Magoosh 1000 gre words pdf


Magoosh 1000 gre words pdf

Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again. A new vocabulary word and its definition in your browser tabsLearn new words every day as you browse! Build your vocabulary each time you open a new tab in Chrome. Use this Chrome extension to build your vocabulary, to study for an upcoming exam, or just for fun! Words come from Magoosh's list of the 1000 most important GRE words. Magoosh helps students study with effective, affordable, and enjoyable prep for the GRE, GMAT, SAT, ACT, and TOEFL. Check us out at . You can't perform that action at this time. You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Page 2 You can't perform that action at this time. You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Magoosh has helped MILLIONS of students pass their GRE!""Master the 1000 most important GRE words with free flashcards! Practice every day to improve your vocab knowledge. Study to rectify your benightedness and prepare to trounce the GRE verbal section!? 1000 vocab words picked by an expert GRE tutor? Definitions and example sentences for every word? Decks for every difficulty level? Track your progress as you study? Smart algorithm focuses your practice for efficient learningThis app gives you access to all of Magoosh's GRE vocab flash cards.Who makes the flashcards?===The entire GRE wordlist is selected and defined with usage examples by Magoosh's expert GRE tutor, Chris Lele. He has been teaching the GRE for more than 10 years, runs a popular vocabulary series on YouTube and he's also written an eBook on vocabulary. He is nigh unbeatable in Scrabble, or any other word game for that matter.How well will I learn the words?===Academic research has found that memories are formed by repeated exposure to new information, so Magoosh's flashcard app uses a spaced repetition system. Words you are learning will reappear frequently (occurring less frequently the better you know them) and words you already know won't be repeated. The GRE word list is culled to only 250 so that you focus on only the most important words.Your practice will focus on the words that you need to review the most to make sure the words you learn will really stick.What is Magoosh?===Magoosh is an online test prep company with a focus on teaching the GRE.The Magoosh team blogs about GRE words, formulas, grammar, problem solving, quantitative reasoning, and reading comprehension along with GRE study guides and study tips.How else should I study?===Search the app store for "magoosh gre" to prep for the Revised GRE Exam with Magoosh's video lessons app. Learn all the math, verbal, and writing you need to know for the test!What about other tests?===Magoosh also has apps for GMAT prep and English grammar. Search the store for "magoosh gmat" or "magoosh english" to find them!How do I contact you?===Customer satisfaction is incredibly important to us. If you have any questions or comments, please send us an email at help@ or call 1-855-MAGOOSH and we'll get back to you as quickly as we can. If you're outside the US, you can also reach us at +1-510-214-0212"The collection of words is great. I liked the visual indication of the three categories and their progress.""The Magoosh staff was awesome; I peppered them with questions and requests and they always responded thoroughly and quickly.""I didn't have much time to prepare for the GRE, and Magoosh made it possible for me to succeed on the test in a short period of time. I looked at Kaplan GRE, Barron's, and Princeton Review products, and I can confidently say that Magoosh was definitely the best.""The team is really great and actually cares about your score as much as they would care about their own. Simply the best."Don't wait until the last minute to start studying, start memorizing words today! May 8, 2020 Version 3.1.4 Added new practice content This GRE vocabulary app is such a boon to my GRE prep! I've improved significantly on the verbal section because of my expanded vocabulary. Really great resource to study. Only flaw is that app continually circles through the same 10 - 15 words. Makes it difficult to review the entire word bank. Hence 4 starts instead of 5. We are glad you are enjoying the app, and thank you so much for the feedback. Best wishes! -Ben from Magoosh If you're looking to take the GRE this tool is really useful to study vocabulary and it's free! I would highly recommend The developer, Magoosh, has not provided details about its privacy practices and handling of data to Apple. For more information, see the developer's privacy policy. The developer will be required to provide privacy details when they submit their next app update. Developer Website App Support Privacy Policy Knowing where to begin studying for an important test like the GRE can be quite tricky. Using Magoosh's free GRE Vocabulary app, Magoosh Flashcards focuses on the words you need to review and learn. You will see yourself improving in just a couple of days. But is Magoosh Flashcards enough to ace the GRE?Using MagooshUsing Magoosh's GRE Flashcards will help you master the 1000 most important and common GRE words. GRE experts pick the most important GRE words to practice. It help focuses your practice and provides example sentences to help with your learning. You will see how to use the word and not just learn the definition. You can study and learn new words at various levels of difficulty.Magoosh GRE introduces a new word; you practice and review it. Then the app lets you know when you master it. This cycle continues for all of the 1000 words chosen by GRE experts. Magoosh focuses your practice on the words you need to review the most, saving you valuable time and making sure you truly remember what you have studied.AvailabilityMagoosh GRE Vocabulary Flashcards are available in the App Store and on Google Play. You can also study these words on the Magoosh website. It is free to use and has helped millions of students pass their GRE. Using this Magoosh app is a great way to learn important GRE words.Is Magoosh Flashcards Enough for GRE?It is hard to say if Magoosh's Flashcards are enough for every student. It really depends on where you are and your vocabulary skills. If you have a robust vocabulary, you may need more than the 1000 words offered by Magoosh. If you lack word knowledge, these GRE Vocabulary Flashcards will help raise your GRE verbal score.The GRE tests a lot of words that are not on the Magoosh Flashcards or another word list. Reading every day, for at least an hour each day, will help increase your GRE score. The GRE creators have never released a vocabulary list for the verbal section of the GRE. Magoosh's GRE experts work diligently to find the most common words to help you learn and earn a great score.Which GRE Flashcards are the Best?With dozens of companies offering vocabulary flashcards to help study for the GRE, it is common not to know which one is the best. You don't want to invest a lot of time into utilizing a resource to practice words and not learn anything. Magoosh has the most convenient and free flashcards to use, making them the best ones to use. You get to track your progress and see your gains as you learn and practice. You get access to the 1000 words chosen by GRE experts.To get started, go to the App Store or Google Play and download the app today. You will see your word knowledge grow in just a short time. Utilizing the Magoosh GRE Flashcards will help increase your verbal score and takes you one step closer to your educational dreams. Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again. 1. 