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centertopDestiny: LumeneraAlpha DraftA rules hack for playing Destiny using NumeneraDestiny is ? Bungie 2014Numenera is ? Monte Cook Games 2013This is a free, fan work and makes to claims to the IP of either company.Material taken from various Destiny Wiki's and the Limited Edition Destiny Strategy Guide by Bradygames.Art sourced from promotional material and concept art.Destiny: Lumenera written by James 'Grim' Desborough(This is a basic draft, there may be a shinier and updated version later once I've gotten more familiar with Numenera and have the time to create a shiny layout)Character CreationRefer to Numenera for the particulars. This will concentrate on the differences and novelties of character creation relating to Destiny.Characters are described as an [ADJECTIVE] [NOUN] who [VERBS].For example, you might be...A Charming Hunter who Is Touched by the Darkness.A Scholarly Warlock who Lives in the Past.A Brutal Titan who Is Bathed in Light.Tiers correspond roughly to 4 levels in Destiny, so if you wanted to convert a character convert their levels into character benefits (4 Pool, 1 Edge, 1 Effort, 1 Skill or combat training, Reduce Armour Cost by 1, 2 Recovery, Tier level power).SkillsNew skills are marked with a *.AstronomyBalancingBiologyBotanyCarryingClimbing*CryptarchaeologyDeceivingDemolitionsDrivingEscapingGeographyGeologyHealingHacking*HistoryIdentifyingInitiativeIntimidationJumpingLeatherworkingLockpickingMason*MetalworkingPerceptionPersuasionPhilosophyPickpocketingPilot*RepairingRidingSmashingSneakingSurvival*SwimmingCarpentryRacesHumanHumans are descended from the survivors of the dark age of mankind. They are tough, resilient, tested survivors with the heritage to have lived through a thousand battles and the fall from the golden age. Human statistics are unmodified.ExoThe Exo are the remnants of war machines, built in another age to fight for humanity and since become self-constructing – when there is the material to do so. Each is an independent intelligence, as different as any human from another. Exo have +2 Might, -1 Speed, -1 Intellect.AwokenThe awoken survived beyond the Earth in the shattered remnants of orbiting colonies, secreted away in the asteroid belt and hiding in the void between the stars. Something out there change them. Awoken have -1 Might, -1 Speed, +2 Intellect.GhostsGhosts are fragments of The Traveler, infused with its light, high powered artificial intelligences with personalities and minds. Ghosts accompany Guardians, phasing in and out of physical existence when needed. Ghosts can operate machinery, power up old devices, hack doorways and computers and can provide perspective and history.A guardian without a ghost cannot respawn. A ghost without a guardian will seek a new person to resurrect and work with.Ghosts generate grenades and blades for their Guardian. Manifest vehicles. Operate ships and teleports and develop other abilities over time.Ghosts have their own personalities and power.Ghosts start with:Might: 4Speed: 10Intellect: 16Effort: 1Intellect Edge: 2Recovery: +1Manifest: Purchased patterns for vehicles can be manifested or deconstructed by a ghost. They can also host one grenade or throwing knife use per hour.Light: Ghosts can create light akin to a powerful flashlight.Power Up: Ghosts can power up small devices for one Intellect Pool, vehicle scale devices for two Intellect Pool and large scale devices for 3 Intellect Pool.Ghosts are trained in: Astronomy, Biology, Botany, *Cryptarchaeology, Geography, Geology, History, Identifying, Pilot*, Repairing.Ghosts are Specialised in: Hacking*, Perception.Ghosts can knock into someone for 1 damage.Each tier that their Guardian goes up, their Ghost can do one of the following:Add +4 to a stat Pool.Add +1 to an Edge.Add +1 to Effort.Train or specialise a skill.Add +2 to Recovery.RespawningGhosts can resurrect you when you die. They have already done this once and so you start with a Resurrection Pool of 19. Each time you respawn you roll and if you get under your Resurrection Pool you are regenerated, but drop the pool by 1. Every 4xp you earn increases your Resurrection Pool by +1, up to a maximum of 20.Ghost Personality TableRoll 5d45 INFJ – Forceful, original, sensitive, dogged, stubborn, moral, individualistic.6 INTJ – Independent, original, analytical, determined, competent and long-term thinkers.7 ENTP – Creative, resourceful, quick-witted, superior, outspoken and assertive.8 ESTP – Friendly, adaptable, action-oriented, lives in the here and now, risk-takers, disrespectful.9 ISTP – Quiet, reserved, curious, risk-taking, uncomplicated and breaks the rules.10 ESFP – Fun-loving, lives for the moment, enjoys novelty and likes to be in the spotlight.11 ISFP – Quiet, serious, sensitive, kind, conflict avoidant, loyal, faithful and creative.12 ESFJ – Warm hearted, popular, conscientious, selfless, responsible, lacking confidence.13 ISFJ – Quiet, kind, conscientious, selfless, stable and practical.14 ISTJ – Dutiful, serious, quiet, peaceful, thorough, responsible and dependable.15 ESTJ – Practical, traditional, organised, clear-thinking, loyal, hard-working and domineering. 16 ENFP - Enthusiastic, idealistic, creative, scatterbrained and open minded.17 INFP – Quiet, reflective, idealistic, moral, loyal, laid back. 18 INTP – Logical, creative, original, excitable, competent, logical and individualistic. 19 ENFJ – Popular, sensitive, concerned with others, gregarious and servile.20 ENTJ – Assertive, outspoken, commanding, bossy, informed and intelligent.A Note on Orbs of LightOrbs of light are spawned by special abilities, a blessing of the light from The Traveler manifested by your ghost, usually when your powers score a kill. Each orb of light restores a single point to any pool and decreases a recharge time for a power by ten minutes.Character TypesTitanBrute force, masters of war, a powerful combination of strength and skill. Titans are the most heavily armoured and the most direct of the three classes. They assault fortified enemy positions head-on, utilising their mastery of the light to shield and protect themselves and their allies... or to destroy their adversaries.At Tier 4 Titans can choose the Defender sub-class and access to its abilities.Titans start with:Might 14Speed 8Intellect 8With four additional points to spend where they wish.First Tier TitansEffort: 1Might Edge: 1Speed Edge: 1Intellect Edge: 0You may carry three weapons and 2 artefacts (cyphers).You are practiced with all weapons.Heavy: You can wear any kind of armour and reduce the Might cost per hour and the Speed Pool reduction for wearing armour by 2.Skill: Choose one of the following: Balancing, Climbing, Jumping, Swimming.Starting Equipment: Clothing, two basic weapons, light or medium armour, an explorer's pack, two artefacts and 5 glimmer. You start with three magazines for each ranged weapon.Moves: You can access two fighting moves from the Numenera main book, or from the first tier abilities below.Flashbang Grenade: Flashbang grenades are constructed by your Ghost and can be used once per hour. The flashbang explodes in a seven metre radius for 2 damage. This is also a level 5 (target 15) blinding and deafening attack.Lift: When leaping you shift down the Jump table by one row, increasing your distance. You can also 'hang' in midair to give you an elevated firing position. This also increases the range of Fist of Havoc in the same way.Fist of Havoc: You leap four feet forward and slam into the ground, releasing a blast of light energy over a seven metre radius for 4 damage. This ability takes time to recharge and can only be used once per hour. Kills with Fist of Havoc spawn orbs of light.Storm Fist: A light-charged fist attack does 4 damage in close combat.Titan Codex I: Your Might pool is raised by +1 and your recovery is raised by +1.Headstrong: When combined with Fist of Havoc you can shift down another row on the leap table, increasing the range of the leap. Your Speed Pool is increased by +1.Second Tier TitansWhen you get to the second tier, choose one type of attack you are not already trained in and are now trained in that form of attack. You can also choose a free ability from this patible from Numenera: All Tier 2 Glaive abilities.Pulse Grenade: Pulse grenades are constructed by your Ghost and can be used once per hour. The pulse grenade explodes in a five metre radius for 4 damage, exploding again next turn in the same area.Increased Height: When leaping you shift down the Jump table by one row. This combines with other leaping powers to increase your distance and height. This also increases the range of Fist of Havoc as with other leaping capabilities.Aftermath: You must already have Fist of Havoc. When you use it, it leaves a field that pulses doing 4 damage on the following two turns in the same area.Overload: You must already have Storm Fist. Your light-charged attacks with storm fist can be performed twice in a turn for a cost of 3 from your Might pool.Aftershocks: Pulse grenades, lightning grenades and aftermath last an extra turn, dealing more damage.Titan Codex II: Your Might Pool is raised by +2 and your Speed Pool is raised by +2.Third Tier TitansWhen you get to the third tier you can carry three artefacts safely, choose another form of attack to be trained in and choose a free ability from this patible from Numenera: All Tier 3 Glaive abilities.Lightning Grenade: Sticks to a surface or target and explodes with a twelve metre radius for 4 damage per turn over two turns, three with the aftermath effect.Increased Control: You