller, and R. Hiller*. 2004. Protein biochips for the profilin of allergen-specific antibodies. Chapter 13. In: Protein Microarrays, Ed. M. Schena, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury Massachusetts, USA.

270.) Valenta, R.*, T. Ball, M. Focke, B. Linhart, N. Mothes, V. Niederberger, S. Spitzauer, I. Swoboda, S. Vrtala, K. Westritschnig, and D. Kraft. 2004. Immunotherapy of allergic diseases. Adv. Immunol. 82:105-153. Review.

271.) Mothes, N., K. Westritschnig, and R.Valenta*. 2004. Tree pollen allergens. Clin. Allergy Immunol. In: Allergens and Allergen Immunotherapy for Allergic Diseases. Marcel Dekker, New York, USA, 18:165-184.

272.) Mahler, V., S. Vrtala, O. Kuss, T.L. Diepgen, R. Suck, O. Cromwell, H. Fiebig, A. Hartl, J. Thalhamer, G. Schuler, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2004. Vaccines for birch pollen allergy based on genetically-engineered hypoallergenic derivatives of the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 34:115-122.

273.) Pittner, G., S. Vrtala*, W.R. Thomas, M. Weghofer, M. Kundi, F. Horak, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta. 2004. Component-resolved diagnosis of house-dust mite allergy with purified natural and recombinant mite allergens. Clin. Exp. Allergy.34: 597-603.

274.) Marth, K., M. Focke, S. Flicker, and R. Valenta*. 2004. Human monoclonal antibody-based quantification of group 2 grass pollen allergens. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 113:470-474.

275.) Westritschnig, K., M. Focke, P. Verdino, W. Goessler, W. Keller, A. Twardosz, A. Mari, F. Horak, U. Wiedermann, A. Hartl, J. Thalhamer, W.R. Sperr, P. Valent, and R. Valenta*. 2004. Generation of an allergy vaccine by disruption of the three-dimensional structure of the cross-reactive calcium-binding allergen, Phl p 7. J. Immunol. 172:5684-5692.

276.) Swoboda, I.*, M. Grote, P. Verdino, W. Keller, M.B. Singh, N. De Weerd, W.R. Sperr, P. Valent, N. Balic, R. Reichelt, R. Suck, H. Fiebig, R. Valenta, and S. Spitzauer. 2004. Molecular characterization of polygalacturonases as grass pollen-specific marker allergens: expulsion from pollen via submicronic respirable particles. J. Immunol. 172:6490-6500.

277.) Novak, N.*, R. Valenta, B. Bohle, S. Laffer, J. Haberstok, S. Kraft, and T. Bieber. 2004. FcepsilonRI engagement of Langerhans cell-like dendritic cells and inflammatory dendritic epidermal cell-like dendritic cells induces chemotactic signals and different T-cell phenotypes in vitro. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 113:949-957.

278.) Valent, P.*, A. W. Hauswirth, S. Natter, W. R. Sperr, H. J. Bühring, and R. Valenta. 2004. Assays for measuring in vitro basophil activation induced by recombinant allergens. Methods. 32:265-270. Review.

279.) Vrtala, S.*, M. Focke-Tejkl, I. Swoboda, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta. 2004. Strategies for converting allergens into hypoallergenic vaccine candidates. Methods. 32:313-320. Review.

280.) Valenta, R.*, and D. Kraft. 2004 Recombinant allergens: from production and characterization to diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of allergy. Methods. 32:207-208.

281.) Akdis, M., J. Verhagen, A. Taylor, F. Karamloo, C. Karagiannidis, R. Crameri, S. Thunberg, G. Deniz, R. Valenta, H. Fiebig, C. Kegel, R. Disch, C. B. Schmidt-Weber, K. Blaser, and C. A. Akdis*. 2004. Immune responses in healthy and allergic individuals are characterized by a fine balance between allergen-specific T regulatory 1 and T helper 2 cells. J. Exp. Med. 199:1567-1575.

282.) Westrischnig, K*, and R. Valenta. 2004. Die Allergene-Spektrum und Vorkommen. Kapitel 4a. Manuale Allergologicum, Dustrie Verlag, Germany.

283.) Bünder, R., I. Mittermann, U. Herz, M. Focke, M. Wegmann, R. Valenta*, and H. Renz*. 2004. Induction of autoallergy with an environmental allergen mimicking a self-protein in a murine model of experimental allergic asthma. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 114:422-428.

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285.) Niederberger, V., F. Horak, S. Vrtala, S. Spitzauer, M.T. Krauth, P. Valent, J. Reisinger, M. Pelzmann, B. Hayek, M. Kronquist, G. Gavelin, H. Grönlund, A. Purohit, R. Suck, H. Fiebig, O. Cromwell, G. Pauli, M. van Hage-Hamsten, and R. Valenta*. 2004. Vaccination with genetically engineered allergens prevents progression of allergic disease. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA .101, Suppl 2:14677-14682.

286.) Focke, M., B. Linhart, A. Hartl, U. Wiedermann-Schmidt, W. R. Sperr, P. Valent, J. Thalhamer, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2004. Non-anaphylactic surface-exposed peptides of the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1, for preventive vaccination. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 34:1525-1533.

287.) Linhart, B., and R. Valenta*. 2004. Vaccine engineering improved by hybrid technology. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 134:324-331. Review.

288.) Mothes, N., and R. Valenta*. 2004. Biology of tree pollen allergens. Curr. Allergy Asthma Rep. 4:384-390. Review.

289.) Mittermann, I., K.J. Aichberger, R. Bünder, N. Mothes, H. Renz, and R. Valenta*. 2004. Autoimmunity and atopic dermatitis. Curr. Opin. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 4:367-371. Review.

290.) Novak, N.*, J.P. Allam, T. Hagemann, C. Jennek, S. Laffer, R. Valenta, J. Kochan, and T. Bieber. 2004. Characterization of FcepsilonRI-bearing CD123 blood dendritic cell antigen-2 plasmacytoid dendritic cells in atopic dermatitis. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 114:364-370.

291.) Mothes, N., F. Horak, and R. Valenta*. 2004. Transition from a botanical to a molecular classification in tree pollen allergy: implications for diagnosis and therapy. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 135:357-373. Review.

292.) Niederberger, V.*, and R. Valenta. 2004. Genetically modified allergens. Immunol. Allergy Clin. N. Am. 24:727-738. Review.

293.) Niederberger, V., and R. Valenta*. 2004. Recombinant allergens for immunotherapy. Where do we stand? Curr. Opin. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 4:549-554. Review.

294.) Limmongkon, A., C. Giuliani, R. Valenta, I. Mittermann, E. Heberle-Bors, and C. Wilson*. 2004. MAP kinase phosphorylation of plant profilin. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 324:382-386.

295.) Hantusch, B., S. Krieger, E. Untersmayr, I. Schöll, R. Knittelfelder, S. Flicker, S. Spitzauer, R. Valenta, G. Boltz-Nitulescu, O. Scheiner, and E. Jensen-Jarolim*. 2004. Mapping of conformational IgE-epitopes on Phl p 5a using mimotopes from a phage display library. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 114:1294-1300.


296.) Ball, T., W. Edstrom, L. Mauch, J. Schmitt, B. Leistler, H. Fiebig, W.R. Sperr, A.W. Hauswirth, P. Valent, D. Kraft, S.C. Almo, and R. Valenta*. 2005. Gain of structure and IgE epitopes by eukaryotic expression of the major timothy grass pollen allergen, Phl p 1. FEBS. J. 272:217-227.

297.) Purohit, A., S. Laffer, C. Metz-Favre, A. Verot, F. Kricek, R. Valenta, and G. Pauli*. 2005. Poor association between allergen-specific serum IgE levels, skin sensitivity and basophil degranulation: A study with recombinant birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 and an IgE detection system measuring IgE capable of binding to FcεRI. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 35:186-192.

298.) Grote, M.*, I. Swoboda, R. Valenta, and R. Reichelt. 2005. Group 13 allergens as environmental and immunological markers for grass pollen allergy: studies by immunogold field emission scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 136:303-310.

299.) Batard, T., A. Didierlaurent, H. Chabre, N. Mothes, L. Bussieres, B. Bohle, M.-N. Couret, T. Ball, P. Lemoine, M. Focke-Tejkl, A. Chenal, G. Clement, F. Dupont, P. Valent, M. T. Krauth, C. Andre, R. Valenta, and P. Moingeon*. 2005. Characterization of wild-type recombinant Bet v 1a as a candidate vaccine against birch pollen allergy. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 136:239-249.

300.) Reisinger, J., A. Triendl, E. Küchler, B. Bohle, M.T. Krauth, P. Valent, F. König, R. Valenta, and V. Niederberger*. 2005. Interferon-γ-enhanced allergen penetration across respiratory epithelium augments allergic inflammation. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 115:973-981.

301.) Sellge, G., S. Laffer, C. Mierke, M. Hoffmann, S. Vrtala, M. P. Manns, R. Valenta, and S. C. Bischoff*. 2005. Fcε receptor I supercross-linking of human mast cells: a novel mechanism of IgG-dependent enhancement of type I allergic reactions. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 35:774-781.

302.) Reisinger, J., F. Horak, G. Pauli, M. van Hage, O. Cromwell, F. König, R. Valenta, and V. Niederberger*. 2005. Allergen-specific IgG antibodies in nasal secretions induced by vaccination with genetically modified allergens are associated with reduced nasal allergen sensitivity. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 116:347-354.

303.) Linhart, B., A. Hartl, B. Jahn-Schmid, P. Verdino, W. Keller, M. T. Krauth, P. Valent, F. Horak, U. Wiedermann, J. Thalhamer, C. Ebner, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2005. A hybrid molecule resembling the epitope spectrum of grass pollen for allergy vaccination. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 115:1010-1016.

304.) Aichberger, K. J., I. Mittermann, R. Reininger, S. Seiberler, I. Swoboda, S. Spitzauer, T. Kopp, G. Stingl, W.R. Sperr, P. Valent, B. Bohle, D. Kraft, and R.Valenta*. 2005. Hom s 4, an IgE-reactive autoantigen belonging to a new subfamily of calcium-binding proteins can induce Th cell type 1-mediated autoreactivity. J. Immunol. 175:1286-1294.

305.) Mittermann, I., V. Voronin, E. Heberle-Bors, and R. Valenta. 2005. Identification of a villin-related tobacco protein as a novel cross-reactive plant allergen. FEBS Lett. 579:3807-3813.

306.) Gafvelin, G.*, S. Thunberg, M. Kronqvist, H. Grönlund, R. Grönneberg, M. Troye-Blomberg, M. Akdis, H. Fiebig, A. Purohit, F. Horak, J. Reisinger, V. Niederberger, C. Akdis, O. Cromwell, G. Pauli, R. Valenta, and M. van Hage-Hamsten. 2005. Cytokine and antibody responses in birch-pollen-allergic patients treated with genetically modified derivates of the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 138:59-66.

307.) Mothes, N., B. Niggemann, C. Jenneck, T. Hagemann, S. Weidinger, T. Bieber, R. Valenta, and N. Novak*. 2005. The cradle of IgE autoreactivity in atopic eczema lies in early infancy. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 116:706-709.

308.) Spök, A., H. Gaugitsch, S. Laffer, H. Sampson, R. G. Pauli, H. Saito, E. Sibanda, W. Thomas, and R. Valenta*. 2005. Suggestions for the assessment of the allergenic potential of genetically modified organisms. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 137:167-180.

309.) Hufnagl, K., B. Winkler, M. Focke, R. Valenta, O. Scheiner, H. Renz, and U. Wiedermann*. 2005. Intranasal tolerance induction with polypeptides derived from 3 noncrossreactive major aeroallergens prevents allergic polysensitization in mice.

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310.) Linhart, B., and R. Valenta*. 2005. Molecular design of allergy vaccines. Curr. Opin. Immunol. 17:646-655. Review.

311.) Constantin, C., W. D. Huber, G. Granditsch, M. Weghofer, and R. Valenta*. 2005. Different profiles of wheat antigens recognized by patients suffering from coeliac disease and IgE-mediated food allergy. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 138:257-266.

312.) Weghofer, M., W. R. Thomas, G. Pittner, R. Valenta, and S. Vrtala*. 2005. Recombinant Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus allergens contain the IgE epitopes of their natural isoforms: a two-dimensional immunolblot inhibition study. Clin. Exp. Allergy 35:1384-1391.


313.) Ledesma, A., R. Barderas, K. Westritschnig, J. Quiralte, C. Y. Pascual, R. Valenta, M. Villalba, and R. Rodriguez*. 2006. A comparative analysis of the cross-reactivity in the polcalcin family including Syr v 3, a new member from lilac pollen. Allergy. 61:477-484; DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2006.00969.x.

314.) Mothes, N., R. Valenta, and S. Spitzauer. 2006. Allergy testing: the role of recombinant allergens. Clin. Chem. Lab. Med. 44:125-132; . Review.

315.) Niederberger, V.*, and R. Valenta. 2006. Molecular approaches for new vaccines against allergy. Expert Rev. Vaccines. 5:103-110; DOI: 10.1586/14760584.5.1.103. Review.

316.) Winkler, B., K. Hufnagl, A. Spittler, M. Ploder, E. Kállay, S. Vrtala, R. Valenta, M. Kundi, H. Renz, and U. Wiedermann*. 2006. The role of Foxp3+ T cells in long term efficacy of prophylactic and therapeutic mucosal tolerance induction in mice. Allergy. 61:173-180; DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2006.01014.x.

317.) Bousquet, J.*, J. Anto, C. Bachert, P. J. Bousquet, P. Colombo, R. Crameri, M. Daeron, W. Fokkens, B. Leyanert, C. Lahoz, M. Maurer, G. Passalacqua, R. Valenta, M. van Hage, and R. van Ree. 2006. Factors responsible for differences between asymptomatic subjects and patients presenting an IgE sensitization to allergens. Allergy. 61:671-680; DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2006.01048.x.

318.) Rauter, I., M. T. Krauth, S. Flicker, A. Gieras, K. Westritschnig, S. Vrtala, N. Balic, S. Spitzauer, J. Huss-Marp, K. Brockow, U. Darsow, J. Ring, H. Behrendt, H. Semper, P. Valent, and R. Valenta*. 2006. Allergen cleavage by effector cell-derived proteases regulates allergic inflammation. FASEB J. 20:967-969; DOI: 10.1096/fj.05-3999fje.

319.) Flicker, S., P. Steinberger, T. Ball, M. T. Krauth, P. Verdino, P. Valent, S. Almo, and R. Valenta*. 2006. Spatial clustering of the IgE epitopes on the major timothy grass pollen allergen, Phl p 1: importance for allergenic activity. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 117:1336-1343; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2006.02.012.

320.) Palomares, O., I. Swoboda, M. Villalba, N. Balic, S. Spitzauer, R. Rodriguez, and R. Valenta*. 2006. The major allergen of olive pollen Ole e 1 is a diagnostic marker for sensitization to Oleaceae. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 141:110-118; DOI: 10.1159/000094713.

321.) Gabler, M., S. Scheiblhofer, K. Kern, W. W. Leitner, A. Stöcklinger, C. Hauser-Kronberger, B. Alinger, B. Lechner, M. Prinz, S. Vrtala, R. Valenta, J. Thalhamer*, and R. Weiss. 2006. Immunization with low-dose replicon DNA vaccine encoding Phl p 5 effectively prevents allergic sensitizations. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 118:734-741; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2006.04.048.

322.) Andréasson, U., S. Flicker, M. Lindstedt, R. Valenta, L. Greiff, M. Korsgren, C. A. K. Borrebaeck, and M. Ohlin*. 2006. The human IgE-encoding transcriptome to assess antibody repertoires and repertoire evolution. J. Mol. Biol. 362:212-227; DOI: 10.1016/j.jmb.2006.06.062.

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323.) Larché, M.*, C.A. Akdis, and R. Valenta. Immunological mechanisms of allergen-specific immunotherapy. Nature Rev. Immunol. 6:761-771; DOI: 10.1038/nri1934. Review.

324.) Mahler, V., C. Gutgesell, R. Valenta, and T. Fuchs*. 2006. Natural rubber latex and hymenoptera venoms share IgE epitopes accounting for cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 36:1446-1456; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2006.02587.x.


325) Niederberger, V., J. Ring, J. Rakoski, S. Jäger, S. Spitzauer, P. Valent, F. Horak, M. Kundi, and R. Valenta*. 2007. Antigens drive memory IgE-responses in human allergy via the nasal mucosa. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 142:133-144; DOI: 10.1159/000096439.

326.) Stern, D. A., J. Riedler, D. Nowak, C. Braun-Fahrlander, I. Swoboda, N. Balic, K.-W. Chen, S. Vrtala, H. Grönlund, M. van Hage, R. Valenta, S. Spitzauer, E. von Mutius, and D. Vercelli*. 2007. Exposure to a farming environment has allergen-specific protective effects on Th2-dependent isotype switching in response to common inhalants. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 119:351-358; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2006.10.013.

327.) Gieras, A., M. Focke-Tejkl, T. Ball, P. Verdino, A. Hartl, J. Thalhamer, and R. Valenta*. 2007. Molecular determinants of allergen-induced effector cell degranulation. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 119: 384-390; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2006.09.034.

328.) Reininger, R., E. M. Varga, M. Zach, N. Balic, A. D. Lindemeier, I. Swoboda, H. Grönlund, M. van Hage, H. Rumpold, R. Valenta, and S. Spitzauer*. 2007. Detection of an allergen in dog dander that cross-reacts with the major cat allergen, Fel d 1. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 37:116-124; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222-2006.02611.x.

329.) Niederberger, V.*, J. Reisinger, P. Valent, M.-T. Krauth, G. Pauli, M. van Hage, O. Cromwell, F. Horak, and R. Valenta. 2007. Vaccination with genetically modified birch pollen allergens: immune and clinical effects on oral allergy syndrome. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 119:1013-1016; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2006.12.661.

330.) Padavattan, S., T. Schirmer, M. Schmidt, C. Akdis, R. Valenta, I. Mittermann, L. Soldatova, J.Slater, U. Mueller, and Z. Markovic-Housley*. 2007. Identification of a B-cell epitope of hyaluronidase, a major bee venom allergen, from ist crystal structure in complex with a specific Fab. J. Mol. Biol. 368:742-752; DOI: 10.1016/j.jmb.2007.02.036.

331.) Valenta, R.*, and V. Niederberger. 2007. Recombinant allergens for immunotherapy. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 119:826-830; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2007.01.025. Review.

332.) Linhart, B., S. Bigenzahn, A. Hartl, C. Lupinek, J. Thalhammer, R. Valenta*, and T. Wekerle*. 2007. Costimulation blockade inhibits allergic sensitization but does not affect established allergy in a murine model of grass pollen allergy. J. Immunol. 178:3924-3931; .

333.) Hauswirth, A. W., K. Sonneck, S. Florian, M. T. Krauth, A. Böhm, W. R. Sperr, R. Valenta, G.H. Schernthaner, D. Printz, G. Fritsch, H. J. Bühring, and P. Valent*. 2007. Interleukin-3 promotes the expression of E-NPP3/CD203C on human blood basophils in healthy subjects and in patients with birch pollen allergy. Int. J. Immunopathol. Pharmacol. 20:267-278; .

334.) Vrtala, S., M. Focke, J. Kopec, P. Verdino, A. Hartl, W.R. Sperr, A.A. Fedorov, T. Ball, S. Almo, P. Valent, J. Thalhamer, W. Keller, and R. Valenta*. 2007. Genetic engineering of the major timothy grass pollen allergen, Phl p 6, to reduce allergenic activity and preserve immunogenicity. J. Immunol. 179:1730-1739; .

335.) Swoboda, I.*, A. Bugajska-Schretter, B. Linhart, P. Verdino, W. Keller, U. Schulmeister, W.R. Sperr, P. Valent, G. Peltre, S. Quirce, N. Douladiris, N.G. Papadopoulos, R. Valenta, and S. Spitzauer. 2007. A recombinant hypoallergenic parvalbumin mutant for immunotherapy of IgE mediated fish allergy. J. Immunol. 178:6290-6296; .

336.) Metz-Favre, C., B. Linhart, M. Focke-Tejkl, A. Purohit, F. de Blay, R. Valenta, and G. Pauli*. 2007. Skin test diagnosis of grass pollen allergy with recombinant hybrid molecule. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 120:315-321: DOI; 10.1016/j.jaci.2007.03.046.

337.) Garn, H.*, I. Mittermann, R. Valenta, and H. Renz. 2007. Autosensitization as a pathomechanism in asthma. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 1107:417-425; DOI: 10.1196/annals.1381.044.

338.) Bussmann, C., L. Maintz, A. J. Hart, J. P. Allam, S. Vrtala, K. W. Chen,T. Bieber, W. R. Thomas, R. Valenta, T. Zuberbier, A. Sager, and N. Novak*. 2007. Clinical improvement and immunological changes in atopic dermatitis patients undergoing subcutaneous immunotherapy with house dust mite allergens: a pilot study. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 37:1277-1285;DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2007.02783.x.

339.) Pree, I., J. Reisinger, M. Focke, S. Vrtala, G. Pauli, M. van Hage, O. Cromwell, E. Gadermaier, C. Egger, N. Reider, F. Horak, R. Valenta*, and V. Niederberger. 2007. Analysis of epitope-specific immune responses induced by vaccination with structurally folded and unfolded recombinant Bet v 1-derivatives in man. J. Immunol. 179:5309-5316; .

340.) Westritschnig, K., B. Linhart, M. Focke-Tejkl, T. Pavkov, W. Keller, T. Ball, A. Mari, A. Hartl, A. Stöcklinger, S.Scheiblhofer, J. Thalhamer, F. Ferreira, S. Vieths, A. Böhm, P. Valent, and R. Valenta*. 2007. A hypoallergenic vaccine obtained by tail-to-head restructuring of timothy grass pollen profilin, Phl p 12, for the treatment of cross-sensitization to Profilin. J. Immunol. 179:7624-7634; .

341.) Admyre, C., B. Bohle, S.M. Johansson, M. Focke-Tejkl, R. Valenta, A. Scheynius, and S. Gabrielsson*. 2007. B cell-derived exosomes can present allergen peptides and activate allergen-specific T cells to proliferate and produce TH2-like cytokines. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 120:1418-1420; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2007.06.040.

342.) Valenta, R.*, T. Twaroch, and I. Swoboda. 2007. Component-resolved diagnosis to optimize allergen-specific immunotherapy in the Mediterranean area. J. Investig. Allergol. Clin. Immunol. 17 Suppl. 1:36-40. . Review.


343.) Schulmeister, U., I.Swoboda, S.Quirce, B. de la Hoz, M. Ollert, G. Pauli, R. Valenta, and S. Spitzauer. 2008. Sensitization to human milk. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 38:60-68; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2007.02860.x.

344.) Rauter, I., M. T. Krauth, K. Westritschnig, F. Horak, S. Flicker, A. Gieras, A. Repa, N. Balic, S. Spitzauer, J. Huss-Marp, K. Brockow, U. Darsow, H. Behrendt, J. Ring, F. Kricek, P. Valent, and R. Valenta*. 2008. Mast cell derived proteases control allergic inflammation through cleavage of IgE. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 121:197-202; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2007.08.015.

345.) Mittermann, I., R. Reininger, M. Zimmerman, K. Gangl, J. Reisinger, K.J. Aichberger, E.K. Greisenegger, V. Niederberger, J. Seipelt, B. Bohle, T. Kopp, C.A. Akdis, S. Spitzauer, P. Valent, and R. Valenta*. 2008. The IgE-reactive autoantigen Hom s 2 induces damage of respriatory epithelial cells and keratinocytes via induction of Ifh-(. J. Invest. Dermatol. 128:1451-1459; DOI: 10.1038/sj.jid.5701195.

346.) Flicker, S., B. Steinberger, P.B. Eibensteiner, S. Lebecque, D. Kraft, and R. Valenta*. 2008. Molecular characterization of a human immunoglobulin G4 antibody specific for the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 38:365-373; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2007.02883.x.

347.) Niederberger, V., and R. Valenta. 2008. Pollen Allergy. In: Recent Trends on Aerobiology. Allergy and Immunology. Eds: Hari M. Vijay and Viswanath P. Kurup. Research Signpost, Trivandru, Kerala, India; .

348.) Grote, M.*, K. Westritschnig, and R. Valenta. Immunogold electronmicroscopic localization of the 2 EF-Hand calcium binding pollen allergen Phl p 7 and its homologues in pollens of grasses, weeds and trees. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol.146:113-121; DOI: 10.1159/000113514.

349.) Kneidinger, M., U. Schmidt, U. Rix, K. V. Gleixner, A. Vales, C. Baumgartner, C. Lupinek, M. Weghofer, K. Bennett, H. Herrmann, A. Schebesta, W. R. Thomas, S. Vrtala, R. Valenta, F. Y. Lee, W. Ellmeier, G. Superti-Furga, and P. Valent*. 2008. The effects of dasatinib on IgE receptor-dependent activation and histamine release in human basophils. Blood. 111:3097-3107; DOI: 10.1182/blood-2007-08-104372.

350.) Verdino, P.*, R. Barderas, M. Villalba, K. Westritschnig, R. Valenta, R. Rodriguez, and W. Keller*. 2008. Three-dimensional structure of the cross-reactive pollen allergen Che a 3: visualizing cross-reactivity on the molecular surfaces of weed, grass and tree pollen allergens. J. Immunol. 180:2313-2321; .

351.) Campana, R., N. Mothes, I. Rauter, S. Vrtala, R. Reininger, M. Focke-Tejkl, C. Lupinek, N. Balic, S. Spitzauer, and R. Valenta*. 2008. Non-IgE-mediated chronic allergic skin inflammation revealed with rBet v 1 fragments. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 121:528-530; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2007.09.014.