1. abase to humble; to disgrace 2. aberrant markedly different from an accepted norm 3. aberration a deviation from what is normal or expected 4. abeyance temporary suspension 5. abjure formally reject or give up (as a belief) 6. aboveboard open and honest 7. abrogate revoke or relinquish formally; do away with 8. abscond to leave secretly 9. abstain choose not to consume or take part in (particularly something enjoyable) 10. abstruse difficult to understand; incomprehensible 11. abysmal extremely bad 12. accolade an award or praise granted as a special honor 13. acerbic harsh in tone 14. acme the highest point of achievement 15. acrimony bitterness and ill will 16. adamant refusing to change one's mind 17. adjudicate to serve as a judge in a competition; to arrive at a judgment or conclusion 18. admonish to warn strongly, even to the point of reprimanding 19. admonitory serving to warn; expressing reproof or reproach especially as a corrective 20. advocate speak, plead, or argue in favor of 21. aesthete one who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature 22. aesthetic concerned with the appreciation of beauty 23. affable likeable; easy to talk to 24. affected phony; artificial 25. affluent wealthy 26. afford provide with an opportunity 27. alacrity an eager willingness to do something 28. altruism the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others 29. amalgam a mixture of multiple things 30. ambiguous open to more than one interpretation 31. ambivalent mixed or conflicting emotions about something 32. ameliorate make something bad better 33. amenable easily persuaded 34. amiable friendly 35. amok in a frenzied or uncontrolled state 36. amorphous shapeless 37. amply more than is adequate 38. anachronism something that is inappropriate for the given time period 39. analogous similar in some respects but otherwise different 40. anathema a detested person; the source of somebody's hate 41. anemic lacking energy and vigor 42. animosity intense hostility 43. anodyne something that soothes or relieves pain; inoffensive 44. anomalous not normal 45. anomaly something that is not normal, standard, or expected 46. antedate precede in time 47. antic ludicrously odd 48. antipathy intense dislike or aversion 49. antiquated old-fashioned; belonging to an earlier period in time 50. antithetical sharply contrasted in character or purpose 51. apathetic marked by a lack of interest 52. apathy an absence of emotion or enthusiasm 53. apex the highest point 54. aphorism a short instructive saying about a general truth 55. aphoristic something that is concise and instructive of a general truth or principle 56. aplomb great coolness and composure under strain 57. apocryphal being of questionable authenticity 58. apogee the highest point 59. apostate a person who has abandoned a religious faith or cause 60. apothegm a short, pithy instructive saying 61. apotheosis exaltation to divine status; the highest point of development 62. apotheosis glorification to godliness; perfect example 63. appease pacify 64. apposite remarkably appropriate 65. apposite appropriate; relevant 66. appreciable large enough to be noticed (usu. refers to an amount) 67. apprehension fearful expectation 68. approbation an expression of approval 69. approbatory expressing praise or approval 70. appropriate to give or take something by force; to allocate 71. appurtenant supplying added support 72. arabesque complex ornate design 73. arbitrary determine by chance or impulse GRE - Magoosh Study online at _1ru27t 2. 74. arbitrary based on a random, groundless decision 75. arbitrate to judge a dispute betwen two opposing parties 76. arcane requiring secret or mysterious knowledge 77. arch to be deliberately teasing 78. archaic so old as to appear to belong to a different period 79. arduous demanding considerable mental effort and skill; testing powers of endurance 80. arrant complete and wholly (usually modifying a noun with negative connotation) 81. arriviste a person who has recently reached a position of power; a social climber 82. arrogate seize and control without authority 83. artful exhibiting artistic skill; clever in a cunning way 84. artifice cunning tricks used to deceive others 85. artless without cunning or deceit 86. artlessness the quality of innocence 87. ascendancy the state that exists when one person or group has power over another 88. ascetic practicing self-denial 89. ascribe attribute or credit to 90. askance with a look of suspicion or disapproval 91. asperity harshness of manner 92. assail attack in speech or writing 93. assiduously with care and persistence 94. assuage make something intense less severe 95. atavism a reappearance of an earlier characteristic; throwback 96. attenuate to weaken (in terms of intensity); to taper off/become thinner 97. audacious willing to be bold in social situations or to take risks 98. audacity aggressive boldness in social situations 99. augment enlarge or increase; improve 100. auspicious favorable, the opposite of sinister 101. austere practicing self-denial; unadorned in style; harsh in manner or temperament 102. autocratic characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty 103. autonomously acting independently; self-governing (of a country) 104. avarice greed (one of the seven deadly sins) 105. avaricious excessively greedy 106. avert turn away; ward off or prevent 107. avid marked by active interest and enthusiasm 108. axiom premise; postulate 109. badger to pester 110. baleful threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments 111. balk refuse to comply 112. banal repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse 113. banality a trite or obvious remark 114. banish expel from a community, residence, or location; drive away 115. base the lowest, without any moral principles 116. bastardization an act that debases or corrupts 117. beatific blissfully happy 118. becoming appropriate, and matches nicely 119. beg assume something is true (usu. followed by "the question", meaning that you ask a question in which you assume something that hasn't been proven true) 120. begrudge to envy someone for possessing or enjoying something; to give reluctantly 121. behoove to be one's duty or obligation 122. belie to give a false representation to; misrepresent 123. belittle lessen the importance, dignity, or reputation of 124. bellicose warlike; inclined to quarrel 125. belligerent characteristic of one eager to fight 126. bemoan express discontent or a strong regret 127. benighted fallen into a state of ignorance 128. benign kind; not dangerous to health 129. bereft unhappy in love; suffering from unrequited; sorrowful through loss or deprivation 130. besiege harass, as with questions or requests; cause to feel distressed or worried 131. besmirch damage the good name and reputation of someone 132. besotted strongly affectionate towards; very drunk 133. betray to reveal or make known something, usually unintentionally 134. bifurcate to divide in two parts 135. bilious irritable; always angry 136. blatant completely obvious 137. bleak having a depressing or gloomy outlook 138. blinkered to have a limited outlook or understanding 139. bolster support and strengthen 140. boon a desirable state 3. 141. boorish ill-mannered and coarse or contemptible in behavior or appearance 142. bowdlerize edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate 143. brazen unrestrained by convention or propriety 144. bridle the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess; to react with anger or to take offense 145. bristle react in an offended or angry manner 146. broadside a strong verbal attack 147. bromide a trite or obvious remark 148. brook put up with something or somebody unpleasant 149. browbeat be bossy towards; discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner 150. brusquely in a blunt, direct manner 151. buck resist 152. bucolic relating to the pleasant aspects of the country 153. bumbling lacking physical movement skills 154. burgeon grow and flourish 155. buttress make stronger or defensible 156. byzantine intricate and complex 157. cacophony harsh jarring noise 158. cadaverous emaciated; gaunt 159. callow young and inexperienced 160. calumny making of a false statement meant to injure a person's reputation 161. canard a deliberately misleading fabrication 162. candid straightforward and honest 163. candidness the quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech 164. capitulate to surrender (usually under agreed conditions) 165. capricious determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason 166. cardinal of primary importance; fundamental 167. carping persistently petty and unjustified criticism 168. castigate to reprimand harshly 169. cataclysm an event resulting in great loss and misfortune 170. catalyst something that speeds up an event 171. catholic of broad scope; universal 172. caustic biting in wit 173. cavalier given to haughty disregard of others 174. cede relinquish possession or control over 175. celerity speed, rapidity 176. censor to examine and remove objectionable material 177. censure to express strong disapproval 178. cerebral involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct 179. chagrin strong feelings of embarrassment; cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of 