can leap your full distance without it having to be in a straight line. You can move and shift while jumping to avoid hazards and direct your 'flight'. +1 Speed pool.Death From Above: You may make a normal leap and then activate Fist of Havoc, adding to your leaping distance and giving your attack a free degree of effort.Discharge: You can expend a degree of Might effort to create an explosion when you punch an enemy, doing your hand-to-hand damage to all enemies in a five metre radius.Transfusion: Killing an enemy with a melee attack restores a point to your Might or Speed pool.Titan Codex III: Increase your Speed pool by +2 and your Recovery by +1.Fourth Tier Titans: StrikerWhen you get to the fourth tier, choose another form of attack to be trained in and choose a free ability from this patible from Numenera: All Tier Four Glaive abilities.Catapult: When leaping shift down one row on the table when jumping. This also boosts your Fist of Havoc range.Shockwave: Fist of Havoc now does six damage.Amplify: A death blow with your storm fist replenishes your Fist of Havoc.Unstoppable: Your armour is increased by +1 until your following turn when you use Fist of Havoc.Titan Codex IV: +2 to your Might pool, Speed Pool and Recovery.Fifth Tier Titans: StrikerWhen you get to the fifth tier you can carry four artefacts at a time, choose another form of attack to be trained in and choose a free ability from this patible from Numenera: All Tier Five Glaive abilities.Shoulder Charge: Charging and making a melee attack at the end of that charge does +1 damage.Titan Codex V: +4 recovery.Sixth Tier Titans: StrikerWhen you get to the sixth tier, choose another form of attack to be trained in and choose a free ability from this patible from Numenera: All Tier Six Glaive abilities.Juggernaut: Sprinting creates a shield in your front arc for +1 armour until your following turn.Titan Codex VI: +2 to your Might pool, +4 to your Speed pool.Fourth Tier Titans: DefenderWhen you get to the fourth tier, choose another form of attack to be trained in and choose a free ability from this patible from Numenera: All Tier Four Glaive abilities.Magnetic Grenade: Magnetic grenades stick to targets and then explode, twice, with a radius of five metres. The explosions do 4 damage each explosion, 5 to the target they are stuck to. You can use one grenade per hour.Increased Height: When leaping you can shift one row down on the jumping table. This also extends the range of Fist of Havoc.Ward of Dawn: Replacing Fist of Havoc, the Ward of Dawn creates an invulnerable bubble of energy with a four metre radius, into and out of which no damage can be done. It lasts for 3 turns. You may only use Ward of Dawn once per hour. Every 6 damage the ward takes spawns an orb of light.Armour of Light: While inside your Ward of Dawn you gain +1 Armour against enemies who also enter in pursuit of you.Disintegrate: Replacing Storm Fist, killing an enemy in melee combat grants you +1 Armour for two turns.War Machine: While Disintegrate is active your reload time is reduced by 1.Bastion: Increase the duration of Ward of Dawn to 4 turns. Add +1 to your Might pool.Untouchable: +2 to your Might pool, you can use Ward of Dawn every half an hour.Titan Codex I: +2 Might pool, +2 Recovery.Titan Codex II: +2 Might pool, +2 Speed pool.Fifth Tier Titans: DefenderWhen you get to the fifth tier you can carry four artefacts at a time, choose another form of attack to be trained in and choose a free ability from this patible from Numenera: All Tier Five Glaive abilities.Spike Grenade: This grenade attaches to the surface or target it is thrown at and pulses rapidly, blasting damage over a twelve metre radius. It makes four explosions, each one doing 4 damage.Increased Control: You can leap your full distance without it having to be in a straight line. You can move and shift while jumping to avoid hazards and direct your 'flight'. +1 Speed pool.Blessing of Light: Passing through the Ward of Dawn gives you +1 Armour until your next turn.Unbreakable: Your Might pool regenerates at one point each turn.Relentless: The barrier from Disintegrate now grants +2 Armour.Iron Harvest: Heavy weapon kills produce orbs of light.Titan Codex III: +2 Speed pool, +2 Recovery.Titan Codex IV: +2 Might pool, +2 Speed pool, +2 Recovery.Sixth Tier Titans: DefenderWhen you get to the sixth tier, choose another form of attack to be trained in and choose a free ability from this patible from Numenera: All Tier Six Glaive abilities.Suppressor Grenade: When detonated, within a seven metre radius, all special abilities other than the most basic attacks are suppressed until the end of your next turn.Catapult: When leaping shift down one row on the table when jumping. This also boosts your Fist of Havoc range.Weapons of Light: Passing through the Ward of Dawn enhances attacks to do +1 damage until the end of the next turn.Gift of Light: While your Disintegrate shield is active, all of your melee kills produce orbs of light. Gift of the Void: Your Ward of Dawn spawns an orb of light for every five damage it takes.Illuminated: Blessing of Light now grants +2 Armour, Weapons of Light now grant +2 damage.Titan Codex V: +4 Recovery.Titan Codex VI: +2 Might pool, +4 Speed pool.HunterStalkers, hunters, scouts, the unseen blade and the perfect shot. Hunters are the fastest and most precise of the three classes. They use speed, agility and stealth to overcome their foes. Hunters wield the light purely offensively, destroying their foes with blazing solar energy or vicious arc lightning.At Tier 4 Hunters can choose the Bladedancer sub-class and access to its abilities.Hunters start with:Might 8Speed 12Intellect 10With four additional points to spend where they wish.First Tier HuntersEffort: 1Speed Edge: 1Intellect Edge: 1Might Edge: 1You may carry three weapons and two artefacts (cyphers).You are practiced with light and medium weapons.Skills: You are trained in two tasks of your choosing, other than attack skills.Starting Equipment: You start with clothing, two basic weapons, light armour, two artefacts, three magazines for each gun and 8 glimmer.Moves: You can choose two moves from the list under First Tier Jacks in the Numenera book, or from the list below. You may not choose 'hedge magic'.Incendiary Grenade: You can use a grenade once per hour. The incendiary grenade explodes over a 7m radius for 4 damage and does another 2 damage – ignoring armour – on the following turn.Double Jump: When jumping you can shift down a row on the table to determine distance/height.Golden Gun: You can summon a golden pistol that hits for 8 points of damage. It lasts for three turns, or three shots. You can use this ability once per hour.Throwing Knife: You can summon a blade, once per hour, which when tossed does 4 damage – but counts as a melee attack.Scavenger: Ammo purchased or looted is increased by 10%. EG: If you find 30 rounds for your auto-rifle, you actually find 33.Path Forgotten: +2 Might Pool, +2 Agility Pool.Stab: In your hands light blades do 3 damage.Second Tier HuntersWhen you get to Tier Two choose a new task that you are trained in – save combat. You gain one free ability from this patible from Numenera: All Tier Two abilities, save Ward.Swarm Grenade: You can use a grenade once per hour. The swarm grenade releases five explosive drones that home in on surrounding targets and explode for 2 damage each. They have a radius of 10m and seek any target in that area. They hover and wait for a target for up to three turns.Better Control: You can leap your full distance without it having to be in a straight line. You can move and shift while jumping to avoid hazards and direct your 'flight'. +1 Speed pool.Deadeye: You gain a +2 bonus to hit when using your golden gun.Circle of Life: Killing an enemy with a melee or thrown attack allows your golden gun to last an extra turn.Keyhole: Golden gun now over-penetrates and will blast clean through one enemy (if it kills them) to hit a second in line with them.Path Forbidden: +2 Recovery, +2 Speed Pool.Third Tier HuntersYou can now carry three artefacts at once. You can choose a new task that you are trained in – save combat. You gain one free ability from this patible from Numenera: Tier Three abilities: Skill with attacks only.Tripmine Grenade: You can use a grenade once per hour. The tripmine grenade has a radius of 12m and explodes for 4 damage, 6 if it is stuck to its target. It lingers for three turns and if anything comes within 12m within that time it detonates.Higher Jump: You can shift down another row on the table when bustion: Enemies killed with your golden gun explode like grenades doing 4 damage in a five metre radius.Incendiary Blade: Your throwing knives do +1 damage and cause an additional 2 damage the following turn (ignoring armour).Gunslinger's Trance: When you expend effort on an attack that kills an enemy, you get +1 to your next attack.Path Unknown: +2 Might Pool, +2 Recovery.Fourth Tier HuntersYou can choose a new task that you are trained in – save combat. You gain one free ability from this patible from Numenera: Tier Four abilities: Analytical Combat, Lunge, Slice, Spray.Triple Jump: You can shift down another row when jumping.Gunfighter: You can use your golden gun every half an hour.Knife Juggler: If you kill a target with your throwing knife, it instantly regenerates to be used again.Chain of Woe: If you killed a target this turn, one action counts as two for reloading next turn.Way of the Drifter: +2 Might Pool, +1 Recovery, +2 Speed Pool.Fifth Tier HuntersYou can now carry four artefacts at once. You can choose a new