352.) Weghofer, M., Y. Dall’Antonia, M. Grote, A. Stöcklinger, M. Kneidinger, N. Balic, M.-T. Krauth, E. Fernández-Caldas, W. R. Thomas, M. van Hage, S. Vieths, S. Spitzauer, F. Horak, D. I. Svergun, P. V. Konarev, P. Valent, J. Thalhamer, W. Keller, R. Valenta, and S. Vrtala*. 2008. Characterization of Der p 21, a new important allergen derived from the gut of house dust mites. Allergy. 63:758-767; DOI: 10.1159/000135696.

353.) Chen, K. W., G. Fuchs, K. Sonneck, A. Gieras, I. Swoboda, N. Douladiris, B. Linhart, M. Jankovic, T. Pavkov, W. Keller, N. G. Papadopoulos, P. Valent, R. Valenta, and S. Vrtala*. 2008. Reduction of the in vivo allergenicity of Der p 2, the major house dust mite allergen, by genetic engineering. Mol. Immunol. 45:2486-2498; DOI: 10.1016/j.molimm.2008.01.006.

354.) Bonura, A., L. Gulino, A. Trapani, G. Di Felice, R. Tinghino, S. Amoroso, R. Valenta, K. Westritschnig, E.Scala, A. Mari, and P. Colombo*. 2008. Isolation, expression and immunological characterization of a calcium-binding protein from Parietaria pollen. Mol. Immunol. 45:2465-2473; DOI: 10.1016/j.molimm.2008.01.009.

355.) Persson, H., S. Flicker, M.K. Sadegh, L. Greiff, R. Valenta, and M. Ohlin*. 2008. A common idiotype in IgE and its relation to recognition of the grass pollen allergen Phl p 2. Mol. Immunol. 45:2517-2520; DOI: 10.1016/j.molimm.2008.01.004.

356.) Westritschnig*, K., F. Horak, I. Swoboda, N. Barlic, S. Spitzauer, M. Kundi, H. Fiebig, R. Suck, O. Chromwell, and R. Valenta*. 2008. Different allergenic activity of grass pollen allergens revealed by skin testing. Eur. J. Clin. Invest. 38:260-267; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2362.2008.01938.x.

357.) Constantin, C., S. Quirce, M. Grote, A. Touraev, I. Swoboda, A. Stöcklinger, A. Mari, J. Thalhamer, E. Heberle-Bors, and R. Valenta*. 2008. Molecular and immunological characterization of a wheat serine protease inhibitor as a novel allergen in baker´s asthma. J. Immunol. 180:7451-60; .

358.) Sonneck, K., Ch. Baumgartner, L. Rebuzzi, K. Marth, K.W. Chen, A.W. Hauswirth, St. Florian, S. Vrtala, H.-J. Bühring, R. Valenta, and P. Valent*. 2008. Recombinant allergens promote expression of aminopeptidase-n (CD13) on basophils in allergic patients. Int. J. Immunopathol. Pharmacol. 21:11-21; .

359.) Laffer, S., C. Lupinek, I. Rauter, M. Kneidinger, A. Drescher, J. H. Jordan, M. T. Krauth, P. Valent, F. Kricek, S. Spitzauer, H. Englund, and R. Valenta*. 2008. A high-affinity monoclonal anti-IgE antibody for depletion of IgE and IgE-bearing cells. Allergy. 63:695-702; DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2008.01664.x.

360.) Baranyi, U., B. Linhart, N. Pilat, M. Gattringer, J. Bagley, F. Muehlbacher, J. Iacomini, R. Valenta*, and T. Wekerle*: 2008. Tolerization of a Type I allergic immune response through transplantation of genetically modified hematopoietic stem cells. J. Immunol. 180:8168-75;

361.) Mothes-Luksch, N., S. Stumvoll, B. Linhart, M. Focke, M.T. Kraut, A. Hauswrith, P. Valent, P. Verdino, T. Pavkov, W. Keller, M. Grote, and R. Valenta*. 2008. Disruption of allergenic activity of the major grass pollen allergen Phl p 2 by reassembly as a mosaic protein. J. Immunol. 181:4864-4873; .

362.) Purohit, A., V. Niederberger, M. Kronqvist, F. Horak, R. Grönneberg, R. Suck, B. Weber, H. Fiebig, M. van Hage, G. Pauli, and R. Valenta*, O. Cromwell. 2008. Clinical effects of immunotherapy with genetically modified recombinant birch pollen Bet v 1 derivatives. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 38:1514-1525; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2008.03042.x.

363.) Grönlund, H., J. Adedoyin, R. Reininger, E. M. Varga, M. Zach, M. Frederiksson, M. Kronqvist, Z. Szepfalusi, S. Spitzauer, R. Grönneberg, R. Valenta, G. Hedlin, and M. van Hage*. 2008. Higher immunglobulin E antibody levels to recombinant Fel d 1 in cat-allergic children with asthma compared with rhinoconjunktivitis. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 38:1275-1281; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2008.03003.x.

364.) Altrichter, S., E. Kriehuber, J. Moser, R. Valenta, T. Kopp, and G. Stingl*. 2008. Serum IgE autoantibodies target keratinocytes in patients with atopic dermatitis. J. Invest. Dermatol. 128:2232-2239; DOI: 10.1038/jid.2008.80.

365.) Chapman, M. D., F. Ferreira, M. Villalba, O. Cromwell, D. Bryan, W.-M. Becker, M.F. Montserrat Fernández-Rivas, St. Durham, St. Vieths, R. van Ree*, and CREATE consortium (e.g. R. Valenta, M. Focke). 2008. The European Union CREATE project: a model for international standardization of allergy diagnostics and vaccines. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 122:882-889; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2008.07.030.

366.) Pauli, G.*, T. H. Larsen, S. Rak, F. Horak, E. Pastorello, R. Valenta, A. Purohit, M. Arvidsson, A. Lavina, J. W. Schröder, N. Luksch, S.Spitzauer, Armelle Montagut, S. Galvain, M. Melac, C. André, L. K. Poulsen, and H.-J. Malling. 2008. Efficacy of recombinant birch pollen vaccine for the treatment of birch-allergic rhinoconjunctivitis. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 122:951-960; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2008.09.017.

367) Valenta, R., and A. Spök. 2008. Immunogenicity of GM peas: review of immune effects in mice fed on genetically modified peas and wieder impacts for GM risk assessment. BFN-Skripten. 239:1-64; ßno_cache=1.

368.) Egger, C., M. Focke-Tejkl, A. J. Bircher, K. Scherer, and R. Valenta*. 2008. The allergen profile of beech and oak pollen. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 38:1688-1696; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2008.03092.x.

369.) Weghofer, M., W.R. Thomas, M. Kronquest, A. Mari, A. Purohin, G. Pauli, F. Horak, H. Grönlund, M. van Hage, R. Valenta, and S. Vrtala*. 2008. Variability of IgE reactivity profiles among European mite allergic patients. Eur. J. Clin. Invest. 38:959-965; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2362.2008.02048.x.

370.) Linhart, B., N. Mothes-Luksch, S. Vrtala, M. Kneidinger, P. Valent, and R. Valenta. 2008. A hypoallergenic hybrid molecule with increased immunogenicity consisting of derivatives of the major grass pollen allergens, Phl p 2 and Phl p 6.

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371.) Broekaert, S. M., U. Darsow, M. Ollert, J. Ring, I. Krause, U. Schulmeister, S. Spitzauer, and R. Valenta. 2008. Anaphylactic shock caused by buffalo's mozzarella cheese. Ann. Allergy Asthma Immunol. 101:105-107; DOI: 10.1016/S1081-1206(10)60844-7.

372.) Focke, M.*, K. Marth, S. Flicker, and R.Valenta. 2008. Heterogeneity of commercial timothy grass pollen extracts. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 38:1400-1408; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2008.03031.x.

373.) Bousquet, J.*, W. Fokkens, P. Burney, S. R. Durham, C. Bachert, C. A. Akdis, G. W. Canonica, S. E. Dahlen, T. Zauberbier, T. Bieber, S. Bonini, P. J. Bousquet, J. L. Brozek, L. O. Cardell, R. Carceri, A. Custovic, P. Demoly, R. G. van Wijk, M. Gjomarkaj, C. Holland, P. Horwath, M. Humbert, S. L. Johnston, F. Kaufmann, M. L. Kowalski, B. Lambrecht, S. Lehmann, B. Leynaert, K. Lodrup-Carlsen, J. Mullol, B. Niggemann, E. Nizankowska-Mogilnicka, N. Papadopoulos, G. Passalacqua, H. J. Schönemann, H. U. Simon, A. Todo-Bom, E. Toskala, R. Valenta, M. Wickmann, and J. P. Zock. 2008. Important research questions in allergy and related diseases: nonallergic rhinitis: a GA2LEN paper. Allergy. 63:842-853; DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2008.01715.x. Review.

374.) Swoboda, I., T. Twaroch, R. Valenta, and M. Grote. 2008. Tree pollen allergens. Clin Allergy Immunol. 21:87-105; . Review.

375.) Weghofer, M., M. Grote, Y. Dall’Antonia, E. Fernández-Caldas, M.T. Krauth, M. van Hage, F. Horak, W.R.Thomas, W. Keller, R.Valenta, and S. Vrtala*. 2008. Characterization of folded recombinant Der p 5, a potential diagnostic marker allergen for house dust mite allergy. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 147:101-109; DOI: 10.1159/000135696.


376.) Gangl, K., R. Reininger, D. Bernhard, R. Campana, I. Pree, J. Reisinger, M. Kneidinger, M. Kundi, H.Dolznig, D. Thurnher, D. Kerjaschki, P. Valent, K. W. Chen, S. Vrtala, S. Spitzauer, R. Valenta, and V. Niederberger*. 2009. Cigarette smoke faciliates allergen penetration across respiratory epithelium. Allergy. 64:398-405; DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2008.01861.x.

377.) Valenta*, R. 2009. Biochemistry of allergens, recombinant allergens. In: Allergy and Allergic Diseases, 2nd Edition, Eds.: A. B. Kay, A. Kaplan, J. Bousquet and P. Holt. Blackwell Publishing. 895-912; .

378.) Padavattan, S., S. Flicker,T. Schirmer, C. Madritsch, S. Randow, G. Reese, S. Vieths, C. Lupinek, C. Ebner, R. Valenta*, and Z. Markovic-Housley*. 2009. High-affinity IgE recognition of a conformational epitope of the major respiratory allergen Phl p 2, as revealed by X-ray crystallography. J. Immunol. 182: 2141-2151; DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.0803018.

379.) Constantin, C., A. Touraev, E. Heberle-Bors, S. Quirce, W. D. Huber, and R. Valenta*. 2009. Detection of antigens reactive to IgE and IgA during wheat seed maturation and in different wheat cultivars. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 149:181-187; DOI: 10.1159/000199713.

380.) Valenta*, R., I. Mittermann, T. Werfel, H. Garn, and H. Renz. 2009. Linking allergy to autoimmune disease. Trends Immunol. 30:109-116; DOI: 10.1016/

381.) Ball, T., B. Linhart, K. Sonneck, K. Blatt, H. Hermann, P. Valent, A. Stöcklinger, C. Lupinek, J. Thalhamer, A. A. Fedorov, S. C. Almo, and R. Valenta*. 2009. Reducing allergenicity by altering allergen fold: a mosaic protein of Phl p 1 for allergy vaccination. Allergy. 64:569-580; DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2008.01910.x.

382.) Focke*, M., K. Marth, and R. Valenta. 2009. Molecular composition and biological activity of commercial birch pollen allergen extracts. Eur. J. Clin. Invest. 39:429-436; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2362.2009.02109.x.

383.) Lupinek, C., K.H. Roux, S. Laffer, I. Rauter, K. Reginald, M. Kneidinger, K. Blatt, T. Ball, I. Pree, B. Jahn-Schmid, J.P. Allam, N. Novak, A. Drescher, F. Kricek, P. Valent, H. Englund, and R. Valenta*. 2009. Trimolecular complex formation of IgE, Fc(epsilon)RI, and a recombinant nonanaphylactic single-chain antibody fragment with high affinity for IgE. J. Immunol. 182:4817-4829; DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.0800726.

384.) Pree, I., J. Reisinger, B. Bohle, S. Frantal, R.Valenta, and V. Niederberger*. 2009. A sensitive assay for the detection of IgE bound to the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1, in the form of immune complexes. J. Immunol. Methods. 345:100-105; DOI: 10.1016/j.jim.2009.04.007.

385.) Edlmayr, J., K. Niespodziana, B. Linhart, M. Focke-Tejkl, K. Westritschnig, S. Scheiblhofer, A. Stoecklinger A, M. Kneidinger, P. Valent, R. Campana, J. Thalhamer, T. Popow-Kraupp, and R. Valenta*. 2009. A combination vaccine for allergy and rhinovirus infections based on rhinovirus-derived surface protein VP1 and a nonallergenic peptide of the major timothy grass pollen allergen Phl p 1.

J. Immunol. 182:6298-6306; DOI: 10.4049/immunol.0713622.

386.) Schulmeister, U., H. Hochwallner, I. Swoboda, M. Focke-Tejkl, B. Geller, M. Nystrand, A. Härlin, J. Thalhamer, S. Scheiblhofer, W. Keller, B. Niggemann, S. Quirce, C. Ebner, A. Mari, G. Pauli, U. Herz, R. Valenta*, and S. Spitzauer. 2009. Cloning, expression, and mapping of allergenic determinants of alphaS1-casein, a major cow's milk allergen. J. Immunol. 182:7019-7029; DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.0712366.

387.) Constantin, C., S. Quirce, M. Poorafshar, A. Touraev, B. Niggemann, A. Mari, C. Ebner, H. Akerström, E. Heberle-Bors, M Nystrand, and R. Valenta*. 2009. Micro-arrayed wheat seed and grass pollen allergens for component-resolved diagnosis. Allergy. 64:1030-1037; DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2009.01955.x.

388.) Flicker, S., K. Marth, H. Kofler, and R. Valenta*. 2009. Placental transfer of allergen-specific IgG but not IgE from a specific immunotherapy-treated mother. J Allergy Clin. Immunol. 124:1358-1360; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2009.09.024.


389.) Twardosz-Kropfmuller, A., M. B. Singh, V. Niederberger, F. Horak, D. Kraft, S. Spitzauer, R. Valenta, and I. Swoboda*. 2010. Association of allergic patients' phenotypes with IgE reactivity to recombinant pollen marker allergens. Allergy. 65:296-303; DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2009.02202.x.

390.) Gadermaier, E., S. Flicker, W. Aberer, C. Egger, N. Reider, M. Focke, S. Vrtala, M. Kundi, and R. Valenta*. 2010. Analysis of the antibody responses induced by subcutaneous injection immunotherapy with birch and fagales pollen extracts adsorbed onto aluminum hydroxide. Int. Arch. Allergy. Immunol. 151:17-27; DOI: 10.1159/000232567

391.) Valenta, R.*, F. Ferreira, M. Focke-Tejkl, B. Linhart, V. Niederberger, I. Swoboda, and S. Vrtala. 2010. From allergen genes to allergy vaccines. Annu. Rev. Immunol. 28:211-241; DOI: 10.1146/annurev-immunol-030409-101218. Review.

392.) Focke, M., I. Swoboda, K. Marth, and R. Valenta*. 2010. Developments in allergen-specific immunotherapy: from allergen extracts to allergy vaccines bypassing allergen-specific immunoglobulin E and T cell reactivity. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 40:385-397; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2009.03443.x.

393.) Hochwallner, H., U. Schulmeister, I. Swoboda, M. Focke-Tejkl, V. Civaj, N. Balic, M. Nystrand, A. Härlin, J. Thalhamer, S. Scheiblhofer, W. Keller, T. Pavkov, D. Zafred, B. Niggemann, S. Quirce, A. Mari, G. Pauli, C. Ebner, N. G. Papadopoulos, U. Herz, E. A. van Tol, R. Valenta*, and S. Spitzauer. 2010. Visualization of clustered IgE epitopes on alpha-lactalbumin. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 125:1279-1285; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2010.03.007

394.) Mittermann, I., M. Zidarn, M. Silar, Z. Markovic-Housley, W. Aberer, P. Korosec, M. Kosnik, and R. Valenta*. 2010. Recombinant allergen-based IgE testing to distinguish bee and wasp allergy. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 125:1300-1307; DOI 10.1016/j.jaci.2010.03.017

395.) Marth, K., M. Novatchkova, M. Focke-Tejkl, S. Jenisch, S. Jäger, D. Kabelitz, and R. Valenta*. 2010. Tracing antigen signatures in the human IgE repertoire. Mol Immunol. 47:2323-2329; DOI: 10.1016/j.molimm.2010.05.285

396.) Allam, J. P., P. A. Würtzen, M. Reinartz, J. Winter, S. Vrtala, K. W. Chen, R. Valenta, M. Wenghoefer, T. Appel, E. Gros, B. Niederhagen, T. Bieber, K. Lund, and N. Novak*. 2010. Phl p 5 resorption in human oral mucosa leads to dose-dependent and time-dependent allergen binding by oral mucosal Langerhans cells, attenuates their maturation, and enhances their migratory and TGF-beta 1 and IL-10-producing properties. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 126:638-645; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2010.04.039

397.) Pree, I., M. H. Shamji, I. Kimber, R. Valenta, S. R. Durham, and V. Niederberger*. 2010. Inhibition of CD23-dependent facilitated allergen binding to B cells following vaccination with genetically modified hypoallergenic Bet v 1 molecules. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 40:1346-1352; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2010.03548.x.

398.) Campana, R., S. Vrtala, B. Maderegger, P. Jertschin, G. Stegfellner, I. Swoboda, M. Focke-Tejkl, K. Blatt, A. Gieras, D. Zafred, A. Neubauer, P. Valent, W. Keller, S. Spitzauer, and R. Valenta*. 2010. Hypoallergenic derivates of the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 obtained by rational sequence reassembly. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 126:1024-1031; DOI: 10.10167j.jaci.2010.05.023

399.) Egger, C., F. Horak, S. Vrtala, R. Valenta, and V. Niederberger*. 2010. Nasal appication of rBet v 1 or non-IgE-reactive T-cell epitope-containing rBet v 1 fragments has different effects on systemic allergen-specific antibody responses. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 126:1312-1315; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2010.06.008

400.) Eckl-Dorna, J., B. Klein, T. G. Reichenauer*, V. Niederberger, and R. Valenta*. 2010. Exposure of rye (Secale cereale) cultivars to elevated ozone levels increases the allergen content in pollen. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 126:1315-1317; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2010.06.012

401.) Weiss, V., G. Bilek, A. Pickl-Herk, X. Subirats, K. Niespodziana, R. Valenta, D. Blaas, and E. Kenndler*. 2010. Liposomal leakage induced by virus-derived peptides, viral proteins and entire virions: rapid analysis by chip electrophoresis. Anal. Chem. 82:8146-8152; DOI: 10.1021/ac101435v

402.) Hochwallner, H., U. Schulmeister, I. Swoboda, N. Balic, B. Geller, M. Nystrand, A. Härlin, J. Thalhamer, S. Scheiblhofer, B. Niggemann, S. Quirce, C. Ebner, A. Mari, G. Pauli, U. Herz, E.A.F. van Tol, R. Valenta*, and S. Spitzauer. 2010. Microarray and allergenic activity assessment of milk allergens. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 40:1809-1818; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2010.03602.x.


403.) Heratizadeh, A.*, I. Mittermann, H. Balaji, K. Wichmann, R. Valenta, and T. Werfel. 2011. The role of T-cell reactivity towards the autoantigen α-NAC in atopic dermatitis. Br. J. Dermatol. 164:316-324; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2133.201.10090.x.

404.) Reginald, K., K. Westritschnig, T. Werfel, A. Heratizadeh, N. Novak, M. Focke-Tejkl, A. M. Hirschl, D. Y. Leung, O Elisyutina, E. Federenko, and R. Valenta*. 2011. Immunoglobulin E antibody reactivity to bacterial antigens in atopic dermatitis patients. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 41:357-369; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2010.03655.x.

405.) Campana, R., S. Vrtala, B. Maderegger, Y. Dall´Antonia, D. Zafred, K. Blatt, H. Herrman, M. Focke-Tejkl, I. Swoboda, S. Scheiblhofer, A. Gieras, A. Neubauer, W. Keller, P. Valent, J. Thalhamer, S. Spitzbauer, and R. Valenta*. 2011. Altered IgE epitope presentation: A model for hypoallergenic activity revealed for Bet v 1 trimer. Mol. Immunol. 48:431-441; DOI: 10.1016/j.molimm.2010.09.016

406.) Madritsch, C., S. Flicker, S. Scheiblhofer, D. Zafred, T. Pavkov-Keller, J. Thalhamer, W. Keller, and R. Valenta*. 2011. Recombinant monoclonal human immunoglobulin E to investigate the allergenic activity of major grass pollen allergen Phl p 5. Clin Exp Allergy. 41:270-280; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2010.03666.x.

407.) Vrtala, S., M. Fohr, R. Campana, C. Baumgartner, P. Valent, and R. Valenta*. 2011. Genetic engineering of trimers of hypoallergenic fragments of the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1, for allergy vaccination. Vaccine. 29:2140-2148; DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2010.12.080

408.) Edlmayr, J., K. Niespodziana, T. Popow-Kraupp, V. Krzyzanek, M. Focke-Tejkl, D. Blaas, M. Grote, and R. Valenta*. 2011. Antibodies induced with recombinant VP1 from Human Rhinovirus exhibit cross-neutralization. Eur Respir J. 37:44-52; DOI: 10.1183/09031936.00149109

409.) Bousquet, J.*, J. Anto, C. Auffray, M. Akdis, A. Cambon-Thomsen, T. Keil, T. Haahtela, B. N. Lambrecht, D. S. Postma, J. Sunyer, R. Valenta, C. A. Akdis, I. Annesi-Maesano, A. Arno, C. Bachert, F. Ballester, X. Basagana, U. Baumgartner, C. Bindslev-Jensen, B. Brunekreef, K. H. Carlsen, L. Chatzi, R. Crameri, E. Eveno, F. Forastiere, J. Garcia-Aymerich, S. Guerra, H. Hammad, J. Heinrich, D. Hirsch, B. Jacquemin, F. Kauffmann, M. Kerkhof, M. Kogevinas, G. H. Koppelman, M. L. Kowalski, S. Lau, K. C. Lodrup-Carlsen, M. Lopez-Botet, J. Lotvall, C. Lupinek, D. Maier, M. J. Makela, F. D. Martinez, J. Mestres, I. Momas, M. C. Nawijn, A. Neubauer, S. Oddie, S. Palkonen, I. Pin, C. Pison, F. Rancé, S. Reitamo, E. Rial-Sebbag, M. Salapatas, V. Siroux, D. Smagghe, M. Torrent, E. Toskala, P. van Cauwenberge, A. J. M. van Oosterhout, R. Varraso, L. von Hertzen, M. Wickman, C. Wijmenga, M. Worm, J. Wright, and T. Zuberbier. 2011. MeDALL (Mechanisms of the Development of ALLergy): an integrated approach from phenotypes to system medicine. Allergy. 66:596-604; DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2010.02534.x. Review.

410.) Gallerano, D., S. C. Devanaboyina, I. Swoboda, B. Linhart, I. Mittermann, W. Keller, and R. Valenta*. 2011. Biophysical characterization of recombinant HIV-1 subtype C virus infectivity factor. Amino Acids. 40:981-989; DOI: 10.1007/s00726-010-0725-x

411.) Valenta, R.*, B. Linhart, I. Swoboda, and V. Niederberger. 2011. Recombinant allergens for allergen-specific immunotherapy: 10 years anniversary of immunotherapy with recombinant allergens. Allergy. 66:775-783. DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2011.02565.x. Review.

412.) Arkestål, K., E. Sibanda, C. Thors, M. Troye-Blomberg, T. Mduluza, R. Valenta, H. Grönlund, and M. van Hage*. 2011. Impaired allergy diagnostics among parasite-infected patients caused by IgE antibodies to the carbohydrate epitope galactose-α 1,3-galactose. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 127:1024-1028. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2011.01.033.

413.) Curin, M., R. Reininger, I. Swoboda, M. Focke, R. Valenta*, and S. Spitzauer. 2011. Skin prick test extracts for dog allergy diagnosis show considerable variations regarding the content of major and minor dog allergens. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 154:258-263. DOI: 10.1159/000321113.

414.) Gieras, A., P. Cejka, K. Blatt, M. Focke-Tejkl, B. Linhart, S. Flicker, A. Stoecklinger, K. Marth, A. Drescher, J. Thalhamer, P. Valent, O. Majdic, and R. Valenta*. 2011. Mapping of conformational IgE epitopes with peptide-specific monoclonal antibodies reveals simultaneous binding of different IgE antibodies to a surface patch on the major birch pollen allergen, Bet. v 1. J Immunol. 186:5333-5344. DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1000804.

415.) Valenta, R.*, K. Niespodziana, M. Focke-Tejkl, K. Marth, H. Huber, A. Neubauer, and V. Niederberger. 2011. Recombinant allergens: What does the future hold? J Allergy Clin Immunol. 127:860-864. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2011.02.016. Review

416.) Niespodziana, K., M. Focke-Tejkl, B. Linhart, V. Civaj, K. Blatt, P. Valent, M. van Hage, H. Grönlund, and R. Valenta*. 2011. A hypoallergenic cat vaccine based on Fel d 1-derived peptides fused to hepatitis B PreS. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 127:1562-1570. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2011.02.004.

417.) Gadermaier, E., J. Staikuniene, S. Scheiblhofer, J. Thalhamer, M. Kundi, K. Westritschnig, I. Swoboda, S. Flicker*, and R. Valenta. 2011. Recombinant allergen-based monitoring of antibody responses during injection grass pollen immunotherapy and after 5 years of discontinuation. Allergy. 66:1174-1182. DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2011.02592.x.

418.) Korošec, P.*, R. Valenta, I. Mittermann, N. Celesnik, R. Eržen, M. Zidarn, and M. Košnik. 2011. Low sensitivity of commercially available rApi m 1 for diagnosis of honeybee venom allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 128:671-673. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2011.03.012.