180. champion to fight for a cause 181. charlatan a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes 182. chary cautious, suspiciously reluctant to do something 183. chastise to reprimand harshly 184. chauvinism fanatical patriotism; belief that one's group/cause is superior to all other groups/causes 185. chauvinist a person who believes in the superiority of their group 186. check to limit (usually modifying the growth of something) 187. checkered marked by disreputable or unfortunate happenings 188. chimera something desired or wished for but is only an illusion and impossible to achieve 189. chivalrous being attentive to women like an ideal knight 190. choleric prone to outbursts of temper; easily angered 191. chortle to chuckle, laugh merrily, often in a breathy, muffled way 192. churlish lacking manners or refinement 193. circumscribe restrict or confine 194. circumvent cleverly find a way out of one's duties or obligations 195. clemency leniency and compassion shown toward offenders by a person or agency charged with administering justice 196. cloying sickly sweet 197. coalesce fuse or cause to grow together 198. cogent clear and persuasive 199. cohesive well integrated, forming a united whole 200. collusion agreement on a secret plot 201. colossal so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe 202. commendable worthy of high praise 203. commensurate to be in proportion or corresponding in degree or amount 204. complacent contented to a fault with oneself or one's actions 205. complaisant showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others 206. complementary enhancing each other's qualities (for two things or more) 4. 207. complicit associated with or participating in an activity, especially one of a questionable nature 208. compound make more intense, stronger, or more marked 209. concede admit (to a wrongdoing); acknowledge defeat 210. conciliate to make peace with 211. concomitant describing an event or situation that happens at the same time as or in connection with another 212. conducive making a situation or outcome more likely to happen 213. conflagration a very intense and uncontrolled fire 214. conflate mix together different elements or concepts 215. confound be confusing or perplexing to; mistake one thing for another 216. connive taking part in immoral and unethical plots 217. consecrate to make holy or set apart for a high purpose 218. conspicuous without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious 219. constituent a citizen who is represented in a government by officials for whom he or she votes 220. constraint something that limits or restricts 221. construe interpreted in a particular way 222. consummate to make perfect and complete in every respect 223. contemptuous scornful, looking down at others with a sneering attitude 224. contentious likely to argue 225. contingent a gathering of persons representative of some larger group; dependent on 226. contrite to be remorseful 227. contrite deeply sorrowful and repentant for a wrong 228. contrition the feeling of remorse or guilt that comes from doing something bad 229. contrive to pull off a plan or scheme, usually through skill or trickery 230. conundrum a difficult problem 231. conveyable portable 232. convivial describing a lively atmosphere 233. convoluted highly complex or intricate 234. copious in abundant supply 235. cornucopia an abundant supply of something good 236. corollary a practical consequence that follows naturally 237. corroborate to confirm or lend support to (usually an idea or claim) 238. coruscate gleam or radiate 239. cosmopolitan comprising many cultures; global in reach and outlook 240. cosset treat with excessive indulgence 241. coterie an intimate groupof ersons with a similar purpose 242. coterminous being of equal extent or scope or duration 243. countermand a contrary command cancelling or reversing a previous command 244. cow to intimidate 245. craven pathetically cowardly 246. credence belief in something 247. creditable deserving of praise but not that amazing 248. credulity tendency to believe readily 249. credulous too trusting; gullible 250. crestfallen brought low in spirit 251. cryptic mysterious or vague, usually intentionally 252. crystallize cause to take on a definite and clear shape 253. culminate reach the highest or most decisive point 254. culpability a state of guilt 255. cumbersome difficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight 256. cupidity greed for money 257. curmudgeon a grouchy, surly person 258. dandled bounce a baby up and down 259. dearth a lack or shortage 260. debase reduce the quality or value of something 261. debonair having a sophisticated charm 262. debunk expose as false ideas and claims, especially while ridiculing 263. decimation destroying or killing a large part of the population 264. decorous characterized by good taste in manners and conduct 265. decorum propriety in manners and conduct 266. decry express strong disapproval of 267. deface to vandalize 268. deferential showing respect 269. defray to help pay the cost of, either in part or full 270. degrade reduce in worth or character, usually verbally 271. deign do something that one considers to be below one's dignity 272. delegate give an assignment to (a person) 273. deleterious harmful to living things 274. deliberate think about carefully; weigh the pros and cons of an issue 275. delineate describe in detail 276. demean to insult; to cause someone to lose dignity or respect 5. 277. demonstrative given to or marked by the open expression of emotion 278. demur to object or show reluctance 279. demure to be modest and shy 280. denigrate charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone 281. denote be a sign or indication of; have as a meaning 282. denoument the final resolution of the many strands of a literary or dramatic work; the outcome of a complex sequence of events 283. derelict (of a person) not doing one's duties; (of a building) abandoned 284. deride treat or speak of with contempt 285. derisive abusing vocally; expressing contempt or ridicule 286. derivative not original but drawing strongly on something already in existence, especially in reference to a creative product 287. derive come from; reason by deduction 288. derogative expressed as worthless or in negative terms 289. desecrate to willfully violate or destroy a sacred place 290. desiccated uninteresting, lacking vitality 291. desideratum something desired as a necessity 292. despot a cruel and oppressive dictator 293. destitute poor enough to need help from others 294. deter try to prevent; show opposition to 295. detrimental causing harm or injury 296. devolve pass on or delegate to another; grow worse (usually "devolve into") 297. diabolical to be extremely wicked like the devil 298. diatribe a strong verbal attack against a person or institution 299. dictatorial expecting unquestioning obedience; characteristic of an absolute ruler 300. didactic instructive (especially excessively) 301. differentiate be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait; evolve so as to lead to a new species or develop in a way most suited to the environment 302. diffident showing modest reserve; lacking self- confidence 303. dilapidated in terrible condition 304. dilatory wasting time 305. dilettante an amateur who engages in an activity without serious intentions and who pretends to have knowledge 306. diligent characterized by care and perseverance in carrying out tasks 307. diminutive very small 308. dirge a funeral hymn or mournful speech 309. disabuse to persuade somebody that his/her belief is not valid 310. disaffected discontented as toward authority 311. discord lack of agreement or harmony 312. discreet careful to protect one's speech or actions in order to avoid offense or draw attention 313. discrete constituting a separate entity or part 314. discriminate recognize or perceive the difference 315. discursive (of e.g. speech and writing) tending to depart from the main point 316. disenfranchise deprive of voting rights 317. disheartened made less hopeful or enthusiastic 318. disingenuous not straightforward; giving a false appearance of frankness 319. disinterested unbiased; neutral 320. disparate two things are fundamentally different 321. dispassionate unaffected by strong emotion or prejudice 322. dispatch dispose of rapidly and without delay and efficiently 323. dispensation an exemption from a rule or obligation 324. dissemble conceal one's true motives, usually through deceit 325. disseminate cause to become widely known 326. dissipate squander or spend money frivolously; to disperse or scatter 327. dissolution a living full of debauchery and indulgence in sensual pleasure 328. distaff the female brance of a family 329. docile easily handled or managed; willing to be taught or led or supervised or directed 330. dog to pursue relentlessly; to hound 331. dogmatic highly opinionated, not accepting that your belief may not be correct 332. doleful filled with or evoking sadness 333. dolorous showing sorrow 334. doughty brave; bold; courageous 335. dovetail fit together tightly, as if by means of an interlocking joint 336. droll amusing in a wry, subtle way 337. dupe to trick or swindle 338. duplicity deceitfulness, pretending to want one thing but interested in something else 339. duress compulsory force or threat 340. ebullient joyously unrestrained 6. 