task that you are trained in – save combat. You gain one free ability from this patible from Numenera: All Tier Five Hunter abilities.Over the Horizon: +1 Speed Pool, your golden gun can fire and longer range – like a rifle.Way of the Fearless: +5 Might Pool.Sixth Tier HuntersYou can choose a new task that you are trained in – save combat. You gain one free ability from this patible from Numenera: Tier Six abilities: Parry, Spin Attack.Gambler's Dagger: You can summon two throwing knives within your regeneration period.Way of the Nomad: +4 Recovery, +1 Speed Pool.Fourth Tier Hunters: BladedancerYou can choose a new task that you are trained in – save combat. You gain one free ability from this patible from Numenera: Tier Four abilities: Analytical Combat, Lunge, Slice, Spray.Cloaking: Cloaking replaces golden gun, allowing you to turn invisible for three turns.Flux Grenade: A sticky grenade, the flux grenade does 4 damage in a 5m radius, 6 if stick to the target.Double Jump: You can shift down one row when jumping.Arc Blade: You charge your melee weapon with arc energy for +1 damage and you can keep attacking so long as each strike kills an enemy. This effect lasts three turns and can be performed once per hour.Vanish: You can attack in melee and cloak in a single move if you kill your target.Fleet Footed: When moving an 'immediate' distance for you is considered four metres and a short distance is considered 17m.Quick Draw: You can instantly change weapons without needing an action.Path Forgotten: +2 Might Pool, +2 Speed Pool.Path Forbidden: +2 Recovery, +2 Speed Pool.Fifth Tier Hunters: BladedancerYou can now carry four artefacts at once. You can choose a new task that you are trained in – save combat. You gain one free ability from this patible from Numenera: All Tier Five Hunter abilities.Skip Grenade: A bouncing grenade that can be ricocheted off surfaces. You can use a grenade once per hour. The skip grenade releases four explosive drones that home in on surrounding targets and explode for 3 damage each. They have a radius of 10m and seek any target in that area. They hover and wait for a target for up to three turns.Higher Jump: You can shift down a ro on the jumping table.Better Control: You can leap your full distance without it having to be in a straight line. You can move and shift while jumping to avoid hazards and direct your 'flight'. +1 Recovery.Show Stopper: With your arc blade summoned you can create a 7m explosion doing the same damage as your melee attack.Blink Strike: You can teleport up to five metres – on top of any other move – and make a melee attack.Backstab: Attacks to the rear do +2 damage.Fast Twitch: You can make two melee attacks with your arc blade.Shadowjack: All your invisibility effects last for an extra turn.Encore: Killing an enemy with your arc blade extends the duration of arc blade by one turn.Path Unknown: +2 Might Pool, +2 Recovery.Way of the Drifter: +2 Might Pool, +1 Recovery, +2 Speed Pool.Sixth Tier Hunters: BladedancerYou can choose a new task that you are trained in – save combat. You gain one free ability from this patible from Numenera: Tier Six abilities: Parry, Spin Attack.Arcbolt Grenade: You can use a grenade once per hour. Arcbolt grenades explode and cast out lightning bolts at up to three targets within eight metres. The bolts do 3 damage and can arc to a second and third target if there is someone within eight metres of the first target struck.Blink: Your jump is no longer a jump, but a teleport without passing through the intervening space, though the trade off is that it replaces double jump, costing you some distance.Razor's Edge: While arc blade is summoned you can smash your blade into the ground creating a wave of energy towards a single enemy, fifteen metres long. You do your arc-blade damage to anything struck in that area.Escape Artist: Hitting and slaying an enemy with a blink strike instantly turns you invisible for one turn.Stalker: By spending a turn hiding and crouching, you can activate your cloak for free.Hungering Blade: Kills you make with blink strike or arc blade restore 1 point of Might Pool.Way of the Fearless: +5 Might Pool.Way of the Nomad: +4 Recovery, +1 Speed Pool.WarlockSavants, scholars, masters of their own minds, wielding forces so powerful they can sunder reality on the battlefield. Warlocks have a deep understanding of their light and their manipulation of it borders on the mystical. They wield void and solar forces, bombarding their foes with crushing void energy or infusing their bodies with solar power.At Tier 4 Warlocks can choose the Sunsinger sub-class and access to its abilities.Warlocks start with:Might 8Speed 10Intellect 12With four additional points to spend where they wish.First Tier WarlocksEffort: 1Speed Edge: 0Intellect Edge: 2Might Edge: 0You may carry three weapons and three artefacts (cyphers).You are practiced with light weapons.Light & Dark: You are considered to be trained when trying to understand artefacts and beings of the light and dark.Skills: You are trained in one tasks of your choosing, other than attack skills.Equipment: You start play with clothing, two weapons, three artefacts, and 4 glimmer.Moves: You can choose two moves from the list under First Tier Nanos in the Numenera book, or from the list below. You may not choose Onslaught, Push or Ward.Vortex Grenade: You can summon a grenade once per hour. Vortex grenades explode in a four metre radius doing 4 damage as it explodes and another four damage in the same area on the following turn.Glide: You can shift down a row on the leaping table, but only to increase distance, not height.Nova Bomb: Once per hour you can summon a huge blast of void energy for six damage to everything in a 9m radius.Energy Drain: Your hand to hand attacks do 4 damage. When you kill an enemy you can replenish a single point to any of your pools.Annihilate: +1 Speed Pool. Increase the size of all your explosive abilities by 10%, rounding up to +1m.Arcane Wisdom: +1 Intellect Pool, +1 Speed Pool, +2 Recovery.Second Tier WarlocksWhen you reach the second tier you may choose one ability from this tier for patible from Numenera: Tier Two abilities: Flash, Mind Reading.Scatter Grenade: You may use a grenade once per hour. Scatter grenades explode in a 9m radius, doing 1d6 2 damage hits to every enemy in that area.Focused Control: You can shift in any direction while jumping and gliding. You are considered to have an Edge of one for any leaping and jumping manouevres.Vortex: You Nova Bomb explodes a second time on the following turn in the same area for the same damage.Surge: After a kill with your Energy Drain attack you move +1/+2 metres when moving immediate/short distances and are considered to have a Speed Edge of +1 on the following turn.Angry Magic: +1 Might Pool. Your Nova Bomb attack can automatically hit any enemy you choose within line of sight and range.Arcane Spirit: +1 Might Pool, +1 Intellect Pool, +2 Recovery.Third Tier WarlocksWhen you reach the third tier you may choose one ability from this tier for free and can now carry four artefacts at patible from Numenera: Tier Three abilities: Countermeasures, Sensor, Targetting Eye.Axion Bolt: You may use a grenade once per hour. The Axion bolt has a radius of 10m and sends two bolts against two targets in that radius, each bolt doing 4 damage.Focussed Burst: When you jump you can shift down a row on the leaping table.Shatter: Instead of one big explosion, your Nova Bomb now sends out three projectiles, each doing 7 damage.Life Steal: Killing an enemy with your energy drain attack restores 2 points to your Might Pool as well as the normal draining effect.The Hunger: Killing enemies with Energy Drain allows you to regenerate an extra point to any pool.Arcane Force: +1 Might Pool, +1 Intellect Pool, +2 Speed Pool.Fourth Tier WarlocksWhen you reach the fourth tier you may choose one ability from this tier for patible from Numenera: Tier Four abilities: Regeneration.Blink: Instead of jumping, you instantly teleport from one position to another without passing through the intervening space.Lance: Your Nova Bomb can be hurled further than usual (up a range band). Its radius is reduced by one metre.Soul Rip: Killing an enemy with Energy Drain reduces the time until you can use Nova Bomb again by ten minutes.Vortex Mastery: Double the radius of Axion Bolt and Vortex Grenades and Vortex Nova Bombs last an extra turn.Ancestral Order: +1 Might Pool, +1 Intellect Pool, +2 Speed Pool, +2 Recovery.Fifth Tier WarlocksWhen you reach the fifth tier you may choose one ability from this tier for free and may carry up to five artefacts at patible from Numenera: Tier Five abilities: Absorb Energy, Knowing the Unknown.Bloom: Any enemy you kill with any of your special abilities explodes for 5 damage in a 5m radius. You are unaffected.Chaos Order: +1 Intellect Pool +4 Speed Pool.Sixth Tier WarlocksWhen you reach the sixth tier you may choose one ability from this tier for patible from Numenera: Tier Six abilities: Traverse the Worlds, Usurp Cypher.Embrace the Void: Enemies killed by Nova Bomb or grenade effects are treated as though you hit them with your Energy Drain attack.Divine Order: +2 Intellect Pool, +2 Might Pool, +2 Recovery.Fourth Tier SunsingerWhen you reach the fourth tier you may choose one ability from this tier for patible from Numenera: Tier Four abilities: Regeneration.Solar Grenade: Solar Grenades burst over a four metre radius doing 5 damage per turn for two turns. You can use a grenade once per hour.Glide: You can shift down a row on the leaping table, but only for distance and