419.) Reginald, K., K. Westritschnig, B. Linhart, M. Focke-Tejkl, B. Jahn-Schmid, J. Eckl-Dorna, A. Heratizadeh, A. Stöcklinger, N. Balic, S. Spitzauer, V. Niederberger, T. Werfel, J. Thalhamer, S. Weidinger, N. Novak, M. Ollert, A. M. Hirschl, and R. Valenta*. 2011. Staphylococcus aureus fibronectin-binding protein specifically binds IgE from patients with atopic dermatitis and requires antigen presentation for cellular immune responses. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 128:82-91. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2011.02.034

420.) Twaroch, T. E., M. Focke, V. Civaj, M. Weber, N. Balic, A. Mari, R. Ferrara, S. Quirce, S. Spitzauer, I. Swoboda*, and R. Valenta. 2011. Carrier-bound, nonallergenic Ole e 1 peptides for vaccination against olive pollen allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 128:178-184. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2011.03.011

421.) Baranyi, U., M. Gattringer, A. Boehm, K. Marth, M. Focke-Tejkl, B. Bohle, P. Valent, R. Valenta, and T. Wekerle*. 2011. Expression of a major plant allergen as membrane-anchored and secreted protein in human cells with preserved T cell and B cell epitopes. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 156:259-266. DOI: 10.1159/000323733

422.) Hochwallner, H., U. Schulmeister, I. Swoboda, T. E. Twaroch, H. Vogelsang, L. Kazemi-Shirazi, M. Kundi, N. Balic, S. Quirce, H. Rumbold, R. Fröschl, F. Horak, B. Tichatschek, C.L. Stefanescu, Z. Szépfalusi, N. G. Papadopoulos, A. Mari, C. Ebner, G. Pauli, R. Valenta*, and S. Spitzauer. 2011. Patients suffering from non-IgE-mediated cow´s milk protein intolerance cannot be diagnosed based on IgG subclass or IgA responses to milk allergens. Allergy. 66:1201-1207. DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2011.02635.x.

423.) Edlmayr, J., K. Niespodziana, M. Focke-Tejkl, B. Linhart, and R. Valenta*. 2011. Allergen-specific immunotherapy: towards combination vaccines for allergic and infectious diseases. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 352:121-140. DOI: 10.1007/82_2011_130. Review

424.) Baranyi, U., M. Gattringer, R. Valenta, and T. Wekerle*. 2011. Cell-based therapy in allergy. Curr Top Microbiol Immol. 352:161-179. DOI: 10.1007/82_2011_127. Review

425.) Flicker, S.*, E. Gadermaier, C. Madritsch, and R. Valenta. 2011. Passive immunization with allergen-specific antibodies. Curr Top Microbiol Immol. 352:141-159. DOI: 10.1007/82_2011_143. Review

426.) Resch, Y., M. Weghofer, S. Seiberler, F. Horak, S. Scheiblhofer, B. Linhart, I. Swoboda, W. R. Thomas, J. Thalhamer, R. Valenta, and S. Vrtala*. 2011. Molecular characterization of Der p 10: a diagnostic marker for broad sensitization in house dust mite allergy. Clin Exp Allergy. 41:1468-1477. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2011.03798.x.

427.) Dall`Antonia, F., A. Gieras, S. C. Devanaboyina, R. Valenta, and W. Keller*. 2011. Prediction of IgE-binding epitopes by means of allergen surface comparison and correlation to cross-reactivity. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 128:872-879.e8. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2011.07.007.

428.) Renz, H*., I. B. Autenrieth, P. Brandtzæg, W. O. Cookson, S. Holgate, E. von Mutius, R. Valenta, and D. Haller. 2011. Gene-environment interaction in chronic disease: a European Science Foundation forward look. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 128:S27-49. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2011.09.039. Review.

429.) Valenta, R. and R. L. Coffman. 2011. Current strategies for allergen-specific immunotherapy at its centenary. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 352: v-vi. Editorial;


430.) Linhart, B.*, and R. Valenta. 2012. Mechanisms underlying allergy vaccination with recombinant hypoallergenic allergen derivatives. Vaccine. 30:4328-4335. DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.11.011. Review.

431.) Valent, P.*, C. Akin, M. Arock, K. Brockow, J. H. Butterfield, M. C. Carter, M. Castells, L. Escribano, K. Hartmann, P. Liebermann, B. Nedoszytko, A. Orfao, L. B. Schwartz, K. Sotlar, W. R. Sperr, M. Triffiani, R. Valenta, H.-P. Horny, and D. D. Metcalfe*. 2012. Definitions, criteria and global classification of mast cell disorders with special reference to mast cell activation syndromes: a consensus proposal. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 157:215-225. DOI: 10.1159/000328760. Review.

432.) Niespodziana, K., K. Napora, C. Cabauatan, M. Focke-Tejkl, W. Keller, V. Niederberger, M. Tsolia, I. Christodoulou, N. G. Papadopoulos, and R. Valenta*. 2012. Misdirected antibody responses against an N-terminal epitope on human rhinovirus VP1 as explanation for recurrent RV infections. FASEB J. 26:1001-1008. DOI: 10.1096/fj.11-193557.

433.) Bousquet, J.*, L. Heinzerling, C. Bachert, N. G. Papadopoulos, P. J. Bousquet, P. G. Burney, G. W. Canonica, K. H. Carlsen, L. Cox, T. Haahtela, K. C. Lodrup Carlsen, D. Price, B. Samolinski, F. E. Simons, M. Wickman, I. Annesi-Maesano, C. E. Baena-Gagnani, K. C. Bergmann, C. Bindeslev-Jensen, T. B. Casale, A. Chiriac, A. A. Cruz, R. Dubakiene, S. R. Durham, W. J. Fokkens, R. Gerth-van-Wijk, O. Kalayci, M. L. Kowalski, A. Mari, J. Mullol, L. Nazamova-Baranova, R. E. O´Hehir, K. Ohta, P. Panzner, G. Passalacqua, J. Ring, B. Rogala, A. Romano, D. Ryan, P. Schmid-Grendelmeier, A. Todo-Bom, R. Valenta, S. Woehrl, O. M. Yusuf, T. Zuberbier, and P. Demoly; Global Allergy and Asthma European Network; Allergic rhinitis and its impact on asthma. 2012. Practical guide to skin prick tests in allergy to aeroallergens. Allergy. 67:18-24. DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2011.02728.x.

434.) Blatt, K., H. Herrmann, I. Mirkina, E. Hadzijusufovic, B. Peter, S. Strommer, G. Hoermann, M. Mayerhofer, K. Hoetzenecker, W. Klepetko, V. Ghanim, K. Marth, T. Füreder, V. Wacheck, R. Valenta, and P. Valent*. 2012. The PI3-kinase/mTOR-targeting drug NVP-BEZ235 inhibits growth and IgE-dependent activation of human mast cells and basophils. PLoS One. 7:e29925. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0029925

435.) WHO collaborating center for asthma and rhinitis, Bousquet, J.*, J. M. Anto, P. Demoly, H. J. Schünemann, A. Togias, M. Akdis, C. Auffray, C. Bachert, T. Bieber, P. J. Bousquet, K. H. Carlsen, T. B. Casale, A. A. Cruz, T. Keil, K. C. Lodrup-Carlsen, M. Maurer, K. Ohta, N. G. Papadopoulos, M. R. Rodrigues, B. Samolinski, I. Agache, A. Andrianarisoa, I. Annesi-Maesano, F. Ballester, C. E. Baena-Cagnani, X. Basagafia, E. D. Bateman, O. E. H. Bel, A. Bedbrook, B. Beghue, M. Beji, A. Ben Kheder, M. Benet, K. S. Bennoor, K. C. Bergmann, R. Berrissoul, C. Bindslev Jensen, Bleecker S. Bonini, A. L. Boner, L. P. Boule, C. E: Brightling, J. L.Broze, A. Bush, W. W. Busse, P. A. M. Camargos, G. W. Canonica, W. Carr, A. Cesario, Y. Z. Chen, A. Chin-Suorn, A. Chiriac, D. J. Costa, L. Cox, A. Custovic, R. Dahl, U. Darsow, T. Didi, W. K. Dolen, H. Douagui, R. Dubakiene, A. El-Meziane, J. Fonseca, W. J. Fokkens, E. Fthenou, A. Gamkrelidze, J. Garcia-Aymerich, R. Gerth van Wijk, E. Gimeno, S. Guerra, T. Haahtela, H. Haddad, P. Hellings, B. Hellquist-Dahl, C. Hohmann, P. Howarth, J. O. Hourihane, M. Humbert, B. Jacquemin, J. Just, O. Kalayci, M. A. Kaliner, F. Kauffmann, M. Kerkhof, G. Khayat, B. Koffi, N´Goran, M. Kogevinas, G. H. Koppelman, M. L. Kowalski, I. Kull, P. Kuna, D. Larenas, I. Lavi, L. T. Le, P. Lieberman, B. Lipworth, B. Mahboub, M. J. Makela, F. Martin, F. D. Martinez, G. D. Marschall, A. Mazon, E. Melen, E. O. Meltzer, F. Mihaltan, Y. Mohammed, A. Mohammadi, I. Momas, M. Morais-Almeida, J. Mullol, A. Murano, R. Naclerio, S. Nafti, L. Namazova-Baranova, M. C. Nawijn, D. Nyembue, S. Oddie, R. O´Hehir, Y. Okamoto, M. P. Orru, C. Ozdemir, G. S. Ouedroago, S. Palkonen, P. Panzer, G. Passalaqua, R. Pawankar, B. Pigearias, I. Pin, M. Pinart, C. Pison, T. A. Popov, D. Porta, D. S. Postma, D. Price, K. F. Rabe, J. Ratomahoro, S. Reitam, D. Rezagui, J. Ring, R. Roberts, J. Roca, B. Rogala, A. Romano, J. Rosaro-Pinto, D. Ryan, M. Sanchez-Borges, G. K. Scadding, A. Sheikh, F. E. R. Simons, V. Siroux, P. Schmidt-Gredelmeier, H. A. Smit, T. Sooronbaev, R. T. Stein, P. J. Sterk, J. Sunyer, I. Terreehorst, E. Toskala, Y. Tremblay, R. Valenta, D. Valeyre, O. Vandenplas, C. van Weel, M. Vassilaki, R. Varraso, G. Viegi, D. Y. Wang, M. Wickman, D. Williams, S. Wöhrl, J. Wright, A. Yorgancioglu, O. M. Yusuf, H. J. Zar, M. E. Zernotti, M. Zidarn, N. Zhong, and T. Zuberbier. In collaboration with the WHO Collaborating Center for Asthma and Rhinitis. 2012. Severe chronic allergic (and related) diseases: a uniform approach – a MeDALL-GA²LEN-ARIA position paper. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 158:216-231. DOI: 10.1159/000332924. Review.

436.) Pahr, S., C. Constantin, A. Mari, S. Scheiblhofer, J. Thalhamer, C. Ebner, S. Vrtala, I. Mittermann, and R. Valenta*. 2012. Molecular characterization of wheat allergens specifically recognized by patients suffering from wheat-induced respiratory allergy. Clin Exp Allergy. 42:597-609. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2012.03961.x.

437.) Twaroch, T. E., E. Arcalís, K. Sterflinger, E. Stöger, I. Swoboda, and R. Valenta*. 2012. Predominant localization of the major Alternaria allergen Alt a 1 in the cell wall of airborne spores. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 129:1148-1149. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2011.10.008

438.) Antó, J. M.*, M. Pinart, M. Akdis, C. Auffray, C. Bachert, X. Basagaña, K. H. Carlsen, S. Guerra, L. von Hertzen, S. Illi, F. Kaufmann, T. Keil, J. P. Kiley, G. H. Koppelman, C. Lupinek, F. D. Martinez, M. C. Nawijn, D. S. Postma, V. Siroux, H. A. Smit, P. J. Sterk, J. Sunyer, R. Valenta, S. Valverde, C. A. Akdis, I. Annesi-Maesano, F. Ballester, M. Benet, A. Cambon-Thomsen, L. Chatzi, J. Coquet, P. Demoly, W. Gan, J. Garcia-Aymerich, E. Gimeno-Santos, C. Guihenneuc-Jouyaux, T. Haahtela, J. Heinrich, M. Herr, C. Hohmann, B. Jacquemin, J. Just, M. Kerkhof, M. Kogevinas, M. L. Kowalski, B. N. Lambrecht, S. Lau, K. C. Lødrup Carlsen, D. Maier, I. Momas, P. Noel, S. Oddie, S. Palkonen, I. Pin, D. Porta, A. Punturieri, F. Rancière, R. A. Smith, B. Stanic, R. T. Stein, W. van de Veen, A. J. van Oosterhout, R. Varraso, M. Wickman, C. Wijmenga, J. Wright, G. Yaman, T. Zuberbier, and J. Bousquet; WHO Collaborating Centre on Asthma and Rhinitis (Montpelliert). 2012. Understanding the complexity of IgE-related phenotypes from childhood to young adulthood: A Mechanisms of the Development of Allergy (MeDaLL) Seminar. J. Allergy Clin Immunol. 129:943-954. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2012.01.047. Review.

439.) Zuidmeer-Jongejan, L.*, M. Fernandez-Rivas, L. K. Poulsen, A. Neubauer, J. Asturias, L. Blom, J. Boye, C. Bindslev-Jensen, M. Clausen, R. Ferrara, P. Garosi, H. Huber, B. M. Jensen, S. Koppelman, M. L. Kowalski, A. Lewandowska-Polak, B. Linhart, B. Maillere, A. Mari, A. Martinez, C. E. Mills, C. Nicoletti, D. J. Opstelten, N. G. Papadopoulos, A. Portoles, N. Rigby, E. Scala, H. J. Schnoor, S. Sigursdottir, G. Stavroulakis, F. Stolz, I. Swoboda, R. Valenta, R. van den Hout, S. A. Versteeg, M. Witten, and R. van Ree. 2012. FAST: Towards safe and effective subcutaneous immunotherapy of persistent life-threatening food allergies. Clin Transl Allergy. 2:5. DOI: 10.1186/2045-7022-2-5.

440.) Eckl-Dorna, J.*, A. Ellinger, K. Blatt, V. Ghanim, I. Steiner, M. Pavelka, P. Valent, V. R. Valenta, and V. Niederberger. 2012. Basophils are not the key antigen-presenting cells in allergic patients. Allergy. 67:601-608. DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2012.02792.x.

441.) Chen, K-W., M. Focke-Tejkl, K. Blatt, M. Kneidinger, A. Gieras, F. Dall´antonia, I. Faé, G. Fischer, W. Keller, P. Valent, R. Valenta, and S. Vrtala*. 2012. Carrier-bound nonallergenic Der p 2 peptides induce IgG antibodies blocking allergen-induced basophil activation in allergic patients. Allergy. 67:609-21. DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2012.02794.x.

442.) Sibanda, E.*, D. Gallerano, E. Wollmann, and R. Valenta. 2012. EFIS-EJI African International Conference on Immunity (AICI). Eur J Immunol. 42:1070-1071. DOI: 10.1002/eji.2012700025.

443.) Herrmann, H., K. Blatt, V. Ghanim, M. Kneidinger, K. Marth, R. Valenta, and P. Valent*. 2012. Glucocorticosteroids rescue basophils from dasatinib-augmented immunoglobulin E-mediated histamine release. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 159:15-22. DOI: 10.1159/000335146.

444.) Linhart, B., and R. Valenta*. 2012. Vaccines for allergy. Curr Opin Immunol. 24:354-360. DOI: 10.1016/j.coi.2012.03.006. Review.

445.) Casset, A., A. Mari, A. Purohit, Y. Resch, M. Weghofer, R. Ferrara, W. R. Thomas, C. Alessandri, K.-W. Chen, F. de Blay, R. Valenta, and S. Vrtala*. 2012. Varying allergen composition and content affects the in vivo allergenic activity of commercial Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus extracts. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 159:253-262. DOI: 10.1159/000337654.

446.) Baranyi, U., N. Pilat, M. Gattringer, B. Linhart, C. Klaus, E. Schwaiger, J. Iacomini, R. Valenta, and T. Wekerle*. 2012. Persistent molecular microchimerism induces long-term tolerance towards a clinically relevant respiratory allergen. Clin Exp Allergy. 42:1282-1292. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2012.04049.x.

447.) Calderon, M. A.*, P. Demoly, R. Gerth van Wijk, J. Bousquet, A. Sheikh, A. Frew, G. Scadding, C. Bachert, H. J. Malling, R. Valenta, B. Bilo, A. Nieto, C. Akdis, J. Just, C. Vidal, E. M. Varga, E. Alvarez-Cuesta, B. Bohle, A. Bufe, W. G. Canonica, V. Cardona, R. Dahl, A. Didier, S. R. Durham, P. Eng, M. Fernandez-Rivas, L. Jacobsen, M. Jutel, J. Kleine-Tebbe, L. Klimek, J. Lötvall, C. Moreno, R. Mosges, A. Muraro, B. Niggemann, G. Pajno, G. Passalacqua, O. Pfaar, S. Rak, G. Senna, G. Senti, E. Valovirta, M. van Hage, J. C. Virchow, U. Wahn, and N. Papadopoulos. 2012. EAACI: A European Declaration on Immunotherapy. Designing the future of allergen specific immunotherapy. Clin Transl Allergy. 2:20. DOI: 10.1186/2045-7022-2-20

448.) Eckl-Dorna, J., I. Pree, J. Reisinger, K. Marth, K-W. Chen, S. Vrtala, S. Spitzauer, R. Valenta*, and V. Niederberger. 2012. The majority of allergen-specific IgE in the blood of allergic patients does not originate from blood-derived B cells or plasma cells. Clin Exp Allergy. 42:1347-1355. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2012.04030.x.

449.) Twaroch, T., M. Focke-Tejkl, K. Fleischmann, C. Lupinek, K. Blatt, R. Ferrara, A. Mari, C. Ebner, P. Valent, S. Spitzauer, I. Swoboda, and R. Valenta*. 2012. Carrier-bound Alt a 1 peptides without allergenic activity for vaccination against Alternaria alternate allergy. Clin Exp Allergy. 42:966-975. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2012.03996.x.

450.) Calderon, M.*, V. Cardona, P. Demoly. On behalf of the EAACI 100 years of immunotherapy experts panel. 2012. One hundred years of allergen immunotherapy European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology celebration: review of unanswered questions. Allergy. 67:462-476. DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2012.02785.x.

451.) Chen, K. W., K. Blatt, W. R. Thomas, I. Swoboda, P. Valent, R. Valenta, and S. Vrtala*. 2012. Hypoallergenic Der p 1/Der p 2 combination vaccines for immunotherapy of house dust mite allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 130:435-443.e4. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2012.05.035

452.) Korošec, P.*, R. Valenta, I. Mittermann, N. Celesnik, M. Silar, M. Zidarn, and M. Košnik. 2012. High sensitivity of CAP-FEIA rVesp v 5 and rVesp v 1 for diagnosis of Vespula venom allergy. J Allergy Clin. Immunol. 129:1406-1408. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2011.12.975.

453.) Valenta, R.*, R. Campana, K. Marth, and M. van Hage. 2012. Allergen-specific immunotherapy: from therapeutic vaccines to prophylactic approaches. J Intern Med. 272:144-157. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2796.2012.02556.x. Review.

454.) McLean, G*. R., R. P. Walton, S. Shetty, N. Paktiawal, T. Kebadze, L. Gogsadze, K. Niespodziana, R. Valenta, N. W. Bartlett, and S. L. Johnston*. 2012. Rhinovirus infections and immunisation induce cross-serotype reactive antibodies to VP1. Antiviral Res. 95:193-201. DOI: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2012.06.006

455.) Baar, A., S. Pahr, C. Constantin, S. Scheiblhofer, J. Thalhamer, S. Giavi, N. G. Papadopoulos, C. Ebner, A. Mari, S. Vrtala, and R. Valenta*. 2012. Molecular and immunological characterization of Tri a 36, a low-molecular weight glutenin as a novel major wheat food allergen. J Immunol. 189:3018-3025. DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1200438.

456.) Focke-Tejkl, M.*, and R. Valenta. 2012. Safety of engineered allergen-specific immunotherapy vaccines. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 12:555-563. DOI: 10.1097/ACI.0b013e328357ca53. Review.

457.) Bousquet, J.*, H. J. Schünemann, B. Samolinski, P. Demoly, C. E. Baena-Cagnani, C. Bachert, S. Bonini, L. P. Boulet, P. J. Bousquet, J. L. Brozek, G. W. Canonica, T. B. Casale, A. A. Cruz, W. J. Fokkens, J. A. Fonseca, R. Gerth van Wijk, L. Grouse, T. Haahtela, N. Khaltaev, P. Kuna, R. F. Lockey, K. C. Lodrup Carlsen, J. Mullol, R. Naclerio, R. E. O´Hehir, K. Ohta, S. Palkonen, N. G. Papadopoulos, G. Passalacqua, R. Pawankar, D. Price, D. Ryan, F. E. Simons, A. Togias, D. Williams, A. Yorgancioglu, O. M. Yusuf, W. Aberer, M. Adachi, I. Agache, N. Aït-Khaled, C. A. Akdis, A. Andrianarisoa, I. Annesi-Maesano, I. J. Ansotegui, I. Baiardini, E. D. Bateman, A. Bedbrook, B. Beghé, M. Beji, E. H. Bel, A. Ben Kheder, K. S. Bennoor, K. C. Bergmann, F. Berrissoul, T. Bieber, C. Jensen, M. S. Blaiss, A. L. Boner, J. Bouchard, F. Braido, C. E. Brightling, A. Bush, F. Caballero, M. A. Calderon, M. A. Calvo, P. A. Camargos, L. R. Caraballo, K. H. Carlsen, W. Carr, A. M. Cepeda, A. Cesario, N. H. Chavannes, Y. Z. Chen, A. M. Chiriac, T. Pérez Chivato, E. Chkhartishvili, G. Ciprandi, D. J. Costa, L. Cox, A. Custovic, R. Dahl, U. Darsow, F. De Blay, D. Deleanu, J. A. Denburg, P. Devillier, T. Didi, D. Dokic, W. K. Dolen, H. Douagui, R. Dubakiene, S. R. Durham, M. S. Dykewicz, Y. El-Gamal, A. El-Meziane, R. Emuzyte, A. Fiocchi, M. Fletcher, T. Fukuda, A. Gamkrelidze, J. E. Gereda, S. G. Diaz, M. Gotua, M. A. Guzmán, P. W. Hellings, B. Hellquist-Dahl, F. Horak, J. O´B Hourihane, P. Howarth, M. Humbert, J. C. Ivancevich, C. Jackson, J. Jus, O. Kalayci, M. A. Kaliner, A. F. Kalyoncu, T. Keil, P. K. Keith, G. Khayat, Y. Y. Kim, B. Koffi N´goran, G. H. Koppelman, M. L. Kowalski, I. Kull, V. Kvedariene, D. Larenas-Linnemann, L. T. Le, C. Lemière, J. Li, P. Lieberman, B. Lipworth, B. Mahboub, M. J. Makela, F. Martin, G. D. Marshall, F. D. Martinez, M. R. Masjedi, M. Maurer, S. Mavale-Manuel, A. Mazon, E. Melen, E. O. Meltzer, N. H. Mendez, H. Merk, F. Mihaltan, Y. Mohammed, M. Morais-Almeida, A. Muraro, S. Nafti, L. Namazova-Baranova, K. Nekam, A. Neou, B. Niggemann, E. Nizankowska-Mogilnicka, T. D. Nyembue, Y. Okamoto, K. Okobo, M. P. Orru, S. Ouedraogo, C. Ozdemir, P. Panzner, I. Pali-Schöll, H. S. Park, B. Pigearias, W. Pohl, T. A. Popov, D. S. Postma, P. Potter, K. F. Rabe, J. Ratomaharo, S. Reitamo, J. Ring, R. Roberts, B. Rogala, A. Romano, M. Roman Rodrigues, J. Rosado-Pinto, L. Rosenwasser, M. Rottem, M. Sanchez-Borgas, G. K. Scadding, P. Schmid-Grendelmeier, A. Sheikh, J. C. Sisul, D. Solé, T. Sooronbaev, V. Spicak, O. Spranger, R. T. Stein, S. W. Stoloff, J. Sunyer, A. Szczeklik, A. Todo-Bom, E. Toskala, Y. Tremblay, R. Valenta, A. L. Valero, D. Valeyre, A. Valiulis, E. Valovirta, P. Van Cauwenberge, O. Vandenplas, C. van Weel, P. Vichyanond, G. Viegi, D. Y. Wang, M. Wickman, S. Wöhrl, J. Wright, B. P. Yawn, P. K. Yiallouros, H. J. Zar, M. E. Zernotti, N. Zhong, M. Zidarn, and T. Zuberbier; in collaboration with the World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Asthma and Rhinitis. 2012. Allergic rhinitis and its impact on asthma (ARIA): achievements in 10 years and future needs. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 130:1049-1062. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2012.07.053.

458.) Lupinek, C.*, K. Marth, V. Niederberger, and R. Valenta. 2012. Analysis of serum IgE reactivity profiles with microarrayed allergens indicates absence of de novo IgE sensitizations in adults. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 130:1418-1420.e4. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2012.06.028.


459.) Flicker, S.*, B. Linhart, C. Wild, U. Wiedermann, and R. Valenta. 2013. Passive immunization with allergen-specific IgG antibodies for treatment and prevention of allergy. Immunobiol. 218:884-891. DOI: 10.1016/j.imbio.2012.10.008

460.) Gadermaier, E., S. Flicker*, C. Lupinek, P. Steinberger, and R. Valenta. 2013. Determination of allergen specificity by heavy chains in grass pollen allergen-specific IgE antibodies. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 131:1185-1193, 1193.e1-6. DOI: 10.1016/j. jaci.2012.10.010

461.) Reginald, K., J. Eckl-Dorna, D. Zafred, M. Focke-Tejkl, C. Lupinek, V. Niederberger, W. Keller, and R. Valenta*. 2013. Different modes of IgE binding to CD23 revealed with major birch allergen, Bet v 1-specific monoclonal IgE. Immunol Cell Biol. 91:167-172. DOI: 10.1038/icb.2012.70

462.) Bousquet, J.*, J. Anto, J. Sunyer, M. Nieuwenhuijsen, M. Vrijheid, and T. Keil; MeDALL Study Group; CHICOS Study Group; ENRIECO Study Group; GA²LEN Study Group. 2013. Pooling birth cohorts in allergy and asthma: European Union-funded initiatives - a MeDALL, CHICOS, ENRIECO, and GA²LEN joint paper. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 161:1-10. DOI: 10.1159/000343018. Review.