341. eccentric highly unconventional or unusual (usually describes a person) 342. eclectic comprised of a variety of styles 343. economical avoiding waste, efficient 344. edify to instruct morally and spiritually 345. edifying enlightening or uplifting so as to encourage intellectual or moral improvement 346. effervescent marked by high spirits or excitement 347. efficacious producing the intended result 348. effrontery audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to 349. egotist a conceited and self-centered person 350. egregious standing out in a negative way; shockingly bad 351. eke to live off meager resources, to scrape by 352. elaborate explain in more detail 353. elegiac expressing sorrow 354. elicidate make clearer and easier to understand 355. elicit call forth 356. elude escape understanding 357. elusive difficult to capture or difficult to remember 358. embellish make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.; make more beautiful 359. embroiled involved in argument or contention 360. embryonic in an early stage of development 361. eminent standing above others in quality or position 362. empathetic showing understanding and ready comprehension of other peoples' states and emotions 363. empiricism any method that derives knowledge from experience, used in experimental science as a way to gain insight and knowledge 364. emulate strive to equal or match, especially by imitating; compete with successfully 365. enamored strongly attracted to or in love with 366. encomium warm praise 367. encumber hold back 368. endemic native; originating where it is found 369. enervate to sap energy from 370. engender give rise to 371. enjoin give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority 372. enmity a state of deep-seated ill-will 373. enormity an act of extreme wickedness 374. enthrall hold spellbound 375. entice get someone to do something through (often false or exaggerated) promises 376. entrenched fixed firmly or securely 377. enumerate determine the number or amount of; specify individually, one by one 378. ephemeral lasting a very short time 379. epigram a witty saying 380. epiphany a sudden revelation or moment of insight 381. eponym the name derived from a person (real or imaginary) 382. equitable fair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscience 383. equivocal confusing or ambiguous 384. equivocate to speak vaguely, usually with the intention to mislead or deceive 385. eradicate to completely destroy 386. err to make an error 387. errant to be wandering; not sticking to a circumscribed path 388. erratic unpredictable; strange and unconventional 389. ersatz not real or genuine; phony 390. erudite having or showing profound knowledge 391. eschew avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of 392. esoteric confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle 393. espouse to adopt or support an idea or cause 394. estimable deserving of esteem and respect 395. ethereal extremely delicate and light 396. euphemism use of an inoffensive word or phrase in place of a more distasteful one 397. euphoria a feeling of great (usually exaggerated) elation 398. evanescent tending to vanish like vapor 399. evasive voiding or escaping from difficulty or danger or commitment; deliberately vague or ambiguous 400. evenhanded without partiality 401. exacerbate make worse 402. exacting requiring and demanding accuracy 403. exalt praise or glorify 404. exasperate to irritate intensely 405. excecrate to curse and hiss at 406. excoriate to criticize very harshly 407. excruciating extremely painful 408. exculpate to clear from blame; to prove innocent 409. exegesis critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text 410. exemplar something to be imitated 7. 411. exemplify be characteristic of; clarify by giving an example of 412. exhort to strongly urge on; encourage 413. exiguity the quality of being meager 414. exonerate pronounce not guilty of criminal charges 415. exorbitant greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation 416. expansive communicative, and prone to talking in a sociable manner 417. exponent one who champions or advocates 418. expound add details or explanation; clarify the meaning; state in depth 419. expunge to eliminate completely 420. expurgate to remove objectionable material 421. extant still in existence (usually refers to documents) 422. extenuating making less guilty or more forgivable 423. extrapolate draw from specific cases for more general cases 424. facetious cleverly amusing in tone 425. facile arrived at without due care or effort; lacking depth 426. factious produced by, or characterized by internal dissension 427. factitious artificial; not natural 428. fallacious of a belief that is based on faulty reasoning 429. fanatical acting excessive enthusiastic 430. fastidious overly concerned with details; fussy 431. fawn try to gain favor by extreme flattery 432. feckless lazy and irresponsible 433. fecund intellectually productive 434. fell terribly evil 435. ferret to search for something persistently 436. fervid intensely emotional 437. fete to celebrate a person 438. fickle liable to sudden unpredictable change, esp. in affections or attachments 439. finagle achieve something by means of trickery or devious methods 440. firebrand someone who deliberately creates trouble 441. flag droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness; become less intense 442. fledgling young and inexperienced 443. fleece to deceive 444. flippant showing inappropriate levity 445. flounder behave awkwardly; have difficulties 446. flummox be a mystery or bewildering to 447. flush to be in abundance 448. flux state of uncertainty about what should be done 449. foible a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual 450. foment try to stir up public opinion 451. foolhardy marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences 452. ford to cross a body of water by wading 453. forlorn marked by or showing hopelessness 454. forthcoming available when required or promised; at ease in talking to others 455. forthright characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion 456. fortuitous occurring by happy chance; having no cause or apparent cause 457. fractious irritable and is likely to cause disruption 458. fractious unruly; rebellious 459. frivolous not serious in content or attitude or behavior 460. frugal not spending much money (but spending wisely) 461. frustrate hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of 462. furtive marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed 463. futile producing no result or effect; unproductive of success 464. gaffe a socially awkward or tactless act 465. gainsay deny or contradict; speak against or oppose 466. gall the trait of being rude and impertinent 467. galvanize to excite or inspire (someone) to action 468. gambit a maneuver or risk in a game or conversation, designed to secure an advantage 469. gambol to dance or skip around playfully 470. garrulous full of trivial conversation 471. gauche lacking social polish 472. genial agreeable, conducive to comfort 473. genteel marked by refinement in taste and manners 474. germane relevant and appropriate 475. gerrymander to manipulate voting districts in order to favor a particular political party 476. glean collect information bit by bit 477. glib (of a person) speaking with ease but without sincerity 478. glower to glare or stare angrily and intensely 479. glut excessive supply 480. goad urge on with unpleasant comments 8. 