not for height.Radiance: Replacing Nova Bomb, Radiance fills you with light for two turns. While active you gain +1 Armour, +1 damage with melee and grenades. You can use this ability once per hour.Scorch: Scorch replaces Energy Drain with a powerful melee attack. Your hand to hand attacks do 4 damage and an additional 2 damage on the following turn that ignores armour.Radiant Will: Radiance now lasts for an additional turn.Sunburst: Killing an enemy with Scorch produces an orb of light.Arcane Wisdom: +1 Intellect Pool, +1 Speed Pool, +2 Recovery.Arcane Spirit: +1 Intellect Pool, +1 Might Pool, +2 Recovery.Fifth Tier SunsingerWhen you reach the fifth tier you may choose one ability from this tier for free and may carry up to five artefacts at patible from Numenera: Tier Five abilities: Absorb Energy, Knowing the Unknown.Firebolt Grenade: You can hurl one grenade per hour. Firebolt grenades shoot out four bolts at targets within their 8m radius, each bolt doing 4 damage.Focussed Control: When jumping you can shift and change direction at will while in the air.Focussed Burst: Your leaps have more force and speed behind them. Shift down one row on the table when jumping.Radiant Skin: You gain an additional +1 Armour while Radiance is active.Song of Flame: When you use Radiance, all your allies recharge time for their powers is advanced ten minutes.Flame Shield: Defeating an enemy with your Scorch attack increases your Armour by +1 until the end of your next turn.Solar Wind: An enemy struck with a Scorch attack is knocked back two metres.Viking Funeral: All your burning effects last an extra turn and do +1 damage.Touch of Flame: All your grenade effects – and brimstone – ignite those hit by them for 2 damage on the following turn of the initial strike. This damage ignores armour.Arcane Force: +1 Might Pool, +1 Intellect Pool, +2 Speed Pool.Ancestral Order: +1 Might Pool, +1 Intellect Pool, +2 Speed Pool, +2 Recovery.Sixth Tier SunsingerWhen you reach the sixth tier you may choose one ability from this tier for patible from Numenera: Tier Six abilities: Traverse the Worlds, Usurp Cypher.Fusion Grenade: You can use a grenade once per hour. Fusion grenades explode with a 5m radius doing 5 damage within that radius. They can stick to targets and if a target is hit by the grenade, that target takes 7 damage.Balanced Glide: You can shift down a row to work out the distance when leaping. +1 Speed Pool.Fireborn: If you die while your Radiance is ready, you can respawn without your Ghost having to do it for you.Brimstone: Adversaries you kill with Scorch now explode for 4 damage in a 5m radius. You are unaffected.Gift of the Sun: You have two grenade throws, when your grenade timer is ready.Angel of Light: You can leap, stop mid leap – or teleport – shoot, and then finish your move.Chaos Order: +1 Intellect Pool, +4 Speed Pool.Divine Order: +1 Intellect Pool, +3 Might Pool, +2 Recovery.Adjectives & VerbsAdjectivesAll of the adjectives in Numenera are suitable. Possible new ones include:Brutal: +1 Might Edge, You're trained in melee/unarmed combat, Deep: +1 Intellect Edge, You're trained in all actions involving meditation, philosophy and pondering.Determined: +2 to your Intellect and might pools, You're trained to keep going no matter what. Glowing: +2 to your Intellect Pool, You're trained in all matters regarding The Light, You produce an extra orb of light whenever you produce any, the difficulty of any task involving The Dark is raised by 1.Individualistic: +2 to any two pools, you're trained in any broad matter of your choice, imitation, mimicry or conforming to current norms is +1 difficulty level.Powerful: +2 to Intellect Pool, you're trained in the exercising of power in business and politics, interaction with the 'lower orders' is penalised by +1 difficulty level. You start with a thousand extra glimmer.Precise: +2 to your Speed Pool, you're trained in all tasks involving fine and careful manipulation, you're trained in all matters that require a light touch.Raging: +2 to your Might Pool, you're trained in unarmed combat and intimidation, you need only spend 2 Might to exert effort when angry.Roaming: +2 to each pool, you're trained to climb, swim, run and otherwise move through the landscape. Replace one weapon with a random green of the same type. You're unable to settle in one place for long.Shadowy: +2 to your Intellect Pool, you're trained in all matters regarding The Dark. You do +1 damage against minions of the Light, such as guardians in the Crucible. The difficulty of any task involving The Light is raised by 1.Skilled: +2 to your Speed Pool, you're trained in three broad areas of expertise and start with 100 extra Glimmer.Unseen: +2 to your Speed Pool, you're trained in hiding, sneaking and avoiding detection. The difficulty of any public, open interaction with people is raised by 1 level.VerbsSuitable 'Verbs' from the Numera Main book include:Carries a QuiverCommands Mental PowersControls BeastsCrafts Unique ObjectsEntertainsExplores Dark PlacesFights With PanacheHunts With Great SkillLeadsLives in the WildernessMasters DefenceMasters WeaponryMurdersRagesTalks to MachinesWields Two Weapons at OnceWorks in the Back AlleysEquipment & GearStarting GearAll characters start with:Basic set of light/medium/heavy armour.One basic weapon (hand cannon, pulse rifle, scout rifle, auto-rifle)One special weapon (shotgun, sniper rifle, fusion gun)1d6+Intellect Pool GlimmerThree magazines for each weapon.Characters can only carry three weapons, three magazines for each weapon, three grenades and no more than 25,000 Glimmer. Carrying more becomes unstable.CurrencyGlimmer is the main currency used amongst all groups. It is a programmable form of matter from the golden age which can be figured in any number of ways, making it valuable to anyone and any thing.Marks are faction currency, awarded for performing tasks on behalf of the various factions. They can be traded with those factions. Marks cannot be exchanged for other currency, at least not legally.Vanguard Marks are earned for official missions in defence of humanity.Crucible Marks are earned for winning battles in The Crucible. (Crucible battles do not reduce your respawn pool).Dead Orbit Marks are earned for the Dead Orbit faction, a group building starships and planning an exodus.Future War Cult Marks are earned for the FWC faction, a secretive group dedicated to warfare.New Monarchy Marks are earned for the New Monarchy faction, a group dedicated to preserving The City and restoring the Golden Age.Iron Banner Marks are awarded during special Crucible tournments. The Iron Banner is a faction devoted to taking the fight to The Darkness.Motes of Light are earned by legendary Guardians for every four XP they spend after reaching Tier 6 and can be traded with The Speaker and the Temple of the Traveler.MaterialsSpinmetal, Helium Filaments, Spirit Bloom and Relic Iron are special materials which can be gathered to trade for Marks and/or glimmer. A single 'lot' of any of these materials is worth 4 glimmer in The City and ten can be traded for a Mark. High level gear also requires these special materials to be upgraded.Ascendant Energy and Ascendant Shards are garnered by destroying very powerful enemies or are found in the grandest of treasure stores.Weapon parts are garnered by breaking down weapons or recycling broken weapon materials.Plasteel Plating is gained by breaking down heavy armour and other dense materials.Sapphire Wire is gained by breaking down medium armour and other light materials.Hadronic Essence is gained by breaking down light armour and high tech materials.Breaking down a weapon/armour piece also garners 2d10 glimmer, +5 green, +10 blue, +20 purple.ConsumablesConsumable artefacts include:Ammo Synthesis: Restores a full magazine of ammunition to any primary weapon.Special Ammo Synthesis: Restores a full magazine of ammunition to any special weapon.Heavy Ammo Synthesis: Restores a full magazine of ammunition to any heavy weapon.Weapon Telemetry Recorder: Earn an additional 1xp at the end of the session.Ether Seeds: Ether Seeds convert the life-force of The Fallen into glimmer equal to twice their Level, this lasts for one battle/encounter.Black Wax Idol: The dark force released by dying Hive converts this wax into glimmer equal to twice their level, this lasts for one battle/encounter.Resupply Codes: These overrides convert the life force of dying Cabal into glimmer equal to twice their level, this lasts for one battle/encounter.Blue Polyphage: This viral signal converts Vex energy into glimmer equal to twice their level, this lasts for one battle/encounter.LootBesides the basic equipment and armour that enemies carry and wear they also have a chance of dropping further gear and rewards.The level of the enemies multiplied by ten is totalled providing the chance of a useful, random loot drop. If it is over 100% then the excess is rolled a second time.Loot Table – Roll d100 and add the highest level enemy to the roll.1-29 Small Glimmer Award 1d10 glimmer30 1d4 resources31-39 Medium Glimmer Award 1d4x5 glimmer40 1d6 resources41-49 Large Glimmer Award 1d10x10 glimmer50 1d8 resources51-55 Grey Engram – Difficulty 4 cryptarchaeology to decode56-60 Grey Weapon61-65 Grey Armour66-69 Green Engram70-73 Green Weapon74-77 Green Armour – Difficulty 6 cryptarchaeology to decode78-80 Glimmer Boost Item81-83 Ammo Synthesis84-86 Special Ammo Synthesis87-89 Heavy Ammo Synthesis90-91 Blue Engram – Difficulty 8 cryptarchaeology to decode92-93 Blue Weapon94-95 Blue Armour96 Purple Engram – Difficulty 10 cryptarchaeology to decode97 