Inmagic: Manual for Nutrition Database

RMIT School of business information technologyInmagic: Manual for Nutrition DatabaseISYS2357 – Content ManagementS3285585 - Annie Tran5/1/2011Table of Contents TOC \o "1-6" \u 1Introduction of Database PAGEREF _Toc294968294 \h 32Description of Database Functionality/Operation PAGEREF _Toc294968295 \h 42.1The purpose, content and audience of the database PAGEREF _Toc294968296 \h 42.2Database Content (Resource Type) PAGEREF _Toc294968297 \h 42.3Manual Structure PAGEREF _Toc294968298 \h 43Nutrition Database: Getting Started PAGEREF _Toc294968299 \h 53.1Opening the Database PAGEREF _Toc294968300 \h 54Database Structure PAGEREF _Toc294968301 \h 64.1.1Title PAGEREF _Toc294968302 \h 64.1.2Date PAGEREF _Toc294968303 \h 74.1.3Creator PAGEREF _Toc294968304 \h 74.1.4Description PAGEREF _Toc294968305 \h 84.1.5Identifier PAGEREF _Toc294968306 \h 84.1.6Subject PAGEREF _Toc294968307 \h 94.1.7Indexer PAGEREF _Toc294968308 \h 94.1.8Index date PAGEREF _Toc294968309 \h 104.1.9Format PAGEREF _Toc294968310 \h 104.1.10Source PAGEREF _Toc294968311 \h 114.1.11Publisher PAGEREF _Toc294968312 \h 115Creating/Adding New Records PAGEREF _Toc294968313 \h 125.1Structure PAGEREF _Toc294968314 \h 126For Maintainers of Nutrition Database PAGEREF _Toc294968315 \h 146.1Data Input PAGEREF _Toc294968316 \h 146.1.1Selecting Report Forms PAGEREF _Toc294968317 \h 146.1.2Selecting Record Forms PAGEREF _Toc294968318 \h 156.2How to add records PAGEREF _Toc294968319 \h 156.3How to edit records PAGEREF _Toc294968320 \h 166.4How to delete records PAGEREF _Toc294968321 \h 187For Searchers of Nutrition Database PAGEREF _Toc294968322 \h 197.1Basic Searches PAGEREF _Toc294968323 \h 197.1.1How to Perform Basic Searches PAGEREF _Toc294968324 \h 197.2Advance Searches PAGEREF _Toc294968325 \h 207.2.1How to Perform Advance Searches PAGEREF _Toc294968326 \h Search PAGEREF _Toc294968327 \h Search PAGEREF _Toc294968328 \h or Phrases Search PAGEREF _Toc294968329 \h Type PAGEREF _Toc294968330 \h Search PAGEREF _Toc294968331 \h 218Records PAGEREF _Toc294968332 \h 228.1Displaying Records PAGEREF _Toc294968333 \h 229Types of Report Forms PAGEREF _Toc294968334 \h 239.1Full Report Form PAGEREF _Toc294968335 \h 239.2Maintainer’s Form PAGEREF _Toc294968336 \h 239.3Searchers Form PAGEREF _Toc294968337 \h 2410Types of Record Edit Form PAGEREF _Toc294968338 \h 2510.1Edit Record Form PAGEREF _Toc294968339 \h 2511Types of Record Forms PAGEREF _Toc294968340 \h 2611.1Full Record Form PAGEREF _Toc294968341 \h 2611.2Record Form PAGEREF _Toc294968342 \h 26Introduction of DatabaseThis report will provide an overview of the database and how it will be used. After gathering the required information I was able to generate a database by inputting these information and data into the database. When the database first opens, it’ll present you with the menu screen, which has two links. One links to the query screen, the other one is for maintainers to add records to the database.The database was specifically constructed for simplicity of design and use for maintainers as well as users, along with efficiency. There should be no complication with this database.Data has already been stored into the system as I needed to ensure that the database is functioning properly without errors. The data that is currently stored includes a wide range of resources, ranging from internet blogs to magazines.Description of Database Functionality/OperationThe purpose, content and audience of the databaseThe Nutrition database was created in DB Textworks, it can be used to locate resources about nutrition and other related topic by those who are interested. The database was designed and set up in a layout that I believed will be most easy to use. A large amount of resources and content about nutrition can be located in this database. This database can assists those who are interested in expanding their knowledge in nutrition, health, diet, fitness and other related topics. The main audience for this database would be families who are interested in improving their eating habits and health.Database Content (Resource Type)The Nutrition database has numerous types of resources. They include:BooksMagazineWebsitesVideo Online BlogsOnline LibraryElectronic JournalsPDF DocumentNewspaperEncyclopaedia Manual StructureThe manual has been designed for researchers and maintainers of the database to use. It provides thorough instructions on how the maintainer can use the database and how the database can be used by a researcher to find what they need. The manual will tell the maintainer what type of information they must enter in each field and which field are compulsory and which field are not when they add new record.Nutrition Database: Getting StartedOpening the DatabaseLocate ‘Nutrition’ database. Open