463.) Baranyi, U., R. Valenta, and T. Wekerle*. 2013. Molecular chimerism in IgE-mediated allergy: B- and T-cell tolerance toward highly immunogenic exogenous antigens. Chimerism. 4:29-31. DOI: 10.4161/chim.24071.

464.) Marth, K., I. Breyer, M. Focke-Tejkl, K. Blatt, MH. Shamji, J. Layhadi, A. Gieras, I. Swoboda, D. Zafred, W. Keller, P. Valent, SR Durham, and R. Valenta*. 2013. A nonallergenic birch pollen allergy vaccine consisting of hepatitis PreS-fused Bet v 1 peptides focuses blocking IgG towards IgE epitopes and shifts immune responses to a tolerogenic and Th1 phenotype. J Immunol. 190:3068-3078. DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1202441.

465.) Weghofer, M., M. Grote, Y. Resch, A. Casset, M. Kneidinger, J. Kopec, W.R. Thomas, E. Fernández-Caldas, M. Kabesch, R. Ferrara, A. Mari, A. Purohit, G. Pauli, F. Horak, W. Keller, P. Valent, R. Valenta, and S. Vrtala*. 2013. Identification of Der p 23, a peritrophin-like protein, as a new major Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus allergen associated with the peritrophic matrix of mite fecal pellets. J Immunol. 190:3059-3067. DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1202288.

466.) Casset, A., R. Valenta, and S. Vrtala*. 2013. Allergen content and in vivo allergenic activity of house dust mite extracts. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 161:287-288. DOI:10.1159/000347047.

467.) Gattringer, M., U. Baranyi, N. Pilat, K. Hock, C. Klaus, E. Buchberger, H. Ramsey, J. Iacomini, R. Valenta, and T. Wekerle*. 2013. Engraftment of retrovirally tranduced Bet v 1-GFP expressing bone marrow cells leads to allergen-specific tolerance. Immunobiology. 218:1139-1146. DOI: 10.1016/j.imbio.2013.03.007.

468.) Hradetzky, S.*, H. Balaji, L. M. Roesner, A. Heratizadeh, I. Mittermann, R. Valenta, and T. Werfel. 2013. The human skin-associated autoantigen α-NAC activates monocytes and dendritic cells via TLR-2 and primes an IL-12-dependent Th1 response. J Invest Dermatol. 133:2289-2292. DOI: 10.1038/jid.2013.161.

469.) Olivieri, M.*, C.A. Biscardo, P. Palazzo, S. Pahr, G. Malerba, R. Ferrera, D. Zennaro, G. Zanoni, L. Xumerle, R. Valenta, and A. Mari. 2013. Wheat IgE profiling and wheat IgE levels in bakers with allergic occupational phenotypes. Occup Environ Med. 70:617-622. DOI: 10.1136/oemed-2012-101112.

470.) Swoboda, I.*, N. Balic, C. Klug, M. Focke, M. Weber, S. Spitzauer, A. Neubauer, S. Quirce, N. Douladiris, N. G. Papadopoulos, and R. Valenta. 2013. A general strategy for the generation of hypoallergenic molecules for the immunotherapy of fish allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 132:979-981.e.1. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2013.04.027.

471.) Baranyi, U., M. Gattringer, A. M. Farkas, K. Hock, N. Pilat, J. Iacomini, R. Valenta, and T. Wekerle*. 2013. The site of allergen expression in hematopoietic cells determines the degree and quality of tolerance induced through molecular chimerism. Eur J Immunol. 43:2451-2460. DOI: 10.1002/eji.201243277.

472.) Garmatiuk, T., I. Swoboda, A. Twardosz-Kropfmüller, F. Dall'antonia, W. Keller, M.B. Singh, P.L. Bhalla, T. Okada, K. Toriyama, M. Weber, M. Ghannadan, W.R. Sperr, K. Blatt, P. Valent, B. Klein, V. Niederberger, M. Curin, N. Balic, S. Spitzauer, and R. Valenta*. 2013. Characterization of mutants of a highly cross-reactive calcium-binding protein from Brassica pollen for allergen-specific immunotherapy. Immunobiology. 218:1155-1165. DOI: 10.1016/j.imbio.2013.04.006.

473.) Pahr, S., C. Constantin, N. Papadopoulos, S. Giavi, M. Mäkelä, M. Pelkonen, C. Ebner, A. Mari, S. Scheiblhofer, J. Thalhamer, M. Kundi, S. Vrtala, I. Mittermann, and R. Valenta*. 2013. α-Purothionin, a new wheat allergen associated with severe allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 132:1000-1003.e.4. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2013.05.016.

474.) Valenta, R., and B. Bohle. 2013. Who is who in the journal? Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 162:1. DOI:10.1159/000350968.

475.) Srinivasan, B., M. Focke-Tejkl, I. Swoboda, C. Constantin, I. Mittermann, S. Pahr, H. Vogelsang, W.D. Huber, and R. Valenta*. 2013. A combined biochemical, biophysical and immunological approach towards the identification of celiac disease-specific wheat antigens. Amino Acids. 45:889-900. DOI: 10.1007/s00726-013-1537-6.

476.) Gangl, K., V. Niederberger, and R. Valenta*. 2013. Multiple grass mixes as opposed to single grasses for allergen immunotherapy in allergic rhinitis. Clin Exp Allergy. 43:1202-1216. DOI: 10.1111/cea.12128.

477.) Selb, R., J. Eckl-Dorna, S. Vrtala, R. Valenta*, and V. Niederberger. 2013. An assay that may predict the development of IgG enhancing allergen-specific IgE binding during birch immunotherapy. Allergy. 68:1199-1202. DOI: 10.1111/all.12204.

478.) Valenta, R. 2013. Editor-in-Chief Rudolf Valenta. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 162:275; DOI: 10.1159/000355596.

479.) Canonica, G. W.*, I. J. Ansotegui, R. Pawankar, P. Schmid-Grendelmeier, M. van Hage, CE. Baena-Cagnani, G. Melioli, C. Nunes, G. Passalacqua, L. Rosenwasser, H. Sampson, J. Sastre, J. Bousquet, T. Zuberbier, K. Allen, R. Asero, B. Bohle, L. Cox, F. de Blay, M. Ebisawa, R. Maximiliano-Gómez, S. González-Diaz, T. Haahtela, S. Holgate, T. Jakob, M. Larché, PM. Matricardi, J. Oppenheimer, LK. Poulsen, HE. Renz, N. Rosário, M. Rothenberg, M. Sanchez-Borges, E. Scala, and R. Valenta. 2013. A WAO - ARIA - GA2LEN consensus document on molecular-based allergy diagnostics. World Allergy Organ J. 6:17. DOI: 10.1186/1939-4551-6-17.


480.) Bonura, A., A. Trapani, L. Gulino, V. Longo, R. Valenta, R. Asero, and P. Colombo*. 2014. Cloning, expression in E. coli and immunological characterization of Par j 3.0201, a Parietaria pollen profiling variant. Mol Immunol. 57:220-225. DOI: 10.1016/j.molimm.2013.09.004.

481.) Pfanzagl, B.*, D. Andergassen, J. Edlmayr, K. Niespodziana, R. Valenta, and D. Blaas. 2014. Entry of human rhinovirus 89 via ICAM-1 into HeLa epithelial cells is inhibited by actin skeleton disruption and by bafilomycin. Arch Virol. 159:125-140. DOI: 10.1007/s00705-013-1797-1.

482.) Gadermaier, E., S. Flicker, K. Blatt, P. Valent, and R. Valenta*. 2014. Possible therapeutic potential of a recombinant group 2 grass pollen allergen-specific antibody fragment. Allergy. 69:261-264. DOI: 10.1111/all.12315.

483.) Linhart, B.*, M. Narayanan, M. Focke-Tejkl, F. Wrba, S. Vrtala, and R. Valenta. 2014. Prophylactic and therapeutic vaccination with carrier-bound Bet v 1 peptides lacking allergen-specific T cell epitopes reduces Bet v 1-specific T cell responses via blocking antibodies in a murine model for birch pollen allergy. Clin Exp Allergy. 44:278-287. DOI: 10.1111/cea.12216.

484.) Curin, M., I. Swoboda, E. Wollmann, C. Lupinek, S. Spitzauer, M. van Hage, and R. Valenta*. 2014. Microarrayed dog, cat, and horse allergens show weak correlation between allergen-specific IgE and IgG responses. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 133:918-921.e6. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2013.10.058.

485.) Metz-Favre, C.*, G. Pauli, L. Castro, R. Valenta, and F. de Blay. 2014. Bet v 2 Responsibility in Birch-induced symptoms. J Allergy Ther. 5:169. DOI: 10.4172/2155-6121.1000169

486.) Lupinek, C., E. Wollmann, A. Baar, S. Banerjee, H. Breiteneder, B.M. Broecker, M. Bublin, M. Curin, S. Flicker, T. Garmatiuk, H. Hochwallner, I. Mitterman, S. Pahr, Y. Resch, KH. Roux, B. Srinivasan, S. Stentzel, S. Vrtala, LN. Willison, M. Wickman, K. Lødrup-Carlsen, JM. Antó, J. Bousquet, C. Bachert, D. Ebner, T. Schlederer, C. Harwanegg, and R. Valenta*. 2014. Advances in allergen-microarray technology for diagnosis and monitoring of allergy: The MeDALL allergen-chip. Methods. 66:106-119. DOI: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2013.10.008.

487.) Hochwallner, H.*, U. Schulmeister, I. Swoboda, S. Spitzauer, and R. Valenta. 2014. Cow's milk allergy: From allergens to new forms of diagnosis, therapy and prevention. Methods. 66:22-33. DOI: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2013.08.005.

488.) Focke-Tejkl, M., R. Campana, R. Reininger, C. Lupinek, K. Blatt, P. Valent, T. Pavkov-Keller, W. Keller, and R. Valenta*. 2014. Dissection of the IgE and T-cell recognition of the major group 5 grass pollen allergen Phl p 5. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 133:836-845.e11. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2013.08.038.

489.) Cabauatan, C.R., C. Lupinek, S. Scheiblhofer, R. Weiss, M. Focke-Tejkl, P.L. Bhalla, M.B. Singh, P.A. Knight, M. van Hage, J.D. Ramos, and R. Valenta*. 2014. Allergen microarray detects high prevalence of asymptomatic IgE sensitizations to tropical pollen-derived carbohydrates. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 133:910-914.e5. DOI 10.1016/jaci.2013.10.004.

490.) Breiteneder, H.*, and R. Valenta*. 2014. Recombinant allergen methods. Methods. 66:1-2. DOI: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2014.02.026.

491.) Banerjee, S., M. Weber, K. Blatt, I. Swoboda, M. Focke-Tejkl, P. Valent, R. Valenta, and S. Vrtala*. 2014. Conversion of Der p 23, a New Major House Dust Mite Allergen, into a Hypoallergenic Vaccine. J Immunol. 192:4867-4875. DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1400064.

492.) Saenger, T.*, A. Braukmann*, S. Vordenbäumen*, I. Altendorfer*, E. Bleck*, H. Hochwallner*, R. Valenta*, M. Schneider*, and J. Jose*. 2014. Development of a surface display ELISA to detect anti-IgG antibodies against bovine αS1-casein in human sera. J Pharm Biomed Anal. 96:144-150. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpba.2014.03.032.

493.) Marth, K., M. Focke-Tejkl, C. Lupinek, R. Valenta, and V. Niederberger*. 2014. Allergen peptides, recombinant allergens and hypoallergens for allergen-specific immunotherapy. Curr Treat Options Allergy. 1:91-106. DOI: 10.1007/s40521-013-0006-5.

494.) Marth, K., E. Wollmann, D. Gallerano, P. Ndlovu, I. Makupe, R. Valenta, and E. Sibanda*. 2014. Persistence of IgE-Associated Allergy and Allergen-Specific IgE despite CD4+ T Cell Loss in AIDS. PLoS One. 9:e97893. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0097893. eCollection 2014.

495.) Baar, A., S. Pahr, C. Constantin, S. Giavi, A. Manoussaki, N. G. Papadopoulos, C. Ebner, A. Mari, S. Vrtala, and R. Valenta*. 2014. Specific IgE reactivity to Tri a 36 in children with wheat food allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 133:585-587. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2013.10.044.

496.) Hradetzky, S.*, L. M. Roesner, H. Balaji, A. Heratizadeh, I. Mittermann, R. Valenta, and T. Werfel. 2014. Cytokine effects induced by the human autoallergen α-NAC. J Invest Dermatol. 134:1570-1578. DOI: 10.1038/jid.2014.25.

497.) Curin, M., M. Weber, T. Thalhamer, I. Swoboda, M. Focke, K. Blatt, P. Valent, K. Marth, T. Garmatiuk, H. Grönlund, J. Thalhamer, S. Spitzauer, and R. Valenta*. 2014. Hypoallergenic derivatives of Fel d 1 obtained by rational reassembly for allergy vaccination and tolerance induction. Clin Exp Allergy. 44:882-894. DOI: 10.1111/cea.12294.

498.) Bousquet, J.*, J. E. Gern, F.D. Martinez, J. M. Anto, C. C. Johnson, P. G. Holt, R. F. Lemanske Jr, P. N. Le Souëf, R. S. Tepper, E. R. von Mutius, S. H. Arshad, L. B. Bacharier, A. Becker, K. Belanger, A. Bergström, D. I. Bernstein, M. D. Cabana, K. N. Carroll, M. Castro, P. J. Cooper, M. W. Gillman, D. R. Gold, J. Henderson, J. Heinrich, S. J. Hong, D. J. Jackson, T. Keil, A. L. Kozyrskyj, K. L. Carlsen, R. L. Miller, I. Momas, W. J. Morgan, P. Noel, D.R. Ownby, M. Pinart, P. H. Ryan, J. M. Schwaninger, M. R. Sears, A. Simpson, H. A. Smit, D. A. Stern, P. Subbarao, R. Valenta, X. Wang, S. T. Weiss, R. Wood, A. L. Wright, R. J. Wright, A. Togias, and P. J. Gergen. 2014. Birth cohorts in asthma and allergic diseases: Report of a NIAID/NHLBI/MeDALL joint workshop. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 133:1535-1546. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2014.01.018.

499.) Bousquet, J., A. Addis, I. Adcock, I. Agache, A. Agusti, A. Alonso, I. Annesi-Maesano, J. M. Anto, C. Bachert, C. E. Baena-Cagnani, C. Bai, A. Baigenzhin, C. Barbara, P. J. Barnes, E. D. Bateman, L. Beck, A. Bedbrook*, E. H. Bel, O. Benezet, K. S. Bennoor, M. Benson, M. Bernabeu-Wittel, M. Bewick, C. Bindslev-Jensen, H. Blain, F. Blasi, M. Bonini, S. Bonini, L.P. Boulet, A. Bourdin, R. Bourret, P. J. Bousquet, C.E. Brightling, A. Briggs, J. Brozek, R. Buhl, A. Bush, D. Caimmi, M. Calderon, P. Calverley, P. A. Camargos, T. Camuzat, G. W. Canonica, K. H. Carlsen, T.B. Casale, M. Cazzola, A. M. Cepeda Sarabia, A. Cesario, Y. Z. Chen, E. Chkhartishvili, N. H. Chavannes, R. Chiron, A. Chuchalin, K.F. Chung, L. Cox, G. Crooks, M. G. Crooks, A. A. Cruz, A. Custovic, R. Dahl, S. E. Dahlen, F. De Blay, T. Dedeu, D. Deleanu, P. Demoly, P. Devillier, A. Didier, A.T. Dinh-Xuan, R. Djukanovic, D. Dokic, H. Douagui, R. Dubakiene, S. Eglin, F. Elliot, R. Emuzyte, L. Fabbri, A. Fink Wagner, M. Fletcher, W. J. Fokkens, J. Fonseca, A. Franco, P. Frith, A. Furber, M. Gaga, J. Garcés, J. Garcia-Aymerich, A. Gamkrelidze, S. Gonzales-Diaz, F. Gouzi, M. A. Guzmán, T. Haahtela, D. Harrison, M. Hayot, L. G. Heaney, J. Heinrich, P. W. Hellings, J. Hooper, M. Humbert, M. Hyland, G. Iaccarino, D. Jakovenko, J. R. Jardim, C. Jeandel, C. Jenkins, S. L. Johnston, O. Jonquet, G. Joos, K.S. Jung, O. Kalayci, S. Karunanithi, T. Keil, N. Khaltaev, V. Kolek, M.L. Kowalski, I. Kull, P. Kuna, V. Kvedariene, L.T. Le, K. C. Lodrup Carlsen, R. Louis, W. MacNee, A. Mair, I. Majer, P. Manning, E. de Manuel Keenoy, M. R. Masjedi, E. Melen, E. Melo-Gomes, A. Menzies-Gow, G. Mercier, J. Mercier, J. P. Michel, N. Miculinic, F. Mihaltan, B. Milenkovic, M. Molimard, I. Momas, A. Montilla-Santana, M. Morais-Almeida, M. Morgan, M. N'Diaye, S. Nafti, K. Nekam, A. Neou, L. Nicod, R. O'Hehir, K. Ohta, P. Paggiaro, S. Palkonen, S. Palmer, N.G. Papadopoulos, A. Papi, G. Passalacqua, I. Pavord, B. Pigearias, D. Plavec, D. S. Postma, D. Price, K.F. Rabe, F. Radier Pontal, J. Redon, S. Rennard, J. Roberts, J. M. Robine, J. Roca, N. Roche, F. Rodenas, A. Roggeri, C. Rolland, J. Rosado-Pinto, D. Ryan, B. Samolinski, M. Sanchez-Borges, H.J. Schünemann, A. Sheikh, M. Shields, N. Siafakas, Y. Sibille, T. Similowski, I. Small, O. Sola-Morales, T. Sooronbaev, R. Stelmach, P. J. Sterk, T. Stiris, P. Sud, V. Tellier, T. To, A. Todo-Bom, M. Triggiani, R. Valenta, A. L. Valero, A. Valiulis, E. Valovirta, E. Van Ganse, O. Vandenplas, T. Vasankari, J. Vestbo, G. Vezzani, G. Viegi, L. Visier, C. Vogelmeier, T. Vontetsianos, R. Wagstaff, U. Wahn, B. Wallaert, B. Whalley, M. Wickman, D. M. Williams, N. Wilson, B. P. Yawn, P.K. Yiallouros, A. Yorgancioglu, O. M. Yusuf, H. J. Zar, N. Zhong, M. Zidarn, and T. Zuberbier. 2014. Integrated care pathways for airway diseases (AIRWAYS-ICPs). Eur Respir J. 44:304-323. DOI: 10.1183/09031936.00014614.

500.) Baar, A., S. Pahr, C. Constantin, S. Giavi, N. G. Papadopoulos, A. S. Pelkonen, M. Makela, S. Scheiblhofer, J. Thalhamer, M. Weber, C. Ebner, A. Mari, S. Vrtala, and R. Valenta*. 2014. The high molecular weight glutenin subunit Bx7 allergen from wheat contains repetitive IgE epitopes. Allergy 69:1316-1323. DOI: 10.1111/all.12464.

501.) Devanaboyina, S. C., C. Cornelius, C. Lupinek, K. Fauland, F. Dall ´Antonia, A. Nandy, S. Hagen, S. Flicker, R. Valenta, and W. Keller*. 2014. High resolution crystal structure and IgE cross reactivity of the major grass pollen allergen Phl p 3. Allergy 69:1617:-1628. DOI: 10.1111/all.12511.

502.) Levin, M., S. Rotthus, S. Wendel, N. Najafi, E. Källström, M. Focke-Tejkl, R. Valenta, S. Flicker, and M. Ohlin*. 2014. Multiple independent IgE epitopes on the highly allergenic grass pollen allergen Phl p 5. Clin Exp Allergy 44:1409-1419. DOI: 10.1111/cea.12423.

503.) Hochwallner, H.*, J. Alm, C. Lupinek, C. Johansson, A. Mie, A. Scheynius, and R. Valenta. 2014. Transmission of allergen – specific IgG and IgE from maternal blood into breast milk visualized with microarray technology. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 134:1213-1215. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2014.08.041.

504.) Szépfalusi, Z.*, C. Bannert, L. Lonceray, E. Mayer, M. Hassler, E. Wissmann, E. Dehlink, S. Gruber, A. Graf, C. Lupinek, R. Valenta, T. Eiwegger, and R. Urbanek. 2014. Preventive sublingual immunotherapy in preschool children: first evidence for safety and pro-tolerogenic effects. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 25:788-795. DOI: 10.1111/pai.12310

505.) Canonica, G. W., R. Valenta, and R. Pawankar. 2014. In memoriam – a tribute to Carlos e. Baena-Cagnani. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 165:270. DOI: 10.1159/000375122

506.) Bonura, A., A. Trapani, L. Gulino, V. Longo, R. Valenta, R. Asero, and P. Colombo*. 2014. Cloning, expression in E. coli and immunological characterization of Par j 3.0201, a Parietaria pollen profiling variant. Mol Immunol. 57:220-225. DOI: 10.1016/j.molimm.2013.09.004.

507.) Wagner, G. E., S. Gutfreund, K. Fauland, W. Keller, R. Valenta, and K. Zangger*. 2014. Backbone resonance assignment of Alt a 1, a unique β-barrel protein and the major allergen of Atlernaria alternata. Biomol. NMR Assign. 8:229-231. DOI: 10.1007/s12104-013-9489-z

508.) Pahr, S., R. Selb, M. Weber, M. Focke-Tejkl, G. Hofer, A. Dordic, W. Keller, N. G. Papadopoulus, S. Giavi, M. Mäkelä, A. Pelkonen, V. Niederberger, S. Vrtala, and R. Valenta*. 2014. Biochemical, biophysical and IgE-epitope characterization of the wheat food allergen, Tri a 37. PLoS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0111483.

509.) Valenta, R., V. Niederberger. 2014. Recombinant allergens for allergen immunotherapy. In: Akdis CA, Agache I, editors. Global Atlas of Allergy. Zürich (CH): European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2014. Available from: . 9f: 311-312.


510.) Linhart, B., M. Focke-Tejkl, M. Weber, M. Narayanan, Au. Neubauer, H. Mayrhofer, K. Blatt, C. Lupinek, P. Valent, and R. Valenta*. 2015. Molecular evolution of hypoallergenic hybrid proteins for vaccination against grass pollen allergy. J. Immunol. 194:4008-4018. DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1400402.

511.) Twaroch, T. E., M. Curin, R. Valenta*, and I. Swoboda. 2015. Mold allergens in respiratory allergy: from structure to therapy. Allergy Asthma Immunol Res. 7:205-220. DOI: 10.4168/aair.2015.7.3.205.

512.) Egger, C., C. Lupinek, R. Ristl, P. Lemell, F. Horak, P. Ziegelmayer, S. Spitzauer, R. Valenta and V. Niederberger*. 2015. Effects of nasal corticosteroids on boosts of systemic allergen-specific IgE production induced by nasal allergen exposure. Plos One. 10: e0114991. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114991

513.) Gallerano D., E. Wollmann, C. Lupinek, T. Schlederer, D. Ebner, C. Harwanegg, K. Niedpodziana, K. Schmetterer, W. Pickl, E. Puchhammer-Stöckl, E. Sibanda, and R. Valenta*. 2015. HIV microarray for the mapping and characterization of HIV-specific antibody responses. Lab Chip. 15:1574-1589. DOI: 10.1039/C4LC01510J.

514.) Bousquet J*, J. M. Anto, K. Berkouk, P. Gergen, J. Pinto Antunes, P. Augé, T. Camuzat, J. Bringer, J. Mercier, N. Best, R. Bourret, M. Akdis, S. H. Arshad, A. Bedbrook, C. Berr, A. Bush, G. Cavalli, M. A. Charles, F. Clavel-Chapelon, M. Gillman, D. R. Gold, M. Goldberg, J. W. Holloway, P Iozzo, S Jacquemin, C. Jeandel, F. Kaufmann, T. Keil, G. H. Koppelman, S. Krauss-Etschmann, D. Kuh, S. Lehmann, K. C. Lodrup Carlsen, D. Maier, M. Méchali, E. Melén, J. P. Moatti, I. Momas, P. Nérin, D. S. Postma, K. Ritchie, J. M. Robine, B. Samolinski, V. Siroux, P. E. Slagboom, H. A. Smit, J. Sunyer, R. Valenta, P. van de Perre, J. M. Verdier, M. Vrijheid, M. Wickman, P. Yiallouros, and M. Zins. 2015. Developmental determinants in non-communicable chronic diseases and ageing. Thorax. 70:595-597. DOI: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2014-206304.

515.) Nilsson N.*, Sjölander S., A. Baar, M. Berthold, S. Pahr, S. Vrtala, R. Valenta, E. Morita, G. Hedlin, M. P. Borres, and C. Nilsson. 2015. Wheat allergy in children evaluated with challenge and IgE antibodies to wheat components. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 26:119-125. DOI:10.1111/pai.12334.

516.) Madritsch C., E. Gadermaier, U. W. Roder, C. Lupinek, R. Valenta, and S. Flicker*. 2015. High-Density IgE Recognition of the Major Grass Pollen Allergen Phl p 1 Revelaed with Single-Chain IgE Antibody Fragments Obtained by Combinatorial Cloning. J Immunol. 194:2069-2078. DOI: 104049/jimmunol.1402185.