Purple Weapon98 Purple Armour99 Weapon Telemetry100 Strange Coin101+ Mote of Light110+ Red Weapon/Armour (50/50)Resources Roll 1d10 and add the highest enemy's Level1-9 Weapon parts10-11 Plasteel12-13 Sapphire Wire14-15 Hadronic Essence16 Spinmetal17 Helium Filiaments18 Spirit Bloom19 Relic Iron20+ Ascendant Energy/Ascendant Shard (50/50 chance of each)ShopsCryptarch ServicesGrey Engram: 1d20x25 glimmerGreen Engram: 1d20x50 glimmerBlue Engram: 1d20x100 glimmerPurple Engram: 1d20 x200 glimmer.GunsGrey Basic 500Grey Special 600Grey Heavy 700Green Basic 700Green Special 900Green Heavy 1100Blue Basic 1100Blue Special 1400Blue Heavy 1700Basic Magazine 100Special Magazine 250Heavy Magazine 1000ArmourGrey Gloves/Boots 1,000Grey Helmet 2,000Grey Chest 4,000Green Gloves/Boots 4,000Green Helmet 6,000Green Chest 9,000Blue Gloves/Boots 9,000Blue Helmet 12,000Blue Chest 16,000Grey Cloak/Badge/Bond 500Green Cloak/Badge/Bond 1000Blue Cloak/Badge/Bond 2,000One Use GrenadesFlashbang 100Magnetic 100Incendiary 100Flux 100Vortex 100Solar 100Pulse 250Spike 250Swarm 250Skip 250Scatter 250Firebolt 250Lightning 1000Suppressor 1000Tripmine 1000Arcbolt 1000Axion 1000Fusion 1000The ArmouryVirtually every weapon is unique, the legacy of customisations, heritage and millennia of strange scientific advances. Basic starting weapons are just that – basic – with no real special qualities to speak of, but more advanced weapons have greater capabilities and can be upgraded to exploit them.Weapon types include:AutorifleFusion RifleHand CannonMachinegunPulse RifleRocket LauncherScout RifleShotgunSniper RifleBasic WeaponsAutorifle: Range: Medium, Damage 4, Clip 20, Burst Fire, Rapid Fire 2. Reload 1.Fusion Rifle: Range: Short, Damage D6, Clip 4, Spread Shot, Damage type 1-2 Solar, 3-4 Spark, 5-6 Void. Reload 2.Hand Cannon Range: Short, Damage 4, Clip 6. Reload 2.Machinegun Range: Medium, Damage: 5, Clip 50, Rapid Fire 2 Reload 3.Pulse Rifle Range: Short, Damage 2, Clip 15, Burst Fire. Reload 1.Rocket Launcher Range: Medium, Damage 6, Clip 1, Radius 2m Reload 3.Scout Rifle Range: Medium, Damage 5, Clip 15. Reload 1.Shotgun Range: Short, Damage: 5, Clip 5, Spread Shot. Reload 3.Sniper Rifle Range: Long, Damage: 5, Clip 4, Accurate. Reload 2.Burst Fire: Expending three rounds gives +1 to hit and +1 to damage.Rapid Fire: Rapid Fire expends up to five rounds for each number in Rapid Fire. Each 5 rounds spent can 'walk' damage to an adjacent target (1m), or concentrate fire on a single target for +1 to hit and +1 to damage.Spread Shot: Weapons with Spread Shot get +1 to hit.Solar/Spark/Void Damage: Hitting a shield with non-matching damage does half damage.Radius: The weapon is explosive, doing damage in that radius.Accurate: The weapon provides +1 to hit to a roll.Reload: The number of actions it takes to reload your weapon. If you stay still and do nothing but reload, that counts as two actions. Reducing the reload time to zero allows you to reload and fire in the same instant – albeit at +1 difficulty level. Reducing reload time past zero allows instant reload and firing with no penalty.All weapons, basic or otherwise, come with an archetype:Autorifle D61-2 Balanced – No change.3 Lightweight – Reduce magazine by 5, can reload without taking a turn.4 Stable – Reduce range by 1 band, increase magazine capacity by 5.5 Precise - Reduce Rapid Fire by 1, increase range by 1 band, +1 to attack rolls.6 Rapid – Increase Rapid Fire by 1, Reduce range by 1 band, -1 to attack rolls.Pulse Rifle D61- Balanced – No change.2 – Lightweight – Reduce range by 1 band, reduce magazine capacity by 3, can reload without taking a turn.3 – Stable - +1 to attack rolls, increase magazine capacity by 3, reduce range by 1 band.4 – Precise - +1 to attack rolls, increase range by 1 band.5 – Rapid – Reduce range by 1 band, increase magazine capacity by 3, grant rapid fire 1.6 – Marksman - +1 to attack rolls, increase range by 1 band.Scout Rifle D61-2 – Balanced – No change.3 – Lightweight – Reduce range by 1 band, reduce magazine capacity by 3, can reload without taking a turn.4 – Precise - +1 to attack rolls, increase range by 1 band.5 – Rapid – Can let off an additional round per turn, reduce range by 1 band.6 – Marksman – Increase range by 1 band, -1 penalty to attack rolls.Hand Cannon D61-3 – Balanced – No change.4 – Lightweight – Reduce range by 1 band, can reload without taking a turn.5 – Precise - +1 to attack rolls, increase range by 1 band.6 – Powerul – Reduce magazine by 1, increase range by 1 band, +1 damage.Fusion Rifle D61-2 Balanced – No change.3 – Lightweight – Reduce range by 1 band, can reload without taking a turn.4 – Precise - +1 to attack rolls.5 – Rapid – Increase Clip by +1, reduce range by 1 band.6 – Powerful – Increase range by 1 band and +1 to damage (EG: D6+1)Shotgun D61-3 Balanced – No change.4 – Lightweight – Reduce range by 1 band, reload without taking a turn.5 – Precise – Increase range by 1 band, +1 to attack rolls.6 – Powerful – Increase range by 1 band, -1 to attack rolls, +1 damage.Sniper Rifle D61-3 Balanced – No change.4 – Lightweight – You can fire two shots per turn, you can reload without taking a turn.5 – Precise - +1 range band, +1 to attack rolls.6 – Marksman - +1 range band, -1 to attack rolls, +1 damage.Machinegun D61-2 Balanced – No change.3 – Stable - +1 to attack rolls, -1 range band, you can reload without taking a turn.4 – Precise - +1 range band, +1 to attack rolls.5 – Rapid – Increase rapid fire by +1, reduce range band by -16 – Powerful – Increase range band by +1, increase damage by +1.Rocket Launcher D61-2 – Balanced – No change.3 – Precise – Reduce blast radius by 1m, +1 to attack rolls.4 – Rapid – Increase magazine by +1.5 – Powerful - +1 damage, -1 to attack rolls.6 – Heavy - +1 damage, -1 to attack rolls, increase radius by +1m.Modifying WeaponsWeapons above Grey (Common) drop status can be modified – albeit at cost. They also get small boosts, simply inherent in being better gear.Green (Uncommon) – One boost, one mod.Blue (Rare) – Two boosts, three mods.Purple (Legendary) – Three boosts, five mods.Red (Exotic) – Four boosts, five mods – Plus an exceptional ability of the Games Master's creation.BoostsBoosts can only affect capabilities a weapon already has, if it doesn't have that capability, reroll. Roll 1d101. Range Band +12-3. Magazine (+1/3/5 depending on weapon). 4-5. Damage +16-7. Accuracy +1 on attack rolls.8. Rapid Fire +19. Reload -110. Blast Radius +1mModifications – Roll, if the roll doesn't fit the weapon, reroll. Modifications must be unlocked to be enacted.RollModRestricted?Effect1Accelerated CoilsFusion RiflesFaster charge time provides +1 to attack rolls.2-3Armour Piercing-Enemy armour reduced by -1 against this weapon.4-5Cascade-After a melee kill, one reload action counts as 2.6-7Clown Cartridge-Your magazines have an extra D4-1 rounds in them.8Cluster BombsRocket LauncherA secondary explosion in the same area for 2 damage.9Shot PackageShotgun+1 damage, but lose Spread Shot10-11Counterbalance-+1 to attack rolls.12-13Crowd Control-+1 damage with this weapon, the turn after you killed with it.14-15Custom Optics-+1 to attack rolls.16-17Damage Type-1-3 Kinetic, 4 Solar, 5 Arc, 6 Void18-19Shoot to Loot-You can pick items up by shooting them.20-21Double Down-You regain a magazine for each weapon when you respawn.22-23Enhanced Battery-+2/6/10 magazine capacity.24-25Explosive Rounds-Increase blast radius by +1m, even if you don't have a blast radius.26-27Extended Mag-+1/3/5 magazine capacity.28Field ScoutLegendary+2/6/10 magazine capacity, you can carry an additional magazine.29-30Firefly-A kill shot causes the enemy to explode in a 5m radius for 2 solar.31-32Fitted Stock-+1 to attack rolls.33-34Flared Magwell-Reduce reload time of the weapon to Instant.35-36Hip Fire-Offset any penalties to shoot by 1.37-38Full Auto-Increase rapid fire by +1, even if you did not already have it.39-40Glass Half Full-The second half of your magazine does +1 damage.41Grenades and HorseshoesRocket LauncherReduce difficulty to hit targets by 1 level.42-43Grenadier-Kills with this weapon reduce your grenade time byr 5 minutes.44-45Outlaw-After a kill, reduce reload time by -246-47Hair Trigger-+1 to initiative rolls while this weapon is equipped.48-49Hammer Forged-+2 range bands, increase reload time by +1.50Hand LoadedRare++1 range band.51HeadseekerPulse RifleWhen you apply effort for damage, or roll a boost to damage, do +1 damage.52Heavy PayloadRocket Launcher+2m blast radius, -1 to attack rolls.53-54High Caliber-Anyone you have hit is penalised by -1 on attacks.55-56Final Round-The last bullet in a magazine does +2 damage.57JavelinRocket Launcher+2 to attack rolls.58-59Unflinching-After you take damage, reduce it by 1, to a minimum of 1.60Feeding FrenzyLegendary auto/MGReduce reload by -1.61-62Life Support-When your Might drops below 20% of its maximum, you get a new magazine for this gun on a kill.63-64Lightweight-+2 Speed Pool65-66Luck in the Chamber-Each attack roll 1d6, on a 1 this attack does +2 damage. 