up it upDouble click on ‘Menu Screen’ This will open up the database and the welcome page should appear. This is shown below. Click on the ‘Query Screen’ if you want to perform a search or the ‘Add Record’ link if you are a maintainer and want to add or edit records.Database StructureThe database has a very simple and easy to understand structure. When the database first opens up it will present to the users the menu screen. On this screen there are two links. One of them will direct the user to the query screen, where users are able to perform their searches. The other screen is designed for maintainers of the database to use. This link is for adding and editing records within the database system.There are 11 fields in the database and these are listed and shown below along with their description.TitleDefinition – This is the title of the resource. This is a text field entry.Field Rules – Field entry is required, therefore it is compulsory for users to fill in this field. It cannot be left blank.DateDefinition – This refers to the date the document was created. This is usually stated in the document.Field rules – This is a single entry only field. Users are required to enter only one entry in this field.CreatorDefinition – Refers to those who is responsible to making the resource. This can be an organisation, school, author etc.Field Rules – Field entry is required, therefore it is compulsory for users to fill in this field. It cannot be left blank.DescriptionDefinition – A brief description of the document/resource. It provides users with a broad knowledge of what the resource is about.Field Rules – This is a single entry only field. Users are required to enter only one entry in this field.IdentifierDefinition – The reference of the resource. For example, a website, magazine, newspaper, URLs, book etc. Field Rules – Field entry is required, therefore it is compulsory for users to fill in this field. It cannot be left blankSubjectDefinition – This refers to the topic of the content of the document/resource. The subject is usually expressed as keywords or phrases that will describe the topic of the document. Field Rules – Field entry is required, therefore it is compulsory for users to fill in this field. It cannot be left blank. IndexerDefinition – This refers to the person who has reviewed the document. This field requires the name of the person who has reviewed the document to enter their own name, including their surname. Field Rules – Field entry is required, therefore it is compulsory for users to fill in this field. It cannot be left blankIndex dateDefinition – This refers to the date that the document was reviewed by the indexer.Field Rules – Field entry is required; therefore it is compulsory for users to fill in this field. It cannot be left blank. This is also a single entry only field. Users are required to enter only one entry in this field.Format Definition – This refers to the physical or digital appearance of the resource. There are several types of format, including media type such as audio recordings. Format may also be in forms of book, internet articles or CDs. Field Rules – Field entry is required; therefore it is compulsory for users to fill in this field. It cannot be left blank.SourceDefinition – This refers to the reference/location is which the resource or document is derived from. The resource could be derived from the source as a whole or part of the source. Field Rules – This field is optional.PublisherDefinition – This refers to the ones that are responsible for creating the resource document available. They can be a single person, a group, an organisation etc.Field Rules – Field entry is required, therefore it is compulsory for users to fill in this field. It cannot be left blankCreating/Adding New RecordsStructureBelow is a table summary of the database field structure that we’ve discussed in Chapter 4.FieldTypeIndexValidationTitleTextTermWordField Entry RequiredCreatorTextTermField Entry RequiredDateDateTermSingle Entry onlyDescriptionTextWordSingle Entry OnlyIdentifierText TermWordSubjectTextTermWordField Entry RequiredIndexerTextTermWordSingle Entry OnlyField Entry RequiredIndex DateDateTermSingle Entry OnlyField Entry RequiredFormatTextTermWordField Entry RequiredSourceText WordPublisherTextWord TermField Entry RequiredType – Text: Only alphabetical letter are to be entered in this field.Date: Numerical data are entered in this fieldIndex –Term Index: Entire field will be indexed. Therefore when you want to browse alphabetically for a title, author subject, publisher etc., or to sort the results by one of the field you will need to use term indexing for the field, in thisWord Index: Each individual word will be indexed. The position of each word is included in the index. Word indexing