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517.) Wollmann E., C. Hamsten, E. Sibanda, M. Ochome, M. Focke-Tejkl, A. Asarnoj, A. Önell, G. Lilja, D. Gallerano, C. Lupinek, T. Thalhamer, R. Weiss, J. Thalhamer, M. Wickman, R. Valenta, and M. van Hage*. 2015. Natural clinical tolerance to peanut in African patients is caused by poor allergenic activity of penaut IgE. Allergy. 70:638-652. DOI: 10.1111/all.12592.

518.) Valenta R.*, H .Hochwallner, B. Linhart, and S. Pahr. Food allergies - the Basics. 2015. Gastroenterology. 148:1120-1131. DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2015.02.006.

519.) Gallerano D., P. Ndlovu, I. Makupe, M. Focke-Tejkl, K. Fauland, E. Wollmann, E. Puchhammer-Stöckl, W. Keller, E. Sibanda, and R. Valenta*. 2015. Comparison of the Specificities of IgG, IgG-Subclass, IgA and IgM Reactivities in African and European HIV-Infected Individuals with HIV-1Clade C Proteome – Based Array. PLoS One. 10:e0117204. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117204.

520.) Zuidmeer-Jongejan, L.*, H. Huber, I. Swoboda, N. Rigby, S. A. Versteeg, B. M. Jensen, S. Quaak, J. H. Akkerdaas, L. Blom, J. Asturias, C. Bindslev-Jensen, M. L. Bernardi, M. Clausen, R. Ferrera, M. Hauer, J. Heyse, S. Kopp, M. L. Kowalski, A. Polak-Lewandowska, B. Linhart, B. Maderegger, B. Maillere, A. Mari, A. Martinez, E. N. C. Mills, A. Neubauer, C. Nicoletti, N. G. Papadopoulos, A. Portoles, V. Ranta – Panula, S. Santos-Magadan, H. J. Schnoor, S. T. Sigurdardottir, P. Stahl-Skov, G. Stavroulakis, G. Stegfellner, S. Vázquez-Cortes, M. Witten, F. Stolz, L. K. Poulsen, M. Fernandez-Rivas, R. Valenta, and R. van Ree. 2015. Development of a hypoallergenic recombinant parvalbumin for first–in-man subcutaneous immunotherapy of fish allergy. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 166:41-51. DOI: 10.1159/000371657.

521.) Douladiris, N., B. Linhart*, I. Swoboda, A. Gstöttner, E. Vassilopoulou, F. Stolz., R. Valenta, and N. Papadopoulos. 2015. In vivo allergenic activity of a hypoallergenic mutant of the major fish allergen Cyp c 1 evaluated by means of skin testing. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 136:493-495.e8. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2015.01.015.

522.) Gangl, K., E. E. Waltl, H. Vetr, C. Cabautan, R. Valenta, and V. Niederberger*. 2015. Infection with rhinovirus facilitates allergen penetration across a respiratory epithelial cell layer. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 166:291-296. DOI: 10.1159/000430441.

523.) Ferreira de Sousa Moreira, P., K. Gangl, F. de Assis Machado Vieira, L. Hideki Ynoue, V. Civaj, B. Linhart, S. Flicker, I. Swoboda, M. Focke-Tejkl, E. A. Taketomi, R. Valenta*, and V. Niederberger. 2015. Allergen microarray indicates Pooideae sensitization in Brazilian grass pollen allergic patients. PloS One. 10: e0128402. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0128402.

524.) Madritsch, C., J. Eckl-Dorna, K. Blatt, I. Ellinger, M. Kundi, V. Niederberger, P. Valent, R. Valenta, and S. Flicker*. 2015. Antibody conjugates bispecific for intercellular adhesion molecule 1 and allergen prevent migration of allergens through respiratory epithelial cell layers. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 136:490-493.e11. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2015.01.006.

525.) Banerjee, S., Y. Resch, K. W. Chen, I. Swoboda, M. Focke-Tejkl, K. Blatt, N. Novak, M. van Hage, R. Ferrara, A. Mari, A. Purohit, G. Pauli, E.N. Sibanda, P. Ndlovu, W. R. Thomas, V. Krzyzanek, S. Tacke, U. Malkus, P. Valent, R. Valenta, and S. Vrtala*. 2015. Der p 11 is a major allergen for house dust mite-allergic patients suffering from atopic dermatitis. J Invest Dermatol. 135:102-109. DOI:10.1038/jid.2014.271

526.) Skrindo, I.*, C. Lupinek, R. Valenta, V. Hovland, S. Pahr, A. Baar, K. H. Carlsen, P. Mowinckel, M. Wickman, E. Melen, J. Bousquet, J. M. Anto, and K. C. Lødrup Carlsen. 2015. The use of the MeDALL-chip to assess IgE sensitization: a new diagnostic tool for allergic disease? Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 26:239-246, DOI: 10.1111/pai.12366.

527.) Westman, M.*, C. Lupinek, J. Bousquet, N. Andersson, S. Pahr, A. Baar, A. Bergström, M. Holmström, P. Stjärne, K.C. Lødrum Carlsen, K.H. Carlsen, J.M. Antó, R. Valenta, M. van Hage, M. Wickman; Mechanisms for the Development of Allergies Consortium. 2015. Early childhood IgE reactivity to pathogenesis-related class 10 proteins predicts allergic rhinitis in adolescence. J. Allergy Clin Immunol.135:1199-1206.e1-11, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2014.10.042.

528.) Focke-Tejkl, M., M. Weber, K. Niespodiziana, A. Neubauer, H. Huber, R. Henning, G. Stegfellner, B. Maderegger, M. Hauer, F. Stolz, V. Niederberger, K. Marth, J. Eckl-Dorna, R. Weiss, J. Thalhamer, K. Blatt, P. Valent, R. Valenta*. 2015. Development and characterization of a recombinant, hypoallergenic, peptide-based vaccine for grass pollen allergy. J. Allergy Clin Immunol. 135:1207-1217.e11. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2014.09.012.

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530.) Niespodziana K., C. R. Cabauatan, D.J. Jackson, D. Gallerano, B. Trujillo-Torralbo, A. Del Rosario, P. Mallia, R. Valenta*, and Johnston, S.L. 2015. Rhinovirus-induced VP1-specific antibodies are group-specific and associated with severity of respiratory symptoms. EBioMedicine. 2:64-70. DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2014.11.012

531.) Niederberger, V., K. Marth, J. Eckl-Dorna, M. Focke-Tejkl, M. Weber, W. Hemmer, U. Berger, A. Neubauer, F. Stolz, R. Henning, and R. Valenta*. 2015. Skin test evaluation of a novel peptide carrier-based vaccine, BM32, in grass pollen-allergic patients. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 136:1101-1103.e8. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2015.03.034.

532.) Wollmann, E., C. Lupinek, R. Selb, M. Kundi, V. Niederberger, and R. Valenta*. 2015. Reduction in allergen- specific IgE binding as measured by microarray: A possible surrogate marker for effects of specific immunotherapy. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 136:806-809.e7. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2015.02.034.

533.) Bousquet, J.*, J. M. Anto, M. Wickman, T. Keil, R. Valenta, T. Haahtela, K. Lodrup Carlsen, M. van Hage, C. Akdis, C. Bachert, M. Akdis, C. Auffray, I. Annesi-Maesano, C. Bindslev-Jensen, A. Cambon-Thomsen, K. H. Carlsen, L. Chatzi, F. Forastiere, J. Garcia-Aymerich, U. Gehrig, S. Guerra, J. Heinrich, G. H. Koppelman, M. L. Kowalski, B. Lambrecht, C. Lupinek , D. Maier, E. Melén, I. Momas, S. Palkonen, M. Pinart, D. Postma, V. Siroux, H. A. Smit, J. Sunyer, J. Wright, T. Zuberbier, S. H. Arshad, R. Nadif, C. Thijs, N. Anderson, A. Arsanoj, N. Balardini, S. Ballereau, A. Bedbrook, M. Benet, A. Bergstrom, B. Brunekreef, E. Burte, M. Calderon, G. De Carlo, P. Demoly, E. Eller, M. P. Fantini, H. Hammad, C. Hohman, J. Just, M. Kerkhof, M. Kogevinas, I. Kull, S. Lau, N. Lemonnier, M. Mommers, M. Nawijn, A. Neubauer, S. Oddie, J. Pellet, I. Pin, D. Porta, Y. Saes, I. Skrindo, C. G. Tischer, M. Torrent, and L. von Hertzen. 2015. Are allergic multimorbidities and IgE polysensitization associated with the persistence or re-occurrence of foetal type 2 signalling? The MeDALL hypothesis. Allergy. 70:1062-1078. DOI: 10.1111/all.12637

534.) Resch, Y., S. Michel, M. Kabesch, C. Lupinek, R. Valenta, and S. Vrtala*. 2015. Different IgE recognition of mite allergen components in asthmatic and nonasthmatic children. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 136:1083-91. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2015.03.024.

535.) Campana, R., R. Valenta, J. Grundström, C. Hamsten, and M. van Hage*. 2015. Clinical therapy research in allergic diseases. In Clinical therapy research in the inflammatory diseases. R. van Vollenhoven, eds. World Scientific Publishing. ISBN: 978-981-4656-32-0. 311-347. DOI: 10.1142/9789814656337_0014.

536.) Eckl-Dorna, J., R. Campana, R. Valenta, and V. Niederberger*. 2015. Poor association of allergen–specific antibody, T and B cell responses revealed with recombinant allergens and a CFSE dilution-based assay. Allergy. 70:1222-1229. DOI: 10.1111/all.12661.

537.) Srinivasan, B., M. Focke-Tejkl, M. Weber, S. Pahr, A. Baar, R. Atreya, M. F. Neurath, H. Vogelsang, W.D. Huber, and R. Valenta*. 2015. Usefulness of recombinant γ-gliadin 1 for identifying patients with celiac disease and monitoring adherence to a gluten-free diet. J Allergy Clin Immunology. 136:1607-1618.e3. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2015.04.040.

538.) Vallhov H.*, C. Gutzeit, K. Hultenby, R. Valenta, H. Grönlund, and A. Scheynius. 2015. Dendritic cell-derived exosomes carry the major cat allergen Fel d 1 and induce allergic immune response. Allergy. 70:1651-1655. DOI 10.1111/all.12701.

539.) Gangl, K.*, V. Niederberger, R. Valenta, and A. Nandy. Markerallergene und Panallergene bei Baum- und Gräserpollenallergie [Marker allergens and panallergens in tree and grass pollen allergy – Part 17 of the Series Molecular allergology]. 2015. Allergo J Int. 24:158-169. DOI: 10.1007/s15007-015-0872-1. German.

540.) Gallerano, D.*, C. Cabauatan, E.N. Sibanda, and R. Valenta. 2015. HIV-specific antibody responses in HIV-infected patients – from a monoclonal to a polyclonal view. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 167:223-241. DOI: 1159/000438484.

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542.) Gadermaier E., L. K. James, M. H. Shamji, K. Blatt, K. Fauland, P. Zieglmayer, T. Garmatiuk, M. Focke-Tejkl, M. Villalba, R. Beavil, W. Keller, P. Valent, S. R. Durham, H. J. Gould, S. Flicker, and R. Valenta*. 2016. Epitope specificity determines cross-protection of a SIT-induced IgG4 antibody. Allergy. 71:36-36. DOI: 10.1111/all.12710.

543.) Valent, P.*, B. Groner, U. Schumacher, G. Superti-Furga, M. Busslinger, R. Kralovics, C. Zielinski, J.M. Penninger, D. Kerjaschki, G. Stingl, J.S. Smolen, R. Valenta, H. Lassmann, H. Kovar, U. Jäger, G. Kornek, M. Müller, and F. Sorgel. 2016. Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915) and his contributions to the foundation and birth of translational medicine. J Innate Immun. 8:111-120. DOI: 10.1159/000443526

544.) S. Lucae, P. Schmid-Grendelmeier, B. Wütrich, D. Kraft, R. Valenta, and B. Linhart*. 2016. IgE responses to exogenous and endogenous allergens in atopic dermatitits patients under long-term systemic cyclosporine A treatment. Allergy. 71:115-118. DOI: 10.1111/all.12711.

545.) Gattringer, M., U. Baranyi, N. Pilat, K. Hock, C. Klaus, H. E. Ramsey, R. Valenta, and T. Wekerle*. 2016. Anti-OX40L alone or in combination with anti-CD40L and CTLA4Ig does not inhibit the humoral and cellular response to a major grass pollen allergen. Clin Exp Allergy. 46:354-364. DOI:10.1111/cea.12661.

546.) Campana, R., K. Moritz, K. Marth, A. Neubauer, H. Huber, R. Henning, K. Blatt, G. Hörmann, T.M. Brodie, A. Kaider, P. Valent, F. Sallusto, S. Wöhrl, and R. Valenta*. 2016. Frequent occurrence of T cell-mediated late reactions revealed by atopy patch testing with hypoallergenic recombinant Bet v 1 fragments. J. Allergy Clin Immunol. 137:601-609.e8. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2015.08.042.

547.) Gieras, A., B. Linhart, K. H. Roux, M. Dutta, M. Khodoun, D. Zafred, C. Cabautan, C. Lupinek, M. Weber, M. Focke-Tejkl, W. Keller, F. Finkelman, and R. Valenta*. 2016. IgE epitope proximity determines immune complex shape and effector cell activation capacity. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 137:1557-1565. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2015.08.055.

548.) Asarnoj, A.*, K. Wadén, C. Hamsten, N. Andersson, I. Kull, C. Lupinek, M. Curin, J. Anto, J. Bousquet, R. Valenta, M. Wickman, and M. van Hage. 2016. Sensitization to cat and dog allergen molecules in childhood and prediction of symptoms of cat and dog allergy in adolescence: A BAMSE/MeDALL study. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 137:813-821. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2015.09.052.

549.) Roesner, L. M.*, A. Heratizadeh, S. Wieschowski, I. Mittermann, R. Valenta, B. Eiz-Vesper, C. Hennig, G. Hansen, C. S. Falk, and T. Werfel. 2016. Alpha-NAC-specific autoreactive CD8+ T cells in atopic dermatitis are of an effector-memory type and secrete IL.4 and IFN-gamma. J Immunol. 196:3245-3252. DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1500351.

550.) Wollman, E., and R. Valenta*. 2016. Bedeutung rekombinanter Allergene und Allergenderivate. In: Biedermann, T., W. Heppt, H. Renz, and M. Röcken, editors. Allergologie. 2nd ed. Berlin/Heidelberg (Germany): Springer Verlag; 2016. Chapter 18; p. 194-211. German.

551.) Valenta, R., and A. Schönberger. 2016. Das Anti-Allergie-Buch. Auslöser, Heilungschancen und die neuesten Therapieformen. 1st ed. München/Berlin (Germany): Piper Verlag GmbH; 2016. ISBN: 978-3-492-05704-2. German. Buch

552.) Bousquet, J.*, J. M. Anto, M. Akdis, C. Auffray, T. Keil, I. Momas, D. Postma, R. Valenta, M. Wickman, A. Cambon-Thomsen, T. Haahtela, B. N. Lambrecht, K. Lodrup-Carlsen, G. H. Koppelman, J. Sunyer, T. Zuberbier, I. Annesi-Maesano, A. Arno, C. Bindslev-Jensen, G. De Carlo, F. Forastiere, J. Heinrich, M. L. Kowalski, D. Maier, E. Melén, S. Palkonen, H. A. Smit, M. Standl, J. Wright, A. Asarnoj, M. Benet, N. Balardini, J. Garcia-Aymerich, U. Gehring, S. Guerra, C. Hohman, I. Kull, C. Lupinek, M. Pinart, I. Skrindo, M. Westman, D. Smagghe, C. Akdis, R. Albang, V. Anastasova, N. Anderson, C. Bachert, S. Ballereau, F. Ballester, X. Basagana, A. Bedbrook, A. Bergstrom, A. von Berg, B. Brunekreef, E. Burte, K. H. Carlsen, L. Chatzi, J. M. Coquet, M. Curin, P. Demoly, E. Eller, M. P. Fantini, B. Gerhard, H. Hammad, L. von Hertzen, V. Hovland, B. Jacquemin, J. Just, T. Keller, M. Kerkhof, R. Kiss, M. Kogevinas, S. Koletzko, S. Lau, I. Lehmann, N. Lemonnier, R. McEachan, M. Mäkelä, J. Mestres, E. Minina, P. Mowinckel, R. Nadif, M. Nawijn, S. Oddie, J. Pellet, I. Pin, D. Porta, F. Rancière, A. Rial-Sebbag, Y. Saes, M. J. Schuijs, V. Siroux, C. G. Tischer, M. Torrent, R. Varraso, J. De Vocht, K. Wenger, S. Wieser, and C. Xu. 2016. Paving the way of systems biology and precision medicine in allergic diseases: The MeDALL success story. Allergy. 71:1513-1525. DOI: 10.1111/all.12880. Review.

553.) Baranyi, U., A. M. Farkas, K. Hock, B. Mahr, B. Linhart, M. Gattringer, M. Focke-Tejkl, A. Petersen, F. Wrba, T. Rülicke, R. Valenta, and T. Wekerle*. 2016. Cell therapy for prophylactic tolerance in immunoglobulin E-mediated allergy. EBioMedicine. 7:230-239. DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2016.03.028.

554.) Zieglmayer, P., M. Focke-Tejkl, R. Schmutz, P. Lemell, R. Zieglmayer, M. Weber, R. Kiss, K. Blatt, P. Valent, F. Stolz, H. Huber, A. Neubauer, A. Knoll, F. Horak, R. Henning, and R. Valenta*. 2016. Mechanisms, safety and efficacy of a B cell epitope-based vaccine for immunotherapy of grass pollen allergy. EBioMedicine 11:43-57. DOI 10.1016/j.ebiom.2016.08.022.

555.) Cornelius, C., K. Schöneweis, F. Georgi, M. Weber, V. Niederberger, P. Zieglmayer, K. Niespodziana, M. Trauner, H. Hofer, S. Urban, and R. Valenta*. 2016. Immunotherapy with the PreS-based grass pollen allergy vaccine BM32 induces antibody responses protecting against Hepatitis B infection. EBioMedicine. 11:58-67. DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2016.07.023.

556.) Fedenko, E.*, O. Elisyutina, O. Shtyrbul, A. Pampura, R. Valenta, C. Lupinek, and M. Khaitov. 2016. Microarray-based IgE-serology improves management of severe atopic dermatitis in two children. Pediatr. Allergy Immunol. 27:645-649. DOI: 10.1111/pai.12572.

557.) Resch, Y., K. Blatt, U. Malkus, C. Fercher, I. Swoboda, M. Focke-Tejkl, K.W. Chen, S. Seiberler, I. Mittermann, C. Lupinek, A. Rodriguez-Dominguez, P. Zieglmayer, R. Zieglmayer, W. Keller, V. Krzyzanek, P. Valent, R. Valenta, and S. Vrtala*. 2016. Molecular, structural and immunological characterization of Der p 18, a chitinase-like house dust mite allergen. PLoS One 11, 8, :e0160641. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0160641. eCollection 2016.

558.) Becker, S.*, T. Schlederer, M. F. Kramer, M. Haack, S. Vrtala, Y. Resch, C. Lupinek, R. Valenta, and M. Gröger. 2016. Real-life study for the diagnosis of house dust mite allergy – the value of recombinant allergen-based IgE serology. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 170:132-137. DOI: 10.1159/000447694

559.) Bousquet, J.*, J. Farrell, G. Crooks, P. Hellings, E. H. Bel, M. Bewick, N. H. Chavannes, J. C. de Sousa, A. A. Cruz, T. Haahtela, G. Joos, N. Khaltaev, J. Malva, A. Muraro, M. Nogues, S. Palkonen, S. Pedersen, C. Robalo-Cordeiro, B. Samolinski, T. Strandberg, A. Valiulis, A. Yorgancioglu, T. Zuberbier, A. Bedbrook, W. Aberer, M. Adachi, A. Agusti, C.A. Akdis, M. Akdis, J. Ankri, A. Alonso, I. Annesi-Maesano, I. J. Ansotegui, J. M. Anto, S. Arnavielhe, H. Arshad, C. Bai, I. Baiardini, C. Bachert, A. K. Baigenzhin, C. Barbara, E. D. Bateman, B. Beghé, A. B. Kheder, K.S. Bennoor, M. Benson, K. C. Bergmann, T. Bieber, C. Bindslev-Jensen, L. Bjermer, H. Blain, F. Blasi, A .L. Boner, M. Bonini, S. Bonini, S. Bosnic-Anticevitch, L. P. Boulet, R. Bourret, P.J. Bousquet, F. Braido, A. H. Briggs, C. E. Brightling, J. Brozek, R. Buhl, P.G. Burney, A. Bush, F. Caballero-Fonseca, D. Caimmi, M. A. Calderon, P. M. Calverley, P.A. Camargos, G. W. Canonica, T. Camuzat, K. H. Carlsen, W. Carr, A. Carriazo, T. Casale, A. M. Cepeda Sarabia, L. Chatzi, Y. Z. Chen, R. Chiron, E. Chkhartishvili, A.G. Chuchalin, K. F. Chung, G. Ciprandi, I. Cirule, L. Cox, D. J. Costa, A. Custovic, R. Dahl, S. E. Dahlen, U. Darsow, G. De Carlo, F. De Blay, T. Dedeu, D. Deleanu, E. De Manuel Keenoy, P. Demoly, J. A. Denburg, P. Devillier, A. Didier, A.T. Dinh-Xuan, R. Djukanovic, D. Dokic, H. Douagui, G. Dray, R. Dubakiene, S.R. Durham, M.S. Dykewicz, Y. El-Gamal, R. Emuzyte, L. M. Fabbri, M. Fletcher, A. Fiocchi, A. Fink Wagner, J. Fonseca, W. J. Fokkens, F. Forastiere, P. Frith, M. Gaga, A. Gamkrelidze, J. Garces, J. Garcia-Aymerich, B. Gemicioğlu, J. E. Gereda, S. González Diaz, M. Gotua, I. Grisle, L. Grouse, Z. Gutter, M. A. Guzmán, L.G. Heaney, B. Hellquist-Dahl, D. Henderson, A. Hendry, J. Heinrich, D. Heve, F. Horak, J. O. Hourihane, P. Howarth, M. Humbert, M. E. Hyland, M. Illario, J. C. Ivancevich, J. R. Jardim, E.J. Jares, C. Jeandel, C. Jenkins, S. L. Johnston, O. Jonquet, K. Julge, K. S. Jung, J. Just, I. Kaidashev, M. R. Kaitov, O. Kalayci, A. F. Kalyoncu, T. Keil, P. K. Keith, L. Klimek, B. Koffi N'Goran, V. Kolek, G. H. Koppelman, M. L. Kowalski, I. Kull, P. Kuna, V. Kvedariene, B. Lambrecht, S. Lau, D. Larenas-Linnemann, D. Laune, L. T. Le, P. Lieberman, B. Lipworth, J. Li, K. Lodrup Carlsen, R. Louis, W. MacNee, Y. Magard, A. Magnan, B. Mahboub, A. Mair, I. Majer, M. J. Makela, P. Manning, S. Mara, G.D. Marshall, M. R. Masjedi, P. Matignon, M. Maurer, S. Mavale-Manuel, E. Melén, E. Melo-Gomes, E. O. Meltzer, A. Menzies-Gow, H. Merk, J. P. Michel, N. Miculinic, F. Mihaltan, B. Milenkovic, G. M. Mohammad, M. Molimard, I. Momas, A. Montilla-Santana, M. Morais-Almeida, M. Morgan, R. Mösges, J. Mullol, S. Nafti, L. Namazova-Baranova, R. Naclerio, A. Neou, H. Neffen, K. Nekam, B. Niggemann, G. Ninot, T.D. Nyembue, R. E. O'Hehir, K. Ohta, Y. Okamoto, K. Okubo, S. Ouedraogo, P. Paggiaro, I. Pali-Schöll, P. Panzner, N. Papadopoulos, A. Papi, H.S. Park, G. Passalacqua, I. Pavord, R. Pawankar, R. Pengelly, O. Pfaar, R. Picard, B. Pigearias, I. Pin, D. Plavec, D. Poethig, W. Pohl, T. A. Popov, F. Portejoie, P. Potter, D. Postma, D. Price, K.F. Rabe, F. Raciborski, F. Radier Pontal, S. Repka-Ramirez, S. Reitamo, S. Rennard, F. Rodenas, J. Roberts, J. Roca, L. Rodriguez Mañas, C. Rolland, M. Roman Rodriguez, A. Romano, J. Rosado-Pinto, N. Rosario, L. Rosenwasser, M. Rottem, D. Ryan, M. Sanchez-Borges, G.K. Scadding, H.J. Schunemann, E. Serrano, P. Schmid-Grendelmeier, H. Schulz, A. Sheikh, M. Shields, N. Siafakas, Y. Sibille, T. Similowski, F. E. Simons, J. C. Sisul, I. Skrindo, H.A. Smit, D. Solé, T. Sooronbaev, O. Spranger, R. Stelmach, P.J. Sterk, J. Sunyer, C. Thijs, T. To, A. Todo-Bom, M. Triggiani, R. Valenta, A. L. Valero, E. Valia, E. Valovirta, E. Van Ganse, M. van Hage, O. Vandenplas, T. Vasankari, B. Vellas, J. Vestbo, G. Vezzani, P. Vichyanond, G. Viegi, C. Vogelmeier, T. Vontetsianos, M. Wagenmann, B. Wallaert, W. Walker, D.Y. Wang, U. Wahn, M. Wickman, D. M. Williams, S. Williams, J. Wright, B. P. Yawn, P. K. Yiallouros, O. M. Yusuf, A. Zaidi, H. J. Zar, M. E. Zernotti, L. Zhang, N. Zhong, M. Zidarn, and J. Mercier. 2016. Scaling up strategies of the chronic respiratory disease programme of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (Action Plan B3: Area 5). Clin Transl Allergy 6:29. DOI: 10.1186/s13601-016-0116-9. eCollection 2016.