67Metal DetectorUncommon Fusion RifleYou can carry an extra magazine for this weapon.68-69Mulligan-For each shot fired you have a 1/20 chance of regaining a bullet. The amount you roll below the number is the amount of bullets restored.70-71Perfect Balance-+2 to attack rolls, reduce range by 1 band.72Private EyeUncommon++1 to attack rolls at medium+ range.73-74Performance Bonus-? chance on a kill of regaining 1/3/5 ammo for this weapon.75-76Quick Draw-+2 Initiative with this weapon.77-78Rangefinder-+1 range band, +1 damage.79VacuumLegendary FusionYou can scoop up ammo without taking an action.80-81Reactive Reload-If you make a kill and then do nothing but reload, the first attack after reloading does +2 damage.82-83Return to Sender-? change to add a round to your magazine each kill.84Secret RoundPulse RifleIf you miss with a burst shot, you can make a second attempt at +1 level of difficulty.85Send ItScout/Hand/Sniper+2 range bands, reduce magazine by 1/386-87Single Point Sling-+1m to your movement each turn, Reduce reload by -1.88-89Skip Rounds-Bullets can be ricocheted off surfaces +2 difficulty levels to hit.90Snapshot-+1 Initiative.91Speed ReloadRare+Reduce reload by -1.92Spray and Pray-Reload reduced by -2 when weapon is empty.93Surplus-You can carry an additional magazine.94Persistence-Each consecutive turn that you shoot a target you get +1 to your attack roll.95Take a Knee-+1 to attack rolls from cover/prone/crouch.96Third EyeLegendaryKnow where surprise/invisible attacks/sniper attacks came from.97TripodRocket LauncherYour rocket explodes three times in the same area.98Tracking-+1 to attack rolls against a target you have already hit.99Who's Next-Reload actions count double after a kill.100Zen Moment-+1 to attack rolls each hit, until you miss.ArmourWearing armour reduces your Speed Pool and costs you a number of Might points per hour. These values are for full suits of armour, but armour is made up of Helmet, Gauntlets, Boots and Chest, each piece making up ? (25% of the whole). Partial armour values are rounded down.Light (Warlock) Armour: Might 1/hour, Speed -2, Armour 1Medium (Hunter) Armour: Might 2/hour, Speed -3, Armour 2Heavy (Titan) Armour: Might 3/hour, Speed -5, Armour 3Light armour: 0.25 armour per section.Medium armour: 0.5 armour per section.Heavy armour: 0.75 armour per section.Grey (Common) armour comes with no mods.Green (Uncommon) comes with one boost and one mod.Blue (Rare) comes with two boosts and two mods.Purple (Legendary) comes with three boosts and three mods.Red (Exotic) comes with four boosts and four mods.Boosts d81-2 Speed Pool: +23-4 Might Pool: +25-6 Intellect Pool: +27 Armour Boost: +0.25/0.5/0.75 (Maximum x1 Green/Blue, x3 Purple, x4 Red)8 Reduced Weight: -1 Might per hour.Mods D121. Defence Boost +1 Armour (Maximum of +1)2. Grenade Throw: You can now throw grenades an additional +5m.3. Bonus Melee Energy: After killing an enemy with a grenade, you can make an extra melee attack on the following turn.4. Bonus Melee Attack: You can make two melee attacks in a turn.5. Grenade Energy: Killing an enemy in melee reduces your grenade timer by 10 minutes.6. Orb Regeneration: Picking up an Orb of Light heals 2 Might Pool.7. Orb Grenade: Picking up an Orb of Light reduces your grenade timer by 10 minutes.8. Orb Melee: Picking up an Orb of Light makes your next melee attack +1 to hit and +1 damage.9. Super Energy: Killing an enemy reduces the time until your next super use by 10 minutes.10. Super Grenade: Killing enemies with grenades reduces the time until your next super use by 10 minutes.11. Faster Reload: Reduce reload time with all weapons by -1.12. Bonus Ammo: You can carry an additional magazine for d10, 1. Autorifle 2. Fusion Rifle 3. Hand Cannon 4. Machinegun 5. Pulse Rifle 6. Rocket Launcher 7. Scout Rifle 8. Shotgun 9. Sniper Rifle 10. Roll AgainMod RequirementsGlimmer is used to boost all manner of weapons and armour.Plasteel Plating is used to boost heavy armour.Sapphire Wire is used to boost medium armour.Hadronic Essence is used to boost light armour.Weapon Parts are used to boost weapons.Relic Iron is used to boost high level weapons and armour.Spinmetal is used to boost high level weapons and armour.Heliu Coils are used to boost high level weapons and armour.Spirit Blooms are used to boost high level weapons and armour.Ascendant Shards are used to boost very high level armour.Ascendant Energy is used to boost very high level weapons.Green mods require one roll to enact their boost.Blue mods require two.Purple mods require three.Red mods require four.GreenBluePurpleRed1-4. Glimmer D6x1001-3. Glimmer D8x200Glimmer D10x300Glimmer d12x5005-8. Recycled Material xD84-6. Recycled Material xD10Recycled Material xd12Recycled Material xD209. Spinmetal x1d47. Spinmetal x1d6Spinmetal x1d8Spinmetal x1d1210. Helium Coils x1d48. Helium Coils x1d6Helium Coils x1d8Helium Coils x1d129. Spirit Blooms x1d6Spirit Blooms x1d8Spirit Blooms x1d1210. Relic Iron x1d6Relic Iron x1d8Relic Iron x1d12Ascendant Shards x1d4Ascendant Shards x1d8Ascendant Energy x1d4Ascendant Energy x1d8VehiclesVehicles are treated as creatures, but allow those using them to move at high speed and to claim access to the capabilities and bonuses that the vehicle provides, using its attacks and other capabilities as their own.SparrowSparrows are high speed hover bikes which can be summoned from your ship via your ghost and deconstructed in the same way. Summoning and de-summoning a Sparrow takes two turns.A basic sparrow is:Level: 2 (6)Health: 20Damage: 2 (ram), 4 (turbo-ram)Armour: 1 (hitting the rider instead of the bike is +1 difficulty level).Movement: Medium (Long with turbo switched on).Modifications: Activating the turbo requires a difficulty level 2 speed check. You do not lose Might pool for wearing armour while riding your sparrow.Uncommon Sparrows get one boost, rare Sparrows get two boosts, Legendary Sparrows get three boosts, Exotic Sparrows get four boosts and a special ability that others lack.Sparrow Boosts: Roll d101-3 Level +14-5 Health +36. Damage +17. Armour +18. Movement: +1 band9. Easy Turbo: -1 Difficulty Level10. Speed Edge +1 while ridingPikePike's are scrap-built 'rat bike', scout speeders in use by The Fallen, though many have also fallen into Guardian hands.Level: 3 (9)Health: 30Damage: 3 (ram), 5 (turbo-ram), Twin Shock Rifles (Damage 5, Rapid Fire 3)Armour: 2 (hitting the rider instead of the bike is +2 difficulty levels).Movement: Medium (Long with turbo switched on).Modifications: Activating the turbo requires a difficulty level 3 speed check. You do not lose Might pool for wearing armour while riding a Pike. Firing on consecutive turns drops the Shock Rifle Rapid Fire to 2, then 1.InterceptorInterceptors are heavy speeders, armed with cannons. They're sluggish to drive but pack a big punch with alternating fire from their twin rocket launchers.Level 4 (12)Health 40Damage: 4 (ram), 6 (turbo-ram), Twin Rocket Launchers (Damage 7, 5m radius).Armour: 3 (hitting the rider instead of the interceptor is +2 difficulty levels).Movement: Medium (Long with turbo switched on).Modifications: Hitting the interceptor is one difficulty level easier due to its size and sluggish controls. Activating the turbo requires a difficulty level 4 speed check. You do not lose Might Pool for wearing armour while riding an interceptor.TurretsTurrets are static, defensive weapons, used for area denial.Level 4 (12)Health 40Damage: Twin Machinegun (Damage 7, Rapid Fire 3).Armour: 3 (hitting the rider instead of the turret is +2 difficulty levels).Movement: NoneModifications: Hitting the turret is two difficulty levels easier due to its size and immobility.Devil WalkerA scrap-built, legged tank used by The Fallen, the Devil Walker is a dangerous adversary on the battlefield.Level 7 (21)Health 70Damage: Main Cannon: 8 (5m radius), Laser array 6 (2m radius), Shock grenades 4 (5m radius of the tank), Chaingun 6 (rapid fire 3), Stomp 4 (push back 5m), Grabbers 4.Armour: 4Movement: CloseModifications: Attacking the Devil Walker is only difficulty level 5 (15) due to its size and slow movement. Taking out a leg by doing 10 damage to it at +1 difficulty level to hit, exposes its engine core without armour but at +1 difficulty level to hit. The Main Cannon can only fire every three turns, the Laser Array every two turns, the Shock grenades every three turns, the Chaingun every turn.Goliath TankFast moving strike tanks, used by the Cabal, Goliath tanks blitzkreig the battlefield rapidly moving and laying down suppressive fire.Level 8 (24)Health: 80Damage: Main Cannon: 7 (5m radius), MG Turret 6 (rapid fire 2), Side Missiles (three shots 6 damage, 3m radius), Flak Turrets x2 (4 damage), Mine Missile (sows three mines, explode for 4 damage in a 2m radius), Front Turret (5 damage, 2m radius), Flame Out 4 damage, 5m in all directions around the tank.Armour: 4Movement: Medium.Modifications: Goliath Tanks are large and easy to strike targets. Attacking them is reduced by one difficulty level.Guardian ShipsGuardian ships are scout-class jumpships, kept together mostly on a wing and a prayer. They can carry up to three crew and three small scout craft in their holds, but typically – due to strain on ancient systems – only carry a single guardian and his vehicle.Level 5 (15)Health: 50Damage: Most Guardian ships are unarmed and are not risked in combat in any case. Cannons, missile pods and laser arrays are, however, known on some ships.Movement: LongArmour: 3Weapon Hardpoints: 3 (wings and body)Modifications: None.Guardian vessels normally come in one of three patterns.Phaeton: No modifications.Regulus: +1 Speed Edge when piloting, -10 Health.Kestrel: +1 Might Edge, -10 Health.Uncommon ships have one bonusRare ships have two bonuses.Legendary ships have three bonuses.Exotic ships have four bonuses and a special capability that others lack.Ship Bonus Roll d101. Might Edge +12. Speed Edge +13-5 Health +106. Speed +1 Band7. Level +18-9. Armour +110. Hardpoints +1GearCharacters can carry three guns, one melee weapon, three one-use grenades, three clips for each weapon type (basic, special, heavy). Too many weapons and configurable matter causes issues stored on one person.LootIn