allows for proximity or phrase searching.For Maintainers of Nutrition DatabaseThis section is designed for the database’s maintainers. This will cover topics on how to add, delete, edit and save records on to the database system.Data InputInputs are data that the users of the database want to store and record into the database. The data will then be turned into information and the retrieved at a later time by users.Input data for Nutrition database includes records on information relating to nutrition.Inputs in the database can be saved and viewed as a record or report. There are several different record and report forms available for different users or the database. For example the record and report form used and viewed by maintainers are different to the ones used by customers. To change which forms to view the records in simply follow the steps discussed below.Selecting Report FormsOpen the ‘Nutrition’ database folder. Locate ‘Menu Screen’ and double click on it.This will open up the database and the welcome page should appear.Click on ‘begin search’.Then click on Display – Select Forms. The ‘Select Forms’ pop-up window will appear. Select Report Window… and then click on the form you wish you select (shown below). There are three forms to choose from:Full Report Form (Basic Form)Maintainers Form (Basic Form)Searchers Form (Non-Basic Form)-86995697230Select the form you wish to open00Select the form you wish to open445135676910Click OK, the ‘Select Report Form’ pop-up box will close itself down. Now click OK in the ‘Select Forms’ to confirmSelecting Record FormsOpen the ‘Nutrition’ database folder. Locate ‘Menu Screen’ and double click on it.This will open up the database and the welcome page should appear.Click on ‘begin search’.Then click on Display – Select Forms. The ‘Select Forms’ pop-up window will appear. Select Record Display… and then click on the form you wish you select (shown below). There are two forms to choose from;Full Record Form (Basic Form) Record Form (Not Basic Form)Click OK, the ‘Select Record Form’ pop-up box will close itself down. Now click OK in the ‘Select Forms’ to confirm.How to add recordsOpen the ‘Nutrition’ database folder. Locate ‘Menu Screen’ and double click on it.This will open up the database and the welcome page should appear.Click Add Record.4793615287020Click ‘ADD RECORD’00Click ‘ADD RECORD’298069036385500240157074739500The record form will appear. This is shown below.2228850318135‘Save Record’ Button00‘Save Record’ Button552451470535010477531813500Complete the form and click the ‘save record’ button to save the record into the database system.How to edit recordsOpen the ‘Nutrition’ database folder. Locate ‘Menu Screen’ and double click on it.This will open up the database and the welcome page should appear.4724400487680Click ‘Begin Search’00Click ‘Begin Search’289560010020300237172581152900-30480049530000Click on ‘Begin Search’. This will direct you to the basic query screen (shown below)First locate the record you wish to edit. To do so simply use the basic query screen to obtain the record.In ‘simple search’, type in what you wish to find. For example, type in ‘Health’ and hit enter.A pop-up window will appear. Select ‘Edit Windows’ and hit OK30289507715250229552565722600Make the necessary changes to the record then click the ‘save record’ button. 819150365760485140251460002247900318135‘Save Record’ Button00‘Save Record’ ButtonHow to delete recordsOpen the ‘Nutrition’ database folder. Locate ‘Menu Screen’ and double click on it.This will open up the database and the welcome page should appear.First locate the record you wish to edit. To do so simply use the basic query screen to obtain the record.In ‘simple search’, type in what you wish to find. For example, type in ‘Health’ and hit enter.A pop-up window will appear. Select ‘Edit Windows’ and hit OK. The record will be displayed. To delete this record click on Records the select Delete Record.140017579057559055038100For Searchers of Nutrition DatabaseBasic SearchesThis basic search allows for users to perform searches using only key words. The search is able to type in any keywords they want, including authors and publishers, and the database will generate all records that contain the keywords entered. How to Perform Basic SearchesOpen the ‘Nutrition’ database folder. Locate ‘Menu Screen’ and double click on it.This will open up the database and the welcome page should appear.Click on Begin Search and you should be directed to the basic query screen.Under ‘Simple Search:’ type in keywords of what you are searching for. For example, ‘Children’ and hit Enter on the keyboard.Select Search Result Window will pop up. Click Report Window – OKYou will then be presented with a report form will all the records that contain the keyword ‘Children’You can also view this in a record form. To do simply right click on the report form you want to view in record form. Then select display record. The record form will then appear on your screen (shown below on the right).301625023565900-419100142240001514475118745Advance SearchesThe advanced search allows users to perform a more specific search than basic searches. Users are allowed to search by Title, Author, Keyword, Document Format and Publisher.How to Perform Advance SearchesOpen the ‘Nutrition’ database folder. Locate ‘Menu Screen’ and double click on it.This will open up the database and the welcome page should appear.Click on Begin Search and you should be directed to the basic query screen.Under ‘Advance Search:’ type in what you are searching for either by title, author, keywords, document format or publisher, or you can perform a search using ALL of the above. Title SearchType in the title of the document.Hit Enter – select Report Window on the pop-up screen – click OK351472563500-296545914401.001.457200444500190504445638175806450012604752501900029025851409702.002.18103851377950You will be presented with a report all records that contain the title of your search.To view this in a record form, simply right click on the report form you want to view in record form and select display record. The record form will then appear on your screen.Author SearchType in the author of the document/resource.Hit Enter – select Report Window on the pop-up screen – click OKYou will be presented with a report all records that contain the author of your search.To view this in a record form, simply right click on the report form you want to view in record form and select display record. The record form will then appear on your screen.Keywords or Phrases SearchType in keywords or phrases of the document/resource.Hit Enter – select Report Window on the pop-up screen – click OKYou will be presented with a report all records that contain the keywords of your search.To view this in a record form, simply right click on the report form you want to view in record form and select display record. The record form will then appear on your screen.Document TypeType in the format of the document/resource.Hit Enter – select Report Window on the pop-up screen – click OKYou will be presented with a report all records matches the document format of your search.To view this in a record form, simply right click on the report form you want to view in record form and select display record. The record form will then appear on your screen.Publisher SearchType in the publisher of the document/resource.Hit Enter – select Report Window on the pop-up screen – click OKYou will be presented with a report all records that contains the publisher of your search.To view this in a record form, simply right click on the report form you want to view in record form and select display record. The record form will then appear on your screen.RecordsReports and records are different. Reports will return all the results of the search and display it all on one screen, and they present the users with a brief summary of the record only.A record on the other hand will present the user with a specific and detailed report of the record. We have discussed how to open the record form already above, by right clicking on the report form and selecting display record. However there is an alternative method to display the record form.Displaying RecordsComplete the basic or advance searchUnder ‘Simple Search’ or ‘Advance Search’ fill in the field that you desire. And hit Enter on the keyboard.The Select Search Results Window pop-up screen will appear.Click on Display Window – Ok246570587757000The record form window for your search will appear on the screen.Types of Report FormsFull Report FormThis is created by using the basic form. This form is designed for all usersMaintainer’s FormThis is created by using the basic form. This form is designed for maintainer’s of the database to useSearchers FormThis form is created by using the blank form. This form is designed for searchers to useTypes of Record Edit FormEdit Record FormThis was created for maintainers to use to edit, add and delete records on the Nutrition Database. It was created using the blank formTypes of Record FormsFull Record FormThis was created using the Basic Form. It is designed for all users to useRecord FormThis was created using the Blank Form. It is designed to be used by all usersType of Query ScreenBasic Query Screen-42608525273000This screen was created using the Basic Query. It is designed for all users to use.Maintainer’s Query ScreenThis screen was created using the Blank Query. This is designed for maintainers of the database to use. ................

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