560.) Lupinek, C., E. Wollman, and R. Valenta*. 2016. Monitoring allergen immunotherapy effects by microarray. Curr Treat Options Allergy 3:189-203. DOI: 10.1007/s40521-016-0084-2

561.) Apostolovic, D., S. Sánchez-Vidaurre, K. Waden, M. Curin, J. Grundström, G. Gafvelin, T. Cirkovic Velickovic, H.Grönlund, W. R Thomas, R. Valenta, C. Hamsten, and M. van Hage*. 2016. The cat lipocalin Fel d 7 and its cross-reactivity with the dog lipocalin Can f 1. Allergy 71:1490-1495. DOI: 10.1111/all.12955.

562.) Matricardi, P.M.*, J. Kleine-Tebbe, H. J. Hoffmann, R. Valenta, C. Hilger, S. Hofmaier, R. C. Aalberse, I. Agache, R. Asero, B. Ballmer-Weber, D. Barber, K. Beyer, T. Biedermann, M. B. Bilò, S. Blank, B. Bohle, P. P. Bosshard, H. Breiteneder, H. A. Brough, L. Caraballo, J.C. Caubet, R. Crameri, J. M. Davies, N. Douladiris, M. Ebisawa, P. A. EIgenmann, M. Fernandez-Rivas, F. Ferreira, G. Gadermaier, M. Glatz, R.G.Hamilton, T. Hawranek , P. Hellings, K. Hoffmann-Sommergruber, T. Jakob, U. Jappe, M. Jutel, S.D. Kamath, E.F. Knol, P. Korosec, A. Kuehn, G. Lack, A. L. Lopata, M. Mäkelä, M. Morisset, V. Niederberger, A. H. Nowak-Węgrzyn, N. G. Papadopoulos, E. A. Pastorello, G. Pauli, T. Platts-Mills, D. Posa, L. K. Poulsen, M. Raulf , J. Sastre, E. Scala, J. M. Schmid, P. Schmid-Grendelmeier , M. van Hage, R. van Ree, S. Vieths, R. Weber, M. Wickman, A. Muraro, and M. Ollert. 2016. EAACI Molecular Allergology User's Guide. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 27 Suppl 23:1-250. DOI: 10.1111/pai.12563

563.) De Schryver, E.*, L. Calus, H. Bonte, R. de Natalie, H. Gould, E. Donovan, D. Elewaut, R. Valenta, I. Mittermann, J. Gutermuth, T. Seher, R. P. Schleimer, B. K. Tan, L. Derycke, T. Van Zele, C. Bachert, and P. Gevaert. 2016. The quest for autoreactive antibodies in nasal polyps. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 138:893-895.e5. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2016.03.040

564.) Mittermann, I., G. Wikberg, C. Johansson, C. Lupinek, L. Lundeberg, R. Crameri, R. Valenta, and A. Scheynius*. 2016. IgE sensitization profiles differ between adult patients with severe and moderate atopic dermatitis. PLoS One 11:e0156077. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0156077. eCollection 2016.

565.) Valenta, R.*, R. Campana, M. Focke-Tejkl, and V. Niederberger. 2016. Vaccine development for allergen-specific immunotherapy based on recombinant allergens and synthetic allergen peptides: Lessons from the past and novel mechanisms of action for the future. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 137:351-357. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2015.12.1299

566.) Twaroch, T. E., M. Curin, K. Sterflinger, M. Focke, V. Civaj, I. Swoboda, and R. Valenta*. 2016. Specific antibodies to detect Alternaria allergens and to search for cross-reactive antigens in other fungi. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 170:269-278. DOI: 10.1159/000449415

567.) Kowalski, M. L.*, I. Ansotegui, W. Aberer, M. Al-Ahmad, M. Akdis, B. K. Ballmer-Weber, K. Beyer, M. Blanca, S. Brown, C. Bunnag, A. Capriles Hulett, M. Castells, H. Hee Chng, F. De Blay, M. Ebisawa, S. Fineman, D. B. K. Golden, T. Haahtela, M. Kaliner, C. Katelaris, B. Wah Lee, J. Makowska, U. Muller, J. Mullol, J. Oppenheimer, H.S. Park, J. Parkerson, G. Passalacqua, R. Pawankar, H. Renz, F. Rueff, M. Sanchez-Borges, J. Sastre, G. Scadding, S. Sicherer, P. Tantilipikorn, J. Tracy, V. van Kempen, B. Bohle, G. W. Canonica, L. Caraballo, M. Gomez, K. Ito, E. Jensen-Jarolim, M. Larche, G. Melioli, L. K. Poulsen, R. Valenta, and T. Zuberbier. 2016. Risk and safety requirements for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in allergology: World Allergy Organization Statement. World Allergy Organization J. 9:33. DOI: 10.1186/s40413-016-0122-3.

568.) Stenberg-Hammar, K., K. Niespodziana, C. Söderhäll, A. James, C.R. Cabauatan, J. R. Konradsen, E. Melén, M. van Hage, R. Valenta, and G. Hedlin*. 2016. Rhinovirus-specific antibody responses in preschool children with acute wheeze reflect severity of respiratory symptoms. Allergy 71:1728-1735. DOI: 10.1111/all.12991.

569.) Acevedo, N., A. Bornacelly, D. Mercado, P. Unneberg, I. Mittermann, R. Valenta, M. Kennedy, A. Scheynius, and L. Caraballo*. 2016. Genetic variants in CHIA and CHI3L1 are associated with the IgE response to the Ascaris resistance marker ABA-1 and the birch pollen allergen Bet v 1. PLoS One 11:e0167453. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0167453

570. ) Bousquet, J.*, P. W. Hellings, I. Agache, A. Bedbrook, C. Bachert, K. C. Bergmann, M. Bewick, C. Bindslev-Jensen, S. Bosnic-Anticevitch, C. Bucca, D. P. Caimmi, P. A. M. Camargos, G. W. Canonica, T. Casale, N. H. Chavannes, A. A. Cruz, G. De Carlo, R. Dahl, P. Demoly, P. Devillier, J. Fonseca, W. J. Fokkens, N. A. Guldemond, T. Haahtela, M. Illario, J. Just, T. Keil, L. Klimek, P. Kuna, D. Larenas-Linnemann, M. Morais-Almeida, J. Mullol, R. Murray, R. Naclerio, R. E. O’Hehir, N. G. Papadopoulos, R. Pawankar, P. Potter, D. Ryan, B. Samolinski, H. J. Schunemann, A. Sheikh, F. E. R. Simons, C. Stellato, A. Todo-Bom, P. V. Tomazic, A. Valiulis, E. Valovirta, M. T. Ventura, M. Wickman, I. Young, A. Yorgancioglu, T. Zuberbier, W. Aberer, C. A. Akdis, M. Akdis, I. Annesi-Maesano, J. Ankri, I. J. Ansotegui, J. M. Anto, S. Arnavielhe, A. Asarnoj, H. Arshad, F. Avolio, I. Baiardini, C. Barbara, M. Barbagallo, E. D. Bateman, B. Beghé, E. H. Bel, K. S. Bennoor, M. Benson, A. Z. Białoszewski, T. Bieber, L. Bjermer, H. Blain, F. Blasi, A. L. Boner, M. Bonini, S. Bonini, I. Bosse, J. Bouchard, L. P. Boulet, R. Bourret, P. J. Bousquet, F. Braido, A. H. Briggs, C. E. Brightling, J. Brozek, R. Buhl, C. Bunu, E. Burte, A. Bush, F. Caballero-Fonseca, M. A. Calderon, T. Camuzat, V. Cardona, P. Carreiro-Martins, A. M. Carriazo, K. H. Carlsen, W. Carr, A. M. Cepeda Sarabia, M. Cesari, L. Chatzi, R. Chiron, T. Chivato, E. Chkhartishvili, A. G. Chuchalin, K. F. Chung, G. Ciprandi, J. Correia de Sousa, L. Cox, G. Crooks, A. Custovic, S. E. Dahlen, U. Darsow, T. Dedeu, D. Deleanu, J. A. Denburg, G. De Vries, A. Didier, A. T. Dinh-Xuan, D. Dokic, H. Douagui, G. Dray, R. Dubakiene, S. R. Durham, G. Du Toit, M. S. Dykewicz, P. Eklund, Y. El-Gamal, E. Ellers, R. Emuzyte, J. Farrell, A. Fink Wagner, A. Fiocchi, M. Fletcher, F. Forastiere, M. Gaga, A. Gamkrelidze, B. Gemicioğlu, J. E. Gereda, R. Gerth van Wick, S. González Diaz, I. Grisle, L. Grouse, Z. Gutter, M. A. Guzmán, B. Hellquist-Dahl, J. Heinrich, F. Horak, J. O’. B. Hourihane, M. Humbert, M. Hyland, G. Iaccarino, E. J. Jares, C. Jeandel, S. L. Johnston, G. Joos, O. Jonquet, K. S. Jung, M. Jutel, I. Kaidashev, M. Khaitov, O. Kalayci, A. F. Kalyoncu, P. Kardas, P. K. Keith, M. Kerkhof, H. A. M. Kerstjens, N. Khaltaev, M. Kogevinas, V. Kolek, G. H. Koppelman, M. L. Kowalski, M. Kuitunen, I. Kull, V. Kvedariene, B. Lambrecht, S. Lau, D. Laune, L. T. T. Le, P. Lieberman, B. Lipworth, J. Li, K. C. Lodrup Carlsen, R. Louis, C. Lupinek, W. MacNee, Y. Magar, A. Magnan, B. Mahboub, D. Maier, I. Majer, J. Malva, P. Manning, E. De Manuel Keenoy, G. D. Marshall, M. R. Masjedi, E. Mathieu-Dupas, M. Maurer, S. Mavale-Manuel, E. Melén, E. Melo-Gomes, E. O. Meltzer, J. Mercier, H. Merk, N. Miculinic, F. Mihaltan, B. Milenkovic, J. Millot-Keurinck, Y. Mohammad, I. Momas, R. Mösges, A. Muraro, L. Namazova-Baranova, R. Nadif, H. Neffen, K. Nekam, A. Nieto, B. Niggemann, L. Nogueira-Silva, M. Nogues, T. D. Nyembue, K. Ohta, Y. Okamoto, K. Okubo, M. Olive-Elias, S. Ouedraogo, P. Paggiaro, I. Pali-Schöll, S. Palkonen, P. Panzner, A. Papi, H. S. Park, G. Passalacqua, S. Pedersen, A. M. Pereira, O. Pfaar, R. Picard, B. Pigearias, I. Pin, D. Plavec, W. Pohl, T. A. Popov, F. Portejoie, D. Postma, L. K. Poulsen, D. Price, K. F. Rabe, F. Raciborski, G. Roberts, C. Robalo-Cordeiro, F. Rodenas, L. Rodriguez-Mañas, C. Rolland, M. Roman Rodriguez, A. Romano, J. Rosado-Pinto, N. Rosario, M. Rottem, M. Sanchez-Borges, J. Sastre-Dominguez, G. K. Scadding, N. Scichilone, P. Schmid-Grendelmeier, E. Serrano, M. Shields, V. Siroux, J. C. Sisul, I. Skrindo, H. A. Smit, D. Solé, T. Sooronbaev, O. Spranger, R. Stelmach, P. J. Sterk, T. Strandberg, J. Sunyer, C. Thijs, M. Triggiani, R. Valenta, A. Valero, M. van Eerd, E. van Ganse, M. van Hague, O. Vandenplas, L. L. Varona, B. Vellas, G. Vezzani, T. Vazankari, G. Viegi, T. Vontetsianos, M. Wagenmann, S. Walker, D. Y. Wang, U. Wahn, T. Werfel, B. Whalley, D. M. Williams, S. Williams, N. Wilson, J. Wright, B. P. Yawn, P. K. Yiallouros, O. M. Yusuf, A. Zaidi, H. J. Zar, M. E. Zernotti, L. Zhang, N. Zhong, and M. Zidarn. 2016. ARIA 2016: Care pathways implementing emerging technologies for predictive medicine in rhinitis and asthma across the life cycle. Clin Transl Allergy 6:47. DOI: 10.1186/s13601-016-0137-4. eCollection 2016. Review.

571.) Bousquet, J.*, H. Schünemann, P. W. Hellings, S. Arnavielhe, C. Bachert, A. Bedbrook, K. Bergmann, S. Bosnic-Anticevich, J. Brozek, M. Calderon, G. W. Canonica, T. B. Casale, N. H. Chavannes, L. Cox, H. Chrystyn, A. A. Cruz, R. Dahl, G. De Carlo, P. Demoly, P. Devillier, G. Dray, M. Fletcher, W. Fokkens, J. Fonseca, S. N. Gonzalez-Diaz, L. Grouse, T. Keil, P. Kuna, D. Larenas-Linnemann, K. C. Lodrup Carlsen, E. O. Meltzer, J. Mullol, A. Muraro, R. N. Naclerio, S. Palkonen, N. G. Papadopoulos, G. Passalacqua, D. Price, D. Ryan, B. Samolinski, G. K. Scadding, A. Sheikh, F. Spertini, A. Valiulis, E. Valovirta, S. Walker, M. Wickman, A. Yorgancioglu, T. Haahtela, and T. Zuberbier; MASK study group (among which R. Valenta). 2016. MACVIA clinical decision algorithm in adolescents and adults with allergic rhinitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 138:367-374. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2016.03.025

572.) Bousquet, J.*, C. Barbara, E. Bateman, E. Bel, M. Bewick, N. H. Chavannes, A. A. Cruz, T. Haahtela, P. W. Hellings, N. Khaltaev, K. Lodrup Carlsen, A. Muraro, C. R. Cordeiro, J. Rosado-Pinto, B. Samolinski, T. Strandberg, A. Valiulis, A. Yorgancioglu, and T. Zuberbier; AIRWAYS-ICPs working group (I. Adcock, A. Addis, I. Agache, A. Agusti, A. Alonso, I. Annesi Maesano, J. M. Anto, C. Baena-Cagnani, C. Bai, A. Baigenzhin, P. J. Barnes, L. Beck, A. Bedbrook, O. Benezet, K. S. Bennoor, M. Benson, C. Bindslev Jensen, H. Blain, F. Blasi, M. Bonini, S. Bonini, L. P. Boulet, A. Bourdin, R. Bourret, C. E. Brightling, A. Briggs, J. Brozek, R. Buhl, A. Bush, D. Caimmi, M. Calderon, P. Calverley, P. Camargos, G. W. Canonica, K. H. Carlsen, T. B. Casale, M. Cazzola, A. M. Cepeda Sarabia, A. Cesario, Y. Z. Chen, R. Chiron, A. Chuchalin, K. F. Chung, L. Cox, G. Crooks, M. G. Crooks, A. Custovic, R. Dahl, S. E. Dahlen, T. Dedeu, D. Deleanu, P. Demoly, P. Devillier, A. Didier, A. T. Dinh Xuan, R. Djukanovic, D. Dokic, H. Douagui, S. Eglin, F. Elliot, R. Emuzyte, L. Fabbri, A. Fink-Wagner, M. Fletcher, W. J. Fokkens, J. Fonseca, A. Franco, A. Furber, M. Gaga, A. Gamkrelidze, J. Garcia Aymerich, S. González-Díaz, F. Gouzi, J. Garcés, M. A. Guzmán, M. Hayot, L.Heaney, J. Heinrich, J. Hooper, M. Humbert, M. Hyland, G. Iaccarino, D. Jakovenko, J. Jardim, C. Jenkins, S. L. Johnston, O. Jonquet, G. Joos, K. S. Jung, O. Kalayci, S. Karunanithi, T. Keil, V. Kolek, M. Kowalski, P. Kuna, V. Kvedariene, L..T. Le, R. Louis, W. MacNee, A. Mair, P. Manning, M. E. Manuel Keenoy, I. Majer, E. Melén, E. Melo Gomes, A. Menzies-Gow, G. Mercier, J. Mercier, J. P. Michel, N. Miculinic, F. Mihaltan, B. Milenkovic, I. Momas, A. Montilla-Santana, M. Morais Almeida, M. Morgan, M. N'Diaye, S. Nafti, R. O'Hehir, K. Ohta, P. Paggiaro, S. Palkonen, S. Palmer, N. G. Papadopoulos, A. Papi, G. Passalacqua, I. Pavord, B. Pigearias, D. Plavec, D. S. Postma, D. Price, K. F. Rabe, F.,Radier Pontal J. Redon, S. Rennard, J. Roberts, J. Roca, N. Roche, F. Rodenas, A. Roggeri, C. Rolland, D. Ryan, M. Sanchez-Borges, H. J. Schünemann, A. Sheikh, N. Siafakas, Y. Sibille, T. Similowski, I. Small, O. Sola-Morales, T. Sooronbaev, R. Stelmach, P. J. Sterk, T. Stiris, P. Sud, T. To, A. Todo Bom, M. Triggiani, R. Valenta, A. L. Valero, E. Valovirta, O. Vandenplas, E. Van Ganse, J. Vestbo, G. Vezzani, G. Viegi, L. Visier, C. Vogelmeier, T. Vontetsianos, R. Wagstaff, B. Wallaert, U. Wahn, B. Whalley, D. Williams, N. Wilson, B. P. Yawn, P. Yiallouros, O. Yusuf, H. J. Zar, N. Zhong, and M. Zidarn). 2016. AIRWAYS-ICPs (European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing) from concept to implementation. Eur Respir J. 47:1028-33. DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01856-2015

573.) Gallerano, D., E. Wollmann, C. Lupinek, T. Schlederer, D. Ebner, C. Harwanegg, K. Niespodziana, K. Schmetterer, W. Pickl, E. Puchhammer-Stöckl, E. Sibanda, and R. Valenta*. 2016. Correction: HIV microarray for the mapping and characterization of HIV-specific antibody responses. Lab Chip 16:388. DOI: 10.1039/c5lc90137e.


574.) Freidl, R., A. Gstöttner, U. Baranyi, I. Swoboda, F. Stolz, M. Focke-Tejkl, T. Wekerle, R. Valenta, and B. Linhart*. 2017. Blocking antibodies induced by immunization with a hypoallergenic parvalbumin mutant reduce allergic symptoms in a mouse model of fish allergy. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 139:1897-1905.e1. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2016.10.018.

575.) Hochwallner, H., U. Schulmeister, I. Swoboda, M. Focke-Tejkl, R. Reininger, V. Civaj, R. Campana, J. Thalhamer, S. Scheiblhofer, N. Balic, F. Horak, M. Ollert, N. G. Papadopoulos, S. Quirce, Z. Szepfalusi, U. Herz, E. A. F. van Tol, S. Spitzauer, and Valenta, R*. 2017. Infant milk formulas differ regarding their allergenic activity and induction of T cell and cytokine responses. Allergy 72:416-424. DOI: 10.1111/all.12992.

576.) Selb, R., J. Eckl-Dorna, A. Neunkirchner, K. Marth, J. Gamper, B. Jahn-Schmid, W. F. Pickl, R. Valenta, and V. Niederberger*. 2017. CD23 surface density on B cells is associated with IgE levels and determines IgE-facilitated allergen uptake as well as activation of allergen-specific T cells. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 139:290-299.e4. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2016.03.042.

577.) Narayanan, M., R. Freidl, M. Focke-Tejkl, U. Baranyi, T. Wekerle, R. Valenta, and B. Linhart*. 2017. A B cell epitope peptide derived from the major grass pollen allergen Phl p 1 boosts allergen-specific secondary antibody responses without allergen-specific T cell help. J Immunol. 198:1685-1695. DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1501741

578.) Selb, R., J. Eckl-Dorna, T. E. Twaroch, C. Lupinek, A. Teufelberger*, G. Hofer, M. Focke-Tejkl, B. Gepp, B. Linhart, H. Breiteneder, A. Ellinger, W. Keller, K. H. Roux, R. Valenta*, and V. Niederberger. 2017. Critical and direct involvement of the CD23 stalk region in IGE binding. J Allergy Clin. Immunol. 139:281-289.e5. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2016.04.015.

579.) Siroux, V.*, C. Lupinek, Y. Resch, M. Curin, J. Just, T. Keil, R. Kiss, K. Lodrup Carlsen, E. Melén, R. Nadif, I. Pin, I. Skrindo, S. Vrtala, M. Wickman, J.M. Anto, R. Valenta, and J. Bousquet. 2017. Specific IgE and IgG measured by the MeDALL allergen-chip depend on allergen and route of exposure: The EGEA study. J. Allergy Clin Immunol. 139:643-654.e6. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2016.05.023.

580.) Cabauatan, C. R., R. Campana, K. Niespodziana, C. Reinisch, U. Lundberg, A. Meinke, R. Henning, A. Neubauer, and R. Valenta*. 2017. Heat-labile Escherichia coli toxin enhances the induction of allergen-specific IgG antibodies in epicutaneous patch vaccination. Allergy 72:164-168. DOI: 10.1111/all.13036.

581.) Posa, D., S. Perna, Y. Resch, C. Lupinek, V. Panetta, S. Hofmaier, A. Rohrbach, L. Hatzler, L. Grabenhenrich, O. Tsilochristou, K.W. Chen, C.P. Bauer, U. Hoffman, J. Forster, F. Zepp, A. Schuster, U. Wahn, T. Keil, S. Lau, S. Vrtala, R. Valenta, and P. M. Matricardi*. 2017. Evolution and predictive value of IgE responses toward a comprehensive panel of house dust mite allergens during the first 2 decades of life. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 139:541-549.e8. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2016.08.014.

582.) Gangl, K., V. Niederberger, J.M. Davies, R. Valenta, and A. Nandy*. Marker allergens and panallergens in tree and grass pollen allergy. 2017. In Molecular Allergy Diagnostics, J. Kleine-Tebbe and T. Jakob (eds.), Springer International Publishing Switzerland. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-42499-6_10.

583.) Shamji, M. H.*, J.H. Kappen, M. Akdis, E. Jensen-Jarolim, E.F. Knol, J. Kleine-Tebbe, B. Bohle, A. M. Chaker, S.J. Till, R. Valenta, L.K. Poulsen, M.A. Calderon, P. Demoly, P. Pfaar, L.J. Durham, and C. B. Schmidt-Weber. 2017. Biomarkers for monitoring clinical efficacy of allergen immunotherapy for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and allergic asthma: an EAACI position paper. Allergy 72:1156-1173. DOI: 10.1111/all.13138.

584.) Sánchez-Borges, M.*, E. Fernandez-Caldas, W.R. Thomas, M.D. Chapman, B.W. Lee, L. Caraballo, N. Acevedo, F.T. Chew, I.J. Ansotegui, L. Behrooz, W. Phipatanakul, R. Gerth van Wijk, D. Pascal, N. Rosario, M. Ebisawa, M. Geller, S. Quirce, S. Vrtala, R. Valenta, M. Ollert, G.W. Canonica, M. A. Calderón, C.S. Barnes, A. Custovic, S. Benjaponpitak, and A. Capriles-Hulett. International consensus (ICON) on: clinical consequences of mite hypersensitivity, a global problem. World Allergy Organ J. 10:14. DOI: 10.1186/s40413-017-0145-4.

585.) Peng, W.*, W. Grobe, G. Walgenbach-Brünagel, S. Flicker, C. Yu, M. Sylvester, J.P. Allam, J. Oldenburg, N. Garbi, R. Valenta, and N. Novak. 2017. Distinct expressions and function of FcεRII in Human B Cells and Monocytes. J Immunol. 198:3033-3044. DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1601028.

586.) Lupinek, C., K. Derfler, S. Lee, T. Prikoszovich, O. Movadat, E. Wollmann, C. Cornelius, M. Weber, R. Fröschl, R. Selb, K. Blatt, D. Smiljkovic, V. Schoder, R. Cervenka, T. Plaichner, G. Stegfellner, H. Huber, R. Henning, J. Kozik-Jaromin, T. Perkmann, V. Niederberger, V. Petkov, P. Valent, A. Gauly, H.P. Leinenbach, I. Uhlenbusch-Koerwer, and R. Valenta*. 2017. Extracorporeal IgE Immunoadsorption in Allergic Asthma: Safety and Efficacy. EBioMedicine 17:119-133. DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2017.02.007.

587.) Anto, J. M.*, J. Bousquet, M. Akdis, C. Auffray, T. Keil, I. Momas, D. S. Postma, R. Valenta, M. Wickman, A. Cambon-Thomsen, T. Haahtela, B. N. Lambrecht, K. C. Lodrup Carlsen, G. H. Koppelman, J. Sunyer, T. Zuberbier, I. Annesi-Maesano, A. Arno, C. Bindslev-Jensen, G. De Carlo, F. Forastiere, J. Heinrich, M. L. Kowalski, D. Maier, E. Melén, H. A. Smit, M. Standl, J. Wright, A. Asarnoj, M. Benet, N. Ballardini, J. Garcia-Aymerich, U. Gehring, S. Guerra, C. Hohmann, I. Kull, C. Lupinek, M. Pinart, I. Skrindo, M. Westman, D. Smagghe, C. Akdis, N. Andersson, C. Bachert, S. Ballereau, F. Ballester, X. Basagana, A. Bedbrook, A. Bergstrom, A. von Berg, B. Brunekreef, E. Burte, K. H. Carlsen, L. Chatzi, J. M. Coquet, M. Curin, P. Demoly, E. Eller, M. P. Fantini, L. von Hertzen, V. Hovland, B. Jacquemin, J. Just, T. Keller, R. Kiss, M. Kogevinas, S. Koletzko, S. Lau, I. Lehmann, N. Lemonnier, M. Mäkelä, J. Mestres, P. Mowinckel, R. Nadif, M. C. Nawijn, J. Pellet, I. Pin, D. Porta, F. Rancière, E. Rial-Sebbag, Y. Saeys, M. J. Schuijs, V. Siroux, C. G. Tischer, M. Torrent, R. Varraso, K. Wenzel, and C. J. Xu. 2017. Mechanisms of the Development of Allergy (MeDALL): Introducing novel concepts in allergy phenotypes. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 139:388-399. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2016.12.940. Review.