481. gossamer characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy 482. graft corruption, usually through bribery 483. grandiloquent puffed up with vanity 484. gregarious to be likely to socialize with others 485. grovel show submission or fear 486. guffaw laugh boisterously 487. guileless free of deceit 488. gumption resourcefulness and determination 489. hackneyed lacking significance through overuse 490. hagiographic excessively flattering toward someone's life or work 491. hail enthusiastically acclaim or celebrate something 492. halcyon idyllically calm and peaceful; suggesting happy tranquillity; marked by peace and prosperity 493. hamper prevent the progress or free movement of 494. hamstrung made ineffective or powerless 495. haphazard marked by great carelessness; dependent upon chance 496. harangue a long pompous speech; a tirade 497. harried troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances 498. haughty having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy 499. hauteur overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors 500. headlong not wise 501. hector to bully or intimidate 502. hedge to limit or qualify a statement; to avoid making a direct statement 503. hegemony dominance over a certain area 504. heretic a person who holds unorthodox opinions in any field (not merely religion) 505. heyday the pinnacle or top of a time period or career 506. histrionic to be overly theatrical 507. hoary ancient 508. hobble to hold back the progress of something 509. hodgepodge a confusing mixture or jumble 510. homogeneous of a similar kind 511. hoodwink to deceive or trick someone 512. hound to pursue relentlessly 513. hubris overbearing pride or presumption 514. humdrum dull and lacking excitement 515. iconoclast somebody who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions 516. iconoclastic defying tradition or convention 517. idiosyncrasy a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual 518. ignoble dishonorable 519. ignominious deserving or bringing disgrace or shame 520. illicit contrary to or forbidden by law 521. illustrious widely known and esteemed; having or conferring glory 522. imbibe to drink or absorb as if drinking 523. imbroglio a confusing and potentially embarrassing situation 524. immaterial not relevant 525. immure to enclose, usually in walls 526. immutable not able to be changed 527. impartial free from undue bias or preconceived opinions 528. impeccable without fault or error 529. impecunious lacking money; poor 530. impede be a hindrance or obstacle to 531. impending close in time; about to occur 532. imperious having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy 533. impermeable does not allow fluids to pass through 534. impertinent being disrespectful; improperly forward or bold 535. impervious not admitting of passage or capable of being affected 536. impetuous characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation 537. implacable incapable of making less angry or hostile 538. implausible describing a statement that is not believable 539. implicate convey a meaning; imply; to indicate in wrongdoing, usually a crime 540. imponderable impossible to estimate or figure out 541. importune beg persistently and urgently 542. imprecation a curse 543. impregnable immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with 544. improvident not given careful consideration 545. imprudent not wise 546. impudent improperly forward or bold 547. impugn attack as false or wrong 548. impute attribute (responsibility or fault) to something 549. inadvertent happening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally 550. inanity total lack of meaning or ideas 9. 551. inarticulate without or deprived of the use of speech or words 552. incarnadine blood-red in color 553. incense make furious 554. incessant uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing 555. inchoate only partly in existence; imperfectly formed 556. incisive having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions 557. inclement (of weather) unpleasant, stormy; showing no mercy 558. incongruous lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness 559. incontrovertible necessarily or demonstrably true; impossible to deny or disprove 560. incorrigible impervious to correction by punishment 561. incumbent necessary (for someone) as a duty or responsibility 562. indecorous not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society 563. indict to formally charge or accuse of wrong- doing 564. indifference the trait of seeming not to care 565. indigenous originating in a certain area 566. indigent poor; having very little 567. indignant feeling anger over a perceived injustice 568. industrious characterized by hard work and perseverance 569. ineffable too sacred to be uttered; defying expression or description 570. ineluctable impossible to avoid or evade 571. inequity injustice by virtue of not conforming with rules or standards 572. inexorable impossible to stop or prevent 573. infelicitous inappropriate 574. inflammatory extremely controversial, incendiary 575. ingenuity the power of creative imagination 576. ingenuous to be na?ve and innocent 577. ingratiate gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts 578. inimical hostile (usually describes conditions or environments) 579. inimitable defying imitation; matchless 580. iniquity a sin; an evil act 581. inkling a slight suggestion or vague understanding 582. innocuous harmless and doesn't produce any ill effects 583. inscrutable not easily understood 584. insidious working in a subtle but destructive way 585. insipid dull and uninteresting 586. insolent rude and arrogant 587. insolvent unable to pay one's bills; bankrupt 588. insouciance lack of concern 589. insufferable intolerable, difficult to endure 590. intermittent stopping and starting at irregular intervals 591. internecine (of conflict) within a group or organization 592. intimate to suggest something subtly 593. intimation an indirect suggestion 594. intractable not easily managed or controled 595. intransigent unwilling to change one's beliefs or course of action 596. intrepid fearless 597. inundate to flood or overwhelm 598. inure to make accustomed to something unpleasant 599. invective abusive or denunciatory language 600. inveterate habitually 601. invidious likely to cause resentment 602. inviolable never to be broken, infringed, or dishonored 603. inviolate must be kept sacred 604. involved complicated, and difficult to comprehend 605. irascible quickly aroused to anger 606. irk irritate or vex 607. irrefutable impossible to deny or disprove 608. irresolute uncertain how to act or proceed 609. irrevocable incapable of being retracted or revoked 610. itinerant traveling from place to place to work 611. jargon a characteristic language of a particular group 612. jaundiced to be biased against due to envy or prejudice 613. jejune dull; lacking flavor; immature; childish 614. jingoism fanatical patriotism 615. jingoist a person who thinks their country is always right and who is in favor of aggressive acts against other countries 616. jocular characterized by jokes and good humor 617. jovial full of or showing high-spirited merriment 618. jubilant full of high-spirited delight because of triumph or success 619. judicious sensible; showing good judgement 620. juggernaut a force that cannot be stopped 621. junta an aggressive takeover by a group (usually military); the group that executes such a takeover 622. juxtapose place side by side for contrast 10. 