addition to normal loot, enemies can drop specific loot with a 1/6 chance (2/6, 3/6 at higher power levels).Anti-Grav Nodes – Harpies & HydrasArc Inducers – HiveDocking caps - DregsEnamel Caps – LegionariesEther sups – Dregs/VandalsFocussing Lenses – VexForce Harnesses – PhalanxesFusor Proxy Drives - ShanksGrafted Bones – AcolytesHard Point Glass -Phalanxes and LegionariesHard-Point Plating – Hydras & MinotaursHeavy Roto Joints – MinotaurHusk flakes – HiveImpact Shards – Moon only 1-2-3Induction rods – VandalsMarrow dust – HiveOlympus Tears – Mars only 1-2-3Pumice Threads – Venus only 1-2-3Roto Joints – VexScalpel Leeches - KnightsScrap Castings – VexSensor Mites – Cosmodrome only 1-2-3Sensor Whips – Harpies and HobgoblinsShock cores - FallenSlap Channels – VexSlug Screws – CabalStasis Disruptors – HarpiesStream Syphons – HobgoblinsSwivel turrets - ShanksSymbiotes – PsionsTemper cloth - FallenThread-Metal Strands – CabalTorchlight Bindings – MinotaurWire wraps - FallenEnemy CodexThe FallenRuthless scavengers, the fallen travel the galaxy on their fleet of Ketches – massive ship-homes to their various clans, networked in complex alliances and rivalries. The Fallen appear to have once been a noble race, with evidence of a hierarchy and royal order to their houses, the leaders of which are known as Kells. Some Fallen have allied themselves with The Awoken and live with them, out in the Reef.The Fallen as CharactersFallen have -1 Might, +2 Speed, -1 Intellect.Fallen FactionsThe Fallen come from a number of noble houses. The known noble houses include: The House of Wolves, The House of Winter, The House of Devils, The House of Kings, The Shattered House, The House of Exile.DregsLevel 2 (6) (Majors are level 3/9, Ultras are Level 4/12).Motive: Prove their mettle and worth.Environment: Earth/Moon/SpaceHealth: 5 (Majors 8, Ultras 11)Damage Inflicted: 3 shock pistol/3 shock dagger. Some are armed with Shock Grenades (4m radius, 4 damage for two turns)Alternative armament 1: Shrapnel Launcher 5 (solar)/3 shock dagger.Alternative armament: Dual shock dagger: 4 damage.Armour: 1Movement: ShortModifications: Defending against shrapnel launchers is +1 bat: Dregs seek cover and use their grenades to flush enemies out of cover. If forced into close combat they will attempt to swarm the enemy and overcome them with numbers.VandalLevel 3 (9) (Majors are level 4/12, Ultras are Level 5/15)Motive: Lead from the front.Environment: Earth/Moon/SpaceHealth: 9 (Majors 12, Ultras 15)Damage Inflicted: 5 Shock Rifle, 6 dual shock daggers.Alternative Armament 1: Wire Rifle 5 shock damage, 6 dual shock blades.Alternative Armament 2: Shrapnel Launcher 5 (solar), 6 dual shock bladesArmour: 2Movement: ShortModification: Defending against Wire Rifles or shrapnel launchers is +1 difficulty. Vandals climbs as though one level bat: Vandals try to keep their distance, direct dregs and lay down covering fire.Stealth VandalLevel 3 (9) (Majors are level 4/12, Ultras are Level 5/15)Motive: Take the heads of the enemy.Environment: Earth/Moon/SpaceHealth: 9 (Majors 12, Ultras 15)Damage Inflicted: 5 shock rifle, 6 dual shock daggers.Alternative Armament 1: Wire Rifle 5 shock damage, 6 dual shock blades.Alternative Armament 2: Shrapnel Launcher 5 (solar), 6 dual shock blades.Armour: 2Movement: ShortModification: Defending against Wire Rifles or shrapnel launchers is +1 difficulty. Vandals climbs as though one level higher. Stealth Vandals can turn invisible, the first time they are hit they are rendered bat: Stealth vandals circle around to flanking positions, or to the rear of their enemies before attacking.Fallen CaptainLevel 4 (12), (Majors are level 5/15, Ultras are Level 6/18)Motive: Uphold honour, destroy the enemy.Environment: Earth/Moon/SpaceHealth: 12 (Majors 15, Ultras 18)Damage Inflicted: Shrapnel Launcher 5 (solar).Alternative Armament 1: Shock Rifle 5Alternative Armament 2: Shock blades 6Armour: 3 – Energy shield 15 damage, regenerate 1 per turn.Movement: Short. Every three turns a Fallen Captain can teleport an 'immediate' distance in addition to their normal move.Modification: Defending against shrapnel launchers is +1 difficulty. Vandals climb as though one level bat: Fallen Captains use their shield to protect themselves so they can launch attacks in the open. With the shield down they will seek cover.ShankLevel 2 (6), (Majors are level 3/9, Ultras are Level 4/12)Motive: Provide disposable fire support.Environment: Earth/Moon/SpaceHealth: 6 (Majors 9, Ultras 12)Damage Inflicted: Shock Pistol 3Alternative Armament: Shock Rifle 5Armour: 0Movement: Short (flying)Modification: Ultra level Shanks can have shields with 12 damage and regeneration 1.ServitorLevel 5 (15) (Majors level 6/18, Ultras level 7/21)Motive: Support and heal friendly units, provide fire support.Environment: Earth/Moon/SpaceHealth 16 (Majors 20, Ultras 24)Damage Inflicted: Eye Blast 7 (Void) (radius 2m)Armour: 0Movement: Short (Flying), every three turns it can teleport an immediate distance in addition to its normal bat: Servitors hang at the back behind a screen of allies, healing those that are hurt and providing fire support.Modification: Hacking and Repair is considered one level higher. Servitors can heal one friendly unit within 5m with one health per turn.SkiffLevel 10 (30) (Majors Level 11/33, Ultras Level 12/36)Motive: Troop dropship and fire support.Environment: Earth/Moon/SpaceHealth: 100Damage Inflicted: 6 damage in a 2m radius. Four turrets.Armour: 4Movement: LongCombat: Hovering overhead the Skiff will drop troops (up to ten of them) and provide bombardment from overhead. They can also carry a tank or other Fallen vehicle, in place of troops.Modification: Speed Defence as Level 8 due to its sheer size.The HiveAn ancient evil, The Hive regard their war against the light as a religious conflict, thriving in darkness and seeking to help the dark reclaim the universe.The Hive are divided into sects, The Blood of Oryx, The Scarlet Borrd, The Spawn of Crota, The Hidden Swarm, The Venom of Oryx.ThrallThralls are degenerate members of The Hive, their intellect and much of their body lost to necrotic processes they blindly rage, rend and tear.Level 1 (3) (Majors level 2/6, Ultras level 3/9)Motive: Blindly rush and attack, en masse, without regard to their own life.Environment: Earth/MoonHealth 2 (Majors 5, Ultras 8)Damage Inflicted: Claws 2Armour: 1Movement: Medium (sprinting)Combat: Thralls charge en masse and try to overwhelm through sheer ferocity and numbers.Modification: Thralls cannot do anything requiring intelligence. They can only blindly attack. Their fast moving sprint increases the difficulty to hit them by one level.Cursed ThrallCursed Thralls are even more crippled than their Thrall counterparts, but so full of necrotic energy that they can explode when killed, or when in proximity to an enemy.Level 2 (6) (Majors level 3/9, Ultras level 4/12)Motive: Approach the enemy and explode.Environment: Earth/MoonHealth 5 (Majors 8, Ultras 11)Damage Inflicted: Explosion 6 – 5m radius.Armour: 1Movement: ImmediateCombat: Cursed Thralls stagger up to the enemy and then explode, scattering bluish, necrotic goo over a wide area.Modifications: Slow moving, Cursed Thralls are one level easier to hit.AcolyteThe main foot-troops of The Hive, the Acolytes engage from a safe distance, protected by their bony armour.Level 2 (6) (Majors level 3/9, Ultras level 4/12)Motive: Slay the living, extinguish the light, survive and gain more exalted status.Environment: Earth/MoonHealth 5 (Majors 8, Ultras 11)Damage Inflicted: Shredder (Void 3), Claws 2Alternative Armament: Boomer (Void 4, 2m radius), Claws 2Armour: 1Movement: ShortCombat: Acolytes take cover and send Thralls forward, taking potshots from a distance and providing fire support.Modification: None.KnightKnights are tough, powerful, front-line warriors of The Hive, protected by thick armour and dark magic.Level 3 (9) (Majors level 4/12, Ultras level 5/15)Motive: Command, control, destroy.Environment: Earth/MoonHealth 10 (Majors 14, Ultras 18)Damage Inflicted: Boomer (Void 4, 2m radius) Fist 3.Alternative Armament: Shredder (Void 3), Cleaver 5.Armour: 3 (some are also protected by a force field raising this to 4).Movement: ShortCombat: Tough and secure behind their armour, Knights command other Hive troops and provide heavy support.Modification: Slow and plodding, Knights are easier to hit by one level. Every three turns they can throw up an impenetrable shield in their front 180 degree arc and cower behind it, regaining one health.WizardWreathed in cloaks and powered by dark energy, Wizards fly above the battlefield hurling arcane forces at their foes.Level 3 (9) (Majors level 4/12, Ultras level 5/15)Motive: Command, control, destroy.Environment: Earth/MoonHealth 8 (Majors 11, Ultras 14)Damage Inflicted: Darkness Blast (Void 5, 2m radius), Claw 2, Cloud of Darkness (1 damage per turn, ignores armour, lasts 2 turns, increases difficulty to hit the wizard by +1).Armour: 1 (Wizards are also protecte by a shield that can take 12 damage and regenerates 1 damage per turn).Movement: Medium (Flying)Combat: Wizards fly above the battlefield, directing combat and hurling bolts of energy. When hit, they retreat to cover to allow their shield to regenerate.Modification: None.OgreDegenerate, mutated, experiments, Ogres are living tanks.Level 4 (12) (Majors level 5/15, Ultras level 6/18)Motive: Draw fire, annihilate the enemy.Environment: Earth/MoonHealth 15 (Majors 18, Ultras 21)Damage Inflicted: Eyeblast (Void 3, rapid fire), Fist: 6, Ground Slam 5 damage, 6m radius.Armour: 4Movement: ShortCombat: Ogres