588.) Bousquet, J.*, J. Farrell, G. Crooks, P. Hellings, E. H. Bel, M. Bewick, N. H. Chavannes, J. C. de Sousa, A. A. Cruz, T. Haahtela, G. Joos, N. Khaltaev, J. Malva, A. Muraro, M. Nogues, S. Palkonen, S. Pedersen, C. Robalo-Cordeiro, B. Samolinski, T. Strandberg, A. Valiulis, A. Yorgancioglu, T Zuberbier, A. Bedbrook, W. Aberer, M. Adachi, A. Agusti, C. A. Akdis, M. Akdis, J. Ankri, A. Alonso, I. Annesi-Maesano, I. J. Ansotegui, J. M. Anto, S. Arnavielhe, H. Arshad, C. Bai, I. Baiardini, C. Bachert, A. K. Baigenzhin, C. Barbara, E. D. Bateman, B. Beghé, A. B. Kheder, K. S. Bennoor, M. Benson, K. C. Bergmann, T. Bieber, C. Bindslev-Jensen, L. Bjermer, H. Blain, F. Blasi, A. L. Boner, M. Bonini, S. Bonini, S. Bosnic-Anticevitch, L. P. Boulet, R. Bourret, P. J. Bousquet, F. Braido, A. H. Briggs, C. E. Brightling, J. Brozek, R. Buhl, P. G. Burney, A. Bush, F. Caballero-Fonseca, D. Caimmi, M. A. Calderon, P. M. Calverley, P. A. M. Camargos, G. W. Canonica, T. Camuzat, K. H. Carlsen, W. Carr, A. Carriazo, T. Casale, A. M. Cepeda Sarabia, L. Chatzi, Y. Z. Chen, R. Chiron, E. Chkhartishvili, A. G. Chuchalin, K. F. Chung, G. Ciprandi, I. Cirule, L. Cox, D. J.Costa, A. Custovic, R. Dahl, S. E. Dahlen, U. Darsow, G. De Carlo, F. De Blay, T. Dedeu, D. Deleanu, E . De Manuel Keenoy, P. Demoly, J. A. Denburg, P. Devillier, A. Didier, A. T. Dinh-Xuan, R. Djukanovic, D. Dokic, H. Douagui, G. Dray, R. Dubakiene, S. R. Durham, M. S. Dykewicz, Y. El-Gamal, R. Emuzyte, L. M. Fabbri, M. Fletcher, A. Fiocchi, A. Fink Wagner, J. Fonseca, W. J. Fokkens, F. Forastiere, P. Frith, M. Gaga, A. Gamkrelidze, J. Garces, J. Garcia-Aymerich, B. Gemicioğlu, J. E. Gereda, S. González Diaz, M. Gotua, I. Grisle, L. Grouse, Z. Gutter, M. A. Guzmán, L. G. Heaney, B. Hellquist-Dahl, D. Henderson, A. Hendry, J. Heinrich, D. Heve, F. Horak, J. O. B. Hourihane, P. Howarth, M. Humbert, M. E. Hyland, M. Illario, J. C. Ivancevich, J. R. Jardim, E. J. Jares, C. Jeandel, C. Jenkins, S. L. Johnston, O. Jonquet, K. Julge, K. S. Jung, J. Just, I. Kaidashev, M. R. Khaitov, O. Kalayci, A. F. Kalyoncu, T. Keil, P. K. Keith, L. Klimek, B. Koffi N'Goran, V. Kolek, G. H. Koppelman, M. L. Kowalski, I. Kull, P. Kuna, V. Kvedariene, B. Lambrecht, S. Lau, D. Larenas-Linnemann, D. Laune, L. T. T. Le, P. Lieberman, B. Lipworth, J. Li, K. Lodrup Carlsen, R. Louis, W. MacNee, Y. Magard, A. Magnan, B. Mahboub, A. Mair, I. Majer, M. J. Makela, P. Manning, S. Mara, G. D. Marshall, M. R. Masjedi, P. Matignon, M. Maurer, S. Mavale-Manuel, E. Melén, E. Melo-Gomes, E. O. Meltzer, A. Menzies-Gow, H. Merk, J. P. Michel, N. Miculinic, F. Mihaltan, B. Milenkovic, G. M. Y. Mohammad, M. Molimard, I. Momas, A. Montilla-Santana, M. Morais-Almeida, M. Morgan, R. Mösges, J. Mullol, S. Nafti, L. Namazova-Baranova, R. Naclerio, A. Neou, H. Neffen, K. Nekam, B. Niggemann, G. Ninot, T. D. Nyembue, R. E. O'Hehir, K. Ohta, Y. Okamoto, K. Okubo, S. Ouedraogo, P. Paggiaro, I. Pali-Schöll, P. Panzner, N. Papadopoulos, A. Papi, H. S. Park, G. Passalacqua, I. Pavord, R. Pawankar, R. Pengelly, O. Pfaar, R. Picard, B. Pigearias, I. Pin, D. Plavec, D. Poethig, W. Pohl, T. A. Popov, F. Portejoie, P. Potter, D. Postma, D. Price, K. F. Rabe, F. Raciborski, F. Radier Pontal, S. Repka-Ramirez, S. Reitamo, S. Rennard, F. Rodenas, J. Roberts, J. Roca, L. Rodriguez Mañas, C. Rolland, M. Roman Rodriguez, A. Romano, J. Rosado-Pinto, N. Rosario, L. Rosenwasser, M. Rottem, D. Ryan, M. Sanchez-Borges, G. K. Scadding, H. J. Schunemann, E. Serrano, P. Schmid-Grendelmeier, H. Schulz, A. Sheikh, M. Shields, N. Siafakas, Y. Sibille, T. Similowski, F. E. R. Simons, J. C. Sisul, I. Skrindo, H. A. Smit, D. Solé, T. Sooronbaev, O. Spranger, R. Stelmach, P. J. Sterk, J. Sunyer, C. Thijs, T. To, A. Todo-Bom, M. Triggiani, R. Valenta, A. L. Valero, E. Valia, E. Valovirta, E. Van Ganse, M. van Hage, O. Vandenplas, T. Vasankari, B. Vellas, J. Vestbo, G. Vezzani, P. Vichyanond, G. Viegi, C. Vogelmeier, T. Vontetsianos, M. Wagenmann, B. Wallaert, S. Walker, D. Y. Wang, U. Wahn, M. Wickman, D. M. Williams, S. Williams, J. Wright, B. P. Yawn, P. K. Yiallouros, O. M. Yusuf, A. Zaidi, H. J. Zar, M. E. Zernotti, L. Zhang, N. Zhong, M. Zidarn, and J. Mercier. 2017. Erratum to: Scaling up strategies of the chronic respiratory disease programme of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (Action Plan B3: Area 5). Clin Trans Allergy. 7:5. DOI: 10.1186/s13601-016-0135-6.

589.) Valenta, R.*, R. Campana, and V. Niederberger. 2017. Recombinant allergy vaccines based on allergen-derived B cell epitopes. Immunol Lett. 189:19-26. DOI: 10.1016/j.imlet.2017.04.015. Review

590.) Valenta, R.* 2017. Mucosal lining fluid biomarkers in asthma: basis for rational use of new targeted therapies? EBioMedicine 19:12-13. DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2017.04.016.

591.) Garib, V., E. Wollmann, G. Djambekova, P. Lemell, M. Kmenta, U. Berger, P. Zieglmayer, and R. Valenta*. 2017. Possible effect of landscape design on IgE recognition profiles of two generations revealed with micro-arrayed allergens. Allergy 72:1579-1582. DOI: 10.1111/all.13169.

592.) Smiljkovic, D., K. Blatt, G. Stefanzl, Y. Dorofeeva, C. Skrabs, M. Focke-Tejkl, W.R. Sperr, U. Jaeger, R. Valenta, and P. Valent*. 2017. BTK inhibition is a potent approach to block IgE-mediated histamine release in human basophils. Allergy 72:1666-1676. DOI: 10.1111/all.13166.

593.) Berings, M.*, S. Arasi, N. De Ruyck, S. Perna, Y. Resch, C. Lupinek, K.W. Chen, S. Vrtala, G.B. Pajno, C. Bachert, B.N. Lambrecht, M. Dullaers, R. Valenta, P.M. Matricardi, and P. Gevaert. 2017. Reliable mite-specific IgE testing in nasal secretions by means of allergen microarray. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 140:301-303.e8. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2016.11.047.

594.) Asarnoj, A.*, C. Hamsten, C. Lupinek, E. Melén, N. Andersson, J.M. Anto, J. Bousquet, R. Valenta, M. van Hage, and M. Wickman; MeDALL Consortium. 2017. Prediction of peanut allergy in adolescence by early childhood storage protein-specific IgE signatures: The BAMSE population-based birth cohort. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 140:587:590. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2016.12.973.

595.) Göbl, C., M. Focke-Tejkl, N. Najafi, E. Schrank, T. Madl, S. Kosol, C. Madritsch, Y. Dorofeeva, S. Flicker, J. Thalhamer, R. Valenta*, K. Zangger*, and N. Tjandra*. 2017. Flexible IgE epitope-containing domains of Phl p 5 cause high allergenic activity. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 140:1187-1191. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2017.05.005.

596.) Van Hage, M.,* C. Hamsten, and R. Valenta. 2017. ImmunoCAP assays: pros and cons in allergology. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 140:974-977. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2017.05.008. Review.

597.) Saltabayeva, U.,* V. Gariba*, M. Morenko, R. Rosenson, Z. Ispayeva, M. Gatauova, L. Zulusa, A. Karaulov, F. Gastager, and R. Valenta. 2017. Greater real life diagnostic efficacy of allergen molecule-based diagnosis for prescription of immunotherapy in an area with multiple pollen exposure. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 173:93-98. DOI: 10.1159/000477442

598.) Weber, M., K. Niespodziana, B. Linhart, A. Neubauer, H. Huber, R. Henning, R. Valenta,* and M. Focke-Tejkl. 2017. Comparison of the immunogenicity of BM32, a recombinant hypoallergenic B cell epitope-based grass pollen allergy vaccine with allergen extract-based vaccines. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 140:1433-1436. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2017.03.048.

599.) Campana, R., S. Dzoro, I. Mittermann, E. Fedenko, O. Elisyutina, M. Khaitov, A. Karaulov, and R. Valenta*. 2017. Molecular aspects of allergens in atopic dermatitis. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 17:269-277. DOI: 10.1097/ACI.0000000000000378

600.) Campana, R., H. J. Huang, R. Freidl, B. Linhart, S. Vrtala, T. Wekerle, A. Karaulov, and R. Valenta*. 2017. Recombinant allergen and peptide-based approaches for allergy prevention by oral tolerance. Semin.Immunol. 30:67-68. DOI:10.1016/j.smim.2017.08.017. Review.

601.) Aguilar, D.*, M. Pinart, G. H. Koppelman, Y. Saeys, M. C. Nawijn, D. S. Postma, M. Akdis, C. Auffray, S. Ballerou, M. Benet, J. García-Aymerich, S. Guerra, T. Keil, M. Kogevinas, B. Lambrecht, N. Lemonnier, E. Melen, J. Sunyer, R. Valenta, S. Valverde, M. Wickman, J. Bousquet, B. Oliva, and J. M. Antó. 2017. Computational analysis of multimorbidity between asthma, eczema and rhinitis. PlosOne. 12:e0179125. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179125.

602.) Kowalski, M. L.*, I. Ansotegui, W. Aberer, M. Al-Ahmad, M. Akdis, B.K. Ballmer-Weber, K. Beyer, M. Blanca, S. Brown, C. Bunnag, A.C. Hulett, M. Castells, H.H. Chng, F. De Blay, M. Ebisawa, S. Fineman, D. B. Golden, T. Haahtela, M. Kaliner, C. Katelaris, B. W. Lee, J. Makowska, U. Muller, J. Mullol, J. Oppenheimer, H.-S. Park, J. Parkerson, G. Passalacqua, R. Pawankar, H. Renz, F. Rueff, M. Sanchez-Borges, J. Sastre, G. Scadding, S. Sicherer, P. Tantilipikorn, J. Tracy, V. van Kampen, B. Bohle, G. W. Canonica, L. Caraballo, M. Gomez, K. Ito, E. Jensen-Jarolim, M. Larche, G. Melioli, L. K. Poulsen, R. Valenta, and T. Zuberbier. 2017. Erratum to: Risk and safety requirements for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in allergology: World Allergy Organization Statement. World Allergy Organ J. 10:6. DOI: 10.1186/s40413-016-0134-z.

603.) Curin, M.*, V. Garib, and R. Valenta. 2017. Single recombinant and purified major allergens and peptides: How they are made and how they change allergy diagnosis and treatment. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 119:201-209. Doi: 10.1016/j.anai.2016.11.022. Review.

604.) Hellings, PW.*, W. J. Fokkens, C. Bachert, C. A. Akdis, T. Bieber, I. Agache, M. Bernal-Sprekelsen, G. W. Canonica, P.Gevaert, G. Joos, V. Lund, A. Muraro, M. Onerci, T. Zuberbier, B. Pugin, S. F. Seys, and J. Bousquet; ARIA and EPOS working groups. 2017. Positioning the principles of precision medicine in care pathways for allergic rhinitis and chronic rhinosinusitis – A EUFOREA-ARIA-EPOS-AIRWAYS ICP statement. Allergy 72:1297-1305, DOI: 10.1111/all.13162.

605.) Campana, R., K. Moritz, A. Neubauer, H. Huber, R. Henning, T. M. Brodie, A. Kaider, F. Sallusto, S. Wöhrl, and R. Valenta*. 2017. Epicutaneous allergen application preferentially boosts specific T cell responses in sensitized patients. Sci Rep. 7:11657. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-10278-1.

606.) Curin, M., M. Weber, G. Hofer, D. Apostolovic, W. Keller, R. Reininger, I. Swoboda, S. Spitzauer, M. Focke-Tejkl, M. van Hage, and R. Valenta*. 2017. Clustering of conformational IgE epitopes on the major dog allergen Can f 1. Sci Rep. 7:12135. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-11672-5.

607.) Wickman, M*., C. Lupinek, N. Andersson, D. Belgrave, A. Asarnoj, M. Benet, M. Pinart, S. Wieser, J. Garcia-Aymerich, A. Baar, G. Pershagen, A. Simpson, I. Kull, A. Bergström, E. Melén, C. Hamsten, J. M. Antó, J. Bousquet, A. Custovic, R. Valenta, and M. van Hage. 2017. Detection of IgE Reactivity to a Handful of Allergen Molecules in Early Childhood Predicts Respiratory Allergy in Adolescence. EBioMedicine 26:91-99. Doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2017.11.009.

608.) Valenta, R.* 2017. Oral tolerance induction in allergy: Kissing awake a sleeping beauty. Semin Immunol. 30:1-2. Doi: 10.1016/j.smim.2017.08.016. Editorial introduction.


609.) Dzoro, S., I. Mittermann, Y. Resch, S. Vrtala, M. Nehr, A.M. Hirschl, G. Wikberg, L. Lundeberg, C. Johansson, A. Scheynius, and R. Valenta*. 2018. House dust mites as potential carriers for IgE sensitisation to bacterial antigens. Allergy 73:115-124. DOI: 10.1111/all.13260

610.) Eckl-Dorna, J., R. Fröschl, C. Lupinek, R. Kiss, P. Gattinger, K. Marth, R. Campana, I. Mittermann, K. Blatt, P. Valent, R. Selb, A. Mayer, K. Gangl, I. Steiner, J. Gamper, T. Perkmann, P. Zieglmayer, P. Gevaert, R. Valenta*, and V. Niederberger. 2018. Intranasal administration of allergen increases specific IgE whereas intranasal omalizumab does not increase serum IgE levels-A pilot study. Allergy 73:1003-1012. Doi: 10.1111/all.13343.

611.) Stenberg Hammar, K., K. Niespodziana, M. van Hage, J. Kere, R. Valenta, G. Hedlin, and C. Söderhäll*. 2018. Reduced CDHR3 expression in children wheezing with rhinovirus. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 29:200-206. Doi: 10.1111/pai.12858. [

612.) Gadermaier, E., K. Marth, C. Lupinek, R. Campana, G. Hofer, K. Blatt, D. Smiljkovic, U. Roder, M. Focke-Tejkl, S. Vrtala, W. Keller, P. Valent, R. Valenta, and S. Flicker*. 2018. Isolation of a high affinity Bet v 1-specific IgG-derived ScFv from a subject vaccinated with hypoallergenic Bet v 1 fragments. Allergy 73:1425-1435. Doi: 10.1111/all.13394.

613.) Curin, M., T. Garmatiuk, Y. Resch-Marat, K.W. Chen, G. Hofer, K. Fauland, W. Keller, W. Hemmer, S. Vrtala, M. Focke-Tejkl, and R. Valenta*. 2018. Similar localization of conformational IgE epitopes on the house dust mite allergens Der p 5 and Der p 21 despite limited IgE-cross-reactivity. Allergy 73:1653-1661. Doi: 10.1111/all.13398.

614.) Niederberger, V., A. Neubauer, P. Gevaert, M. Zidarn, M. Worm, W. Aberer, H. J. Malling, O. Pfaar, L. Klimek, W. Pfützner, J. Ring, U.Darsow, N, Novak, R, Gerth van Wijk, J, Eckl-Dorna, M, Focke-Tejkl, M, Weber, H. H. Müller, J. Klinger, F. Stolz, N. Breit, R. Henning, and R. Valenta. 2018. Safety and efficacy of immunotherapy with the recombinant B-cell epitope–based grass pollen vaccine BM32. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 142:497-509. Doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2017.09.052.

615.) Siroux, V*., N. Ballardini, M. Soler, C. Lupinek, A. Boudier, I. Pin, J. Just, R. Nadif, J. M. Anto, E. Melen, R. Valenta, M. Wickman, and J. Bousquet. 2018. The asthma-rhinitis multimorbidity is associated with IgE polysensitization in adolescents and adults. Allergy 73:1447-1458. Doi: 10.1111/all.13410.

616.) Einhorn, L., G. Hofstetter, S. Brandt, E. K. Hainisch, I. Fukuda, K. Kusano, A. Scheynius, I. Mittermann, Y. Resch-Marat, S. Vrtala, R. Valenta, E. Marti, C. Rhyner, R. Crameri, R. Satoh, R. Teshima, A. Tanaka, H. Sato, H. Matsuda, I. Pali-Schöll, and E. Jensen-Jarolim*. 2018. Molecular allergen profiling in horses by microarray reveals Fag e 2 from buckwheat as a frequent sensitizer. Allergy 73:1436-1446. Doi: 10.1111/all.13417.

617) Karaulov, A.V.*, V. Garib, F. Garib, and R. Valenta. 2018. Protein Biomarkers in Asthma. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 175:189-208. Doi: 10.1159/000486856.

618) Neunkirchner, A., B. Kratzer, C. Köhler, U. Smole, L. F. Mager, K. G. Schmetterer, D. Trapin, V. Leb-Reichl, E. Rosloniec, R. Nauman, L. Kenner, B. Jahn-Schmid, B. Bohle, R. Valenta, and W. F. Pickl*. 2018. Genetic restriction of antigen-presentation dictates allergic sensitization and disease in humanized mice. EBioMedicine 31:66-78. Doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2018.04.001

619) Valenta, R. *, A. Karaulov, V. Niederberger, P. Gattinger, M. van Hage, S. Flicker, B. Linhart, R. Campana, M. Focke-Tejkl, M. Curin, J. Eckl-Dorna, C. Lupinek, Y. Resch-Marat, S. Vrtala, I. Mittermann, V. Garib, M. Khaitov, P. Valent, and W. F. Pickl. 2018. Molecular aspects of allergens and allergy. Adv Immunol. 138:195-256 DOI: 10.1016/

620) Curin, M., M. Khaitov, A. Karaulov, L. Namazova-Baranova, R. Campana, V. Garib, and R. Valenta*. 2018. Next-generation of allergen-specific immunotherapies: Molecular approaches. Curr. Allergy Asthma Rep. 18:39. Doi: 10.1007/s11882-018-0790-x. Review.

621) Nilsson, N., C. Nilsson, H. Ekoff, S. Wieser, M. P. Borres, R. Valenta, G. Heidlin, and S. Sjölander*. 2018. Grass allergic children frequently show asymptomatic low-level IgE co-sensitization and cross-reactivity to wheat. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 177:135-144. Doi: 10.1159/000489610.

622) Niespodziana, K., K. Stenberg-Hammar, S. Megremis, C. R. Cabauatan, K. Napora-Wijata, P. C. Vacal, D. Galerano, C. Lupinek, D. Ebner, T. Schlederer, C. Harwaneg, C. Söderhall, M. van Hage, C. Hedlin, N. G. Papadopoulos*, and R. Valenta*. 2018. PreDicta chip-based high resolution diagnosis of rhinovirus-induced wheeze. Nat. Commun. 9:2382. Doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-04591-0.

623.) Aalberse, R. C.*, C. Lupinek, V. Siroux, R. Nadif, J. Just, J. Bousquet, R. Valenta, and T. A. Platts-Mills. 2018. sIgE and sIgG to airborne atopic allergens: coupled rather than inversely related responses. Allergy 73:2239-2242. Doi: 10.1111/all.13548.

624.) Chen, K. W.*, L. Marusciac, P. T. Tamas, R. Valenta, and C. Panaitescu. 2018. Ragweed Pollen Allergy: burden, characteristics and management of an imported allergen source in Europe. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 176:163-180. Doi:10.1159/000487997

625.) Gattinger, P., C. Lupinek, L. Kalogiros, M. Silar, M. Zidarn, P. Korosec, C. Koessler, N. Novak, R. Valenta, and I. Mittermann*. 2018. The culprit insect but not severity of allergic reactions to bee and wasp venom can be determined by molecular diagnosis. PLoS One. 13:e0199250. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0199250.

626.) Huang, H. J., Y. Resch-Marat, A. Rodriguez-Dominguez, K. W Chen, R. Kiss, P. Zieglmayer, R. Zieglmayer, P. Lemell, F. Horak, R. Valenta, and S. Vrtala*. 2018. Underestimation of house dust mite-specific IgE with extract-based ImmunoCAPs compared with molecular ImmunoCAPs. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 142:1656-1659.e9. Doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2018.07.010.

627.) Valenta, R.*, A. Karaulov, V. Niederberger, Y. Zhernov, O. Elisyutina, R. Campana, M. Focke-Tejkl, M. Curin, L. Namazova-Baranova, J. Y. Wang, R .Pawankar, and M. Khaitov. 2018. Allergen extracts for in vivo diagnosis and treatment of allergy: is there a future? J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 6:1845-1855.e2. Doi:10.1016/j.jaip.2018.08.032. Review.

628.) Waltl, E. E., R. Selb, J. Eckl-Dorna, C. A. Mueller, C. R. Cabauatan, T. Eiwegger, Y. Resch-Marat, K. Niespodziana, S. Vrtala, R. Valenta, and V. Niederberger*. 2018. Betamethasone prevents human rhinovirus- and cigarette smoke- induced loss of respiratory epithelial barrier function.Sci Rep. 8:9688. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-27022-y.

629.) Megremis, S., K. Niespodziana, C. Cabauatan, P. Xepapadaki, M. L. Kowalski, T. Jartti, C. Bachert, S. Finotto, P. West, S. Stamataki, A. Lewandowska-Polak, H. Lukkarinen, N. Zhang, T. Zimmermann, F. Stolz, A. Neubauer, M. Akdis, E. Andreakos, R. Valenta, and N. G. Papadopoulos*. 2018. Rhinovirus Species-Specific Antibodies Differentially Reflect Clinical Outcomes in Health and Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 198:1490-1499. Doi: 10.1164/rccm.201803-0575OC

630.) Bousquet, J.*, S. Arnavielhe, A. Bedbrook, M. Bewick, D. Laune, E. Mathieu-Dupas, R. Murray, G. L. Onorato, J. L. Pépin, R. Picard, F. Portejoie, E. Costa, J. Fonseca, O. Lourenço, M. Morais-Almeida, A. Todo-Bom, A. A. Cruz, J. da Silva, F. S. Serpa, M. Illario, E. Menditto, L. Cecchi, R. Monti, L. Napoli, M. T. Ventura, G. De Feo, D. Larenas-Linnemann, M. Fuentes Perez, Y. R. Huerta Villabolos, D. Rivero-Yeverino, E. Rodriguez-Zagal, F. Amat, I. Annesi-Maesano, I. Bosse, P. Demoly, P. Devillier, J. F. Fontaine, J. Just, T. P. Kuna, B. Samolinski, A. Valiulis, R. Emuzyte, V. Kvedariene, D Ryan, A. Sheikh, P. Schmidt-Grendelmeier, L. Klimek, O. Pfaar, K. C. Bergmann, R. Mösges, T. Zuberbier, R. E. Roller-Wirnsberger, P. Tomazic, W. J. Fokkens, N. H. Chavannes, S. Reitsma, J. M. Anto, V. Cardona, T. Dedeu, J. Mullol, T. Haahtela, J. Salimäki, S. Toppila-Salmi, E. Valovirta, B. Gemicioğlu, A. Yorgancioglu, N. Papadopoulos, E. P. Prokopakis, S. Bosnic-Anticevich, R. O'Hehir, J. C. Ivancevich, H. Neffen, E. Zernotti, I. Kull, E. Melen, M. Wickman, C. Bachert, P. Hellings, S. Palkonen, C. Bindslev-Jensen, E. Eller, S. Waserman, M. Sova, G. De Vries, M. van Eerd, I. Agache, T. Casale, M. Dykewickz, R. N. Naclerio, Y. Okamoto, and D. V. Wallace; MASK study group. 2018. MASK 2017: ARIA digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care for rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity using real-world-evidence. Clin Transl Allergy 8:45. Doi: 10.1186/s13601-018-0227-6. Review.