623. keen having sharp edge 624. knell sound of a funeral bell; omen of death 625. kowtow to bow or act in a subservient manner 626. laborious characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort 627. lacerate deeply hurt the feelings of; distress 628. lachrymose showing sorrow 629. laconic one who says very few words 630. lambast criticize severely or angrily 631. lampoon ridicule with satire 632. languid not inclined towards physical exertion or effort; slow and relaxed 633. languish become feeble 634. largess extreme generosity and giving 635. lascivious lecherous; sexually perverted 636. latent potentially available but not readily apparent 637. laud to give praise 638. laudable worthy of high praise 639. leery openly distrustful and unwilling to confide 640. lethargic lacking energy 641. liberal tolerant or broad-minded 642. limpid having clarity in terms of expression 643. limpid clear; transparent 644. lionize assign great social importance to 645. listless lacking energy and enthusiasm 646. litany any long and tedious account of something 647. loath unwilling to do something contrary to your custom (usually followed by 'to') 648. lucid transparently clear; easily understandable 649. lugibrious excessively mournful 650. lumber to move slowly and awkwardly 651. macabre suggesting the horror of death and decay; gruesome 652. machinate engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together 653. magisterial offensively self-assured or given to exercising unwarranted power 654. magnanimous noble and generous in spirit, especially towards a rival or someone less powerful 655. maintain to assert 656. maladroit clumsy 657. malady a disease or sickness 658. malapropism the confusion of a word with another word that sounds similar 659. malediction a curse 660. malevolent wishing or appearing to wish evil to others; arising from intense ill will or hatred 661. malfeasance misconduct or wrongdoing (especially by a public official) 662. malingerer someone shirking their duty by pretending to be sick or incapacitated 663. malleable capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out; easily influenced 664. malodorous having an unpleasant smell 665. martial suggesting war or military life 666. martinet a strict disciplinarian 667. maudlin overly emotional and sad 668. maunder wander aimlessly; speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly 669. maverick someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action 670. mawkish overly sentimental to the point that it is disgusting 671. maxim a short saying expressing a general truth 672. meander to wander aimlessly 673. melancholy a deep, long-lasting sadness 674. melee a wild, confusing fight or struggle 675. mellifluous smooth and sweet-sounding 676. mendacity the tendency to be untruthful 677. mendicant a pauper who lives by begging 678. mercurial (of a person) prone to unexpected and unpredictable changes in mood 679. mesmerize to spellbind or enthrall 680. meteoric like a meteor in speed or brilliance or transience 681. meticulous marked by extreme care in treatment of details 682. mettlesome filled with courage or valor 683. mirth frivolity; laughter 684. misanthrope a hater of mankind 685. misattribute to erroneously attribute; to falsely ascribe; used especially of authorship 686. misconstrue interpret in the wrong way 687. miscreant a person who breaks the law 688. miser a person who doesn't like to spend money (because they are greedy) 689. misogynist a person who dislikes women in particular 690. mitigate make less severe or harsh 691. modicum a small or moderate or token amount 692. mollify to make someone angry less angry; placate 693. moment significant and important value 694. moot open to argument or debate; undecidable in a meaningless or irrelevant way 11. 695. mordant biting and caustic in thought, manner, or style 696. moribund being on the point of death; declining rapidly losing all momentum in progress 697. morose ill-tempered and not inclined to talk; gloomy 698. morph to undergo dramatic change in a seamless and barely noticeable fashion 699. mulct to defraud or swindle 700. multifarous diverse 701. mundane repetitive and boring; not spiritual; relating to the ordinary world 702. munificent very generous 703. muted softened, subdued 704. myopic lacking foresight or imagination 705. myriad a large indefinite number 706. nadir the lowest point 707. nascent starting to develop; coming to existance 708. negligible so small as to be meaningless; insignificant 709. nettlesome causing irritation or annoyance 710. noisome having an extremely bad smell 711. nonchalant coming across as uninterested or unconcerned; overly casual 712. nonplussed unsure how to act or respond 713. nuance a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude 714. obdurate unable to be persuaded or moved emotionally; stubborn; unyielding 715. objurgate express strong disapproval of 716. obliging showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others 717. oblique not straightforward; indirect 718. obscure make unclear 719. obsequious attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery 720. obstinate resistant to guidance or discipline; stubbornly persistent 721. obstreperous noisily and stubbornly defiant; willfully difficult to control 722. obtain be valid, applicable, or true 723. obtuse slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity; lacking in insight or discernment 724. obviate to prevent; to make unnecessary 725. occlude to stop; prevent the passage of 726. officious intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner 727. opaque not clearly understood or expressed 728. opulence wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living 729. ornate marked by elaborate rhetoric and elaborated with decorative details 730. ossify make rigid and set into a conventional pattern 731. ostensible apparent 732. ostentatious intended to attract notice and impress others; tawdry or vulgar 733. ostracize exclude from a community or group 734. overweening arrogant; presumptuous 735. overwrought agitated; overdone 736. palatable acceptable to the taste or mind 737. palaver speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly 738. palimpsest something that has been changed numerous times but on which traces of former iterations can still be seen 739. palliate to ease 740. panacea hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; a universal solution 741. panache distinctive and showy elegance 742. panegyric a formal expression of praise 743. paradoxical seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true 744. paragon model of excellence or perfection of a kind; 745. pariah an outcast 746. parochial narrowly restricted in scope or outlook 747. parsimonious extremely frugal; miserly 748. parvenu a person who has suddenly become wealthy, but not socially accepted as part of a higher class 749. pastiche a piece of literature or music immitating other works 750. pastoral relating to the countryside in a pleasant sense 751. patent glaringly obvious 752. patronize treat condescendingly 753. paucity a lack of something 754. pecuniary relating to or involving money 755. pedantic marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially trivial aspects 756. pedestrian lacking imagination 757. peevish easily irritated or annoyed 758. pejorative expressing diapproval 759. pellucid transparently clear; easily understandable 760. penurious lacking money; poor 761. penury an opporessive lack of resources 762. percipient highly perceptive 12. 763. peregrinate to wander from place to place especially on foot 764. peremptory bossy and domineering 765. perennial lasting an indefinitely long time; eternal; everlasting 766. perfidy an act of deliberate betrayal; a breach of a trust 767. perfunctory done in a routine way 768. perfunctory done routinely and with little interest or care 769. peripatetic traveling by foot 770. perjorative having bad connotatons; disparaging 771. pernicious exceedingly harmful; working or spreading in a hidden and injurious way 772. perpetuate cause to continue 773. perquisite a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right) 774. perspicacious acutely insightful and wise 775. pertinent having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand 776. perturb disturb in mind or cause to be worried or alarmed 777. peruse to read very carefully 778. petulant easily irritated or annoyed 779. phantasmagorical illusive; unreal 780. philanthropy charity; a desire to promote goodness 781. philistine smug and ignorant towards artistic and cultural values 782. phlegmatic showing little emotion 783. picayune triffling or petty 784. pillory ridicule or expose to public scorn 785. pine to yearn for 786. pinnacle the highest point 787. piquant having an agreeably pungent taste 788. pith the most essential part of something 789. pithy profound or substaintial yet consice and to the point 790. pithy concise and full of meaning 791. pittance a small amount (of money) 792. placate cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of 793. placid not easily irritated 794. platitude a trite or obvious remark 795. plodding (of movement) slow and laborious 796. ploy a clever plan to turn a situation to one's advantage 797. plucky marked by courage and determination 798. poigant emotionally touching 799. polemic a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something. 