plod slowly into battle, providing suppressive fire with their eye blasts as they close on the enemy.Modification: Slow, heavy and plodding, the difficulty is one less to strike an ogre.ShriekerDefensive sentinels, Shriekers guard important choke points in Hive 'dungeons'.Level 4 (12) (Majors level 5/15, Ultras level 6/18)Motive: Guard and destroy.Environment: Earth/MoonHealth 15 (Majors 18, Ultras 21)Damage Inflicted: Void Blast (Void 4, two attacks per turn)Armour: 2Movement: bat: Shriekers hover above the battlefield, firing void blasts at anything that should not be there.Modification: Shriekers are immobile and, thus, one level less difficult to hit. When they die they unleash a final attack against who or whatever killed them.Tomb ShipTomb ships are transport vessels, able to port through a 'warp space' to deliver troops. They can carry up to ten Hive at a time.Level 10 (30) (Majors Level 11/33, Ultras Level 12/36)Motive: Troop dropship and fire support.Environment: Earth/Moon/SpaceHealth: 120Damage Inflicted: 6 damage in a 2m radius. Four void launchersArmour: 5Movement: LongCombat: Hovering overhead the Tomb Ship will drop troops (up to ten of them) and provide bombardment from overhead.Modification: Speed Defence as Level 8 due to its sheer size. The blasts of void energy it fires are homing, and +1 difficulty to avoid.The VexAn ancient, robotic species the Vex have created coputronium machine structures on Venus and Mercury and have attempted to infest Mars. They appear to be a single artificial intelligence across a vast distance, able to teleport short distances personally and to port in reinforcements from far vaster distances. They also appear to have the ability to control time in a limited fashion and may come from the distant past, future or an alternative timeline.Vex care little for self preservation, despite traces of organic material hinting at a living origin. Any and all are expendable for their great project. Vex sub-classifications include: Hezen Corrective, Hezen Prime, Vega Prohibition, Aphix Invasive, Sol Divisive, The Descendents, Hezen Protective, Precursors, Sol Primeval, Sol Progeny, Virgo Prohibition.GoblinA seemingly endless supply of Goblins are churned out by the Vex, marching methodically towards their enemies to overwhelm them.Level 1 (3) (Majors level 2/6, Ultras level 3/9)Motive: March onward, convert everything.Environment: Venus/Mars/MercuryHealth 3 (Majors 6, Ultras 9)Damage Inflicted: Slap Rifle (Solar 2), Fist 2Alternative Armament: Torch Hammer (Void 4, 2m radius), Fist 2Armour: 1Movement: Short (Can also teleport an Immediate distance every turn).Combat: Goblins march in step, inexorably, towards the enemy. Relying on numbers to get the job done.Modification: When reduced to half health, Goblins go crazy. They can fire two shots per turn in this state and can move a medium distance.HobgoblinHobgoblins are tough, long-ranged Vex that provide cover for their compatriots.Level 2 (6) (Majors level 3/9, Ultras level 4/12)Motive: Provide cover and support for Goblins.Environment: Venus/Mars/MercuryHealth 6 (Majors 9, Ultras 12)Damage Inflicted: Line Rifle (Solar 4), Fist 3, Slap Grenade (Solar 4, 2m radius)Alternative Armament: Slap Rifle (Solar 2), Fist 3, Slap Grenade (Solar 4, 2m radius)Armour: 2Movement: Short (Can also teleport an immediate distance every turn)Combat: Hobgoblins take up defensive positions with good lines of sight and provide cover.Modification: When reduced to half health, Hobgoblins go crazy. They can fire two shots per turn in this state and can move a medium distance.HarpyHarpies are floating scouts for the Vex. They fly with speed around the area, spotting and engaging enemies.Level 2 (6) (Majors level 3/9, Ultras level 4/12)Motive: Scout, spot, target and engage.Environment: Mercury/Venus/MarsHealth 6 (Majors 9, Ultras 12)Damage Inflicted: Twin Slap Rifle (Solar 3), Tendrils 1 damage, six attacks.Armour: 1 (Some can be protecte by a shield which can take 12 damage and regenerates 1 per turn).Movement: Medium (can also teleport an immediate distance every turn)Combat: Harpies swoop across the battlefield and engage, spotting the enemy for the other Vex.Modification: None.HydraA floating fortress, the Hydra can dominate the battlefield, secure behind its logic-shield.Level 4 (12) (Majors level 5/15, Ultras level 6/18)Motive: Artillery/fire supportEnvironment: Mercury/Venus/MarsHealth 15 (Majors 18, Ultras 21)Damage Inflicted: Twin Torch Hammers (Void 5, 3m radius)Armour: 4Movement: ShortCombat: Hang back and fire round after round to try and flush the enemy out of hiding.Modification: Hydra's rotating shield offers few opportunities to attack. Raise the difficulty to attack a Hydra by two levels.MinotaurA brutal soldier, the Minotaur lurks behind a void shield and probes for weak points in the enemy lines that the goblins cannot penetrate.Level 3 (9) (Majors level 4/12, Ultras level 5/15)Motive: Advance and destroy.Environment: Mercury/Venus/MarsHealth 12 (Majors 15, Ultras 18)Damage Inflicted: Torch Hammer (Void 4, 2m radius), Fist 4.Alternative Armament: Slap Rifle (Solar 2), Fist 4Armour: 3 (Void shield – Health 12, regenerate 1)Movement: ShortCombat: Minotaurs advance swiftly under cover of their shields and armour to find an annihilate weak points in the enemy front line.Modification: At half health minotaurs go crazy. They can fire twice per turn and their speed rises to medium.The CabalThe Cabal are a brutal and warlike species that marches across the stars in eternal conquest. Tough, uncompromising and violent they seek to refine their combat skills and capabilities to stand up to any and all other forces.Cabal detachments include: Sand Eaters, Dust Giants, Siege Dancers, Bone Crushers, Sky Burners, Ice Reapers, Blind Legion.The Cabal as CharactersDeserters, fifth columnists and other possibilities may exist for Cabal to leave their regimented society and change sides.Cabal legionaires have +2 Might, -2 Speed, -2 Intellect, and increase their Might Edge by 1.Cabal Psions have -2 Might, +1 Speed, +1 Intellect.Cabal Collossi have +4 Might, -4 Speed, -4 Intellect and increase their Might Edge by 2.LegionaryCabal legionaries roar into battle in unstoppable units, rocketing along with their jump packs to cover large distances. Their heavy armour and powerful discipline makes them nigh unstoppable in a charge.Level 3 (9) (Majors level 4/12, Ultras level 5/15)Motive: Conquest!Environment: MarsHealth 12 (Majors 15, Ultras 18)Damage Inflicted: Slug Rifle (4 Solar), Fist 3Alternative Armament: Projection Rifle (Solar 5, 1m radius), Fist 3Armour: 3Movement: Short (Medium rocket jump every other turn).Combat: Coordinated unit attacks.Modification: None.PhalanxHeavily armoured, defensive troops, the Cabal Phalanx add to their protection with heavier armour and gigantic shields that are virtually impervious to all damage.Level 3 (9) (Majors level 4/12, Ultras level 5/15)Motive: Conquest!Environment: MarsHealth 12 (Majors 15, Ultras 18)Damage Inflicted: Slug Rifle (4 Solar), Fist 3Armour: 4 (trying to harm them through their shield raises this to 8).Movement: bat: Phalanx units try to shield themselves and other troops, using themselves as portable barricades.Modification: None.CenturianField commanders of the Cabal forces, Centurians lead from the front to inspire their troops.Level 4 (12) (Majors level 5/15, Ultras level 6/18)Motive: Conquest!Environment: MarsHealth 15 (Majors 18, Ultras 21)Damage Inflicted: Projection Rifle (Solar 5, 1m radius), Fist 3Alternative Armament: Slug Rifle (Solar 4), Fist 3Armour: 4 (Solar Shield, 12 health, regeneration 1)Movement: Short (Can also jump jet every other turn for medium movement).Combat: Centurions leap in and out of the thick of combat, laying down suppressive fire.Modification: None.ColossusCollossi are huge, even for the Cabal. Hard to kill and heavily armed they provide fire support and act almost like living tanks.Level 5 (15) (Majors level 6/18, Ultras level 7/21)Motive: Conquest!Environment: MarsHealth 21 (Majors 24, Ultras 27)Damage Inflicted: Heavy Slug Thrower (Solar 5, Rapid Fire), Fist 4, Seeker Rockets (Solar 4, 4m Radius), Ground slam (4 damage, 3m radius)Armour: 4Movement: bat: Collosi march on the enemy until they have line of sight, then open fire.Modification: Slow and lumbering, Collossi are one difficulty level easier to hit.PsionSlender and weak, for Cabal, the Psion's make up for it with speed and limited psionic abilities. They are nimble commandos, assassins and spies.Level 3 (9) (Majors level 4/12, Ultras level 5/15)Motive: Conquest!Environment: MarsHealth 9 (Majors 12, Ultras 15)Damage Inflicted: Slug Rifle (Solar 4), Fist 2Armour: 2 (Sometimes equipped with a Void Shield 12 health, regeneration 1), Psi Blast (every three turns, 6 damage in a front-aimed cone).Movement: bat: Psions use cover, building up to dart in and use their psi blasts.Modification: None.Harvester Drop ShipA sturdy drop ship, the Harvester is built to take a great deal of punishment and to deposit units of five Cabal troops – or vehicles – into combat.Level 10 (30) (Majors Level 11/33, Ultras Level 12/36)Motive: Troop dropship and fire support.Environment: Mars/SpaceHealth: 150Damage Inflicted: 6 damage in a 2m radius. Twin rocket launchersArmour: 6Movement: LongCombat: Hovering overhead the Harvester Ship will drop troops (up to five of them) and provide bombardment from overhead.Modification: Speed Defence as Level 9 due to its sheer size. The rockets it fires are homing, and +1 difficulty to avoid. ................

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