631.) Kratzer, B., C. Köhler, S. Hofer, U. Smole, D.Trapin, J. Iturri, D. Pum, P. Kienzl, A. Elbe-Bürger, P. Gattinger, I. Mittermann, B. Linhart, G. Gadermaier, B. Jahn-Schmid, A. Neunkirchner, R. Valenta, and W. F. Pickl*. 2019. Prevention of allergy by virus-like nanoparticles (VNP) delivering shielded versions of major allergens in a humanized murine allergy model. Allergy 74:246-260. Doi: 10.1111/all.13573

632.) Bousquet, J.*, P. W. Hellings, I. Agache, F. Amat, I. Annesi-Maesano, I. J. Ansotegui, J. M. Anto, C. Bachert, E. D. Bateman, A. Bedbrook, K. Bennoor, M. Bewick, C. Bindslev-Jensen, S. Bosnic-Anticevich, I. Bosse, J. Brozek, L. Brussino, G. W. Canonica, V. Cardona, T. Casale, A. M. Cepeda Sarabia, N. H. Chavannes, L. Cecchi, J. Correia de Sousa, E. Costa, A. A. Cruz, W. Czarlewski, G. De Carlo, G. De Feo, P. Demoly, P. Devillier, M. S. Dykewicz, Y. El-Gamal, E. E. Eller, J. A. Fonseca, J. F. Fontaine, W. J. Fokkens, M. A. Guzmán, T. Haahtela, M. Illario, J. C. Ivancevich, J. Just, I. Kaidashev, M. Khaitov, O. Kalayci, T. Keil, L. Klimek, M. L. Kowalski, P. Kuna, V. Kvedariene, D. Larenas-Linnemann, D. Laune, L. T. T. Le, K. L. Carlsen, O. Lourenço, B. Mahboub, A. Mair, E. Menditto, B. Milenkovic, M. Morais-Almeida, R. Mösges, J. Mullol, R. Murray, R. Naclerio, L. Namazova-Baranova, E. Novellino, R. E. O'Hehir, K. Ohta, Y. Okamoto, K. Okubo, G. L. Onorato, S. Palkonen, P. Panzner, N. G. Papadopoulos, H. S. Park, E. Paulino, R. Pawankar, O. Pfaar, D. Plavec, T.A. Popov, P. Potter, E. P. Prokopakis, M. Rottem, D. Ryan, J. Salimäki, B. Samolinski, M. Sanchez-Borges, H. J. Schunemann, A. Sheikh, J. C. Sisul, R. Rajabian-Söderlund, T. Sooronbaev, C. Stellato, T. To, A. M. Todo-Bom, P. V. Tomazic, S. Toppila-Salmi, A. Valero, A .Valiulis, E. Valovirta, M. T. Ventura, M. Wagenmann, Y. Wang, D. Wallace, S. Waserman, M. Wickman, A .Yorgancioglu, L. Zhang, N. Zhong, M. Zidarn, and T. Zuberbier; Mobile Airways Sentinel Network (MASK) Study Group. 2019. Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) Phase 4 (2018): Change management in allergic rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity using mobile technology. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 143:864-879. Doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2018.08.049.

633.) Douladiris, N., V. Garib, M. Focke-Tejkl, R. Valenta, N. G. Papadopoulos, and B. Linhart*. 2019. Detection of genuine grass pollen sensitization in children by skin testing with a recombinant grass pollen hybrid. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 30:59-65. Doi: 10.1111/pai.12991.

634.) Chen, K. W., P. Zieglmayer, R. Zieglmayer, P. Lemell, F. Horak, C. P. Bunu, R. Valenta, and S. Vrtala*. 2019. Selection of house dust mite-allergic patients by molecular diagnosis may enhance success of specific immunotherapy.J Allergy Clin Immunol. 143:1248-1252.e12. Doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2018.10.048.

635.) Campana, R., K. Marth, P. Zieglmayer, M. Weber, C. Lupinek, Y. Zhernov, O. Elisyutina, M. Khaitov, E. Rigler, K. Westritschnig, U. Berger, M. Wolkersdorfer, F. Jr. Horak, F. Horak, and R.Valenta*. 2019. Vaccination of nonallergic individuals with recombinant hypoallergenic fragments of birch pollen allergen Bet v 1: Safety, effects, and mechanisms.J Allergy Clin Immunol. 143:1258-1261. Doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2018.11.011.

636.) Siroux, V.*, A. Boudier, R. Nadif, C. Lupinek, R. Valenta, and J. Bousquet. 2019. Association between asthma, rhinitis, and conjunctivitis multimorbidities with molecular IgE sensitization in adults. Allergy 74:824-827. Doi: 10.1111/all.13676.

637.) Hofer, G., S. Wieser, M. K. Bogdos, P. Gattinger, R. Nakamura, M. Ebisawa, M. Mäkelä, N. Papadopoulos, R. Valenta, and W. Keller*. 2019. Three-dimensional structure of the wheat β-amylase Tri a 17, a clinically relevant food allergen. Allergy 74:1009-1013. Doi: 10.1111/all.13696.

638.) Menditto, E., E. Costa, L. Midão, S. Bosnic-Anticevich, E. Novellino, S. Bialek, V. Briedis, A. Mair, R. Rajabian-Soderlund, S. Arnavielhe, A. Bedbrook, W. Czarlewski, I. Annesi-Maesano, J. M. Anto, P. Devillier, G. De Vries, T. Keil, A. Sheikh, V. Orlando, D. Larenas-Linnemann, L. Cecchi, G. De Feo, M. Illario, C. Stellato, J. Fonseca, J. Malva, M. Morais-Almeida, A. M. Pereira, A. Todo-Bom, V. Kvedariene, A. Valiulis, K. C. Bergmann, L. Klimek, R. Mösges, O. Pfaar, T. Zuberbier, V. Cardona, J. Mullol, N. G. Papadopoulos, E. P. Prokopakis, M. Bewick, D. Ryan, R. E. Roller-Wirnsberger, P. V. Tomazic, A. A. Cruz, P. Kuna, B. Samolinski, W. J. Fokkens, S. Reitsma, I. Bosse, J. F. Fontaine, D. Laune, T. Haahtela, S. Toppila-Salmi, C. Bachert, P. W. Hellings, E. Melén, M. Wickman, C. Bindslev-Jensen, E. Eller, R. E. O'Hehir, C. Cingi, B. Gemicioğlu, O. Kalayci, J. C. Ivancevich, and J. Bousquet*; MASK group. 2019. Adherence to treatment in allergic rhinitis using mobile technology. the mask study. Clin Exp Allergy 49:442-460, Doi: 10.1111/cea.13333.

639.) Farkas, A. M., U. Baranyi, G.A. Böhmig, L. Unger, S. Hopf, M. Wahrmann, H. Regele, B. Mahr, C. Schwarz, K. Hock, N. Pilat, I. Kristo, J. Mraz, C. Lupinek, J. Thalhamer, G. Bond, L. Kuessel, E. Wlodek, J. Martin, M. Clatworthy, G. Pettigrew, R. Valenta, and T. Wekerle*. 2019. Allograft rejection is associated with development of functional IgE specific for donor MHC antigens. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 143:335-345. Doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2018.06.034

640.) Garib, V., E. Rigler, F. Gastager, R. Campana, Y. Dorofeeva, P. Gattinger, Y. Zhernov, M. Khaitov, and R. Valenta*. 2019. Determination of IgE and IgG reactivity to more than 170 allergen molecules in paper-dried blood spots. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 143:437-440. Doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2018.08.047.

641.) Gattinger, P., I. Mittermann, C. Lupinek, G. Hofer, W. Keller, U. Bidovec Stojkovic, P. Korosec, C. Koessler, N. Novak, and R. Valenta*. 2019. Recombinant glycoproteins resembling carbohydrate-specific IgE epitopes from plants, venoms and mites. EBioMedicine 39:33-43. Doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2018.12.002.

642.) Lupinek, C., H. Hochwallner, C. Johansson, A. Mie, E. Rigler, A. Scheynius, J. Alm, and R. Valenta*. 2019. Maternal allergen-specific IgG may protect the child against allergic sensitization. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 144:536-548. Doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2018.11.051.

643.) Eckl-Dorna, J., S. Villazala-Merino, B. Linhart, A. V. Karaulov, Y. Zhernov, M. Khaitov, V. Niederberger-Leppin, and R. Valenta*. 2018. Allergen-specific antibodies regulate secondary allergen-specific immune responses. Front Immunol. 9:3131. Doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.03131. Review.

644.) Zidarn, M.*, M. Robič, A. Krivec, M. Šilar, Y. Resch-Marat, S. Vrtala, P. Kopač, N. Bajrović, R. Valenta, and P.Korošec. 2019. Clinical and immunological differences between asymptomatic HDM‐sensitized and HDM‐allergic rhinitis patients. Clin Exp Allergy 49:808-818. Doi: 10.1111/cea.13361.

645.) Najafi, N., G. Hofer, P. Gattinger, D. Smiljkovic, K. Blatt, R. Selb, A. Stoecklinger, W. Keller, P. Valent, V. Niederberger, J. Thalhamer, R. Valenta, and S. Flicker*. 2019. Fusion proteins consisting of Bet v 1 and Phl p 5 form IgE-reactive aggregates with reduced allergenic activity. Sci Rep. 9:4006. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-39798-8.

646.) Bousquet, J.*, A. Bedbrook, W. Czarlewski, G. L. Onorato, S. Arnavielhe, D. Laune, E. Mathieu-Dupas, J. Fonseca, E. Costa, O. Lourenço, M. Morais-Almeida, A. Todo-Bom, M. Illario, E. Menditto, G. W. Canonica, L. Cecchi, R. Monti, L. Napoli, M. T. Ventura, G. De Feo, W. J. Fokkens, N. H. Chavannes, S. Reitsma, A. A. Cruz, J. da Silva, F. S. Serpa, D. Larenas-Linnemann, J. M. Fuentes Perez, Y. R. Huerta-Villalobos, D. Rivero-Yeverino, E .Rodriguez-Zagal, A. Valiulis, R. Dubakiene, R. Emuzyte, V. Kvedariene, I. Annesi-Maesano, H. Blain, P. Bonniaud, I. Bosse, Y. Dauvilliers, P. Devillier, J. F. Fontaine, J. L. Pépin, N. Pham-Thi, F. Portejoie, R. Picard, N. Roche, C. Rolland, P. Schmidt-Grendelmeier, P. Kuna, B. Samolinski, J. M. Anto, V. Cardona, J. Mullol, H. Pinnock, D. Ryan, A. Sheikh, S. Walker, S. Williams, S. Becker, L. Klimek, O. Pfaar, K. C. Bergmann, R. Mösges, T. Zuberbier, R. E. Roller-Wirnsberger, P. V. Tomazic, T. Haahtela, J. Salimäki, S. Toppila-Salmi, E. Valovirta, T. Vasankari, B. Gemicioğlu, A. Yorgancioglu, N. G. Papadopoulos, E. P. Prokopakis, I. G. Tsiligianni, S. Bosnic-Anticevich, R. O'Hehir, J. C. Ivancevich, H. Neffen, M. E. Zernotti, I. Kull, E. Melén, M. Wickman, C. Bachert, P. W. Hellings, G. Brusselle, S. Palkonen, C. Bindslev-Jensen, E. Eller, S. Waserman, L. P. Boulet, J. Bouchard, D. K. Chu, H. J. Schünemann, M. Sova, G. De Vries, M. van Eerd, I. Agache, I. J. Ansotegui, M. Bewick, T. Casale, M. Dykewick, M. Ebisawa, R. Murray, R. Naclerio, Y. Okamoto, and D. V. Wallace; The MASK study group. 2019. Guidance to 2018 good practice: ARIA digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care for rhinitis and asthma. Clin Transl Allergy. 9:16. Doi: 10.1186/s13601-019-0252-0. Review.

647.) Matos Semedo, F.*, Y. Dorofeeva, A. P. Pires, E. Tomaz, L. Taborda Barata, F. Inácio, and R. Valenta. 2019. Der p 23 - clinical relevance of molecular monosensitisation in House Dust Mite allergy. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 29:314-316. Doi: 10.18176/jiaci.0392.

648.) Sam Narean, J., N. Glanville, C. M. Nunn, K. Niespodziana, R. Valenta, S. L. Johnston, and G. R. McLean*. 2019. Epitope mapping of antibodies induced with a conserved rhinovirus protein generating protective anti-rhinovirus immunity. Vaccine 37:2805-2813. Doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.04.018.

649.) Zhernov, Y., M. Curin, M. Khaitov, A. Karaulov, and R. Valenta*. 2019. Recombinant allergens for immunotherapy: state of the art. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 19:402:414. Doi: 10.1097/ACI.0000000000000536.

650) Elisyutina, O., E. Fedenko, R. Campana, A. Litovkina, N. Ilina, D. Kudlay, E. Egorenkov, V. Smirnov, R. Valenta, C. Lupinek*, and M Khaitov*. 2019. Bet v 1-specific IgE levels and PR-10-reactivity discriminate silent sensitization from phenotypes of birch allergy. Allergy 74:2525-2528. Doi: 10.1111/all.13931.

651) Huang, H. J., M. Curin, S. Banerjee, K. W. Chen, T. Garmatiuk, Y. Resch-Marat, C. Carvalho-Queiroz, K. Blatt, G. Gafvelin, H. Grönlund, P. Valent, R. Campana, M. Focke-Tejkl, R. Valenta, and S. Vrtala*. 2019. A hypoallergenic peptide mix containing T cell epitopes of the clinically relevant house dust mite allergens. Allergy 74(12):2461-2478. Doi: 10.1111/all.13956.

652) Valenta, R.* 2019. Early prevention instead of mending late damage in allergy? EBioMedicine 45:17-18. Doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2019.06.042.

653) Linhart, B.*, R. Freidl, O. Elisyutina, M. Khaitov, A. Karaulov, and R. Valenta. 2019. Molecular Approaches for Diagnosis, Therapy and Prevention of Cow´s Milk Allergy. Nutrients 11:1492. Doi: 10.3390/nu11071492. Review.

654) Douladiris, N., V.Garib, K. Piskou, M. Focke-Tejkl, R. Valenta, N. G. Papadopoulos, and B. Linhart*. 2019. Molecular allergy diagnosis: A potential tool for the assessment of severity of grass pollen-induced rhinitis in children. Pediatr. Allergy Immunol. 30:852-855. Doi: 10.1111/pai.13107.

655) Freidl, R., A. Gstöttner, U. Baranyi, I. Swoboda, F. Stolz, M. Focke-Tejkl, T. Wekerle, R. van Ree, R. Valenta, and B. Linhart*. 2019. Resistance of parvalbumin to gastrointestinal digestion is required for profound and long-lasting prophylactic oral tolerance. Allergy Doi: 10.1111/all.13994. [2019 Jul 20 Epub ahead of print]

656) Rauber, M. M., C. Möbs, R. Campana, R. Henning, M. Schulze-Dasbeck, B. Greene, M. Focke-Tejkl, M. Weber, R. Valenta, and W. Pfützner*. 2019. Allergen immunotherapy with the hypoallergenic B-cell epitope-based vaccine BM32 modifies IL-10- and IL-5-secreting T cells. Allergy Doi: 10.1111/all.13996. [2019 Jul 22 Epub ahead of print]

657) Eckl-Dorna, J., S. Villazala-Merino, N. J. Campion, M. Byazrova, A. Filatov, D. Kudlay, A. Karsonova, K. Riabova, M. Khaitov, A. Karaulov, V. Niederberger-Leppin, and R. Valenta*. 2019. Tracing IgE-Producing Cells in Allergic Patients. Cells 8(9). Doi: 10.3390/cells8090994. Review.

658) Bousquet, J. J*., H. J. Schünemann, A. Togias, M. Erhola, P. W. Hellings, T. Zuberbier T, I. Agache, I. J. Ansotegui, J. M. Anto, C. Bachert, S. Becker, M. Bedolla-Barajas M, M. Bewick, S. Bosnic-Anticevich, I. Bosse, L. P. Boulet, J. M. Bourrez, G. Brusselle, N. Chavannes, E. Costa , A. A. Cruz, W. Czarlewski, W. J. Fokkens, J. A. Fonseca, M. Gaga, T. Haahtela, M. Illario, L. Klimek , P. Kuna , V. Kvedariene , L. T. T. Le, D. Larenas-Linnemann, D. Laune, O. M. Lourenço, E. Menditto, J. Mullol, Y. Okamoto, N. Papadopoulos, N. Pham-Thi, R. Picard, H. Pinnock, N. Roche, R. E. Roller-Wirnsberger , C. Rolland, B. Samolinski, A. Sheikh, S. Toppila-Salmi, I. Tsiligianni, A. Valiulis, E. Valovirta, T. Vasankari, M. T. Ventura, S. Walker, S. Williams, C. A. Akdis, I. Annesi-Maesano, S. Arnavielhe, X. Basagana, E. Bateman, A. Bedbrook, K. S. Bennoor, S. Benveniste, K. C. Bergmann, S. Bialek, N. Billo, C. Bindslev-Jensen, L. Bjermer, H. Blain, M. Bonini, P. Bonniaud, J. Bouchard, V. Briedis, C. E. Brightling, J. Brozek, R. Buhl, R. Buonaiuto, G. W. Canonica, V. Cardona, A. M. Carriazo, W. Carr, C. Cartier, T. Casale, L. Cecchi, A. M. Cepeda Sarabia, E. Chkhartishvili, D. K. Chu, C. Cingi, E. Colgan, J. C. de Sousa, A. L. Courbis, A. Custovic, B. Cvetkosvki, G. D'Amato, J. da Silva, C. Dantas, D. Dokic, Y. Dauvilliers, A. Dedeu, G. De Feo, P. Devillier, S. Di Capua, M. Dykewickz, R. Dubakiene, M. Ebisawa, Y. El-Gamal, E. Eller, R. Emuzyte, J. Farrell, A. Fink-Wagner, A. Fiocchi, J. F. Fontaine, B. Gemicioğlu, P. Schmid-Grendelmeir, A. Gamkrelidze, J. Garcia-Aymerich, M. Gomez, S. González Diaz, M. Gotua, N. A. Guldemond, M. A. Guzmán, J. Hajjam, J. O'B Hourihane, M. Humbert, G. Iaccarino, D. Ierodiakonou, M. Illario, J. C. Ivancevich, G. Joos, K. S. Jung, M. Jutel, I. Kaidashev, O. Kalayci, P. Kardas, T. Keil, M. Khaitov, N. Khaltaev, J. Kleine-Tebbe, M. L. Kowalski, V. Kritikos, I. Kull, L. Leonardini, P. Lieberman, B. Lipworth, K. C. Lodrup Carlsen, C. C. Loureiro, R. Louis, A. Mair, G. Marien, B. Mahboub, J. Malva, P. Manning, E. De Manuel Keenoy, G. D. Marshall, M. R. Masjedi, J. F. Maspero, E. Mathieu-Dupas, P. M. Matricardi, E. Melén, E. Melo-Gomes, E. O. Meltzer, E. Menditto, J. Mercier, N. Miculinic, F. Mihaltan, B. Milenkovic, G. Moda, M. D. Mogica-Martinez, Y. Mohammad, S. Montefort, R. Monti, M. Morais-Almeida, R. Mösges, L..Münter, A. Muraro, R. Murray, R. Naclerio, L. Napoli, L. Namazova-Baranova, H. Neffen, K. Nekam, A. Neou, E. Novellino, D. Nyembue, R. O'Hehir, K. Ohta, K. Okubo, G. Onorato, S. Ouedraogo, I. Pali-Schöll, S. Palkonen, P. Panzner, H. S. Park, J. L. Pépin, A. M. Pereira, O. Pfaar, E. Paulino, J. Phillips, R. Picard, D. Plavec, T. A. Popov, F. Portejoie, D. Price, E. P. Prokopakis, B. Pugin, F. Raciborski, R. Rajabian-Söderlund, S. Reitsma, X. Rodo, A. Romano, N. Rosario, M. Rottem, D. Ryan, J. Salimäki, M. M. Sanchez-Borges, J. C. Sisul, D. Solé, D. Somekh, T. Sooronbaev, M. Sova, O. Spranger, C. Stellato, R. Stelmach, C. Suppli Ulrik, M. Thibaudon, T. To, A. Todo-Bom, P. V. Tomazic, A. A. Valero, R. Valenta, M. Valentin-Rostan, R. van der Kleij, O. Vandenplas, G. Vezzani, F. Viart, G. Viegi, D. Wallace, M. Wagenmann, Y. Wang, S. Waserman, M. Wickman, D. M. Williams, G. Wong, P. Wroczynski, P. K. Yiallouros, A. Yorgancioglu, O. M. Yusuf, H. J. Zar, S. Zeng, M. Zernotti, L. Zhang, N. S. Zhong, and M. Zidarn; ARIA Study Group; MASK Study Group. 2019. Next-generation ARIA care pathways for rhinitis and asthma: a model for multimorbid chronic diseases. Clin Transl Allergy 9:44. Doi: 10.1186/s13601-019-0279-2. eCollection 2019. Review.

659) Dorofeeva, Y., P. Colombo, M. Blanca, A. Mari, R. Khanferyan, R. Valenta, and M. Focke-Tejkl*. 2019. Expression and characterization of recombinant Par j 1 and Par j 2 resembling the allergenic epitopes of Parietaria judaica pollen. Sci Rep. 9:15043. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-50854-1.

660) Villazala-Merino, S., A. Rodriguez-Dominguez, V. Stanek, N. J. Campion, P. Gattinger, G. Hofer, R. Fröschl, I. Faé, C. Lupinek, S. Vrtala, H. Breiteneder, W. Keller, T. Perkmann, R. Nakamura, W. F. Pickl , R. Valenta, J. Eckl-Dorna*, and V. Niederberger. 2019. Allergen-specific IgE levels and ability of IgE-allergen complexes to cross-link determine extent of CD23-mediated T cell activation. J Allergy Clin Immunol. Doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2019.11.019. [2019 Nov 24 Epub ahead of print]

661) Eckl-Dorna, J., M. Weber, V. Stanek, B. Linhart, R. Ristl, E. E. Waltl, S. Villazala-Merino, A. Hummel, M. Focke-Tejkl, R. Froeschel, A. Neubauer, R. Henning, T. Perkmann, R. Valenta*, and V. Niederberger. 2019. Two years of treatment with the recombinant grass pollen allergy vaccine BM32 induces a continuously increasing allergen-specific IgG4 response. EBioMedicine 50:421-432. Doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2019.11.006.

662) Sircar, G., M. Bhowmik, R. K. Sarkar, N. Najafi, A. Dasgupta, M. Focke-Tejkl, I. Mittermann, R. Valenta, K. Bhattacharya*, and S. Gupta Bhattacharya*. 2019. Molecular Characterization of a Fungal Cyclophilin Allergen Rhi o 2 and Elucidation of Antigenic Determinants Responsible for IgE-Cross reactivity. J Biol Chem. Doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA119.011659. [2019 Dec 27 Epub ahead of print]


663) Koren, A., M. Lunder, P. Molek, P. Kopač, A. Zahirović, P. Gattinger, I. Mittermann, R. Valenta, and P. Korošec P*. 2020. Fluorescent labeling of major honeybee allergens Api m 1 and Api m 2 with quantum dots and the development of a multiplex basophil activation test.Allergy. 2020 Jan 17. doi: 10.1111/all.14185. [Epub ahead of print]

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666) Waltl, E.E., V. Stanek, C.A. Mueller, R. Kiss, J. Eckl-Dorna, R. Valenta, V. Niederberger.* 2020. Primary Nasal Epithelial Cells From Allergic and Non-allergic Individuals Show Comparable Barrier Function. Allergy Asthma Immunol Res. 2020 Mar;12(2):364-370. doi: 10.4168/aair.2020.12.2.364

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670) Debiasi, M., H. Pichler, F. Klinglmüller, H. Boztug, K. Schmidthaler, J. Rech, D. Scherer, C. Lupinek, R. Valenta, E. Kacinska-Pfaller, R. Geyeregger, G. Fritsch, O.A. Haas, C. Peters, T. Lion, M. Akdis, S. Matthes, C.A. Akdis, Z. Szépfalusi, T. Eiwegger.* 2020. Transfer and loss of allergen-specific responses via stem cell transplantation: a prospective observational study. Allergy. 2020 Mar 17. doi: 10.1111/all.14278

671) Dorofeeva, Y., I. Shilovsky, I. Tulaeva, M. Focke-Tejkl, S. Flicker, D. Kudlay, M. Khaitov, A. Karsonova, K. Riabova, A. Karaulov, R. Khanferyan, W.F. Pickl,T. Wekerle, and R. Valenta.* 2020. Past, presence and future of allergen immunotherapy vaccines. Allergy. 2020 Apr 6. doi: 10.1111/all.14300. [Epub ahead of print]

672) Rodríguez-Domínguez, A., M. Berings, A. Rohrbach, H.-J. Huang, M. Curin, P. Gevaert, P. M. Matricardi, R. Valenta, and S. Vrtala. 2020. Molecular profiling of allergen-specific IgE and IgG responses may enhance success of allergen-specific immunotherapy: A first real life-study. J. Allergy Clin Immunol. in press.

673) Nikonova, A., M. Khaitov, D. J. Jackson, S. Traub, M.-B. Trujillo-Torralbo, D. A. Kudlay, A. S. Dvornikov, A. del-Rosario, R. Valenta, L. A. Stanciu, R. Khaitov, and S. L. Johnston. 2020. M1-like macrophages are potent producers of anti-viral interferons and M1-associated marker-positive lung macrophages are decreased during rhinovirus-induced asthma exacerbations. EBiomedicine in press.

674) Karsonova, A., K. Riabova, S. Villazala-Merino, R. Campana, V. Niederberger, J. Eckl-Dorna, R. Fröschl, T. Perkmann, Y. V. Zhernov, O. G. Elisyutina, E. S. Fedenko, M. R. Khaitov, D. Fomina, E. Beltiukov, M. van Hage, H. Grönlund, R. Valenta, A. Karaulov, and M. Curin. 2020. Highly sensitive ELISA-based assay for quantification of allergen-specific IgE antibody levels. Allergy in press.


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