800. politic shrewd and practical in managing or dealing with things; diplomatic 801. Pollyannaish extremely optimistic 802. ponderous weighed-down; moving slowly 803. pontificate talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner 804. portentous ominously prophetic 805. posit assume as fact 806. powwow an informal meeting or discussion 807. pragmatic guided by practical experience and observation rather than theory 808. prattle meaningless foolish talk 809. precarious fraught with danger 810. precedent an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time 811. precipitate lacking diliberation 812. precipitate hasty or rash; to cause to happen 813. precipitous done with very great haste and without due deliberation 814. precis short summary of facts 815. preclude keep from happening or arising; make impossible 816. precocious characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity 817. predilection a strong liking 818. preempt take the place of or have precedence over 819. preemptive done before someone else can do it 820. prescience the power to foresee the future 821. presentiment a feeling of evil to come 822. presumption an assumption that is taken for granted; audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to 823. presumptuous excessively forward 824. prevail be widespread in a particular area at a particular time; be current; prove superior 825. prevaricate to speak in an evasive way 826. primacy the state of being first in importance 827. pristine unspoiled, untouched; clean and unused 828. probity integrity, strong moral principles 829. proclivity a natural inclination or predisposition 830. prodigal rashly or wastefully extravagant 831. prodigious so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe 13. 832. profiligate spending resources recklessly or wastefully 833. profligate corrupt; denigrate 834. profuse plentiful; pouring out in abundance 835. profusion the property of being extremely abundant 836. prognostication a statement made about the future 837. prolific intellectually productive 838. prolixity boring verbosity 839. promulgate state or announce 840. propitiate to placate or appease 841. propitious presenting favorable circumstances 842. proponent a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea 843. prosaic dull and lacking imagination 844. proscribe command against 845. proselytize convert (someone) to another religion, philosophy, or perspective 846. protean readily taking on different roles; versatile 847. provident careful in regard to your own interests; providing carefully for the future 848. provincial characteristic of a limited perspective; not fashionable or sophisticated 849. provisional under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon 850. puerile of or characteristic of a child; displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity 851. pugilism boxing 852. pugnacious eager to fight or argue; verbally combative 853. puissant powerful 854. punctilious marked by precise accordance with details 855. pundit someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field 856. pyrrhic describing a victory that comes at such a great cost that the victory is not worthwhile 857. quail draw back, as with fear or pain 858. qualify to make less severe; to limit (a statement) 859. qualm uneasiness about the fitness of an action 860. quandary state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavorable options 861. querulous habitually complaining 862. quip a witty saying or remark 863. quisling a traitor 864. quixotic wildly idealistic; impractical 865. quotidian found in the ordinary course of events 866. raconteur a person skilled in telling anecdotes 867. raffish marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness 868. raft a large number of something 869. raillery light teasing 870. rakish marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness 871. rankle gnaw into; make resentful or angry 872. rapprochement the reestablishing of cordial relations 873. rarefied made more subtle or refined 874. rash marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences; imprudently incurring risk 875. ravenous extremely hungry 876. rebuke criticize severely or angrily; censure 877. recalcitrant stubbornly refusing to obey rules and order 878. recapitulation a summary (think of recap) 879. reconcile make (one thing) compatible with (another) 880. recondite difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge 881. recrimination mutual accusations 882. recrudesce to break out or happen again 883. redoubtable inspiring fear or awe 884. redress an act of making something right 885. refractory stubbornly resistant to authority or control 886. refute prove to be false 887. reify to treat something as if it had material existence 888. rejoinder response 889. relegate assign to a lower position 890. remiss to be negligent in one's duty 891. remonstrate to make objections while pleading 892. renege fail to fulfill a promise or obligation 893. repast meal 894. replete completely stocked or furnished with something 895. reprisal a retaliatory action against an enemy in wartime 896. reproach to express criticism towards 897. reprobate a person without morals who is disapproved of 898. repudiate reject as untrue or unfounded 899. rescind cancel officially 900. reservation an unstated doubt that prevents you from accepting something wholeheartedly 901. resignation the acceptance of something unpleasant that can't be avoided 14. 902. resolve reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation 903. respite a pause from doing something (as work) 904. restive restless 905. resurgent rising again 906. reticent disinclined to talk, not revealing one's thoughts 907. retiring to be shy, and to be inclined to retract from company 908. retract pull inward or towards a center; formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure 909. reverent feeling or showing profound respect or veneration 910. ribald humorously vulgar 911. rile cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations 912. robust sturdy and strong in form, constitution, or construction 913. rococo highly ornamented 914. row an angry dispute 915. ruddy healthily red complexion 916. rudimentary being in the earliest stages of development; being or involving basic facts or principles 917. rustic characteristic of rural life; awkwardly simple and provincial 918. sagacious having good judgement and acute insight 919. salient prominent; of notable significance 920. sanctimonious making a show of being pious; holier-than- thou 921. sanction give authority or permission to; legal penalty for a forbidden action 922. sangfroid calmness or poise in difficult situations 923. sanguinary blood thirsty 924. sanguine cheerful; optimistic 925. sardonic disdainfully or ironically humorous; scornful and mocking 926. sartorial related to fashion or clothes 927. saturnine morose or gloomy 928. savvy well-informed or perceptive 929. scathological obscene 930. schadenfreude joy from watching the suffering of others 931. scintillating describes someone who is brilliant and lively 932. screed an abusive rant (often tedious) 933. scrupulous characterized by extreme care and great effort 934. sedulous done diligently and carefully 935. self- effacing reluctant to draw attention to yourself 936. semblance an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading 937. sententious to be moralizing, usually in a pompous sense 938. sentimental effusively or insincerely emotional, especially in art, music, and literature 939. seraphic angelic; sweet 940. serendipity the instance in which an accidental, fortunate discovery is made 941. serene calm and peaceful 942. simulacrum a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture); a bad imitation 943. sinecure an office that involves minimal duties 944. slapdash carelessly and hastily put together 945. smattering a slight or superficial understanding of a subject; a small amount of something 946. smug marked by excessive complacency or self- satisfaction 947. snide expressive of contempt; derogatory or mocking in an indirect way 948. snub refuse to acknowledge; reject outright and bluntly 949. solecism grammatical mistake 950. solecism a socially awkward or tactless act 951. solicitous showing hovering attentiveness 952. solicitude a feeling of excessive concern 953. soporific inducing mental lethargy; sleep inducing 954. sordid involving ignoble actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt; foul and run-down and repulsive 955. spartan unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment; practicing great self-denial 956. specious based on pretense; deceptively pleasing 957. spendthrift one who spends money extravagantly 958. splenetic very irritable 959. sporadic recurring in irregular or unpredictable instances 960. spurious plausible but false 961. spurn reject with contempt 962. squander spend thoughtlessly; waste time, money, or an opportunity 963. squelch suppress or crush completely 964. staid characterized by dignity and propriety 965. stalwart dependable; inured to fatigue or hardships 966. start to suddenly move in a particular direction 967. staunch firm and dependable especially in loyalty 15. 968. steadfast marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable 969. stem to hold back or limit the flow or growth of something 970. stentorian extremely loud 971. stigma a mark of shame or discredit 972. stipend a regular allowance (of money) 973. stolid having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited 974. stringent demanding strict attention to rules and procedures 975. stultify cause one, through routine, to lose energy and enthusiasm 976. stymie hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of 977. subsume contain or include 978. subterfuge something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity 979. subversive in opposition to an established system or institution 980. sullen showing a brooding ill-humor 981. summit the peak or highest point; a meeting of high- level leaders 982. supercilious haughty and disdainful; looking down on others 983. superfluous serving no useful purpose; more than is needed, desired, or required 984. supplant take the place or move into the position of 985. surfeit an excessive amount of something 986. surly inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace 987. surreptitious stealthy, taking pains not to be caught or detected 988. sybarite a person who indulges in luxury 989. sycophant a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage 990. taciturn habitually reserved and uncommunicative 991. tact consideration in dealing with others and avoiding giving offense 992. tantamount being essentially equal to something 993. tarnish make dirty or spotty, as by exposure to air; also used metaphorically 994. tawdry tastelessly showy; cheap and shoddy 995. taxing use to the limit; exhaust 996. telling significant and revealing of another factor 997. telltale revealing 998. temerity fearless daring 999. temperance the trait of avoiding excesses 1000. tempered moderated in effect 1001. tempestous characterized by

violent emotions or behavior 1002. tenacious stubbornly unyielding 1003. tendentious likely to lean towards a controversial view 1004. tender offer up something formally 1005. terrestrial ... 1006. thoroughgoing very thorough; complete 1007. thrifty spending money wisely 1008. thwart hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of 1009. timorous timid by nature or revealing fear and nervousness 1010. tirade an angry speech 1011. torpor inactivity resulting from lethargy and lack of vigor or energy 1012. torpor extreme mental and physical sluggishness 1013. tortuous marked by repeated turns and bends; not straightforward 1014. tout advertize in strongly positive terms; show off 1015. tractable easily managed, controlled, or taught, or molded 1016. transient lasting a very short time 1017. transitory lasting a very short time 1018. transmute change or alter in form, appearance, or nature 1019. travail use of physical or mental energy; hard work; agony or anguish 1020. travesty an absurd presentation of something; a mockery 1021. treacherous tending to betray 1022. trenchant characterized by or full of force and vigor; having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought, expression, or intellect 1023. tribulation something, especially an event, that causes difficulty and suffering 1024. trite repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse 1025. truculence defiant aggressiveness 1026. truculent having a fierce, savage nature 1027. truncate reduce the length of something 1028. tumult a state of chaos, noise and confusion 1029. turgid (of language) pompous and tedious 1030. turpitude depravity; a depraved act 1031. tyro someone new to a field or activity 1032. umbrage a feeling of anger caused by being offended 16. 1033. unassailable immune to attack; without flaws 1034. uncanny suggesting the operation of supernatural influences; surpassing the ordinary or normal 1035. uncompromising not making concessions 1036. unconscionable unreasonable; unscrupulous; excessive 1037. unctous insincere or groveling 1038. undermine to weaken 1039. underscore give extra weight to 1040. underwrite to support financially 1041. unequivocal admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; having only one meaning or interpretation and leading to only one conclusion 1042. unflappable not easily perturbed or excited or upset; marked by extreme calm and composure 1043. unforthcoming uncooperative, not willing to give up information 1044. unimpeachable free of guilt; not subject to blame; beyond doubt or reproach 1045. unnerve to make nervous or upset 1046. unprecedented having never been done or known before; novel 1047. unpreposessing creating an unfavorable or neutral first impression 1048. unpropitious (of a circumstance) with little chance of success 1049. unremitting not stopping; growing weaker 1050. unruly (of persons) noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline; unwilling to submit to authority 1051. unscrupulous without principles 1052. unseemly not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society 1053. unstinting very generous 1054. untenable (of theories etc) incapable of being defended or justified 1055. untoward unfavorable; inconvenient 1056. untrammeled not confined or limited 1057. unviable not able to work, survive, or succeed (also spelled inviable) 1058. upbraid to reproach; to scold 1059. urbane showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience 1060. vacillate be undecided about something; waver 1061. vacuous devoid of intelligence, matter, or significance 1062. vanquish come out better in a competition, race, or conflict 1063. variance the quality of being different 1064. vaunted highly or widely praised or boasted about 1065. vehement marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions 1066. venality the condition of being susceptible to bribes or corruption 1067. veneer covering consisting of a thin superficial layer that hides the underlying substance 1068. venerate to respect deeply 1069. venial easily excused or forgiven; pardonable 1070. veracious truthful 1071. verisimilitude the appearance of truth 1072. veritable truthfully, without a doubt 1073. vex to annoy, irritate 1074. vicarious felt or undergone as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of another 1075. vicissitude change in one's circumstances, usually for the worse 1076. vie compete for something 1077. vilify spread negative information about 1078. vindicate to clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting arguments or proof 1079. vindictive to have a very strong desire for revenge 1080. virago an ill-tempered or violent woman 1081. vitriol abusive or venomous language used to express blame or bitter deep-seated ill will 1082. vitriolic harsh or corrosive in tone 1083. vituperate to criticize harshly; to berate 1084. vociferous conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry 1085. volatile easily aroused or changeable 1086. volubility the quality of talking or writing easily and continuously 1087. voracious very hungry; approaching an activity with gusto 1088. wanting lacking 1089. wanton without check or limitation; showing no moral restraints to one's anger, desire, or appetites 1090. wax to gradually increase in size or intensity 1091. whimsical determined by impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason 1092. wily clever; deceptive 1093. winsome charming in a childlike or naive way 1094. zeal passion 17. 1095. zeitgeist spirit of the times 1096. zenith the highest point; culmination

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